All Episodes

May 20, 2020 74 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined by Matt "Money" Smith, Handsome Hank and Eddie Spaghetti via video chat for a mid-week DDFP! This very 'game of life' heavy show starts off with the group discussing horror movies (7:50), roller coasters (21:20), mens fashion (32:20) and working in an office setting (42:50). Next, the guys talked about why the Chargers should sign Cam Newton to help them win the AFC West (52:45) and who they'd rather have at QB in 2020 - Lamar Jackson or Ben Roethlisberger (1:05:00)? They rounded out the show by debating if Michael Jordan was too mean to his teammates (1:08:30)?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I wanted killing Samuel's is the bats luckless Burger fires
and it's caught for the touchdown. Smith Schuster, David fo
the Dave Damage Checked Football Program, available on the Apple

Podcasts and at NFL dot com slash d DFP. Now
here's your host day. I'm hello football fans at your
old pal Dave Dave damascheck. I hope all's well wherever
you are. Welcome to the Dave Damage Football Program. I'm
ready to chop it up the game of pro football
and perhaps more importantly, the game of life with our pals,

the Iron Four here during your sequestration. All your sequestration
deeds addressed, thanks to, first of all, the voice of
your Los Angeles Chargers, also doing Gangbusters work with his
guy Petro was Papa Daikus. I Heart Radio p MS
track of down. It's Matt Buddy Smith. Everybody, what's happening.

What's happening, David. It's good to be back the Iron Four.
I like that. That's pretty good nickname. Yeah, well, Steve
Curtains already taken so and yeah you're heard there. It's
time for rejoicing for those who support things black and
gold and Golden Black because Ben Roethlisberger's out there slinging
the ball around. Maybe we'll kid it's about that a
little bit, but coming well, listen, What I really want

to do is the more important matter at hand is
after the successful go around a week ago with us
on the world of music, I think we saw it
all questions related to music. Maybe we can dip into
some movie talk here and to join us as always
to weigh in on all the important stuff from his
Matt's somewhere in Winchester, California, but by way of course

of London, England. He's are resident Miami Dolphins fan. It's handsome, Hank.
How are you hi? I'm good, thank you? How are you?
I'm doing around that hat? Before you put it on
this hat, I need to ask you guys a question,
and this is not going to translate at all for
our podcast listeners, but I trust you three maybe with
the exception of that, Okay, I really like this hat,

like I like the designer a hat. It's kind of um.
It's the old Dolphins logo UM, which is obviously beautiful
and I can't wait until one hopefully they'll go back
to it. It's on like a denim like like denim
colored and then it's got that. But there's something about
the shape of the hat that it looks ridiculous on
my head. No, I don't know if it's my head

or if it's the hat. I like the hat. I
like the idea of the hat, but I don't think
it's executed well. Or maybe my head there's something wrong
with my head. No, you guys beautiful, You've got a
handsome we ag. This is well, But but is it
the brim? Is it? You gotta got other way, you know?

But it was a flat broom. I've been I've done
a lot of bending here and it just something about it.
I think you hit it on the head there, Hank,
that's supposed to be a flat biller. Flat that flat in,
that bill out and then pull it over the top
of your That looks for I'm saying, yeah, you bought
you bought a flat bill hats as Eddie is laughing

hysterically hilarious. You old man handsome turned death thirty one
a few weeks back, I believe, and therefore he achieves
the um the high end age to wear the flat broom.
You look, I can't wear a flatborom. You look love
too much. I love that you can. Actually, all you

have to do is come down to Huntington's Beach and
you can wear the flat and you're good. It does
not matter how how old you are. You can flatten
that thing out and you can just roll Main Street
and Huntington Beach and you will be embraced. High five,
You'll get a nice slurpy drink at one of the bars.
You're good. The Monster Energy log exactly right, little little box.
This is a great question. First of all, handsome denim

is a no. But at least in a glass half
all kind of way. At least it's not corduroy. That
that's there was a time, like I would say, kind
of nine. I I bought some of these. I remember,
I think I told you guys on a podcast a
few weeks ago that the Lions were my second favorite
team growing up, partly because of Barry Sanders, and I
like the Colors. They came and played in London, and

I would say probably against the Dallas Cowboys maybe, And
I got they had a corduroy with the old Lions,
you know how they had that script which was very
kind of calligraphy kind of thing. Quarter like light blue
Corter roy. I love that. I don't know where it is.
I need to was it had the print Detroit and

the Lions cursive. Those were the best paths. Those were
the best hats. No, no, no, no, I'm yeah those
ones were, but I'm not talking about those. Remember the
Lions had like that very blocky um they're actually but
it was like blue corduroy with that blue across it. God,
it was a beautiful hat, I remember exactly. But that
had to be confusing for a young handsome Hank who

wasn't all that familiar with pro football to see the
Lions and the Cowboys against each other. I mean they're
basically it's like because it's like seeing the Los Angeles
Dodgers play the Kansas City Royals. They're kind of like
that the two Spider Man's pointing at each other. They're
so similar. Ye okay, I get I get your point.
Maybe on the same line, just very quickly. I mean,

watching of my kids, Um, have you ever not watched
the movie Swiss Family Robinson the old Disney Yeah, Disney Classic.
I watched that with my kids the last couple of nights.
I'm very confused because They apparently are in the Malay
Peninsula is where they boat shipwrecks, but they are on
an island which has a very broad selection of animals

that don't necessarily reflect what you would expect to find their,
including lions, tigers, zebra, elephants, everything that wouldn't necessarily be there.
I don't know what you just the way you were
saying about cowboys and lions, I thought that's where you
were going. He's like, why would I got one word
for you, Hank pia, Pangaea, Pangaea. Yeah, that's that's when

it comes down to what they try to expe it
away with the land bridge. But I'm not sure that
the landbridge would necessarily account for all broke apart that
one little spot had everything everything okay, is everything pulled
apart from one another? Yeah? We have to treat spaghetti
like our sounding board here for for youth. I have

a few questions for him related to fashion and otherwise
spurred by handsome um hat thing there that's that's interesting.
But um, I will say a little how about first
of all, to the gang here, to the fathers amongst us. Um, Well,
now see now we all had hats on I had
my pirates taking I'm taking my hat off. Money was

just so rude about my hat. You had your dolphins hat,
money had. I don't know what that hot was a
Dartmouth tap ah supporting the brand the Dartmouth Big Green.
That is a yeah, that is a tree. If you
see the detail there, there you go, there's the there's
the back. I like that very really comfortable. And then

Spaghetti appears to be paying tribute to the hack collection
of of Marv Albert there with the wearing that. But
that's standing on your head. I find that hard to imagine.
That's made of human hair. It's terrible, miserable job on.
It's so crooked. But whatever, why do you not just

shave your head, Eddie? Because it's been like a week now,
it's it's it is what it is now, it's going
to start growing bag It's besides, are getting better. Well,
it's a question of morality, more for the for the
fathers here, and then I want to a couple of
questions for Spaghett's But it seemed like I ran a
foul of morality or something or a good parent thing
because because my current wife discouraged it, and I said listen,

we gotta watch because I told the eleven year old
John Claude bandamask I was like, you know what movie
you'll love is is he enjoys sci fi and everything,
you'll love The Matrix? And uh and she said, oh,
that's too violent. You can't show an eleven year old
that movie. And I said, is that right? Okay? And
then I showed it to him, and then he reported
back to his mom that that he watched The Matrix

and she agreed with the current wife the X and
the current agreed like, what do you You You can't show
an eleven year old the Matrix? What do you think
any feedback from the future wife as well? Did you do?
You're gonna Get'm gonna right now. He's living right now
on me a line. I won't meet her for another like,

given my rate of success with women like one a decade,
decade a half or so, one woman from the human
species will look my way and be like, gas five,
that's right. Uh no, the Matrix is yeah for eleven
year old? Is too much? Is it all? I mean?
I just felt like it was so I guess I

I kind of had forgotten the last part, but the
overflow that you know when he when he and she
go into the place and they have all the guns
and they shoot it all up. But is it uber violent?
It's just like a bunch of no. I think it's
slow thing lying around. But more of the existential question
that it raises, right, I think that could twist your
kid's brain into a pretzel, right, Like, hey, am I

living in a simulation right now? Like? Is that what
this whole thing is? You know, I think that I
made that mistake with my youngest. Uh. And she's still
This is like four or five years ago, you know,
when she started asking me the religion questions and I
presented her with a multitude of options that some people believe,
you know, what is the meaning of block? I said,
you know, some of the people I think this is
just a big computer program and we're just a giant simulation.

