All Episodes

March 9, 2020 32 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined in Studio 66 by cornerback Aqib Talib! Shek and Aqib kibitz about playing with Peyton Manning (2:35), Jared Goff's ability (4:31), his free agency status (10:27), the future of the Miami Dolphins (17:24), Dak Prescott's contract (21:49) and where Tom Brady will play in 2020 (26:33)?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
How's Jared Goff kind of strike you coming out of
the gate off of Peyton and Brady. He knows the
game and he's set up for success. Were close, McVeigh,
You know, so he got a huge arm and he
got one of the most accurate deep bass that I've
seen in NFL. David the Deep Damage Schick Football Program

available on the Apple Podcast and at NFL dot com
slash DDFP. Now here's your host, Dave. Yeah, rock Shock Jayhawk.
You just heard the voice of Kansas legend keep to
lead and guess what he's sitting right next to me
to my immediate left here in studio sixty high and hello,

Welcome to the Dave Damasick Football Program. I hope all's
well and safe and healthy and all that stuff wherever
you are. Let's jump into it right now with the
aforementioned one number twenty one, one of our favorite guys
to get the kibbits with one of the great characters
of the last decade or so the twenty one century.
Let's go with that. I keep to leave. What's happening, fella,

Good to see you again, Thanks for having me on
day the Miami Dolphins, uh star something like that. Do
you do you, by the way, do you keep your
eye all these years later? Do you care what what
the old Bill self and company are doing out there
in Lawrence, Kansas? I pay attention. I don't watch much
college basketball, but I always check the rank and see

if k you want to see if they lost? Yeah,
playing some good basketball right now? An NBA guy, NBA? Yeah,
what's your team? I'm a big Lebron James fam and
I'm born in Cleveland, Ohio. You know he right there
as we almost think we two years apart of something.
So I've seen his whole career, knew about him in
like high school and stuff like that. So where Brian James?
God man, that's that's my team that I didn't know.

I didn't know Lebron was your guy. But it's interesting
because if you're because an Ohio native and so you
must have had some feelings when Lebron decided to take
his talents to say, South Beach, and then everybody in
the world of sports is buzzing right now about Pro
Football's goat uh Tom Brady and where he's gonna land.
What do you make about that? As a as a
fan and as a player, I'm sure, ideally would be

nice to play your whole career in one town. Does that?
But do you think that's weird to see Tom Brady
becoming a Charger? Can you envision that becoming a buccaneer,
becoming a forty nine or otherwise happens? Man? You see
what you see all the greats. You mean, you see
paying many He turned to a Bronco. It was weird,
and you were there and benefited from it, I suppose,

or he benefited from you. Really, let's be honest. Now,
he came, he came in. Really, you know, set the
temple of the building, you know, so we all have
been from benefited from having Payton in the building. Is
that right? So you don't feel like all these years later,
I mean, Peyton has some influence in the in the
game of pro football still, but you can speak freely here.
This is a safe space. I mean, the No Fly

Zone won that Super but we definitely want to want
to Super Bowl. Our defense we won that Super Bowl.
But at the same time, I feel like our defense,
we was a professional defense. We went and went about
our work every day and it had a lot to
do with us watching Payton. Payton was in our in
the off season. That's what we was playing against Peyton Manning,
so we had to come ready to play every day.

So Payton Manny being in the building, Man, that's going
to raise the level of play of everybody in that building. Man.
So many things up right out of the gate that
you've that you've sent my brain wanting to go down
various paths here. Um, but you heard at the very
top there we we We've gotten to talk with you
a few times over the years to leave and always
enjoy it. And I think that was our first conversation.

And it was right after the Rams had gotten Jared
Goff had just drafted him. Those were your initial thoughts
of training camp, and of course, you know they wind
up going to the you know, golf takes the Rams
to the super Bowl and all that. Then twenty nineteen happens,
not as impressive, not as good as you look, and
you're there for about half the time in in that season.

