All Episodes

February 26, 2020 57 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined in Studio 66 by Handsome Hank and Matt "Money" Smith joins remotely from Indianapolis! After the guys try to sing the new James Bond theme song (2:22), they start to discuss all these new quarterback scenarios that seem to be arising at the NFL Combine. The trio dives into if the Dolphins need to trade up for Tua Tagovailoa (6:26), if the Redskins could trade away Dwayne Haskins (13:53), why the Giants won't verbally commit to Daniel Jones (18:05), would Tom Brady be a fit with the Titans (25:44), do they believe the Panthers in saying Cam Newton is their QB (35:00) and which QB in the draft reminds people of Patrick Mahomes (45:05)?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Where deep Bush pick. In the two thousand nineteen NFL Draft,
the Arizona Cardinals select Kyler Murray. Olahoma David The Dave
Damashick Football Program available on Apple Podcasts and at NFL

dot com slash g DFP. Now here's your host, Dame. Yeah,
you remember that when Kyler Murray was the first overall pick,
it made no sense because just twelve months prior they
had taken Josh Rosen with the tenth overall. But it's
a brand new day as we hear out of our
nation's capital that there's actual consideration for Ron rivera new

to the gig in our nation's capital, maybe looking at
Tua or Borrow or who knows what. Let's get into
all of it with our fellas here in Studio sixty
six and even into Usier State, shall we? And by
the way, high and hello and welcome to the Dave
damn Sick Football Program. I hope balls well wherever you
are during this draft process season, and uh, you know

that there's never an off season for the NFL, nor
is there one for the d DFP. First of all,
hello to our main man all the way from London, England.
He serves as our resident Miami Dolphins fan currently in
possession of that aforementioned tenth overall pick in the draft.
Josh Rosen, it's handsome, Hank. How are you? Oh, we
don't have that? I just heard speaking of James Bond.

Longest James Bond movie ever upcoming our hour, I mean
two hours and forty something minutes long, that I mean,
but you can't complain about that, right I As I
always say, I don't like a bad movie. If it's
ninety minutes from two hours, I love just make it good.
If it's a great make it seven will have the

longest open, you know how you love a cold open,
Like we just heard with Kyler Murray, it's gonna be
the longest and before they get to the credit. Sometimes
you will sit down and watch a James Bond movie
and you're like, oh, I've forgot that, We've already just started.
And then it will remind you by you know. Yeah,
then we see a silhouetted nude lady exactly, a gun

with a fish that comes out of it and explicably,
you know, all that stuff. So it's the kid. What's
the movie called? This time? No Time to Die? No
Time to Die? I like them to lose. You know what,
I think we've just stumbled into our exercise for the

next I don't know how long until the movie opens,
But everyone who comes through that door, damn theme song.
Who would be the best person who's regularly on the
show that we could ask? You know what? A songbird
a man who knows the music industry as well as
he knows what's going down in pro football and college football.
That's why he helms the coverage of all things draft

here at NFL Media. He's also our main man. We
love to listen to him on the radio when the
Los Angeles Chargers are toiling. Also on what he's one
half of the finest radio show on all the lay
friend than anything else, you know what, that's not strong enough.
He's a brother, thank you, even more wonderful. He's Matt

money Smith. What's the poopy? Don't want that music? We
don't have time for that? Just Joe instead of that music,
money before you say hello or anything else, just launch
in no time to die? What's that theme song gonna
sound like? You know what? I'm gonna capitalize on the
country craze first time ever? Right, Yeah, that would be
the first sleep in my wipe it out. It's no

time to die. She took my key lampie. I like,
you know, um having hammling rye. There we go. I
like the idea Daniel Craig eating some key lime pie
with his lady friend in the bed. But yeah, let's see, uh,
Rashande Evans top that one. I do encourage you to.

Rashaan Evans was in with us in studio six or six,
just a couple of days ago, as delightful of fella
as you can cross paths with in uh in pro football.
Go back and listen to that one. Some great insights
on how he and his defensive pals from Tennessee stopped
um the the high power Lamar Jackson offense, and the
intimidation factor lack thereof of going into Foxboro the week prior.

Great stuff with our guy Evans, But now Matt money Smith.
The thing that people are talking about today, it seems like,
is you know, so much smoking me here, so much nonsense,
let's say, a lot of jive hohoi and apple sauce
and otherwise going on at this time of the year
out of the mouths of gms and head coaches and otherwise.
But what's your take? Your the voice of those Chargers?

Are they really gonna roll with Tyrod Taylor? I'm gonna actually, uh,
if you don't mind border off the men you hear,
go off script um and just kind of address something
that that we were kicking around prior to us starting
the pod, right, and I think you you made mention
of it, but I think it's set a precedent right
the moment that the Arizona Cardinals took Kyler Murray a

year after draft in Josh Rosen high in the first round. Uh,
it's just that that's it. It's no longer all whoie
and smoke, right because someone actually did that. You know,
they drafted a quarterback two years in a row because
they decided, Yeah, we we barely know if Josh Rosen
is going to be great, if he's not going to
be great, but we've seen enough from him, and we've
seen enough from this Kyler Murray kid that we're gonna

go ahead and take him number one overall. So even
though you know, Ron Rivera said it at the podium
on the podium at the at the lectern today, Yeah,
we're gonna we're gonna bring in Burrow we're gonna bring
into I think we would normally dismiss that, but we
just saw it a year ago the head coach, you know,
with with personnel power. Yeah, it's exactly right. And if
nothing else it Ron Rivera, Owes Cliff Owes Cliff Kingsbury

at data. Thanks because at least it sets him up
now it's plausible. Yeah, we could do that. It's a
little bit different because Kingsbury hitched his taking gig to
the ability to take Kyler Murray, even though they denied
that at the time. I mean, I guess we could
hear the same thing about Ron Rivera after the draft
is completed, maybe there will be, you know, some clarification

like oh yeah, we all yeah, Coach Rivera required that
he be able to replace Dwayne Haskins. Um, I guess
you will go ahead. Hey, well money, can I can
I make a request to you? As a Miami Dolphins fan,
I would really appreciate every time I hear people talking
about tour on TV. I'm kind of hoping he's going
to slide into the Dolphins labs at number five. Would
it be possible for you to speak to some of

the producers that you work with the comma and try
and keep him kind of under wraps a little bit
and and just not talk about tour and maybe you know,
direct attention to to some other players, especially on the
quarterback side. I think, Hank, if you want to, oh,
then you might have to start coming around to the
idea that you're only going to pick once in the
first round. Um. And that there is and you know, look,

