All Episodes

March 25, 2020 94 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined by Matt "Money" Smith, Handsome Hank and Eddie Spaghetti via video chat for an extra long mid-week DDFP! After talking about recent things they've been watching during the quarantine, poking fun at Spaghetti's video game playing and a funny pub story in London between Money, Hank and Daniel Jeremiah the guys got into the latest football news including the Rams new uniforms, where Cam Newton should sign and what's the best case scenario for the Chargers at quarterback (18:30)? The guys wrap up the show with some 'Use Your Noodle' trivia on each franchise's all-time rushing leader (1:11:28).

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
The Dave Damashi Football Program, available on the Apple Podcast
and at NFL dot com slash g DFP. Now here's
your host. Hi, and hello, and welcome to the Dave
damage Ship Football Program. I hope all as well. Wherever
you are, we're all sequestered in our respective bedroom. That

looks like I think these are bedrooms. Actually this isn't
my bedroom. This is uh I am in my uh,
my five year old boys bedroom right now. Um. And
if you're looking at this Eddie spaghetti, you're not behind
the glass. You're behind several walls somewhere in the Los
Angeles area. I don't know are people able to watch
this or no? Um. We could put clips on the internet,

but right now now that's only for our eyes, Okay.
So yeah, I've got the PAP patrol blanket behind me.
Edie is in his dorm room, by the way, and
he's got like a pearl jam post. What I really
learned in college. Yeah, like the Hansel Adams waterfall. This
one over here is a hand drawn pearl jam picture

that my old roommate got me. And then this one
is Temple the dog from the forum from four years ago.
So yeah, I have a lot more posters than the
other walls. And yeah, who's who's room? Whose home? Would
you most like a tour? How many spaghetti? Um? Spaghetti

is wearing? Um? Right now he's wearing one of those
throwback NB A tank pops in his home on purpose. Um.
And then he's also wearing a a old ball coach
style vis. That's that's really you know, to be able
to um take attention away from the tank top would

be hard to too hard to do. Is that something
that the twentiesomethings are doing? The millennials are going with
the visors? No, not in the least. I just I
just showered, I got my work I got my work
out in I showered. It was pretty hot my room
because I have the windows open, so I grabbed a tank,
you know, a jersey to wear it. It's not hot.
If you're hot, you may have a fever. No, it's not. No,

it's you're right. It's not hot. But I have like
these thin windows, and when the when the sun glares in,
it's very hot. Because my view of like Holly Hollywood
sign say, hi, thin windows, Yeah, they're thin. So when
when I'm looking at my my penthouse view of Griffith
and Hollywood signed the sun comes in it gets hot
so and my hair was long now because I can't

get it cut up for obvious reasons, so I put
a visor on. Look, we have a visitor. Who's with you, Hank?
I got Alfie here? Alfie, you say hi to everyone? No? Okay, no, wealthy?
Who's out your favorite NFL team? Althy? Who's your favorite
NFL team? You know who it is? The jague is
isn't it that happened to go to London or London's team?

It's nothing to do with London's team. It's because they
were that awesome, awesome uniform, isn't it? Okay? I don't know.
I think he also he also loves Blake bad and yeah,
that's the real reason. Who's doing better in your house?
Your mom or your dad? Who's running the who's running

the house the last week or so? Dave wants to
know who's doing better? Is it me, your father or
your mother? Who's who's who's in charge? And who's doing
the best at the moment? Who would you play? Who
do you say is doing terrific right now? Both? Who's
raised their voice more? Who shouts the most running Okay,

we have the whole handsome home. Everyone's rolling through. Yeah probably, um, alright,
the whole families around Handsome Hank. Again. Another example of
how Handsome Hank cheats life his wife without telling tales

out of school. His wife's family owns pubs all over
all over the UK. Is that right, Handsome? That is correct?
I think money, money, and I went to one of them.
I had a very amusing, very amusing You've never DJ
has never been as upset in his life, because the

man does not get angry at anything. You have to
you have to leave, and you, Jeremiah, why there was
the table next to us had a So we went
to the Chelsea Man. You match. Hank got us tickets. Hank.
Hank broke the news to mean I was supposed to
go see Uh what was I was supposed to go

see Tottenham? What was it? It It was Tottenham West Ham,
I think, and uh, the Tottenham has been my favorite
team for twenty years. So I was excited thirty years.
Probably I was excited. And uh, he's like, I've got
some bad knees. Money, we aren't going to Tottenham. It's
like son of a bitch, you know. And something about
the league was afraid about violence because of their rivalry
all that sort of stuff. He was, well, I was

able to secure tickets to Chelsea Manu. I was like,
oh darn, what a what a let down. So we
end up going to Old Trafford and isn't that where
they'll try to Stanford Bridge? Um? And then we walked
back and he's like, oh, you know, my wife phones
a pop right around the corner. Let's hit it up.
We go inside to eat and have a few beers

and the table next to us was packed. What do
you think, Hank, about eight ten people? They're all drunk.
And uh there was a dog underneath the table that
had stuck to its hind quarters. Uh, some remnants of
its business that it had stuck on, and it smelled terrible,

and it was back. DJ's chair was backed up to
their table. I was on the other side, so I
had side of his back to them. The dog is
basically rubbing up against DJ's leg. The like rubbing against
his leg to the dog's owner was intolerable and uh,

Ultimately it came to a head when uh, the owner
of the dog asked DJ if he was finished with
his food so he could feed it to his dog.
But but I only mid only like three or four
minutes off the DJ had started. This was this, and

then I think the tipping point, the tipping point for
DJ his ancher came when the server approached the table
basically kicked them out and said, you know, you're really
upsetting these guests. How dare you grab food off another
table to feed your dog or dogs an't even supposed
to be in there. And the gentleman was was very upset.
He's like, you know, an apologetic He's like, I am
so sorry. I assumed he was finished. I feel terrible

and then takes his big mitt it's got his hand
on his food that he's feeding his dog and puts
it right back unto great. It was one of my
favorite moments. I assume I haven't spent just a little
bit of time in London. In some of the pubs,
it's it's sort of checked out that everybody in the pub,

or like most guys in there are a slightly milder
version of the the guy who fights all the time
and train spotting, the guy who get glass into the
side of your head. Everybody seems real chippy in those pubs.
Maybe not, but there's there's always there's certainly those type,
but there's also every pub will have probably ten residents

who are there from opening time to close the time,
every single day of the week. And these are the
people we were sitting next to. Yes, and I mean
it's Dudley Moore there. There are d we went to.
That's what it felt like. We werended by Dudley Marks.
That was exactly what these this crew was was was

the guys that like they roll out of bed and
they're like, okay, time to go to the pub. And
then they roll out of the pub and it's like, okay,
time to go to bed. And that's that's life legend.
My favorite my favorite part of that too, by the way,
just to put a button on the story, uh, is
when they all get thrown out and leave, there is
one person, this quiet old man who's still there leading

his paper and he looks at us. She's like, thank
god they're gone with them. Didn't even know him. They
just took over his table that they were Finally, that's
the best man that lifestyle. The Richard Harris legendary thespian

and Peter O'Toole might be one too. For my all
time best late late night show guests. That's a good
list actually, that we should cobble together best best people
to ever come across on a late night show. Crispin
Glover is a good one, Um, but a more recent vintage.

Bill Burr always kills on late night shows. Um. But yeah,
Richard Harris one of his friends that he I guess
he's from a small town where there are four pubs,
and uh, he and his chums made up promised to
each other that when each one when when one dies,
the living members have to take him for one last
pint at each of the four pubs. And they literally

take the corpse of their friends from the house and
take him on a pub crawl around like weekend at
Bernie style. They literally take a dead man into four
different pubs to let them in that story. It's the
greatest tale ever. I always used to say that I
don't think you could do much better than marrying a

flight attendant, because then you get free travel. But I
think marrying somebody who owns a series of pubs would
would have to agree on the list. Two. Yeah, it's
worked out well. I would assume Hank that that's the
that's the retirement plan. Right when when you're all set
to call it you you and the family unit moved

back to London to run a couple too, three of
those pubs. And uh and that's that right, that could
that's a pretty good idea. I haven't ready gold that
far ahead, but yeah, I would be down for them.
All right. Listen, we've got a couple of things to do, Spaghetti.
We're gonna play some use your noodle, right, I want
to play as you know, we could do that, Okay,
I mean the most the most disinterested game show host

in history, Attie Spaghetti, and I do want to share.
I do want to share a conversation we had Dave
while we were waiting for you to join your own podcast.
But Hank and I were discussing this with Eddie and
we said, so, so you're still going with the headset.
Huh still still gonna still gonna use that? And he

got very defense and said, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna
use it, and then got into what he's been doing
gamer wise over the course of the quarantine and mentioned basically,
like the reason I have this on is because as
soon as we on the pod, I unplugged this headset
from my computer and immediately plug it into my gaming
system so I could get after it and uh, and

then shared what is it? What is it that you're
playing and the reason why you're playing it right now? Eddie? Uh,
the new Call of Duty war Zone. It's like a
new online multiplayers thing, similar to like the Fortnite game
or Apex Legends where anyone can join. It's a big, big,
huge map. He could team up with everyone. And so
me and my friends are playing at nighttime and what else? Uh?

