All Episodes

May 21, 2024 25 mins

Two-time Emmy and Three-time NAACP Image Award-winning, television Executive Producer Rushion McDonald interviewed Obi Obadike. Motivation is what gets you started, and habit is what keeps you going.  

Obadike is the majority owner of Ethical Inc., a health and wellness supplement company he owns with Actor Morris Chestnut. In January 2023, they inked a major national retail outlet deal with Best Buy. Their supplement products are sold nationally on Best BBuy'sonline platforms.

1.    Does Carbs Make You Gain Weight?
2.    What Is the Quickest Way To Lose Weight?
3.    Why can't I lose Weight?
4.    How do you lose ten pounds in a month and keep it off?
5.    How To Suppress Your Appetite?
6.    How many pounds can I lose in three months?
7.    How did you start Ethical Inc.?
8.    What are the side effects of taking weight loss drugs; 
9.    Do you need weight loss drugs to help you lose weight;       



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
If you're about to make a change in your life
and you feel uncomfortable, that's the best feeling you can
have because for the first time in your life, you'll
make an a decision that's going to be best for
you and not what somebody told you to do, and
that's when all bets are off. Welcome to Money Making
Conversation Masterclass. I'm your host, Rushan McDonald. Our theme is

there's no perfect time to start following your dreams. I
recognize that we all have different definitions of success. For
you and maybe decide to your HM, it's time to
stop reading other people's success stories to start living your
own keep winning. I always tell people I am the
host that I am Rushaan McDonald Money Making Conversation master Class.

The interviews and information that this show provides are for everyone.
It's time to stop reading other people's success stories and
start living your own. My guest is a world class
fitness expert and nutrition expert on this website. The reads
Motivation is what you get started, What gets you started,
Habit is what keeps you going. Please work with the

Money Making Conversation Masterclass. Obi Obaidik. How you doing, Obi?

Speaker 2 (01:12):
What's going on with Sean, thank you for having me
on your show again.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
My brother, Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is
what keeps you going. Talk about that.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Absolutely. You know, the hardest part is getting into the gym.
It's just it's just getting in there and then and
then I think that once you get in there and
you exercise, you start feeling good, and then I think
it's a lot easier to stay there. But the hardest
part is just getting your just making the effort and

driving there and just doing it. And then once you
start to do it, you start to start feeling the
benefits from it. Immediately, you get more you have more energy.
You know, there's so many positive benefits to it. But
the hardest part just get get getting there, you know.
And I think that's a problem in our society. We
use the excuse we don't have enough time. You have

twenty four hours in a day. Twenty four hours in
a day. You're telling me you don't have thirty minutes
or forty minutes to dedicate to taking care of your
health like exercise. You got enough time to brush your
teeth and take your shower, which is considered a hygiene.
You haven't got You got enough power. You got enough
time to uh to to do a nice little thirty

minute walk or get your get your get your steps in,
you know.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Right, And it could be that simple. But somehow what
what what I mean to ask you this question? What
do you think stops people? Is it? Is it? I
want to use the word laziness, but is what? What's
what do you think slows them down?

Speaker 2 (02:44):
I think what slows them down is is I think
people have a problem of prioritizing it in their life,
like basically creating a time lit a time window that says,
this is what I have to do at this time.
You know, like you can't fit it in. You got
to create that time and then build your schedule around it.

And that's the problem. They don't prioritize it. And when
if somebody tells you, Rashan, if you don't exercise every day,
you know, three four days a week, and you don't
do that regularly and consistently, you will you know, you
will shorten your life and you'll die before you're sixty.

Most people will do it. Okay, imagine if you posed
it that way to someone, right, But people don't see
the immediacy of how important exercise forget the vanity aspect.
This is gonna save your life, your life. What happens
is that when people decide to want to do this
is because the doctor forces them to, because the blood

work says, oh my god, you're a mess by this time.
It's freaking too late, you know what I mean. So
this isn't forget the vanity aspect. This is going to
save your life. This is going to a lot. This
is going to reduce the risk of all of those
chronic health diseases that can come upon ourselves as we
get older, especially people of color like you and me.