What went wrong? Was it? Was? It? Was it golf?
I don't want to put words in your mouth. You
tell me, was it? What is golf? Ultimately, given that
the NFL a salary cap, is it an outdated thing
to say you can't pay a quarterback who isn't Peyton
and his prime Brady Russell Wilson, Ben Roethlisberger and his

prim Aaron Rodgers. I mean, there's a small handful of
guys that can make everything work no matter what the
other pieces are. I don't know. Jared Goff's that guy.
So is he worth that kind of money? I think?
I think it's it's thirty two jobs, quarterback jobs in NFL.
Those are the thirty two hardest jobs in the NFL.
So those should be the thirty two highest paid players

in the NFL. So if if if that's a hundred,
whatever that number is, all thirty two of the quarterbacks
who are starting for that season should be making that
million to thirty three million or whatever the range is.
That job this way harder than a fan can can imagine,

you know what I'm saying. They're probably up all times
of the night, and they wake up early, they go
to sleep early. It's so much pressure that comes with
that starting quarterback job. Let alone, if you play for
l A or a big market like that. So man,
it's a hard job, man. And uh it's it's mentally stressful,

physically stressful, and the pay is the past. I like
I see. I always make the case that, yes, the
quarterbacks have to make the most but with that comes
the most pressure. But rightly so, because the guy who's
playing right guard doesn't have as much influence on the
outcome of any given game as the quarterback does. So

so you're right, that makes all the sense in the
world to me. I mean, it's a hard job, man,
I gotta pay that back. Man, It's a ticket that
comes with that job. So all right, let's ask tough questions.
So I'm asking you about Jared Goff. I mean, but
the bottom line is he's not a top eight QB.
He's not in that top tier that I just ran through.
Those names of guys. Patrick Mahomes obviously belongs to that

group too, of guys who you know, I mean, obviously
you can't put at ten mees out on the field
with some of these guys, with Russell Hilson, but you know,
you put professional level football guys out there. Russell Wilson's
gonna win games. It's Jared Goff, that guy who wins
no matter what, or he has to be in an
ideal circumstance to get it done. Um, I'm not sure.

I think the circumstances gonna play apart. I think the
circumstances play a part with everybody. But I mean, like
you said, there's some guys where it don't matter where
you put them, guys they're gonna Except I think Jared
him and and the system that they run in, I
think it's successful. As long as he stay where he is.
I think he's in a great system that that fits
his his you know, his talents. So as long as

he stay where he is, I think he would be
pretty good. I don't think the the the Rams downfall.
It was not just Jared Goff. It was the entire team,
my starting at the top. It was it was everybody.
It was. It was a super Bowl hangover. You get complacent,
You what is it? Because people always talk about it
and the and history. The last decade bears that out.

You go to the super Bowl. The thing is if
you lose the super Bowl, that's what it is. If
you go and you lose, the next season is almost
always a bad one. What what gifts I don't know
what it is, but it's it's like it's you played
till February, so your whole off season gets started later,
and I think me personally, it's it's the success makes

your work not as long. So the year before we
went to the super Bowl, my off season workouts was
three hours. We went to the Super Bowl and I'm like,
all right, I'm a little tired. I played longer. My
off season workouts go to hour and forty five minutes,
you know, And that just trickles throughout the whole team.
So it's less amount of work put in, and your

off seas reason is a product of your season, you know.
So what you put in is what you're gonna get out.
Everybody put in a little bit less and you get
out a little bit less, I mean a little bit less.
It's four more losses so instead of it's nine and seven,
you know, so it is yeah, right, that's my opinion.
That's my opin I don't think it was coaching. I
don't think it was personnel. I don't think it was

none of that. I just think it was we got
the target on our back. Now this is the they
went to the Super Bowl and and everybody's gonna give
us the game, and uh, we didn't put enough work
to be ready for all those A games and do
you think so you said it's not the coaching, but
did Belichick and Brian Flores sort of layout a template

for the teams in to kind of follow, like this
is how you stop this rams off? Yeah? I mean
when they showed how you how you uh, productive way
to stop that zone running game if you're want to
really as set some edges and and really have a
guy there for that cutback. Put six guys on a
you know. So they they showed how to how to
slow that zone scheme down. But I say that, and

then you look at the tape, it was lineman just
getting whooped. So if those linemen don't get whooped, t
g still had cutback lands, he still have lands to running. So, man,
who said that, Tom Landry or somebody here? What I forgot?
It was something saying I can't remember it. But if
gods make their blocks, you're gonna get yards. You can
know we're running whatever zone scheme we're running, you can

know we're running it. If gods make their blocks, we're
gonna get yards. And you see no issue with Todd
Gurley going forward, or it's eighteen the peak of Todd
Gurley's NFL career. I think Todd Gurley was the same
way we went through. We went to the Super Bowl. Man,
it's it's it's complacency, man, I was complacent. I think
I think our whole organization at the time we complacentcy.

