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March 18, 2020 64 mins

The DDFP is back! Dave Dameshek is joined by Matt "Money" Smith, Handsome Hank and Eddie Spaghetti via video chat to go over all the latest NFL news! After catching up since being put under quarantine they all kibitz about the biggest news as of late - Tom Brady becoming a Tampa Bay Buccaneer (8:05). With Brady now in Tampa, the guys also discuss the future of Jameis Winston and where he could end up (21:00)? Shek, Money, Hank and Spaghetti then debate who comes out of this the short term winner - the Patriots or the Bucs (33:00)? They round out the show by discussing if the Los Angeles Rams are now the worst team in the NFC West (51:30)?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
The Day Damnaschick Football program available on the Apple Podcast
and at NFL dot com, Slash g DFP. Now here's
your host day, Tom Brady and otherwise Free Agency d
DFP begins now have a one could be look at

you with your Christmas mug too. I like that. I
like the money's more up to speed with his holidays.
He still yeah, he slept in his clothes that he
wore yesterday. I like I like the I like the money.
I like the idea of money. Um, just like, Hey, St.

Patrick's Day, I'm putting on a twister. I'm from Chicago.
We celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It is a holy day,
and I am getting drunk, girls and right uh, one
of my I'll share this real quick one of my
favorite St. Patty Day memories. I believe I was in

sixth grade at the time and my buddy Vish as
his nickname was used to live in Beverly, which is
on the South Side. Is the South Side Irish neighborhood
of record. Uh, probably the most predominant Irish neighborhood in
all of Chicago, and they have a legendary St. Patrick's
Day parade and the first one I remember going to.
It goes up and down Western Avenue. There's a million

bars on this strip. They do a pub crawl where
you get a punch card every year and you got
to try to put down like twenty five beers or
something like that over the course of St. Patty's Day.
But I'm like twelve, and Vicious like, hey, we're all
well actually he was like, hey, we're all gonna go
out to the parade. You guys are gonna believe this
s So we go out to the parade or out
and uh, these floats are going by that are sponsored

by all the bars and the local businesses, you know,
M and H Bank, whatever it may be, and every
single one of them is throwing out cans of beer,
just what they're tossing from the flow. Then, as twelve
year olds, we collect all of these cans of beer
taken into the gutter and we run back to his
backyard and we started drinking beards. I think we must

have had forty beers for like five of us, and
we got absolutely destroyed at the age. Well at that
sad money, isn't it. Yeah, That's what I teach my kids,
my three girls, that's what they get. Does the lessons
they do a beautiful memory, U are we? So what
do you do with spaghetti? What are you drinking there?

Good morning coffee? Trying to get shot when I'm back
it up with some oil. We're now spinning here, spaghetti. Yeah,
the first question is and UM, I guess if people
are actually listening to this, um, they can't see what

we're doing. So you might have to issue some screen
shots if you can do it. Don't make that happen, spaghetti.
But why is it? Just listen? I'm I'm woke enough
to see what's true. Why am I easily the um
least attractive of this quartetty? Why do I look? That's
the same in real life, Dave. There's nothing is changed.

I don't think. I think. I don't normally. I think normally,
I'm like, I'm just looking at this. I'd say I'm
like two or three out of this quartet, but I'm
clearly bringing up the rear here. I don't care. I mean,
I don't. I don't think anyone as the coronavirus is
feeling at their best or looking their best at the time, Dave.
So that you should probably factor that is so I'm

one of the I'm one of the unfortunate people that
is actually displaying symptoms. Yeah, I see, Yeah, Yeah, you're
you're what they call a carrier at this point. This
is good. This is good. Then let's say the four
of us, if we just say this way seven, we
can keep an eye on each other, monitor each other
behavior self. You know, that's what we need. Citizens looking

out for other citizens right now, making sure we're all
telling the line. Here, we'll talk about Tom Brady and
all the other action. What have I missed this morning?
First of all, Spaghetti, do you have anything? I just
saw trade you you had You've had a long sleep,
You've apparently you've had a record breaking sleep. I did.

I have not. I have not left past seven and
literally I don't think years. And I just woke up
to the buzz of my phone with Autie Spaghetti texting
me it's nine am Pacific time. I don't know what happened.
That's weird. I I think I have I think I've
taken to this new lifestyle a little too each Yeah,
but wait, what about you? I mean, you have a

basically a large enough family to have an elementary school already.
How are you homeschooling? How are you homeschooling client police
to announce this morning that I shut down you. I'd
like to, I'll thank you to refer to me as
Professor Dave. That's I get by the way, I was

looking up from tombre. Wait a minute, wait a minute,
wait wait wait wait a minute. And now that I'm
now that you just backed away from the camera, I
have had an opportunity to get a look at your
get up. Uh you are wearing you live in Los Angeles.
You have lived in Los Angeles what twenty years now?
And you are wearing a Minikey car care bowl that

featured the pit Panthers and a Pittsburgh Pirates based right
as I've called you, as I told as I told you,
as you reminisce about your drunken um pre teens in
the streets of Chicago. Um, this was a gift. And
I do not, just for the record, because I'm a
good parent, I did not. I will not be imposing

my Pirates Um fandom on the kids. I've made that
clear to you before, and I'll again now do fans
this would be emotional, This would be emotional child abuse.
To tell my child from four thousand you have to
root for the the embarrassing pirates. The Steelers are the
only one that's the one. And by the way, they're

allowed to root. They're allowed to root for the Rams
or Chargers or Chargers and Rams or anyone else they
once they just can't do it. Under my roof, go
go outside and go find your own TV to watch
your favorite team. And that's a hard thing to do.
That's right, picking them out into you know, they're gonna
find somewhere else to um I do. By the way,

I was just gonna say, I looked up some Tom
Brady stuff yesterday and I was reminded, much like Peyton
Manning inexplicably in the in the in the twilight of
his career, what became the perfect? What was it? What
did he becalled? Not not the Professor? He became shaf

the shareff. Did you know Tom Brady was the Arrow?
Have we discussed U before? I've seen I've heard that's
a nickname that someone some someone's bestowed on him, which
I find extraordinary because nobody would have a call anyone
the farer. Well. What do you think? What do we
think about the Buccaneers with their new Q Well, you know,

