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January 31, 2025 • 50 mins

On this episode of NFL Daily with Gregg Rosenthal, the Saints Block Party — Adam West & Ryan Hinton — join the show with on-the-ground analysis from the Senior Bowl in Mobile, Alabama. The trio talks standouts, prospect rankings, draft predictions for this NFL draft class, as well as potential fits for Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford in 2025. Later, Gregg explains the latest reports on the allegations surrounding Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Welcome to NFL Daily, where the Draft is starting in Mobile.
I'm Greg Rosenthal in my garage and I'm joined by
my two friends, Adam West and Ryan Wolf of the
Saints Block Party podcast, our Senior Bowl correspondents out there
in Alabama.

Speaker 2 (00:25):

Speaker 1 (00:27):
What is happening Adam and Ryan sharing a mic here.
I hope this isn't awkward for you guys, But you
look great. You got the merch, you look relaxed. You've
been boots on the ground here for a couple of
days in Mobile.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
We have.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
It's been it's been a very fun, exciting, little tiring,
very busy. What three days since we've been out of
a week, you know, it came in. But before we
even talk about the Senior Bowl, I just want I
want to just kind of take it in. I want
to just give you love, Greg, and because first, you
know you've been doing NFL Daily, you know, doing your

your shows with Patrick Claybond, You're doing your shows with
Steve Wish.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
You have them on, you have me and Ryan on.
We have done. I wanted to Dante some.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Love who's helped us and he's part of our Saint
splot Pipe podcast community and being at the Senior Bowl,
being at these events, being in the stands, being at
the you know, Ryan, what's at the pressure when Jim
Naggi had his opener. There's not a lot of representation
because media is still white and still male, and that's

what it looks like. And it's just it's just a
juxtaposition to me because it's like the country, the president
is like, let's get it, let's do it. The deis
and and being in the stands and just seeing how
football is covered. I just want to give some love
to you for just being real and being authentic and

being just being who you are of you know, not
just opportunity, but you you recognize really we appreciate that.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Greg, I recognize ball knowers. That's what I recognize. And
people that can make me make me laugh, and.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
People that are there.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
I wish, I wish we had the money that we'd
be sending you guys out to be our correspondence.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
But I'm calling you that you guys are out there
on your own dime.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
Of course, UH supporting your podcast and everyone should check
that out. Saints Block Party podcast. They got a lot
of good interviews this week on their Patreon. UH and
uh boots on the ground. It's cool and yeah, it's
a it's a good call with the draft community, especially
even even amongst the NFL media community, is particularly one note.

So I've never been down there before. Ryan, you lived
there first of all, Like what I didn't really think about.
So I was just introducing you. But Adam West and
Ryan Wolf. You guys got some like broadcast superhero type
names here right now? You know, like that you guys
should be in front of the camera with Adam.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
You just named it be Ryan Wolf.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
So I'm not even I did actually think that's your name.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
But then I saw that's what you went by, a boot,
that blue sky, that boy Wolf. I was like, Damn,
I didn't know his actual name was Ryn Wolf.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
It's not it's not just sound Ryan Wolf, not related.
But I love.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
What what's it? What's it been like this week?

Speaker 1 (03:26):
Let's get into the players, cause the thing that stands
out to me the most just from watching your guys
covered is how convinced Adam is that Jackson Dart, the
Ole miss quarterback who I happen to talk a decent
amount with Nate ticeon. And we'll stick to some of
the big names some of the top fifty players that
are there in Mobile. But quarterbacks always interesting. Your team

needs a quarterback long term, of course, despite you know
the presence of Spencer Rattler. But thinking big picture, I'm
amazed how convinced Adam Is, who I know has good
contact throughout the league, that this guy is going top ten,
top fifteen, Like nobody's saying that yet.

Speaker 5 (04:04):
Why are you so confident, I'll say at least top fifteen.
I just there's just there's there's buzz that.

Speaker 4 (04:13):
He will potentially may have a bow Knicks type of
bump where there's just gonna be a team that falls
falls in love with him as a prospect. And Greg,
we know how it is in the draft when there's
teams when it comes to this quarterback thirst, we see
it oftentimes. Again, what's gonna be interesting is is there

gonna be that restraint that we saw in twenty twenty
two in a down quarterback draft when you have the
can you pick it Malik Willis draft and we don't see,
we don't see the thirst come to fruition or is
there gonna be a team that the Steelers, the Rams
and you and you know, we don't know what's gonna

going wrong with Matthew Stafford. Is there gonna be a
team that's gonna feel like they can squint and a
just ask you this, Well, let's go back to last year,
around the same time last year, with anyone talking about
bo Nicks going at tenth in the drought.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
No, and at this time of year.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
He was getting knocked a little bit for not having
the best senior ball week, which I think informed a
lot of the coverage afterwards. But that doesn't doesn't mean
it's gonna happen with everyone. Ryan, what did what did
you see out of Jackson Dart this week? Let's let's
start there on the field.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
I mean, he looked He looked good. That's that's the
thing about him. He looks the part. If you just
watch him, you know, move around, just the command of
the offense and all that stuff. He looks the part.
You know. As a personally, I just it would definitely
be an overdraft, like for him to go in the
top five, top fifteen or top ten. But you know,