that's the flip side right of what Ron Rivera is
doing when he's hearing about what some of these numbers
my be and what the draft equity is for an exchange.
Throw the Jimmy Johnson Shart out the window. And you know,
the Dolphins if they really want this guy, and it
sounds like they really want them, uh that that those
first round picks are in play, that they've got multiple
seconds in the future as well. Um, and you're gonna

have to try to compete with that. So if if
that's the auction that Detroit is holding for two uh,
then why would Ron Rivera say, Look, Chase Young is
a great looking prospect, and man, you don't pass up
guys like that. But if we're talking about three number ones, Um,
how how do you not want in on that right
is you know you you you start to weigh out,
is Isaiah Simmons versus you know, Chase Young? What what

does that look like? What does that drop off? And
you know, can can we make a case that if
you get Simmons instead of Young and and two others
to help set you up for the future. You know,
that's a that's that's a tough one. But there's a
there's a double edged sword there for the Giants, for
the Redskins rather, because if they do pass on on
Chase Young and the Giants tay him, not only did

you are you the team that passed on him, but
you potentially a team that then has to face reminded
about it. Yeah, I think I think there's no way. Chip.
Then I think Detroit still gets their auction. If they
don't want them, I would suspect they would just take them. Um,
they would take Chase Young right there, just about if
the Red if the Redskins are using this as an
opportunity to set up the fact that Okay, well we're

open for business and maybe we could take twour in Miami.
If you want him, you're gonna have to trade with us.
They then have going to have to potentially look across
the line at him twice. Okay, wait, let's back it.
Let's back up for a second with hypothetical. Let's go
from five thousand feet to ten thousands. I have been
saying this like a broken record for eighteen months now

about QB saturation. As you guys may have heard me
mention one or seven thousand thousand. I think, but with
I mean that remains to be, that remains the case.
You got, you got some high end qbs coming out
in a year from now. Have you heard any mention
of that? Do any h does Daniel Jeremiah does Lanser

line does? And do you hear any GM say like,
we don't have to be desperate, We don't have to
comport ourselves like we must get to UH or or
or reach for UH the imperfect justin Herbert or otherwise,
when we can just wait a year and get justin fields.
You know, I think here's where there's here's where you
run into problems with that. Then you're projecting a losing season.

You know, you're you're projecting a second consecutive miserable season
where you log two to five wins in order to
be in that position, and you can't do that so um,
unless you know you're in a long term rebuild, you know,
and and you recognize it's gonna take two to three years,
which it just it's not like the NBA or baseball
where you can restock your farm system, right, I mean,

we get a worst of first every single year. We
get four, you know, three new teams in the postseason
every year, and that's what you gotta sell to your fans.
So the idea that you would pass on a Jordan
Love or a Justin Herbert Um or a two because
you want to wait for Fields or Lawrence, it's just
it's impossible. It's also an imperfect process because the Dolphins,

in theory, was supposed to be doing that this year.
We're still a picking five. I mean, they would not
anticipated by anyone to be winning as many games that
they did last season, and yet they almost. And to
Money's point, they're gonna have to part ways with some
picks in order to get the guy that they want,
despite having arrusted that they basically stripped down. You know
what's also a weird new wrinkle. Let's assume that it

does go to Let's let's assume that as soon as
this coming season that there are two extra playoff teams,
and there already are, and so that we literally have
half of the NFL in the playoffs every year. We're
starting to creep in on that weird spot that I
can see how you would get seduced by it. Like
if you're you don't make the playoffs for a couple

few years and all of a sudden, all we gotta
give something good to our fan base. But you don't
want to wind up like one of those NBA teams
that's perennially like the seventh seed. Then don't think anybody
does right anywhere. But I just feel like that doesn't
really happen, you know, Like even I look at the Chargers,
right the team I was with it. This was my
third year. You know, the first year was nine and seven,
and that's what you would describe right as that mid

pack and b Well, the very next year, you know,
they go to Baltimore, they went a wild card game.
They tie for the best record in the a f C.
You get to New England, it's tied seven seven in
the first quarter and then it comes apart. But like
to me, that's not seven or an eight seed, like
that team believed they were going to win the Super Bowl,
that that they were going to go into New Orleans
to New England at Foxboro knockoff the Patriots and then

having already beaten you know, the Kansas City Chiefs in
Kansas City, We're gonna you know what I mean. Like
that's just the way that football teams think. So it's
almost like, hey, can we get in because if we
can get in, we can win this thing. And you know,
and and enough teams like Tennessee just did it. You
were talking about Seawan Evans. You know what the Titans
were able to do as a nine and seven team,
right and have a ten point lead on the Chiefs

in the a f C Championship game. So I mean,
we don't have to talk about any other position. Quarterbacks
are always intriguing, but especially right now as much as
they have as a subject matter of where these big
name guys, and it's not just the veterans either. Um
let's go, we'll talk about Brady in a second. But
I'm but I'm I'm interested. And you know, we spent
Handsome and I two weeks ago we went in on

all the spots that Josh Rosen could be I'm not
going I'm telling you though, that's a He's an interesting wilt.
I think, I think, I really do. I think the
draft day, full round pick from someone doesn't mean this
guy off. That's fine. I'm not saying he's at the
he's at the forefront of anybody's plans. But if Ryan

Tannehill could do what he did a couple of times, no, no,
I mean why not? Why not this guy? I think
I think it's possible that he could do. But I
just I don't think we need to spend with Okay,
what about we will Okay, one more, one more the
other real quick, Dave, here's what I would just say
on that it's money. Must be serious. If he's calling me, Dave, No, no,
I just want to it's because I don't see. Because

an indie, it's hard for me to you know, Noll.
What I think it is too, is there's an coaches
are you know, it's a fraternity, and there's enough communication
around the league that it's not about whether or not
Josh gets in the game. It's about, Hey, what do
you see in a practice? What can you tell us?
You know what I mean? I think there's enough of
that communication that if there was any heat there or
any sizzle that a team would most definitely already have

been making that call, and would have probably been making
that call last year, like, Hey, you know what, this
guy looks really good. I don't know why he's sitting.
That would leak out, Um, and I think that you
haven't had any of that. It leads me to believe
that for whatever reason, Yeah, maybe the guy just wasn't
wasn't Scott is right, and you know sometimes it's it
just doesn't happen. Still, Yeah, but I I would I
think something like that would have already happened and we

would have heard more about it than it to be
dead silent on the topic of whether or not Josh
Rosen's gonna find us, Okay, well, let's talk him for
a gig. Let's talk about the version of that. Then.
Dwayne Haskins, let's say that he is made available, where
will there be some interest uh for him around the league?
And if so, where it's weird? Right? Um? You know

