Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to NFL Daily, where we don't need no stinking
open to night. We're always open. It's in the title.
I'm Greg Rosenthal here in the Chris Wesley podcast studio
for the first and last time this week, for the
last time in this season, and I'm sitting next to
Patrick Claybond and joining us from New Orleans is Nick Shook.
I will see you there tomorrow. I'm about to go
get on a plane.
Speaker 2 (00:29):
How are you doing, Nick, I'm preparing the roll to
roll off the red carpet for you. Greg. You know
we're gonna get people doing. We're gonna be a jazz band.
You're gonna make you feel like you might have experienced
back in your college days. You know we're gonna welcome
you back to New Orleans.
Speaker 3 (00:43):
I can't wait to be there.
Speaker 1 (00:45):
And right before we started, Patrick asked the question everyone's wondering,
which is, how's the weight room at the hotel that
we're sure.
Speaker 2 (00:52):
It's It's in a well. This is an older building
that I'm staying in, very typical of New Orleans, and
it's in a room. When I walked in, I looked
around and I thought, I think they signed the declaration
of independence in here. What they have fashioned it into
a weight room pretty well. But you know, as Patrick
mentioned before we started the show, weights only go up
to fifty at hotel gyms. There's only so much you
could do. I need a little more resistance. So we're
getting a lot of shoulder workouts in this week.
Speaker 4 (01:19):
It's champagne problems.
Speaker 5 (01:20):
You know, when you've grinded Grek, when you've put in
the work like Shook has, you know, a fifties not
getting done. So he's having to do like weird hand grips.
He's having to put the twenties on top of the
fifties to try to do something, and he's making all.
Speaker 3 (01:32):
The just multiple fifties or something. I don't know.
Speaker 2 (01:36):
I mean, we start stacking dumb.
Speaker 1 (01:39):
I don't live in this world where you guys are
just like, oh, the weights aren't heavy enough for us.
Speaker 3 (01:43):
Well, we're men.
Speaker 5 (01:44):
You want to prioritize, right, you would like to overload
the muscle. You don't want to prioritize fatigue and do
it a whole bunch of reps.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
It's all about mechanical tension, you know.
Speaker 3 (01:54):
It's just no, I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:56):
I'm just looking on Google right now.
Speaker 1 (01:58):
I don't know, but I do hope to to get
some workouts in New Orleans.
Speaker 3 (02:03):
That would be great.
Speaker 1 (02:04):
But if it doesn't happen, it would be an homage
to my previous life in New Orleans, where I definitely
wasn't doing any workout there.
Speaker 3 (02:11):
There was like there's like a couple of.
Speaker 1 (02:13):
Days of when I thought I was gonna maybe be
on what the equivalent with the practice squad of the
tennis team would be, and it's like, nope, let's uh,
let's focus on what's important in New Orleans, and that's
drinking and eating and football. I was going to a
lot of those Saints games back in the day with
Aaron Brooks Mike McCarthy as the the OC back then.
M Yeah, squad, they were okay, they were like an
eight and eight team, which for them, they were. They
were happy about it. Shout out to uh, what was
his name, Jim Haslett? Yeah, that e man. I always
have so much admiration for that dude. How he handled
the Kirtrina season one of the more underrated coaching performances.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
Of all time.
Speaker 1 (02:55):
And they did not win many games, and that I
hate that. You always has to be tied to winning
games of that man that man handled the situation like
a boss, and everyone in and around that city and
team appreciated it. In a tough situation. We're going to
talk about more fun stuff than this, though. We're going
to talk about some news. Okay, We're going to talk
about what Nick Schuck has already learned at Opening night
in New Orleans. He's already been to the Eagles press
conferences there on Tuesday. They don't mess around. We're gonna
get Patrick Claibond's Super Bowl pick. This is hot, oh early.
Speaker 4 (03:29):
It's very.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
But yeah, let's and we're gonna talk about our friend
that this that this podcast is named after at the
at the end on an important week, thinking about Chris Westling.
Speaker 3 (03:41):
But let's start with the Cooper Cup news.
Speaker 1 (03:45):
I'm taking the train to downtown Los Angeles because I
made the mistake of driving to a Lakers game two
weeks ago that Patrick rightly told me to take the
train to and I regretted it, and so no, you right,
I should have taken the trade. So to last night,
I was going to the Great Mina Chimes benefit show
and Jordan Rodrigue was there with me, and it was
a lot of fun. Thank you to the listeners that
came by afterwards and that were NFL Daily listeners. And
we see as we're getting down there that Cooper Cup
he hasn't asked for a trade like Miles Garrett Patrick.
The Rams have told him in no uncertain terms they
are seeking to trade him immediately. And there were some
interesting lines in the Cup statement, but what stuck out
to me was that he did not agree with this decision,
but that he believes he has a lot of great
football ahead of him and that is what he's going
to seek out doing.
Speaker 5 (04:43):
Yeah, injuries kind of plagued the past couple of years,
but it makes sense from his standpoint where he wins
the Triple Crown. He has a walk off touchdown that
I feel like he might have been dealing with a
brain injury at the time, and when he scored that
touchdown in the Super Bowl, he gets a mega deal
that he deserves. And so for his standpoint, with the
time remaining on this, on this deal, there's no need
to be anywhere else. He could play with the football
team that drafted him, in a place that he loves,
that he spent the formative years of his adulthood able
to celebrate a championship with the problem for the Rams
is looking at this number with a base of twelve five,
you know, four million dollar pro ration, seven and a
half million dollar roster bonus, where they're going to have
to work this thing even if they want somebody else
to trade for Cooper Cup. But as far as the
production in the past couple of years, it just makes
sense for Los Angeles to do this.
Speaker 3 (05:35):
It's a bummer though.
Speaker 1 (05:37):
It's a bummer that it doesn't sound like he had
any choice in the matter. I saw some speculation from
Florida Pro Football talk like maybe they'll try to get
him to take a pay cut of it if they
wanted him, I think to take a pay cut. That
that would have been the first route that they did,
and he made it clear through his statement they did not.
Do you think Cup has any trade value?
Speaker 3 (06:00):
Speaker 2 (06:01):
Yeah, that's what's crazy is you know what You often
hear parents posting videos of their kids when they're just
like toddlers. I saw somebody post them today and now
I think actually was Andrew Hawkins and his kids like
shooting at the Papa shot and he's like almost as
tall as Andrew and they talk about how time flies.