The main game I've been playing alone has been The Witcher. Basically,
why why the Witch already? Because I just watched the
I watched the show twice over already on Netflix. Just
came out a few months ago, and I want to
get into the books and I like the story. It's
a good replacement for Game of Thrones and uh, so
I started to download the game and play that. Are

there any Witcher pump costs as well? I mean, if
you you've got you've got TV covered, you've got gaming covered,
it feels like you need an audio um accessory as well. Yeah,
I'm sure, I'm I would be shocked there wasn't one
of me it's been around since like ninety four, so
I'm they're probably it's pretty popular. Was the number one
international show on Netflix. I'm sure there's something. Look, look, listen,
you guys. You guys are so out of it. Distincts

number one alright, And oh oh, I'm the bad guy
because I like to show and I like the books
and I want to live in because that's what I'm
doing in this game. I get to live. I'm the
witcher the way I go around. I have gone watching
The Seven five years ago when got when confronted with

global crisis or her fathers are like, I'm going down
in the and signing the dining line right there, go
by the Nazis. Guys, Hey that Mussolina. I love it.

I love it so much. Took about Netflix is number
one global show. Have any of you guys cheated in
to see this? This show Tiger King, That's the best
of all time, the best of all time. It is
the best show I've ever watched him. The story is incredible,

and I please, like, before we speak next week, will
you guys promise that you will watch and once you
start watching it, you won't be able to start watching it.
It is insane. It's everything that I love about America.
It almost seems fake, like the story was clear. I
couldn't make it up. You couldn't make it up. Every
time you think this is insane and that, it's like,
oh no, we're not even this is not even close

to it saying I don't want to run you if
because I can't, because I can't explain it. So, Hank,
I I wanted to be I wanted to be able
to relate to you and your sporting adventures. So I
have been consuming the Test Prime. Yeah, I've been told

it's good. Would highly recommend. It is all about the
disgrace that found its way to the Australian cricket team
after they were discovered to be cheating during the ashes
with some sandpaper by the bowler's. It's dramatic rise back
to the top of the cricket world. So I can
better understand Hank when he shares his cricket tales with

us once the sport resumes after our rock coronavirus outbreak
is sort of out well as well. We watched last
night here Tom Sagoura's new stand up special and it's
it's marvelous, really funny and just before that, we we
wrapped up High Fidelity The Seer fantastic. Yeah, oh yeah,

not the picture, although yeah it's with um Lenny Kravitz
and Denise Huxtable's daughter, who looks at Zoe Kravitz, who
looks exactly like her mother. I mean it's freakish how
much you look like her mother, which is to say attractive. Um,
but some night, some fun little touches to the movie,

some fun little references through it. But it's pretty good.
It's a good watch, good music too. You'll enjoy that
as uh as music aficionados. Where do I find that? Dave?
Um Hulu? Okay, we got the Netflix, We got Amazon, Ryan,
we got Hulu. Hey do you want to shout out
a YouTube TV show or something like? I think microcop

discovered for me. Uh Well, HBO has Less World season
three back with Marshawn Lynch, who's in and now what
do you want? By the way, what Lynch is in Westwald? Yeah?
He plays a character just have like a cameo. It's
not like an Aaron Rodgers cameo gets blown out of
a doorway. Like he's a character. He had multiple scenes
in like speaking scenes, in the first episode, and then

his storyline. He's involved in the Aaron Paul storyline. They
were not involved in the second episode, but I would
imagine he would be back sometime in the third fourth episode.
I could definitely seem having more lines. But he had
a relatively significant part in the first episode spaghetti if
you because everybody's doing that right now. Everybody's getting by
and it's it's interesting the ven diagram, the overlap of

the results of everybody trying to figure out things to
talk about in social media and otherwise in the past
of the time. Uh So one of those things is
who would you want to be sequestered with? Sheltered with?
Not for any creepy reason, it's not for any man,
well you know, any romantic reasons. Who would you want
to be? Eddie Vetter right would be one you would

you'd like to be there with. I mean, yeah, it's
like that. Yeah, he's sure about that. That Damer Ninja,
why would you go that? Fun? Uh, Larry David would
be a fun one. I thought the last season the
Curb was incredible. He'd be a fun just to pick

his brain. Uh yeah, I mean the Rock probably the
Rock would be just like just kind of admiration work
out like it'd be great, great, and then let's thrown

Quest in there too and make you breakfast rock. Yeah,
the Rock and Henri Quest. I'm good with that. That
would be a grand table to sit there. I love
I do love that better sitting there listening to the rock.

Those two guys excusing ideas. Um so um, all right,
let's let's talk about football for a second, just to
get that instance. This is nominally an NFL program. Have
you gone on record with the with the logos yet? Davey? Yeah,
I do want to say, first of all, um, for
better or worse, and for worse for h for my

wife and anyone who who is unfortunately shares bloodlines with me. Um,
this is this is my hour. People like Matt Money
Smith and Petro's Papadakis are reaching out to me because
this is my area of expertise. Is uh his uniform
And I just was on with Petros and Money. Make

sure you listen to Money because he keeps on spinning.
Good for him. He's he's doing four hours daily with
UH with Petro's track of down I heart radio. Check
that out. It kind of is in a lot of
ways the epicenter for pro football because we're waiting out
to see the next domino fall, which is, who are
the Los Angeles Chargers going to get to replace um
Phil Rivers? And I think that is probably gonna be

the next big one there is. Are they going to
go after Number one and replace him with Superman? But
then also quickly to self promote, I was on with
Chris Long on his great show, The green Light Pod.
We did an hour forty five marathon uh doing uh
current NFL uniforms a bracket, and of course this means
that we're gonna have to do it again in like

three weeks when all these teams on veil their new uniforms,
included among them now late breaking, the Los Angeles Chargers
are getting new get too, and I get the set.
I mean it looks like they've gotten rid of the
Navy blue right they stole the Rams thunder the Rams
were made fun of. I think this new Chargers thing,
it's like powder blue and gold and that's it, no

Navy or anything else. Yeah, they kind of made it, well,
they didn't kind of. They announced last year that powder
blue was going to be their primary home uniform. You know,
with the logo yesterday. You see, they just pulled that
that Navy outline off the bolt, so it's just powder
blue and gold. So yeah, they ditched Navy. I think
entirely I've been I've I believe I have not been told.

I actually asked yesterday like, hey, I'll keep it in
the vault, how about you just send it my way?
And was told no, Russian hackers can't afford to send
it digitally. If you I bet you we were. I
don't know we're talking to the same guy, but I
was in contact yesterday with someone as well and saying like,
just give me, you know, just do me. Let what
what's what's what's the car? You're losing the Navy? Like,

I can't say anything, Uh, nondisclosure nondisclosure agreement. I'm like,
really can't tell me. But I respect it, and I
respect even more this this move because here's the big
thing coming up for the charges that they're gonna have
to decide. And I've I've lamented this, and I've talked
with players and unfortunately most players just don't know what

they're talking about with uniforms now. I was pleasantly surprised
when I talked to Petro's that he does care about uniforms,
and Chris Long certainly does too. So those are some
rays of sunshine breaking through. But like Mike Williams of
the Chargers, it's like, I love these uniforms. I'm like,
but isn't it weird that the lightning bolt has a
border around it? Don't you see, Mike Williams that the

lightning bolt replaces the conventional pants drive. He's like, no,
I like it like this, and so you know that's
but hopefully brighter minds will will see. I think that
here's the here's the only thing I wonder about the
lightning bolt, because I had brought that up in my
original suggestion while out having having beers with some of
the power players on the road one time, I said,

why why the pin stripe and the lightning bolt? Why
not go back to the gold pant with that sweet
lightning bolt just down the side. And I do think
some of it is functioned. I think that that lightning
bolt was on the pant before they have that stretched
fabric that became the pin stripe. And now the way
the pants are made, you know, they are tighter, and

that becomes the stretch point the expansion point of the
actual leg, and so you kind of have to have
that separation in the fabric that is the pant and
the fabric that is the pants stripe because it's the
give point. So I think that's a tough one. To
the same color as the pant, Like if it was

a white pant, you have the white fabric that's stretchable,
and then just put the gold bolt on top of it.
That's the way you could get away with it is
make it the same color as the pant and then
just have the lightning bolt. So that would be I
guess that's yeah, I guess that's fair. But either way,
that's good news. I think for the charges of tweeks
is what I'm my understanding is already I am making

the punt is intended here, but they are stealing the
lightning bulb, is stealing the thunder of their stadium partners
there in the RAMS. Well, how did you react? You
were much angrier money, I think the rams. I think
the rams um First of all, the logo doesn't matter
that much. I talked with um with unless it's on

the field. Well yeah, but definitely will be on the field.
Your counterpart in the broadcast with JB. Long, the voice
of the radio voice of the Rams, appointed that out
to me said, it's not it's much ado about not nothing,
But it's not that important because that logo one way
or the other isn't gonna be on the hats, So

