All Episodes

May 6, 2020 38 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined by Matt "Money" Smith, Handsome Hank and Eddie Spaghetti via video chat for a mid-week DDFP! The show starts off with Handsome Hank talking about the life of Don Shula and why he became a Miami Dolphins fan (1:30). Next, the group kibitzes about if Dan Marino could've beaten the '85 Bears (10:25), since Tua chose number 1 for the Dolphins which uniform number would you pick (15:45) and they poke fun at Eddie Spaghetti's weighted vest (22:00). They round out the show discussing which team was the toughest the Michael Jordan-led Bulls faced in the 90s (29:20).

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And now I watched the clock took the way Sheila had.
One of your Super Bowl the Miami Dolphin, the seated
a washert webkin. Out of five, there is a gun
and Miami has won Super Bowl seven. The final Star
Miami fourteen on Washington seven D. The Dave Damaschick Football

Program available on the Apple Podcast and at NFL dot
com slash g DFP. Now here's your host, Dame Highlow
football fans. I hope all's well wherever you are, Welcome
to the Dave damage Football Program. There, you just heard
Eddie Spaghetti's choice to honor the late and uh and

great Don Shula, a true legend in pro football, who
passed away earlier this week. I don't know what play
Eddie Spaghetti chose. Of course, Eddie Spaghetti doesn't know or
much care about the early seventies of pro football, but
of course, to to me, the greatest decade in pro
football history because of how many Gargangelan Juggernauts there were

in pro football at the time. Um here to kibbits
about that, this, that and the other. Of course, our
pals and our resident Miami Dolphins fan all the way
from London, England, grew up rooting for the Aqua and
Orange in part because of Don Jula. It's handsome. Heck,
how are you handsome? I'm good, thank you, Dave. But
sad um that that I don't feel passed away earlier

this week. You know what, though handsome, we had a
you know, I think it was about eight years or
so ago we had the chance to meet him, um
and when he came over to NFL network, and I
was the thing that struck me was not that he
was a graceful man and had stories for days and

was was a sort of seemed the generous soul, more
than willing to glad hand with you, handsome in with
me and everything else, but that he was funny too.
He had so many it was me he was. He
was a wise acre sort of. He was a wise
acre a little bit so that the when when I
when I met him that day, and you very kindly,
Dave helped help facilitate that meeting. Age eleven, the Dolphins

played in London against the forty niners Wembley Stadium, Marino
against Montana, and I, me and a friend ran away
from home literally like packed our bags and we're like
we're going to go to where the Dolphins are practicing.
I want to meet Dan Marino and Don Shula and
for whatever reason, like you know, wouldn't happen today, and
it shows you know how far the NFL has come,

but especially coming in the UK. I just walked in
and so as an eleven year old kid, I got
to shake Don Shula's hand, played catch with Dan Marino
and Mark Clayton. It was genuinely still to this moment
is the greatest moment of my life. Um. And and
you know it was. It lasted five minutes, but I've
lived on it ever since. So when when we saw
schulerum whatever, that was two thousand thirteen, so I'm not

very good at math. But as many years later as
that was twenty five or something. UM, I said to him,
you know, you're obviously not going to remember this, but
I ran away from home and he had said, and
to your point, David about him being a wiseacre, he said, well,
give me give me your mother's phone number. I want
to call her to apologize on your behalf that that's
what you did. So I agree he was he you know,

he was a joke about a jokester, but he definitely
had a sense of humor and but also I was
like willing to listen to me talk about stuff that
he definitely didn't care. Well, those are the best guys
you know that you see, you watch, you grow up
watching the NFL film stuff, the SlowMo and the regal
music underneath. Obviously you don't get much of a sense
of what what kind of guys these are, So it's

always gratifying. Um, if you're player, like I, just think
about you know how long it took me to kind
of the only soccer experience, you know, internationally I had
was the World Cop you know, and and that was
every four years, So that was kind of my exposure
to international soccer that I came to love. Argentina of
course because of how old I was, and Maradona and

kind of those teams. But how how do you come
to find Miami slightly slightly boastful pronunciation of Maradonna? That
come on, what do you want to say? Don't wait,
you can't have it both ways, Hank, because if we
say Strawberry, you go, what is aunt supposed to me? Now? Alona? Anyway? Sorry,