If you look up Cooper Cup, he's almost thirty two
years old. It feels like yesterday. He was being drafted
from Eastern Washington where they have that red field, and
he was this player rising up and he was the
stellar athlete everything else, and yet here we are. So
I think that the value that you might associate with
the guy who has these accolades to his name is
not quite as high because of age. Now, receiver is
not a position necessarily like running back where you're going
to look at age and be like he's cooked, he's toast.
But with the money that's associated, it makes for a
significant undertaking for other teams that might be interested. Having
said that, if he's healthy, he's still a damn good
football player. He just has struggled to prove that over
the last few years. So there are question marks.
Speaker 1 (06:56):
It's a red flag that Sean McVay essentially doesn't want him.
You know, he didn't produce at the end of this
season when it.
Speaker 2 (07:05):
Was like invisible in this offense down the stretch.
Speaker 1 (07:07):
Five for sixty one in the Divisional round loss to
the Eagles, but his previous four games combined were about
the same numbers, five for like seventy something, you know,
almost no production. And he's someone when I've gone to
watch the Rams in person the last couple of years,
just doesn't move the same way. And he feels like
he gave his body to that Super Bowl season in
a way that it's really never come back from. He
was playing through injuries. He just was one hundred and
forty five catches. Was that entire offense? The amount of
blocking like that he did. That opened up the whole offense,
both him and Robert Woods. But Cooper Cup not a
huge guy, and it was all around and he's just
throwing his body around and he hasn't i think, physically responded.
Speaker 3 (08:05):
He doesn't move the same way.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
So I think to get off that number, the Rams
would have to take on some of his salary. He's
already owed five million dollars guaranteed. I have a hard
time thinking that any team is going to trade for
him unless the Rams take on some money, and it's
basically like a late round pick. I don't think it's
going to be a significant trade, and I think it's
very possible they just wind up releasing him and he
gets to be a free agent.
Speaker 5 (08:31):
I think the cautionary tale for the folks who may
think it's all over, Cooper Cup has taken too much
of a beating over this course of time.
Speaker 4 (08:38):
He has played hurt.
Speaker 5 (08:40):
We saw that this year in Austin Eckler, who was
clearly hurt towards the end of his time in Los
Angeles and then in limited spots, looks much better playing
for the Commanders this season, where I think there's still
tread on Cooper cups tires. He might not get smashed
into the defensive end as much, still contribute, and he
was the key part of an offense that in parts
right has proliferated itself all over the NFL. Now where
Cooper Cup is going to be able to come in
and run successful routes at the very least for a
good football team, where I think there's value there. But yeah,
the Rams got to come up off some of that
money to make that possible in the first place.
Speaker 3 (09:21):
Let's let's not forget though, that that playoff run.
Speaker 1 (09:24):
So just for a little context, he cut one hundred
and forty five passes for nine and forty seven yards
in the regular season, just preposterous numbers. Then in the playoffs.
He added thirty three more catches, so we're up to
one seventy eight for four hundred and seventy eight yards.
We're almost at twenty five hundred yards. He added another
six touchdowns. That's that's twenty two total touchdowns. That's right
there with the greatest wide receivers of all time. And
I regretted not saying something to him other than pleasantries
when I saw him down in the old NFL network
locker room a couple of weeks ago that we just said.
I just said, oh, hi, nice to meet you, all
that sort of thing. And I afterwards, I was like,
I should have told him how how happy he made
my daughter back in the day when she was at
that Super Bowl and he made that that catch right
into her end zone and there was like I have
a picture with a tear in her eye after that.
Speaker 3 (10:21):
It's like that, That's what it's all about. It's the memories.
Speaker 1 (10:24):
Good luck to you, Cooper cup I don't I don't
know where he goes from here. He will certainly be
in the NFL this year. I don't know if a
trade is going to happen. Let's just quickly circle back
to the Miles Garrett trade because I want to get
your take shook on what you think about it as
a Browns fan. If you missed our show on Monday,
obviously you probably know by now Miles Garrett has requested
a trade in no uncertain terms out of Cleveland.
Speaker 3 (10:51):
What do you think?
Speaker 2 (10:53):
I mean, there's a few things here. One, it's been
building for a long time. He's been asked, you know,
about the trajectory of the franchise, and he essentially, you know,
staked his position towards the end of the season, which is, look,
I'm not here for a rebuild. I want to compete.
Not the first time that a player said that, the
first time that a player in Cleveland has said that.
He is also playing for a team that as a
general manager who doesn't typically honor trade requests. We could
run down the list. He honored the Baker trade, but
only after the Watson thing was done. He didn't honor
Kareem Hunt's trade requests. They just let him, you know,
walk off into the night. They honored Amari Cooper's trade
request after they'd already kind of renegotiated his deal, But
it was more because they were a bad team and
they you know, sent him to a team that was contending,
So there's there's not really a track record of just
I want to be traded and they actually do it.
There's also the contract associated and his age, and I
think that at his age he's not quite going to
command the money that he once did, but he's still
an elite player. He's still a contender for Defensive Player
of the Year this year. He won it last year.
So it's a combination of is this a leverage play
for money I don't think, or is it it's the
fact that he's done with them, and the way the
statement reads and the vibes are around this team suggests
to me that it's more about the state of the
team and the Browns kind of just being a rudderless
ship at this point in twenty twenty five. Now that
could change, but ultimately he probably knows. He's probably looked
at Nick Chubb and been like, I've been with this
guy for a long time. I've seen, you know, the
ups and downs, and see the end of his career
is around the corner, or you know, somewhere in the
not too distant future. I don't want to find myself
in the same spot. I want to actually chase things now.
And I understand the frustration.
Speaker 3 (12:26):
I don't think it's about the money.
Speaker 1 (12:27):
And I've already feeled differently about this trait than when
I talked about on Monday, and part of it is
hearing just a little birdies that I don't think it's.
Speaker 3 (12:37):
About the money.
Speaker 1 (12:37):
I think he's just he's just made a decision that
he wants, he wants better, he wants out.
Speaker 2 (12:43):
Here, and you can't blame him. Yeah, Like, look at
this organization, look at how they just kind of wasted
the last three years. Can you blame them?
Speaker 1 (12:49):
And there's not really things can change fast in the NFL,
but they got to fix the quarterback situation, and it's
just hard to maybe see that happening this year.
Speaker 4 (12:57):
Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (12:58):
I think back in history, Reggie White was thirty two
when he went in free agency in nineteen ninety three.