who cares um, But it is me because because I
think about like some of my favorite logos are on
the field, Like my favorite, my absolute favorite logo because
it stretches from the thirty to thirty is the East
Carolina Pirate. The fact that you have a logo on
a field that stretches from the thirty to the thirty
yard line with the state and that Pirate in the

middle of it, it it is fantastic. And to me, if
you've got like I think of that Boise State Bronco
in the middle of the field, that's glorious. Like that
to me is a big deal. If you've got a
stupid looking logo at the fifty end in the end zone,
it's like kind of hard for me to get away
from that when they're playing, because I'm gonna see it
there in the entire game and say, man, that's a
stupid looking logo. Handsome your thoughts explained to me just

on the rams. So what we've seen is we've seen
in Ellen and A with like a horn coming off
of the A, and then we've seen like a new
kind of three D ram. What so neither of those
is actually the logo. No, they both are logos my
under you know what I think the speculation is is
that stupid looking fifth grade drawing of the L and

the A with the RAM coming off the top um
is going to be the primary logo where the that's
what's going on the hot the horn, I could imagine
an updated horn, the horn that's on that new ram
would be my guess. I can text you guys a
picture I think I found. I'm not sure how well

the second because m D d FP listener um Franco
the tanko has I think those are his designs. I
don't know if he's designing though. Sorry, no, well the
problem yeah see, I don't know if those are for real?
The what uh what look at my look at damn

a check? I tweeted these out if they really where
did you get those? Spaghetti? My brother texting this morning
say in our group chat, saying that for us, as
the logo was is the helmet that jersey is pretty good,
And I agree it's that sort of like I'm not
it's that grated kind of like starts a strong gold
and then if it does that, that's really bad. I

would agree that's not gonna be if it has tinges
of orange in it in the color scheme and everything,
which it's very kind of it's kind of very l
A sunset. I think we're in l A l A. Look,
we're so l A and we put l A in
our logo, right, Embrace us, love us, give us a

big hug. If these in fact, let's not overreact because
I don't know if this is true. But if those
are the uniforms, those are poor. Those are that that
that's a shame. The Jaguar color green, Yes, um, I
don't like those. Um. What was interesting though, is that

um I mentioned being on the Chris Long podcast and
we were talking about it, and he is one of
those guys who really does care about how he looks
and he's not kidding around when he talks about like
that uniform made me feel fast, Like when I put
that on, I was a little bit faster, and what
any uniform and like other uniforms he would look at
and say, I don't like this. This makes me feel slower,

and I don't like wearing the uniform like he didn't
like the St. Louis Rams, that metallic gold that that
they wore. So he hated that and because he thought
it diminished his play. And then it came up that
his decision in front of Super Bowl fifty one, the
Falcons and the Patriots that season he debated his final
two teams were the Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots,

and he looked at and realized, I can't wear that
bum Falcons uniform. And he went to the Patriots hilarious,
and I love what if? In and for real, what
if Chris Long, who was you know, who wasn't an
every down pass rusher for the Patriots? Who might have been?
Though for the Falcons? Is Chris Long's presence on the
Patriots and not the Falcons enough to swing that game?

If he had gone, if they would have worn the
red hats and the red jerseys of Steve Barkowski and
Gerald Riggs and the blitz Grids, and had Chris Long
played for that team, would that have swung football history?
It's a fascinating, a fascinating thing to make I do
want to point out that paneously simultaneously. I'm sorry, I

get easily distracted. You don't you do know that? Check? Um?
But simultaneously, uh, Henry's dog walked into his bedroom, My
dog walked into my bedroom. Henry's dog is on their bed,
the bed on which they sleep, whereas my dog is
seated at the base of the bed, on his own

dog bed, so he is not to mix with mom
and dad in the bed in which I just hope
I just help one of the one or both of
them poops directly behind it getting vibe spaghetti. It's the wincher. Um,
So what do we think money? The big the big

football thing is, like I say, is the Chargers QB.
If you haven't heard, we discussed it last week. If
you haven't heard, uh, New England Patriots old QB Tom
Brady is now the QB for the Buccaneers down in Tampa.
And we'll see what those get ups look like. It
does seem as though, based on the hints thrown out
that there is gonna be some buccaneer Bruce, that there

is gonna be some creamsickle action available what you think,
I don't think. I think everything I've heard is that
basically going back to the Super Bowl winning, they're just
admitting defeat on the alarm clock numbers and and everything
else from keeping keeping the new logo the bigger flag,
but everything else is essentially and showed that if you

they tweeted out today, I think some of their players
reacting to the three new get ups that they have
and and in one of the logos you see is
buccaneer Bruce. I don't know. And also I love that.
I mean, that's I'm down. The Patriots have said that
they're tweaking things, but only tweaking. They're not going back

at pay that's the which is the big mistake. And
but uh but yeah, I think that will be the time,
right you get rid of Tom he's like it's he
booke and the whole that that unfortunate uniform. And obviously
they had good times while wearing them. Now go back
to to what looks good to the real red, white
and blue, Like I did not have the real red,

white and blue. If you're the Patriots, not this you know,
sort of off blue, the silver and nut white and
the darker red and not the bright red. It makes
no sense if you're gonna be if you're gonna if
you want to be that, then you gotta do it
through thick and thin. If you want to call yourself
the Patriots, or the Capitals, or anything that invokes America,
then your colors have to be red, white, and blue,

exactly the Washington Capitals twenty years ago, at the start
of a Vetchkin's career thereabouts. They're the Washington Capitals again
in our nation's capital, and they scathed it out onto
the ice one day in turquoise black and metallic gold.
That I mean, like their fans should have walked out.

They made and same thing with the Patriots. Now this
is the this is the optimal time. Let the Tom
Brady air stand on its own, go back to pat Patriot.
But anyway, see what happens there. And then the other
team that is intriguing, and I'm concerned about making tweaks.
Supposedly the Indianapolis Colts. What could those don't mess? That
was just a different color of blue, I believe, was

what I heard. That they were just adjusting the blue slightly.
Was the was the tweak that they were talking about?
I don't know how I came upon that story, but
I saw that somewhere that that was kind of the
the idea with them. That's not the biggest year of changes,
right because on top of those ones, we've got the Falcons,
We've got the who else have we not Browns? The Browns. Um,

it's crazy, that's a lot sound of all the Browns
are going back to their Bernie cosarg I mean basically
which their history. Yeah, NFL shop is selling a Buccaneers
alternate jersey. They don't have the color. It's a blank
white jersey. Uh saying goes for their their away in
their home. But they are selling you could pre order

an alternate jersey. So it seems like the Bucks do
have a third one, which could be the cream sil
not like not like in the updated movie um of
Mad Max, but in if you ever saw Road Warrior,
the second installment of the original with Mel Gibson, I
look kind of like the the mohawk guy who is
the lover in Chains of Um. I forget what his

name is, the main bad guy in that one. Um
that that whole movie is. That's all that's exactly right,
that's right. Yeah, and and uh a looser sexual sense,
because that's what that whole movie is. It's a it's that,
it's a it's a gang of um slightly dressed, um

gay guys. That's really, I mean, that really is the movie.
If you watch it, that's the whole pack of bad guys.
I don't know if it was meant to indict um
gay people, but Mel Gibson's in it, and so sort
of like I always say about The Fantastic Four, that
plainly was intentionally some sort of a gay parable. Right,

let's see Silver Surfer. The thing is not in them.
He's the bad guy, I think, Right, don't they fight him? Yeah?
The Fantastic Four is Mr Fantastic. You know, he's and
he's Yeah, he's he's Lucy Goosey. He can reach anywhere.
There's the human Torch, who's who's catchphrases flame on Um,

there's there's the Thing, there's the thing, and there's a
woman but she's invisible. Yeah. Does the thing have jumped
or nor does he have a No? No, he is
the thing. Don't you see what I mean? He's made
of He's made of rock, and that's end of the thing.

They don't procreate because I'm just thinking, like, you know,
you have to have some sort of connection there, and
I think you're in his entirety. He is. He is
not It is not an appendage. It is all that
he is is. That is what Alternately his nickname, his

name could have been the Wiener. You know what I mean?
How do you got it? So it's just a community's
made of rock. Of all the things, you would probably
want something that maybe he was a little less abrasive.
I don't think you. I think you're missing out on
the on the symbolism here, he's made of rock. The thing,

oh I got you? Yeah, the rock is I got
I got you now without saying is much? Okay? Yes,
I'm not a Look, I'm not a big comic book guy.
I don't follow the comic book guy. Well you're telling
play on and Mr Fantastic and then like I'm supposed

to understand that the thing and I'm just asking, hey,
does the thing I've jumped? That's all It's like, because
he wears pants, he's got a little like little loin
kind of cloth thing that he's got going on. So
I would assume he's got jump, right. I don't know
if he'd something. Now, Yeah, you're right, he does wear
the little speed out yeah, the thing, the thing there yeah,

and spaghetti um and the thing and the rock. I
don't know if you want the two field quarantine to
another superhero whose name is Superman and he wears number
one on the football field, let's jump to that money.