I know I'm black and I know you black, So
we've got the same type of chronic, high risk chronic
health disease issues that come about for people of color.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
We hear this speech all the time. You know, we
laugh at it, we joke around. We know we eating
greasy food, we know we putting salt on grids. You know,
we know it. But but somehow the jokey jokes got
to stop. And so that's why this is the second
time I brought Obi on the show. He's going to
be on my show every quarter because what I don't

want to do is when you're talking about money made conversation.
Master class gets what you got to have your health right,
You got to have a plan of action. And so
I want to bring him on here periodically just to
remind you this is this is food. This is the
health part of remind you, Hey, I don't feel like
you start feeling like it, do it? Set a short
playing short of set goal. Let's talk about short goals,

because that's what, like you said, some people can you know,
because the you know, people want a six pack stomach,
they won't oh, you know, they want muscles out of
the gym, want to look like the rocks, you know,
all that good stuff that really you know, I think
that the image of what you trying to get to
can really show you down, slow down to what you
can be. And the bottom line, what you're talking about, Obie,

is health. You're not talking about getting into some show.
You talk about just healthy living and longevity.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Correct, well, death definitely. Like I use probably a great analogy,
like you know in basketball, I'm a basketball fan. You're
a basketball fan, right, and a lot of times when
when a when you see a team that maybe say
they're down, you know, three to one in a series
and then what does the coach does. The coach does

what the coach tries to create for the team that says,
you know what, let's just take it game by game.
You know why, because the psychological aspect of how far
they are behind it will mess with you. You take
it game by game, small small increments. Forget you know,
we're down three one. Let's just take it one game

at a time, one game at a time. One get
the same thing with weight loss, same thing with your health, small,
small incremental goals. When you look at the big mountain
and see how far you have to climb, it can
be overwhelming and you're like, oh my god, that's too much.
But when you smocus on those, focus on those small increments,
those small, small, little milestones, all of a sudden you

start chipping away, chipping away, chipping away, chipping away. It's
no different than writing a book. If you ink a
major book publishing deal and they say this is how
much you're the fifty thousand word manuscript, you're like, oh
my god, that's too much. But the way that you
can psyche yourself out is just to focus focus on
a chapter, focus on small increments, you know, focus on that,

and then eventually what happened. Oh my god, I'm a
fourth en. I'm two fourth tenth, I'm three fourth tent.
Oh my god, I'm almost done. So when you look
at the whole thing once you got to write, you're like,
oh my god, this is overwhelming. It's no different than
exercising and trying to get in good shape. Small, small
milestone goals are good. You know.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Oh, I definitely know what I did this time over.
I went on my social and I let everybody know
I was interviewing them, and so I asked them to
send me some questions to ask you. So these questions
come from a fan base, and the very first question
is what is the quickest way to lose weight?

Speaker 2 (07:41):
You know what? That's the question that everyone wants to ask. Oh,
zap it, No, I'm kidding, I'm everybody. But you know what,
when people say what's the quickest way to lose weight,
it's so funny because that's the society we live in
right now. Everybody wants it so fast and so quick.
But what I would just say is that the quickt
way really to lose weight is to focus on eating,

eating in a way that's going to allow you to
be in a caloric deficit. So what does that mean?
It means basically, it means burning more calories than what
you're consuming. So you have to look at the exercise
and the diet aspect as a as a mathematical formula.
So it's gonna say, all right, I need to you know,
the best easiest way for me to lose weight. I

need to consume a low caloric diet that has me
balanced between my carbs, my proteins, in my fat. And
I also want to exercise that's going to allow me
to be in a deficit. I want to exercise that's
going to allow me to burn you know, five hundred
calories you know a day. So for example, if you
for for for someone to lose a pound a week,

you have to be in a five hundred calorie a
day deficit. Okay, to lose two pounds per week, you
need to be in a thousand calorie a day definitely.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
Okay, let's let's stop right there. Let's writ to obi. Okay. See,
see that's when you start losing me the calorie talk,
because I don't know what I'm eating, so I just
want to eat. I don't, I don't, I don't have
time to be counting calories. So help me out with
like you know, like you know, I get up in
the morning and then I hear this statement that don't
eat after six, don't eat after six, that's how you