like Ed, I'm just saying you could have made that
argument about bo Knicks last year, but I still I
struggle to see it with dark But I do see
the uh tools, The tools are there, and you could
see the tools that would entice an NFL team that's
thirsty for a quarterback, because there's like a lot of
teams this year that really need quarterbacks.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
Why just because he's like he's just big and athletic
and handsome basically.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
And he has a good arm. It's not It was
funny during to see the Senior Bowl week, you know,
the first two practices he wasn't really on corking it.
I was like, man, where is this arm? You know
that I was supposed to hear about. Today when he
had like the team drills going against the defense, you
saw him let it loose a little more and you know,
drive the ball a little more. Not that he has
like a huge Matthew Stafford type on and that like that,

but he hasn't, you know, a decent nice arm. So
I just think maybe the quarterback thirst meets the tools
and he could get boosted up for me personally. But
if that's what they if you're hearing that now and
everybody's buzzing about them, it always starts little buzz and
then come April it's like, okay, of course you of

course he went top top fifty, you know, just saying,
let me just put it out there.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
Okay, Well, then you better be right.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
You know you're going strong on this you're talking about
I think he might go at nine to the Saints
that you're feeling on top fifty.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
You know, I didn't say I would just put it.

Speaker 4 (07:14):
I was just wanted to just gauge the post of
how Saints fans would feel. Okay, I didn't say he
was going the Saint.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
You put it out there. I saw what you did.
Don't don't try to gasp me.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
He he was forty third on Daniel Jeremiah's top fifty prospects,
So that caught my attention because I don't even think
he's that high on other people's. And that's that's Dania
Jeremiah's opinion, and it's it's not his mock draft, but
the fact that he from that sort of respected evaluator,

that he's going to get that high, then he's got
a chance to be QB three, and then some of
the push for the quarterbacks could happen. I would push
back and say cam Ward going top fifteen and Shader
Sanders going top fifteen, that's the push because if they
were in last year's draft, those guys might be behind

bow Nicks they or right around him, they might be
about QB six, QB five, QB six. I think they
would definitely would have been behind Pennix and and Pennox
was QB four, So so to me, those guys going
relatively early there, I think there is a point where
you gotta have the talent and and we'll see, Like

he's an intriguing guy. It feels like he maybe has
a strong like agent going on, like some strong buzzes
just just happened with this dude from the cornerbacks that
you saw there this week. Riley Leonard was there, and
it's it's because I'm a big Nate Tice fan, and
I remember listening to him talk about him a lot
last year, Like he's a much bigger Riley Leonard fan
than I think America is. And Leonard had it yeah,

hadn't up, yeah, hadn't up and down season at Notre
Day and which probably did not help his his status.
Is there anyone that stuck out to you at quarterback
other than than Jackson Dart who who Yeah, like I
was listening to move the sticks. People should check out
our our podcast on NFL Media, Move the Sticks, who's
been doing daily recaps, and they I can read between

the lines. They weren't that impressed with Dart the first
couple of days, kind of like you and and it
sounds like today from the network coverage, they were more impressed.
Was there anyone else at quarterback that you liked there
this week?

Speaker 4 (09:30):
I would say, coming into the Singer Bowl, I wasn't
expecting a whole bunch from Dylan Gabriel, the Oregon quarterback,
And I think he just impressed me just in terms
of just his his accuracy and he has a probably
a little more on his on his throne that I
then anticipated. And everyone everyone likes to just make the

lazy like, oh, he'd be a perfect like backup quarterback
for Tula in Miami and then if he gets hurt,
like there's not like a drop off in the offense.
Even before the Singer Bowl, but then I watched it,
I was like, like that would be that would be
perfect for the Dolphins. If you go to the Dolphins
season every time to what gets hurt, like they don't
have an adequate backup situation. They have to completely change

their offense. Toua was left handed and like you can
make a lot of like Dylan Gable would make perfect
sense for them, like in the fourth round or in
the fifth round because he's left handed and he gets
it and anyway, but he he's been like impressive and
what he's able to what he's shown here in Mobile.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
Ryan, do you feel like a scout now?

Speaker 3 (10:37):
Have you?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
I hope you don't have any like imposter syndrome because
this is a home game. I've listened to your podcast.
You know you're from you're living in Mobile. You're not
from Mobile, but you live nearby, and so it's a
home game. Like how is it putting on that scouting
cap and what have you seen?

Speaker 3 (10:54):
It feels natural for me? Man, I love it, you know.
Jalen Moreau he was the guy to look for coming
into this into this week. Uh, he started out this
practice his practice week kind of rough. I can't lie,
like just just as far as accuracy, you know, fumbling

the ball, interceptions and stuff like that. I thought he
had a really solid day to day when they had
the team practices. Also kind of like dark, Uh, impressive kid,
Like I was there for his his initial presser just
like an impressive kid that will probably win some GM's
coaches over in the meeting room. Obviously dripping with talent,
athletic fast. He can give you the second action plays.

It's not like he has a week on. He's a
good arm and when he and you watch the tape,
he does throw accurately at times, but it's just like you,
he's He's similar to Jalen Hurts was when he came out,
whereas like, I'm gonna have to kind of build him
into a passer and use his legs and use his
playmaking ability to build him along. It's just just one

of those guys where you just kind of hope that
he probably got another year, but it doesn't matter now
he's coming into the NFL, so I let him, let
him get let him get his reps in the NFL,
you know, and maybe he'll improve there. So it's gonna
be to see how his process goes along.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
Just a quick and just a little quick thing. I
found it very interesting that both Mike Tomlin was here
with author Smith his oh scene very like just just
a little note together. It's a little interesting note I
took by being here.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Right, And Milroe is a guy who if you're putting
them into different buckets of types of quarterbacks strengths weaknesses.
You mentioned Hurts justin fields, might might be another one
where where some of the strengths some of the weaknesses.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
And to me, he he has potential to be a
special runner like like.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Already right, So that's such a great floor to start from.
And to me, he seems like a much more likely
QB three. If you're telling me someone's gonna get pushed
up the board a little bit, he.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
Makes more sense to me.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
And Hurts is a really interesting comparison because I'll always
remember Jeremiah at the last second with his top fifty
prospects right before the draft, finally putting Hurts, and he
just said, there's too many people around the NFL that
have told me he's just a special person in terms
of what a leader and a worker he is. That

