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April 1, 2020 88 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined by Matt "Money" Smith, Handsome Hank and Eddie Spaghetti via video chat for an extra long mid-week DDFP! In a very heavy 'game of life' episode the group talked about the movie Face/Off (15:30), Eddie Spaghetti's love of Pearl Jam and they all recapped Netflix's Tiger King (1:02:15). The guys wrap up the show with some 'Use Your Noodle' trivia on each franchise's all-time passing leader (1:12:39).

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When I lived in Woodland Hills, we used to get
a lot of mice and rats because I lived in
the hills themselves. And one time, yeah, exactly exactly, scull me,
Bilbo and uh, and we had a rat and it
was destroying our house. It was like eating electrical wires.
It ruined our dishwasher, drain pipe. And finally I had heard.

I was sitting on the couch and I was so
pissed at this rat, and I had traps everywhere, I
could never catch it. Um I heard a little scratching
behind our couch. I pulled the couch out and there
I am staring the rat right in its face and
it's about this long. And I had nothing with me.
I had no weapons, so when I just took my
foot and I had no shoes on, and I just

tried to I tried to Uh. I tried to like
pick its head in, and I had my foot pressed
against its body and I could feel it and I
had squeezed the rats so its body was bending around
my foot. And then I could feel the rat just
turning the jelly and wheeze from behind my foot in
scamper away about. And I mean I had traps everywhere.

About a week later, it was in the debt of
the night and I am dead asleep upstairs, and I just,
you know, I'm asleep, and I spring up and I
go and I just I don't know why I sprang up.
I walked downstairs, and sure enough there was the rat
caught in a trap in the middle of my dining room,
dead as could be. And I just started screaming victory
at like three am. The Dave Damage Set Football program

available on the Apple Podcasts and at NFL dot com
Slash d DFP. Now here's your host day. Hey, hi,
and hello, and welcome to the program. Myall, wow, wherever
you are safe and sound, successfully sequestered you and yours.
That was Matt money Smith, of course, galing us with

one of his battles against nature, specifically a rat that
broke into his house. I saw a mouse outside my
house through the window last night, and uh, if that,
if that, if any rodent were to enter this home,
then I would um, I would gather my essential belongings,
which would include my children and m in a in

a box, and then I would I would burn the
house down, and then that would be the end of that.
Chapter of my life. Um, so there's Matt money Smith
this time. Huh, always a rolling start with me thinking
we're not recording. It's okay, it's all right. I don't
mind at all. I don't mind at all. Well listen,
you know, I know time is of the essence for you.
So but actually Matt money Smith uh continuing um to

to spin away for your listening pleasure every day with
Petros Papa Diecas. Make sure you check it out. I
heart Radio or if you're in Los Angeles, A and
five seventy. Nice stuff that you guys are continuing to spin. Um,
there is Handsome Hank Hodgson. What's happening with you, Handsome
Hank Ahi Dave, I'm doing good, thank you. No no rodents,

just a cable of children who are who are running
wild instead of the rodents in my house. And then
while the three of us tend to our respective children,
Eddie Spaghetti really one of the victors here of the
ronavirus because he at least gets to listen to Pearl
Jam uninterrupted. Really, there's very little between you, Ede Better

and the rest of the fellas. Right, thank game, thank
thank gaming. I mean there's certainly some peel Jim, but
I would say more gaming than pel Jim. What would
the racial want to jam to game be? Eddie? Right now,
we'll waste some time for you. That's my that's my
solemn commitment on behalf of everybody whose voices you're hearing
right now. Um, We're gonna try to pass the next

several minutes for you with some dumb games like we
like to do. Maybe we'll get to some usual noodle
some other stuff. Pearl Grad bats free but spaghetti. Do
you want to kick things off with a quick Pearl
Jam album review? Uh? Sure. I very excited for this
album because the last two I've liked what I haven't

fallen in love whether I think this new one gig
a ton um. It's not only is their longest album,
but I think it's their most diverse or experimental at
least since No Code from ninety six. And uh i uh,
I actually want to see a lot of the songs live,
which I didn't feel that way the last two albums.
So and I'm glad that every member of the group
had their own songs on the album. Like overall, I

think it's it's a really it's a it's a fresh
breath of fresh air. That uh, something you don't expect
from a band that's been around for thirty years to
put out music that is I think as solid as
the original stuff. Um and I honestly couldn't be. Abban's
one of the bright spots of this coronas. Yeah. I
like I like the fact that your musical everything is

based on on quantity not quality. Not only is it
one of the longest albums ever is when you started that, well,
so that's really what you're looking for, just a long album.
Well no, no, no, because like they put out they
put out Backspace or it hasn at nine and it
was like thirty seven minutes and this one's fifty seven minutes.
So I mean, when you go six and a half
years putting out an album, you want to have some
length you need. Yeah, so twelve songs and albums great.

It has a little something for everyone. So I for
everyone thinks I'm gonna put you on that there, Eddie,
I'm gonna because to be honest, I feel like a
lot of Pearl jam is is very similar, right, I
mean it's Pearl jam, it's Eddie Vetter and uh and
and Eddie Vetter's voice as a very distinct sound and
quality to it. Um, So what what would be to everybody?

Like everybody has, It's got a little something for for
who and for who and for who? Well sure, I
mean it's like I feel like reggae, Hey, they got
this super I mean not like a ray I'm talking
about with in rock music, because there's definitely some songs
on this album alone that are very in the the
Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty like Realm. And then you have
another song that's very similar to like the you know,

David Byrne Talking Heads. And then you have another song
or two songs rather that are very similar to sound Guard,
which is obviously the influence from Matt Cameron and their
producer Josh Evans worked on King Animal. So I mean,
in terms of rock music, you definitely have stuff that
you're a little something for all the rock music fan.
And then and then also there's like folk more folky
er songs like uh you know Ed has two or

three songs on the album that are more cruzy, big
and have have he used the pump organ. So if
you like more like I said, more like the indie
acoustic stuff, there's that as well. It's a it's a
good mix. So I mean, I'm I'm very happy with it.
I'll tell you this, Um all right, I'm glad that
you're happy with that. You know what has jumped out
to me, what speaks to me right now in the

world of music, The Weekend, I well, just the one single.
I don't know what goes on with the Weekend. You
know where they don't use continent, like when they don't
use vowlves w k n oh no. No, it's one song.
I I there have been in like the last basically
since I've lived in Los Angeles. I would say there
are four songs that play that are I don't know

if they're number one or whatever. I don't know how
you would even categorize these um money or from the
music business. So you probably know what the correct term
is for it? Is it just pop song from from
Hey two? Uh? That that? That? That? What was that
guy saw Ricky um Ricky Martin's hit? That was Lavida Loca.

I'm thinking in the last twenty years, the catchiest pop
songs I've heard LaVita Loca, Hey Bruno, Mars, Locked Out
of Heaven, and now the Weekends whatever it's called blinding
light or whatever it's called. What's that you sing? Sing

for us? Who he? Who? He? Does a falsetto? So
that's all. I don't know what the words are. Who he?
Who he? Who? Here? Who who? I don't know? Actually
get that at that, I don't know what the words
are anyway, look down, Okay, I recently, um, I had

just watched last night, I watched Castaway and I don't
know what when the last time you guys caught this
picture was. But I found myself. It's been that long.
I found myself. That don't worry everybody. This ties into
pro football, um, because he's he's stranded on this He
survives a horrific plane crash in the sea in the

middle of the night, only survivor. Somehow, against all odds,
he jumps on a a little uh inflatable craft and
he makes his way to this deserted island. Somehow he
manages through his I don't know even what he's leaning
on with his uh, his clever schemes to stay alive,

cracking a coconut and everything else, and somehow, four years
he escapes this island. He is impossibly found in the
middle of the sea just before he passes. He makes
it back and he goes to see his lost love,
Helen Hunt, who has since moved on with her life,
um to the extent that she's now remarried just four

years later. She has a like a what looks like
an eighteen month old child with a new husband. Like
they he only got lost at sea four years ago,
she nick, so all right, so she should feel pretty
guilty about herself. He makes it to her front door
in the middle of the night, it's raining and everything.
He comes in. She has not one question, not one