And boy, was that a mistake. To this day, we
still I still get you know, Dada, I think maybe
I got a glitch in my periphery. I'm like the
boy this is Uh that was that was not wise.
And by the way, Dave, if you want to feel
better about yourself, my youngest who was twelve soon to
be thirteen has now watched I think in Quarantine a

quiet place. Uh, she's watched all the screams, which are
you know, to some degree graphic, and so yeah, those
are that that lung exactly. So you know, I guess
I'm terrible too. But that happened to me when I
was a kid, Like I was, I was a latchkey kid,

which nobody knows what that means anymore, because everybody's doors
are locked and dugged, dead bolted and alarmed and all that.
But I would roll in and just pop on the
Old Movie Channel, which would play R rated movies during
the day. And I mean I was watching The Hills
Have Eyes. I spit on your grave. Fantastic phantasm that
all of those horror films at a very young age.

And I think I turned out perfectly, you know, I
think with the results. Yeah, I guess that's true for
me too. Yeah. When my uh my, you know, when
I was thirteen, the eighteen most weekend nights Friday Saturday nights,
the parents would go out on at least one of
those nights, and both of my sisters, one older one

younger than me, also had social engagements. But Dave, Dave
and his TV. That's those were That's how I spent
my weekend nights, and um, yeah, sometimes we watched the
movies that were a little bit too scary. I would
get petrified sitting alone in the house. Remember I remember
watching a movie called pet Cemetery and in the end

I had I had to switch it off. And then
the next day, when the light had returned to the world,
I said, all right, now, I'm now I'm ready to
watch this. It turned out there was only thirty seconds
left the movie. All Time Handsome, you start, I think
it's I mean, like, in the moment, it may not
be this areas movie. But my reaction the most scared

was pet Cemetery because I was I was at home,
I was probably ten years old. I watched it by myself,
the same kind of stories that you guys were just telling,
and I had to switch it off because I was
too scared. And then, you know, I was still at
the age where I had stuffed animals in my room
and I remember waking up in the night and there
was stuffed at whatever it was right there, and it
was in the moonlight, and I was like, oh my goodness,

the pet cemetery has come to my room and that
was almost the end of my horror movie. I don't
I've very I've watched very few horror movies since then. There.
You know, obviously, if you add an Englishman to any picture,
it adds gravitas the British Americans to our American years. Yeah. True.

Um you know, like I say, it feels weightier when
delivered by bank or otherwise. Um, the is the opposite
true for English people? Or is it like those Americans?
Those Americans unchanged like we could you watch like Friday

the thirteenth and feel like we can never go there
because if we find ourselves on the outskirts of their
concrete jungles will be murdered right quick. Yes, I mean
I think partly, but look, I mean Jack the Ripple,
the same thing, the kind of the the this foggy
streets of London. I'm sure you guys have watched movies
like that that then make you think the same thing

in return. So you know what, I think. What we
have more in the UK more kind of like straight
up killers. We're just gonna We're just gonna kill you.
You've got some kind of weird weirdos, like weird creatures,
in your horror movies that you know might pop out
from around the corner. That's more like, oh look, it's
a tiny doll that has a knife that's going to

stab you, or or you know, it's a man with
very sharp fingernails. My friends and I snug beers in
some cans of Iron City into the Monroe Via mall
uh movie The Eater to watch Child's play and the
giddiness of sneaking beers in plus you know, getting to

almost a lot of of one beer. And then when
he turned, when that head turns around on that dog,
I'm gonna kill you you right, I mean the historical
that has to be one of the top ten laughs
I've ever had in my life. Was the first time
that thing that things had like I'm gonna kill you, Like, well,
it's it's a little you can't handle it. Yeah, um money,

you're always hear Yeah, I always so. I you know,
like I said, I was terrified regularly as a child,
and I was just a glutton for punishment. But I
think and even to this day, you know, I think
it still holds. But the the white trash serial killers
always freaked me out. And maybe that's because I grew
up as white trash, so I felt like I was
surrounded by them. But like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the

scene where the white trash kids are getting white trash
old man to try to lift his hand with the
hammer to bash the kid in the head, Like, oh,
you can do it, old man. Here, just just try
to hit her a little bit harder, and she's, you know,
just terrified when he throws the chick on the meat hook.
You don't see that coming. Um. And then like even
even in my adult years watching like The Devil's Rejects,

I just always it just always did not sit well
with me, Like, oh, yeah, these these people exist. They
live in these crappy trailer park communities, and god forbid,
you have to take a leak and you pull off
the freeway. Uh, if you're driving across the country, they
are going to crawl out from the woods. Uh, you
kill you, and you'll never be heard from again. And
those were always the ones that sat with me, that

stuck with me, the long Hills lies, that kind of stuff. Yeah,
the monster ones didn't spook me as much for exactly. Yeah,
Freddy Krueger, didn't you know, plague me as much? As
like just a person out there doing that, like Halloween,
the First Halloween when he shows up in the frame
of the door as a silhouet and he's got the
thing over his head and uh is it the girl?

The girls like, oh, come back to bed, and you're like, oh,
you don't know what you're doing, lady, He's gonna he's
gonna knife you. I I feel like, um, the uh
the one that people go to a lot. But the
experience for me with when a stranger calls is somebody
told me the story first, and that's me something awful

like that. The calls coming from coming from inside the
house is is so terrifying. But then again, like you say,
I would turn the teeth. I would get so scared
watching by myself. I would turn it off. And I
remember once I turned off one of those early eighties
like Phantasm, kind of uh horror movies, and I turned
it off and it landed on a commercial from back

in the day where the lady had asthma and she's
but this was that with the context of it. I
just landed on a woman holding a match at the
at arms length and trying to blow it out with
her wheezy kind of breath and she's like, I just remember,
She's like, and I was like, the TVs. This is

extended beyond the movie and now this entire TV. Nay,
perhaps the house is plagued by by horrific Mason. Then
I like settled down. I was like that I can't
win the night. The lady spooked me, like good trying
to blow out that cancer. I mean that that match
Eddie Spaghetti um really younger than us. I would be

interested to hear what spoo? What's nothing spooked me? You couldn't.
Life is spooky. It's quite the opposite. Everything spooks me.
So I've never I don't think I've sat through one
full entire horror movie like any famous one besides The Shining,
which I don't really count much ever, still hunted by
Alan Houston's contract, Yeah, Scream and the Freddie Jason Halloween

zombie movies like No, I can't dn of that. I
don't like the negative and I don't need that in
my life. I don't. I don't. I can't sit there
and I could and I'm okay with blood or I can.
You know, I could sit through the grossest scenes of
a Tarantino movie. It doesn't. I don't bat an eye,
but movies like that, where it's just the whole point
is like to escape a kill or something. I can't
do it. And weirdly, I love reading about stuff like

when Money was talking about like real life serial killers
like I could. Last night, for whatever reason, I was
reading about the Black Dalli and murders and why it
hasn't been solved, like don't. I can't explain to you
why I was doing it, but I just was. I love. Yeah,
I'm super intrigued by that my jacktri or whatever that
kind of stuff. But the fake, uh overly gross movies
with the monsters or whatever. I just that's the thing. Yeah,

I'm not looking for when I'm watching a movie. My
my goal is to sit and relax, rather than have
my heart beating faster than it should be and you know,
potentially hiding behind the pillow. That's not my that's not
There is something though about like that. I don't know.
I I and I like them, but I think there
are There is something about the cleverness of some of them.