I'm gonna just bet on him and see what happens
and put him in there. And it's funny, it's right
about where he went in the draft. He didn't go
first round, but he did go top fifty, and now
here he is in his.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Second Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
No one's putting him as a top five quarterback. We
didn't put him on QB Island. We might have to
have a revote if he wins a Super Bowl. But
he is coming off as his best game of the season.
I gotta say about Hurts.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
This is a little bit of a sidetrack.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
But no, I just finished the coach the film from
last week and I and I went through, I went
through my notes, I went through like the PFF score
and stuff, and I was like, that was his.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
Best game of the season. And then I was singing
like two.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Years ago was the best game of his career and
it was the Super Bowl. I mean, if this is
any other sport, we would call that a big game player. Now,
it's a little inconsistent because not all of his playoff
games have been magic. In fact, he's had some just
okay ones, including this year. But it's pretty cool that
the best game of his career is in the Super Bowl,

the best game of his season is in the NFC Championship.
That's kind of what you want. That's what you want
on your leader, right. I know he's not like Patrick Mahomes,
but that's kind of what you want. It makes me
afraid to pick against.

Speaker 4 (14:40):
Him, and he was drafted in the second round, and
he was considered like a quote unquote project quarterback, Like
that's that's true quarterback development.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
Remember they were like, we can use him as a
tsom Hill. Maybe it was like we are in the
super Bowl for the second time.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
All right, you got to make sure Adam's not just
hogging that Mike.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
Let's let's move. Let's move to the tight end position.
I'm just saying, you gotta it's like tilted towards you.
I see what you're doing. Adam's kind of the host
between you two, and he's trying to get preferential sound
treatment here. The tight ends, the tight ends in Mobile
looked like they were awesome from Afar, it's a really
good tight end class. I keep referring to DJ because

I gotta have some some foundation to build my rankings from.
And he's got two tight ends in his top ten
overall players, which is wild their top fifteen overall players,
and Tyler Warren is one of them, and they weren't
in Mobile. But he had two others that were in Mobile,
Mason Taylor, the son of Jason Taylor, and Elijah Arroyo,

who had a bunch of great looking catches from my
eyes this week, just from the TV copy. Ryan, give
me your impressions on like Wich, which of those two
you like better?

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Just what stood out with those two.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
The thing about a royal is just the way he moves,
man like you you watch him quickly, you're gonna see it.
It's like, Okay, this guy is six four and a half,
you know, two hundred and whatever pounds, two hundred and
sixty pounds, moving like this, come like this this. You
could easily see him being special in the offense. Now

we know how tight ends work. You know, you could
be as special as you want. To be an effective
tight end. You have to do a lot of the
dirty work. You gotta be able to, you know, somewhat
block You gotta be able to do things. We'll see
how he is in that area, you know. But I
mean just from a talent standpoint and a you know,
red zone going up. He had a red zone catch today,
but he went up and attacked the ball. Just looked

just like Jimmy Graham, man Like. It just reminded me
of Jimmy Graham from back in the day. So like,
just awesome. I know, Ty Warren, he wasn't at the
Senior Bowl, but he's like, you know, mostly the tight
end one for most people, Adam is thinking like, man,
it's a Royal better than Ty Warren. You know that's
going to be one of the fas. But there's a

there's so many tight ends in this class though. I mean,
you've got Harold Fanning. He's out of where's he got
out of Bowling Green. He's super talented, didn't shine that
much this week at Singing Bowl, but you know his
team speak for himself, he's really an athletic.

Speaker 4 (17:19):
And for for Mason Taylor, I think this tightening class
in running back class is very much like ice cream
is just like what is your flavor? And with Royal
you get so like with Mason Taylor, it's like he's
more of a what's it like, a more complete tight
end in terms of someone that maybe you can play
him more and more in line. He's going to be

more of a factor in the run game, but still fluid,
maybe not as fluid. And then someone a friend of
mine made a great comparison I think for Mason Taylor,
like as a pro Green Bay Packers Luke musk Grave
as a pro comparison, I felt like that was very
apt and I feel like Mason Taylor is going to
be a better role player than he was in college.

We actually actually got to have a quick interview with
him and he very so very But this running backs
and tight ends are just going to it's just what
do you want out of out of your players? Really,
what it's going to boil down to for both those
positions in this draft class.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
That's an interesting comp you know, from I gotta I
gotta get in on the tape on these guys.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
I'm looking forward to watch it. It must grave I
never was.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
I don't know if he was as natural he he
definitely has the speed. I think just being Jason Taylor's
son is gonna get him pushed up.

Speaker 2 (18:36):
People just want to and there is something to.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
That quick thing to his Mason Taylor or sorry, Mason
Taylor's mom is zach Zak, Thomas's former Texas Tech linebackers sister,
right right.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
I remember that back in the day when they were playing.