I think it it lined up kind of very similarly
to what the Chargers had to offer, right, very good
skill position players that you would say are probably an
upgrade over what he had last season. Um uh, it'll
be interesting, you know, system wise, right, and and the
old Bruce Arians. You know, you've got to risk it
for the Biscuit kind of downfield approach. I mean, you

know it better than than I do. Dave, you can
speak to it from his time in Pittsburgh with his
strong arm quarterback Ben Roethlisberger than Carson Palmer. So that'll
be interesting. So you know, I guess I'll start there
and saying, you know, I guess it's very similar to
what the Chargers had to offer Shack Barrett on defense.
You know, solid young upcoming players on defen It's a

tough division, you know, with a juggernaut in the Saints
of Pop that you have to try to topple um.
And you know, I can get into it a little later,
but that would just be my quick assessment of kind
of what I know about how it didn't come together
for the Chargers and what you know they thought was
gonna happen versus. Yeah, it's it's funny the life stuff
now that UH is UH is more prominent for all

of us. But these days we can relate to a
little bit more about being close to family. But it's
funny because Willie McGinnis sat with us two weeks ago,
and by the way, man, he William McGinnis must be
some poker player, man, because he had to have known
something about this, and he really did not tip his hand,
right Spaghetti. I mean, I've really poured over those conversations

we've had with him in the last couple of months here,
and he he but he also but he also teases you.
He's also he really must be a master poker player,
because he did throw enough out there to distract you
and everything else. And he did. Though you can go
back and say, like Tom's family is very important to
him and being close to them on the East Coast
is a thing. But then you hear the Chris Simms

report a few days back that the Niners were Tom's
first choice and the Niners are the ones who said
no to him. Then so then that the bunks that whole.
I want to be on the East Coast close to
family stuff. So then I threw that report out that
l as out of the mix because of that. I mean,
this is this generous of you. Is it possible that

Willie didn't know anything? I mean, that's the that's the alternative, right,
I mean, I love Willie, But it could be that
I did not share that Willie, and and that Willie
just didn't know what was happening any more than than
anyone else did. And so the misdirection he was throwing
out was speculation, just like everybody else, Please don't tell Willie, well,

guess what this is being recorded? And I like and
like the rest of us, I think Willie has nothing
but time to burn. And I'm sure he's listening to
the d d FP. And then when we're freed from
our respective whole, I you'll have your come to Jesus
moment or come to Willie momentum. But yeah, first of all,

I don't know that it's not relevant at all, but
for at this point, since he's going to the Buccaneers.
But the Niners, what a mistake. I don't under if that,
in fact is a true report that the Niners are like, yeah,
we're better off with Jimmy g at this point than
we are Tom Brad. That's accurate. You know, I am
still of the belief that they wanted him, and I

think that Tom just kind of kept it under wraps
that that he wasn't interested. And I guess I'll just
get into it here. Like my understanding from what I've
kind of gathered and kind of shaking the bushes, is
that the Chargers as late as Monday, thought they had them,
that they had been working on this for about um

that parameters I did. I knew they were going to
make a big swing, that they were going to offer
him a lot and and do everything they could. That
this was from ownership from the top down, that they
wanted Tom Brady um and from what I can gather,
and I'm still trying to kind of make sure I

get a few more people that are willing to kind
of give me some details, but that that they really
thought this, this was gonna this was gonna happen. And
the final obstacle is what you spoke of, and that
you just couldn't kind of get everybody to sign off
on on the West coast and that you know, his
son Jack with you know from from Megan right and

their name Megan one hand um, and that that that
that was just too big of an obstacle that he
goes to all of his games. Um, and that just
the trip that apparently he would have to take back
to the East Coast was just too prohibited and um
from the West coast, even you're flying private. And they
thought they were able to kind of figure that out
and and get that piece right, and ultimately, UM, I

think it was just too much to overcome. And like
you said, that was something that Willie repeatedly alluded to.
And I don't think that it was that his wife
didn't like Los Angeles. I think it was just logistics
and ultimately, and I don't you know, I think, you know,
like our Mike g already reported, there weren't as many
suitors for him as as was being reported. I think,
you know, I had heard from someone. I think it

was Monday, Um, yeah, it was Monday. That don't be
surprised if it's the Dolphins that that they are, they
are the sleeper and all this, and that they're interested
as well, But then come to find out maybe there
was never an offer from them. But I do believe
there was an offer from the Chargers. I do believe
he seriously considered it to a point that they thought
they were going to get this thing done. Uh you

know what's funny, Uh money just froze again. He's finishing
his God, but while he does the Dolphins. What's fun
about the Dolphins is so that keep Fitzpatrick. If you
took the name brands off, if you took the numbers off,
and you could blur your eyes a little bit with
Tom Brady and Ryan fitzpat in a side by side
QB competition with Tom Brady definitely win that based on

physical talent. If if you were to eyeball them and
you know, not know their respective deeds in pro football.
I wonder if Tom Brady because that's the thing nobody's
really talking about. I mean a lot of the cynics,
the fan cynics out there, the vapid uh skeptics of
everything that happens. The big thing I I said a
couple of days ago with the Niners things specifically, you know,

leaning into those uh those rumors about that the Niners
turned them down. Everybody I said that, I said, that's
a big mistake. You know, if you if you can
have Tom Brady for one year in twenty he gives
you a better chance of winning the Super Bowl the
Jimmy G Will and people said, are you crazy? Brady
stunk last year? Who cares what the long term would be?

Awful for them? First of all? Who cares about the
long term in the NFL? I feel like you can.
I mean, you know, have to be um, you know,
nihilistic about the future, but you also, you know, you
play for now, and you know we we we had
that conversation the four of us a week or so ago.
But the idea that Tom Brady, I'm I'm cynical about

Drew Brees at this point about how much exactly he
has left. I still think he's good and everything else,
but I think the situation hasn't been so for him
to get over. And I'm more intrigued by Phil Rivers
and Tom Brady in their new spots, but I think
it's because they've moved now. When I hear Drew Brees
back with the Saints, I'm like, if I'm a Saints guy,
I don't know a fan, I don't know how excited

I am about that. Maybe Teddy b would have been
the better play for them. I mean, you know, politically,
you know, local politics, society. If you let Drew Brees go.
The city of New Orleans would go wild. He's he's
a savior on some level to them. But um, I
find like tom Brady to a new place, like, well,
tom Brady's tom Brady. This is a great get for you.