there were people that were kicking and screaming about how
can you take Daniel Jones ahead of Dwayne Haskins, And
that's right. Quickly, right, how quickly the shine is off
of that diamond. It's it is odd, but it happened
to Rosen, and I don't know if it would happen
to Haskins. I don't know if you saw enough. I mean,
he certainly had a game, you know, if not a
game and a half where he flashed. But I think

the problem would be is why why are the Cardinals
moving on from Josh Rosen in the year? Why are
the Redskins moving on from Dwayne Haskins in the year.
It's like an a d hire and a head coach
in college football, right, you better get it right because
that's what gets you fired. And it's the same thing
in the NFL. If you're if you're a general manager
and you get a quarterback wrong, it's it's very hard

to shake that, and it's a stigma that just travels
with you for a while. And I think, but I
think the other side of that coin is that if
you're Ron Rivere or anyone else, you're a brand new
head coach. Um you're Matt Rule. Hey, I don't want
to inherit anything. I want my I want to bring
in and start fresh. And it also happens to buy
you an extra year or three if you are that
guy to say, well, you know, to to reboot with

your own guys, does then give you, you know, allows
you a two and four teen season? I think right.
But if you're being really Matchiavellian, and then then what
you do is you stick with who you've got for now,
lose you probably don't think it's going to work out,
and then year two you pick up your the quarterback
that you really want, knowing that that buys you time
because you always have the excuse, well, I only just

brought my guy in. And I think for both of
those two teams, that's why I do buy that the Panthers,
when when Matt Rule is saying, okay, we know we're
into Cam, I think they may well sell off some
other assets on the on the team that that, you know,
with the potential exception of Christian McCaffrey, who they want
to keep, and then come back next year and a

little bit like they did with Cam way back kind
of tank for Trevor or lose for Lawrence or whatever
it is obviously from the state as well, knowing that
that you know, that wouldn't be the worst situation rather
than diving into the quarterback um this year, because Dave,
to your point, next year looks from a draft perspective
like it's it's probably even better than than the guys were, right,

and and and one more thing, I am already belaboring it.
And then we'll move on to the big name qbs.
But would I mean, aren't you better off ultimately if
Chase Young? If if I mean, here's the comp it was,
we just watched him dominate the Super Bowl? Is Nick Bosa?
If Chase Young is Nick Bosa, wouldn't what GM wouldn't say?

Just I'll throw it out there. The hypothetical is, yeah,
I'll take Dwayne Haskins for a third rounder and Chase Young.
Isn't that better than? I mean? It remains it remains
the coin flip. I know we at this time of Perennially,
the assumption is, oh, well, it's to uh or burrow,
which of those two guys do you want? As though
both of those guys are guaranteed to be Pro Bowl guys,

and it's really more like a sixties split that they're
gonna even make it. The idea that you compare Chase
Young with Montes sweat and any Karragan is on that line.
You know, that's a good that that that's a stout
line like that. I would just draft him, I would. Yeah,
just go get Chase Young. I mean Chase Young and
Sweat and and the rotation they have on the interior

of that line of guys can stay healthy. Yeah, that's
that's to me, that's a no brainer. You don't even
trade out of that spot. Go get him. The most
important position on the field's quarterback. It's a cliche, the
second most important. This guy that's got to get the quarterback.
So if you feel like you you are, you know,
it's a slam dunk and everyone says this is the
best player in the draft. He's just not a quarterback,
but he's the best guy. Go get him. Don't even

overthink it. Just just knock that out and figure the
quarterback out. If he ain't your guy, uh, he was
a first round pick the year before. He had a
heck of a career at Ohio State. Scouts thought he
was a first round quarterback. So just figure it out,
you know, see if it works. If not, then, like
you said, there's gonna be available. Now we have to talk.
Since We're in the NFC stan anyway, and Eddie Spaghetti

is ce eat about eleven feet away from me behind
the glass. What do you think about these rumors? Money
that that Gettleman is floating or whomever, Like, what did
you what does Judge thinking? I put down put down
the self help leadership books. That's not how it works,
like you you, you know, everybody got all geeked up
about his presser and then DJ lobs a softball at him,

and he goes into this giant diet tribe of blank
slates and nobody's name means anything, and everyone's got to
prove themselves. It's like he's he's a number six pick.
He had nice moments last year. Build them up, celebrate him.
The fan base was coming around to liking the idea
of Daniel Jones being there next to Eli Manning and

and this guy is just like, yeah, we got nothing, No,
nobody's nothing means nothing. It was like listening to Macho
man Savage. I mean, what the hell is he thinking it?
How do you hit the hit now? And that? I mean,
that's exactly what it is is He's read somewhere that
that's like, that's how we stopped that how we build
a team. He I don't think it changes anything. May

not in his quarterback to his new head coach, but
I don't think it changes anything. Well, let's see if
it endears him to the Giants fans or the Giant
fans seated with a separated there, handsome, what about Tom,
I mean spaghetti, what about Tom Brady? Is your QB? Yeah,
that's the rumor that's going around now. And maybe, and
maybe this is a question that Brady that that money

can maybe he may shed some light on. But I've
seen some beat writers with the Giants say that the
Giants perspective of Daniel Jones is not shared throughout the
entire NFL, And that, to me is the first time
I've ever heard read this this morning. So I don't
know if there's that true that Daniel Jones is not
as uh, you know, as good or has the potential

that the rest of the league may not think the
Giants do like that. I'm sorry confused by it, Like
this came out of nowhere. Let's just think it's because, yeah,
came out of Look what what was the story going in?
Right that Dave Gentleman and all of his years, has
never trade down once, and he's sitting at four and
he might have an ability to trade down, and he
probably thinks, oh, I know how I'll raise the value

of my pick by saying I could be the guy
that takes to uh and Uh, you gotta be careful
and make sure you do a deal with me before
it gets to Miami at five if he's still on
the board. Uh and and it goes Chase Young and
and whoever else that maybe somebody likes Justin Herbert Moore
and trades up for him. Are they like Isaiah Simmons
or whatever it might be. Um, I don't understand the

idea behind that. I I think young quarterbacks need confidence, right,
They need franchises to be behind him and and say, hey,
look the guy had a fumbling problem mast year, but
he also had some real nice moments and we're excited
to get weapons around him. It's a deep wide receiver draft.
We need a pass rusher. We have nothing on that
side of the football right now on edges and and
it looks like we might have a chance to get

a really special player. Like I just don't I don't
get what what the positive what's the net positive? Of
not committing to Daniel Jones publically after just a single
season where he had some really bright moments. Yeah, I mean,
Joe Judge is not named one player by name, which
is so stupid, like a high school football coach thing.
And yeah, the thing's frustrating too, is especially you just