Speaker 4 (18:54):
Yeah, it was like, he's like born to be an
NFL player.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
I see it at the NFL. I think about this
all the time. People are just like.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
All these athlete sons, you know, they have the jeans and.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
That's why they become great players.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
And it's like, yeah, that helps, of course, but a
lot of people have good jeans, a lot of people
are athletic. What they have is a freaking personal NFL
coach in their house with them twenty four to seven,
who's coaching them up from the time they're three years
old through this whole process. Jason Taylor is literally there.

You can't even imagine how valuable that is because I
see how.

Speaker 3 (19:34):
Crazy they not here the whole week.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
Right Like, I see how serious they are about their
NFL flag leagues, and that continues up to their when
they start playing tackle to their high school and as
long as the kids love it, and a lot of
their kids don't like that, a lot of them. It's
like one out of three of the kids, don't, you know,
it's one out of three loves it or whatever. But
the one that does, it's like they've they've got this

free coach who knows everything and knows how to train
and is gonna help you all along the way. And then, oh,
by the way, they also have basically unlimited resources to
get you on the best teams and get more coaches
and get more help. It's like that's why they're all
making the league. It's not just the jeans, it's and
I don't of course you don't blame them, like why
wouldn't Why wouldn't you do that to help your son?

Arroyo being that high potentially going up to TU one
is really interesting. He does seem like there's always like
a pass catcher at the Senior Bowl who I think
helps themselves a lot.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
McConkey was maybe was maybe one.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
And maybe it was a Arroyo this week, because for instance,
he was at the bottom of the top fifty for DJ.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
He had Taylor thirty five.

Speaker 1 (20:43):
And like I said, he had two tight ends in
the top top ten I believe, way ahead of him,
And so maybe that's someone that's gonna be jumping up boards.
Was there anyone at wide receiver? Will start with you,
Adam that you like this week? Now in general, just
for the listeners if you're kind of just getting up
to speed on this class. Not great at quarterback overall,

really strong at tight end and running back. Not believed
to be as deep or as top heavy as the
recent wide receivers class, which has been just kind of
crazy and the Senior Bowl reflected that it sounds like
too Uh.

Speaker 4 (21:18):
There's there's two players. Uh, there's Tess Johnson who at Oregon,
who wide receiver. He's gonna I'm fast fascinated to know
where he's gonna go. He's he's very very small in stature.
I think he's like one hundred and fifty pounds one
hundred and fifty six pounds, very diminutive in size. But

his movement skills and the way he wins reminds me
a little bit of Davonta Smith from the Eagles. He's
not as tall as DeVante Smith from the Eagles, but
just how he wins. He was almost unguardable here, just
in terms of, you know, no one could cover him
and if.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
Too strong, like Davante Smith, DeVante Smith is like no, okay, no,
he's not the.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
One thing that's surprised you about the slim reaper, Like, yeah,
hit him with a kill shot and he bounces right back,
and he always like embodies people for one hundred and
seventy five pounds or whatever he is.

Speaker 4 (22:12):
But you know, Tes Johnson, excuse me, did play for Oregon,
who was the number one, you know team largely throughout
the season, and was like one of their best weapons.
And teams knew going in that they needed to stop
test Johnson, and a lot of teams didn't have answers
for him. So he very much we made made himself,
made him out well here in mobile and Iowa State

receiver Jaydon Higgins tall six four. I compare him a
little bit to that of like the Keyon Coleman type,
the you know, win contested balls. Maybe not the best
in terms of maybe struggles a little bit with separation
in terms of like from cornerbacks, but it maybe doesn't
have that I won't have that production that you will

want from a rookie receiver. But also could be that
Drake London type you know eventually because he has that
that that same type of body type and frame he
does and has very very nice hands, very very soft
hands as well.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Oh that that's huge. Where Ryan do you think like
these guys would go? Ted Johnson is someone that it's
like one one place scouting Steve Balazola likes to talk about,
which which is funny, but it sometimes sometimes it works
like one of those plays on the highlights you know
on TV this week and his Tess Johnson stop and

start and even to slow down and then speed up.
It's insane you when you see it, you know, And
I was like, okay, that tracks.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
I don't care how small he is.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Like if if to tow at Well can go in
the fourth round, and Tank del can go in the third,
then Tess Johnson can go in the second or something
like that, because that that stop and start was crazy.

Speaker 3 (23:59):
We have presidents now because you know, five years ago,
you know, there was an argument about Vonte Smith and
he was coming out. I was like, can he hold
up in the league? Now we have a bunch of
those guys in the league. Just the way the offenses
are now and the way defenses are called, I think
somebody like to could survive. How you know, can he
catch ninety balls a year? I don't know. Rondo Moore

recently too, Yeah, yeah too. So I think he would
definitely be that like second to third round tier since
he's not a not only is he slim, but he's
not tall either, So I think he would kind of
fall into that kind of mid round day two sweet
sweet spot where people you know, you know, somebody take
a chance. But you know, I mean people like Andy Reid,

people like they they you know, they fire a guy,
they see it, have a specific vision for a guy,
they'll go get him. They don't care.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Yeah, and they and they should, Like those guys are valuable.
You can't tell them, Like I know it took a
minute to for even Kali Seki, who's a different type
of player, but for him get going. But you can't
tell me he's not more valuable than a whole lot
of second and third round picks that there have been
over the years.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
So I players like that.