I feel like that this is it. They they're number
one goal. I think that the Chargers um number one
wanted Brady. I think if they had their issialist, it
would go to AH one to Tom Brady, three Cam Newton,

and so they lose out on Brady. They would have
been happy to get him for a year two. But
as we've discussed, the short term um bang and getting
the goat would have filled seats. But the optimal for
the franchise in Los Angeles to to engage a young
fan base and win them over over the course of
a decade and a half and build some tradition among

that generation of you know, ten year old, twenty year
olds whatever would be to get to uh and presumably
with you know, assuming that the kid works out and
all that um and goes on to be a great star,
then you know, a generation of a football fans in
Los Angeles would be like two is our guy and
the Chargers years with two and all that but short.

But now it's wonky because you can't really look at Cam,
you can't really do a physical on him. So what
bottom line is, do you think it's Cam who that
Chargers go after coming up here? Because that everything makes
makes all the sense in the world to me that
they would go after Camp. Yeah. See, I think, Um,
I think for the Chargers it was Tom or nothing

that that was because I do think that the that, like,
you know, best case scenario for them was Tom and
TUA that Thomas here for two years or one year
or whatever and two it gets a red shirt year
and he can learn from Tom and you'ld be his
mentor because obviously Tom, though, he's not gonna have this
job for five or six years, so you might as well,
you know, be the ambassador for the franchise they draft

too and all as well. Um let me interrupt you
on that though, the problem with that, The problem with that,
um notion, is that if you bring Tom Brady in,
then you're an ultimate wind now mode and so wouldn't
you actually but then wouldn't you be compelled to surround
him with as much talent as you possibly could, specifically

on the offensive line, and smarter people than I like
Jeremiah and Jeff Schwartz and pe who study offensive line
play um say that that the high end of this
draft is loaded with with tackles. And that's exactly what
you presumably would want if you bring in Tom Brady
and is to beef up that old line. Right. Well,
I think you look at for the Chargers, My guests

would be, you know, again, for them best cases. They've
signed the log and they've traded for Trade Turner and
Mike poundsy is over his his neck issue, and now
you've got one half of the offensive line. And and
if Mike Pounds is not, Dan Feeny was fantastic backing
him up, and even Questenbury was really good when he
was called upon to play center. So you've got three
of your five, are right? You worry a little bit

about that that left guard spot, but then if it
is Tom, just go sign Jason Peters, you know, as
your left tackle. Uh. They're really high on his kid,
Trey Pitkins, who is a super raw but just crazy
giant athletic left tackle that they drafted out of I
think Sioux City State or something like that. Um, this
D three kid who's like six sixty pounds and they

figure if he gets another year, Um, they feel good
about that. So the kind of the way I look
at it is, Yeah, they are all in for winning
right now with that defense, Uh, if healthy. They signed
Chris Harris, they feel good about their linebackers with Tranquil
and the Woes sou obviously, you know the defensive line
they had Lindball Joseph to the middle of what is
already a strength in both and Ingram Derwin, James Casey Hayward.

You know they I think they already feel like they're
there and they can afford that luxury pick at number six.
My understanding is they offered Tom more money and maybe
even considerably more money than the Bucks, and that was
to try to convince him to come to the West
Coast and it just was not gonna happen that Ultimately
when they had that family discussion, Uh, they weren't going

to move that far away from New York and his
oldest son, um. And once that happened, I think they
went into Okay, we're in. We're in. Tyrod Taylor and
drafting a quarterback and developing that quarterback mode um and
I think that's where Cam just doesn't fit. He's you know,
go ahead, yeah, I just everything you said money makes

sense up until that point. If they are when now,
why would like I don't understand why Cam can't be
the equivalent, not like a one B to to Tom Brady. Right,
you've you've he does need to help on the offensive line.
It sounds like at least, you know, like you say,
three or four of those positions are filled, they've got
the defense. I don't see that Tyrod is not going

to be the answer at quarterback. And I don't you know,
if you don't get to her, and I don't think
they necessarily have the ammunition to be I think, but
how about that handsome don't you think they're gonna I
know that that will impact your Dolphins, who have it
seems like everything built around the notion agat to uh.
But I think the charges are gonna make a play
for him, right they might, But I think ultimately, when

it comes to it, I think the if the Dolphins
really are set on him, any team that that calls
that the charge is called. All that calls the charges
and gets whatever the charges offer is going to immediately
call the Dolphins and say, the charges just offer be this,
what are you going to give me? And the Dolphins
if again, if they really do want to have just
more to give, so don't you that's the issue I

would imagine. If then is it possible then that teams
all just weighed out signing Cam to see how the
draft breaks, because I think the problem so the problem
with Cam that is different than Brady is Camp's thirty.
You know, Ca, Cam wants another contract. Cam wants two
million dollar contract. And Camra has been terrible the last

two years. I mean terrible. He can hurt. Once he
was hurt, he was I think, remember for a long
stretch there, that's not true. That's not true. His passing
has has has just fallen off a cliff. His accuracy remember,
and everyone he didn't have the weapons that the judges.

That's what everybody is saying right there, like, oh, he
doesn't have the weapons, Like okay, but the guy's never
been an accurate pastor. His his great strength and the
separate ration for Cam has been his athleticism and his size.
And if he doesn't have you know, if he doesn't
have the athleticism to use that size running the football.
He's just not great. He's not you know what I mean.

He's never been a super accurate downfield, like you know,
his rookie year was his best year throwing the ball
downfield even you know what I mean. So I think
that's the concern. It's like, Okay, you're bringing this guy in.
He's not going to be interested in taking a back
seat to anybody. He's not going to be interested in
being a mentor. He's gonna be interested in getting that
next contract for two fifty million dollars. The market will

dictate that he's not going to get that straight away.
So I think the charge has probably given that there
are you know, there's there's such a carousel this year,
and so many people on the carousel, and they've taken
that analogy too far. He's the best he might get
is a one or two year deal, um, And and
that the opportunity to prove it, and that if the
charge is genuinely want to win now, then that this

would be that opportunity. UM with the weapons that they have.
But see like to me and and and I would
I would rather take a swing with Jamis, Like, to me,
it's not even close. I wouldn't much rather take a
chance on Jamis because he's twenty five. He's legitimately one
of the best throwers in the league. I mean, he
can freaking pass the hell out of the ball. And

if you can solve a turnover issue that was crazy
last year, just kind of throw last year out because
Bruce Arians is asking him to throw the ball downfield.
He's throwing thirty five times a game. Those interceptions spike.
It's his first year in that system, and we know
you know Arians, you know signature phrase, no biscuit if
you don't risk it. It's like, well, Okay, the guy
has had issues turning the ball over and now you're

asking him to take more chances than he ever has
in his life. It's probably gonna turn out bad, but
you get him into more of a ball control offense
with those weapons, Like, I'd rather do that. I would
rather do a one year proven deal. See if you
can rediscover what was so special about that guy when
he was the number one overall pick without any major injuries,
was still having all that are in talent and the

ability to throw over six d yards in a game.
And five thousand yards in a season. That to me
makes more sense because look, if you sign him to
a two year deal and he ends up not working out, great,
caught him after one. If he does well, then you've
got yourself a pretty sweet asset on the trade market
that you've now rehabilitated and can then use for future
draft equity if you draft to uh, or if you

draft your future quarterback and you don't want to keep
Jamis around. Like, to me, that's the win win, um,
because of the physical state of Look, if Camp's healthy,
then you know we're having a different conversation. But the
guy hasn't been right for three years. First of all,
you've got a sweet asset money. Um. But I think
that yeah, the Jamie Is think these not to not

to be social justice warrior. But I think that a
lot of people are like Cam or Jamis. You know
either or it's like, well, they're completely different human beings.
They're not. They're not. Uh, just because they both won
the Heisman Trophy and uh, you know, coming out of
the same basic region of the country doesn't make them equivalent. Guys,
Cam Newton is going to the Hall of Fame. I know.

I keep saying that, But if he comes out and
looks anything like Cam Newton has for the for the
vast majority of his NFL career for another couple a
few years, he's going to the Hall of Fame. And
the question that you rightly point out money sort of
like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant mid point of their careers,
and Ben Roethlisberger more more or closely tied to Um.

The way Camp is going to have to change his
career for a second half is UM can he modify
the way he plays but still hold onto the essence
of how he has played UM that's made him a start. Specifically,
is he gonna be able to run around at all?
Because if he is on that team with a dominant defense,
I love the idea Cam Newton um back there with

with Ekeler and with those pass catchers and keep an
him to shorter routes primarily with UM with with the
past catchers they have with Hunter Henry in there. I
I mean, look at the evidence of Greg Olsen and
Cam Newton UM and then some some nice pass catchers
on the outside, Mike Williams numbers you know, as your

deep I mean, I think I'll just spent in the world.
I just haven't seen it in two years and three years,
you know. I mean even in the guy was a
sub sixt thrower, he averaged two hundred I'm looking it
up right now. He averaged two hundred passing yards per game.
Like that's that's that that's only works if the guys
live break injury isn't wrong and like the fact that

he has not been good like that's that's the thing
is even in that season, remember he did not throw
the ball a lot. He ran the hell out of it,
and that he's got to be able to run. He's
got to be a body athlete. He has to go
like I say, the Michael Jordan that same year he
rushed for for his most yards ever that sees and
two years ago seven rush yards with six rush touchdowns.