Speaker 4 (13:04):
He became a Green.
Speaker 6 (13:05):
Wow, that's crazy, Like Miles has already hit these career milestones,
over one hundred sacks, like twenty nine years old he
was in I think back to the twenty seventeen draft
where it's like this is a down year for quarterbacks.
Speaker 4 (13:19):
One of the best.
Speaker 5 (13:20):
Quarterback we've ever seen himund up being in that draft
in Patrick Mahomes, I mean, Deshaun's in there. I guess
he could go back change history, but ultimately, right, Miles
is the number one pick. It was clear and obvious
that Miles should have been the number one pick based
on the information we had at the time. You go back,
he's probably going number two. Maybe he's a Chicago Bear,
who knows, but ultimately he does in terms of what
he's done on the field. Yeah, he deserves a chance
to play for a winner. Because you look back at
another guy we know, like Joe Thomas had a great
career in Cleveland. The Browns ultimately failed Joe Thomas, and
Miles has seen this. He's seen the whole arch as
you mentioned for Nick Chubb, go do it somewhere else.
Speaker 3 (14:02):
Speaker 1 (14:02):
For a second, I'm like, how dare you say he's
now going number two? Someone was better than Miles Garrett
And I was like, what draft was that?
Speaker 5 (14:09):
Oh yeah, fifteen, it's probably go number one.
Speaker 3 (14:13):
Overall that guy.
Speaker 1 (14:14):
Yeah, that guy was in his fifth Super Bowl in
six years what and won an MVP before that. That
dude's ridiculous. Miles Garrett's ridiculous. What a number one overall pick.
Sometimes you hear a take that's so right that you
realize you just have to accept, Oh, yeah, that's actually
that's actually correct. And I'm gonna unfortunately give credit for
this take to Daniel Jeremiah. I got it so again,
I'm walking. I'm walking to this to the show Monday night,
really great downtown Los Angeles, and I'm listening. I decided
he's already got a podcast up. Jeremiah moved the sticks
about Miles Garrett, and he said that Garrett's doing them
a favor, and he also thinks that the Browns. He
didn't put words in their mouth, but he thinks the
Browns will view it as him doing them a favor too,
that they can say whatever they want publicly about that
they have no interest in trading him.
Speaker 3 (15:18):
I believe that to be true.
Speaker 1 (15:20):
I also believe that maybe they knew that this could
have been coming, and in a way it saves them
from doing something that makes a lot of sense from
their vantage point anyways, but that they almost couldn't do
because of how unpopular it would be with the fan
base and how difficult it was, and Miles Garrett's almost
removing a level of that difficulty because the more I
thought about it, I think he's right. And then I
texted around a couple of people that were not Dane Jeremiah,
and they agree that it makes a.
Speaker 3 (15:52):
Ton of sense.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
For the Browns, I think they're gonna get a lot
fro him, Chuck, I really do. I think all it
takes is really two teams to I have up a price,
and whether that's two first plus or whether it's a
first plus, or it's a first in a pick swap,
or it's a first in a player it's or it's
a couple. I don't know what exactly what it's gonna be,
but I think it's gonna be a lot, and I
think it should be a lot. And I think it's
gonna be a lot because there's so many teams that
have a ton of cap space, and obviously there's so
many teams that could use Miles Garrett. I keep coming
back to the good teams with cap space. That are
the Lions, the Chargers, the Commanders, maybe the Packers. If
they want to go against type. The Bills don't have
a lot of space, maybe they they create it. But
I just think this is how a market is created.
And I think more than anything shook it actually does
make sense for the Browns because they could get a lot.
They're also at the two pick. Maybe they will want
that quarterback, maybe they won't. They could be trading back,
you could. You can get a lot of picks, and
maybe this isn't even their quarterback year. And by the
time they're good like Garrett, he's not gonna have that value.
Speaker 3 (16:56):
He won't be quite as good.
Speaker 1 (16:57):
It's not a good thing to trade Miles Garrett, but
it might be something where it's a win for Garrett
and it's not it's not as big a loss as
you would expect for the Browns and their fans. Yeah,
their position to win for them either, but it's it.
At least they can make the best out of it,
and they can help out the guy who's given them
a lot. This is what he wants, so that's not
nothing that they can help him out in this spot.
Speaker 2 (17:19):
Right right, Their position to play a key part, despite
being one of the worst teams in football last season,
to play a key part in this offseason multiple layers,
because that's the number two pick. You know, they could
take Penn States Abdul Carter. I think that's too high
for Carter personally, but they're in position to potentially do
that and find an immediate replacement. They're also in position
where they need a quarterback, where they could move a
massive lever by maybe making a trade for Kirk Cousins.
Maybe Miles Garrett is involved in that trade. Maybe all
these moving parts all start an end in Cleveland, home
of a team that went three and fourteen.
Speaker 1 (17:50):
Oh man, Okay, let's talk about Cousins. He was on
Good Morning Football on Tuesday morning. Let's listen to a
little bit.
Speaker 7 (17:58):
We were six and three, was playing well, doing a
lot of good things, even if the right ankle wasn't perfect.
You know, nobody's perfect in this league. We're never feeling
one hundred percent. So it didn't really affect me too much.
But then against the Saints, got hit pretty good in
my right shoulder and elbow, and from there kind of
dealing with that, you know, with something I was working
through and.
Speaker 3 (18:20):
Just never really could get it to where I wanted it.
Speaker 7 (18:22):
And so now kind of now the season's over, the
other time and the energy to say, okay, let's get
the right ankle back, let's get the shoulder back, let's
get the elbow back, and if we can do that,
you know, feel like I got a new life ahead
of me here in pro football.
Speaker 1 (18:38):
Those injuries weren't completely disclosed. He hadn't maintained he was
healthy at the time.
Speaker 2 (18:46):
Healthy enough.
Speaker 4 (18:46):
Yeah, we were watching Kirk.
Speaker 3 (18:51):
It had some context.
Speaker 1 (18:52):
He was limited on the injury report for one day
after those injuries was week eleven, and I think they
continued adds a little bit of context. Now you have
to start worrying about his body breaking down. In general,
he takes more big hits than most quarterbacks that are
bigger than him. And he's not like he's saying a
lot of hits over yours. I mean, it's it's one
of the things that's made him win make a lot
of money, is that he's able to stand in there
and just get beaten. But some of those sometimes those
guys don't age well. But you mentioned the Browns, Chuck,
and this is kind of going around now, Kevin Stefanski.