I don't want to get off topic, but um, yeah,
Sheila is my Matadonna because I fell in love with
my dad was lived in the US very briefly for like,
I think about six months, but he lived here during
the seventy three season. So the Dolphins were on top
of the pile. So when when football first came on
TV and the UK, which was in like two UM,

it was the only there were four TV channels, the
fourth one had just launched UM and they had rights
to nothing at all. But the one thing they got
the rights were two was for the NFL. They would
played the a cutdown version like thirty minutes or four
naments of the best game from the week before, and inevitably,
because of Marino, you were often seeing massive shootouts, super exciting,

and so a my dad had enough some kind of
affiliation with the Dolphins just because he'd watched them and
they've been good at the time, and so I guess
I was pointed in that direction. But they were shown
far more often than than other teams, which is what
led me to them, and led me to Marino, and
led me to to Shuler and led me to a
love of that boy. We really, we Americans really got
the short end of that stick. The UK gets American

football we got Australian rules football on our TVs when
we were growing up. That was yes, but it wasn't
that ESPN launched with that basically, right, Yeah, but we
did get You know why I did well? I I
loved football so much as a as a kid, I
would sit and watch in the summertime, I would watch
CFL when it would come on, the mean Dieter Brock
in the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and all of that, and

then I loved on Ironically, I thought the U s
FL was great too. By the way, I didn't say
hello to him yet. That's that's fine, We're good. Probably
probably a big Chicago Blitz fan in his youth. I
think I've told the story. I've told him many times.
But in this space before growing up, didn't have a
lot of scraps, that's right. I could not afford to

go to Bears games. But my old man took us
to see old Vinny Evans quarterback in the Chicago Blitz.
And when we walgged into Soldier Stadium and I was
able to finally behold all its glory at about eight seven,
eight years old. Uh, there were as many people in
Soldier Field that could probably ring the field the entire

way for two to three rows and no more. There
there might have been three young people are watching the
Chicago Blitz. Uh take on. I think the Arizona Wranglers
was the game I got to go to. Well. I
was just about to say, I know you remember this money.
But of course mid usfl run. The Chicago Blitz traded
their entire franchise to traded Tim Sprom, the Ohio State

Running to the number. They traded Vince Evans and everybody
to Arizona and Arizona Exchange sent all their assets up.
But then they just put on each other to move.
Was like, I'm gonna move to Arizona and I take
my team in the Arizona guy. I was like, yeah,
that's fine, I'll just move my team to Chicago. Great
restaurants up in Chicago. A. I don't do that. Okay, Yeah,
good that is. That's definitely competing at the more amateur

level of professional anyhow. It's Matt money Smith voice of
your Los Angeles Chargers, justin Herbert Tyrod Taylor, who knows,
Maybe Cam Newton doubtful at this point. Maybe Joe Flacco,
the man, the man who I've now started, I've started
to endorse Joe Flacco as Big Ben Roethlisberger's back up
in Pittsburgh, just to just to tweak the locals a

little bit. Um uh, let's tah is gonna be real quick,
by the way, before Hank takes a shirt off and
starts rubbing his nipples talking about tah um. In this
very space, last week we discussed the fact that Andy
Dalton would find a home before Cam Newton. And here
we are a week later, and yes, Cam Newton is
still unemployed and Andy Dalton is not only signed, but

being celebrated as a brilliant and shrewd signing by the
Dallas Cowboys. So weird. And Jay Gruden, of course, he
preferred Andy Dalton to Colin Kaepernick when he was the
O C in Cincinnati. Hugh Jackson like Kaepernick, right, and
um in that power, so I think Jay Gruden liked anyway. Yeah,

that that is a good one. If I'm just trying
to jam in um something pro football what if related
so that I can promote go to NFL dot com
or go to at d ama check on Twitter. I
have it pinned at the top there. The five episodes
of the What If series that includes Baldy and Daniel
Jeremiah and Cynthia Freeland and Steve why should call right

and uh Jim Trotter. We chop up all those uh,
all those iconic moments in pro football history and congratulations,
congratulations to you and the team that did. That's really good.
I enjoyed. I watched some of my kid over the
weekend and we had a great time sorting back through
NFL history. Well you know, um yeah, I was like,
the shout out goes to Anthony Smith from the NFL