question for him about what the experience was like, Like,
how the hell did you survive out there? What did
you do? What did you make that boat out of
that you ship that you went out into the sea with?
You know, no no questions, You're not curious about anything. No,
You're busy telling him about the Kevin Diston touchdown that
almost won the Tennessee Titans the Super Bowl. That's the

ten or of their conversation. I was I found myself
late last night on the couch living with Helen Hunt,
and I was happy though that Tom Hanks decide or
he didn't decide, cheat said, I have to go back
just as well, Tom Hanks, you can do better than
what a creep this rivals the when Joan Allen in
the last scene a face off, Um, when, well, that's

the worst thing ever, at least Helen Hunt. I mean,
it's you know, questionable. Why years is a while though?
You know, I know that's a little too quick. I'd
be looking for six I think if I came home
four years later, Yeah, and there was an eighteen month
old kid already, I'm like that at that point, you're
looking at about a year and a year in a

couple of months. Let's do the math on that. Let's
do the math. Okay, he's he's lost it to see,
basically been a year, right, if you have an eighteen
month old kid, you're talking about, you know, nine or
ten months of pregnancy. You're talking out hooking up with
someone to the point that you now want having a
child with him, right, they have it's the holidays when

the plane crashes, because remember they have that dinner and
then she takes him to the airport to jump on
the fed Ex plane and by the way, he's fat
there and by the time he comes back because obviously
he's been living. Um, on a deserted island. He's lost
a lot of weight. Always had his coconuts and and
crab legs to eat right, and so he's lost a
lot of weight. She doesn't even comment on that, like, hey,

I'm not sure that necessarily would be the first thing
that would come up there, not seeing someone for four
years and the terrible guilt of the fact that you're
married and have another child. If he's your lover, you
would say, you know, past lover, you might be like, hey, look,
probably probably not the best way to lose the weight,
but I gotta say it suits you. I mean, you
look terrific. You've never looked better. Plus you you've got

a nice bronzey glow about you. None of that, more
and more just talking about the busy, talking about the
almost won the super Bowl. And maybe she's in shock.
And that's what the scene suggests, is that she is
so in shock that she's got nothing else but you,
a Helen Hunt apology. I'm just saying, I mean, you know,
you're like you said it, She's guilty. She's got this

eighteen month old she moved on in about six months
maybe eight and uh, and now here he is at
her doorstep, and instead of apologizing profusely A She's humiliated
for her misdeeds. Uh too. She can't believe this man
has returned home after being missing for four years and
the well after the well publicized plane crash zero survivors.

I wonder if she met the husband at like a
survivor group. No, no, he I just watched it last night.
She he comes the guy who played Mr Big and
Sex in the City. Remember him? You know I'm talking
about When you said Mr Big, I thought of Ron
Eisley and the Eisley Brothers are Kelly videos? Look you

missed the I really did. I'm not the first thing
that popped into my mind. Oh Handsome, I think you've
just walked us into a fascinating um project for somebody
within the sound of our voice, replacing all the Sex
in the City scenes, replacing Mr Big with Mr Big
chest just replacing Antonio Brown having conversations with what's her name?

What's her name? Matthew Broderick's wife, uh Car, Terry Sarah
Jessica Para Parker, Sarah Jessica Parker Carr. Quick aside, if
I'm mad Terry Bradshaw's first wife, right, I know exactly.
I never I never liked watching sex in the city
because it is all uh comedy that humiliates men. And

whenever they would make a joke and my wife would
be lying in bed next to me and laugh, I
would get upset. If you like, what is that? Are
you laughing at me? Like I said, is it just
funny in general? Or is this something that relates to me?
You're laughing? They really did, like genuinely make me upset,
so I wouldn't have to leave the room when she was.
It all worked out for your wife in the end,
because she trained you well enough to now be defending

Helen hunts uh indefensible. She doesn't ask a question, I
mean nothing at all, like uh like did you what
did you do for entertainment? You know? Like not like
how did you like didn't you go crazy? You know not?
Are you just insane? Like did you? I mean did
you write a book? Did you? I mean any like
you know nothing. She has no questions for like what

what hell did you do on that island? Like you
know not, none of it? Um. But her current husband
could be the jealous type and she did not upset him.
Well he's not he's not hanging around, he's upstairs in
the bedroom asleep apparently. Um, but quickly before we actually

do enjoy it. How did you all you want to
do exactly all him? Aren't we all? Tom Hanks right now?
He just survived his own form of it. I didn't.
I guess I can acknowledge that that irony. Um, but yeah,
he's cast away on that uh you know a lot
of similarities. Actually he was just on an island in

the Pacific, you know, Australian but in castaway. We don't
know the name of the island, but pretty similar. Um.
But back to face off quickly, so Sean Archer his
he like he's so obsessed with catching um, with with

catching his arch rival that he is willing to have
his face experimental surgery. Take my face off and put
his face on. I won't be able to look in
the mirror because he killed our son. But you know what,
Castor Troy, I'm gonna use you, and he takes his face.

Then he risks life in limb really almost gets killed
by the aforementioned Castor Troy, who has since become Sean
and in the interim, inadvertent or otherwise, Joan Allen the
wife Mrs Archer makes time with Castor Troy. Never mind

that she she doesn't notice anything. I mean that doesn't notice, like, hey,
something different about about you in the nude. But Castor
Troy's brother. When when Sean Archer as Castor Troy goes
into the maximum security jail, your recall pollocks Troy, his

younger brother. As soon as Sean Archer as Castor Troy
opens his mouth, Pollocks Troy is m M. I'm a
little skeptical that you're actually my real brother. What is
the medication? I take, Bro, you don't get to do that.
You don't get to make a movie that is hinged
on a high concept like this and then have your

characters be skeptical of the premise that you are forcing
us to accept. You understand, I do, I do, and
what I've what I've concluded from this conversation slash dissertation, Dave,
is that somehow you have stumbled upon a channel that
is playing movies from thirty years ago. Is fire? I'm

not Mrs Old issues. Mrs Archer is also um she
is so she now again, I'm gonna I'm gonna be honest.
I'm a little confused. I have lost my place. I cannotline.
He's been a long time. Well, I just you know,
Face Off was one of those I saw it once

and I was like, That's one of the dumbest movies
I've ever seen, and I never watched it again. I'm
just being brutally honest. So can you can you can
you mute him? Spaghetti? Don't tell him he's muted, But
I think that's what he deserves now. So Sean Archer, Castor, Troy,
and Gain engage in a in a literal battle to

the death, and in the meantime, Mrs Archer makes time
with who turns out to be Castor Troy. She doesn't
notice anything about the the the techniques he employs between
the sheets. Yeah nothing, no, no, no noticing of that.
The pollocks Troy. The younger brother a Castor, is more

lucid about let's go anyway. After it's all said and done,
they're still married, Mrs Archer and Sean Archer, and he
gets his own face put back on, barely surviving the
whole thing. He is the hero everything else, and we
see in the final scene Sean Archer finally return home

after this. You know you know, uniquely horrendous experience, but
ultimately it works out. He comes home. She's sitting around there,
diddling around on the laptop like, oh oh, this Tuesday
was the day you were getting released from the hospital.
She couldn't have gone and picked him up at the
hospital after that whole thing garbage. That's more disgraced. Guilt

alone should have dictated that she had to go to
the hot that she would do it after what she did,
the unmentionable things she did with and to Castor Troy
again letting her off the hook thinking it was her husband.
But still what happened happened, and there's no erasing that,
Mrs Archer, and you're sitting there on the laptop. You
couldn't have picked him up. You couldn't have gotten in

the car and picked him up at the local hospital
after what he's been through. Disgraceful now, I mean not
Nick Dave from the young hand. And maybe she maybe
she enjoyed her time with Costa Troy thinking he was
her husband so much that actually that she she she
thinks her future might be dead. Well he's dead, I mean, well,

but you know, but you're still if you don't know
why you're talking about. Her mind is elsewhere. Maybe she's like, hey,
look the world. You know, I thought the world was this,
it's actually this. And you know, even if it's even
if he's dead, maybe there are other men out there
who can give me the same sensations that that I
wasn't able to get from my husband. So I think

