Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Toby and Chilly's nearly impossible question. It's Mark from Baltimore. Everybody,
he's back. Hello, Mark, How are you all right?
Speaker 2 (00:07):
How you guys doing doing the holidays?
Speaker 1 (00:09):
It is Monday, it's the sixteenth, we're closing in on Christmas. You, however,
could win this one hundred dollars trus So gift card
and tickets to see Shakira Things to Live Nation. Here's
the question again one more time, just in case you
missed it, or if somebody might be listening now and
they missed it.
Speaker 2 (00:24):
The average American will spend more than nine hours doing
this over the holidays.
Speaker 1 (00:29):
What is it? I know my wife will be doing
this cooking, possibly cooking. Does your wife slave away in
the kitchen when it comes time to entertain?
Speaker 2 (00:37):
Pretty much? Pretty much? Well, that's probably how you get
those hours, is if you have to cook for a
lot of people and you're hosting a holiday.
Speaker 1 (00:45):
For sure, that's the right answer. You're going to go
see Shakira with your wife. Congratulations, Nationals Park next year
thanks to Live Nation. Those tickets are yours and a
little something extra for your wife a one hundred dollars
Trousseau gift card. Oh great, you know, add a little
spice to the kitchen, as it were. That's a silly
right on. Well, congratulations Mark and Joy and thank you
for playing and concrats on the win today.
Speaker 2 (01:10):
We thank you so much you guys.
Speaker 1 (01:11):
Have a great holidays you too, amigo. Stay right there
for all the details we need from you. Hang on
and if you want to win, like Mark from Baltimore,
be here tomorrow for another chance at secure tickets. Andrew
Trusseau Gift Card with another round of your nearly impossible question.
It is ninety seven point one wash FM on this
Monday morning. Hangout for the news top stories at the
top of the hour on the way right around seven