You don't put in as much work, you don't get
as much out. So I think having a year like
that it a it lights a fire under guys, and
and I think it definitely let little fire into Todd.
And I think you will see Todd Gurley come out
this year and go crazy and uh, your guy, my guy,
the world's guy. Wade Phillips moves on from the Rams defense,

but you still have Aaron Donald Jalen Ramsey. Now there,
that looks like a a situation that might be nice.
In fact, they might use a veteran presence on that defense.
Do you think that that's a possibility that to keep
to Lee puts on the new look l A Rams
get ups. No idea, man, I'm I'm taking all calls,
I'm seeing seeing what situations present themselves, and uh, I

don't know. It's it's way Phillips is he'd do a
great job using your talents. So if you're press corner,
he won't how you planing off of man he won't
how you plan things that you don't really play, you
know what I'm saying. So we see what the new
defensive coordinator has for the Rams and and see if
see if the gods as as as successful. Well, here's

what I went with Josh Norman. For a guy in
your position playing your position, that's good news. Is a
good start to things before a proper free agency even arrives.
Getting six million dollars to basically I guess service Nickel
or maybe be the number two behind uh trade Avious
White up in Buffalo. Here's the thing I want you
to do to leave no matter what. This is our

pal handsome Hanks idea. I want you to go on
tour here and go with as many teams that are
willing to meet with you and get us, get a
surf and turf dinner out of it, and then make
a decision. Don't say anything. You're playing it right. I'm
gonna see what's out there's the right way to play.
Go eat well all over football America. Then render averge.
Did you see fill your belly up? You know you

agree with that? I agree with it. I mean it's
that's always good to know, to know what's out there.
You know, a stake. A stake definitely helps you think
that we'll help you the fullest stomach saying you can
operate well on the fullest stomach. So that that sounds
like right, I mean you're gonna make rash to see
I'm hungry. Let me just sign that. No, no, I'll
get I'll get some mashed potatoes on the side. What

do you get with your say eight but that eight million,
I mean that's six to eight million the normous. I
mean that was a that's a great start of free
agency right exactly where everybody mind is. And you know,
it's a great start. It starts to set the market, right,
I mean, it's a practical marketing, you know, go from there. Um,
I would talk about the C B A, but I
mean I didn't get into this in the this kind

of ridiculous profession so that I could talk about big
numbers and stuff. But I saw you on Friday's Total Access,
and it seems that you're in favor of what what
the current arrangement is. Correct. I think I think the
only the only drawback from the players is that seven
team game. But uh, I look at that seven team game,

and then I look at like my under armed contract
or something that is, if I get sixty tackles, I
get an extra ten k. If I get if I
start nine games, I get an extra ten K. So
I'm like, all right, if I'm injured and I'm at
eight starts in oh, I got a week seventeen one
more extra game, hit my centives. If I got fifty
five tackles. I ended with with I think fifty four

tackles one time, fifty one tackles one time. So I'm
I'm six tackles, nine tackles away from you know, incentive
on one of my contracts. So extra week means extra stats,
it's a it's a better chance to hit in centers
and everybody contracts. You have NFL contracts, winning centers, you
have UH apparel contracts, winning centives. I mean. So, I've

been playing football since I was eleven or twelve years
old at recess, every day praying to be a professional,
and then the guys told me that you gotta play
one more professional game, and I'm gonna throw a fit.
Hell no, Dave, That's what I like, my dream of
I like where your heads. I am Listen, Why am
I complaining about playing another football game? And I prayed

all my life to get to the NFL. Don't make
no sense to me. Interesting. I am a fan and
of the modern era of pro football, the super Bowl era,
and I know this isn't important in the big in
the big picture, but it will warp the numbers, like
two thousand yard seasons will start from running backs will
will be kind of irrelevant going forward. It's going to

change the sin as in the count. But I guess
that's all right, right, I mean I will we'll get
over that. Yeah, I mean this this, it is what
it is. The game change. The game has changed from before.
I mean, we didn't Albous have sixteen games, right? No? No?
And I and what was I think they go to
the sixteen dwarf would just say dwarfed. I like that
where it dwarfed and the numbers right there, So I
mean one more game, the numbers will be dwarfed. It