Speaker 4 (25:08):
I that's a great little comparison, like in how they
both win.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
That's a good one.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Yeah, but Tez pops a little more, even at least
to me, it pops even more in terms of just
pure Xavier Worthy type. Once we figure him out, that
speed is going to be a major problem. Because Xavier
Worthy suddenly went for I'll be talking about it next
week in New Orleans. But Xavier Worthy somehow went from

a pretty rocky rookie year to easily the most important
receiver on the potential future Super Bowl champions.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Like he is their wide receiver one.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
I don't care what you say about him, Like they're
kind of building it around him him in Hollywood now
and like it's working.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
He's the man.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Let's go to the defensive side. The defensive line for
this Senior Bowl was really deep, and for this draft
was really deep. Probably the the best position in this
draft is throughout the defensive line. And there were a
lot of good players at the Senior Ball just just
to name a few, Mike Green, Shamar Stewart, Walter Nolan

all top thirty players according to Daniel Jeremiah, who stood
out to you the most, Ryan that you liked off
the defensive line, and then maybe Adam, you jump in
and can give me another one that you liked.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
Shamar Stewart, he stood out. He's been getting a lot
of pub I mean, he did so well this week.
He just said, look, I'm not playing the game. I'm
I'm out of here at peace. Like he and his
agent got up out of here. Mike Green did the
same thing. Had a great week. Well. It was funny
the first day the defensive lines were not performing well,
like none of the age players are playing well defensive tackle,

like they were just getting owned by the offense. So
the next day, day two, all the the d lineman
came in just on fire, just lighting it up. You know,
at the practices on the one on ones. You know,
there's a clip going around Mike Green blowing up the
offensive guard. Uh, and it was you know, so I
think those two players, Mike Green and Shamarrow like both

stood out tomorrow to Texas A and m Mike Green
out of Marshall. It was a big week for him
because he's a small school guy. If you go watch
clips of him online, if you can find him, he's
just dominating. He's just like a ball in the china shop,
just going crazy on against small, small school players. So
everybody wanted to see how would he perform against you know,
bigger name, bigger, bigger talented offensive lineman. And he did good.

He did good, so you know, his week is pretty
much over. But other than that, there were you know,
it was kind of hard to really see who really
was shining in the you know as defensive lineman because
you know, they they get on those one on ones
and they're letting him go for like two minutes and
it's like, yeah, of course the defensive lineman is winning
right now. The bowl will be gone like five minutes ago.

So it's like, what do we really learning? You best
you could do? Is go watch the tape and try
to figure out.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
How it's It's funny to me because I feel like
maybe maybe I and this is why I draft.

Speaker 5 (28:06):
The draft is such a beauty of the eye of
the beholder.

Speaker 4 (28:09):
A lot of people here let like feel like Mike
Green had like a great week, and like I I
feel like his week was like like okay, like at best,
I didn't feel like I didn't feel like he had
a great day one he got besides like maybe a play.
He got very man handled a lot day one because

he is he's two fifty and like he's a very
smaller edge rusher. And then yesterday he had a better
day and then he had that viral clip and then
literally he like dipped out, and I felt like his age,
it was like we've done enough. I do think Mike,
Mike Greens, you know, is gonna be a first round
d I and helped me out here. But I feel

like Walter Nolan has had a good week too, and
I feel like he's going to have a type of
rise that defendsil tackle from the tech from Texas that
went to the Seahawks.

Speaker 3 (29:02):
Name I'm blinking on Byron Murphy.

Speaker 5 (29:05):
Yeah, I think he's gonna have.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
That's my style of guy.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Everything I see and hear about Walter Nolan, I'm like, okay,
I like that.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
He's very Byron Murphy ish. We got to talk. We had,
you know, he was at the podium. We got to
ask him a.

Speaker 4 (29:16):
Couple of questions in terms of just his natural playing position,
and I just feel like he's had a he's had
a good week here and I feel like there he's
Byron Murphy is esque type of player, and I feel
like that's like that's his range is where he probably
is gonna end up going in the draft is as well.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
One thing I liked about I liked about his his interview,
the questions we asked. He's getting real detailed about the
positions he liked to play on the defensive line, just
you know, from three point to one point and all
a little different incacies in between. I just liked that
he talked about this stuff because some of these guys
they're just like, oh, just put me out there and
I'm gonna go get the quarterback or whatever. But he

was real educate with it. So that's it's gonna be interesting.
But he's a good player. If you're watching him on team. Yes,
you can see that he's just gonna be a good player.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
And everyone needs one man. You look at the teams
that are that are that are still left. You got
you got Chris Jones on one team. You've got Ed
Oliver coming off a really good playoff run for the Bills.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Got j Carter Well.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
I saw Chris Jones crying for the national anthem. I'm like,
it's over, it's over. Big got Uh?

Speaker 1 (30:26):
You got you got Carter Uh for the Eagles, who
might be the best defensive player in the playoffs. And
then even the Commanders like Jerry Newton was making some
place for them, and Jonathan Allen came back and he
was looking good, Like you need one of those guys.
And yeah, Nolan is twenty six right now on DJ's board,
and that that could go up. Mike Green is twenty third.
Shamar Stewart, who to me reminds me of one of

those defensive linemen you want on your team that's probably
better as your second defensive like and but that you
need above average starters who are really athletic. And even
if he doesn't finish plays all the time, like he's
a guy, people will be excited to work with.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
Josh Sweat is a guy like the Saints defensive.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
Okay, you you threw it out there. I don't need
to go over the offensive line starters or whatever. Let's
talk a little Saints.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
No of this draft stuff.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
No, no, no, well, you know we talked about Great,
We're going to that guy's name.