said you have a guy with the bright future. I
had some you know, phenomenal moments, and then you never
played a single game with se Kwon, Evan Ingram, Shephard
Tate all healthy at the same time, with the seventy
plus million of CAS space with the fourth overall pick
in the draft. It makes zero sense too well, And
I'm just saying, it's like you you have a you
have somewhat of a future. It makes no sense to
do this and move him or sign Brady or or

make the rest of the league think or the team
think that Danien Jones is not the future. It remains.
It remains perennially, no matter how mediocre or great they
collectively are, the NFC's teams remain fascinating. Dacked down there
in Dallas. Now, that thing sounds like McCarthy does intent.
I mean, I that resolves itself, right, You don't think
he winds up somewhere in a mom with a tag,

he gets franchised. I think that's at worst, right, Yes,
I think I would be very surprised if they did
a long term deal. I think it's a franchise tag.
And if he has a great year, then he'll get
his forty million. If he doesn't, he won't. Um. But
that's what I do. If I were them, I would
I wouldn't hand him a thirty eight thirty million, thirty
nine million dollar a year deal after an eight and
eight season. Yeah, the numbers were nice and the you know,

five thousand passing yards thirty pass that's great, but the
guy was eight and eight and he played terrible in
in a couple must win games. Um. And it looks
like an offense that should be built around Zeke, not Dak.
So I don't know what you get. You know, it
goes back to the Jared Goff thing, like I never
understood that deal. If he's not, if he's not the
centerpiece of your offense, and it's all about I've got

to put the perfect pieces around him. And Todd Gurley's
gotta be great, and Sean mcveigh's gotta call a great,
clean game. Why am I giving this guy thirty six million? Like,
just franchise him, pick up the fifth year option, franchise him,
and give yourself two more years. Five or seven years ago,
there were legitimately like ten or twelve really really great

QB and the rest you could just throw in a
bag and uh interchange him, and none of them are
going to come out particularly great no matter what you did.
As I say, QB saturation is kind of like free
agency when you're trying to build a starting rotation in baseball.
All of a sudden, if you're the Yankees or Red
Sox are one of those big spending teams, you can
afford the luxury of spending to get a six and

a seventh starter that may or may not turn out.
That's what QB and is now, all of a sudden,
is that you don't have to give up that level
of loot because you have next year to fix it
if you get it wrong. I think that's exactly right.
You should franchise. Same thing with the Titans. I don't
know what this hokum is about the game they're playing
with Tannehill right now. I think ultimately they do tag him,

right isn't that the way it goes that they'll keep
Henry long term? And and Tannehills there right is do
you want to give a guy that's taken that many
carries that many hits even though he is and he's
the one that that's what I mean? So wouldn't you
rather just franchise him, especially because the franchise numbers right
around ten eleven million as opposed to a franchise number
around eight million um. But then again it's do you

want to like, look, if you're Tennessee, I think you've
got decisions to make. I do think it is a destination.
I think Philip Rivers would go there in a second.
I think you've got to sit down and evaluate, Okay,
we better off with Ryan Tannehill or Philip Rivers? And
then are we better off with Ryan Tannehill or Jameis Winston?
Are we better off with? You know? Is Tom Brady
interested coming to play with Mike Rabe? I think that's
like a legitimate place where you can start going through

all these different free agents and potential trade targets um
and figure out Okay, let's let's do the would you
rather you know, Ryan Tannehill and quarterback B and I
think that's something they've got to figure out. I mean,
but also which Ryan Tannehill, because because there are I
mean different flavors of Ryan Tannehill, and they got they
got the nice flavor for the for the back end

of last season. No doubt he was he was a
top ten quarterback in the NFL. But that hasn't been
the case throughout his career. All right, let's play that
with Tom Brady quickly. As as we all know, I've
advocated for Brady to the Chargers for way too long,
and now I have jumped off. That is a lot
of people jumped on it, and I think I think
the Titans, I think the type. Well look, I mean,

look what was Brady? What was he belly aching about
and let off the hook for by the national media?
Um all season? Well, who's he throwing too? He's the goat,
isn't he? What what happened all the rhetoric, it's exactly
what happened there? Like, well apparently he doesn't. It's circumstantial,
right unless yeah, they're not? Um. Yeah, So that being said,

you drop him in there with those young pass catchers
with the Titans and and presumably Derrick Henry behind him,
and uh for the most part of pretty good physical
offensive line. Not that good. I mean that that offensive
line struggled last season. Again, they got bettered towards the
back end of the season. But the Titans offensive line
was not necessarily I think it was basically average. I
think it's lead average to a little bit above league average, right,

I mean with Conklin and Luan and but they may
not have I mean, if they retain Rady, you retain Conklin,
you know what I mean? Like, I think if you
bring in Brady, then then you do work. Keep in Conkland. Um,
I just don't think you know what I've I was.
I was probably sixty forty maybe seventy thirty Brady was leaving,
and now I'm just starting to believe he just goes back.

I think he will everything else back to New England.
Everything else is imperfect. That's what he's sass. He's gonna say,
except there is one place that makes a ton of sense.
Except that. I mean, he'd get a little stink on
him if he did this, He'd get more than a little.
What do you think I'm gonna no, not the raider,

Whether That's not a good move for him. The defense
is question mark, although it's young and talent, good offensive line.
They're gonna get a top receiver in the draft, there's
no doubt. I just don't think he and Gruden connect.
I don't think that works. Gruden wants complete control of
the offense. Brady wants control offense. You know. I think
that's and then, and then do you really want to

go to division that has Pat Mahomes in it? You know?
I think that's what kind of to with the charge.
It's like I'm looking around and I see Keenan Allen,
I see Mike Williams and Hunter Henry and Austin Ekeler,
and I got Boson Ingram on defense and Derwin James
mayn this is a really good team. But son of
a I got Pat Mahomes and Andy Read over there
and Tyreek Hill and you know what I mean. It's like,
that's the easiest path to the to the playoffs is

to win your division. And if you're talking about landing
somewhere instead of competing against the Bills, the Jets, and
the Dolphins again next year, three teams you know intimately well,
and three teams that you have essentially dominated uh your
entire career. You know, why leave? What? What could be
better out there for you? Here's well, here's the things here.
Here a couple of considerations. One our collective pal Maurice