I think just that one taste of what the broader
world could offer was enough for her to you know,
what was she doing. Maybe she was setting up an
account on a dating website as a laptop. Interesting interesting theory.
So she's on match dot com. She's on match dot
com someone, I mean, yeah, she's exactly all those things,

because because now she realizes that the world is is
not just you know, a bowl of apples, it's it's
all the fruits that you could you could possibly imagine.
We now exactly and now this is we'll see. Now
here's why, idink I'm distracted. Whoever whoever wrote this script

and decided to name these two people Sean ar during
caster Troy needs to be kicked square in the jam.
Why that's that's some of the best, but a stupid name.
What would Troy? What would you like him to be
named Glenn. Yeah, hey coming to all right, look out
here comes Gary. Oh you know what, Kevin's gonna get

you too. Kevin is the Kevin is the most diabolical
criminal out there. He took our son, Kevin Jamieson. There
you go, Gary, Why not Gary Troy? Why Caster Troy.
Now Helen Hunt is not married. She's tried to move
on with her life. But I think she did it
a little prematurely because he dies and he's gone for

four years, and this is so that game, So I'm
sorry that this is if IF, this is convoluted and
difficult to follow. But we learn that he gets on
the plane on the holidays because they have that holiday
dinner with the whole family before she runs him to
the airport. Helen Hunt runs Tom Hanks to the airport,

He flies off plane, goes into the sea. Four years
later he re emerges. They find him laying on that
raft out in the Pacific somewhere. Then he then he
comes back home to where where they l a or
whatever anyhow, No Memphis, Sorry, And they're talking right and

they're talking about the super Bowl that was just played.
So it's exactly about four years in a month or
two months somewhere around there because Christmas then the Super
Bowl a month later, right, right, so it's like four
years and a month. Don't look around money like your
bother someone walking down the hallway. That's why I wanted
to see if they were going to emerge. I hope

it's rat coming back to sweet revenge. I do, actually,
I do have a quick question. Yes, as we try
to tie this thing back into the world of football,
I already did. I told you it was all about
the Super Bowl? Congratulations? Where were the Titans. Where were
the Titans playing at this time? Did they have their
did they have their stadium build actual yet or not? Yes?

Because when they won the Super Bowl? Yeah, because the
that Super Bowl run began with them with the Music
City Miracle, got right, because I wasn't because they played
it where in Memphis? Right? Or where do they play for?
They started out as Memphis And if you want to
tie it into football, that was they avoided what the
Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Dodgers and Utah Jazz

and all those uh and all those misnomers. They decided
to avoid that. They well, for one year they were
the Tennessee Oilers, which was a dumb right, and they
rightly changed it to something when they moved. When they
moved to Nashville, they were the Tennessee Oilers in Memphis
moved to Nashville Tennessee Titans. That's right. Um yeah. A
little bit of lost history is that they wore that

Houston Oilers uniform for at least I miss that thing.
Oh yeah, sweet um but uh but yes. So four
years and a month after he disappears, she is now
not only married, she has an eighteen month old And

the dentist he comes out when he when when Hanks
comes in and he's gonna he thinks he's gonna see
Helen Hunt for the first time at the big ceremony
out at the airfield. Um he that At the dentist
comes out, He's like, hey, I did a root canal
on you five years ago. So they know each other already.

He says like, yeah, well, I don't know if you
remember me, Tom Hanks, but I did that root can
out and and Tom Hanks is like, oh, you're the
guy from Sex in the City with Carrie Bradshaw. Ttered
Bradshaw's Since then, I've I've been executing root canals on
your wife, if you know what I mean. Yeah, and
how um, I feel like I know everybody that's ever

done dental work on me. Like I remember all of
my dentists from they wear masks. Now they went masks,
I wouldn't be able to recognize them. Do you go
to some sort of dentist factory, Like I have a
personal dentist, Like his name is dr I know him,
I do too, but he's always wearing a musk. So
if if suddenly he came out without wearing like the

blue gown and the thing and whatever. You know, sometimes
they wear a hairnet, I might be like, you look
a little bit like my dentist. But I don't think
you've never seen your dentist without a mask on it.
I mean I have a little weird Yeah. They usually
come in, they chat, you know, they kind of get
you ready to happen, and then they put the mask.
When the mask goes up, that's it's time for business time.

That's it like like this yeah right see now, Yeah,
I mean, you guys obviously spend a lot more time
talking to me. I'm just like, get down to this.
I don't need small talk from the dentist. Well, maybe
we go to the dnik pleased Monday for rotten teeth

or Handsome and his horrific teeth. Now down the open.
I'm glad that handsome. This is what we talk about
when you're not around handsome. Um. Now listen. So so
she's dead, he's bust at sea. And by the way, here, no,
I don't have anymore. I'm trying to figure out this

timeline here. I want to figure it out with you.
Now listen, he's lost at sea, doesn't she She doesn't
think like the next day, well, well he's dead. She
assumes that. I mean, don't we assume at as her
as his love, um, the love of love of her life.
That she's like, I gotta hold out hope, and in fact,

come to think of it, she even says, I knew
you were alive. They told me I was. I knew
you were alive. Then why did you run off and
get hitched? Lady? You know, yeah about hope for a
month or two months or something like that. So right
out of the gate our four years. Okay, then she
gets so let's do it backwards eighteen months and then

money you say ten months prior to that, baby is
uh you're now at seven months, You're now at two
years three months, right, and now you've got to figure
out how long you are any courtship period before you
decide to have a child. Let's just assume that's if
it's quick. Let's assume that's what eight months. So now

we're at thirty five months, maybe three years. She basically
gave it a year. It's like they already at least
they already knew each other, right, She didn't go out dating,
she wasn't combing the bars or whatever. Like he had
certainly made a move on her at the dentist prior
to this time, like he he fancied her. Oh, yeah,
I know, I didn't know you. I know, I I

like the kids. Hey, is that the dentist over there
at the funeral? Like, you know, because they they talked
about how I had a funeral form even though they
didn't have his body, but had a funeral and he
so maybe he showed up. And she's like, is that
the dentist? Like I don't really recognize him because he
doesn't have his mask on, but because like, but I

you know, now that I'm now that we're talking this out,
I think she betted him or betted hers? Was she
was olally? I don't know, I mean not physically at
you know. I hope that afterwards at the wake maybe
you know, like over some some some sandwiches. Maybe you know,
she don't and he comforted her. I don't know how

boy um do it? Yeah, you guys booze at funerals
and it wakes and that kind of stuff. That's right, um,
the so right, So that's what happened. Because because it
doesn't make the courtship or anything like, I think I think,
you know, they fell into bed and they you know,
they weren't careful, and now we have okay, then then

that makes it a little more reasonable. It's been a
year and a half or two, she's grieving. She doesn't
know he takes advantage of her. They fall into bed. Wow,
I have a baby in me. I don't have anything
better going on. My my true love is buried at
the bottom of the ocean. I may as well jump
in on this and get hit. I think, you know,

a lot of people are saying people should be using
this time that we're in quarantine to do something creative.
I think you should be writing costaway to the story
of what happened back and it's not right. It's not
a sequel, but it's not a story of Yeah, it's
a romance story. Yeah, it's like it could be like

Liam Neeson or um or John McClain, like John liam
Neeson in Taking like he just kept like what is
going at these Everybody I know keeps getting kidnapped and
John McClain keeps getting into terrorist attacks. It's the same
sort of thing. Maybe it's like Hanks or maybe it's
the love child of Helen Hunt. But somebody gets what.

I'm stuck on an island again. Yeah, you know, like again,
I'm home alone again again. My family forgot me again.
I wonder if there's a message being sent here if
you got If you got stranded on a deserted island
for four years the first time, it would be a devastating,

emotional bummer. But if it happened a second time, then
it would be kind of funny. Then I'd be like, well,
what the right don't you think? I think? I think
I'd be dead after two weeks. That's what I think.
If I were strained the desert island, I would give up.
I would give up quickly. Yeah, that to hell with this,
Put a bunch of rocks in my pocket and walk

into the ocean. Yeah, that's what I I know. I'm
not from sturdy stock. Yeah. When I watched that movie,
I in fact I remember saying that when Castaway came
out that it would have been more interesting on some
level if he weren't um so good at Rube Goldberg
and he's he's so good at like all that stuff.