That was the great season and he barely threw it.
I mean, you're talking about again to think about in
passing yards per game like that's that's that's that's the
problem with But okay, he is. It's funny because somebody
asked on social media who's the most underappreciated athlete of
all time? And you can summon like I would throw

near the top of that list. Achemali, Johan Eric Dickerson.
I love the group of Hall of famers who are
nevertheless under appreciated, and that those are those guys. But
Cam Newton might be that guy when it's all said
and done. I mean again, I'd say it all the time.
But the greatest rookie season by a quarterback in NFL history,
season in which he goes fifteen and one throwing early Brown.

The formula exists for you to look one year like
you're putting a guy in the Hall of great events
like that to he's a little crazy right three with
he is talk about seasons of distinction and uh and
and a resume someone sneaking up behind it? Cake alright, Cake,

Oh what the heck? We got to do time in
the mid day. I see, look at that whole thing.
Then they'll do the weigh in. Good, good, savvy, moved,
they're handsome. But yes, Cam Newton, Yeah, Cam is going
to the Hall of Fame again. If he retires tomorrow,
then he is not. But if he hangs on and

is anything like the Cam Newton we've known of, I
know people are I think I'm loco on this one.
I think he is the all timing. You know. I
think the determination that it's happening is pretty strong, because
if the music stops and he doesn't have anywhere to
go this year, or he's sharing time with someone, then
I don't think. I think the perception of him changes

and people are only gonna remember what happens at the
end of his career. Yeah, it's yeah that I I
just um. Also, as much as I praised Bruce Arians
and and everybody, Adam Gaze five years ago was a
great QB whisper because he happened to have some good
years with Peyton Manning. Is his QB. There are a

lot of frauds who claim that, but again, as we
always talk about, Andy Reid and Bruce Arians are the
actual QB whispers. They you give them a QB, the
QB almost always is going to have his best possible numbers.
And otherwise, however, Um again to make the comp with Roethlisberger.
Roethlisberger with Bruce Arians was slinging it down field and

getting the crap kicked out of him. That's why Todd
Haley went to Pittsburgh because they because the ownership said,
you gotta get the ball we gotta figure out how
to get the ball out of Roethlisberger's hand more quickly.
And so they did. And you and Arians going, I'm
going away from Arians um for Jamie Is is intriguing.
But and and so maybe you're right that James will

do that. But again that if I think the greatest
indictment of Jamis is that Arians didn't want to keep him. Yeah,
that that he wasn't desperate to hold on to Jamis,
to me, that's that's a bad sign. As as you
send Jamis out cam Convertually, if you look at the
model of that Panthers team, maybe he's a little diminished

from from that level. But that Chargers defense is better
than the high end CAROLINEA defense that went to the
Super Bowl that year. Doesn't the simple math kind of
check out that if you dropped number one into that
into that mix in the a f C West, that's
what you need. You need big guns. Tyrod Taylor ain't
gonna get it against Patrick Mahomes over the corner. I

guess what I'm getting that is as a believe it
or like, And I'm not saying that Tyrod is is
you know, some sort of great quarterback he's not. He's
an average but probably average to below average quarterback. That's
five hundred for his career that when he was a
starter went seven and nine, seven and nine and nine
and seven. And I think that's what you did when
you don't throw the ball downfield and you take care
of the ball and you don't turn it over and

you lean on your defense. Are gonna be a lot
of tight games, and half of them will probably go
your way and half of them probably won't. Because you
got a quarterback that I think is challenged to go
out and win you a game. Now, can Cam go
out and win a game? He's got to be right,
he like that guy cannot do it by just standing
in the pocket and throwing it. That's he's never proven
to have been able to do that. Um And I

just think recently if you look at him, it's it
doesn't to me, that doesn't make sense to spend money there, Like,
I just I don't see that. I don't see how
taking a swing on Cam with what we have most
recently in his past as a sample size, the inaccuracy,
the the lack of downfield passing, the passing yards per

game in a passing era, it just to me doesn't
line up right, you know, not like it. But the
other the other element that's implicit here that that has
to be discussed is the fact that from a business
sense that's right, Can is going to sell tickets. And
I know we don't talk about that and we're talking
about the football side of it, but you can't sell
tickets with Jamis. I don't think Jamis Winston does anything

for you on that front. You definitely can't do it
with Tyrod Taylor. To some extent, you can do it
with a rookie. Albeit you know, if you if you
don't get Barrow and you don't get to her, then
you're talking about we got the third best quarterback in
this draft, which is a hard sell as well. And
so it comes down to in l a where the
business side is going to at some point say to
the football side, yeah, okay, great, we want to win,

but we also have to sell seats in this brand
new stadium. Cam Newton is the guy that can do
that over any and I kind of I don't. I
don't think he does it over I don't think toa
does it over him. Honestly, I think that that Cam
Newton immediately cuts and feats over over to I think
Toa does it more than anyone but Tom Brady because
of the Polynesian commute. Yeah, maybe it is and reported

in UM. And you just think about what Junior say,
I'll meant to the Chargers down in San Diego and
how popular a player. You can argue that he has
been the most popular charge for ever and so much
of that was due to that community in southern California,
just making that migration to San Diego from l A
to watch him play. And I think you would tap
into that in Los Angeles, um So, I think that's

probably the thinking there. UM And also I think the
one thing to remember and and the RAMS have shown it.
You know, Aaron Donald's a legitimate star that you can
have stars on defense in this town as well. You know,
I do think l A has embraced Donald more than
any RAMS player, certainly more than golf, more than more
than they did Todd Gurley. And I think you have

that with Derwin. Um So, you have stars in Derwin
and Joey Bosa and heck, it's like to me, if
they don't get to uh, I'm not taking justin Herbert
at six I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that Isaiah
Simmons is there, and I just think about, hey, now
we've got three legitimate, exciting superstars on the defensive side
of the ball that can all make splash plays, a

fire people up. And then I would take Jalen Hurts
in the second or Jordan's love and trade back to
the first and go do that and like because more
than especially with this, with the state of the Rams,
and I do believe they are going to take a
step back and they're going to find themselves. You know,
they're they're they're in some serious right. Just win games.
Build a defense that is as hard to contend with

as the Chief's offense. Like that's the way I would
look at it. If you can't get to a let's
build a defense that is as just strikes fear into
opponents as much as that Chief's offense does. And you've
got to figure out how to crack a code that
includes Derwin, Isaiah Simmons, and Joey Post And good luck
figuring that out, because man, that is speed and power
all over the field that most teams have no answer for.

And then that's how I would you can do bang
away with that. But see, I don't I just I
think I think we keep going back to the same point, right,
which is what do you believe Cam is? And I
just don't believe he's a difference maker. And I would
have to see it, like, I don't. I think you're better,
Sirde spending that money on other other players that are

still out there, you know what I mean? Like, I
would rather go get some of the some of the
players that are still available, or just save it for
your because you're gonna have to red a contract with
Joey either this offseason or with both either this offseason
or for certain next offseason. They're gonna have to do
a contract for Derwin pretty soon. Mike Williams is up
if you believe he's the future. Obviously Hunters on the
franchise dead. You see what I'm saying, Like, I would

rather spend that money with those guys then have to
put it into Cam if he plays well, and then
you gotta pay him thirty million dollars a year, and
you're gonna maybe lose Bosa or lose Hunter Henry or
and then you're like, Okay, what what are we doing?
We'd be so much better off with a rookie on
that quarterback contract with all of this talent around him

than we are having to pay a guy that's thirty
one years old thirty million dollars a year. That that
would be my fear there, because he's not going to
take a three year deal right where you might get
him on the cheep that he ends up coming back,
like Jamis might do that. You know, Mariota just did
it with the Raiders, like that's what you could get
away with with Winston, whereas Cam would absolutely refuse to
do that. If he's great, you're gonna pay him thirty

million bucks a year. If he's not, you waste to
be here. But I mean in the rugged a f
C West, and it really is shaping up to be something.
And I don't know who if if it's Derek Carr
the Raiders, but do you think Mariota is going to
be the guy? Think he's gonna win that job? Really?
I know we talked about that a week ago, but
I and I it's interesting. But one way or the other,

I think that team is is pretty interesting, the way
it's shaping up, and I think the Broncos have a
chance and obviously have Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs, and
and in spite of all that, the Chargers again same
spot where we left off in January of nineteen as
they headed off to Foxborough. It's kind of like, if

you know that roster is the best in the a
f C, the Chargers top to bottom, and now if
they should be and win now mode for the reasons
you site, Bosa has to get redone Hunter Henry if
they don't figure something out with him and and Mike
Williams and beyond, so the Chargers are incented. It seems
like Jordan's love ain't getting it done in four him

and Tyrod Taylor likely isn't either. So it seems like
Cam Newton if you are in win now mode, and
maybe he will get jammed up with lack of chairs
in the in musical chairs and Cam will be forced
into that one year deal like Jamis's. I know what
Cam would like to have, but given the climate, the
inability to work him out and all that kind of stuff,