Features Team. Great producer, high end producer, made that thing
look real slick um so uh for him, at least
not for me. For him, let go watch it, um.
The what we also thought? We talked about the Immacular
Reception and really it doesn't disrupt in all likelihood. It's
hard to um come up with a sequence that if
you give the Immacular Reception and seventy two to the Raiders,

that it somehow disrupts the Steelers die aynasty. That's maybe
a little bit of a leap, but it is potentially
disruptive to your Dolphins handsome in seventy two because the
Raiders might have gotten into Miami. I think there's a
fair football based argument that the Raiders would have won
that game that kind of had their number um and

they might have knocked them off, and you guys might
not have even gotten to a Super Bowl that year.
But the other one that I love to talk about
is the eighty five Bears. I think that Marino and
Shula given another shot at that a month and a
half after they beat them in the Orange Bowl, I
think they would have beaten them again in the Super Dome.
So in the spirit of what if you get handsome Hank,
how say you? I say yes, I mean they've already

done it one time. I'm one of my favorite memories again,
this seems to have turned into me celebrating day, which
is not what I like to do. Was at the
draft in Chicago when Dave stood on the stage and
presented that as a as a likelihood to uh to
beds fans um on mass And I think it was
the Saturday of Benfo Draft in mid afternoon when it

seemed like a few of them have probably had had
a couple of beers um and got roundly booed by
several thousand people. Guess what, Guess what? You know, just
like defense, um, the no jib policy travels. You know,
That's that's how I approach it. I think the way
you the way you said it though, was that I
think we can all agree that the Dolphins would have

been the best in the Super Bowl. It turned out
that not everyone could agree with that. All right, all
my jackass, I think we've already done this one money,
so just very quickly as yeah, we we've we've yapped
about this very quickly some sentences. Look at what have
I got a don'tut muffin? When you got a fritter?
What you got there? A little old path brought me

a cookie? Look how I think that? Look at that? Yeah,
like it's a cookies, two cookies. I know Ronnie's feelings
about Pro flo Ball, But Alfie, what's your favorite who's
your favorite football player? Who's your favorite football team? Can

you tell them that? Go on what they called the
okay if you can only eat for the rest of
your life, you could only eat donuts, cookies, or cupcakes?
Which one would it be? Okay, Dave, as if you
could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, donuts, cookies,
or cupcakes? What's your favorite you don't have to. This

isn't this is not cupcakes cakes cupcakes. Yeah, I think
Alfage got that one wrong. I think I would probably
go cookies. Don't you go donuts? Uh? I think so
let me let me cookies now. So if you hear crunch,

I'd like to put that kind of ant butter on it.
Normally always floored me when I was that. One of
the things that floored me when I went and studied
abroad for a semester was watching people take pastry just
dust them with either butter or jelly or something like that,
which of course we don't well, we don't do here.

I was like, that's a nice little addition. There, ain't
that right. I went to France once, I went in
Paris and was struck by that. It's like, oh, French
food is so great. It's like yeah, because it's all
in butter. Yeah, it's like it's like a cheat, you know,
It's like it's a I get it for Manadonna and
he doesn't get it for I went once, so here

I am in France like Dave. That's how Dave. I
don't like that, you just you would affect kind of
I was seated at the top momile there. Then then
I would say, Dave, this is ridiculous. Is how do

you say France, Hank, France, France. You can say it
without saint froll, but I could say, and then you
could then then you could say, Then you could say,
I feel like you may be putting something on that
I just did was attacked by you per saying kids

to to one of the saddest figures in cartoon history,
Pepe lapew He just could never get it right. I mean,
how much bad luck did that poor skunk have that
how many black cats could accidentally bump into a strip
of white paint nearby? And he just kept getting duped.
You know, he's a lovable creature, but apparently not the
sharpest skunk in the you know, in the box there.