But I wonder if where do you come down, handsome
on the idea that Tom Brady is in fact forty
three and what we saw last year, Like you and
I have laughed about a little bit, this idea, what
he makes everybody around him better? He didn't make a
first round receiver, and Mohammed Sanu and Julian Adelman and

so on that much better? Is he forty three? And
is Bruce arians and and the city and the Tampa St.
Pete area ready to see like, oh yeah, we we
went after an old guy. Well yeah, I think I
think actually it might be a case of everyone around
him making tom Brady better. The weapons that he has
in Tampa are so much better than those that he

had with the Patriots last season, or certainly by the
end of last season, where you could see him kind
of visibly frustrated with with trying to get young receivers
on the same page as him not having Grownk there
to to do what Gronk was able to do as
an outlet for him in the past. Maybe Sony Michelle
not quite living up to the expectations he's set in
his first season. You look at the weapons you're gonna

have with the Bucks, with with Mike Evans, with Chris Goodwin,
with with potentially O. J. Howard being able to come
out and be a better player than he's been shown
through the first part of his career. With Bruce Arians.
You know, obviously you know nothing wrong with Josh McDaniels
or Bill Belichick, but with Bruce Arians having had success
opening it up for for quarterbacks, especially those towards the

tail end of their career, I feel like it might
actually be a question of him being elevated by the
people he's playing with as opposed to what was expected
of him before, which was well as Tom Brady, we
can send out anyone on the field with him, and
again on the offensive line as well, which the Bucks
aren't great at. They certainly have some issues to fix
red tackle, but the whole group, I think is going

to to make him a better player, and probably one
that we're more used to seeing prior to last year. Well,
I'm waiting this here, Trent Williams for a second. Yeah, yeah,
something like that. I mean, I won't be surprised if
any spaghetti jumps in. They'll let us know that's something
like that's happened. You know, there are so many directions
that I do want to hear about lifestyle stuff for

for each of you guys, more than I do about
NFL free agency. But I do want to hear about
your thoughts on this because here we are handsome. It's
we're one year delayed. We talked about I bet you
a finger last year that you guys on how many
qbs would move, but now it is, in fact here
the dominoes, the biggest of them all, has fallen now

and the guy who it feels like in the musical
chairs or whatever to mix gaming metaphors dominoes and uh
and uh playing in the next few days with respective families.
I don't I really don't know what I'm gonna do
with the little ones. They just keep asking like we
have enough games to get them through, Like we see
like another five to six days, and they're like, can

we play shoots and ladders? It's like when I like
when I have to play the two D and thirty
seventh game of Shoots and Ladders. That's that's when I
don't know what that's what I think. I think so
many times yesterday that I I've had the same person
or whatever her name is looking at me like three times.
I like that. There's only so many games of guests

who before you get back and you're like, oh, I've
got Max again. Um that that it's time time to
time to shut those were not deeping up into it
yet here. But yeah, we will need to do an
update on the best board games um soon because that's
something everybody can relate to. But I do think, oh,
you're gonna find out, You're gonna certainly find out it

will not control Group Monopoly two D games worth of
it now. UM yeah. I wonder though, what Jamis what
an indictment if if the video that I don't know,
if you guys saw the JPP video reacting to the

news of Tom Brady coming to Tampa, his joy, if
that's not enough of an indictment makes make Jamis feel
sad about himself, like, hey, JPP, you don't have to
be that happy that I'm going that I place, But
that is a pretty striking I mean, you know you
can do the math on that, like, oh, I guess
you really I didn't think I was very good if

the forty three year old guy moving down here for
a year is exciting, But I wonder like is that? Uh?
Is that? And I think you know we I think
we we recognize that that football players that actually, you know,
this is their job, they react differently to most situations.
But I think if you're JPP and you have a
chance to say I played football with Tom Brady, you

know what I mean? If you're what you've you've never
had that opportunity unless you were on the Patriots, and
now something you never thought was possible in your career,
you're gonna be able to say I played football with
arguably the greatest player or the greatest quarterback to have
ever played the game. I do think there's just maybe
some in the moment reaction like holy crap, I'm gonna
be in a locker room on being a field and

I'm gonna be able to tell people, first of all,
I loved your I caught you on the Petros some
mone the other day. So the finest radio showing all
the land checking out you are doing it. You're you're
sticking with a good for you guys, I heard I
mean that was absolutely true. Yeah, as uh as you know,
you get to live the dream. Calling pro football games,

uh for a living is pretty cool stuff. But I
heard you uh talking about exactly that. How cool would
be to call a Tom Brady game. That's my QB
and to bump into him in the facility and kidbits
with him and all that stuff. Um, yeah, I get that.
By the way, Reggie Wayne is the only guy who
was ever honest with us about that. When I when
I've asked players opposing players like do you ever take

a second to look across the field be like, oh
my god, there's Tom Brady, the best of all time,
They're like, Nope, never think about that. Sure yeah, sure, yeah,
of course I did that. Yeah, it's cool, Like, yeah,
it was a nerve. Made me nervous to be playing
against the Patriots. Um. But so now Jamis is out
on the market, I guess, and I guess there's some
chances he's an interesting one to me. And maybe it's

because I love college football and I just remember the
Florida State team, you know, and it's like man, how
does someone not want to take a swing at that.
I mean, I know he threw the thirty picks and
he's always had turnover issues, but my god, the guy
passed for five thousand freaking yards and he still throws
a beautiful ball. Um. But again, I think it's probably

just my bias, you know, of of watching those Florida
State teams and being like, holy crap, this guy is
one of the best quarterbacks we've seen in college football.
I agree you, And I was thinking, and my math
is exactly the same as York. That's exactly right. I thought,
no way, not the not the guy who who got
Florida stayed over with the with the last minute touchdown pass,

and and the guy was the first overall pick and
the guy who has had some legitimate moments um in
the NFL. But if, like I say, the j PP
thing on a personal level, on a human level, like
a VP. But the bigger indictment is that the QB
whisperers we always talk about Andy Reid and Bruce Arians
are the legit QB whispers and everybody else is a

fraud in that regard. If Bruce Arians is like, yeah,
get me, yeah, we don't want to do a long
term with this guy. We will get get the three
year old guy. Then. I know egos are are big
among offensive coordinators in the NFL, but aren't they gonna
be like well, Bruce arians didn't want to keep them,
Why are we going to bring Jamison? But I really

don't know where the natural spot is for him save
the interesting thing is handsome Hanks team. I don't think
they would do it, but I think the dollars, but
you get, you get. You don't think it's that there's
a there's a recently vacated spot in that same division

that you know they're probably gonna want to put competitions.
I could I could see him easily, see him go
to New England and and be one of the quarterbacks
that's that's shooting for for that role with a rookie
with yards it and maybe with another quarterback as well,
and just let them battle it out like there isn't
an obvious isn't an obvious solution for the Patriots given

where they pick in in the first round. All right,
let's get to that, because I don't want to run
out of time, but I do want to talk about
a bunch of other stuff. But uh, and maybe we'll
get to it today and maybe we won't. Just real
quick before you do that, how about this, Like I
I was thinking about it. Who would you rather have? Camera? Jamie? Really?
I mean y' years ago? Yeah, he has not been

able to row a football. Well, all those kids just
like all those kids not. I don't wanna draw comparisons
between me and the frat foodes out on the beach
as a Florida right now. But just as I always say,
I think our society um lean and I count myself
among these like we're a little cavalier about like, yeah,
the scientists will fix everything. They'll they'll figure everything out.