Jones drew One did when he knew he wasn't going
back to Jacksonville. The first thing he said to his
agent was get me to the Colts, because I want
to play the Jacks twice a year out of spite.
Now it didn't end up going that way, as we know.
The other side of that is when Peyton was moving,
he didn't want to go to Eli's conference because he

didn't want that head to head. I think Tom Brady's
consideration is which one is which of those two does
he slot in? He does not. He doesn't want to
play the Patriots. I agree with that. So the person
plays for him where he would be a legitimate, I mean,
have a real real shot at the super Bowl is

in San Francisco. The problem is, of course, he helped
get Jimmy g traded over there. Now he likes Brady,
has a relationship with with Kyle Shanahan, and the defense
would be mighty, and he would have the nice young
collection of pass catchers, and he'd have that clever run
game and the great offensive line. The only issue would

be and he, you know, go back home and play
you know a lotch where you know his idol Joe
Montana did his had his glory days. The only issue
would be the weird stink of like, are you really
gonna do that? The Jimmy G. And then from the
nine standpoint, all right, we're gonna have this rental the
Goat for a year or maybe two. But then what
are we gonna do about Jimmy G? Is that plausible

that he could go to the Niners? Because deep down
doesn't Kyle Shanahan, No, you know, we win the we
win Super Bowl fifty four if Tom Brady is our
quarterback instead of Jimmy G. Right, I don't. I just
don't know what the money looks like, you know what
I mean? I have no idea what what kind of
hit they take, what their cap situation is. If they
can afford Tom Brady for thirty five million bucks a year,

if other teams are willing to do that, I know
where Jimmy G can go. The New England Patriots. There.
But wait, David, you do you did you just globally
say that or do you really believe the forty nine
would have won the Super Bowl with Tom Brady? I
do think that would have I do too. Yeah, well,
you disagree with with not with your idealized version of

Tom Brady, with the Tom Brady version seven or whatever
with Tom Brady that we still playing in December and
January of this year. Mm hmm. And I like, actually,
I think Jimmy G's fine. I think Jimmy G is
as one of those many guys who Money just sort
of described like Jared Goff is, Yeah, he's capable enough

if every if the situations right, he's fine. He's good enough.
And that's that's a relatively strong thing to say about
a guy like, yeah, he's good enough to win the
Super Bowl if everything is right around him. Same thing
as Jared. I think that might be Tom Brady now
as well. Well. I think that was December and January
tom Brady. I mean, you know, you take away one
of the Jimmy G's picks in the Super Bowl and

they do win, you know, isn't that right? I mean,
you know, I guess the question is do they have
the lead? You know, I get what Hank is saying,
you know, is is tom Brady still you know, playing
at an elite level where he would you know, not
make those mistakes or he would be able to get
that that first score. Um. Do I think Tom Brady
misses that deep pass on Emmanuel Sanders that's got two steps? No,

I think he hits it. Um. I think there's there
were third down plays, you know, then when they had
those back to back three and outs where you or
Kittle was open. Um. I don't know if it was born.
There was another one where you had receivers and and
that was what we heard about Jimmy, right, is it's
just he doesn't get through all of his progressions and
read the whole field. And you know, and I don't
know what the hell that means, but that's just what

kind of people we were saying was the only issue
with him. And it appeared in the you know, late
third and fourth quarter of the Super Bowl. Um. And
and I would assume that Tom Brady hang gonna have
those issues, that's for sure. And you know if and
and you know, we we celebrate Andy Reid is is
the greatest play caller in the league. Well, Kyle Shanhani
far behind him, you know. I mean when you look
at some of those plays that he drew, that he

drew up and has drawn up throughout his career, then
you put Brady together with a guy like that that's
just brilliant as that, and you can just imagine what
they're getting into in the quarterback room. I mean, I
think it's a it's a it's a great hypothetical. I think,
I I I really think. And obviously it's one play,
but think about the steaks they you know, obviously it
looked like they were gonna beat the Chiefs and my

home to my homes it and they rally and sadly
there down and you could see Kyle Shanahan's I guess
a little more emotive than some coaches, a little less
so than others. But you could see when Jimmy g
missed that ball that it was like that was the
one that way. We we've been sending this up, we
set this up. I mean, that was the Super Bowl

winning play. If Jimmy g throws throws a decent ball
there the Niners, well, I mean I guess most get
Pat Mahomes two and a half, right, right, Okay, maybe
but still against the best dev I would have been
something to see against against that Niners D and like
bos In company, go get him, you know, be on
in that situation. Would you say I'm team Mahmes or

I'm team San Francisco defense because I can tell you
what I love the one if that's a fun one.
If let's do it right now. Okay, So with two
ish minutes left in the game, Jimmy throws a touchdown pass. Yeah,
Manuel Sanders dances in the end zone. We're talking about.
He came over mid season from the Broncos. He's a
veteran of Super Bowls passed and here he is making

the big play. Um, Jimmy g proving all the doubters wrong.
He's two minutes away from hoisting the Lombardy, but Patrick
Mahomes gets the ball. The best in the business, Handsome.
I think with the momentum that they had, the Chiefs
go down, score touchdown and win the game. With what's
the score at that point? How much are they I
think I think they would have been up for if

I remember, I think they have too they got a
house at and you think they do that, I think
inside too minutes. I mean we started from Patrick Mahomes
like the week before the four you know what I mean, Like,
it's just that there's I'm not betting against that guy.
You know, there's no way. There's just not with all

that speed, with that talent, with his ability to extend
with Yeah, Andy Reid call it. Like to me, it's
just I would have I remember it because you know,
I was doing the halftime and the post game for
NFL Network for Super Bowl and Terrell Davis said, you know,
he said a great thing right when he missed that
that pass. I'll never forget it. The rel Davis says,

if he connects on that pass, everybody says, man, you
left pat My Homes too much time. But guess what
if it was the other way around. In a person
out there that says, man, you lift Jimmy g too
much time. He said, that's a perfect way to put it.
Do you have a guy or do you not? And
that's when you know you've got a guy at quarterback,
you know, someone special, because that's what everybody is thinking, like, well,
we had a four point leading the super Bowl, but
I don't feel good about it, you know how? That

what it really kind of now that you say t D.
It makes me think of the Broncos upsetting the Packers
with Brett Farve with t D. Is the m v
P there? Who knows, Maybe Emanuel Sanders has to lay
out there and the clock spins a little bit and
they have that debate. Andy Reid has the debate. Do
we just give him an easy touchdown? So we give
Pat as much time as possible here that might have

it might have worked out that way. And reminder that
the Broncos did stop Brett Farve on that final drive
and he was the reigning m v P and all
that kind of stuff. Um, that's a fun discussion, Okay,
real quick money. M Newton, is he the Chargers quarterback?
In UM? I don't think so. I I you know,
going back to what you were saying about um about