I'm all right, we'll skip the what if instead, because
two of is number one one. I don't love it
all of a sudden. If Cam Newton would return, can
you imagine that three, no fewer than three of the
thirty two starting quarterbacks in the NFL would wear number one,

assuming to us starts and then um you got Kyler
Murray now down in the desert, candid that that would
be unheralded, an unheralded number of number one. I think
how many number? I don't remember. Did Jeff George? Was
he out there and one at the same time as
Warren Moon? Maybe maybe? Uh yeah, they for sure and

they both would have, but I don't think George. No,
Jeff George wore three at for certain stretches. I think
he wore eleven. Maybe he definitely wore that when he
was in Champagne, Illinois. Um, Matt money Smith, speaking of Champagne, Illinois,
you're from the state of Lincoln. What number? What number?
If you were drafted in the first round and the

entire closet and numbers was available to you and your
starting court or you're gonna be the face of the
franchise QB. What number would Matt money Smith wear? The number?
I grew up wearing thirteen my number when I and
it was given to me when I was my second
year of Little League and I had started to kind
of flex a little bit and was playing some pretty

good baseball and and my coach, Durwood Godi, I still
remember his name, Uh, Durwood Godi. I was the catcher
and I think I hit in the three hole, and
he gave me number thirteen and he said, you know
why number thirteen? And I said why, Mr Gordy And
he said, because I'm lucky for them, that's why. And
I was like all right, And from that day I
wore number thirteen and all my sporting pursuits, I like,

not number ten. Money not no, I think you know
what I ended up getting started exactly right. I did
wear ten my very next year for the Guyants when
we won the Little League championship in that age bracket,
but then immediately went right back to thirteen. It is
interesting at some point it's like this to a jive

about like, hey, could it could? Does it make sense
for to? And where the number thirty? Like what I mean, where?
Where's our sense of history? I don't know why you
want to do it? Why would the pressure put them
into that pressure? Exactly? That's one of my favorite things
about my favorite athlete of all time, Lemieux, is that

he took the ninety nine who he kept getting compared
to Gretzky, and he's like, yeah, I'll just turn that
upside down. That's a cool subtle uh not not, I
guess not that subtle little passive aggressive, like, uh kind
of move there, um thirteen A. I like that Will
the Still and Dan Marino You're in good company there,

And I do like the kind of anti hero statement
it makes you know the bad luck is I'm gonna
turn it on it. Yeah, But I also think with
the retirement of numbers, um that you're eventually just going
to run out. You know, you have to have fifty
two devoted and if they keep retiring him and if
they don't eventually start pulling them out, then they are

going to run out. And then that's why And Matt
money Smith can wear the money sign. Yeah, I wasn't
ready for that yet. Into that emojis, I'd have like
emoji flamee emoji. I do like what the but I

do like what sc does with the number fifty five.
I love what the Cowboys are doing with number eighty eight,
Like I do like that if you're not going to
retire numbers, like hey, you get to earn this. Uh
you know you you are going to be able to
wear fifty five starting your sophomore year. You know, get
your freshman year, but sophomore you're now proving yourself that
you get to wear the esteem number fifty five of

the USC There is something cool about that, Like I
wouldn't just give it to Ceedee Lamb. I wouldn't have
given it to Dez Bryant. But like, hey, if you
proved by your third year that you're exceptional, congratulations young man.
Here's the number eighty eight for the remainder of your career.
I like the idea of it being based on merit
that they don't hand. Um. Yeah, uh, that debate is