I am a kind of that way about football players
these days. I am kind of like Peyton Manning. He
can't play anymore. He's got a bad neck. Like doctors,
they'll fix that, and then Peyton, you know, goes on
to have a few brilliant seasons with Denver. I'm kind
of thinking the same thing is gonna happen with Cam
a year or two from now. Will be like remember
when people were like Cam's never gonna play football again? Yeah,

that was silly. Now he's a supercar Gainer. I see,
I think he's different. You know. To me, Cam's different.
I mean he is really taking a beating over the
course of O and we have really seen just his past.
He's never been a great passer UM ever in his career,
to save his rookie year, right when he had that
monster game to start his career, the five yard passing
game against the Cardinals. I think we all remember it,

and I think that's what it was. I say, I
think we all remember it, um. But but since then,
the guy hasn't thrown over four thousand yards. You know,
he doesn't throw a ton of touchdowns. And we just
kind of saw his the last, you know season prior
to this last one, when you missed the whole year. Man,
it looked bad and it looked like it was unraveling.
And now you take that athleticism away from him, you know,

that made him that special player. I'm not like, I
think I would be more comfortable doing a one year
prove it deal with Jamis would So do you well,
are either either of those in play UM with your employer?
I don't know. I really don't. I think, you know,
I do think they were being honest when they said
We're comfortable with Tyrod, especially if they draft, you know,

if if it's six, or if they move up to
get to UH, or if they like Jordan's Love or
Justin Herbert or something. I think the Tyrod thing makes
sense because you're going to get to your loved one later.
But I do again, if they were interested in Tom,
then that means that they were interested in pr and
then that means that they couldn't be that excited about

opening a new stadium with Tyrod Taylor. Poor Tyrod Taylor,
by the way, But this is the way we we
keep talking about him now a couple of situations. But
but I think, yeah, maybe Jamie is to to um
the gap just in terms of, like, hey, let's see
if we get him on the chief and maybe you know,

the guy's twenty five. You know he's twenty five. Go
back to your board. How did you have him rated
when he came out? Is there enough there that you know,
like what basically what what Mike and Mike Mayok and
John Gruden did with Mariota? Right? You know Mayok Adam
is his number one quarterback. Gruden had always sung his
praises UH, and they were like, whatever we can get
this guy in a one year deal. We're not sold

on our quarterback. Uh, and let's see if we we
strike gold. You know, if we basically what the Typess
did with Tannahill, if we can do with Mariota, I
would feel the same way about doing it with Jamis.
Again more so than I would with Cam. I think
at thirty, with all the injuries, with what we've seen
the last two seasons. Um, you know, just as as
if I'm like, if I'm the Bears, would I rather

have Cam push Mitch or James think it rather? Yeah?
I think right in that situation, I think he's the
right guy for the Bears because you what you in
keeping Mitch, what you kind of as a GM and
coach who drafted him, you still want him to win
that job, so you don't want someone that's going to
be I think Cam is to alpha for that situation.

Jamis has already lived in a world with Royan Fitzpatrick
a year ago that you know he was that he
was kind of in a job share position, especially at
the start of that season when he was when he
was unavailable for the Bucks. So I think he knows
how to handle it. I think I don't think Cam
is willing to go in and be like, again, wait,
I'm battling it with a guy called Mitch Trabisky. This

is not you know, that just doesn't He doesn't feel
like it's going to be his thing. Whereas for the Charges, though,
I could definitely see I'm not convinced that there's actually
a market for Cam in a trade, given given his
his contract and everything else. I wouldn't be surprised if
the Panthers just, you know, a couple of weeks from now,
when they realized that flat out release Cam and just

say right, we're moving on. That's probably the That's probably
the moment where the Chargers then could say, alright, fine,
we will do a one year deal to see how
healthy you are. It maybe does the pr things for us,
get some some butts and seats, et cetera, and and
then you know, pretty soon into that experience you're gonna
find out, Okay, it's healthy to any extent or not. Well,

obviously it's not gonna go this way with our guy
with David Carr's brother, Derek, there um is gonna get
the stick around, it would seem for another year and
go toe to toe with Marcus and mar maybe Mariota ironically,
and this is ironic that since he got replaced by
Ryan Tannehill, that if he went to Las Vegas and
ended up being the savior Forders, that that's irony, that

would be ironic. That would be What would be that
is that would be fun is if Derek weren't there
and then um and then Gruden said like, hey, also
get James here, and now let's have the two guys
who went one into in the draft compete for for
the starting gig for us, that would be fun. But

that no, that wouldn't be ironic. It would just be
fun to for us to sit back into. By the way,
I think Mariota wins that job, I think I think
you will see they'll sell it as he's coming into
be his backup. And then I think you will see
training camp roll around and much like we saw in
Tennessee and a team that was not sold on their starter,

all of a sudden, you're here and a right Ryan
Taniels getting snaps and in camp. That's that's kind of weird.
I think you know that same thing to me is
after this many years of watching Mariota, you know who
he is he is exactly rich gannon that he I mean,
all the skills, all the attributes, the demeanor, and otherwise.

I mean, I don't know about repetive intellects yet intellects,
but they play like if you blur your eyes, that
that does make all the sense in the world. With
what Jon Gruden's done over the years. Again, they're like,
jam Is, if Bruce arians is not comfortable with you
as his quarter back, that I can't imagine a bigger
indictment to send out to the rest of pro football, Like, yeah, Bruce,

Bruce felt like there was something else out there? What
kind of ego would you have to have? Like, yeah,
Bruce is wrong, I'll show you with James here, I
don't real I don't know what's gonna end up being
with with Famous James. I don't know. I think just
kind of quickly to the thing that I'm most interested
in with with Mariota. Well, there's two things. One we

talked to Lincoln Kennedy yesterday, who, of course, long time
offensive lineman, you know, pro bowler, University of Washington, dominant,
all American, that guy, so he knows what he's talking
about him. He brought up a real interesting point about Derek.
And remember he's the analyst for the Raider broadcast. He is,
he's the guy that reps the team, and he's just
always been a straight shooter. One of the reasons he
is a great person to talk to you about these things.