Um like there there's a there's a movie that's pretty recent.
It's called A Cabin in the Woods and it's great
and it's it's stressful and you're on the edge of
your seat, but it's very clever the way it was done.
And I think you come to appreciate, um, things like this.
You know, uh what was not not not get out
was great. That's a perfect example of like a stressful thriller,

but it's very clever the way it's done. Um, And
I think that's I can appreciate those. Yeah, creepy, But
the idea of being scared, of being of being terrified
in the mind, I don't get. I guess what's so
were the iron four? Here are four scaredy cats? Is
the interest? But for real, I really like what goes

on in your head? Is your life? That rosie that
you can afford to spook yourself in your moments of entertainment, Like, well,
I I I have enough terrors going on in my
brain that I don't need some some outside influence adding
to them. It seems very strange to me. We want
to emote, right, I mean, movies are supposed to conjure
emotions and whether and I think there's you know, there's

a group there there's a contingency that says I don't
like sad movies. I don't. I don't need to cry
and and see a sad tale, whereas other people eat
them up. I just think it's one of those emotions
that you're looking for, like, oh, I'd rather be scared
at something on the big screen than than something in
real life. So maybe I get my scares here and
uh and that that I guess serves that emotional basessy

that otherwise it wouldn't have. That assumes life the actual
life isn't going to present any here. I'm reserving them
all for the movies. Goodness, it really is bad news
kids out there, Eddie Spaghetti, I guess that you can
be counted among them. I've noticed even within not I'm
not talking about eleven year old dave to Now. I'm
talking about like early adulthood dave to now one. I

love roller coasters, but the older I get, the less
I like heights. The less I can that is, I
just hate that that vertigo feeling of like looking over
the edge as it ticks up. Good tip. I want
to tell you parents this, go on whatever your favorite

amusement park is. They all have p o V shots
of the roller coasters now and if you want Disneyland
if you have little ones and they want to ride,
it's a small world. You can just go on search
Disneyland rides and you get those p O V rides
and it's super fun to do with your kids. As
a side note, but yes, even then, I can't even
go to like, um, uh, what's the one I thought universal? Universal?

All the rides are those projection pop kind of thing,
Like I get gauseated from those. Those will screw you up,
And I can't want and and scary movies. Now my
appetite for those has has gone down even further than
where it was, Like I get so spooked that it's
too bad. I think there are very few things, uh

that are that are special moments for parents, like riding
a roller coaster and looking at the kid next to
and like my middle my middle Parker is the one
that I probably tortured the most. We went on Ghost Ghostwriters.
My absolute favorite roller coaster. It's it not It's one
of the old school wooden roller coasters that goes you know,
it's just straight up and then you haul ass down
and you're going super fast through that circle. I think

she was maybe five when I took her on it,
and there's adults that like you see jumping out of
line because they're too scared by the time, and there
is something cool about that moment when they're looking at
you like, hey, are are you going to protect me here?
Because that that that that that that that's going up
and okay, no way out. And then by the end
of it, Uh, they're just laughing and giggling. All us

do it together. There is something special about well we
did that. We we went to Lego Land, which is
obviously not known for us it's amazing rides, but I
went with my daughter um and at the end of
the day it was like the part closes at six
or whatever. They said, right last ride we're going on,
and it was. It was the littlest roller coaster. It
was the kind of the easiest one, but it was
still had a couple of jumps. So we got back

to the you know, do the whole thing. It's great
and the guys like, who wants to go again? And
so all the kids on the roller coast are like, yeah,
let's go. Then it goes around again. We get back again.
At this time around all the kids like one more time.
So he's like all right if you go and it
goes and I'm not joking. Seventeen times later we've gone,
We've gone around and everyone the kids like that again,

and the guys like and I'm like, please, will you
let me off this? I cannot even though it is
like the slowest, easiest roller coaster in the world, I
can't do this another time. And it's more as much
as anything else is my body is being like shook
around and everything. I've dislocated my back. At this point
I had to crawl off the roller coaster. I was like, kids,
you go, you need a funnel cake. You've had our

funnel cakes right hands. I have. I've tried a funnel cake.
I don't know why. Why would you make a funnel cake?
What's the point of the funnel in a different shape?
It's delicious? What's your point funnel cake? Sugar? But I
guess point cut them off, as I know you don't
like to keep them. But that's a warning. I don't like.
One thing I won't stand for is you're disparaging our

delicious funnel cakes. Um, yeah, I'm with you. Money, You're
so right about the experience. It got sideways though there
was no happy ending for it. We went on the
Incredit Coaster two years ago and was the first big
roller coaster. Um. The older kids went on, it's a
great it's a good job. Yeah, yeah, it's got some blood.

What I don't like is like I don't like Space
Mountain because I don't like being in darkness because then
out without seeing it. That feels like a cheat to me.
I like seeing the big what down the hill? Um
we go, but the kids, because of the way the
seats laid out, I have to be in front, and
the two uh the then eleven year old nine year

old were behind me. And as soon as you hear
dash incredible voice and say by ready, okay, here we go,
and they were excited. And then his count on it
is a little too fast, dashingly like KI four three
to one, and it takes off. As soon as it
took off, I knew that they were Patrick. I bet

and as a terrible parent, as we went I was
I thought, there's nothing you're locked it. You cannot even
turn around to see how they're doing. May as well
just enjoy the next two minutes we're gonna do. You can't.
I can't stop the ride. I can't do anything. I
can't empathize. I could try to empathize, but you know,
once the next time I'm getting on this coaster, I

enjoyed it. As soon as we stopped, I turned around
and they both were sobbing. They were both but now
they love coasters. Now they both love coasters, owed in
part to our trip to Kenny Wood Park in Pittsburgh,
PA used to be the best place for roller coasters
anywhere and still has some really great ones. Um and
the other side of the shot, Ohio. Well, see the

point we can talk about data pointing island. So I'm
not saying now I've seen point sea points. I mean
I want to make sure I acknowledge our Ohio friends
listening to the podcast, You're not going to get away
with that Western p A Okay, you're not gonna slide
that in there and get away with it. You start
really living one of the first times you really feel
like a big grown up or some some sort of

sense of what it is is when you are able
to really think about that, come to think of it,
watching horror movies is maybe one, but when you get
the ride the what You're tall enough and brave enough
to get on the big coaster, the biggest coaster in
the park. Scary some people, too much for some people.
I'll do it is a great uh right of victory. Yes,

for I was gonna say manhood, but my sister did
it with me, so whatever that made her a woman.
I'm I do want to I just quickly want to
add I also, um, I also harassed my children on
the roller coasters like I am. I am the arms
up the whole time, like you cannot put it down
no matter what. And they'll be sitting next to one

of my kids it the other one is humiliated by it.
I I really get a weird like um Joaquin Phoenix
in the Joker when you if you put me on
a really big hill roller coaster, I cannot stop laughing.
I mean, it's not like something I wouldn't be able

to sustain take laugh. I can. It makes me gleeful.
The other side of the thing is so the kids.
But then mo damnit check what makes old Momo such
a gem with her grandkids and otherwise? Is and I
put the pictures on social media and stuff is I
have images of her? She went on the Crazy roller

coaster in Pittsburgh and Kennywood. I mean like really crazy,
like the old man is like, oh you can hurt
your neck. And that's the old people right her in
line in what felt like two degree humidity with the
with us just standing in line. So it's this old,
this old bat mode damnitschek standing there and then her laughing.