I think he's gonna wind up in that spot, isn't
he is? Is there a team that rightly save the
Chargers or I don't know, like the Dolphins, is somebody
gonna step up and say like, yeah, here's a five
year deal for you, number one. It's just not gonna happen.
You know, wouldn't you if you were, you know, just
taking if you were the Jaguars, rather have Cam Newton
and Gardner Minshew? Like if if all of these front
offices and all the scouts and all of the big

brains that evaluate players thought Cam still had it, knowing
that it would not cost much because they just released
him to pluck him out of Carolina, wouldn't he be
on a team? Like think that they all made their
signings before he was released. Probably some of them are. No,
I don't think so. I think they. I'm sure Carolina

called him and said to the Bears, Hey, you're looking
to to get competition for Mitch. What do you want
to offer us for Cam? You know what I mean? Like,
I'm sure those conversations happened the Redskins here and you know,
do you want Cam? No? But I'll take pile out
of old times that this could possibly have happened for Cam.
It couldn't be worst because no one were given the physical,

but that he needs um And so I agree that No.
Probably the Bears of the Redskins or whoever was going
to give up any draft picks for him without giving
him a really thorough physical. But you know they might
have taken him, um if he was available as a
free agent like he is now. I mean, look at
the video that it to have just posted. I mean

that dude is moving with twitch, and I mean that
is impressive. Like, look, it's stupid, right, it's a six
second video, but when you watch that burst and you
watch that twitch, it's like, damn, I wouldn't expecting to
see that. I was expecting the guy. You know, Like
the Ben Roethlisberger throwing video, It's like, hey, Ben's throwing
again and it's just him kind of gingerly tossing the ball. Okay,
that's great, Like Cam needs to do that. If Cam's

really right, I want to see him moving with explosion
before I feel like, yeah, that's my guy, Like I'm
I'm comfortable moving forward with him because if he didn't
have it again, he I'm not saying he's useless, He's
just not the same guy. How great, by the way,
is that that this is where we are in the
the in between the NFL seasons, that there are two

human beings who presumably, I am guessing Too is gonna
take some snaps in for an NFL team that there
are two human beings playing the exact same position, and
one of them is Too, and one of them is
Ben Roethlisberger when you watch the respective videos and ultimately,

and also, I mean Too is not a runner anyway,
but I mean, you know, obviously he's a little bit
uh a little bit more at this point than Roethlisberger is.
But you know, I had my fun. You you and
Petro's the other day, had your fun making fun of
seven looking husky a little bit? Does it make it differ?
Who cares if he's fat? There's no Tom Brady. Everybody

was just following all over themselves to get a forty
three year old man to blake QB. Ultimately for all
the fun with the videos and the physical traits and
everything else. Uh, you know, I'm kinda these these There
are a lot of people, there's a buzzy. You may
know that I keep my eye on what's going on
in Pittsburgh more closely than you do. And people there

have these fanciful Joie and Apple sauce ideas about like
why don't they sign Cam to be uh to Ben
to be Roethlisberger's backup? Like, because money, that's why, That's
why that's not gonna happen. But all right, go ahead,
go James. Makes sense to me, But makes sense to me.
That's the no brainer. Signed James take the shot. You

know what, if he's right's not gonna deal with that either,
is he? I mean, like that doesn't feel like something
Ben Roethlisberg will be comfortable with. I mean, look, when
you're when you're built like that and you just missed
an entire season, you come back laying fifty pounds about
the long term future list of greatest fat athletes, go David,

David Wells. Yeah, Helman won a national championship. Is a
fat point guard for Connecticut trailer? Would we call him
a team cleves fat? I wouldn't call him fat. He was.
I mean, like litt Elaman was really a little fatty,

like a little fatty bowling ball ut Felton. I'm trying
to think at the end of his career, has there
been a fat goalie? George just said at the end
of his career, I really fat? How about Mike Tilber, Yes,
oh yeah, he had a legit pot belly. Antonio Gates,

Dan Fouls Chargers have had a lot does a matter
of fact, had a full on beer gut while he
was playing. If you go back and look at pictures
Fouls with that beard, Listen, he's in the Hall of Fame.
I'm not worried about Roethlisberger. He'll be fine. Um wait,
I was I just by the way, this is a

good time for I want to get more. But wait,
we have Sea Bass, Shane Leckler. That was the fattest
kicking battery ever. The Raiders had those, both of those
guys at the same time. There are a lot of
good head on fat kickers. There were a lot. I mean,
Tom Dempsey was quite heavy set um. A lot of
those guys were fat, and Herrera was fat. Um. All right,

I'll cut it off there, but I do Eric Green, Oh, yes,
the big yeah, yeah, you know what. The greatest fat
athlete that was Charles Barkley. Yeah, chuck, like not even close.
The greatest ever when a league m v P could
be described as the best player in basketball rolling around

with not packs but breasts and a bit of well
you know what. Shack Fou was fat too, he was.
That's fair, but my gosh, Like I was around him
in his fat stage, and when you actually stood next
to him, it was it didn't feel like he was
fat at all. He was such a gigantic human being

that you know, it didn't There was nothing portly about him.
He was just this math boned individual that happened to
have a little extra mass on him. Charles throwing it down.
That was pretty pretty athletic stuff from a man of
his carriage. But the greatest athlete I'm gonna throw one
out there, Ironhead Hayward, a little father of Cam Hayward.

I mean he would vault guys. He played the you
on an overmatched pit team. I went to the game
at Pitts Stadium many moons ago, and in the year
that he should have won the Heisman Trophy. He went
for two fifty four against the number one team in
the nation on a rainy night in Pittsburgh, p A.
And he literally was vaulting canes. Any I mean a fact,

it's a ridiculous sight to look at um. Anyway, Yeah,
we gotta do our way in all right, I gotta
go and I don't have a scale in here, but
I didn't. I know exactly what it is. I weighed
myself last night. I was exactly where I was one
week ago. Today. There was there was some ups and downs.

I was one nine. I've not gained. I've not gained
a pound. Here, all right, I have Uh let's see
everyone's walking away. My scales right next to me, so
I can I'll just sit here and continue to kind
of fat athlete. June nine And what were you? You
were to twenty point three? Wow? What have you been doing? Handsome?

I'm want to see you do that again. I want
to see you do that again with both feet on it.
I don't know if I can do that in front
of the thing. But uh, but no, that's real. I
fluned my weight fun eights a lot. What's that say?
Have you got one sixty point four? What were you?

I was one sixty five point three. I think, yeah,
so we've we've all, we're all. We're losing. I'm not
snacking nearly as much as I was embarrassed by my
number last week. And I realized it because I would
found a couple of beers and then I would sneak
into the pantry, steal food and come back in my
bedroom be like, I actually see, I'm the opposite of that.

I have no willpower, but um, I to resist that.
It's all It's all I have right now is food.
That's how I look at it. You know. I have
to take my pleasure where I can get it as
we're as we're sequestered here. And uh so I find
myself that that equals eating a lot. I've been eating
a lot of chips lately, and I didn't eat not
fresh handsome. I've been eating a lot of chips and

I love that. Which what flavor have you been going? Well?
The salton vinegar goes over big, and that's hard. The
wife left this land around. I brought it back to
the office and I was like, yeah, I'm just put
down this so called popcorn, but it's really just candy popcorn.
The other night a whole thing. You tried to pickle ones. No,

we tried the pickle kettle chips. Oh, the dil chips.
The dil chips. Yeah. Jean Claude van Damask brought into
this house some do you know tacos or tacos t talk.
I wasn't aware of these. He brought them into the
into my home. And uh, the blazing ones, the really

fire one. I eat the whole bag. I I polished
the whole bag of them. And UH is making pastries
with the little ones every day and and it smells delicious.
And what am I to do once the sun goes down?
All I do is I eat the I hate to

say a day, but we're not going to take your
word for it. Go get the scale, Go get the
goddamn scale. Already, alright, alright, I'll go do it. I
just can't get it on the carpet here, but you
know what, let's see if I can, if I can
transport it. Ye, what did you weigh in at? I'm
very happy to say that I came in at eight,
so down three pounds. Motivated Eddie right there. I'm not

a big snacker, I'm I do eat. My meals are
generally bigger than most. But I know my I can
show my friends to you guys, it's pretty, you know,
clean food, you know, just veggies. So bad news, everybody.
I knew that. I knew there was gonna be pay

off one of us when you're telling you stories of
dust and hold bags and chips, and the missus is
making cinnamon rolls. I was like, yeah, you know what,
we better see this. We better actually get a legit way.
And worse than any of that is the fact that
in these troubling times, I was able to say goodbye
to one of my great friends over the decades beer

For the last few months, I uh, I was skipping
me well, I was doing my best because I needed to.
I felt it would be wise to shed some pounds.
But yeah, I'm back on beer. And I think that's
the number one culprit. You are you last week? Right? One?
Eight nine? Yeah? All right, So so David is up

three the rest of us are down. You can see
it to the beard, the bearding really hiding it that well,
maybe you know what, the David was a good effort.
I don't need to wear myself. I just made myself
last night. Guys, I know what I am. I haven't
changed the extra well because now that I now now

that I'm I'm going closer to becoming a more sedentary
So I didn't want to get up and walk to
the other room. And literally walking in the other room,
I feel like I got a little dewey. I may
have Hey, let's spaghetti, let's do some use your noodle.
All right. Hey, by the way, do you how's this
show going so far? Spaghetti? It's very funny, I think

are the hardcore fans love these kind of ones where
we go off topic. But I mean, look, you guys
got into the cam Jamie's quarterback discussion, and I think
that's a little bit. If it's boring, you can cut
out whatever you want. I'm just worried for time purposes
for I know that Hank and money. Yeah, we're going
and we're over like one ten. So the news use

your noodle made take some time if they don't have
I don't know how much time they have to give.
That's never let's do it. Let's let's call it ten minutes.
Let's see we got let's do as many noodles as
you can get in here and a couple of I
I almost him embarrassed have to say this to this
collection here. Let's be gentlemen. No looking online for answers here.