It would have been better if it would have been
somebody like me who's completely incapable, you know, completely, I
can't do anything, you know, doesn't know how to do
a single grown up thing. Drop me in that spot.
But the end to your point, yeah, movie, and it's
like it's like one of those little formative previews at
the theater. What you do is you like go up
to some plant because you're hunger, You eat a leaf

and you immediately choke and die. And that's wait. I
just got a big thing of popcorn. Like, what am
I supposed to do with this movie? I've got three
three behind puls of popcorn in and it's time to
go home. Yeah, we'd really only need that first act.
By the end of it, the audience would be like oh,
good Dade, annoying guys. Dad, Thank god. The final hour

of the movie is just animals picking on your caucus.
I mean yeah, exactly, the audience cheering with approval. It's
every bite they never get tired of. It's pucking your
eyes out. They just be like, yeah, well, like we've
talked about. Yeah. I mean, you know, listen, I am
not from sturdy stock. And if you the same thing

as the same experience as nineteen seventeen, if you drop
me in like I watched that movie and on the
front lines, I'd be the first one gone. I'd be
the first one either. I'm just gonna and let the
chips fall where they may. I've got a better shot
at this than trying to ride this thing out, because
every night I lay my head, I will not fall asleep.
I will stay away. I will die of exhaustion or something.
So we might as well make a united Oh. I

would just I would just I would just weep the
whole time. I just cried, girled up in a ball,
and be like they'd be like all right, lad, all right,
then let's it's time to go. Now, let's go, let's
go get them. That's what would happen, you'd be shot
in your back. Go over there. Wait, but that's where
they are. That's I'm not going over there. Let's go

the other way. Um. And then of course if they
charged us, and then even it was like retreat here,
they come like I'd be the slowest one, so they
catch me first and kill me, you know, that would
be that would be exactly. Um. Yeah, I think we
could really save a lot of people a lot of
time if you replaced the star of a movie with me,

because I would just like every movie would only take
like eleven minutes. Hey, spaghetti, what what's going on over there?
Why you got your microphone muted? Are you listening to
the No? I just don't. I know my my show
gaming headset is times picks up, me breathing, I move around,
And I don't want to ruin your movie stories. I

thought you were. I thought you were just about that.
He described them as Dave's movie stories. Yeah. I don't
like that, stories about movies, as if the movie wasn't
entertaining enough, Dave has to tell a story about a movie. Money.
I'm just trying to fix it, trying to make sense
of it. I understand we've all got our thing, you know,

we're all doing our research and and I've got to say, like,
the most entertaining thing for me has been the way
you have chosen to hold the microphone. You know, everybody
got it does a different thing. And he's a big
fan of Eddie Vetter, and he's got you know, the
double hand on it, you know, right up into his
mouth and you go with the half stand or Freddie Mercury,
you know, with the half stand and their style. And

Dave has decided he's got a handheld mike, but he's
taken the cord and he's looped it through. Um. So
there is a little bit of like your own Dave
damn Check style to the way you're delivering these words
through that microphone. And I just find it intriguing. Personally.
I find the Freddie Mercury approach off putting. I don't
like that, Like what do you like? Yeah, I mean, like,

I'm not a fan of Aerosmith, but what's his name,
you know, Steven Tyler. But I do think he knows
how to use that microphone. Well, Like I like the
bandanas and stuff, it's kind of well, that's too much,
that's too much I'm just saying, he knows with the microphone,
I think we're I a front man. I would not
want to be encumbered by carrying a microphone around, and

I certainly wouldn't want that half stick around, you know.
I think that wouldn't be my that wouldn't be It's
very unique, um is it. I like it a little
bit better than actually just like triangle thing. That thing
was always a bit disconcerting for me because it just
I was like, I don't get it. Why do you
have to have two different handles? And what are we
doing here? I mean Mercury's I guess I kind of

get um because you kind of have a little bit
of an extension because he would always put the mic
out into the crowd out UM a little bit, and
it's a little bit. I don't know. I feel like
you're engaging in the audience a little more when you're
holding that steel pole and kind of reaching it out
as opposed to just a mic with the court. I
like the move when the bottom of the microphone points
sky and then you do like that somehow it makes

whatever you're doing, are singing more important when you turn
it upside down like that spaghetti and handsome of course,
would wear a headset like Madonna wear headset. Oh yeah,
I like, I gotta be able to show your moves.
He's got a dance while he's doing it, right, Hey, spaghetti,
is this show bad so far? Should we start over? Start? Oh?
Or no? This is no, This is exactly what people

want in the off season. Trust me, I think this
is I heard your passive aggressive crap a minute ago
about like, I don't want to breathe over your movie.
I've never seen I've never seen face off and like
I said, there's an ultra sensitive gaming headset, so how
to turn off the mics. But I didn't breathe or
make sounds respectful. Never seen face, never seen faces Why,

it's just you know, so it's one of those one
of those tent pole movies of the last really. Yeah,
the premise was so ridiculous that I think people feel
the need to actually put their eyes on it. They can't,
they can't comprehend it or digest it unless they see

it with their own two you know what, All of
a sudden, it occurs to me, it's always had I
used to ask that about three or four years ago.
Of a bunch of players are long standing. Um, what
was it spaghetti? It was TV pizza, sex like And
we have to put them into an order of four

remember that heavy booze sex pizza, And what do you
have to do? Rank them? Well? You put up and
do you not live without? Wasn't that the thing that
was the question was whatever you pick at number one,
you can have whenever you want for the rest of
your life. In the second spot, you get to have
it once every let's say five months, The third one

you get to have once every five years, and the
fourth one you never get to have again. TV sexy pizza. Yeah,
I don't remember once every five months. Will not have
it at all? Yeah, forget it. I don't think for me,
I don't think you have a kind of conditions in it.

It would have to be whenever, once a week, once
a month, you know what I mean. Oh, I think
that's I think that's too liberal. In fact, what I
mean once a year. You know, like to me, five five,
five months, five years, that's crazy. You might as well
not have it at all. I'm not here to be
attacked by you. I'm just I'm just trying to make

it better. Look, you're trying to make cast Away better.
I'm trying to make your game better. That's all handsome.
You go first, I'm gonna go. Um it's tough. I
mean there's two. You're right when you when you talk
about booze, booze is gonna be hard, You're right. Yeah,
if you do we like a week, you could say
booze once a week and then months. Then then that's crazy. Um.

You know some of the decisions, some of the decisions
honestly have been made for me. Um. So you know
in one area. So that might be that's so hot
to um thing. But I would say TV is probably
gonna have to go number one. Um, booze would be
number two. I think sex three. I lived without pizza
and find there's plenty of the food stuff, so I

can never pizza again. You get the love, You get
the love once a year. Alright, interesting, alright, it's about money.
Your next what what are the what is it? It's
it's whenever, once a month, once a year, never. I
don't know. You're in charge now, commission, go ahead, and

we're doing what we're doing. Whatever you want to do. Yeah,
let's do any time, once a week, once every three months. No,
once a month, once a no, once a week, once
a year, zero ever again. Okay, so whenever, once a week,

once a year, never again. Well, never again. It's gonna
be pizza for sure. What if? What if? What have
I raised the stakes two steaks? Or what if I
raised the stakes as well? Money? Money weighs nine pounds
at this point, better than Tom Hanks Island. Even if

it were my favorite food, I would I would still
rank it last because I think you would find a
substitute pretty quickly. Um, let's see, wait a second, Alfie,
come back. I just have a quick question. Alfie's asking
me an important question. What donut flavor would I like?
He's going to go to Randy's Donuts for me? What
flavor should I get in maple? Maple? While I've been

to Randy's Donuts and I've sampled their buttermilk, I don't
think he can do much better than that at at
any donuts milk. We had a night in water milk,
we had a buttermel maple. Oh, well, Alfhaite, get a
cinnamon sugar. People forget about tinamon and cinnamon at a
nice cinnamon sugar. Oh do they know about the ones?