Speaker 2 (31:28):

Speaker 1 (31:28):
Gray's a booie. What is the North Dakota State pensive lineman?
He seems like he's the guy that that stood out
the most. It actually reminds me a little of Quinn Miners,
who I thought was just like a media gimmick because
of his big belly at the Senior Bowl a few
years ago. Everyone just like telling this story. And he's
literally the first team All Pro this year, maybe the

best guard in the league.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Is crazy, and he's been a rock here, like a rock,
and I don't I don't know where he was even
slotted to go. We're both draft ciccos, but like, I'm
not so much for draft cickle to know where he
was slotted to go.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
DJ had him in his top fifty barely.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
And again, his name is Grey Zabel North data State
and he can he can probably play center or guard
at the next level, like he's played all three positions,
but that he'll probably play inside as a pro at
least according to DJ, Yeah, I.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
Would just I'll say this, and we got some pretty good,
pretty good footage of the one on ones. There weren't
many one on one one on one on ones with
the defensive line that he got beat at.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
This is like he's been like he's like a just
a rock inside.

Speaker 4 (32:40):
So he's definitely made money this week And I think
you know, I'm not you didn't ask this question, but
like if you were just to ask me, like the
player that made the most money here this weekend, because
that's what the Senior Bowl is all about, right, just
making money stock, I would probably give that award to
Elijah Royal, like I and I think, oh okay, just

even yesterday at the media day, he had a media
like a media scrum when just walking in, like walking
in like he had a scrum of media people around him.
So he's definitely made himself some money. Our dude, Dante
made a great comparison just in terms of how he
moves as a football player. Only people, please, I'm gonna

preface it by only he moves like Aaron Hernandez moved
as a football player like if you just go and
I couldn't just like I'm shake And that's just how
he moves out the football player as a tight end.
But for sure, like the biggest person that's made money
this weekend, for sure has been I think by far
has been Elijah Royal.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
I mean that is it's always a tricky comp to make,
you know, I preface it, that's a.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
Tricky one to make though on the field though, because.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Aaron Hernandez, if you take out you know, coming into
the draft, was a top twenty pick if it wasn't
for being Aaron Hernandez, because of his talents in the
way that he moved, and he was rare in terms
of who he was as a player. You know, there's
one that pops up every few years kind of like him,

and they usually get taken in the top fifteen or twenty.
So that is how praise. Let's take actually a quick
break and then we're gonna come back. We're gonna talk
a little bit about Kellen Moore maybe becoming the Saints coach,
talk a little Matthew Stafford, and then we're gonna get
to our weekend and send you into the mobile night
back on NFL Daily.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
This a second, All.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
Right back here on NFL Daily.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
With my guys Adam and Ryan from the Saints Block
Party podcast.

Speaker 2 (34:45):
Who knows what's going on on their OnlyFans or no Patriots? Right,
that's Patrion. I mean, what's the difference really? Who knows
what's going on? In these interviews?

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Your boy Kellen Moore, it looks like he's gonna take
this job. And it's so funny, you guys, how you
went immediately from being so just like what is going
on with this Saints head coaching search and we're kind
of sick of Mickey Loomis, No one wants our job,
And then the second you just get a little with
over like a kind of good head coaching candidate who

wants to come aboard, You're just like, oh yeah, Kellen
Moore's man, We're all onboard the Kellen Moore Express.

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Explain yourself. Explain yourself.

Speaker 4 (35:31):
It's not Darren Rizzy, it's not John Gruden, Greg like,
that's the explanation. And I don't I don't think people
understand and understand how many coaches told Mickey Lomis and
the Saints know this, Know this head coaching search Mike

Mike Drabel was requested for an interview, didn't take an interview.
They reached out to Ben Johnson for an interview. This
never got reported, but I'm reporting it on NFL Daily.
Ben Johnson never got back to him, said like, basically,
what are you doing? Call it to me, like, come on,
Aaron Glenn.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
And he has ties to that building. He was never
in that building, but he has.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
Yeah, Aaron Glenn, like the you know, the favorite that
was gonna take the job.

Speaker 3 (36:18):

Speaker 4 (36:18):
He he doesn't even do an in person interview, like
everyone's gonna everyone's like everyone's little story. They add, oh
was because of the snowstorm. It wasn't because of the snowstorm.
He always wanted the jet job.

Speaker 3 (36:29):

Speaker 5 (36:29):
Joe Brady said it.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
He said it. He literally said that this was the
only job I wanted. So you can trust the man.

Speaker 4 (36:36):
Joe Brady stayed in Buffalo, also declined to in person interview.
And then Cliff Kingsbury didn't even take a virtual interview.
That's five coaches that told the same snow and so
as fans and as us for our podcast, you we
can we can squint as some things that killing Moore

has done with the Cowboys. I know, the charger stint
was a little rough. We can and look at the
things he's done with the Eagles and people be like, oh,
he has a great offensive line. He has, say Colin
Barkley has at this point, we don't care, like we
don't care because if it wasn't gonna be Kellen Moore,

and again it's all likely potentially gonna happen, potentially isn't
gonna be Kellen Moore. It literally was either gonna be.
And the Mike McCarthy thing was funny because they were
just they were putting Mike McCarthy on the back burner
like he was just like a like with a super bowler,
we'll get to you when we get to you type
of thing, to the point where he was like, no, like,

I'm not wasting my time if it's not it was
gonna be Darren Rizzy, or it was gonna be potentially
Drawing Rooded and uh.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Eh, yes you got you guys are so down on
the riz, you know Darren Rizzy, I mean Aaron Glenn
was happy to have him up there on the podium
with him in New York, so he was excited to
have to have Rizzy Ryan, what do you what are
you feeling about a potential Kellen Moore era and have
you come to terms? I think this means that Mickey
Loomis is keeping keeping all the power that that he's had.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
At least it seems like it's headed that way.