On another ride at Disneyland with Jean Claude ban Damage
Quintessential Mode roller coasters. They're great. We all agree we
did it. Everybody. What a show? Can we I'm so
inspired by this. Once all this BS is over, can
we all go on a roller coaster together? We've done
We've done that a plane cost. I think we did

a plane cost. We've definitely aspired to do a boat cost.
We at one point discussed having of a sector cost.
Could we potentially, um do do a coast castast? I
mean yeah, now we've now, we've we've spent the last
eight weeks plus in each other's bedrooms. We certain exactly,
we've We've got pussy. The last time I was at

Nots and I believe it to be the finest in
all the land. It has some old rickety roller coasters.
I think I can't it's Monozooma's Revenge is what it's
called here, But it's like being credit coaster where it
just launches you from a start and it's just one
loop up, one loop back and that's it. So they
have the old ones like that, and then they have
the newer fangled stand up or your legs are hanging,

and then they have the classic. They have a brand
new one where it's like you're in like a car, right.
It's four rows of four seats each, and you go
straight up and then you hang and then it flips
you over and you are staring straight down. It releases
you and you just drop straight kind of so well twist.

It was the last coaster I've been on before this happened.
And we go quite a bit here in the old
Smith family. There was a mom and her son right
in front of and and you know, you you load
up and then it pushes you forward like ten feet
and you gotta wait for the car in front of
you to clear and then you start going up. So
as it is pushed us up ten feet, her son

is not crying so much as he is convulsive and stobbing,
and he's like he's probably twelve thirteen and she's like,
it's okay, honey, excuse me, sir um can we can
we get up? And he's like, now I can do.
And he's like he's sitting there and everyone in line
is staring at him, and he's trying uncontrollably, and he's like,

I'm sorry, you're you're beyond the dock. We can't back
it up, but you're you're gonna have. And as we
move from our standing position to start our ascent, he's trying.
It's terrible. I'm laughing right all of a sudden, I
just hear him as we start moving, and I didn't

even remember the ride because I was laughing so hard
that I could not And my daughter's laughing, and I'm like,
don't laugh. It's not like I don't know outside of
without working Blue and Cardinal Pleasures or whatever, I don't
know that there's a greater, uh joyous experience for the

human being than a roller coaster. Now I think about
it a good day, the smells of the amusement park
and that what is that thing a calliope? Is that
what that thing is called? That? Like? Is that what
I'm thinking about? That's that noise? It's ubiquitous wherever you
are an amusing sort like like a casino, you hear
the chinging ching ing dinging big condly the amusement park equivalent. Yeah. Yeah,

But Cedar Point, I my college girlfriend was a lifeguard
at the water park thing. So when the water park
would close at night, I mean when the park would
close at night, employees had free run of the joint
and we would ride what remains one of the best
roller coasters in the world, the Magnum. We would ride
that like you're describing hands and we would ride that
three times in a row in a given night. It was,

it was. It was a wonderful place. Yeah, Cedar Point
is one of the great roller coaster places. I haven't
been around too many in southern California, but spaghetti to
shift to shift over back to what I wanted to
ask you, what's worse in somebody who's still in his
twenties opinion? Is it worse because this is a this
is a existential, you know, lesser of two evils kind

of thing for people. For our our age is better
to be cool and go flat brim and or whatever
the style of the day is. At what point is
appropriate to cut off, Like, who do you have less
respect for? I guess you're not gonna have a ton
of respect for either one. Do you respect I guess
you can really, you know, look at it like this,

who do you respect less? In terms of fashion? It Dave?
Damn a check, who's like it's over it ended fifteen
twenty five years ago. The way Dave looks this is
it like Dave can't keep up with the latest fashions,
you know, like that's it? Or Matt money Smith who

despite his ever advancing age, continues to be him and
now like he's you know, yeah, but money pulls it off.
Money pulls it off, Dave. That's the right example. Money
actually is able to pull it off, all right? Who doesn't?
Then who does it and doesn't pull it off? I mean,
this is not go ahead? Is like am I do

I do? I seem like I try to keep stay hip?
Is that I don't feel like, yeah, I don't. I'm
gonna say I don't get that advibe from money. I
don't think money is a good example. It's not an
offense to money either. You guys just wearing like hats
and a T shirt and all I was saying money
is definitely cooler than Dave. Wow. I mean that's not
nobody's debating that part. But my if you're a guy
at you know, whatever age, if you're a past forty

and you're into fashion and you're into like what's cool
and style like that, to me, I don't know, have
tolerance for that. I think. I mean, I coming from
a kid, a guy who's wearing a jersey of a
younger man and jim shorts and slides around his house
constantly like I don't know fashion, but I just you know,
I don't know. To me, you just t shirt jeans.
I like to think, I'd like to think of it

if the rips and zips are the two things, right,
people who are trying to be cool, who are who
are they? Like rips in their clothes? You look absolutely ridiculous.
If you're wearing that closed age forty and zips. That
seems to be the other thing that seemed to come
with rips, well, a multitude of zips especially. I think
maybe this is like a British thing, but like wearing

a jacket, which you obviously don't have to do that
after the some California that has an enormous number of
zips that are not required. Um, and yes, there's a
there's a look. There's a certain look of rips and
zips that's like you you're too old for this, and
even if you weren't to for it, kind of you
look stupid. Anyway, I'm not trying to be hip, just

trying to go If I tried to go flat Bill,
this is how I would roll into the and you
would you would be able to appropriately say you stop
or wearing it backwards. I don't go out of the house.
I don't go out in public with the backwards at
but I will sport the backwards lid around the house.
And I don't think that's running a foul of anything.

But you can't. I can't go out spaghetti looking like
this with a hat backwards hat though because the drug
store and see again like I don't have a problem
with that. I'm I'm very pro do what you want
to do and as long as you're having with it,
then go ahead and do it. My god, you're the
worst kind of person, Eddie. People judge others know, if
I saw Dave walking around with the fensers, you insured

in the backwards pirates and I'm like that guy is
probably awesome. If I see a guy now who's during
this pandemic going a CVS and like some high fashion
that you would see on like you know, uh you
old jeans and an affliction shirt, you're gonna judge him.
You're not gonna You're not gonna say, and you know what,
good for that guy, you know, if that's what he's
into it, then good. No, you're gonna say, Hey, that
freaking guy, he's got diamonds on the best. Don't give

me the I don't judge anybody. I mean judging, like
one through the hat backwards. It's funny because I would
judge as we're having this conversation, if I saw spaghetti,
I likely would judge him walking around and Utah jazz
um game jersey and that head of hair. I wanted
you to asked the much more stylish and hip and

attractive and otherwise plugged into what's going down. Ask your girlfriend, Jada,
what's the worst old guy move to be hip and
now or to you just be like, no question, Yeah,
I look like look like it looks like his wardrobe.
Since she would hate the old wardrobe, she she thinks
people who dress more hip and like into fashion style

are better. She tries to like buy me stuff and
dress me up, and I'm like, all right, that's gonna
sit in the closet for years and I'm never gonna
take the tags off. So I'll grab you with that
like that. That would you mind just put turn your
camera off and go away for as long as it
takes and come back wearing some of the items that
she's brought for you that you have put in the
in the closet. I wouldn't Could you just go do

that right now? Sure, we'll, we'll, we'll just please. I
don't want to watch you get changed, So please if
that's involved. Um Mitchell spider Mitchell alternate that mimics the
rock of the youthaw Mountains is gonna come off. God,