a fun one. The if you care about the history
at all, is um eighty eight cowboys or twenty Lions?
Which one is better? Because the Lions have lembarni Um,
Billy Sims and Barry Sanders now retired. Did they retire?
Must be there have a ring of honor. I'm not

sure if how they do things there? Um, next question
for you guys. And by the way, hello to our pal.
They're sequestered in his apartment somewhere um near culd City. Yeah.
I was just gonna say, but it's hard to tell
because he's got the headband, he's got the New York
he's got the Staten Island accent, he's in California, and

yet he's paying omage to the Sunshine States third best
pro basketball team, the Orlando Magic. How are you, Attie Spaghetti.
I'm good. I don't live in your Culver City. I'm
staring at the Hollywood sign, so well, excuse me. Yeah,
I'm wearing a like a Hollywood. That's why they call

him the Hollywood Eddie exactly? And what are you wearing?
An old shack shack? Am I good friend? Yeah? Exactly,
Eddie Spaghetti. Your hair do requires that, I asked, because
your hair is really getting you know what, I think
I've reached a terrible place in life. Fellas, I gotta
tell you, look at this. But if they have not
look at this, I've taken my hat off and you

can see my hair, and you say, like, yeah, they
could maybe stay in the hair cut, but look closely.
I haven't gotten a hair cut in two and a
half months now, and my hair really hasn't grown that much.
Considering to I think my hair may have stopped growing.
You know, they say he by by trimming the ends.

You know, you gotta trimm the tips there and that's
what spurs the growth. So like you know, as I
who shaved my head because I just couldn't take it anymore.
My hair was kind of very similar where the tap
had grown. But besides, it's sort of just I don't
know it just it's look, hey, Davier, hair is a mess?
Is that? But that is? But my question is is this?
It is that something that happens doesn't like this? At

some point your hair just like, yeah, that's the hair
you get for the rest of this life. And you
got her head onto it like grim debt like and
my hair never gonna grow again. No, no, it's I
mean it's growing in most places. Definitely not going at
the back. No, let's see that. Give us a look
at that. It's still not I wish my head. I

wish my head could bend further downside? Could the flesh
yamica um? While we're doing a little show and tell,
would it be okay if I make a request? Yes, Eddie,
could you please go get your stupid weighted vest and
put it on and show it off to all of us.
I think I would really like to see that you

get it. It's gonna be dripping away because I used
this morning so was away and and you know, listen,
I was out there running so hot and it's so
hot that it is encased in sweat. It is still
dripping from hours ago, and yeah it is. I'll grab it.
I'll first, I'll grab it. Hold on please, Oh, here
we go, Here we go. I got a podcast. I'm

not sure that he's necessarily got the right idea to
be able to see it. Like the man whose jersey
he's wearing right now, shaq fu himself. Eddie Spaghetti fights
the battle of the bulge daily and so he's gotten
himself awaited vest. Yeah. We ended up carrying this converse.
I ended up carrying this conversation over to the radio show,

The Petros and Money Show, where we started discussing some
of the stupidest things we've ever purchased when it comes
to fitness equipment, and we got into the strength shoes
and the vinyl suit from the eighties. You know that
you would end up to go jogging and you would lose.
Put it on, Eddie, Yes, absolutely, this one max is

twenty pounds. It can go as light as twelve. Um,
it's pretty wet, but I'll put it on for money. Please.
I want to see what you look like running the
streets up. I don't live in Colvist City, huh. I'm
staring at the Hollywood sun right now on my window. Dave,
how dare you? This is what? This is what he
looks like running This is again he looks ready to

call some balls and strikes. Get behind the dig podcasting
with the Way the Best sounds good. Yeah, and the
pouches right in the front here you can see you
could open it up put your treats in there. Yeah.
It's uh, it's pretty damp, but I'm I'm happy with
the purchase. It wasn't too expensive, and uh, I feel
more accomplished when I outside. It's a week here in