The Boston creams that have the creams inside. It's donut lunch. Gosh,
it's fantastic. What do you have for lunch? We're quarantine,
Let's have donuts. That's literally what's happening here. Works for me.
Me British children don't need schooling. You're already you're already
leads ahead of our American counter. Unfortunately, Dave, my kids

are American, so they're yeah, alright, So one, I'm gonna
do let's see what doing once. So I'm gonna do
booze one. Uh, I'll do yeah, I'll do sex to,
I'll do television three, and I'll do uh, pizza four.
You know what, I don't like this game that I

came up with because I don't know, like I mean, listen, pizza,
even if it's all Italian food, I'll that would unfortunately
be the one I'd never have again. And then I
will and then, like when we did this three or
four years ago, my opinion remains the same. You know, sex,
I mean, listen, we've already seen the results with damask
you know, for ironically, for that fashion right, for the

least masculine man walking the planet in it's uh, it's
bizarre and ironic that that when it's go time, when
it's clutch time, damage that comes through, you can you
can make them sure, I am legend to not happen
with damage I got on the planet, it will be populated.

That's right. Um yeah, that's the reverse of most movies. Yes,
that that that movie never ends. Um damnage. It just
keeps making babies, repopulates, repopulates the planet Earth. Um. But yeah,
I I so I'd have to say goodbye to those.
But yeah, the TV versus booze, Oh my god, Sophie's choice.
I don't even know how I would split those two.

I have a quick one for spaghetti though. Let's think
this through the same thing, Pearl Jam, Avengers movie, superhero movies,
New York sports, or desserts like that. You need to

customize it for each individual. Yeah, I'm not I'm not
that clever. Well you just did it. I think desserts
would be last. I think Avengers would be third. What's
your favorite food, like, single item or like genre of food?

Cook food on the dinner. I love breakfast food is
my favorite. Oh. I got so excited there for a
minute when you right before you said the word breakfast.
I thought you're gonna say bread. That really I like bread,
like like favorite, like stones. I like doughnuts. I like

pizza dough. I like cookie dough, like breadie, anything carved.
I like meat. I mean favorite food. I mean like
brisk like you know Texas brisk is probably my favorite food.
Specific Okay, barbecue, no barbecue, okay, now okay, Then then

I would swap avengers with the food. The avenger like
a superhumovies last, then food third, if you do barbecue,
and then your sports would be second. Paul, gems are
easy number one. Yeah, I don't. I don't think that's
to me. I don't think even true. And I don't
think you're looking. It's it's ligitally. Know. People see me,

they think like, oh, you cares about the sports, and
I was like, I am. I don't really watch sports documentaries.
I don't listen to sports like podcasts. I don't do
like I like other thing you often do you listen
to a live I like music more than I like
music more than sports. That's that's the point. Though. It's
just like food, music you can listen. You can fill

that void with any of your your second favorite band
and you're good. That is your number one if you
if you sur band, I would also put them number
one ahead of the sports. That's like, I just there's
a selection of me that I value. But you can
never eat barbecue like it like the idea that you're
eating barbecue once a year. Whereas instead of listening to

Pearl Jam whatever your second favorite band is, you're listening
to my brain the way my brain works. I'll listen
to other stuff and eventually I want to go back
to and listening to something like It's just that's the
way I am. Like, I don't think your brain's working
at all. Frankly, right now, I think you're a weirder
at the moment. You would not. You would definitely not
if the Yankees were playing ball. If the Yankees were

playing ball right now and the Blue Shirts uh in
Madison Square Garden were in hot pursuit coming down to
the last couple of games here of the last playoff
spot in in the Wales Conference, and then while the
Knicks wouldn't be relevant, you would definitely take New York Sports.
You You would just be like, yeah, I'll check in

once a week. I'll find out what's going on. Once
a week over giving up the band. No, there's no
way you like a week. I think once a week.
If you ask my family or my friends who knew me,
who knew me, they would I mean, it's okay, you

guys are arguing. I'm just telling what the truth is.
That's I mean, if you ask people that know me,
they would say, oh, yeah, for sure, he would pick
probably them first. Now do you remember the flow? Hey wait, wait, hey,
so Capo Caacko get into the postseason or not that
that's how your life would be. I mean, I put
them ahead of superhero movies and barbecue. But it's just like,
they're not going to be I just want to I

want to reset something here. It's not just them, it's
a lot. It's a large group of music. You just
shared with us that they put out their first new
material in six and a half years, for six and
a half years the same music. But last week, last
week you shared that Vetter did his first ever podcast ever. Yeah, Like,

it's it's not like they're pumping you with new content
that you need every day. If you pick them for
once a week, we're not staying. Moved that to the
last place and give it up. Forever. We're saying, exchange
it to the thing you get once a week instead
of every day. In a band that has not put
out any new material for six and a half years,
you will get consume once a week, while you get

your beloved New York Sports, your Jetah and your Knicks
and your Rangers and your Notre Dame football. I mean,
my god, it's a no brainer. But then, but then
if I can't like go to a concert because I
have to listen to once, I be somewhere for the week.
If you, if you, if you did something once and

then the very next week, you can take a flight
out on't wherever they're playing, and I can't do on
one of the shows like I go to all of them,
or you would be jeopardizing. You're just you don't know
yourself well enough, Spaghetti, clearly, because I think of the
scenarios and what if the Yankees made the postseason? What

if they went through the World Series? You wouldn't watch
You wouldn't get to see the game one game of seven.
You will get to watch one of the seven World
Series games. Okay, I'd rather go to multiple concerts and
see I don't know why it is being argued, it's
my concer. Could they possibly play any year? What is

the most consence you've ever been to it? A year
from them? Four or five? Okay, two weeks in the year,
four in the week, like they're playing like Los Angeles
twice stip the second one in l Denver. I can't, Like,
I would just feel I couldn't do that. Why you

would feel? What? Because I live here, so I have
to go to it, like I can't just skip something
like a hometown mental thing. It's a mental thing. I
just can't. I don't know. This is amazing, It's it's
not true. It's like, yeah, yo, come on buy, I
gotta ticket for you to watch Severino out on the
humping game too. They're playing the Dodgers for the Fall Classic.

It's a rematch, come on out, Like, sorry, bro, can't
hear you first cable? Let me know how it turns out, rule,
I think, But then my New York sports fandom is
a tad over hyped, and I think my music, my

love of music, it's tad underplay. Has has nothing to
do with that, though, Eddie. It's just availability. What is
available to you from each category that you made one
and two that's on goes and this is your one
and your two, and it doesn't it's inc and bruise.
It doesn't make sense with what's available. Let's move on.
Let's move on. But I want to figure out, Um,

I'm trying to figure out which which is handsome or
money money. Let's say, would be college football? Right for
what I'm talking about your items to put what out
on the table. I don't, you know, I think I
think slowly, but well, yeah, you're probably right, it would
be college football. I think NFL football is kind of

running neck and neck, you know. I think those two,
those two I just enjoyed those two days. I love watching,
you know, the college football on Saturday and then the
NFL on Sunday. There is something about just kind of
how about that? How about that autumn weekends where in
front of your TV or in front of the microphone
or whatever, and you will make good on whatever you

get paid to do those things we're not involving, like, well,
I gotta have the football my career, removing that part
of the equation autumn weekends to watch football? Okay, love
your music, right I do? Is there something that we
can narrow it a little bit. So it's not because,
like I said, I would replace it, you know, whatever

you took away from me, I would I would replace.
Um what else? What else do you even care about?
You're so you're you're you're so limited money now your
what else do you like? You like to? You know?
I think obviously I love booze, you know, and uh
and I do love the kernel pleasures, So so I
think it. You know, it works works for me, right,

I mean, don't we all were men, I mean, my
God to my were on this earth to exist and
to h to continue existing. It's what we're the way
we're white. Um, I think that works. I think if
you were just to replace the food with you know,
the autumn sports, that would definitely make it a little
bit tougher. Well yeah, well for sure because you only
eat once a week. Yeah, based on your appearance at least. Yeah. Yeah,

Well we're gonna find out right here in in in
a minute or two. I've already waited because I don't
want to go through the whole thing, but I have waited,
I since we we just then what you said, I'll
drag myself over, Okay, I about that? I don't he

doesn't want to get up. That's the issue. Would yes,
if last week it was it was the exact number
you shared with us instead of five pounds here, I
would be happy to take it. People keep the people
keep playing their little games on social media about like,
what's the first thing you're gonna do? The three of
us and the local fire department are gonna head over

to Eddie Spaghetti's house to remove one of the walls
to get him out of there. What are you now? Three?
What are you over under? Three? Twenty? Right now? Spaghetti? No?
I wave myself pre podcast and I wasn't thrilled with
the results. I am up for this week and I
have I have a few reasons why. But I get

a cattle bell on the post. That's what Eddie's claiming
on social media is that because his kettle bell didn't arrive,
he's put on some way. How ridiculous is that for
Walmart to be like, yeah, you ordered it, send me
an email confirmation, got the number and everything, like four
or five days, come, go, go and come, and they
say your expected delivery is like April one or second.