Matt Rule and his presser and him saying that cam
is is our quarterback. I think the thing to remember
about Matt about coach Rule, I should say, not like
I know, I'm on a first name basis, but is
what he did at Baylor, you know, and as he
had to to work his way through, you know, one
of the most vile um you know, sexual assault allegation
cover ups that that we've heard about in a long time,

and a team that was stripped bear Uh that was
a national disgrace and was coming off a one win season.
I mean, and he's he's basically a drive away from
being in the four team playoff with without you know,
a bunch of five stars that he recruited to come
in or j C transfers in a single year. I mean,
that's how good of a coach Matt rule is. So

if you're taking the Panther's job and you look around
and you're like, you know what, Um, I got Cam Newton,
he's healthy, and I've got Christian McCaffrey, and I got
d J. Moore, and I kind of feel good about,
you know, the pieces that we have and and we've
got some high draft picks and we've got a bunch
of cap space. And I've done it before. I've gone
from one win to seven to to darn near winning

the Big Twelve and finding myself in the national playoff, right,
you know, in the National championship chase. Uh, what the
hell I'd I'd rather go with something that I know
is is a is a solid quality come out of
a quarterback then try to figure it out and just
let him walk out the door. So I actually do
believe him when he says, yeah, we're we're gonna try
to wait this out and see, you know, what Cam's
health looks like. And I want to just say he's

my quarterback right now? Are and and that that team,
you know, David Teppa hired him and gave him a
long term contract and then said we're going to be
all about analytics. We wanna you know, wanna embrace that
that area. It would be crazy for them to let
Calm walk without knowing how healthy is. So I just
I think they can easily sit there for a year
have Calm on board. If Cam gets injured again or

Calm doesn't play well, you've got next to years quarterbacks
to go to. I would I wouldn't be surprised if
the Panthers moved down in the draft from their situation
so that they go into the draft being able to
pick the quarterback that they already want to, which probably
should be Trevor Lawrence. That's interesting, so many spots that
need to be filled, though Jamis has to go somewhere.
Marcus Mariotte is going to land somewhere. You know the

history of these things, Dave, like, we have a wonderful,
fun conversation in January and February and early March every year,
and the history of it is unfortunately a lot of
times these are disappointing. Everyone goes I was like, oh
Tom Brady's back in New England, Jamis Winston. They couldn't
find a better alternative, Andy Dalton. It turns out is
going to back up Joe Burrow for you. Like, a
lot of this is just going to to disappoint us.

I hear you, except Teddy Be's going to go somewhere.
We almost well, we know that that's going to happen,
right and some or somebody's gonna take some dumb flyer
on tail. But Teddy B took a backup job last year.
He could have gone somewhere last year, and he wound
up taking a backup job and that money. He could
be the guy that goes to Mitch True whisky and
they say the Bears have a shootout between Teddy B

and Mitch In in Chicago during the during training campany
then no one's ready to pull the trigger on getting
rid of Mitch tru Whiskey and Teddy Bridgewood is a
backup for the Bears. That could be the whole move.
I get that it's exciting and fun to think about,
but more often than not, send to me. I think
there there are plenty of moves that are gonna have
to happen this year, no matter if. If Phil Rivers

is going somewhere, he's playing, and that's sometimes all it
takes is one domino. The problem is almost everybody seems
to think that Philip Rivers is coming here where I'm
sitting right now at Indianapolis, and there's no domino that
falls out. Yeah, you know, we'll we'll keep Jacoby bris
Sett in case Philip gets hurt because he's not a
cheap you know, he's not an expensive number. Or we'll

just cut him loose. And there is no j You know,
Philip Rivers doesn't go to Tampa, so now Jamis has
to find a new spot. Philip Rivers doesn't go to
Las Vegas, so now there're a car needs to find
a new spot, you know what I mean? Like it
would be the one addition that wouldn't lead to anything
else having to fall um. But then again, look, I
think you know Rivers, I think is the key. You know,
does he go to Carolina? Does he go to Tampa?

Does he go to Las Vegas? Um? Because that's then
what we'll set off this chain reaction. UM. Alright, last
thing with that in mind, and then Money goes about
his his business out there in Indiana, Indianapolis. Money, So
where we started? Do you think with the Chargers? I
know we've talked about this many times before on and
off U the D D F P. Do you how

important do you suppose as this stadium opens, because that's
a lot of people go to that now, like all
the Chargers need to make a se for the first
few seasons. And I know that the Chargers do care.
They don't like all the Steelers fans, Packers fans, Raiders fans, otherwise,
all cheering in their stadium. They don't want that in.
So the way you get off of that is to

bring in a big brand name QB be it whether
it's cam Or or Brady or otherwise. The d is
suppose that, I mean, it's Justin Herbert enough to to
make that to make that stuff go away. It doesn't right,
nobody's behind season tickets for Justin Herbert um. So, do
you think that they're incented? Do you think Anthony Land,

do you think Tom Talasco? Do you think ownership is incentive? Way?
I just get us, get us Jamis, get us somebody
who will excite some people. I don't know who's gonna
excite Yeah, Tom Brady. Tom Brady excites people in sales tickets,
Cam Newton would excite people in cell tickets, and to
a tongue of Ialoa would would excite people in cell tickets.

I think those are the three in Joe Burrow, you know,
I don't think there's any question Joe Burrow excite people
because of that USC connection and how many Southern California
people were invested in the L. S U. Tigers because
of ed Orgeron h and all the people that he
had on his staff, and thinking wow, this could have
been us at USC. So I think there is a
connection there, and and Joe has some sizzle. Um. But
but I think that's why the ransom is going to

be so high for toua Is. I think you have
two teams that are gonna be willing to throw a
lot of draft equity at it, and it's gonna be
a bidding war between the Chargers and the Dolphins. I
really believe that. And I think and ultimately I think
the Dolphins have so much more um that they're able
to give up because of of the trades of Mica
Fitzpatrick and and and Laremy Tunsil. They've got those extra

ones and they can get rid of all three this
year and still have two next year and say, we've
got a quarterback we believe in to sell to our
fans that everyone's gonna be jazzed about for the next
fifteen years. And that's why it's worth it. Like once
you find that quarterback, there is no price that's too high.
There just isn't. It's too important of a position, um,
And it's too important for you know, I mean and

Hank as a fan of the Dolphins, you know, for
a team that has struggled to get fans in there,
and it's very self conscious about it. Just like the
Chargers are opposing fans coming to cheer for their team
when they come to Miami because it's a destination for
these cold weather cities and they feel like it's a
walk over and they can get tickets. Um. Because the
fan bases suffered greatly in in the you know, in
the eyes of I should say, in the face of

their failures as of late, because of not having a
quartaback to your point like that that you know for
for teams. You know, you money, you know, as as
a charge's employee have been blessed with with Philip Rivers
Dave and the Steelers have not sat for what fifteen
years now with a franchise quarterback. When you go, I
was told that the Steelers were secretly hoping right, well,