is what it is. The game is growing. You like
you like the verb dwarf? All right? Employee that one? Yes? Well,
when I I will dwarf the amount of food anyone
has ever in this restaurant, as I sit down with
you pro football team and g M as you fill
my belly as I try to render a verdict on
what to do with myself. That's a quote from a

keep to leave there? Were you looking at your watch? No,
I'm just you know are you? Are you bored with me?
You just looked at your wife? I got a bad risk?
You see everything right today? Oh? Yeah? You sit there?
You sit there. That's the one that you That's the
one when you when you pass interfered with Martavis Bryant
in Mile HIGHFF, New Jersey, injury man way on in Trenton,

New Jersey, seventy seven summer street man. You know that's
one of them injuries way back in the hood, in
the neighborhood. Oh, I can't say. I can't. I wouldn't
be able to take something like that. But speaking of health, coronavirus,
you know, I don't want to listen. I'm not making
any light of it or anything else. But the word
is is that you know, at least in the NBA
lebron your guy says he doesn't want to play in

a in a gym that doesn't have fans in it.
How freaky if you considered like what that might be
like to go out and uh, I mean if it's
weird in the NBA gym with seventeen thousand, it's gonna
be a lot weird with seventy five thousand in the stadium,
or no one would be like one big practice, you know.
I guess yeah, I don't know. It's probably be some

good football being played, actually, because a lot of guys
get in front of people and they kind of blackout.
And you know, that's when you really get nervous when
it's seven people watching you. So won't won't be as
many nerves in there. Man, You'll probably see some real
good football once you're turning from tape. Honestly, the trash
talking would be great. It would elevate because you'd be
able to hear everything everybody says. You could yell to

the other sideline, no one would ever you'd be able
to hear at all. Guys would be so comfortable, man,
it'll be it'll be nuts out there. You take the
fans out, I mean the cameras that still have to
be there, of course, but in a way it's kind
of glass half full. That would be fun to listen
to what you guys are talking now. The downside is
touchdown celebrations. No, you know, you're not allowed to hand

you know, do anything with your hands with each other,
so then you know, although then again you're tackling each other. Yeah,
we got gloves on and mean we pretty much protect it.
So um I mentioned Brian Flores as part of the
defense of architecture that op the l a rams A
couple of what was at uh you know, fourteen fifteen

months ago on that Super Bowl? What did you what
you pick up from him? Is he I heard even
Josh Rosen, who briefly was named started and put back
on the bench. I've heard even Josh Rosen saying, man,
I love Brian Flores and he's a great coach, and
he's boosted my confidence and all that. What's your what's
your sense of that? Below was the safety's coach when

I was in New England, so right, yeah, times we
sometimes we we split up, but I spent some time
when when I was there. Hell of a coach man. Yeah,
he was always a great leader. And they don't surprise
me now that he's a head coach. You suspect that
success is gonna be sooner rather than later. Down there,
I think they got some going. I think, uh they

followed that model. They're getting a bunch of draft picks,
and it's a quarterback driven league, man. So if they
can get a quarterback who breathes confidence throughout that locker
room and uh make guys walk on to the practice
field feeling like we got a chance to win. I
don't know if the quarterback before in Miami did that.
So if they get a quarterback who breathes confidence, man,
I think, Uh, that's what it's all about. What we

talk about quarterbacks and what the what the situation they're in,
and how that largely defines whether they're going to succeed
or not. But Ryan Tannehill, you know, he's kind of
a punchline guy. Had said I had his moments in Miami,
but you know he wasn't. You know, it was considered,
you know, borderline bust as well. Right, he was a
first round pick and all that, and you know he

didn't exactly flourish until he goes to Tennessee. Is Mariota's
backup and then he is the missing piece that takes
them to the UH two uh a game away from
the super Bowl. One is Josh Rosen from what you've seen,
is he potentially that guy? Is it a situational thing
or is it Josh Rosen mis evaluated coming out of school.