I'm like, great, this is awesome, gonna get it by
the end. Of the week, and then yesterday in the morning,
I wake up like, oh, your order has been canceled,
and just like why even let go through? So I
had to reorder them today, which is it was terrible.
And then uh, um, yeah, I must not precise for
shame that it's gonna come this place that is shipping
out more stuff than they ever have in the history

of their stories. They are trying to fill these orders
at the aligning rate than I am told I am
going to get my kettle milk. It's no sense to exactly,
but why why let me go through the ordering process
in a little week, go buys and then give me
an expected delivery day That there's I would say it's
probably happened to all of us, right orders something and

then it's been like, oh, by the way, what we
said was gonna come tomorrow isn't coming for two days
because we are so taxed. Spaghetti. You said, there are
a number of reasons why you're went went up. May
I may I hypothesize that some of those reasons for
food based. Yeah, uh, food definitely food based. Um, some
things led to my weight game. You guys love this one.

This is uh. In two days ago and I'm gonna
blame my girlfriend, but she like a busy day, a
rough day, um doing stories for the local news here
and whatever, and she was just kind of like out
of it, and it was like, let's just go through
a drive through or something, and uh, I was like
all right. So we drove through talking you would, we
drove through talking about and we crushed it. And like

the funny thing I'm sure you guys have seen like
Taco Bell and KFC. Usually I have like a merged
drive piece hud. Yes, well this this Taco Bell was
was a separate Taco Bell. So but we still made
the trip to another KFC and what's your KFC as well?
So that was that was a heck of the dinner. Yeah, yeah,
that was That was the worst. Um, that was by

far the worst thing I've done. But the reason. But
but I like how he couched it. Um that well,
my girlfriend been through a tough day, so I had
this friend. I didn't have any choice. What was They
don't limit you to one five dollar bucks. You can
get as many as you want and I out for

the order was pretty incredible and yeah, I want some
fries I got. That was my weird out attempt there.
Thank you. I got Nacho Dorito's lost tacos, just one
of those. I got a crunch Rap Supreme. I got
a cheesy Gordida crunch instead of getting the chiloopa. They

now have the triple Loopa, which is basically a triple
sized version of the chalopa. Got one of those and
they had it, so he had to eat it. Been
rude not to get it, and then you got to
try it and then RAPKFC was a small order. KFC
was just a three piece chicken combo with um the
potato edges and a biscuit. So yeah, that was for

one meal. I had you that that was deserved for
the taco for the triple Chilloopa. Just that's oh, that's
just from it. Yeah. And I had a couple of
beers and some wine with it. Watched It's always Tony Phildelphia.
That is uh, that's amazing. Like I would if I
had to put a number on it, I would guess
that's probably like four thousand calories maybe. And if we

were living in a in a in a postal pre
quarantine world, would you have washed that down with some dessert?
Would you have gone out to one of your favorite
dessert places to get some some more as well. I mean, well,
I have cookies in my house that my brother sent
from a Christmas gift. I was so full I couldn't
eat a thing. So after you all that, I'm I'm
out of commission. But what if you're passing one of

those places in the car that you kind of would
have to write yeah, I mean and hopes I could
digest and have a dessert thing. But that was just wait,
it was way too much. But I ordered, I ordered
too much. It was it was you know, you can
it's someone as someone who still goes to KFC. Do
they still have those uh those little bucket parfaits where
you can either get the strawberry shortcake or the chocolate

pudding pie in a in a little plastic container. I
don't know. I didn't see them the menu, to be honest,
this is my first KFC trip probably since I lived
at home still years ago. I haven't been forever. I'm
more of a Taco Bell guy. I haven't done Cassy
in a while. But like, I know, you guys gonna
make fun. But there's by far the worst meal I've
had quite some time. I've been eating relatively okay besides that,

but all right, so come with it. Then, what were
you last week? And what are you up to? I
think Andrew had me near to something. I'm up now
to two thirty two point six okay, But also because
last week's away and I did not have breakfast and
I worked down in the morning. This day I did
not do either of those. I had breakfast, and I
have not worked out yet. So have breakfast like giving

me my cattle ball. I'm gonna eat kettle chips all week.
Then despite you just one one cup of egg whites,
keeping it healthy. There we go. Alright, so you're up.
You're up? You think four piles there? Like four and change? Yeah?
Hen can you weigh yourself yet? I haven't. I gonna
do it? Well? How much was I last week? You can? You? Yeah?

Let me Andrew? I think you have reyby Yeah, let
me pull it up alright, time for the way and
every we go the weekly way in is coming up.
Let me go, all right, we're gonna do this. Here
me untangle everything to eighteen point six. So last week

I was twenty seven point closer to five. Hank was
to nineteen. Check was two and Money was one sixty
point four. There you go. I'm one sixty flat, so
I'm down point four too. Money, we've lost the same
amount of weight this week. Look at that and check
he's walking the house. I'm making my way. This is

the first time in a week I haven't been to
I haven't been over to the east wing of the house.
And that quite some time since you lost weight yourself. Yes,
I haven't washed myself because the scale is here. Hold on, ah, wait,

didn't hold it, hold on, but both feet on? There
we go one. Is that the same? I think that's
the same right as last heat? He check dropped two pounds.
Thank you for the screen. You reached through the screen

and you're like here, wait, I gotta give it to
Ednyean right there. I'm gonna celebrate with a triple chilloopa
and some some pj um the impressive order. I gotta say, um,
all right, what do you guys say? Should we do?
Should we do? Before we don't? You run off so soon? Money,

let's do you guys want to do it? We got
a counter in the top corner. I see an hour
or two and I start getting nervous. We can do
a use your noodle if you want. Oh no, I didn't.
David muted himself. Muted yourself, Dave, you gotta mute yourself.
Just click it, click it, Dave, click it. I thought

that might be another another twenty minutes of confused Grandpa.
My only request of the show, and this could be overrolled,
was just because, especially because Money named himself Baga Van
and we we set it up last show, was just
to pay it off by our quick recap of Tiger King.
But that could be overrolled. No, I definitely want to

do that. Has everybody um is there? Yeah? I haven't
watched the final episode yet. Can I just say this though,
First of all, I don't know. I continue to be
vexed by those and and listen, we make fun of
Spaghetti's love of pearl jam as I always say, ze,

let's ruined just about everything. Um, And that's fine whatever
you whatever you're super into might be. You know, listen,
I like Star Wars stuff and people, oh who can
the public pronouncements about I'm not into it is like
thank you for that absence of an opinion, and this
Tiger King is one of those. It's like, I just

want everybody to know I tried Tiger King. I couldn't
get into it. Thank you for that important note. What
is that narcissism? What instinct to declare I'm not into it? Hey?
Soccer like you know, like you know everybody loves soccering. Hey,
I just want you to know I tried to watch
some soccer not into it. You know, I'm with the

honor saying don't care a rut away in if you're
in and you have something to add, if not, just
to hold your tongue completely and totally. Petros made one
of the best observations. I thought of Tiger King the
other day, and I think it's it could only maybe
be picked up if you really are in a stute observer,
maybe watching multiple times because I missed it. Um when

our girl gets her arm chewed off, right and everybody's
freaking out, and you know he's scrambling the cameras following him,
and remember there he says that funny line like this
is Goull financially ruined me. Instead of like rushing to
her aid, trying to get the ambulance coordinated, whatever was important,

he his first action was running to his office, taking
off his leather jacket and putting on a nylon bomber
jacket that appeared as though he was some sort of
e MT. It had a badge on it, like the
first Aid official, like like a professional of some sort,

and that's like that's what his mind did. It was
as soon as it happened, you see him sprint and
run back to the office and he puts this code
on and it's just a quick glimpse and there's a
badge there, and that was like, it's an E M.
T jacket, Like he decided that I'm gonna I'm gonna
go get this bomber jacket on. Some people think I'm official,
and I can like situation under consrol. It really is
remarkable that that's what he decided to do. Yes, And