I heard that as well, but it turns out wasn't true. Um,
fifteen or twenty years of of literally, like you know,
year to year having quarterbacks that are terrible. It's just
not that's that's that's a miserable existence. The one other thing,
and I don't expect a fulsome answer out of your
money as we let you go here is the other
thing that is plausible when you're already starting to throw

Josh Rosen at you as he could sell tickets. Well, okay,
we're letting them go. The thing I'll say is is
there is a chance that to h in these next
two months will emerge is the better pick over Burrow.
The assumption that Burrow is a hundred percent definitely the
first overall has a chance to get to get changed
here by two. I mean, everybody that I would talk

to down here is pretty set on Burrow. Um. There
aren't a lot of there. There's a couple I know,
but all it will take is one good prod was like, whoa, whoa,
whoa too. It looks ready to roll. But but then
the Bengals still if you if you're that invested in
one guy already and even if someone else sneaks up
on you like to, it's like that you can't take

the risk on the injuries. Twelve months ago there was
no debate. But and yeah, here's what I would say, though, Dave,
I think I think Burrow has got just as much sizzle.
I really do. There. There is so much heat on
him down here and so much celebration. You've got guys
comparing him to Andrew Luck talking about Drew Brees and
just the accuracy, the the anticipation, the ability to read

a full field, um to distribute the football, the you know,
the DJ stuff that came out of his conversation with
Burrow was fascinating. Right that when Joe Barry got there
and and uh, and they were adjusting the protections from
max protect down to five lineman so they could get
more guys out and in the pattern. And and because

he was just so quick to dissect and and chew
up a defense that that's when he really took off
and l s. You just wasn't used to that because
they didn't have you know, they had such a dominant
defense that they were used to having a quarterback that
was that good. And that's why there was kind of
that that bump last year before they realized it, you know,
this year. So I think that's you know, that's kind
of what's important to recognize as you do have too

and and you know what I'm gonna I'll plant the seed.
And again this is not me sharing my opinion, just
kind of what I'm hearing. Don't be surprised if if
Jordan's love finds himself in that conversation is to man
of his pro day he is there is some you know,
it's hard to not to have so many people make
a Pat Mahomes comparison and not get fan base is jazzed.

And what they're gonna see it tomorrow. Um, we're doing
this on Wednesday tomorrows 's day when the quarterbacks are
are throwing around, they'll see it and and they're gonna
see that aren't talent. They're going to see those throws
that remind you a lot of the way Patrick Mahomes
was able to throw. And and that's a copycat. League Money,
it's I said, well, I mean spaghetti. We had these
conversations about exactly Lamar Jackson wins the Super Bowl, Taysom

Hill's name is hotter than it is right now, and
other guys out there, who is this guy? Potentially would
we maybe do this instead? Patrick Mahomes wins the Super Bowl? Oh,
Jordan's love has some of those same attributes. Raw but
big all the time in the world. Imperfect the technique.
But I think in the next two weeks you have overtakes.
Justin Herbert as the the number three guys. I'm with

you man, all right, listen, Money, go have a have
a gay time, Go eat that horse, radish sauce, all that,
all that stuff. Have a great time. We'll look forward
to see here have fun. Money. Money keeps on plugging
away with Petros on PMS this week right exactly, I'm
I'm on way to do that now, and I'll be
back on there on Friday. There he goes the great
Matt money Smith. Everybody some great insights from the Hoosier

State there Center center City. You know that they have
like the round spot. We call it a roundabout where
I'm from. Is that right? That circle thing? Yeah? Yeah,
around about, all right around about. I don't know what that.
I don't know what any of that is. Spaghetti. What
did you think of Matt money Smith? Were you impressed
by him today? I was. I was very grateful for
his insight in the Giants scenaria, this weird quarterback where

it seems like no quarterback is safe no matter what
you know team, they're on their fregency status there. It's
just a very crazy time. But unfortunately Hanks said that
in a month or so, it'll look like well, now
you know what I think, as soon as our next podcast,
we need to do that. And if you wanna go
ahead and throw it out there right now, handsome, you
can do it. We did it a year ago. How
many qubs will will move? How many? How wait, how

did we do it last year? Exactly? I don't remember,
because you I think it's because I think I said
there will be ten. Yeah, what do you how many
qbsword not account. We're not counting injuries and stuff like
like Sam we took about opening day starts. Yeah, except

for like oh the the incumbent had motto or those
kind of yeah. Zero. I think the a f C
is zero FC east right the page. I think I
believe Brady stays with the Patriots. I think run Fitzpatrick
starts for the like I like my Niners one as
bad as I would feel for I think it would
be that'd be some stuff. I can't wait for someone.

We'll be saying that in the National If you were
a fan of the Niners, I can tell you, as
I say, that's not a rivalry, per sent I mean,
not a arrival ay at any level except in terms
of Lombardi count. But would you if you're a Niners fan,
I can tell you, having been bitten by the Tom
Brady snake as a Steeler fan and in the Lombardi count,

I want no part of Tom Brady. I'd rather have
a losing season with without Tom Brady than win the
super Bowl with him. Would be a disgrace, you know.
But the Niners, no, I think they could live with it, Okay,
while you've been talking, I think after in my head.
Three in the a f C, I'm going to say
the Colts, and I think Phil Rivers winds up there

the Charges because they have they have to do. You
think it is somebody splashy or I think it's probably
the quarterback that they draft, which which might be Jordan's Love. Yeah,
they won't start him though, they'll make it Tyrod Taylor.
They'll do love with the Brown still still a new
starting crack. And the Bengals because they're going to have

Joe Burrow and it won't be Andy Dalton. So that's
my three in the a f C. In the NFC,
UM none in the NFC East, uh the I think
ultimately the Bears probably bring in someone for competition for Mitch,
but I don't think, you know, I think they probably
start the season with Mitch barring something crazy. UM the South,