Los Angeles, so sure is so? Yeah, this is when
you run, when you run, No, it's under kind of
just like this set up like like a tank top
and then just start us on top. Uh, just do
my like three ish mild job. It's the three. It's
tough though it It felt like when I first did
it yesterday, I felt like like the Undertaker was putting

his boot on my chest the entire time. I was
like outside, But today was a little bit better, or
so I'm getting a little by a little getting a
little better at it. I like that Um was talking about,
you know the thing everybody's watching now is the last
dance and the thing that when I watched the Rise
of of you know, the ads with Spike Lee and

all that, and and really the massive turn in our
society owed mostly and there was some with the weapon
with the converse weapons with magic and bird wearing them
and everything before that, but then it really blew up
with Michael Jordan with the Air Jordan's and everything. And
it's crazy that within our lot, within our lifetime, that
shoes worn by like Will Chamberlain was like basically out

there and Chuck Taylor's playing ball like the highest level
left in Baylor all in like Chuck Taylor's. While we
were alive, that was happening, like these bum sneakers, and
now it's like, well you gotta have I think they're
talking about crazy purchase. I think it is insane that
that that America, that society has been duped into like
oh yeah, those shoes with those those sneakers, won't do

I need volleyball sneakers, like I like, I have to
buy that that sneakers or that specific that sports specific.
It's the it's the sneaker equivalent of conditioner, which I
continue to to um spread my conspiracy theory that they
made way too much shampoo, and they're like, you know what,
if we start selling something called conditioner, people are stupid

enough that they'll feel they need a two step hair
washing process. And then America then shampoo and conditioner, and
now refused to use it. I refused to use it
out of principle because I was like, hey, you get
them both. You get the shampoo and conditioner. One. No,

you made a mistake by creating this stuff called conditioning.
Now you're trying to give it to me in my bottle.
Your bad ideas. Don't get passed off on this gorgeous
maine ahead. You know what a bar of Irish spring.
That's all it is. I just put it right there
on my head. Well to be said for that as well,
Like shampoo and so essentially the same thing, once liquid,

once one solid, you absolutely can and a lot of
people you shoot handsome with you. You haven't watched it yet.
The thing that's striking is the atrocity of nineties bas
NBA basketball uniforms. I talked about a lot about NFL ones,
but sweet Jesus, are those hideous uniforms that so many
teams were wearing and in uh in the NBA back

in the nineties. The other um fashion full pod that
is hard to ignore is the collection of Marv Albert's
two pays. I mean they are I mean like it's
one one shot after the other. It's some variation on
this ridiculous uh uh fabio kind of like the ridiculous
that one terrible too. By the way, like just the

bottom row of his teeth. You can't take here all.
You're like, wow, although he's you know, one of the
great play by play men of all time. I'll tell
you what jumped out of me. Having watched the last Dance,
I decided to go back and search and and and
watch some of those old finals games and some of
the old Eastern Conference finals games between the Bulls and
the Knicks, you know, reminiscing and uh and I know

everybody says this all the time, but just go ahead
and invest the game for yourself. It floored me, like
there is a genuine anti Bulls bias from Marvelbert and
it is. It is startling, like it is Michael Jordan
is having phenomenal games, scoring like thirty five points through
three quarters, and and you know he'll say, you know,

one wonder if we're gonna get one of those supernatural
performances by Jordan and this one still a quarter to go,
and you're like what, because it's the NBA Finals and
he's got thirty five through three, and all of a sudden,
it's in in the Knicks Bulls Eastern Conference game after
the Knicks go up to I think it was game three,
was basically reading the eulogy of the Bulls in this

game three, before the series had even really been like,
it's not even close to being decided. And it was
crazy to me that Marvin. Maybe it's because the Bulls
were at that point, you know, kind of the kings
of the hill and and people are interested in watching
them now get knocked off after they had ascended that mountain.
But go back and watch him and listen to mar
it is it is wild. Um, not that he's openly cheering,

but just the lack of of celebration of the Bulls
or Michael Jordan's throughout the Eastern Conference Finals and into
the NBA Finals. I love that stuff. By the way,
I'm all four this idea again that we've talked about.
I don't care about what I mean local play by
play guys should be homers. I I don't know the
the the downside of that is is zero. I don't