I love Eddie. The guys I like the guys who basketball.
I don't know, like what would be I guess you
could get like a Stanley Roberts or something like that. Nothing,
there's nothing, Uh yeah, hot plate Williams or somebody or
something like that. There aren't that many examples of heavy
set basketball guys. But the U I do love the

guy who makes the choice to get the offensive lineman
number like that the guy who's walking around in the
stands with number seventy three John Hannah, who that movie is? Uh,
I don't have a great regard for that guy. Who
else I don't have great regard for is? I feel
like we know that at the dawn of the twenty

one century at least, and we know who the names
are these guys who have made millions upon millions of
dollars by just hot taking it, whether they believe it
or not. That's that's besides the point. It's this is
going to get attention. It's such an easy formula to
apply if you're willing to do it, if you're willing
to be soulless. And there are three or five people who,

like I say, are multi millionaires as a result of that,
as people hang on their word because they get great
credit for allegedly making you think. No, i'n considered that
side of it. Just take the minority opinion of everything
and defended tooth and nail and uh, and you can
be a millionaire to um. Doesn't matter if you don't
believe what you're saying, um and and never mind that

your bogus opinions will fold in on each other eventually
that they don't pick yourself. They don't care about that.
It's not it's not about being right, it's about being interesting.
How about both or But anyhow, the those guys must
feel like Pearl Jam feels or Nirvana feels when they

look at Creed like the second iteration and the third
it gets worse and worse. These people, Now, this spring
of it occurs to me. I remember five years ago
hot takes were all the things like I'm making fun
of hot takes, misspelling and everything else. It seems to
me it's gotten even worse. Is that possible? This stuff
about like Roethlisberger's a bump you know, you know, and

not hitting home for me because it's the steel was.
It's just like it is a good example of like
you have no way of knowing what what what the
circumstances with him, and yet you know for sure what's
gonna be. It seems more ridiculous than ever, and I
have nothing else. It's well that's about roller coasters. That yeah,

exactly right. But what happens, you know, it's what happens.
And I think that's yeah, it's very hard to be
a hot taker when there's nothing out there to hot take.
You know, you just have to attach it to something
else and embrace debit. And you take one side, don't know.
I think Ben's gonna be great. You take that side.
I'll take the Ben's washed up, fat and uh and worthless,

and let's go for five minutes and people will watch.
And you got to pick a side. You can't. You
can't say because no, that's the thing about sports fans
is nobody fashion update wo yeah, are popped it. I
was stretching to put it on with the buttons and

it almost snapped, so I had to readjust that the
maroon hurt. She wants you to be fat more fashionable,
but she does wanted to be as fat as you.
That's that's problem. Number one is the weight. Yeah, she
buys spaghetti clothes. Yeah. To describe the company wearing for

the listeners, the first it's a T shirt. It's a
maroon T shirt, but it's a medium. It's a men's medium.
Uh sighs that I no size that I've not been
for a number of years. And then and then the
outer shirt is they like a blue kind of it
looks denim, but it's not. It's like a Calvin Klein
almost shiny looking down button down with buttons on the

sleeves too, And it's, um, it's like a shirtman for
like a guy to wear to a club like one
oak that I don't own club shirt. Yeah, so that
that those are these are two examples of it. Um,
most of her pants like the waist like that's not
gonna fit. So like those are up in the closet too,
so uh yeah, it's it's the wardrobe, is uh, that's
why I mainly wear jerseys and tank tops. No society

has bigger issues, but I submit here and now at casual.
Friday has negatively impacted the way fellas adult fellas go
through life because at some point the man decided with
petty little gift like, oh we can wear we don't
have to wear a tie and code on Fridays. Oh

we're living this is it? Thank you Bob? As though
that some of the lamest thing ever, even worse is
when they say let's have fun where your favorite team
jersey to work today or dress up for St. Patrick?
Like what grown ups rejoicing about these opportunities? Um, the

but what has happened, as always does when the hold
on hold on, hold on, I got I gotta follow up.
I gotta follow up, dame, So you because because I
have this at the radio station. This this exists because
radio station. You know, the executives, the salespeople, uh, they
all used to show up to work and shirt and tie,
a lot of them full suit kind of thing, especially

the head of sales or the program the rector all,
you know. And then gradually it became, you know what,
I don't need to wear the tie. I'm just gonna
wear a coat and a shirt. And then it became,
you know what, I I can just come in a
nice shirt and a really nice pair of jeans. And
now basically I'm not saying they're slovenly, but for the
most part, they'll wear polos, they'll wear gene that. You know,

they're always wearing jeans, maybe a nice pair of you know,
Lulu Lemon pants or something like that. That's basically the outfit.
So what's worse the fact that that is now what
is appropriate or accepted attire in the workplace, or the
the guy that's still holding onto the suit. You know what,
I believe in looking professional. I I believe that, you know,

I present myself in a professional way to my clients
and to my co workers. And it is important for
me to look my best every day. So I'm gonna
keep wearing a suit even though you're one of maybe
five percent of the people they're still wearing a one
of the talking money right exactly. It's it's where we started.
It's it's the lesser of two evils. And I'm not
sure which it is. That's the I don't know neither

one is uh is a good look that that like
um corporate approved casual that now has insinuated itself into
date night go out into southern California restaurants. Well, the
next time we're allowed to, and the fellows there will
be dressed like Eddie Spaghetti is right. Club shirts there

there there in the shirt that has a pattern and
then the liner of the button on the inside it's
a different path, and then underneath the cuffs is a
different pattern. And it's like our night super Hip check
out this year. Yeah. I love, I have to love.
I've done it both ways because I first of all,
I love the old ball games. When you see the

old getaway games, you know, played in Brooklyn or wherever,
and you see the black and white stills of it,
and all the businessmen are in shirt sleeves O most
as though, um, they're in the same cult or something.
Because the black and white doesn't indicate that they're wearing
light blue with their tie. It looks like they all
have white shirts with black ties, all watching the ball game,

and they have a lot of them have their hats on.
I pined for that, and I signed off on that.
And I never understood when I was a suit uh
myself in the nineties in Chicago, people don't be like
you know, other guys in their Twitter and be like
I can't stand this tie. I can't wait to loosen
this tie, Like are you tying that correctly? If it's
choking you, I don't think you're doing I love it's

not cumbersome for you. Conversely, Chandler Bing was in a
show that was about making a late night I'm making
an SNL type show. Do you remember that show about
the decade ago that was on NBC on this and
it was no, no, no, It was like it was
an hour long UM show with the guy Chandler Bing.