I think CAM does go back to Carolina and then
the NFC West. That's the same I think that I think.
I know it's terribly disappointing, but it's not disappointing. It's fine.
See Cam, I think moves. I think they I've heard
enough and who's who's loved Cam, you know, who's what

he's done about his Hall of Fame midway through his
rookie season. I think Cam is one of those guys
that I I guess, I don't know if temper and
then down to rule, I know that the franchise is
kind of like Cam is a handful, you know, with
the ego and all that. And by the way, all
starting qbs have big egos. But for whatever reason, Cam

and that environment, I've heard enough about like the only
guys coming out of there. If Cam goes, it's a
direct signal that the Panthers are doing a Dolphins and
I'm pulling the rip cord on the season and just
saying we're done. We you know, will bring in you whoever,
the who, Andy Dolton, whoever can help us lose games

without it being that obvious that that's what we're doing
with the goal of getting Trevor Lawrence, by the way,
which it makes so much sense for them in that state,
you know, wanting to sell tickets and everything else would
be it would be a great move, but you've got
to be kind of bullsy to do that in the
NFL these days. Here's the thing that I I don't

have a good comp for Tua. Maybe it's the left
handedness that throws me off that it's hard for me
to find the property as a left handed pussy yourself. Yeah,
well you and I should really we should have some
time to me. You and Steve Young and my tick
should get together. Yeah, we we really could have a
good group if you that group just quickly now ranked

the quarterbacks, Um Young, Vic Tebow me now Handsome Tebow?
You too well. I mean I don't know, I don't
know that you got what it takes makes upstairs. I'm
not saying that you're intelligent, but I don't think you're
a leader of men in the way I would be
coming into the huddle Handsome, I mean spaghetti. Who would

you rather have as your starting quarterback? Between that is
hard group? Where between me and Handsome? Uh? Just from
the sheer size of your offensive line, you need a
little bit of height. So what do you have? Also?
You've just they Mike Bloomberg, I'm not a little man.
The giants have just the Giants have just offloaded an

ancient quarterback. You think they're gonna bring in a fifty
eight year old Um that doesn't make sense. Um. Alright,
So that's enough of that, And I don't know what's
gonna be. Who do you oh what I was going
to say about I can't look at too but Joe Burrow,
you know who I think he is? This is this
all upset. I guess Bengals or whoever winds up with him.

And maybe I'm under selling him, but he's had a
borderline Hall of Fame career to this point. Matt Ryan,
that's who he is, right, but but just good. But
on an m v P he's just not the transformational
like when no matter who else is out there with
him kind of got with you. But that year when
he was drafted, the Miami Dolphins had the they had
the first overall pick. They chose Jake Long, which and

that seems a long long time ago. And if you
look at it on on its face, yes, it made
sense that you know, Jake Long was supposed to be
the best left tackle, blah blah blah blah blah. But actually,
when it comes down to it, taking a guy who
you know, Matt Ryan has probably been throughout his career
somewhere between the eighth and twelfth best quarterback in the NFL.
That's great. That's all you need. It's gonna get you

to a super Bowl. It's gonna get keep you like
mostly in contention, but you gotta get. But everything's gotta
go just right. And they were there and they had
it and then they missed it. Now three years, four
years later, it's like, yeah, the Falcons stink and they're
in the great Abyss kind of a kind of a vibe. Um, Hey, Spaghetti,
I'm gonna guess we've gone for forty one minute. I'm

gonna say fifty six. It's fifty two. Oh my god,
all right, we'll cut it off. It. Did you enjoy
the conversation? It was very football. It was great. And
then money left and then I felt went downhill. And
I think people will will we'll understand that. Do you
wanna do you wanna give your friend behind the glass
there chance to um take her shot at um at

no time to die, Spaghetti. You didn't take your next one? No, no, no, no,
I'd like you to try. We have time for you
to try. I don't even know the lyrics there are.
What are you talking about? What does that mean? Uh?

While you come up with that? The other thing that
that we talked about after Rashaan Evans left studio the
other day was mo, damn Mishek was just in town?
How she She's just great, she said, you know, I
had a great time. Although she and the old man
Um reported back that they did not get into their
home in Pittsburgh, p A this more until three fift am.

Why what were they doing puttying? The worst thing is
connecting flight. If you can avoid a connecting flight, don't
do it. Unfortunately, there's no NonStop from l A to
Pittsburgh these days, which is crazy. But anyway, they had
to connect and they didn't get home until three something.
But anyway, as we were driving about and talking about this,
that and the other, the name Eddie Spaghetti came up
and she said he's a very nice He's very nice,

you know and nice. Sounds surprised about that? Why don't
she had? Well, what what kind of made me think
a little bit as mode damnitshek. Does you know? She
she piqued my uh my, uh my inquisitive um to
look within about what the answer is to this? She said,
he's very nice. His girlfriend, though, is beautiful, like I mean,

Eddie Spaghetti is is He's a nice looking boy, but
she's beautiful. And then that now has me turned to
you handsome? Is Jada too attractive? Freddie Spaghetti? Did you
ask Jayda this? By the way, Spaghetti probally forgot yesterday.
She was very busy yesterday. I totally fry to bring
it up. But I will bring him up today. Not
only not only is she very beautiful, but you're right

with me saying that about your your girlfriend, but she's
also incredibly successful. And that's like another layer where it's
like this does not fit right. It's like when Liz
Taylor married the construction guy, except that she was sixty
eight years old. Yeah. Look, I'm not on my peak
right now. When when will you be? We've all been waiting.

Everyone's sitting here on tedder Hook's waiting for you to
be at your peek. I was on vacation recently, and
I'm like, I want to come back. I want to
be That's what I'm going to get into high gear.
And then but then it turns out that Jewish deli
all or oh, So I'm just it's not good. But
you know what I'm starting today. I've been good and
today is the first day. Do you ever think, do
you ever think your peak might be behind you? Oh? Yeah,

it's sometimes it frightens me. But I have a good
I'm pretty good willpower, and I do, you know, make
myself will power to eat more? Oh yeah, like I've
I've lost the chunk of full, but I can still eat.
I could do it again. That the reason why you
don't need to. I'm not saying you need to lose weight.
I'm just saying, like I've also put it this way,

I think I think, I think she is still on
the way up. And I think if anything you've plate,
is there such a thing? I guess there is. But
that's that's a funny phrase. You're you're damning yourself with
the faint praise with the I have pretty good will power.
Like it's like you either have it or you don't. Right.
Is one of those things kind of an absolute? I
think it waivers differ depends on how it determined looks

at It depends how good looking the food is at
the on the menu. If it looks good, then I
don't have wills how hungry I am if I'm at
a salad bar, and then I got plenty of will
power unless I got the nice pudding. It like salad
bars with pudding. My my willpower. I'll announce wild Power
is back. Big news everybody, just in time for for

the NFL Draft. How about that? Alright? Good time Spaghetti
had some um use your noodle questions for us, but
we didn't even get to them. We didn't need them,
and they were draft really, they were Draft week and
we got months that. Okay, we'll do that. Uh, we'll
do that maybe on our next one. In the meantime,
thanks to Matt money Smith. Make sure you check them
out on a M five seventy and Handsome Hank. Thanks

as always to you, Eddie Spaghetti behind the glass at
you the listener. We'll be back next week. In the meantime,
make sure you go back and check out two really
good shows with UM with Kyle Long last week and
Rashaan Evans really uh, some good conversations there with a
couple of high profile guys from the world of pro football.
And like I said, we'll be back to kibbets with

you next week. Until then, thanks so much. It's been
a thin slice of heaven.
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