He says, Look, here's the problem with Derek. He's like,
if I'm on the offensive line and I'm busting my
tail and I'm holding my blocks and this guy is
rolling to his right and he keeps dirt balling it
and he keeps on the ball away, I'm getting pissed
and I'm pissed about it, and I'm tired of giving
it that extra hump because he's always looked basically, the
way Gruten's offense is set up is that safety is

always there, but you're supposed to use it as a
last resort and and wait for those routes to develop downfield.
And he said, Derek just always goes to that check
down first, and when that's not there, he throws the
ball away. And this great offensive line, he says, I
think gets frustrated with that because the stats are there,
the completion percentage of third downs, all that stuff is there,

but they don't score points, So I don't care about
your your seventy or your however many yards, if you're
average in eighteen points per game or whatever it is,
it just doesn't matter, you know. That's that's you can't
win football games that way. And that's why I think
Mariota with a his ability to run and be that
strong arm where you can really push it down field,

to me, it's just a much better match and I
think will ultimately shine through. And I wouldn't be surprised if,
you know, by the end of the first quarter the season,
and maybe maybe they should have waited for Jamis then,
because I'd say he'd be an even better match for
that system than that Mariota would have been. Yeah. Yeah,
but but that may speak to Dave's point about you know,

if Bruce couldn't make it work. It's fun to think
about all the divisions and as these things are still
shaken out here, we don't know if even if it
is Tyrod Taylor, but if it's Jordan's love, like we
talked about money before you went to the combined, about
how he was gonna emerge. Um, but yeah, and then
and then you think about so Tom Brady's Buccaneers. Now

drop in there with another future Hall of Famer Drew Brees.
And anyway, um, those are conversations will have later to
the main event. What do you think happens? First of all,
And I'll start with you, handsome Hank on this one.
Who who cares about two years from now? People can
do in the two year window all that matters. Things

will change radically by a year. Maybe they're be football games,
maybe there won't be Shame the devil even say that
out And at this time one year from now, who
looks better Tom Brady's Buccaneers, Tom Brady the football player
or Bill Belichick's Patriots. Who wins the trade in other words,

or the move the divorce? I mean, it's it's hard
to I mean, as you asked right now, because we
don't know who's going to be playing the most important position,
So it's really difficult to say. But you know, based
on ballotcheck, you're not betting on whoever that quarterback is.
You're talking replacement level guy. That's kind of the point.

And maybe they will make a big splash and get
cam or something like that. But I think you can
assume it's gonna be somebody more likes it's it's in
that case, it's hard not to say, um that the
buccane Is will be in a better place. I think
that you know, they're clearly being built to do this
right now, and I agree with you. I think they're
going to make more of a splash over the next
few weeks, whether it for Trent Williams or going up

and getting some other weapons for Brady and the draft.
Um so yeah. I think I think a year from now,
we'll look at this and say the Bucks in the
short term did the right thing. Eddie Spaghetti. I think
the Bucks are going to be a borderline micro building

can kill everyone. If you have to go and the
rice Patty, you can do that if they just let
us know if you're gonna do that. Look, gaming comes
in handy. It's for audio podcasting or video podcasting when
we're doing remotely. Um I I good because of the
are we gonna keep joking? I want to talk football,

be entertained. Entertained. I think it's an astro A ten.
You guys can pick it up on the store. It's good,
you know, works for PC, works for a PlayStation segment.
Eddie Spaghetti doing endorsements that the that the product didn't
ask for. Can Eddie Spaghetti please not mention our product

in there, like yeah, yeah, yeah, we don't want you
can say this very quickly to interrupt you spaghetti. I
did the light and the fact that Scott Hansen reported
that Brady had dinner with Derek Jeter, the owner of
the Tampa Bay Lightning, and uh and Bill Gates. I

love the idea of like. I love the idea of like.
So it was game owner of the Lightning. If I
have a big life decision, I'm getting the three of
you together with me and we're gonna pow wow over
dinner and settle all hat. I like to have these
billionaires billionaire sect. Do you think the billionaires have like
a thing of like, I know we're in Florida, but

but and are are some of us? Know this guy
Donald and he's big in Florida and he'd love to
be here. Don't call him. We're getting together, like I'm
on a plane down right now, Like no, no, stay there,
you got things to deal with. But anyway, I love
that that's his that's his group who we pow wows
with to figure this all out. That's a great I

think they do credit card roulette. I think they just
put all four in a hat, they shake it up
and somebody pulls it out right. They like to do that,
like the rest of the handsome doing it. To stop
touching your face, you're not supposed to be touching my
face would be an opportunity for me to grow a bid,
just because I've always wanted to do that but havn't
had a chance. But growing a bit the you have

to touch your face, I can't stop touching much. I
have to have a beard to cover up what's underneath. Handsome,
don't do that to your your handsome hand for a reason,
you know. Yeah, let's let's get alongside um anyway, I
erupted you, eddie spaghetti as I see your your handbar
in the way. Maybe that would be the deterrent. They

should distribute instead of um those uh those face masks
for everybody, they should just distribute football helmets to everybody,
because when you go for your go ahead spaghetti your
thoughts I interrupted you, uh for some of the Brady, Yeah,
I think that with the with the NFCY South and
this weird state where you kind of alluded to it

party like a month or two ago. But the Saints
do you trust them to do the same old thing
with Drew Brees? So who knows about them? The Falcons,
obviously we're a big disappointed last year. And the Panthers,
I guess, or your team that wants to lay down
for a high pick next year to get Trevor Lawrence
or whoever the quarterbacks gonna go number one overall next
year is um So, I guess in a sense, the
Bucks are in a good spot to be the division's

best team for the next year or two, depending on
how long time Brady is there. So for that alone,
and if the Patriots are going to get a league
average guy like a Adalton, I would say the Bucks
are probably in a better position right now, if at
least the next two seasons. It is interesting that it
really does seem to boil down to along with like
you say that he wants to be on the East
Coast and so therefore closer to his uh, his oldest son,

and he's building the TV twelve brand and he wants
to do production and all that kind of stuff Brady. Um.
But I guess the factor that he you know, we
talked about does he really want to go to the
a f C West and be in a division with
Patrick Mahomes and the Raiders who seemed to be getting better,
and the Broncos who seemed to be getting better, Um,

the Buccaneers. I guess with Ariy, I'm trying to I
think that we are ignoring everything to Bill Belichick has
done for twenty years. And I think that the Patriots,
like we all like I keep going out. They went
twelve and four and just about thirteen and three. And
I think that the thing that the thing with Tom