and if you can create your own little universe that
that guy has created, the Tiger King has created for himself,
you eventually will lead yourself into some deity, to a
type of frame of mind that is detached from from
our collective reality. The thing that's weird about it is,
as we say that Zella's ruin everything. I mean, so

there's an obsession about this reality show. But again at
the root of it, where they start out with this
thing is, oh, these people like, let's explore the characters
who have a cat obsession like this, but what about
and then it goes from there about how bizarre and
murderous and all that stuff. But at its core, what
the hell is going on with people living with did

you know people are living with tigers? And whys? And
when one time a couple of years ago, we took
Um Julian Edelman and Danny Amadola to Mexico and and
to Mexico City, I mean inaction, stick with Um, and

we made a TV show or documentary about their trip there.
And one of the things that they did, there's an
equivalent to uh to to Um the tiger King to
Joe exotic in in Mexico City, who apparently, you know,
he's somewhere in that realm of are you helping these
tigers and lions or are you? Are you capturing them
and caging them? But a gentleman who runs a charity

there called Black Jaguar, White Tiger, and he effectively and
this is the weird thing is and I actually wound
up going to his house as well, where which is
full of tigers and lions and and you know, cubs
and whatever else. But the idea that people say, you
know what my I could really do with this would
really cap off my my house and with my with

my fortunes, is to have a tiger cub. And then
after about seven weeks ago, wait, this is unsustainable. These
animals are vicious creatures that only want to eat my
children and tear at my house. And so I'm tired
of it now, Like the fact that someone wouldn't think
I'd like a tiger cub, but that's going to turn

into an actual tiger, and wouldn't connect those two things.
And then suddenly has to make it call to say, hey,
someone needs to get this tiger out of my house
and pick up this nund beach. It's actually on the
first things I thought of, because Hank, you and I
were walking the streets of Mexico City and you're telling
me the story of this person you had connected with
that did exactly that that would get these phone calls

from these people, and he ran this sanctuary, and I'm like,
this is the exact same story, And that was my
first thing. And he actually has had I was looking at,
you know, he has a social media channel, he has
the equivalent, or it may even be Carol Baskin who's
on his case, going you aren't helping it, you're propagating
the problem. And he was talking about the fact that
he's constantly fighting against these people who are so this

this world is something. I bet you he knows all
these people or you all these people and has some
kind of connection to them. But this world, by the
way you pronounced her name, Hank, it's the murderer. Not enough,
not enough exploration. It's funny because as you're watching it
with his uh, with his younger husband, Um, which one

the lost home? No, not that who had the accident?
Or sweetheart? No, the guy who had that. Yeah, but
by the way, the twenty one year old guy, You're like,
what a sweetheart? Nice guy? Like deep, deeply troubled. I
don't know what happened to you that this is where
you have arrived, Um, this young in your life. But um,
the guy who But the other guy you don't really

or at least I didn't occur to me, Like how
come he's not interviewed. I never put two and two together, like, well,
he's never interviewed at any point for a sit down interview,
we now we see why not enough exploration though, of
Carol's husband, her new husband, like, what is definitely either
way going on there? What's going on? Kind? He's obviously bright,

he's I mean, he can articulate himself at least. The
most devastating scene for me was the funeral, of the
memorial service for him. But my God, like if he dies,

the husband dies, No, Tyler, Tyler, we had a song
but the beginning, your beloved son has passed away in
a tragic accident, and some of his life has been
a tragedy because he left California in one state and
then somehow ends up in this strange marriage with this

extremely strange man. And the eulogy that the husband that
you're probably not that comfortable with delivers starts with how
your son like to rub his balls and people's faces exactly. Um,
he wasn't that offended by it, because she continued to
work the uh, the cash register. That was great also.

But I know I have been thinking, though, um handsome
with the idea of like you gotta get the cat out,
that would be I like to give inconvenient gifts. And
I used to think that I used to love the
the infommercial for the be Dazzler, the thing that would
put sequence unto your clothes and it would give you
patterns and stuff. And my favorite part of that, always,

of the of the half hour infommercial was when they
would be like, hey, it's a great way to surprise
your family and friends um on the holidays. And I
just loved the idea of going in too, friends and
families closets and your favorite coats and like, whoa, whoa,
what the hell there's a sequence anchor on on my

favorite church because and like you and and then it
cuts to you and you're like, you're welcome, happy hanukah
um um. I love that. But now I think I
think even better now is to give somebody a tiger.
Just give hey, what's what's behind the door. It's a surprise,

it's in your bedroom. You can't look, wait, can't wait.
Party doesn't start for another couple of hours. You're gonna
have to be patient, hanging there, seth. You're gonna love it.
Like and then like all right, big surprise time. Here's
your big gift. Go open that and it's a tiger
in there, Like you're welcome. I was hoping that's what
it was gonna be I was. I thought there was

a chance. But Santa, you put a You put a
predator in my home. What the hell is wrong? Yeah? Um,
it's excellent. Alright, spaghetti, let's do a little um, let's
do I use your noodle and then we'll go. Then
you can go eat all the noodles you want fried.
I'm assuming sure. Do we want to continue the one

we did last week? We know we had three there
was three categories. I don't trust Handsome. Didn't look him
up in the interim. You know we could. We could
give it one last week. Just that won last week
and you're jealous. Yeah, look at Money already looking on
his laptop to see the answers before we even start.
Not at all. Sorry, I got a theory of text there,
and I was a double checking to see what they were.

My apologies for being distracted. That's fine, all right, here
we go. Ready, now do a new one. If you
have a new one, I have three other options. So
the options are the I kept it from last week.
I thought it was pretty good. It was NFL players
who have recorded multiple ninety plus reception seasons. Another option
is the top fantasy quarterback performances um for each week

from to last season. Which of it mean there's five
answers per week? Um, that's it's And then the last
one I have is a name every NFL player who
has a hundred and fifty who has had a hundred
fifty plus receiving arts in a single game in so
again ninety plus reception multiple ninety. I think the team leaders,

I I genuinely have not looked those things up. So, okay,
team leaders you are. Now we're doing yards passing go ahead, money,
you choose it. I think, all right, you choose, Let's
do Qubes qubes most passing yards like that? Money, Handsome

you won, you start for us, Handsome you won. Last one,
winner goes first. I'm gonna go with the Marina Dan Marino.
Oh wait, you already started a wait, we didn't. We
didn't do a right Handsome. I mean, all right, let's
it's time for you lose your noodle, take it away,
host eddies spaghetti, So get to get and canoedo. We

got the whole kid and cafoodo. And why the questions
they may be Fudle's time. We're doing the right now.
It it's time for the day damage track football programs.

Use your Noodle with host Berthy, take it away, and
all right, thank you contestants. Back for other Wednesday edition
of Us Your Noodle. We're gonna continue with the franchise
leader topic this week. We're gonna start with teen passing leaders.
Last week's winter was Handsome Hank and he gave his

first answer, Dame Reno Dolphins. That is correct. So now
we're moving on. It's a me yor day. Uh, alright,
Tom Brady, alright, let me check Tom Brady Patriots obviously correct.
There you go, alright, then I will go with Drew Brees.