I can't think of his name, Matthew Perry, and he
was the head writer or the show. Uh, and he reprimanded.
He's like, no, we're looking like no more, looking like
outgrown kids in this right at this writer's table, we
dressed professionally and he made them wear suiting guys and
that was obnoxious too. It leaves me. But then again,

the guy who when people like when Kimmel was in
the early days of The Kimmel Show, he was insistent,
I want to break some rules. I'm not wearing a
tie out there like you're supposed to. And it's like, yeah,
but the effect is I get what you're going for.
But the effect is ultimately that you kind of look
like you've spent the night in the pokey and now

you're meeting the judge in the courtroom the next day.
When you wear the suit and the shirt underneath but
no tie, that's that effect. But you look like you
have a public defender, you know, for whatever whatever felony
you committed last night, you know kind of look. I
don't where you were going though, when you were talking
about the Friday, the dress down Friday thing is the

the man has also said dressed down, but not not
that much, right, not what you would want to be wearing,
like dressed down to an appropriate level that actually still
isn't you right if you if you don't consider what
you wear to work on Monday through Thursday to be
reflective of you, you can wear what you want on Friday,
but actually it's not what you want to wear. It's

still at a level that, like Eddie certainly not going
to be comfortable at because what Eddie actually wants to
although I've seen any wearing this at work is the
is his jersey Corporate proved fun. I mean, that's why
office space is a gem of a picture, because you know,
as they say, it's true. I mean, all those beats
are exactly right. I worked in Corporate America in the

cubicle doing sales and everything else, and the line that
resonated the most for me was at the end of it.
Well now I can't even remember what the line was exactly,
but it's essentially like you basically, at the end of
the week, you've done basically about eleven minutes or work.
That's the that's the big roost, the big bait and switch.
Even on this side of things that we get to
flap our gums and crack wise and all that kind

of stuff about sports and roller coasters and movies and
music and otherwise that is more work, ironically then sitting
in the cubicle. You can just get away with just
shuffling papers. So I just moved the stack of papers
from one side of your cube to the other. And
no one really is going to know for years on
end that Hey, uh, you know Dave in the in

the corner cube over there, like he doesn't do as
far as we can tell, has done anything out six
years now. You know that's okay. I saw him at
the meetings. You know, I noticed you sent back some emails. Um,
I don't know. It seems like he's doing stuff to me.
I once gotten trouble in because it's endless. Corporate America

is endless meetings. It's just like constantly getting together, like
what are we meeting on everything? Why don't what do
we ever do anything? We just meeting validating why. That's
what the meeting is. I'm validating why I get paid here.
It's crazy. And we did that. And they're always team building,
always team building exercises. Why do we have to what?
Why to what? End um the And once there was

a thing where everybody, all the sales people were given
a thing and you have the right ten things underneath it.
It was like I am dot dot dot and then
ten things about you so that you know, presumably we'd
all get to know each other even better. And uh
I went, I went like, well, I'm Dave, and uh
I am a little t pot short and stuff. Oh

did I get in trouble for that? I didn't imagine.
That didn't go well. It went over in the room,
but then after the fact, as it turned out, and
didn't go like did you hear the laughs? Though that?
Did you hear the laughs? What are you talking about? There? Like?
I don't know what what game you're playing here, but
you're not playing our game. Dave uh to quickly, just

quickly to button the conversation about a corporate America. As
someone who who worked for the Lakers and went to
every home game for six straight years, one of my
favorite observations was the high percentage of guy who gets
off work and for whatever reason, thinks it's a good
idea to throw the jersey over his white his right

work shirt. And he's there with his Kobe tank top
with the shirt underneath. The sleeves are rolled up, he's
gotten the collar on top of the tank top. And
it's like, you know, you don't need to wear the
Kovid jersey. Just being at the Laker game is good enough.
If you stand up and your cheer when he makes
the basket, they're gonna know you're rooting for the Lakers.
But you know you're talking about a few hunt Now

that might be an exaggeration. At least a hundred of them.
I would see every single game, every game, at least
a hundred guys in work shirts with a tank top
over it. It's unforgivable. I guess you're right. What you're
getting at is authenticity. Right if you're coming from work,
then you came from work and that's how you look,
and you got your suit and tie on. And there's
something that my favorite thing. Uh well, don't I remember

the old man when he would come off the golf
course and uh we would uh we'd go to a
swimming pool right near where he would golf, and he
would come over in his cleats, his golf shoes, which
now are have gone the way of the Dodo bird.
But I never had more respect for a man who
saved lives and everything as a as a physician and everything.
Never had more respect for him than when he get

off the golf course and come over and I'd hear
his click and he clack like he was a gun
slinger just finishing somebody a ne'er do well at high noon. Um,
you know it will come over, click, click click. That
was the coolest authenticity. He exactly right. Sorry, Hank, I
thought you were going there's nothing. I mean, Dave's right,

of course, all right, do we want to squeeze in
some We didn't do any football? Cock here quickly, Cam Newton,
where's he playing? Go money out? You know? Legitimate question
for you is a Chargers guy, we've we've been around
this and around us and around us for six months
at least now. Legitimately, when you saw Phil Rivers going
downhill in that offense, do you buy The discussion we've

had many times is if you can't rightly say that
our team is put together and it is at optimal
level to give us the chance to get to the
Super Bowl, do you feel the Chargers with Cam Newton
floating around out there. I know his medicals are tv D,
but if somebody checks him out, the Charger's physicians look

at him and and look him over and they say, Wow,
he's ready to go. He's better. It looked better than
we could have imagined. Isn't it incumbent on this ripe
roster a team that legitimately looks like if there's anybody
out there that could challenge the Chiefs in the conference,
it's the Chargers. But not with Tyrod Taylor and not
with a young Justin Herbert unless he's so electric on

the level of Deshaun Watson and Patrick him that he
can elevate the team, which again, that's a little bit
of a reach for a rookie to do. Isn't it
incumbent upon them to say, all right, let's get Cam
in here because we especially if it's like a one
year deal, like I gotta do a prove it thing
because the league's turn in its nose up at me.
Shouldn't they go get Camp because they can get to

the super Bowl with Camp and they can't with Tyrod
Taylor is at a fair state, Um, I think they
would if if they thought that. I think I think Cam,
but I think people don't realize Cam's very polarizing. You know,
you really have to I think that's one of the
great things about the Ravens and what they did when
they decided to draft Lamar Jackson, as they said, we
are going to completely design this offense around this guy's

specific talents, and it's been great, Um, and I think
you have to do a little bit of that with cam. Um.
You know that his style of play is different obviously
than what Philip was. Now it's very similar to what
Tyrod is and I think, you know, the I think
the issue that that you would have is just circumstance
and the fact that we're going through as an a
you can't get your hands on him medically and be

he can't be around you to learn the offense. You know.
There's there's no O T. A s. There's no mini camps,
there's no you know. And I think that's probably why
Tyrod is kind of their idea of, well, look we
might even have a bit of an advantage here, you know,
and that he's been in this offense. It's the same coordinator, uh,
the same players. So all we need him to do

is is not turn the ball over, you know, seven
times between fumbles and interceptions in games that were one score.
And we feel like we're going to get into that
that postseason so my guesses that's what they're thinking is
And I also think just as and we've had this
debate many times, I just think as a as a
passer with you know, with what you need to do

with that offense, what's available to you, Mike Williams, Keenan
Allen Hunter, Henry Austin Ekeler out of the backfield. I
think they look at it as, you know, you need
a guy who's able to distribute a little bit more
um and and I don't know if Cam, you know,
and that's obviously always the the kind of one versus
the other is did he have enough talent at the
wide receiver and tideen position or was Cam just not

great at at putting that ball all over the place.
I don't know. I mean, I I totally understand your
your point. Would you feel better about Camp taking snaps
than Tyrod Taylor if he was healthy and he's m
v P level Camp? Of course, By the way, I
think Tyrod Taylor has been perennially kind of underrated. You know,
when they handed him the keys with the Browns, he

had Mayfield looming, and I suspect that probably gets in
just about anybody's head but a horrible yeah. But it
just just straight up within the division. If you cannot
rightly say well, yeah, we we can compete with that team,
I don't know. I just don't know that ultimately. But
you've also talked about how good the defense has a
chance to be. But anyway, what they're I think what

they're gonna do and what you're starting to read a
lot of articles on and hear a lot of people
talk about is just the return of outside in wide
zone and and how dominant it has been the last
couple of years with Sean McVeigh, with Kyle Shanahan. Um.
And I think they're gonna see a lot of that
with the Chargers this year. And that's why they went
out and got Trade Turner and why they got bologged.