Brady more than anything else seems to have come out
of this is he really does want to play until
he's forty five. That's the goal. Is he wants to
make some point around fitness and TV twelve and all that.
And I think that the Patriots indicated somewhere like, yeah,
we're not gonna keep playing you until you I'm not like.
I think my sense of this is from reading the
tea leaves and everything, is that Belichick at some point

said like, I'm not guaranteeing you that you have the
quarterback gig until you're forty five, if that's really your goal,
And Brady said, I need to go somewhere that will
guarantee that I get to be that guy. And I
do think Belichick, I people Patriots fans think I'm tweaking
them or trying to diminish their hero Brady. But I

do think that as everybody annoints the Buffalo Bills f
C East champs, and I would be inclined to think
that that's the way it goes. Do I think what's
really gonna happen is that the Patriots are gonna be good?
They're not. Do you really think that Andy Altner Nick
Foles is like, oh, they're nine and seven. Now, yeah,
they're just not They're they're okay, but they're but yeah,

they just can't they can't do without anymore. Yeah, I
mean I don't. I guess my big issue is, you know,
you look at kind of the Patriots, right, and they
were in these tight games with the Bills last year,
and they lost to the Dolphins in Week seventeen, and
they lost the tight game to the Titans in the
first round of the playoffs. The record was good, but
remember there were a lot of tight games, uh in

that in that twelve and four season. One to you know,
Kyle Van Noy has gone Jamie Collins. Um, you know,
I know they kept tuning and Danny Shelton is now gone.
I mean they're they're losing some guys. Look, if you
asked me, who do I want to bet on? If
I'm yeah, I'm if I'm betting, you want me to
bet on either Bill Belichick with Tom Brady, I'm gonna

bet im Belichick, I am, because he did it with
that cast, so he did it with Jacobe Ber said, Um,
I do believe that he is a superior coach to
anyone else that is on the opposite sideline from him. Um,
and I if all things being equal, he is going
to come out ahead. But at the same time, it's
not just Brady. Um. You know, there's there's some other

things he's got to figure out, and they've they've done
okay job of drafting, not a great job of drafting. Um.
You know, Joan Bentley will be back. They feel really
good about him. The offensive line is pretty good with
Wayn and Tuney, so you have some time. But they've
done a horrible job with receivers. Um. I don't know
what the plan is. It it tight end, you know,
I think that's I think there's there's some serious issues

that go beyond Brady in a division where the Dolphins
are spending money and are on the come. Right the Bills.
I'm a big believer in Sam donald um and and
the Jets, you know, and what they were able to
do towards the back end of that season. So I
think it's you know, I think, look, I think both
of them are gonna have trouble, is actually what I'm

getting at. I do think the Saints are a juggernaut.
I'm not saying that that Drew Brees is Pat Mahomes,
but I think Sean payton is is another one of
those coaches you know that prey gone good um, and
they're good on both sides of the ball. You know,
the Falcon's closed really strong when they got healthy. Um.
So really the only push over that division is the Panthers. Um,
and don't don't forget, you know, I know Eddie said

it looks like the Panthers are in tank modile. They
just handled sixty million bucks to Teddy Bridgewater and and
Matt Rule is not the kind of guy that's gonna tank.
I mean, he took a one and eleven Baylor team
that was supposed to take five years to turn around,
and in two years he was a combined six points
and losses to Oklahoma, one of those in overtime in
the Big Twelve Championship from being in the four team playoff.

He is a really really good coach. It's interesting because
we gotta wrap up the handsome's gotta go. I wanna
handsome you. Um uh. It's funny because I guess in
in the fanciful, really fanciful thoughts among football fans, and
I'm asking, so I was about to ask it are

the Buccaneers legitimate Super Bowl contenders? But the money's point,
I think I think it's I think it is like
when we talked to keep to Leave a week ago,
and he did tell us he knew, he knew. He said,
like it's over there there, he does not want to
go back there. He knew something to go way back
to where we started. If a key to Leave knew,
I think Willie knew too. But anyway that there was

a divorce pending there. But um as we as we
contemplate the instead of being glass half full, you know,
the John Lannon and Paul McCartney effect of and they
both were fine afterwards, but neither achieved the heights of
the Beatles. Once they split, Um, who's more likely to

miss the playoffs? Then let's go let's go more negative.
Do the Patriots missed? Do the Bucks? Or do they both?
Remember you get the extra wild card this year? Does
the extra World card? So I think both teams probably
wind up making the playoffs, but I think they're in
that six seven range as opposed to you know, suddenly
the Bucks are a number one seed or the Patriots
continue to be the dominant man buy such a long

way in the age you got. You gotta go through
the three wild cards? Right? Are they better than are
they better than the back and Vikings? I would say no,
So there's there's one wild card, right. Then then you
get into are they better than the Seahawks and the
forty niners? Right? That's two wild cards, And then you
gotta ask are they better than the Cowboys? Uh? And

or the Eagles? Right? So, I I think, and that's
maybe where you find That's where that third wild card
comes into play, right because if there were still two
wild cards, that'd say no, they're not Listen, I see
I always talk about the vapid cynics, and I've watched
the twenty years of Tom Brady, but at this point
I'm not as thoroughly convinced. As soon as it happened,

people started to declare, like, hey, they're going for it, man,
the Bucks are making it sit. Hey, do you know
the super Bowl is in Tampa and probably what I
think those bucking the years are gonna go to the
super Bowl this year? Like that seems like that seems
awfully optimistic with the forty three year old cubing. And again,
like I asked you about Ryan Fitzpatrick, if you really

blur your eyes and you put Tom Brady against let's
say Jameis Winston in a QB competition in um August
of with Tom Brady definitely win that we're just the
force of his will and work ethic and all the
all that kind of assess kind of stuff. Is that

that really is going to get the Buccaneers over the
hump in the division, let alone and the NFC. I
think people are getting a little bit um, you know,
glass half full about it. I think the stronger likelihood
and I'm with you on Sam Darnald and what the
Jets are building there and the Dolphins are interesting, and
I think the Bills are a legit player in the
a f C this year. But you know, I'm I'm

betting on Belichick if I have to, I'm betting on
the double dyectually, especially if you go to those cards
like what we do, you know the exercise we just
did in the NFC, do it with the a f C.
And it's like, yeah, I can totally see them making it.
Do you feel good about it about a second team
in the a f C West? Do you feel do
you feel like the Steeler return to glory and be

that second team in the a f C Orth or
do you still have questions about what Ben looks like,
you know, post injury, is he actually going to be healed.
Then you get to the South and it's like, Okay,
I feel good about the Colts. Uh. They signed one
of the best defensive linemen to help anchor that defense
in Buckner, and then you get Philip Rivers behind that
offensive and I feel good about that. But it seems
like the Texans are in turmoil a little bit. Obviously,

the Jags are out of it, and I don't know
what the Titans look like on a full season after
a guy carried the ball four at a time. So
it just seems like that path is a lot easier
for Belichick if you're talking about that third wild card
than it is man. But it's crazy that we're talking
about the world that's that's now the bar for the Patriots.