gain weight. So either help me with some of these
myths if you just break it down a little bit,
because those calories run me, that calorie talk run me
off every time. Obie. I'm just gonna tell you that now.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
So what I would try to say is that if
you're not gonna, if you're not if if calorie counting
is kind of overwhelming for you, yes, I always say that.
I would always say that your meal, that your meal
should not exceed Your meal should not exceed the size
of your two hands. Okay, your meal should not exceed

the size of your two hands. And when you're eating
your meal, you got your fruit, your vegetable and your protein. Okay,
so you've got your fruit, your vegetables, and your protein.
All right, So that is that that's the whole color
the whole color diagram. You got your complex, you got
your protein, you got your complex carb, and you've got

your fibers carb, which is your fruits and vegetables. You
got your brown rice, for example, you got your six
ound chicken breast, and you got your apple and your broccoli.
I could just do the math right now, and I
could tell you that whole entire meal would not exceed
four hundred and five hundred calories.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Wow, that seems like a lot of phone.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
That would be about five hundred calories right there. So
if you're getting three meals a day, and you're getting
fifteen hundred calories a day, if you eat enough fruits,
if you're eating if you're eating a cup of fruits
and vegetables with meal, I can guarantee you that fifteen
six hundred calories, fifteen sixteen hundred calories, what's gonna feel
like three thousand cow It's gonna fill you up because

of the fiber. All right, right, well, let's let we're
gonna use it. We're gonna use that formula. Now we're
gonna say we want you to walk every day and burn.
Get your smart watch and try to burn at least
five hundred calories a day, five hundred calories a day,
four to five days a week. Okay, And if you're

doing that along with what I'm sharing with you, consuming
fifteen hundred and sixteen hundred calories per day with your
fruits and vegetables with each meal, and your complex carb
and your healthy protein with each meal. That is a
balanced diet, and that is about That is a diet
that has you consuming enough fiber with each meal. You're

gonna feel so full, okay, because fiber is if fiber
will fill you up, all right, it will fill you up.
It's like an appetite suppressive.

Speaker 1 (11:56):

Speaker 2 (11:56):
That's why fruits and vegetables are are such a great
It's a great way law schools because it's high in
nutrients in its low calories.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Right right, Well, I'm gonna tell you something. We're talking
to a world excuse me, world class fitness experts and
nutrition expert, Obi Obidke. We're gonna go to commercial break
because I do not want to cut him off because
we're on a roll here because he been mentioning cobs, cobs, cobs,
and I've got a couple of questions about that. When
we get back, we're gonna learn more about how you

just common sense. This is a common sense interview. I
asked him to stop talking about calories. He stopped, and
every since I stopped talking about calories. I've been in
awe as to what he's been talking about because I
never looked at it from that perspective. Is do not
allow your meal to exceed the size of both your
hands together. I've never heard it described like that. Again,

that's a mayor's veren that we all can relate to.
We're right back with the obi obid How to Lose
Weight Tour No Money Making Conversations master Class.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Please don't go anywhere, We'll be right back with more
money Making Conversations Masterclass. Welcome back to the Money Making
Conversations Masterclass hosted by Rashaan McDonald. Money Making Conversations Masterclass
continues online at Moneymakingconversations dot com and follow Money Making

Conversations Masterclass on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Uh oh, before we get into further how can people
get in touch with you?

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Oh? They can go to obobdk dot com and that's
where I handle anyone that's looking to want to lose
weight getting really good shape go to obi obidig dot com,
obobdk dot com, or you can follow me on my
Instagram at obi obdk or Twitter or Facebook, and then
outside my supplement company, Ethicallink dot com if you're looking
for any supplements to help assist you with your fitness

and health and weight loss goals. So I'm not difficult
to get a hold of.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Okay, that's good. Well let's talk about those supplements because
you had, because that's that's a major conversation that's going
on nowadays and authorization that weight loss. When you say supplements,
what do you mean when you say supplements out of
your company brand?

Speaker 2 (14:11):
So the company that I created called Ethical Inc. At
the natural science based health and Wellness brand. And the
reason why I created this company with my friend and
minority owner and business partner, More Chestnut, is because I
have I've always had people emailing me asking me what
supplement should I buy? And unfortunately, the supplement industry is

not regulated by the FDA, so anybody can create a
supplement in the garage. And so because of the unregulation
of the dietary supplement markets, there's a lot of garbage
out there. There's a lot of supplement companies that are
putting in you know, bad ingredients fillers and it's just
not clean. It's not ingredients that are healthy for you.