And I know it's gonna sound crazy, but you know,
if they're thinking of Sam Tevy at left tackle, he
is super athletic, not a great pass blocker, but he
was fantastic and run blocking and his ability to get
out there and really get his hands on guys. UM. So,
I think you're just gonna see a lot of that,
very similar to the forty Niners, where if you believe
Tyrod can play at a level Jimmy Garoppolo kan and

I certainly believe that. Um. Then, I think that's kind
of how they look at this offense and what they
think they can do with with that running back room
and the talent that they have. It seems like the
Chiefs are so far in away that the favorite. I
know a lot of people are hip on the Ravens.
We have to wait and see what what what year
two fully of that offense is gonna look like. But
I'm with you completely that the key to what they

did was they didn't just say, yeah, Lamar's r QB now. Uh.
They said, now we must build the entire office just
to suit this attack that we're gonna do. It's interesting,
I guess run away from Chris Jones and company because
what they do have going there is that plug in
the middle there, and I guess if you start moving
around um those guys. Anyway, it's a curious one. And
the other one I have for you is um handsome

the other five the Ravens should I don't think I'm
gonna try to hot take you that the Steelers are
gonna win the division, but I think the Browns are
gonna be good. Who's the second best team in the
a f C North Ansom may the Steelers? You think
the Steeler? I think the Steelers up, but I think
I'm not certainly not going to do the hot take
on memor Roethlisberg is trashed, but I do think that
they to me, they're looking at the landing spot for

camp that's the right place because Ben obviously has been injured.
How would that be though, unless he gets hurt, Unless
Roethlisberger gets hurt, there's just no way. But but it's
more likely based on the recent evidence, it's more likely
that he will get than he won't. And they they
saw last year they were a playoff team that that
ultimately failed because they didn't have an adequate back got

They haven't really addressed that to the extent that they
need to. And look, this might be Ben's last season,
So why wouldn't you plan for the future and bring
in a guy that potentially is either you will feature
studying quote about when Ben does retire or can be
the bridge to the guy that you drop. Because the
answer is the answer to that is is that it
ignores I'm not being snarky to you, but people keep

saying that it ignores the reality of how contracts work
and how the operation goes. If Cam Newton left comes in,
all right, I'll sign. I'll sign under the premise that
I am bench back up in case he gets hurt
this year. Like what's the one year deal? What doesn't
guarantee him anything? If Roethlisberger ends? Now, Like what does that?

That doesn't mean a thing for Cam's like, okay, now
we're sign me then Steelers and it would be the
same thing as and he's atrophying on the sideline, assuming
he doesn't play. The best move for Cam is at
this point, I think the money's what money is getting
at is or maybe you too handsome is wait and
see somebody's in the blink, gonna get hurt a current situation,

in the current situation if they don't, what you're looking
for is I guess you know. Potentially what Jameis Winston
was was doing was where is the place where I
can go and have a chance of starting based on injury?
Obviously not rooting for anyone to get engine, but also
be where's a place that I can establish myself and
potentially have the opportunity to to slide into a spot

with it. What else is a pretty good team around you?
I know, I know has impacted the way teams can
look at guys or not that they don't have a
chance to do the medicals on cam and and all that.
But it seems crazy to me that the Jacksonville Jaguars,
who allegedly want to win as many football games as
possible this season, they don't. I decided, yeah, well they know.

If that's what you're Gardner Minshew over Cam Newton is
a is a ridiculous idea. And by the way, if
two is your guy long term, fine, talk about a
one year deal of transition guy this Ryan Fitzpatrick Jazz.
I guess that makes better I'm sorry now he was
in my own way that does make better sense. You
don't want Cam Cam Cam Looming is not good for

number one? You know? That would be that I would
like to pose the question to you, Dave, who is
the second best team in the a f C North.
I mean, I'm in the same place I was going
into last year, which was that the Browns roster um
the offensive line a year ago aside was just look
loaded like it was. It was like, good luck making

a case my case against the Browns a year ago
was Freddie Kitchens and I was proven correct on that one, obviously,
Like this guy is definitely gonna do it, the guy
who's never done it before. He's definitely the guy who
has the keys to unlock all the Browns fans woes
of the last four decades. Um, that's fixed. The offensive

line is is fixed. And um, you'd rather have their receivers.
You'd rather have their running backs. You'd probably rather have
their offensive line with Stanley and Wills and Betonio and
shred or now I mean it's and the time, their
defense and minimum a bunch of playmakers. If nothing else,

they'll tend that's it is. If it doesn't happen this year,
I don't know what to say. Like to me, it's
it is set up where it should happen. I I
it should be. But we talked about that the other
day and then we'll cut this off. We've got on
more than enough. But um, the as we rank the

divisions are like, I think the good gauge of that is,
aside from the division where you're rooting interests lies, what
division would you most want to watch? You make a
pretty strong case for the a f C North to
see year two of the m v P Lamar Jackson
and what that Ravens team can do. Fun to look
at them. The Browns with Baker Mayfield fascinating at minimum
and potentially a breakout team. This has got to be

it though, for Acre, because you can point to Peyton
Manning through a bunch of picks in year two and
you know, got a little sideways in his sophomore year.
Plenty of time for Baker to turn it around. But
if he doesn't, that's fun to watch. And then you
have the Hall of Famer in Roethlisberger and Joe Burrow
to see what Number one goes on there. But I

don't know, man, that the thing, the underreported thing in
the irony in what I'm about to say is Roethlisberger,
mrs all the last year James Conner heard for a
lot of it, Levy and Bell misses basically two years,
Antonio Brown sideway stefant to it, and then most significantly,
Ryan Shay's here. All those things are absences from the

starting lineup and keep absences. And yet I still feel
like the Steelers have largely dodged the the injury thing
and that's what could be there. I'm doing if they
Cam Hayward or t J. Watt where there's just no
legitimate depth there. I mean, if t J. Watt gets well,
then that's the end of the season for the Steelers.
You know, they're they're they're not going to or if
Manka gets hurt that they just don't have that's free agent.

I think every guys that they don't their defense should
be something you can stay healthy. They should defense. That
defense is better than the bronze defense. Right and this year,
especially given that we may not have as much time,
you know, for teams to practice during training camp and
who know, it's about preseason and everything else, it feels
like talent level on defense, where you know you always

say the offenses are sort of catching up, could be
the thing that differentiates teams at least in the first
half of the season. To have you know that that
is going to be even more of an advantage and
it would be normal. I mean, I'll, I know it's
easy to say this is this is I I really do.
I know that you will laugh at this comment. I
really do try. I don't consider myself a homer, and

though you guys do because I have I know you
did it. That's fine. May I finish, And I felt
like it was important for us to acknowledge, so you know,
it doesn't it's not a victory for you when I've
already said that, you're trying to take it away from us,
and that's our that's right, that's our. I like, I'd

like to see things happen, but that doesn't get in
the way of what I think will happen. However, I
feel that if Roethlisberger is at all right, that should be.
I can be objective, I can be objective, and I'm
being objective, but but I am being object I don't know.