We're not talking about them rumping their way through the season.
And do you think they're better than I think? I
think they're better than the Bills? Yeah, yeah, right, No,
I get, I mean, I get why we are but
and l I I really I I will say, because
we haven't talked about it since the since the news

of the extra playoff team. I if you have not
heard the show before, then um, then this may come
as more of a surprise. I can't stand it. The
NFL Pro football is not the equivalent of the NBA.
The NBA. You do not just come out of nowhere
one season. You do not just you're not some bum

team and then the next year. And it's weird. It's
counterintuitive because basketball, by its nature, you plug one guy
into the lineup, you can change your fortunes entirely. And
yet in the NBA you have to build like you
go from out of the playoffs to in it. Then
you get some experience and you make a run. Then
maybe you get over the hump. Finally in the NFL

you can your fortune can just change overnight. Suddenly you're
a bad team. Oh now we're in the super Bowl
the following year. Um, it's it's two coin flippy. The
difference is narrower between pretty good and pretty bad in
the NFL versus in the NBA. You throw an extra
team into the mix. I think it's just gonna spoil things.

Even though nobody said throughout more over the last three
or four months, if you get one of those top
two seeds, you get to the Super Bowl. UM with
with a ridiculous person likelihood. In pro football over the
last decade, still every game is a coin flip. In
pro football, it feels like are close to it, um,

and so you throw an extra team into the mix.
I think it's gonna I think it's gonna spoil some things.
I think you're gonna see nine and seven junk getting
the Super Bowls, and I'm against it. Is uh is
is my thought on that you're excited about it, though
you like the idea of just one by one team
getting a buy I do. I think that's such a
big advantage that, um that that should be your reward

for winning the regular season. Um, it is hard. You know,
the football is a hard game, and we all know
we've all seen players and what they look like coming
off the field and what that week of recovery looks
like going into you know, the next Sunday. And I
think if in fact, you get the best. I mean,
think about the Chiefs, right, they won the Super Bowl.
They were going to be playing on wild card weekend

and the Patriots happened to slip up against the Dolphins,
and that great age with potentially so it's like, I
think it should be reserved for the number. I think
it be one team. I think the Ravens should have
been the only team that had that because I have
won the regular seaston or interesting is that they won
the regular season. I think when your division, right, I

think it's I am of the mind that it should
be old school big ten Bosham Beckler, Woody Hayes kind
of mentality of like the goal every year is to
win the conference. That's that's what you want to do.
You want to win your division, and there should be
a carrot for doing that and that is to buy.
And I know every once in a while you get

an eight and eight team went in some bum division,
and that's why it doesn't work for me. But the
cats home the carrot is that that first weekend and
if you only if you were the Big ten and
you only play the Big ten save two to three game.
You know they've added that third game. Everybody pretty much
plays the same people. Um, but you know what I mean,

like with the last place schedule versus the first place schedule?
What what what was the random rotation that we were
on this year? Did we play the a f C
North or did we play the a f C South?
You know what I mean? And how that all balances out?
To me, I think it's just one of you guys
is going to get it. And maybe that's just the
soccer fan in me and thinking about how you know,
the e p L champion is just crowned over who

wins the regular season and you're the champion and that's
that and that's kind of your reward for that long
period of time. And to me, I do think there
should only be one of those, Um, one particular team
should should get that decided advantage and I think everybody.
To me, it just doesn't make sense that second place

gets the same thing, and it is such a time.
All right, we'll wrap it up here quickly. Are the
Rams the fourth place team in their division? They're in trouble,
they lose bro Oh that's a good one. Well, I
don't know how they got everybody. I'd love to hear
about that money without exposing anything that is told to

you or in small print and your contract with your
pro football team and your relationship there. But it is
remarkable the Rams really did get everybody who we talked
to who's associated in any way with the organization. Everybody
told that Todd Gurley line. But now, oh yeah, we're
trying to trade him. Yeah, but everyone that's fine. What
are you talking about Todd's fine? What do you mean?

Everybody we talked to told that line and they had
the same line too. I'm fascinated. How does that if
you're associated with this organization, you do not let on
the Todd We made a bad deal with Todd Gurley here. Yeah,
I think that's you know, it's it's clear that that
less is. While he was celebrated there for a second,
you know, he's made some bad deals, um, and that's

certainly the headliner of them all, although I think the
golf deal might end up being worse when it's all
said and done. Just the amount of money given to him.
And look, they they've got three guys or four guys
that are taken up over half of their contract, over
half of their cap. That's crazy. I mean, it's just
you can't let alone a running back that it takes
up that percentage of of the cap. So I if

I were forced, yeah, I'd say I. I mean, Aaron
Donald is such a dominant force, um in such a
game record, I think I might still have them as
the third place team. I think it's a real toss
up between them, and really I do. Yeah, I just
I was saying, I still think there's some of the
issues with the with the air raid and then when

you get in the red zone it's still tough to
score and clean and Kingsbury still trying to figure that out. Um.
I do think Kyler Murray is a super a supreme talent.
Love with Kenyan Drake added to them and obviously getting
you know, what many believed is the best receiver in
the league, is going to help that offense out. Um,
but I just want to see it. You know, Aaron
Donald's just that good. He's the best defensive player in
the league. And it's hard for me to say that

that's a last place team with him out there. Spaghetti
asked your friends Fabiano and company, the fantasy gurus. I mean,
Kyler Murray is a first round pick. And I'm not
one to say get draft a QB. But Kyler Murray
should light it up. Things that the stars are aligned
in the sense that it should be like a sissy

come here. Um, like, uh, say hello to everybody. Look
at everybody on the computer, Well hello, good morning. Yeah,
pour of a visual uh than than an audio. Um.
But yeah, I think that it'll be like mahomes in
the sense that that they won't have a defense in

and um, he's got all the webs in the world.
He's gonna light it up, right, and are isn't gonna
put up just gargagein h statistics started to last year
he didn't run as much as a lot of people
thought he was gonna. Um, so maybe there's a little
bit more of that this year. All Right, we'll wrap
it up. I'm sorry, I've gone way too long I
do the next the next go ahead of answer what

one one question? Did? I mean? This is really for everyone,
but especially for Eddie. Did we go too far with
our intervention Eddie Day? This is my holiday. I had
old corn beef and uh yeah, that was my But

I mean the advantage, the advantage of you, you know,
you're not winning, like that spaghetti. I like that. I
had to. I got, I got corn beef and my
potato on it. I'll get for this one. Um, I
was craving the I don't really love corn beef. UM

actually got it yesterday as a ruben sandwich from like
Canner's Daily, which is probably not the way to celebrate
the holiday, but whatever, Um, I wanted Irish soda read
terribly excited. I do love that. And I live in
an area that weirdly has two Ralphs and those don't
know Ralph's Ralphs as a grocery store, but within two
minutes of each other, and I went to my usual one.