And you don't know when you buy a product if
what's in the supplement facts in the back of the
bottle is actually what's actually in it. So it takes
someone that is an honest business person, someone who cares
about the consumer to make sure that what is advertised
ingredient WHI ingredients wise in the back of the product
is actually actually in that product. So, because I've spent

my you know, half of my life invested in health
and wellness as a as a you know, as an entrepreneur,
as an expert, I felt like I could could really
be a voice and be an authoritative figure in that
space and create my own company and create products that
I know truly will help people, but also be honest
and say, if you're eating in a balanced way, you

don't need any supplements. Now, how many supplement company owners
are going to tell you that they're going to just
continue to, Hey, buy my Product'm like, No, if you're
eating in a balanced way and you're getting and you're
eating getting all your nutrients from food, then you don't
really need it. You don't need to take any supplements.
And I try to be honest with people like that,
you know.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
So yeah, well, you know the thing about it is
that we're always trying to get the easy way out.
Like you said, you have to be careful on what
that easy way out is because a lot of things
that people are taking that there aren't regularly get regulated,
and you know, there might just be a version of
X lack. This might be causing you to lose weight
because you can't keep food in. And so those are

out there on the market as die weight loss activities.
And so thank you for having that honest conversation and
sharing it with my audience. Now, I'm a guy who
likes desserts. I'm just gonna let you know that over
You know that about me. Now you know in your
plan you mentioned, you know, the fruits, the fiber and

the baked chicken and all that stuff. Can people eat
desserts on your diet plan?

Speaker 2 (16:49):
They actually can? And I would say a dessert. I
would say, you can eat a dessert maybe like and
consider it a cheap mal like one the two days
a week. But you're still following a healthy, balanced plan
with a lot of different options to swap in and out.
You're good. You could still savor your you know, your

your sweet tooth with that dessert maybe once a week
or even up to twice a week, you know, and
and that's that's pretty good.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
You can okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, now you got
me excited. Now do you stop talking about calories? Now
you're talking about desserts now, Okay. There are seven days
in a week, Obie, you say one to two days,
I can eat dessert two days?

Speaker 2 (17:35):
Okay, one to two days you can actually eatser.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Okay, that that Obie, which they went to brothers. They
went to brothers because you know might I'm jumping up
and down in the studio here listening to your diet plane.
What do you call a dessert though, Obie? Okay, because
because Krispy Krean, it's a dessert to me? Can I
eat it? Krispy Krean?

Speaker 3 (17:55):
Just wipe down?

Speaker 2 (17:57):
This is this is what I would say. I'd say,
I always look at it from a perspective of a
dessert should not exceed the palm of your hands.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Okay, okay, Oh man, you've got Michael Jordan hands down.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
I don't have to say half a half of your hand, Rashaan.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
Okay, okay, but you.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
Know what I'm saying is the portion size shouldn't exceed
exceed your palm. It's like, because portion matters, and that's
going to really dictate you know, how many calories your
your your body is consuming, you know what I mean?
And so I always say that like if if you're
not in the calorie counting, which a lot of people aren't,

then look at it and then try to use some
type of uh visual you know fi visual description as
far as what that portion is. And so I think
always using your hands is a good people can identify
with that. So palm of your hand should be enough.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
Well, Ok, first of all, you've allowed me one day
to two days a week to eat a donut, So
right now your boy happy? I'm happy. I'm just happy
because you know, because you know, when you built your
life on eating desserts, just being cut off it could
be an ugly moment for me. Now. I had a
question come in via email said basically, you know, you

know all these about surgical procedures, how people lose weight
just doing it naturally. How many pounds can a person
lose in three months?