I'm always resigned the fact that I'm gonna lose in
the first anything beyond that, I'm surprised, legitimately surprised. All right,
and use your noodle is okay. Let's let's start it.
Do you have the music spaghetti? Oh, I can't play
it through here let's sing it? But I could, I
could pull it. You guys could sing if you want.
I don't remember how it goes, like something like about

use your noodle, right, I always see here's here's your
host ed is gerdon So get to get a and canued?
We got the whole kid and cafoda and why the questions?

They may be fugle It's time from doing to you show. No. Alright, contestants,
we have a great show up here today. I have
a couple of good options here to come to mind show.

Let's go, let's go. M this one's long. Uh, let's
do this one out of the park. I'm afraid of time.
I'm afraid of time constraints. I don't want to do
when that's gonna take a half hour like this one is.
It's the NFL franchise yards leader for passing, rushing and receiving.
But that might take a very long time. Is that Jada?

I think she's home from her her shoot. Yeah, oh
that's great. I also want to once uh, once these
guys move on, we've gotta get Jade's review of the
Star Wars movies. But okay, go ahead into it. What
what's what? What's the category here? It's Spaghett's. It's the
NFL's each franchise their leader in passing, rushing, and receiving

all time. Holy hell, So it's a long one. Yeah,
all right, let's go to this one because you'll be
out quickly. There's this will this will be hard, I think.
So wait a second. We're gonna do just one category,
or you could take any of the three categories for
each of the thirty two teams. I'm okay, either just

given a name, but how about this, give us one
other one. Let's see what the alternates are. Um, I
like this one. Uh it's NFL. Can you name the
NFL players who have recorded multiple ninety plus reception season?
So it's guys who have at least two seasons of
ninety catches or more. It's a it's a decently long list,
but it's it's not that crazy. I like the career

leaders one, but I think you have to keep it
to one category, either passing or rushing or receive. He
just like, say, hey, I'll throw out any of those three, right, Yeah,
I think rushing would be interesting it is a franchise,
is career leader in rushing. I love it. Let's do that.
Let go who's starting, Handsome Emma Smith, Emmett Smith, Cowboys. Correct,

that's all one to come out of the gate with
their but okay to me, I mean, I guess not
that Walter Payton Peyton Bears correct. All right, Um, I

feel I feel like I'm in trouble already here. I
am gonna go with Oh, he's not the leading Russia
there anymore. Uh, it's just because I'm struggling already here.
I'm gonna go with the Giants, Tiki Barber Giants Barber. Correct?
Who I remember that one? Because? Uh, Lionel Hampton in

the story New York Giants. Um, history, Lionel Hampton was
there all time leading rusher until Tike Barber broke it.
Which isn't that either? Anyway? Go ahead, I'll go with
Barry Sanders, Barry Sanders Lions. Correct. I'll go Frank Door
Frank or four correct? Forty n obviously right? You obviously me? Um,

I will go Oh man, this is hard. Why is this?
Why am I having so much trouble here? I'm jumping
around the NFL. Oh, man um, I will say, oh,
Jim Brown, Jim Brown, Brown's correct. I'm gonna throw one

out there. It seems like it would be the right answer.
Thum and Thomas Sermon, Thomas Bills correct. The Damian Tomlinson O,
good one. Why am I having so much trouble here?
Lt Charges correct? Alright, this has to be correct. I'm
trying to am I forgetting somebody, and I'm gonna be

embarrassed here perhaps, but Larry's anka has to be correct.
For the Dolphins. Dolphins correct some gap and they're like,
what Ricky Williams hadn't done enough to obviously quite mm
hmm um. This is I'll say this is. It's great

to feel alive. I've never been so nervous as I
am playing this game right now, at least in a fortnight,
trying to think. I mean, I'll throw this out there,
but it could easily be wrong. For the Raiders Marcus
Allen Raiders marks correct. I wasn't sure about that one.

That was one of the that's you know what, I
think that's gonna an interesting circumstance coming up here, Handsome
Eddie George. I know what, because that comes downs is
and I might anything. George is correct. Uh, and that
includes so Eddie George. That's what's weird. The the guys

who were the stars of my youth. It feels like, well,
those guys were certainly nobody trumped them. But if you
look up like Notre Dame passing stats, Steve Burline, I
think is their all time passer um not Joe Montana
or somethoding like that. Um, I'm just buying myself time
right now. I say, I don't want to say the

team I'm thinking about. I know the team you're thinking about.
They won the Super Bowl recently. How about well, yeah,
that's the team I'm thinking about. Could that be? Yeah,
that that was one of the teams I was just contemplating, Um,

how about oh, Curtis Martin, Curtis Orangets. Oh I got nervous,
as I said, as I said, I'm like, why am
I nervous playing this game? But Curtis Martin, as I
said that, like, how many of those Patriots years um
factor into his all time number? There? It could have

been so I was thinking, for I could have been
Freeman McNeil for the Jets. I was thinking, check this out,
this is this is a big one. But I'm very
more confident about this one than I was about Marcus
Allen deuce McAllister deuce Mcca's Saints is correct? Wow, Handsome,
I say, I I gave some thought there. I thought

a deuce. But do you remember Dalton Hilliard was very good,
not for long enough. Not Forster was around for a while. Right,
all right, how about I don't know. I mean, I'm
a little nervous saying it because I don't know why
either a YouTube hasn't said it yet. But whatever, Adrian
Peterson vikings easy one? Correct? Okay, I was like it

was it? Robert Smith? Am I missing something here? Like?
Why has nobody said Adrian Peterson? But yeah? And Chuck
Foreman but yeah, of course Adrian Peterson. I think it's
crazy that Dave hasn't given given us the Steelers one yet? Right?
And are you saving that or do you not know?
Like I'm not because I'm not positive really as a
Steelers fan. Alright, all I wanted you guys take the

shot at that one, but I'm not positive. I'm not
gonna Franco finished at twelve K. But then your own
Bettis finishes. I had a hymn in career rushing and
Battest did spend two years with the Rams, so it's
hard to I can't do the math on that. Um,

I'll save that one for for down the line. Unlist,
one of you wants to beat me to it there.
In the meantime, man, the Bengals are really a pathetic organization,
aren't they. Like if the answer is going to be
Corey Dillon there, that'll be pretty bad. So I'm not
gonna say that. It's not my answer, Spaghetti, so do
not do not reacting. I will say, man, oh man,

oh man, I'm trying to think I'm running through a
man that she hasn't all right, you know what, I'm
just gonna go with Marcus Allen for the chiefs mm hmm.
That's what That's what I was thinking. That's not the answer,

And I know I know the answer to that one too.
By the way, I think, I to priest Homes, William, No,
priest times is what I was. Three priest homes is
not home. Yes, running around I had. Yeah, I'm gonna say.

I'm gonna say T D for the Broncos. TD of
the Broncos is correct, Yes, all right, I can let's
see if I can keep it going arm strong, and
that's what was going through my right. Get this one
can get me in a lot of trouble if I'm
along in these parts. Fred Taylor, Fred Taylor Jackson is correct? Good?

Who that's a little swept there. Yeah, I'm a chain
of my my performance here. The nerves got them. What
can I say? I'm out? If Pank gets this right,
I'll bow out gracefully because I would have gone est tombs,
because if you haven't gone priest tombs, I would have.

So I didn't go Priest times. I was I was saying,
I thought that it was priest Toimes, but when it
wasn't Marcus, I was convinced it was priest, So I
probably would have gone with that, just to make sure.
I wonder if it's I wonder if it's jam for
the chiefs. I just good one, go out, you know what,

We'll keep it going. Just to take it ere Charles
is the answer the chiefs. Okay, let me see if
I can keep it going. I might as well. Uh,
let's see we've done all those We've done a great clue.
I don't want to. I don't want to or I
just don't want to play off of with his last answer.