get why anybody wouldn't be a homer if you're played
by play guy locally and one and two. I also
I'm fine with marv By in a home or to
that add that those were more majestic in the garden
when the Bulls were in their money in your esteemed
basketball opinion, who was the best team that those ninety
Bulls played wasn't because I've heard lately now some people

throwing the knicks into the mix, and I don't think
it's crazy, but I thought, I think that I think
things broke just right for them, Like we've talked about
if they would have played, if Jordan didn't retire, Oh
you in this stupid thing, would you stop? Well, you
know better than I do. But I I understand that

you celebrate Bob Ory like he's some sort of ten
time All Star Mario Elie. Those are role players. I
don't I didn't understand. It's it's Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen,
two of the fifteen best players of Clyde Rexler. That's
really too good player not just watched the last episode
of the Last Dance, and Michael was like, these people

were saying that, like Clyde Drexler are on the same plane.
I mean, he destroyed the guy. His career was never
the same after that. And it's weird about that. Though.
What's weird about that is because you think you're quite like, oh,
six titles in eight years and everything. It's the same
thing with any dynasty. The Patriots. People look back in
thirty years from now and you know, I consider obviously

the Steelers of the seventies and you look back and
then like, oh, you just assumed that they beat everybody
by thirty points, but that even that Blazer's team, which
was pretty good. Oh they smoked him. They smoked them,
but they still take him to six. And they it's
not like they smoked him in game six. You know,
they that game is tight. I had forgotten that that

series was as close as it was. I thought it
was a five game series over fix. And the thing
that was that was good about it is it was
the first one that they had won. Um, you know,
they won in l A. So the Blazers, by going
to a game six, they wanted at Chicago Stadium, and
if you may, if you remember, it was a wild
night of celebrating and looting and partying in the streets.

They had to get on the TV and beg people.
And I was in the middle of all of that.
As a matter of fact, when that celebration was going down.
It was quite odd to be surrounded by by mayhem
and destruction and I was elebratory rioting. I was on
North Avenue and damon, does that make sense? Yeah, that
with with those two intersect, I was there by Pal's place,

and I mean I don't mean a mile away or
a half mile away within his apartment, uh little stretch.
There were people going outside and shooting guns into the air,
and it was like, what the what the hell? What
when the I never understand I never understand the reflected
power that people get from like I my team has
won the title, ergo, I am above the law. Guns

into the air. I will I will keep it. I
will keep it general and we'll use generalities here. But
as soon as that that final the zero skit, I
looked at my buddies and we you know, I grew
up on the south side of the city, and I said, hey,
we're going downtown. You know, like, what do you mean,
It's like, shut up, get in the car. We are
going downtown. And we get in the car. And to
get to the freeway from our neighborhood, you kind of

have to drive through, you know, some of the some
of the more you know, disconcerting spots of the city
as a direct line. And I was like, we gotta
get down there quick before they shut it down. So
we decided to take eighty seven straight to the UH,
straight to the ninety four to get downtown. And as
we're going up eighty seven, that is totally backed up. Um,
it's just everybody's trying to get to the freeway to

get downtown. And these guys are just hanging um you know,
like those little accordion gates that that cover the glass.
It can't break into a place back in the day,
they're just hanging on this thing. It's snaps. It's a
liquor store. I just watch them throw a rock through
the window. We're just sitting draft and UH and they
come running out and they're just bringing booze out and

passing it around and they I'm in the back I'm
on the back seat on the driver's side, and I'm
just watching it all and I lock eyes with one
of them and he looks at me, and he turns
around and he goes into the liquor store and he
comes out and he goes, hey, man, you look like
someone who likes rolling rock. And he handed me a
case of rolling beer down down on the freeway. Uh

it was look it was it was great, and it
was terrible, and uh as whatever. I how old world.
I was nineteen or at the time eighteen nine and
is nineteen at the time as a teen uh driver
more more more than a fifty percent chance, Young Matt
money Smith was hallucinating. But on the other hand, maybe