They're not gonna have a lot of money to spend here.
There's not a lot of good options out there. Cousins
and a rookie or cousins and someone. Are you buying Patrick? Yeah,
I'm buying I mean Cleveland specifically.
Speaker 5 (19:47):
Yeah, I'm definitely buying Kirk Cousins in Cleveland. They have
to find a quarterback. Kirk needs to find a spot.
He needs to be a starting quarterback.
Speaker 3 (19:55):
Either that does.
Speaker 5 (19:56):
Either that was facial smoothing on his FaceTime or zoom.
He looks incredible. I didn't even see any crows feet skincare.
Speaker 1 (20:05):
It's that little button that you press now on the
on those computer let me, I got one now.
Speaker 3 (20:13):
I think it's with the new camera or maybe it's
a stream yard.
Speaker 1 (20:15):
You can press a button and I pressed it one
time and I was I was too pretty, So I
actually un clicked it, and I was like, the camera
is already such high quality. That improves how you're looking
to begin with that, I did not need to Like,
I pressed it and I was like, I'm too handsome.
Speaker 3 (20:32):
I could go join the boy band.
Speaker 1 (20:34):
I mean, he's even better looking than Ally Connolly right now.
They have a striking resemblance Kirk. But yeah, with the
with the facial smoothing that's going on here, and yes,
this is why you've got to sign up for the YouTube.
Speaker 3 (20:49):
You know you gotta subscribe.
Speaker 1 (20:50):
You got to hit like just just to see this
this still shot here.
Speaker 3 (20:54):
I mean he's looking great.
Speaker 5 (20:55):
No, that's that's incredible. So yeah, if this, if Cousins
able to do internally what he has done to his
face with a bring it back around with the work,
because yeah, clearly he was limited. The people compare right
the achilles injuries for the aging quarterbacks, Rogers had a
significant head start.
Speaker 4 (21:15):
Yep, Kirk in recovery from that achilles stare.
Speaker 5 (21:18):
It was clear, like mid to late in the season
like that was not even Kirk Cousins at a certain point.
I don't think he forgot how to play football. You
mentioned taking all those shots. Yeah, because we saw Kirk
Cousins take getting hit as he throws. He's hitting guys
and shrid but all it takes is knocking you off
that peg just a little bit, and he was clearly
off of it. Why not have Kirk he wants to
be a starting quarterback, he's willing.
Speaker 3 (21:41):
To play for His highs were higher than Rogers this year.
Speaker 2 (21:43):
For what were they were? I mean there was the
two games against the Buccaneers in which he threw for
like almost a thousand yards and we were all like,
oh my god, he's back, but there was also the
fact that he couldn't move in the pocket because he
was coming off the Achilles. He says he has had
an ankle issue as well, so that explains a lot.
But let's keep building the connection to the Browns theory here.
Let me just build my entire conspiracy. Kevin Sefancy was
his offensive coordinator in Minnesota. Kevin savanciazen on a quarterback
that quite fits his play calling style since Baker Mayfield
and Baker played his last yeat in Cleveland hurt and
we all know what happened from there. The fit is there, naturally,
The familiarity is there naturally, The history together naturally there.
Let's also go beyond that into the draft. If this
is a short term option, there's a quarterback out there
that's already generated some attraction in Cleveland, and he rolls
up the ranks at the Senior Bowl. He played football
all mess. His name's Jackson Dart. The Browns acquire Kirk
Cousins in a trade that involves Miles Garrett, and somehow
they draft Jackson Dart even if he rises into the
first round, which would make it impossible unless they get
a first round pick from a team in this year's draft,
and their whole future is set in people in Cleveland
are able to sleep at night.
Speaker 4 (22:49):
Let's wash it over, Greg right now.
Speaker 2 (22:52):
He's completely out.
Speaker 1 (22:53):
Now you convinced me that it this all could happen.
I think that Jackson Dart thing is just everyone just
keeps telling me that he should be he should be
great for a trimp pick. I need to do my
own research, you know. I and Aaron Rodgers quote.
Speaker 5 (23:08):
Once you've done that research significantly better than any research
Aaron Rodgers has ever done on anything.
Speaker 4 (23:13):
I don't know that you're going to be moved off
of how you feel.
Speaker 1 (23:16):
But if he's a second round pick or whatever, Cousins
and a second round pick, it's fine. It's kind of
a get you by type of situation. I don't mind that.
Speaker 3 (23:27):
I don't know. If I don't know if what the
year to invest early.
Speaker 5 (23:30):
Would, would Stefanski be in trouble in the event if
there's a Kirk Cousins and Jackson Dart season that they
trade Miles Garrett.
Speaker 4 (23:38):
It's kind of down.
Speaker 1 (23:40):
Yes, here's here's the thing about like planning your future
for Arch Manning or some other quarterback that's coming down
the pipe, like Kevin's fancy is a good coach. There
are talented players on that roster, like with with cousins
in a rookie like it wouldn't shock me if they
scraped their way to eight nine wins, and then you're
you're not in the business for those quarterbacks anyways. But wow,
you guys have convinced me this is happening. A couple
other very quick items. I thought it was interesting the
Commander's team owner Josh Harris did in about face on
at on the team name, and it makes sense. He's
had more information. The Commanders are here to stay. We're
not changing the team name. When he first took over,
the idea was he was going to change the team name,
but they kind of kicked the can. He said, I
will wait a year, see what at you know, and
then we'll kind of And I think because they've had
such good vibes and that Jade Daniels has been wearing
a Commander's jersey, that okay, that's it.
Speaker 2 (24:32):
They're gonna wear no uniforms. There's precedent for this. And look,
don't get mad at me, Seahawks fans, but if your
team had not found a ton of success in the
Pete Carroll era, you would have changed uniforms by now,
because so with no association with history or success, performance
any of that, those are not good uniforms. But because
you can associate them with making the Super Bowl twice
and being good over time, Wow, they're now great uniforms.
Speaker 4 (24:56):
Speaker 2 (24:57):
The same thing happens with the Commanders. They'll change their uniform,
but they won't change their name because it's it's just
drilled into the jade. Daniels air already.
Speaker 5 (25:05):
Hops out of the ring, runs across the street to
another arena, jumps in a spot to take a shot
to see them.
Speaker 1 (25:11):
Yeah, put that on. That was fiery. You're absolutely right.
It's the same deal with the Patriots, and they will
change their uniforms, and they've already started to tweak it.