It's tough, man, Uh. I mean he had a new
coordinator every year he's been in the league, so I
mean it's hard to really see what he is. Like
you said, Tannehill, he's in this system. He's one guy.
He get in this system and he's a whole another guy.
So the system that you're in, it dictates a lot.
So I don't know, Rosen just has to find that
that that marriage at office a coordinator. Man, I don't

know if it's gonna happen. Some guys that's the downfall
of their career. They never really get matched up with
the right coordinator, never really get to do what they're
good at, never really get to do what they're comfortable at.
You know. So we'll see, man, I'll tell you why.
I would be enough for the guy to really you
didn't see him, you didn't look at him, you didn't
get enough close to look at him. If you in

this system for a year, and then you and this
system for a year, and then you're another team in
this system for you like that's that's not you, that's
not your best. You're just learning. You're learning, and then
you put that down and you're learning something else, and
I put that down. I'm learning something else. So he
haven't had a chance to really learn something and master
it and really be comfortable with it. And now I
can really show what I could do out here, So

that's important. I think that there have been reaches in
the twenty one century. Everybody's desperate to get a QB.
Christian ponders. Maybe he's the forgotten guy. People forget about
that guy. But alright, the guys are gonna read. But
Josh Rosen he slightly built, but otherwise he at least
was a quarterback for a long time in his life.
You know, it's not like he came late to it

or anything. And he's got the whip and he's supposedly
by all accounts, super smart. Maybe too smart for some
coaches to to enjoy and all that kind of stuff.
But that would be a fascinating list. And injuries are
one thing, but also guys who were uber talented. You
know who my guy is with that guy who works here,
David Carr. I think David Carr and he I think

he rightly deep down is frustrated, Like, man, I could
have been great, but I got stuck on a team
that had no offensive line for way too long, and
before I knew it, I was done in Houston and
I never really got my chance. That'd be a cool
list to put together, guys who keep to leave and
otherwise thinks that guy would have been awesome if he
would have been on a different kind of a team. Yeah,

I mean it would be interesting list, all right, interested us.
But all those guys, in my opinion, all those guys
are the middle of the pack guys where where it
kind of matter matter who your officer of coordinator is.
And because I mean it's some guys like my homes,
you put him don't matter. That's where we start. That's
what I told you. That's what those are like. You know,
those are the guy guys. So when you started talking

about the middle of the pack guys, now it's like
all they all the circumstances matter with those guys. You
can get them with it the right coordinator, right guys
around them. Can't he be good because there's some guys
who still can't be good. He's just nervous he's a
he's a shocker. That's what Rande Barbera and Rohey Morris
in Tampa we used to call him shockers. Where so
it's it's pressure on them, they just panic and do
something crazy, you know. So it's the middle of the

pack guys and then it's top tier guys. In my opinions,
that's it, and that playing the league's Dak Prescott a
top tier guy? Is he a situational guy? I think
that that plays well all the time to me, you know,
he don't he he don't play bad. To me, he
don't lose game games. In my opinion, I've seen a
couple of games we're already back through a couple of

passes and he could have won those games. He didn't
win those games. But I feel like, no matter where
you put that, he's gonna be Dak Prescott. I happen
to agree with you, and the second half of the
nineteen season is probably the best evidence against that. But
to me, I'm with you. I mean, big guy, big arm,
runs great guys bounce off of him. Has been productive

in pretty much every Yeah, I see that leadership is
what is I think that's what kind of separates you
to that touch. It's your talent too, but just that
leadership and that's that that's that breed of confidence that
I said. When guy's walk on the field with that,
they think they could win what I'm saying, So I
put him in the top tier guys. Okay, what about
what about Jamis Jamis? It's the same man, Jamis Jamis.

I think he tries to do too much and that's
when bad things happen. So if a coach can get
him to not do too much, I think he would
be in the top tier guys. But a coach has
to do it. So I feel like those top tier
guys no one, they don't need no coach, and it
don't matter. They're gonna be theirselves. Jamie is gonna be yourself.