I was focused. I had a focus on a purpose
that evening to accomplish many different things on a bucket
list that young man growing up in some of the
the lower scale neighborhoods would always want to try do
a correlation. I was able to check off most of them.
It is like, that's kind of like your personal version
of in Major League when the punker guy hugs the

old guy in the bar, you know, when it's like
you look like like rolling rock. Yeah, that's nice. Like
we're all we're all Chicago today, handsome as as we're
running out of time here very quickly. My last question
as a handsome man, could you ever see yourself if
the time came? Would you ever wear a tupey? No,

you wouldn't wear a tupeg? Would you wear your hair?
I'll tell you what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't even
get someone to pepper the back of my head daily basis.
I wouldn't even do that, Davi. I like, I like
to everything I do, I want to do it gracefully.
I don't. I don't. I hope, I hope I get
the mump into you and about in about four to

seven years. I just bump into on the street and like,
you look like someone I used to know, and you
I think, I think you'll have Marv Albert style to
pay and top of your head definitely the teeth. But
I'm British. Hey, I've got to run guys. But I
just you know, I think the highlight of my day
has definitely being the fact that money is such a

big matter. Do thank you for giving me that moment?
Money a cupcake? All right? There he goes handsome hank
um and uh, you know what, let's wrap it up here,
Eddie Spaghetti has some more working out to do and
his weighted vest. They're just like today, I'm done. I'm

done for today. I got it in. There's your kettle
bells today, Eddie, when you got Okay, they haven't arrived here.
They're coming with the next two or three days, so
I will teach you for sure on that least. Yeah,
I would like a like a little kettle bell demonstration
next week of of what you're doing. I was corrected
on the Twitter there, uh, Turkish and get ups, not
Bulgarian get ups, So my apologies to the Turks. I

just thought of I just thought I it's been bugging
me who the spaghetti looked like when he wears that
thick headband that he wears. People people have said Baker,
Oh is he the one Baker Mayfield? Oh? Yeah, I
mean Baker does wear the Kelly Rudy the ex islander
to wear that thing right, and he would have the
little spot and he would do the bandana as well.

He would do the full headband and would cover the
top of his head to a lot of times. Yeah,
or was it it wasn't Steve Blake then? Was it
that had that or Steve Nash, you were that weird
head thing that like spaghetti has got going there. These
are the mysteries, and now we have a week to
solve this. Well, look, no, you know what. You're right.
I'm looking at I'm looking at Crudy and you're right.

He did wear the thick headband. Yeah, I think yes
now and looking at the other one, and because it's
here's his I got a photo of his first home
game as a king, and he's got the full you know,
kind of rap. But here's another photo of him with
the thick headband. So yes, I believe both would be
the answer to that Crudy. That's a good look there, Eddie.
The hair's going soon. I think I'm finally convincing my

girlfriend to just watch YouTube tutorials and just take the
clippers and get rid of it. I'm the beard like,
I don't have beard oil. It hurts, and I gotta
get rid of everything. It's just too much. There you go,
This this is this is this is a glimpse into
your future, reading your significant other. Well, apparently I don't
need to do it. My hair nature is just taking
care of it. I'm I've reached an advanced stage that

now my nature just cuts it itself. It's really weird.
I don't know what happened to my hair, but anyway, Uh,
Matt Muddy Smith is always great. Thanks to you and
uh continue Los Angeles. The Los Angeles area appreciates that
you and Petro's keep on going um day after day
and seequestration. It's good stuff to check out. If you're

looking for a couple of good voices to make you laugh.
Listen to Petro some Money on I Heart Radio. UM,
thank you money, Eddie Spaghetti, great stuff from you as
always handsome Hay, and thank you to the listener. We'll
be back with more Jolie and apple sauce later on,
but in the meantime, thanks so much. Football fans, make
sure you go look at that what if by the way,
on NFL dot Com. It's been it's been a thin

slice to have
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