But those Patriots flying ELVI was a mistake the first
day it happened. Never liked them, still don't like them.
And at some point.
Speaker 2 (25:28):
Though five years later plus, they're still here.
Speaker 1 (25:30):
Well I get it, they won a lot with them
almost immediately, but I think they'll have to change it
because it doesn't look I.
Speaker 5 (25:37):
Mean, we're all Pavlov's dog in this instance, like Yeah,
the Commanders were the Commanders.
Speaker 4 (25:41):
They had the most.
Speaker 5 (25:42):
Magical season that we could have possibly hoped for. So yeah,
they're going to keep the name. I think they should
still be the Washington football team, but I like it.
Speaker 3 (25:50):
I thought it was going to go back to that.
Speaker 1 (25:52):
And yeah, it once you say any name long enough,
this is true for baby name, it's true for band
names's true for podcast names.
Speaker 3 (26:00):
You just get used to it and it's fine.
Speaker 1 (26:02):
So yes, we will be going ahead and taking command
for indefinitely.
Speaker 3 (26:08):
Shout out to Carson Wentz.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
Trying to get out to his second Super Bowl title.
Carson Wentz, I mean starts to take command? What a
guy like to first do it? You know, I know
he wasn't playing, but take out Tom Brady and then
on the other side with Patrick Mahomes against his old team,
he has a chance to be a two time champ.
Found out on Tuesday. I just wanted to note this
for the record. Micah Hyde is retiring. Great career underrated
safety joined the Bills late this season almost as a
player coach on the practice squad and always really appreciated him.
Speaker 3 (26:49):
That was a.
Speaker 1 (26:50):
Really big part of the Bills rise to prominence over
the last seven years. Really, I might be the biggest
defensive piece other than Sean McDermott as a play caller
over that time. So shout out to Michael Hyde for
a really good career. Let's hear from you, Shook about
what's been going on in New Orleans, but let's hear
about it after the book.
Speaker 3 (27:24):
Back on NFL Daily. Shout out to Kobe Turner.
Speaker 1 (27:30):
By the way, part of that mina show, which which
is up on her podcast feed, he just belted out
a rendition of House of the Rising Sun, just on
stage out of nowhere.
Speaker 3 (27:42):
And I know his voice is good.
Speaker 1 (27:44):
He was on the mask singer and all that, but
he like hearing that in person, like that place was floored,
like everyone at chills, like he's a talent. Shout out
to people that are talented musically. I'm jealous. And it's
just like they always seem like the cool people. Shook
also one of the coolest people, so cool that he
was telling us between the during the break here that
he once helped steer Paris Campbell to his his high
school football team. And now here's yeah Paris and Nick
just two dudes who made it to.
Speaker 3 (28:17):
The Super Bowl.
Speaker 2 (28:18):
Yeah, you know he started. He came in as a
freshm and right after I graduated from Saint Vince to
Saint Mary, which everybody on the planet knows that as
Lebron's school. It's also where I went to. And happened
to be roaming about the final two minutes of Opening
Night last night and turned a corner and there's Paris.
And I haven't seen him since he was fourteen, well
maybe eight seventeen, when he was, you know, at All
State Starret Saint v before he went on to Ohio State.
And it was a great little reunion, a nice little moment.
Speaker 3 (28:44):
Were you highly recruited coming into high school?
Speaker 2 (28:46):
Absolutely not.
Speaker 3 (28:47):
No, they didn't know. I just the bottom.
Speaker 2 (28:50):
I was like cyo kid, No, because I was a
late bluer Greg when I started high school. I was
five to seven, one hundred and forty pounds.
Speaker 3 (28:55):
Speaker 4 (28:56):
You put them at work.
Speaker 3 (28:58):
Wow, Well I'm still there. You know it is there,
it is. What have you taken from your Opening Night.
Speaker 1 (29:08):
And Eagles media availability experience so far?
Speaker 3 (29:12):
What's the ViBe's been like?
Speaker 2 (29:14):
First of all, so if you want to compare it
to the last time these two teams in the Super Bowl,
just two years ago, it was all about the Kelsey
brothers and the Eagles involvement. There was a lot of
pomp and circumstance, but kind of a lot of distraction.
Even from my perspective back then, this is not the
case this time. All due respect to Mama Kelsey, but
she's not coming out and giving cookies. Right This is
not that story anymore. The Eagles showed up and they
looked like they were all about business to opening night
last night. They walk upon the stage, they're there, they
do their little interview, they go out and disperse to
their podiums, and it's all business. They know what they're
going to be asked about. They're not just taking it in.
Darius Lay said that I'm not taking it in and
having fun and trying to enjoy the moment. This is
a business trip for me and I'm locked in. I'm
dialed in. My family is not coming to the hotel
to hang out. I'm here to get a job done.
And a lot of them were like that. And I
think it's been what they've experienced over the last year
and a half that has really positioned them to have
success now and get here is they know what it
feels like to be at the super Bowl and lose it,
to be a team that falls well short of expectations
in dramatic fashion to the point you almost lose your
coach by you know, via firing, and then to get
back here with after kind of correcting those things and
going through that journey with so many of the same guys,
and they're very much I think, mentally prepared for this week.
They know how to handle it. So it's going to
be a very intriguing matchup for sure.
Speaker 5 (30:31):
Yeah, just looking forward to seeing just how this because
I know with history we tend to think, oh, it's
the same team, right, but nope, but there's a lot
of guys that even younger team other than were last
last time around.
Speaker 3 (30:43):
We think literally the youngest defense in the league.
Speaker 5 (30:45):
And instant results from all of those guys. So it's
interesting where they have that dichotomy of a guy like
Darius Slay there versus Quinnyon and Cooper dejan right, who
are really experiencing all of this for the first time,
and it's so different, it's so new unique. I don't
even know if they have time to really consider it,
because the game is going to be here before Sunday,
but they have a bunch of people like are you
ready for this? And those guys shoo, I'm sure, Like
I don't know that, Like I've never seen this before,
but I've never seen a lot before.
Speaker 2 (31:17):
This is this is their first NFL season for you know,
Dejina and Mitchell, like they're just I don't know, like
I've been working at football NonStop since my last college
season ended. They always talk about the rookie wall. They
are so far beyond the rookie wall at this point
in the calendar that it's not even a thought, and
I think that they're just kind of going with it,
like they're not taking it in. They're just like, all right,
it's another game to play. I thought. I think it
was Slay who said it. It was interesting to me too,
is the way he described it as, Look, this is
the last game of the season. Like we know it's
the last game of the season. This is where we're
going to try to go out on you know, a
strong note and lock in and play you know, good football.