They didn't have any Irish soda bread and it was
pouring out the other day here and I'm sure all
you guys saw and you know you're supposed to stay
inside quarantine. This net, and I was just like, man,
I really really want that irishorta read for for the holiday,
So I uh, I hopped back in my cart, I
dropped the groceries off and went to the other Ralph
and I had one last loaf and I got it.
So you're when you're supposed to avoid the public, I'm

back out there to get in my my Irish soda bread.
So probably a bad decision that, uh, well, you got
you or anything else? Cold brew and I got wraps
of making peanut and jelly on Holy tortiller apps. That's
when my love, I love the time of of apocalypse

that it sounds like the makings of a feature film.
Eddie spaghetti um going up against all the all the
dangers out there to find his soda bread. Now that
will be a strong third act when he finds his soda,
the last one on the wreck. I also think, by
the way, I do think it's not just gonna be
spaghetti I think this is gonna be our fattest um

are as opposed to other past large scale human tragedies.
I think when people emerge, I think a half century
from now, when you see when people are are our
grandchildren and great grandchildren see us. We will not emerge
um you know, thin and drawn. Instead, we're gonna we're

gonna be morbidly obese as we emerge from our respective holes.
You know, is that bears were just bears were loading
up on calories in the hybern our bodies. Next time
we do this we also have to figure out. I
really do think that this situation is going to um

uh shine a light on certain industries, certain human beings
who it's like, oh, yeah, you know what I learned
from that? You're in essential or and not just in essential.
I mean this about sports for a living is in
essential definition, But I think it's like, not only is
it in essential? Nobody missed it at all, And I
think legitimately I think they. I think the idea of

of made gigantic sound stage produced television programming people are
gonna be like, oh yeah, we don't need that, Why
are we doing that? I legitimately think that's something that
is coming down the pike, like, oh yeah, we can
do what we're doing right now. Is that does the
audience really we just judge judging by Eddie's microphone, we clearlyquate. Yeah,

Eddie's microphone and I'm money. I'm money for last question
everything seconds, I think both of those things that were
just in raw number. Who gains the most weight out
of the four of us I'm wearing under our job soon,
I'm keeping care of business. Going hand puts on the pound. No, no,

are your pointing point? It's spaghetti. Yeah, yeah, there you spaghetti.
I don't know alright, so well each other different, but yeah,

it's definitely we met a finger on it. Whoever, whoever
gains the most weight? Looke, yeah, okay, okay, hold on, okay,
I'll go get my scale. Do you guys have a scale.
Let's have a way in. Let's have a way in
now and then um and then I've got the tailed
come on, okay, wait, that's had it. Come on. Although

I need, I need, I need a hard floor. It
won't work in here. I just stood on. There's mine.
I'm one eight. I can't get it to working here.
Three we go, ready, three, you're sixty five pounds. Wow, yeah,

that's that's that's pounds more than I would have given you.
I as of last night was something or other. So
I know that I can't get it to work. And
and the and the carpet here um spaghetti, there you go,
I'll go, I'll gon go running spaghetti too heavy for you? Hank?

Is that light for you? Is that average? That's my playing?
That's that's right now, that's right, that's right. That's about
seven eight pounds heavy for me. I'm normally about Wow.
Now that he's not on Mike for real, spaghetti is
getting fat guy voice like that's that's the realized local.

But also because he was wearing that a lot of
heavy breathing as well. The best part of the headset,
by the way, maybe that's that could be the Viruls,
might be the pir soda bread Well, well, I made

icon time across the rotary store aisle with that last loaf,
a solo bread. I don't think I have a basic
at all about baked potata with cheddar here, And he definitely,
he definitely, he definitely. I thought someone for that for that? Hey,
how you bought some when not the way I was

hoping for? I haven't. I'm a two thirty five number?
What's the number I'm not? I thought I thought I
was closer to thirty. But it's the extra five. He's
probably gonna weren't I haven't got today. A lot of water,

A lot of water weight. Yeah, of course, it's all yeah,
a lot of Yeah, that's exactly. I'm hanky very and
he's a thin guy. I'm I'm you know, I'm a
little bit shorter, you know, I don't know. You there

you go, alright, let's end it there. Spaghetti the spaghetti dude, Like,
why have people been doing that? Now? It's people who
fancy themselves as fitness people. They drink, They constantly have
a bottle of water with them, but they drink it
out of the side of their mouth. You know. It's

very kind of just because of the mike. The mike,
that really good sounding mike. You don't want to mess
that up. Yeah, you don't know. I think they I
think in their brain. I think like they think they're
at their bottle of water in the side, like the
like the biker did. Um. All right, I see Dan
hand bus is Um is texting some snark our way handsome.

So that'll that'll be and all right, with that, With
that done, this is our um thus our podcast here,
and since we have nothing better to do, let's take
a break and we'll do it again in forty five
minutes or something like that. Okay, given a chance to
eat some of that delicious soda, bread and Irish butter,

some of that Irish culture. But there you go. That's
gonna that's gonna serve you well through this. But money
Smith is broadcast heroically with Petro's Papadick. Make sure you
check it out on I Heart Radio or otherwise. It'll
help fill a few hours for you. Thank you, Matt
money Smith, Handsome Hank, thank you, Hope well uh with
with your kids state side as well as across the sea,

Eddie Spaghetti go take a few runs and uh, I'm
maybe you can replace Durrell Casey on that Tennessee. Uh
the love that Leix climb Backer size. I'm where we're
in a week. I just took a show to bread

made lemonade. There you go, all right? Well, uh well
keep it with you later on until then. Thank you.
And it's been insight to he
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