Speaker 2 (19:31):
I think in three months realistically you can lose anywhere
from twenty five to thirty pounds in three months, and
that is considered a healthy weight. You know, the CDC
recommends that a healthy weight loss is one to two
pounds per week. Okay, so twenty five twenty four to

thirty pounds is realistic. I've had people do double that,
but they were overachievers. So I always like to be
really concerned it is, you know, and also.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
You want to be a person, you know, Like I said,
they're overachievers. But I think that what I'm asking is,
and you answering, and thank you for answering, is that
when you do a diet, you just don't want to
just stop it and all of a sudden the weight
comes back, and you know, whatever program you on. Because
what I've learned is that, and I've done the diet

that he's talked about, you know, and and like I said,
and he taught me portion eating. That's what I learned.
That was the great takeaway that I still exist because
people always ask me, obi, man, you eat a lot, man,
But what a way come? What wait that we wait?

Speaker 2 (20:39):

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Well? Because because you see me with a lot of food,
doesn't if you finished. If you see me when the
meal is over, it's still food on the plate. So
I've learned portion eating is important. Can you discuss that
with our audience.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
Yeah, portion eating is definitely important because it allows it
if it will give you an idea of how much
is required and needed to give your body the required
energy it needs. And a lot of times if you
don't know, if you're not understanding calories and that's just
like too much for you, then having the portion will

give you an idea Okay, this is this is what
will supply me enough energy and enough calories without actually
having to count it. That's why portion really matters. That's
why I said, okay, two hands would be a meal,
and for a cheat meal would be the palm of
your hand, one palm of your hand. Right, So those
are things that that that that people can say, Okay,

I get that, I don't really understand the calorie count.
I don't want to do all that, but I get
the hands, I get the hands of the portion size.
And what's interesting is that the one of the reasons
why that you're you'll you'll be you know, people look
at your your meal. My god, that's so much food,
right right, and you think where where you know, where
where are you gained? You're not gained in the way.
What's happening? Well, probably the food that you're eating is

highly nutrient dense. And when you're consuming highly nutrient dense food,
the food is high in nutrients, but a lot of
times it's low in calories. So you look at the
food and it might look like it's a lot of calories,
but it really isn't because the nutrients is so high
but the calories is so low. That's why I say
fruits and vegetables are the best weight loss foods because

it looks like it's a lot of calories, but it
really isn't. You can't overdose some broccoli, Okay, you can't
over You can't all of a sudden just over consume
broccoli and all of a sudden you're going to gain weight.
I've never seen anybody get obest eating broccoli and spinach.
The calories is so low it's impossible. Wow.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Over this has been fantastic man. Thank you for like
I said, every quarter, he's going to be on my show,
just talking, educating me, reminding me of longevity and Lungevity
is called taking care of your body through a healthy meal, planning,
healthy thought process. Light world counts. You know when you
know I'm not trying to be the Rock. I'm not

trying to play for the NFL, and I'm not trying
that for a basketball team. I enjoy watching stuff on TV,
but along the way, you can't eat right and Obi,
you broke it down to me today and I hopefully
my audience heard what you told me that I'm excited about.
You got me out of the calorie conversation and that
has been a big block for me because I'm not

a counter, but I am a person understands portions, understand
that what you were talking about. And as we exit,
tell everybody how to get in touch with you one
more time.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
Obi. Sure you can go to ob ob dk dot
obobadk dot com if you're interested in, you know, any
free health and wellness tips you want to get in
better shape, or if you're looking for any you know
supplements to help assist you with your health and wellness goes.
Maybe you've got a trainer nutrition it, you can go
to ethicalwink dot com. But I'm always passing out free

health and wellness information articles and tips on my social
media platforms. If you have no desire for that, I'm
always going to educate you for free, because that's my passion.
That's what I love to do and that's why I'm
on this Why why you know, Mamana Rishawn's platform is
radio show, which I'm grateful for. Thank you, sir.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Okay, we talked to my friend, and thank you for
taking the time to talk to my audience.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
Man. Thank you very much. Man.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
This has been another episode of Money Making Conversations Masterclass
hosted by me Rashaan McDonald. Thank you to our guests
mister Easley and mister Obadike for showing up today. And
I just want to thank you for listening and join
us next week and remember to always leave with your
gifts and keep winning.

Speaker 4 (24:41):
Thank you for joining us for this edition of Money
Making Conversations Masterclass. Money Making Conversations Masterclass with rough Shan
McDonald is produced by thirty eight fifteen Media Inc. More
information about thirty eight fifteen Media Inc. Is available at
thirty eight to fifteen media dot com.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
And always remember to lead with your gifts.

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