And the other thing too, is like they have such
an interesting blend of vets. Like you talk about Brandon Grant,
you talk about Lane Johnson, you know, these guys are
in their third Super Bowl. Jalen Hurts is in his
second Super Bowl. Saquan's in his first, but he's seen
a lot in his career. They appreciate it, and they're
not overwhelmed by it. I think it's just it was
very striking to me in all these years of covering
different Super Bowls where this team just feels very much
like they belong here.
Speaker 3 (32:19):
He's saying he's doing the thing. The team that you cover,
you just you just fall off. I did that thing too.
That's why it hurt so bad.
Speaker 1 (32:27):
Why it hurt so bad when Santonio Holmes caught that
pass and broke the hearts of Darnell Dockett and Carlos
dans Bea and that.
Speaker 3 (32:36):
Great Cardinals team.
Speaker 1 (32:37):
I've never been so disappointed, And it was largely because
I covered that team that week for NBC Sports dot
Com and I just just fell in love with him.
And now Shook Shuk's doing the same thing. Can we
bring up the Darius Slay picture that Shook took on
Opening Night because he seemed like he was had I
don't know what this look was. It's maybe a little mischievous,
a little bit like, what are you doing, bro? How
would you describe it?
Speaker 3 (32:58):
Speaker 2 (33:00):
That's who he is. Somebody called him out they didn't
he didn't hear Sligh properly. And he goes, it's Slay,
It's Slay. And then in the crowds like I said
Slay and he goes, oh, I thought you said something else,
like he's cracking jokes. I asked him, how long did
it take you to get over that Super Bowl loss
to the Chiefs last time? He said five seconds. I
was like, okay, okay, yeah I have I'm a dad,
I'm a husband. I had to, you know, take care
of daddy duties, is what he said. So yeah, he's
a unique character for sure. But it's definitely interesting to
see the different blend of personalities here and some of
the guys who've been there before, and you know what
it might mean for them.
Speaker 4 (33:30):
I'll tell you exactly what that look is from Darius Slayer.
Speaker 5 (33:33):
Is damn that that dude with the phone taking this
picture as big as hell, guaranteed, I promise you, I am.
Speaker 4 (33:44):
We'll talk about my picture of game. I am sure
of nothing else more than that.
Speaker 3 (33:47):
Wow, that's awesome.
Speaker 1 (33:49):
Darius Slay been on record thinking this is going to
be his last day a game. As an angle, We'll
see he's speaking realistically. He's probably right, just because of
finances and everything. Although the Eagles they always offer their
guys pretty solid deals. I remember James Bradbury eventually came
back to them because he couldn't get a better deal elsewhere.
And my guess would be they will attempt to keep
Darius Slay, but maybe they won't max out just because
it's tough to do for everyone. You talk to some
players on Tuesdays, Shook Jordan Mylotta, Lane Johnson, Zach Bond,
not in a revenge game against the Chiefs, but a
revenge game against what was done to him in this
city by Dennis Allen who couldn't take advantage of him.
I know it's hurting Saints fans. It's really the underrated
Saquon Barkley storyline that like Saints fans are watching this
and be like, defensive player of the Year came in
Zach Bond, like we had this guy here any position? Yeah,
any thoughts, But before we move on, just about your
your conversations in person with the Eagles here on Tuesday.
Speaker 2 (35:00):
Yeah, that's the old Hassan Raddick line. It wasn't playing
the reposition Arizona until his last year. I think that,
you know, I spending a lot of time with the
offensive lineman just because it's kind of where my content
was directed. But I think that, you know, the main
narratives have been, you know, hey, getting over what happened
last year, not the Super Bowl loss, but what happened
last year and how that has made them a stronger
team has been very interesting to me. And also the
transformation of their offensive line after you know, losing Jason Kelcey,
sliding Cam Jurgens over to the center and creating a
hole at guard, and then Makhai Beckton coming in. Sirianni
had some nice things to say about Beckton as well
as as well as Lane. Johnson asked him, you know,
how long did it take you to get acclimated with
playing next to him? Because he's a large human and
he actually noted that, like the average guard is not
his size, and so when it comes to picking up stunts,
it makes life easier because there's less space to move
through because he's so massive. My lot is hilarious, is
always you know, he's just got a nice charm about him,
but it's interesting to see him in where you know,
where he was in their last Super Bowl appearance versus
now again more business like, so nothing like overly revelut toy.
They're very much about their business. But it is an
interesting and a lot to talk about Vic Fangio too,
that these guys love Vic Fangio and what they've done
for this defense as well.
Speaker 1 (36:11):
He's a true ball guy. And yet no one has
made more money this season, I think than a pair
of Eagles. In terms of upcoming free agents. Makai Beckton
is going to get paid and it'd be a great
story for him considering everything that went on the Jets,
whether it's what the Eagles or not.
Speaker 3 (36:28):
We'll see.
Speaker 1 (36:28):
Milton Williams, I think, is going to be a tough,
tough player for them to keep as well, because and
you put on that film from the NFC Championship game,
he might have been their best defensive player. And he's
in a good spot because Jalen Carter soaks up those
double teams. But man, to your point, Patrick, this is
not the same team. I just think of how much
better Nolan Smith was than he was a year ago.
Jalen Carter is a better player than he was a
year ago. So it's also development the Chiefs, you know,
they they've improved as well. Well, we'll talk plenty about
the Chiefs. We have a big preview with some special guests.
We have Greg Olsen plan to come on to our
preview show to help Jordan and I and you Shook
look ahead to the game. No better ball noer than him,
to give us some insight you.
Speaker 4 (37:12):
Should be calling the game.
Speaker 3 (37:14):
I know, can we bring that up?
Speaker 1 (37:16):
He has talked about it a little, so that's kind
of what I want to talk about.
Speaker 3 (37:19):
But I don't.
Speaker 1 (37:20):
I don't think we'll focus on that before we go,
because this is gonna be last time the trio is here.
We did the Sunday nights together, and last time during
the regular season that Patrick and I'll be in the
studio here together. Although like, I don't know what you're
doing next week, Patrick, but this show continues on. It's
not really ending. I want your pick. I want your
pick before we get out of here.
Speaker 4 (37:43):
And I know you know, it was in the heat
of the moment.