But he's gonna have those interceptions because he tries to
make plays, so it's tough. He He's almost top tier.
I feel like middle of the pack just because just
because the interceptions is always high every year year. Want
to see him, I want to see I mean, but
then he's really if you think about Jamis Winston. But
also yeah, you can make some some pro arguments and

negative arguments pretty easily with Jamis because the picks are
terrible and and he's wow, but he's didn't come out
of the game against like he had against US the
Rams five yards, five touchdowns, a crazy game. You know.
So I'm an eyeball guy, and when I eyeball Jamis,
he cuts the figure of an NFL qbat definitely, and

you know that the arm is good enough. He's a
big dude. You know. It's weird thing with Ben rob
Flisberger that everybody who's come out since uh, since he
did in two thousand and four, there's a for all
the tom Brady's and Peyton's and Breezes and Rodgers, the
guy who gets the most comps is Roethlisberger. Jamis is
one of those guys who's like, he's like Roethlisberger. Josh
Allen is like that, Cam Newton's like that, you know,

better or worse versions of Roethlisberger. Dac is a little
bit of that. Um. I think Jamis if you put
him in the right situation. But then again, in En
he had Bruce Arians who is the QB whisper any
of Mike Evans and Chris Godwin, and they still weren't great,
you know. Yeah, it's it's the turnovers. Man. He get
those turnovers down, he would be a top tier guy.

So I'm gonna put him right there, you know, high
middle of the pat guys, just just because of the
turnovers man. And I think a coach is going to
take some special coach to get him to relax and
a the time takes sex. Go to the ball away
and take sex. That's okay. And I think, and I
think if if a coach has to get you to
do that, that makes you one of those middle of
the pet guys. Your circumstances matter, you know what I'm saying.

So that's where I put him at. It's interesting because
keep to leave is sort of a central figure in
twenty one century pro football. Given all the stops you've
made along the way and all the the guys who
you've crossed paths with. Is Uh as a teammate, can
you envision in the next whatever it is now, what
is it like eight six months between now? Can you

imagine Tom Brady taking off that Patriot's hat and putting
on a new one and practically I talked to Willia
mc ginnis about this last week and he said, oh no,
Tom's a competitor, he would do that. I question how
much Tom Brady at this age, at forty three, does
he really want to start doing O, T A S
and all that. He doesn't have to do that stuff
with the Patriots Like he he shows up when he

wants a show, he's gonna have to start from scratch
with the whole start. Tom, just start like showing up, right,
I mean, like probably like the last two years what
I was there, he was so I mean, like you said,
like Willie said, man, Tom is a competitor, and I
think I think hard of what was going on there
and Lennon is you know, guys just trying to show

like it was me it was me. And those two
guys just feel like McCartney and John Lennon broke up.
They're the greatest greatest duo in music history, and they
were like, let's just see what happens. We're not with
each other. Who succeeded when those two guys broke up? Well, well,
I mean, I mean, I guess they had relative success,

but not they weren't beat Le successful. That's neither one
of them. Right. Well, yeah, well, I mean what we'll
see what this one because I pretty much think it's over.
You do, You don't think Tom goes back up there? No,
I don't think Tommy goes back. I think it's I
think it's just a situation where they want to see, like,
who's who's the the protagonist. I guess with that, who's
who's who's the one making this happen? Is it great

or is it Belichick? If they do part ways, I
don't know. I think it's kind of a collective. They
both Tom ain't showing as much interest, and that's how
Bill get down there. You don't want to be here.
Don't be here if you're a Lebron guy. I guess
I know your answer because you said, I said, who's
your team, and you said, I'm a Lebron guy. So
with that in mind, when Lebron left Cleveland and then

went down to play with the Heat, I guess the
Calves kind of fell apart afterwards, as you can see coming.
But let's say the equivalent of that happens the twenty
one century Pro football. Go Tom Brady leaves, if Tom
Brady is on the Chargers and they go and play
Andy Dalton's Patriots in a playoff game. Who should Patriots
fans be rooting for the Patriots. The Patriots the guy now,

keep in mind the only glory they've ever had. It's
the same thing as the Bulls. Really, so the Chicago
Bulls are like, they only won titles with one guy there,
and then when he left, they didn't win any titles.
So Tom Brady leaves, Tom Brady leaves, the only guy
they ever won the Super Bowl with is out and
playing against them. People like, oh, I root for my team,

aren't You're just rooting for the laundry At that point,
I think the Patriots fans still root for their team,
and they kind of you know, he's gonna get the
Brian treatment. It's gonna be burnt. Jerry is easy, and
you remember the treatment that Brian got. I mean, I
think that's gonna be real. But once he retires, all
those fans that welcome him back and we love you Tom,
you know, but I think if you're a true Patriots fan,