M Drew Brees change correct. You know, as soon as
I came out of my out I got a little
nervous for a second there. But of course you can
obliterate Bobby Well only because I got the record. I know,
but he but he doesn't necessarily hold it for the Saints,
but I mean, obviously it does. I guess I wonder
if Bobby gay Bear is ahead, go ahead, I'll take

Brett fob Oh, I don't know that's gonna be right.
Farfgers is correct, it is right, Come on, day, let
me come on, I will pretty Peyton Manning Indianapolis, Peyton
Manning Colts is correct? All right, I will go Eli Manning,

Eli Manning Giants correct. Um. I'll take Phil Rivers for
the charges, Phil Rivers charges correct. I will take Uh
Kelly Buffalo Buffalo Bill, Jim Kelly correct. All right, I'll

take you rofls Burger, Uh Roethlisberger. I'm not saying Ben
Rotlisburger is low hanging fruit, but anyway, going, Yeah, it's correct,
Thank you. Um, can I take um John Elway Broncos,
John Elway Broncos correct. Um, I will take let's see,

where do you want to want to go? I will
take m I will take Joe Montana forty niners Montana correct.
I will take um Joe Flacco Ravens Ravens correct. Ye,

good one. I'm gonna take Matt Ryan for the Falcons. Correct. Boy,
that's that's your bold, handsome But I guess not, you're
I mean, do you think about like who else they
would have had? Barkowski was there for a long time?
But yeah, the passing yard numbers of the century. Yeah,

I will take uh, let's see, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Mmmm boy, he's got tough enough. Hurry m hmmm, I'm
gonna take Oh boy, I'm gonna cross my fingers on

this one. Mark Brunel, Jacksonville Jaguars very good. Um, I'm
gonna go with dot Finn McNabb Eagles. Correct where I

was going next. That's the worst when somebody takes it.
If we had a clock on this, you'd be in
real trouble, because that's what makes this game hard is
when you're like, I got one holstered, ready to go,
and then somebody takes it. Then suddenly you fall into
panic mode. Right? How about Stafford? How about Matthew Stafford
of the Detroit Lines? Good one? How many more have

we got left? We've done like one to three n twelve. Okay,
we're half away. That uh to be nice if we
could sweep it, right, I hope. No, I'm not gonna
do it. I'm not gonna do it. Um, I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna go. Steve mcneir or Tennessee mm hmm. Sorry,
it's incorrect. That's gotta be it. Huh what, Yeah, it's
in correct. We're not including oilers, right, this is just
Tennessee Titans. If it's franchise, then if it's franchise, then

it won't be it will be another man. Oh so
it's Warren Moon. Oh see that I didn't think I
think that's fair. I let that off the Tights right,
move the Oilers Titans? Right, that's that. I think that's fair.
Is that what the answer is the answer is yes, yes, okay, okay,

we're gonna allow that one. Do we take McNair's the
Titans that we just take that off the board completely,
and I have to come up with another one we
could we could remove more. We can remove Warren Moon
and I'll let you go again. Okay that might not
be that. My apologies and I will go all right,

son of them bitch, I hate this, um man, Alright,
I'm gonna go uh shoot, all right, I hate it,
but I'm gonna do it. Vinnie tested Bertie Jets Uh incorrect. Oh,

I was just gonna go yets, Ken O'Brien, right, Nope,
damn it your turn. Yeah, it's just turned alright, so
too wrong, Hero and I name it for the Jets,
Jo names Yeah, Hank wins again. Al right, back to back?

All right, So I think I've got three others, all right,
So goa no you just went, so I'm up. Let's
see if I can rust a Wilson to Seattle. No,
it's how about that? It's n huh, Dave Craig, It's
baby Craig, Dave Craig, Seattle. It's not who is it?

It's Russell? No, it's not. Do you have annything yet?
It's Rick Meyer. It's not. Well, how couldn't those are
the only guy has? But what? That's crazy? That's a

that's a legit stunner to me. The other one I
was thinking about, is is it uh the loam or
Cam in Carolina? It's Cam? It's Cam. Isn't it the
old one? I reckon? I think looking at the Vikings
haven't had any I bet it's friend Talkington. Why didn't

I think of that? Bummer? I struggled with staff. It's
got to be the Lions, right, I think? Yeah? Is uh?
Is the Bears? Said Luckman? The Bears is not? Is
it Jay Cutler? It's Jay? Yeah? Wow, that's about that?
That crazy? Yeah? Redskins, Yes, Joe Eisman, he did. I

didn't know what I didn't know what's saying? Might have
was the Cowboys? Tony Romo, Yes, Ardals I'm thinking Jim
Hart it is, is it not? Nex? I would have
gone Neil Lomax. There is Xan's Matt Shop. Nice Paul

I was the second guest in myself on how about
Bengals Boma. It's not that's Ken Anderson, it is. I
was gonna say Carson Palmer, it's Kenny Anderson was only there.
It's Cleveland Postar. No, it's not. I'm gonna be no,

I'm gonna be honest. It's the only name on this board.
I don't know who the player is. Oh, because it's
somebody super old man. Huh, who is it? Brian sy
Leader was great fun to watch, so Carolina's Cam. You
gotta go watch some nineteen eight football, Brian. It's like

that year with the Browns Leccardiac kids was a fun one.
You guys are the Chiefs, the Chiefs, the Bucks, the Rams,
the Raiders. Okay, wait, slow down, let's go one by
one first. I'm gonna say it's a tough one because well,
I'm gonna go Len Dawson. But Bill Kenny had like

four thousand yards seasons. There's like weird names like that.
I'm surprised haven't a tough one, because there have been
like every guy's tenure was so short. Um, I'll go twelve.
It's not rich Cannon. Now I'm going with the lefty.

Oh uh well, anybody else want I guess before you
say yes or no? Go ahead? Hold on? Uh, hold on, Well,
Eddie said everybody else he didn't know, So you know,
the only guy the Browns I was doing, I did.
I didn't know everyone else. I mean somebody you know.

So that leads me to think that it's mm hmm.
And you're going, you're going Derek Carr, Dave, No, I'm going,
or you're going stable. Yeah, it's Stabler. It's not Stabler.

I think it might be. Is it Derek Carr? It's
Derek Carr? Yeah? How about that? It's a fun one.
Do now we need Tampa. I mean it's gonna be.
It's gonna be. Don't say yes or no yet, handsome,
let us I mean that Spaghetts. Let us all register
a voter. I am gonna I'm gonna throw. I couldn't

be heavy. I mean Doug Williams feels like he would
be the answer. But I bet you that that's just
he wasn't he kind of been there for long enough
at that time. I no, I agree, ultimately, I think
it would be I think it would be Vinny. I
was thinking Vinny too. He was there form it a

pretty decent He was there for long enough to do it.
But it is not already, it's not part of me.
Wonders if it's five thousand yards season, Oh my god,
that's embarrassing. And I think the last team and now

we got the Rams, is going to be Jim Everett.
Yeah that is that handsome, really dominating, really dominating. And
speaking of dominating, yeah, that one well not yeah, yeah exactly,

Nameth over Ken O'Brian. Uh. Surprising. And I'm the dummy
to put a Testimurdy because if you look at the
old time passing nards, he's up there. He's like that.
And I was like, man, I thought most of those
are with the Jets. I thought, I thought for Carolina,
and then I was I was getting the guy the
name that is the weirdest when you look at all
time passing yards and there are a couple that are

in there, but the weirdest one is Carrie Collins. Carrie
Collins is I think like top twelve, top fifteen, in
career passing yards and he was like Carolina for a while.
He was there for a little bit. It wasn't like
he was only there for a few years. But yeah, um, anyhow,
all right, I think we've covered more than enough, right,
I mean more than that. It was a pleasure to

see you. I hope you're done. It's done. Did you
have the better milk that Dave requested? No, I had
in maple one. But if I go outside, then may
still be in buttermilk one. Out to just finish. Wait, hey,
what's yourself again? Real quick? I think we can just
see whatever that doughnut wait is now? I think I

think if I have one for the four of us,
one wish for any of us here, it's that Spaghetti's
girlfriend Jada doesn't have a tough day at work because
we know what that results are happening next year. We
had some bananas they were going bad, and she made
banana bread and I ate a whole loaf. Hey, stress,
stress is a killer, like, yeah, but it shouldn't. It

shouldn't kill your boyfriend, like he's the one who wound
up with the heart disease, like what he was dressed out. No, no,
cripple chlopa, you need to we scoop through. The KFC
dropped and I just get a small sting, right. It's
a three piece with a biscuit and some wedges. That's all.
That's all I mean. The the order I put together

a KFC was was pretty good, pretty pretty nice. I
kept there low key and the biscuit and then you know,
and and a couple of beers, A couple of couple
of beers. Line. The wife was having wine and she's like,
what are we gonna do with throughs down a sink.
I'm like, no throat on my throat. It wasn't a
whole potato. It was potato wedges. Um, all the best fellas,

Thanks so much, and thank you at home. I hope
everybody's keeping safe and sound and eating good doughnuts and
all that kind of stuff. Be well, everybody grim times
for our society. But we've just done a nice job
of passing Why I didn't do a nice job, but
the other three did passing away ninety minutes there for you.
We'll be back because Bablie with more hohoy and apple

sauce for you next week. Until then, thanks so much,
football fans, it's been a dense slice of hene
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