Speaker 5 (37:46):
It was after the AFC and NFC championship games, and
I was like, ah, the Eagles are going to win
the Super Bowl.
Speaker 4 (37:50):
Well, I've I've thought about this game.
Speaker 5 (37:52):
I've done a lot of looking at next gen SATs
in NFL NFL Pro. I think the Eagles are going
to win the Super Bowl. Greg all Right, I think
top to bottom, this is a better roster. I know
they have the best football player we've seen in a
very long time in Kansas City.
Speaker 4 (38:04):
But this team is very good. They could absolutely lose.
Speaker 5 (38:07):
They could absolutely lose, but I think that they will
win the game because I think they're a better team.
Speaker 1 (38:11):
Wow, you just simplified it by the way you mentioned
Cam Jurgens. He said he's playing in this game. That's
a big item there. And I really think, just vibes
wise that Brandon Graham has a great chance to play.
Speaker 2 (38:26):
Yeah, it's the sense I get to. Well, he talked
about it. The tone was as if he's going to
try to play.
Speaker 3 (38:31):
So to my point before, it's not the same team. Yeah,
they can.
Speaker 1 (38:34):
They can add their best pure pass rusher, I would say,
and Brandon Graham will see what he does. But Patrick's
definitive and concise with his pick on game de view.
I mean, you gave them an eight point win a
bit off, Mike. You said they might be up a
couple scores here and the Chiefs get one late to
make it even look closer and make them sweat a little.
But that you you really like them. You don't think
it's going to be back and forth them when he
at the end, you think they might win it so
U comfortably.
Speaker 5 (39:06):
No, I think it works out better for them, And
in fact, you know, it may lead to some conservative
hurts throws, maybe he takes the sack, maybe he holds
onto the ball a little too long because things. I
think they'll be able to run the ball against the Chiefs.
I think the Chiefs throw behind the line of scrimmage
a lot, and the Eagles are very gifted and making
those tackles in space where it's going to have to
be fifteen magic all the way up and down the field.
And it happened last time, a ball bounced directly to
Nick Bolton and they end up winning the game. I
think this time this Eagles team is significantly better than
that last Eagles team.
Speaker 2 (39:39):
Yeh yeah, but yeah, I agree. I think that the
Eagles defense and they're the blueprint that they produced in
the NFC title game. Well not as drastic is going
to play a factor. I think you're going to see
a turnover or too that swings it in a direction
where they take a two touchdown lead to the fourth
quarter and like you know, Patrick kind of put out there,
it ends up being like I have thirty one to
twenty six. It was like my first thought, I haven't
really settled on that, but that's probably where we're headed.
Speaker 5 (40:04):
And Vic Fangio as the defensive coordinator is much better
than Vic Fangio as the consultant, like twenty minutes after
he finishes a year with the Dolphins.
Speaker 1 (40:11):
Or as the head coach of the Denver Broncos back
in the day. Although those defenses they were tough to
play against for Mahomes, and yet Mahomes always found a
way to win literally every time. I'm growing increasingly uncomfortable
with all the Eagles support because you know, that's how
that's how I'm leaning. I mean, it just seems I'm
just saying, it seems very widespread in the media, and
you know, it makes us all feel good before the game.
And Eric behind the glass is certainly rooting for that
because he's a he's a vengeful person who did hater.
Speaker 5 (40:45):
Fortunately, I don't think any of us can do anything
to make the Chiefs try harder. Now, I think the
Chiefs will attempt to win the Super Bowl, regardless of
how many people doubt them, no, disrespect them, or believe
in them.
Speaker 3 (40:55):
They will before we go.
Speaker 1 (40:59):
While we're here in the rest Whistling Podcast studio for
the last time this season, I was thinking about Chris
this morning, and it's a time of year those who
are close to him, I know Lakeisha of course thinks
about him a lot. He died four years ago on
February fifth, actually, so that that's tomorrow when we get
down to New Orleans and.
Speaker 3 (41:25):
His birthday, my birthday we share.
Speaker 1 (41:27):
It is in a couple of weeks too, so it's
a time where you reflect and it it's kind of
a mind fuck because this week is when he died,
so it's always it was super Bowl week, and I
think about like how that week was often when when
we get to this time of year and and that
was tough, that was like that was the worst.
Speaker 3 (41:55):
That was a nightmare.
Speaker 1 (41:57):
It's the worst week of my life. And you also
think about the times like during during that week I
had a chance to sit with him a couple of
days before before he passed and and just spoke. It's
a one sided conversation at that point, and we talked
about football, you know, as we always always did, and
we talked about family and Lincoln and keish and his
brothers and in life.
Speaker 3 (42:25):
And that was really special.
Speaker 1 (42:29):
And there's like no words to sort of describe all
the feelings that that you're having in that moment. But
I feel very grateful to to have had that with
with him and to have had all the conversations that
we had thinking about it just from a football perspective
about football, because one of the things I take away
from thinking about it now four years if in some
ways I was just talking about about it with keish
Uh last week and some ways it feels so long,
so much has changed. That was, you know, the tail
end of the pandemic, and our lives have changed, and
it feels so long. But on the other hand, you
can just feel what that feeling was like and really
for the next next year. It's been it's been tough,
but especially right right in that aftermath. But it gets
me thinking, you know, about what we are grateful for too,
which is having friends to talk football with and Chris
was a special guy to talk football with.
Speaker 3 (43:28):
For me, is.
Speaker 1 (43:29):
Almost like a football a football soulmate, you know what
I mean, Just like someone that was the perfect person
to talk football with. And just thinking about the Thursday
nights that we always spent at the Culver Building or
at his house in Westchester and watching those games, and
as we're approaching this game, which a lot of people do,
enjoying it with their family or their friends or whatever,
just just appreciating those moments because it was obviously more
than those moments. It was about our life lives together
and friends and family, but it was also about those moments.
Just just chilling what the moments that weren't special, the
moments that wasn't that last week, because because I think
there's a tendency and you guys can tell me if
you disagree that when you lose someone important to you,
that last period really sticks sticks with you and it
and that makes sense and it's natural, but it's almost
a shame because everything that came before it is what
what built up your your relationship. And one thing I
think was really unique about Chris was he kind of
had a near death experience the first time he had cancer,
he went through chemo and he came out the other
side and and yeah, Keisha and I talk about this
a lot that the years after that where they had
a you know, great year after that, and they get
engaged and they eventually get married. And of course linking
comes that he had this awareness of how much to
enjoy those Thursday nights watching with me, but also obviously
going out with Dan and Mark, and obviously all the
times he had with brothers and all the times. There
were no times that he was not trying to enjoy.