you can't go for the charges. Well, and I don't know,
I don't, I don't know. I had a quarterback, guys,
I haven't been put into that. I did. I guess
I had to see him desiccates the then once time
you're a Tom Brady fan. So when Tim leaves, like myself,
when Tim leaves, then you leave, you're not You're Chargers fan.
So I was just as mad as Brian when when
they didn't bring help to Cleveland. May need another star

here so we can win it too. That's right, they
want to bring another star. He cut, I'm gone. I
always blame Maverick Carter for the way that was handled
because if Lebron would have said, as a as a
players union guy like you, if he would have said, listen,
we don't need the own, we don't need the billionaires,
and we don't need anybody else. We players are at
the players level. We're going to form our own team

without those guys, and we're gonna be the best team
in the league. I think that's a message that America
would have gotten behind. Instead, he did like I'm taking
my talents to South Beach, and then he did the
fireworks show and not one, not two, not three, and
that made Cleveland fans upset. If he would have said, listen, Ohio,
I love you. I wish I could give you a title,
but it's just not shaping up down here, and you

can um bask in the reflected glory. I'm about to
deliver with the heat, you know. I think Tom Brady
will do something smart like I mean was it was.
People didn't like the way he left, but that's what
it's about, right, King James, Man, you gotta you gotta
leave in style. Alright. So where if you think Tom's leavin?
I think Tennessee, I think Tampa, I think San Francisco,

and I think the Chargers are the places that reasonably.
I think the Raiders stuff is jive that that doesn't
make any sense for him. The Cowboys ain't gonna happen.
The Raiders make sense. I thought I thought the Chargers
and I thought the Raiders. I thought those two teams
made sense. Do you think so with the Raiders, though
they seem I guess they do have a good offensive line.

I got the knife. They run game is way better. Man.
They was hurt on the office line early. I think
Big Gabe was down for like the first eight weeks
or something. They got a crazy old line and then
they got a great running game, and they got good
receivers on the outside, a tight end, a young teen.
They got to figure out another path. It's like a

win now. Situation. To me, it's a new stadium, we're
trying to sell tickets. It makes sense to bring Tommy
in their boom tickets sales gonna go crazy in Vegas,
and he's automatically on a good team. They got a
good defense, pass rusher dbs. They do have a that
that's the thing that's underrated. I think that the young
defensive pieces. We went to go practice against these guys
at l A and I left that practice like I

really thought we was gonna beat the hell out of
these guys, right, But they competed a little bit. I
mean we still we we beat them pretty bad the
first day, second day, they competed, third day. But I
mean I thought it was gonna be like ugly, ugly
the whole time. But I left saying Oakland got a
hell of a run game. I guess, so I hear you.
I just don't. I just can't see that happening. And

with the with the cash and everything else that would
be required, the Lord twelve over Chargers tight tight, and
then he has to be in a division though if
he goes to the Raiders or to the Chargers, she's
got to play Patrick Mahomes and presumably the goal is
getting a ring, and that's a major obstacle, right with
Tom Brady. I don't think with Tom Brady or John
Guten like who we have to go through the winningship.

I don't think that's on a mind at all. Those
are top tier confidence guys. So who we have to play? Oh,
we gotta beat my homes to get that's not crossing
grouten my, that's not crossing Tom Brady's mine. All right,
we'll listen. What crosses my mind is that I want
you to go on your food tour as you become
free agent, and I think you should ask for a
plus one and Damna check will be happy to join

you along the way. Well, I think that would be best,
you know, to make sure you get the right side,
because they might put that on his podcast. So relax, careful, right,
but we'll listen. We're just friends here, We're all gentlemen
here the podcast. David said, to leave, You're welcome anytime.
What a pleasure to see your best wishes as you

had into free agency. I would love selfishly to see
you land in l A so that you could pay
periodic business. Either way, go get them. We'll get a
fist bump see corona a rhinovirus aware. Uh, that's it
for one. Here, we'll wrap it up right there. Should
we wrap up the whole show, spaghetts or keep on going?
All right, let's ley listen. We'll end it then, Thank
you so much to twenty one. We'll be back with

more hohoi and ou apple sauce for you later in
the week. Until then, thanks so much, football fans. It's
been a thin slice of heaven.
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