Speaker 1 (38:15):
You guys can tell me you're you're more connected than
I am if you if you think any differently, I.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
Mean, it seems like it. But we you know, we
really don't know. It's just been seeming like there's a
lot of weird stuff going on in the In the
Saints building, he had like multiple gms on the staff.
Randy Mueller was back, he had Dave Ziggler in there.
You know he's got he's got Dave said, get me
out of here. I mean, Ziggler was a part of

coaching interviews and meanwhile he's trying to become an assistant
GM somewhere else. It's just a mess. It's a mess.
I'm hoping like Gail or at least like Da Dennis Lusha,
team president, is like realizing that there's a problem here.
You know, so many coaches, I mean, Joe Brady didn't
take anything. I mean, Joe Brady, one of the most ambitious,

you know, young coaches in the league, just said, nah,
I'm just loving his life. I don't want I don't
want that Mickey Loomis life. And that's the thing people
really missing out on. You think it's oh, it's the salary,
campus the roster, blah blah blahlah blah, it's Mickey Loomis.
Like it's a trip Bulky type situation where coaches don't
want to work with him, you know, And unfortunately, it

doesn't look like that's gonna change a sat But maybe
we don't know, Maybe we'll move into a different role.
Maybe he'll you know, come to come some kind of
self realization, like like what he Johnson is like, Look,
I'm just gonna leave my guys alone and let them
do their thing. So we'll see. But Kellen Moore like, look, man,
he's had a couple of top you know, a couple
of top ten offenses as far as like you know,

EPA per Play or d v o A. You know,
he had the terrible charge a stint. You know that.
I'm really interested to find out what is his top
quarterback because everywhere he's been the quarterback has already been
in place. I'm curious to see what is his style.
Who does he want, you know, even if it's in

this draft or if it's somebody that's on the team,
does he want to keep like a Spencer Randler. I
don't see him being a damn Car guy, but maybe
he is. I hope not, but maybe he is.

Speaker 1 (40:19):
Well, when you say about the job being a little
poisonous in terms of all these guys turning it down,
and I think about Mickey Loomis, I think about his
press conference when he's so steadfast about how Derek Carr
is part of the future and we don't know if
that's going to be the case, but that might be
a turnoff for coaches. So if this guy's in charge

ultimately and he's back in it, I don't really believe
in this plan because for listeners out there, you know,
Curious Car doesn't have that much guaranteed money right now
on his contract. I think it's ten million dollars, which
teams eat all the time to get rid of. But
if he's gonna be if if they decide by March
they're keeping him, then then they're guaranteeing them. You know,

another year at that that big number and yeah, thirty
more million dollars and uh pushes more money into the future.

Speaker 2 (41:09):
And so they haven't made that decision. Let's wrap with this.

Speaker 1 (41:13):
Matthew Stafford is going to play football in twenty twenty five,
according to our Ian Rappaport at NFL Network, not a surprise.
I was actually surprised it was even a question. He
was pretty clear right after the season that I think
I'm playing well enough. And the way Ian reported it,

he just said something has to happen with the contract
for Stafford and that remains to be seen. Stafford's do
twenty seven million in twenty twenty five based on his
mini holdout which lasted like a literally two hours that
everyone forgot in twenty twenty four, Like, he's not going
to play for that money, so they're gonna have to
work out a new contract. And this last one just

felt kind of papered over. And do the Rams want
to commit a couple of years of guaranteed money to
Matthew Stafford? Can they come to a contractual agreement or
the fact that they're leaving this door open, are they
gonna let Stafford and his agent maybe look around and
see if there's a trade out there, because if so,

First of all, Saints would be kind of interesting, but
I don't know if you'd want to go there. Second second,
I actually think he'd be the best quarterback available. I
mean i'd take him over Darnold. I'd certainly take him
over Fields, and maybe i'd take him over cam warden
Shoud or Sanders because if I'm not that convinced, if
I'm the Titans, let's say and that these guys are

really worth the number one overall pick, maybe I'd rather
take Abdul Carter and trade like a future second and
get Matthew Stafford. You know, and I think that could
be an option for a number of teams, Giants, Browns, Raiders, Like,
there's a lot of teams out there where Stafford could
could make some sense.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
What do you ryan think about Stafford?

Speaker 1 (42:59):
I can't imagine the Saints getting in on them, but
just like where he would fit in this, in this
whole thing, because I do think there's something there. Maybe
all I've wasted my time talking about it, but I
really think they're almost putting it out there for other
teams to step in and say, Okay, Like I think
they're they're doing a little test balloon like your Saints
did with John Gruden three weeks ago.

Speaker 2 (43:19):
Oh, would people be mad if we hired John?

Speaker 1 (43:22):
You know, I feel like that's what the that's what
the Rams are doing right now with Matthew Stafford.

Speaker 3 (43:26):
Yeah, it does feel like that. And I mean, would
the Saints go with matt Matthew Stafford, I mean, I
don't think it would be out of the picture. It's
it would be it would be like they they have
to figure out what they want to do as far
as like overall, like overall, are we doing like a
rebuild thing or are we going to try to you know,

be in the hunt again for another year? That'll be
the question.

Speaker 1 (43:50):
But it's going to be this is the problem with
not having your coach, by the way, not to cut
you out and continue, but like he's going to be
the last one to hire all of his coaches others
like this. If this Matthew staf Afford thing happens, it
probably will happen before the Super Bowl, because that's when
it happened before. It's when Kirk Cousins happened, like it's
happening right now. Potentially, what did you go on.