And he actually had a little saying and in typical
West fashion, a little Excel spreadsheet which was called Enjoy
every Sandwich, And he was trying to keep track of
every sandwich that he had during that period and to
find the perfect sandwich. He wanted to make the perfect sandwich.
He wanted to eat all the perfect sandwiches. He wanted
to categorize them by different types of sandwiches because he
was just a Rankings type of dude. He wanted to
put them in different cuisines, different regions. Him and Keish
drove from Cincinnati to Nashville and just hit up as
many great sandwich spots along the way so he could
document to all and and that for him was enjoy
every sandwich he kept. He had that at the top
of the spreadsheet. I gotta I gotta dig this up.
I got to go find some of those those sandwiches.
And uh, that's what I want to think about too.
During these weeks, You're going to think about the tough
the tough times. But like that to me, as I'm
heading down to New Orleans, one of my favorite places
in the world, and going to see a lot of
my favorite people in the world that I'm really grateful
to be around, and you two of the are obviously
included in that is that I'm going to enjoy the
hell out of every sandwich. I'm not going to waste
the meal down there in New Orleans. I'm not going
to waste a great football conversation that I could have
with the people that are close to me. And I'm
going to think about Chris and and I'm gonna we're
going to do the best to honor him.
Speaker 5 (46:44):
Yeah, people will always say that nobody tells you that
you're in the good old days. Yeah, but but during
that that post, first bout all, Chris was well aware
that he was in he was in the good old
days and to be to be out of the you know,
at the house at that point once they had moved
and having the barbecues like and seeing that, you know,
because people talk about cooking with love like it's it's
going in there. He's got love for the people in
his life, and love for the food, and just love
for the fact that we all get to do this together.
And too, because I'm so glad you pointed out, like
you see the snapshots right towards the end, but it's
it's the build up, it's the totality of all that
and and kind of soaking in those moments while they
happen that that makes you appreciate them more.
Speaker 4 (47:36):
And since then, right like Lincoln Sage were born.
Speaker 5 (47:41):
Within a couple of weeks of each other, and seeing
them both grow up to this point, since then, you know,
having seen cancer take more folks out of our lives
that we experienced football with, like Larry Campbell, you know,
you you realize that this is not this is not
like a workplace situation. These are the people that you
get to experience life with and it brings a.
Speaker 4 (48:08):
Joy to football itself.
Speaker 5 (48:12):
Because we got to have the opportunity to be around
these people in this time, and so four years.
Speaker 4 (48:21):
And feels like it feels like ours.
Speaker 5 (48:23):
It also feels like four years, and I'm just glad
that I had those years of Chris.
Speaker 2 (48:30):
You're right great that it feels like it was a
long time ago because of what was going on. It's
also somewhat coincidental. I walked into a deli today next
to the hotel, and that's immediately what I thought of
as I looked at the menu was enjoy every sandwich.
I've never been here, but I thought about Wes, and
I thought about that saying, and about trying to maximize
every experience, whether it's just out of random deli, or
whether it's the years that I spent out with you guys,
the times that we had, the gatherings at his old
apartment along the beach in Marina del Rey, watching him
with the big green egg smoking up, or I still
look aw.
Speaker 1 (49:07):
It'll say too much about those those got a little
uh squarely at certain points.
Speaker 2 (49:12):
I still look back at the video I had to
him dressing them up, or the time that we were
together and somebody was in one of those dinosaur costumes
and he's got his arm around and hugging it. You know,
we're having a good time. And you know, every time
we do a Super Bowl it's for me, you know,
working remotely, it's the time to get together with everybody,
the people that we form these bonds with through work,
who are more than just colleagues, their family. And every
time there's there's always that feeling that someone's missing that
person as west and yet at the same time that
that is a constant reminder because this can become routine
from year to year, even as things change and everything else.
But you could stand at a press conference and it's
a reminder to enjoy all this, savor all of this.
As you said, Yeah, and the difficult part about losing
somebody is that they're no longer there and that your
time with them has run out. But all the lessons
that you've gained from that person and the value that
you had that you have in the time that you
shared together, I think still informs you as you move forward.
And I wish he was here. I miss him all
the time, just like you guys too. And he was
a special person and deserving of much more than just
having a podcast studio named after h I'll tell you.
Speaker 3 (50:25):
That, you know what, and he he got much more.
Speaker 1 (50:27):
That's what he would tell you, and that he we
you go back and forth from anger of that he
was all the things that he was robbed of, but
he would have said, the loves of his life, you know,
Lakeisha and Lincoln, What a gift.
Speaker 3 (50:43):
That they were.
Speaker 1 (50:44):
And yeah, just I wanted to talk about him today
obviously with the anniversary of his death tomorrow and everything,
and we're here in the studio because there is something too.
There is something too these anniversaries, I realize, and part
of it is he's not going to be forgotten from us.
But it feels good to talk about him, Like I
think that's the you you want to honor him the
best way.
Speaker 3 (51:10):
I think that's one of them.
Speaker 1 (51:11):
It is to talk about him, to remember him, to
not just let the day go by, to honor him
with with everything you're doing. And he's obviously inside of
all of us, and and that's part of it. And
on these days to remember him and yeah, yeah, remember
fucking badass times and you remember the pain as well,
and that's all it's all wrapped up. And and football
is a big part of it. Was a big part
of my life with him, my relationship. It's about me
going back to uh, going back to Rhade World, back
back in like six oh seven. So appreciate everyone that
that is with us here listening to to NFL Daily
and listen to us talk about Chris here on this
February day. The next time you'll hear us, we'll be
on February fifth. It'll be down there in New Orleans.
I'll see a Nick uh in just a little bit.
And thank you Patrick for yeoman's work all season long
and that and that Eagles pick that it's not even
going to be close.
Speaker 5 (52:08):
We're not stopping that after the confetti falls and we
all just pretend like we're we're back.
Speaker 4 (52:13):
We're podcasting maybe all the way through.
Speaker 3 (52:14):
We really, we really are.
Speaker 1 (52:15):
We gotta we gotta talk about what exactly the schedule is,
but it's not going away for long, and it's it's
gotta be daily. And yeah, look when we're when we're
already talking about a new Kirk Cousins landing spot and
the week before the Super Bowl, you know football is