How about another answer? How about for the win? For
the win? Oh god, I don't want to say it,
but I'm uh, I don't want to say it, but
I'm gonna Ricky Waters sorry for whom I'm sorry for Seattle. Yeah,

for Seattle. Alexander's answer, this is the word. I thought
Marshawn Lynes might have gotten it, so I didn't know,
so I didn't go Sean Alexander. So wait, money loose.
Hank has again one more correct answer. He doesn't he
already did? He got this round correct? Money? Miss you?

All right, let let's let's finish things. I've got one more.
I've got one more to throw out that for you
out there for just to confirm the wind the Houston
Texans Arian Foster correct, Yeah, we do. How Arizona Cardinals
Thomas Jones Cardinals. No, no, wait, that was the Arizona Cardinals.

Cardinals will be an old one. Yeah, I know, but
I'm not counting the old ones. I'm counting the Zona Cardinals. JA. Yeah,
Anderson right, what about the James James wanting to say that,
but Ravens, that's the one I was saying when he like,

it's the very obvious names, sometimes recent names, and then
you have only a very very few obscure ones. So wait, Pittsburgh,
I'm gonna my final answer on that is going to
be the bus. It's not. It's Franco dang it um,
humiliating trivia and as much history as you knew, not

know who the Steelers leading Russia of all, that's crazy, Dave,
you want to run this out for the listeners. I
think you guys are you guys are mincing the Bengals?
What is Corey Dillon? You guys don't have to embarrassing
one for two teams? Is Corey Dillon number one for

Who's number one? For the paper? Yeah? This one's very,
very very tough. I would it is. Yes, that's crazy
that you guys don't think I have the Bucks yet.
James Wilder, it is James Wilder. I would have knocked
out either. Uh. Card you got. We guys are up

to the Eagles. I will so. Uh. Wilbert Montgomery No,
Steve Van Buren, Nope. Like I said, sometimes it's the
obvious or recent one, the easy one. Who's easy? Who?

Who was even on that team Lagarett ut j G.
I what I don't know? Who is it? Shady? Ah? God,
I forgot about that. Did we get Falcons? No? I
didn't get packed. I will him Taylor or No, it's
Um on Green Crackers are I was debating Taylor and

him on Green Lant, I was debating Gerald. It's Gerald
Riggs on Atlanta william who was his predecessor. Both of
them were big, husky, borderline fat guys. Um, but Gerald
rig Panthers would be it's gotta be Yeah, who'd you say,

Sean Foster? Oh? I thought, I'm sorry? No, the Angela
Williams would be Williams. Really, Tim biaka, No, it's not
a quarterback mc no, sorry, McCaffrey. I would have thought
it'd be fun. Oh it's m Steven there. You don't

know Steven Davis. Not Steven Davis. Um, damn it? You
think it is obvious? Spaghetti? Need you talking with the
guy from Oregon? I want his name? Jonathan Stewart? Yeah,
we said, okay, j ste Next team is the Rams.

This is an interesting one. I think it's Faulk. Yeah,
it's got to be fault It's not well, can't be
Dickerson it's not not Wendell Tyler. Nope. Steven Jackson, Yep,

that's so Jackson. Good one, baby, Shame on me. And
let's team I think is the Redskins brilliance. Yeah, that's right.
That's disgraceful that I I performed so woefully here. I

apologize to everybody. I didn't rise to the occasion. This,
this was this was the bottom of the barrel for me.
I missed the steel. That was awesome. That's a that's
a Dave Damage Football podcast. I like. And I gained
four and I gained four pounds. The big loser that
we've got the d d FP Dave damnascheck um handsome.

I appreciate your time. Everybody's safe and sound, everybody's hey there.
That's Preston, my youngest. Now she is stealing something looks
like a chord. Can I say you know what I think? Uh?
You know, it's great that everybody is trying to stay in.

But I will say I've taken to it fairly easily.
How about you? Has this been a miserable experience? I
hated for the count creative, for the society, for the
people that are actually suffering, but for those of us
who who are suffering nothing more than having to stay
inside watch TV with our loved ones. I feel like, yeah,

it's been nice. Kids. So I've got one home from college.
She would normally be three thousand miles away right now,
and I got her, you know, here, So it's been great, terrible, Ronnie,
last thing you get to pick, do you want Cam Newton,
Jamis Winston or two to be your quarterback for the
Dolphins in two and number one? There you go, disappointment,

And I can I tell you something, money, This is
what exactly what we're talking about. No, the people kids
who are Ronnie's age don't care about what you've already done.
Nobody cares about what's already happened. Two is exciting, new
and young, and this is why the Chargers are going
to move heaven and earth to get to get to

And I predict I'm gonna make a bold prediction now
at the end of it. I think the Dolphins are
going to recognize to uh, is not the difference between
US vuying for Super Bowl contention this year or next year. Ergo.
I think that they might do something that a lot
of people aren't anticipating. I think that the Chargers are

in wind now both they're gonna go get to uh
I think that they're gonna win the two sweepstakes. What
ill just what I think it comes down to is
where do you have the quarterbacks graded? You know? And
this is something that DJ has talked about. It's like
if you have if you're the Dolphins and you have
a close grade unto and Herbert, then you're not gonna
want to give up all that equity because you have

so many holes and you're in this rebuild and they
are going to be really good players available for all
three of those and you'll be content with either taking
Herbert or if you know, if the Chargers have to
give up multiple ones, multi two's, and you're like, well,
you know, we've got him here and we've got Herbert here,
So do we really want to give up all three
of our ones to go get two of and we

feel good about Herbert plus slide receiver plus linebacker plus
a lot, you know what I mean? Like, I think
that's what ultimately it's going to come down to for
both of those teams. For the Chargers, like, Okay, do
we really want to us to a here? And and
if Jordan loves slips and or Jalen Hurt slips and
we can instead get Isaiah Simmons and that player or
whatever it is, you know what I mean. I think

that's what it ultimately is going to come down to. Do.
I do love that a lot of people are speculating, like, hey,
you know what, Belichick playing three D chess, He's gonna
tank the season and he's gonna like sad like. That's
not plausible. Do do you think Belichick is a great
coach or not? Like, is he gonna has? He has?
Is Tom Brady? That big a difference between twelve and

thirteen wins and six wins that that whoever they put,
if they put Andy Dalton in there, that is the
team is not going to just bottom out exactly. That
such great That's not a plausible that. Hey, money, I
don't know if you want to stick around, but I
have a quick head to head for father and son here,
handsome and Ronnie, Ronnie, do you know who the first

president in the United States was? Yes, go ahead and
tell us George Washington. That's correct, Lincoln. Do you know
Ronnie that your dad didn't know that? The answer to
that question when I asked him. He said, j j
I did not. It's true, j GI, your dad didn't.

Now I want to go. I want to say, if
you can go head to head here, Ronnie, you go,
first states in the United States of America. You start, Ronnie,
name one, Um America, California, Well done, handsome. I'm gonna
go with Florida. Okay, oh um, with Scott already at

number three, already already, Washington, nothing else matters. Well, that's
enough then if right, if he's not gonna do it, oh,
he said, Washington, I'm sorry. I'm stuck. Now I'm done.
I don't know any others now, handsome, prof handsome proofs

he's a I like I like seeing that. That's very
well done, Ronny. Great to see you. Man. Be well.
You can go out in your backyard and throw the
ball with the old man at least. Right. Yeah, we've
been did We played a lot of cats recently. Good.
That's that's very nice. That's that's great. Thank you for
the time. Good luck. Make sure everybody tunes in Petros

and Money spinning four hours a day, the finest radio
show and all the land track of down on I
Heart Radio. All Right, you know what, uh spaghetti. Let's uh,
let's we'll we'll skip on Jada. Um for now. I
am sure she's too busy to kid. It's about Star
Wars anyway. Um, was this an alright show? This was
a jam Pact show. I think that's what the people want.

You want an hour and a half of football, of
trivia and of TV talk of pub All right, very good, UM,
go play the Witcher. Um. That's a sacrifice right there.
You just gave up an hour and forty minutes worth
of of which your time to give. It's about football
in the game of life. That's that's true. But emtally
I said this was the one and the and their

time of need. We're trying to help him out, all right, Listen,
I'm down to do it. Uh, you know, for seven
times daily if if we can find anybody to do
it with us. Um, we do have some good stuff
on the way coming at you. UM. In the meantime
for more time, for more stuff to help you burned
the hours. I encourage you to go listen to the

Chris Long podcast The green Light where I'm on I
tweeted it out there. We right, or we do a
bracket of all the NFL uniforms and any ideas you have,
anything you want us the kid, it's about listen. We
all have nothing but time on our hands right now,
so we contend to that. But thank you Spaghetti for
making the time, making it all work for us, and

and we'll be back soon. Hang in everybody, right, Spaghetts, Yes, alright, alright,
alright at the end of that then all right, Uh,
with that said, we'll talk to you soon. In the meantime,
Thanks so much, football fans, it's been a thin slice
of heaven.
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