Speaker 5 (44:09):
Matthew Stafford's trade value, like that's such a fascinating because
he has what maybe a year left, maybe two at
the most, Like what is his what is his trade value?

Speaker 4 (44:19):
Like fair trade value for Matthew staff No.

Speaker 1 (44:23):
No idea, no idea, because all it takes is two teams.
To me, if you're the best quarterback on the market
for twenty twenty five, then you should have some value. Now,
whether that's like a late second or it's like a fourth,
I don't know. I would think it'd be somewhere in
that range. I don't think you're getting first round picks
for Matthew Stafford, but for the Rams it's it's a

little mystifying, honestly, but I think it it might be
a little bit of the same issue that happened with
Jared Goff that I I don't know. Sean McVay is
a little like Gruden in this way where he's always
his eyes are always wandering, and he always wants the
guy who can like run his scheme a perfect way,
and when it's Stafford there, it's kind of the Matthew
Stafford scheme. It's kind of like, I don't know that

much about your boy, Kellen Moore, because like this, Jalen
Hurt the Eagles offense is just the Jalen Hurts offense.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
Doesn't matter who's the coordinator there.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
They look the same year after year like it's just
what Jalen Hurts likes to do. And it makes sense
you try to help your quarterback out. But uh, I
think I think something could happen here. Keep an eye out.

Speaker 5 (45:23):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (45:24):

Speaker 4 (45:25):
Get like, would I'd be all for Matthew Stafford for
maybe like a yeah, they got they got a third
from the the the Marshall Lattimore.

Speaker 3 (45:37):
What if the Rams say we'll give you Matthew Stafford
and our twenty sixth pick for you a ninth pick?
Oh flip sat so they can get Jackson duck baby.

Speaker 2 (45:57):
He brought it back around.

Speaker 1 (45:58):
Love you guys, The Saints Block Party podcast, Ryan and
Adam check him out on Patreon. Not only fans check
him out on Patreon and just a regular feed obviously
wherever you can get your podcast. Thanks guys, Thank thank
you for being our first ever Senior Bowl correspondence. Hopefully

you guys can do it again next year.

Speaker 3 (46:24):
Thank thanks for having us.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
All right, I'll see you guys. Uh. That was Ryan
and Adam.

Speaker 1 (46:31):
As we wrap up, one other big item of news
today that I did want to get into because it's
the biggest NFL story that came across as we're taping
on Thursday. It's about Justin Tucker. It's a story from
the Baltimore Banner, a website where they spoke with six

massage therapists who accused Tucker of inappropriate behavior during massage sessions.
The incidents allegedly took place between twenty sixteen and twenty twelve.
Tucker denies the allegations very strongly. E League spokesman said
they first became aware of the allegations from a reporter
investigating the story, as they were previously not shared with

the NFL. And what I would say if you're listening
to this and you have an opinion on it, or
you want to have an opinion or your interest and
go read the article because it's free to read. I
think it's very thorough, very detailed, very specific reporting with
six different massage therapists who spoke directly to the site,

did not know each other before or about each other's stories,
and the stories are very similar to each other.

Speaker 2 (47:46):
And they're very credible.

Speaker 1 (47:49):
Because of that Tucker statement really attacked the Baltimore Banner
pretty aggressively. Did not directly address a lot of the
allegations other than denying it. But I did notice that
a lot of it was against the newspaper in their
reporting practices, and not specifically about the on the record

allegations that the sixth Massage therapists made against Tucker. So
we'll keep an eye on what happens with the Ravens
kicker moving forward. Tough note to end the week on,
and this is the end of the NFL Daily Week.
For the first time since July, we will not be

talking about any weekend football because we were doing Hall
of Fame Game week, we were doing preseason football, those
shows with Nick Shook, and of course the entire regular season.
We will be back on Monday. I'm really looking forward
to next week. We're gonna do some All Pro final

voting and some end of season honors that Jordan Rodrigue
of the Athletic and I are going to start off
the week with some awards, and then we're going to
be headed to New Orleans. We'll hear from Nick Shuk
who will be there at opening night, and I will
be there with Jordan and Nick Schook on the ground
in New Orleans. And we have an amazing set of

people that we are interviewing throughout the course of the week.
They're so good that I honestly don't want to tease them,
because I've been through these Super Bowls enough that you
never know.

Speaker 2 (49:25):
Some of them change at the last minute.

Speaker 1 (49:26):
But it is a great lineup of guests that I'm
really looking forward to talking to in my favorite city
on Earth, the best city in America, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Also wanted to remind everyone both Jordan Rodrieg and myself
will be part of a show Mina Kimes is putting

together Monday night, February third, at the Belasco Theater downtown
in Los Angeles. All the proceeds are going to wildlife
relief effort, so it mean a lot. If any of
you guys can come out to the show, I would
love to see you, would love to meet you. There
some really cool guests like Kobe Turner. We're also auctioning

off a signed Kobe Turner jersey. There's gonna be cool giveaways.
If you're fans of Mina or fans of the NFL
Daily Hope to see you there. All right, let's hit
the music and get the heck out of here. Appreciate
Ryan and Adam. They get it done.

Speaker 2 (50:24):
I mean it.

Speaker 1 (50:25):
The most entertaining team podcast out there. Saints Block Party
Podcast was great to hear their sights and sounds from
the Senior Bowl.

Speaker 2 (50:32):
Yes, when we.

Speaker 1 (50:34):
Have a weekend without football, weirdly, that's how you know
football is back.

Speaker 2 (50:39):
See you Monday,
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