I don't know if he I don't know he's ready
to go. But if his if on him thrown it,
if his arms that's right, that's right. If his arms
all right, I'll take him over Lamar Jackson and Baker Mayfield,
Joe Burrow and that's it. That the that's the end
of it. I don't I'm about say whatever you want.
I take to you. I say that, that's what I say.
If seven is ready to go, what are we what

are we talking about? That should? I just want to
make sure because you have pressed me on this player
multiple times, trying to back me into a corner and
get me into trouble. If you can have for the campaign,
Lamar Jackson or Ben Roethlisberger, you want which player? I mean,

you're gonna have to put the asterisk ont it though
I don't want an asteris its aim question? You can
either have the league's legs raining MVP or coming off
a missed season, thirty seven year old Ben Roethlisberger, Which
one would you prefer? Lama Jackson might not have been
the m v P if if Ben had been able
to play. Last look at spaghett it congratulations, you got

a big laugh right now, guys, You see is he's
deflecting right now? Eddie's big. Eddie's on four QB is
standing out on the curb if you need him. Hey,
that's okay. Will probably have a better season, Eddie. Don't

move us off the point. I have not answered the question.
Spaghetti's I just want to honor and you don't need
to point to defferentiate someone who wants to see things
and someone who is deluded. Eddie Spaghetti just said Daniel
Jones is going to have a better season than Ben
Roethlis First, that's crazy. I'm poking the bear question. The
question you get to you get to choose campaign Ben

or raining m v P of the NFL. Lamar Jackson
in in the system that he's in, and basically they say,
however you like, whatever, however you want to. Basically you
are just moving those two guys. I mean, listen, if
he if seven, if seven is ready, let's get to heaven.

Here we go, stealers, That's what I want that. Let's
for the record. I just want to make sure we
have that for the record. I mean, I don't want
to believe it this. Everybody has things to do with
their life. But your contention is that the guy who
has had one stellar, marvelous season. I'm just a guy

asking a question. All I'm doing I'm just asking you
would you rather have the guy that has set the
league on fire? Set the league on fire? One guy's
been in three Super Bowls and one two of them.
What are we talking, right, I'm talking about going to
the Hall of Fame. You know who else is going

to the Hall of Fame? Eli Manning, right, He's won
two Super Bowls and I would rather have Lamar Jackson
quarterback my team than he Lie Manny, I'm all right.
I asked the question, and I would agree that he
would rather have Lamar Jackson quarterback his team than Eli Manning.
I mean, if you float that out with any context,

if you just say Dave is Dave is an idiot,
because because he's like driving, it is not crazy to
say that I am suspicious of what will happen to
Lamar Jackson. Feel this is something you put on us
all the time. Now you know you're still not a believer. Huh,

anything you can throw now, I want you to admit something.
Money sure that Michael Jordan's it's a jerk. Oh, clearly
he's a jerk. Come on, I don't know if I
mean I I appreciated watching the Bulls win a bunch
of championships as a Chicago Bulls fan back in the day. Absolutely,

but I yeah, I mean, come on, the the the
just quickly. The scene of him laughing at Gary Payton
I think was the biggest indictment of his jerkiness. It's like,
I know, Darry roughed you up in that game exactly though,
so it maybe just acknowledge that he did. And now

at the same time, you know, when you talk like
we had Scottie Barrell on yesterday on the show uh And,
and he had said he felt like He's like, I
feel bad from Mike. He's like, you know, everybody's like
asking me, Oh, he was such a bully. He's like,
that guy was the best team I have ever had.
He invited me to everything. He's like, he always invited
me to everything. He always wanted to see how I
was doing. He goes, he goes that stuff that you saw,

that's just you know, grabbing ass. Two guys getting after
one another, having some fun. He goes, I never took
it as anything that that this guy was trying to
get me to. He goes, and I never played. He goes,
I felt like I played, you know he had. I
asked him. I was like, because you were in that
Game seven. You had to play it like six minutes
in that Game seven against Indiana. And he's like, without
the way Mike treated me that year, I don't play
the way I play in those seven minutes. Those six

minutes he was. I was ready, I wasn't nervous. I
got in. I knew I had a responsibility. And he
goes those things prepared me. Um, but yeah, if you
were to ask me just yes or no, Jordan's jerk. Yeah. Total.
The The thing my takeaway is and will wrap it up,
is that again, as much as it's floated as a documentary,

which equals to most people some objective representation, this is
this is Michael's spin on his legacy, and he still
comes off, in my opinion, pretty bad. No. I mean,
he's not a felon or anything like that, but he's
kind of this one dimensional He's, as I described him,
he is both sides of the two stars of Whiplash.

He is both the overbearing, evil dictator of a teacher
and he's also the student taking it all, pushing himself
to get better. It's a you know, he's both of
those parts. And that's fine that he is the ultimate competitor,
except for the fact that how many ultimate competitors step
away not once, but twice the ultimate All the Kevin

Durant is, oh, he's a coward because he chased rings
by going to a good team and uh, lebron Is
had to go to Miami like Jordan retired in nine
because he knew Pippen wasn't coming back, and by the
way the spin on that job that it's like, yep,
it was Krauss and Rhyme Storpe. There was no way
Pippin was ever coming back. It was over. So to

take that parting shot like yep, we could have kept
on going, but it wasn't up to me, Like yeah,
I was up to you, Michael. And by the way,
you retired because the team wasn't gonna be good and
you didn't like that fact, and why Katie and Lebron
have to wear that but you don't then you do.
There was a little matter of the Washington Wizards. And
by the way, after that, the humiliation. Do you haven't

even fluked your way in the relevance as an executive?
You know who has Mario Lamiue the greatest figure for
one franchise in sports history. Throw your head around all
your want spaghetti. That's a statement of fact, that's an
objective statement. That's documentary worthy. Well, throw your head around
all you want spaghetti. I thought your issue with the

documentary thing was that there is bias built in. If
you were to oversee the Mario Lemieux, there would be
incredible bias included. It would not be a documentary. It
would be a sports film, much like The Last Dance
was a compelling and wildly entertaining sports film. It wouldn't
be No, it wouldn't be very compelling because because there's

no dirt. But the worst thing he ever did was
what the most disgraceful thing that people would got to
wrap this up is that he said he would he
wouldn't order the fries with his sandwich coming off the
golf course a a fifteen minute, I mean a month
before the season got going. That's that's about his dirties

I got for sixties six. All Right, we're gonna go now.
I've had more than enough of all of you. But
I uh, I look forward to doing it again next week.
Next week, Yeah, I want to get dolled up in
your Friday best shirt. A shirt by the way, another
Marv hat Last Dance it ended perfectly too. That's that
was the best part of the whole documentary. Yeah, I

just ignored the that like, yeah, the last got that
all right? I forgot yes, terrible Pearl jam song. That's
how that's why you're saying it. I always come out
on top, rush, you always come out on topic. All
the shots coming at me, just step in the four draft.

All right, handsome Hank, what a pleasure, Matt money Smith
doubled for you, Eddie Spaghetti. You look dying on my
I want you to spend the rest of the week
in that outfit, unchanted, yeah, unwashed, whatever you're gonna It'll
be like, that's how you'll wean her off of trying
to dress you like this. It's like the parent who
finds it finds finds the kids smoking a cigar, like okay,

now go in the closet, smoke all the morning, where
that endlessly and she'll be like, please get on that
disgusting orange tank top of Spider Mitchell again. All right,
Uh so I think we've said it all said have
to be said. We talked to you in a week
until then four Handsome Matt money Smith, Eddie Spaghetti. Um,

thanks so much, football fans, it's been a thin slice ahead.
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