All Episodes

March 5, 2020 69 mins

Dave Dameshek is joined in Studio 66 by Handsome Hank for a brand new DDFP! In a very "game of life" heavy episode the guys talk about Eddie Spaghetti's eating habits (3:42), Tom Brady's legacy if he joins a new team (9:51), the Netflix show Love Is Blind (26:08) and what is the best movie of this century (34:16). The group also plays two games of 'Use Your Noodle' both based on the NFL Draft (16:00 & 53:19)!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I announce world power is back, big news everybody, just

in time for for the NFL Draft. How about that,
David The Dave Damage Sick Football program available on Apple
Podcast and at NFL dot com slash g DFP. Now
here's your host, Damage. Yeah, we have a lot of

stuff we have to talk about. You know, Willie mc
ginnis was in here just uh, you know, a mere
matter of hours ago talking about where his old pal
Tom Brady might go. I encourage you, need demand that
you go back and listen to that when he had
some keen um really unique insights on Tom Brady. Nobody
is closer with the Patriots organization and the key players

in it than number fifty five Willie mc ginnis is.
So take his insights as actual knowledge, not just rumormongering
like Dave Damaschik likes to do. But of course, we're
people first, and we're worried. We're worried about our our
friend Eddie Spaghetti back there behind the glass, who is
slowly but surely I'm afraid to report eating himself to death.

Out of the league. Out of the league at minimum. Hi,
and hello, and welcome to the Dave Damashek Football program.
I hope all is well wherever you are, at least better.
I hope you have a more room than handsome Hagen
I have, because Eddie Spaghetti is taking up ever more
of it with this past day. How are you well?
First of all, let's say hello to two before we tackle,

only figuratively, because we were only man. Yeah, be like
trying to tackle Lagarrett Blunt or something. Blimp. Yeah, can't
you can't do that. You can't tackle blimp. Uh. They
have like four or five anchors to hold it to
the ground. But all the way from London, England. He
is our resident Miami Dolphins fan. Well, Tom Brady play

those Dolphins twice in I don't know, but uh, here's
handsome Hank. I'm gonna let it play because I've been
seeing Daniel Craig commercials. He's handsome, handsome, well handsome. How

are you worried, Dave? Not so you can't even find
yourself allow yourself to be enthused about the latest installment
of the James Bond. Well, we talked about it last
time I was here. I mean, first of all, I
can't be entused about it because I immediately conjured up
a better um James Bond. So I know I haven't
gotten enough we get Willie McGinnis to do you should

have got you should have got Willie. Yeah. Um, but yeah,
so there's there's no time to die. There's no time
to die time here from your own Willie's friends with um,
with Snoop. I wonder if Snoop could do something anyway? Um, yeah, anyway.
So I'm worried um about Eddie because you know, every

time I come in here, he's he's added a little
bit of heft and every time. Look, I don't mind,
I don't mind what's happening to Eddie physically, but mentally
as well. It's the lies that he's telling himself about.
Oh I'm going to you know, next week is when
I'm going to really focus down the road. This is
what's worrying me because before you know, if we don't intervene,

and this is what this is, is an intervention, um,
then you know, he could be fo fifty pounds before
next season. It is an intervention. And that's why under
this very desk is your girlfriend Jada. Jada, Come on out, No,
she's not. She's not. By the way, if we're gonna
have an intervention. I brought a cookie for you. This
is so you and I can intervene with Eddie. I

only bought two because I care about Eddie. Warm. It's
a warm, brand new, warm chocolate cookie. This is his
first test. Yeah, I mean that's essentially this is this
is not this is no ordinary cookie. This is a
good cookie. I was just talking. That is a good cookie.
You know where to come from? Just a store. I

go to coffee just now on my store it and
I was like, I'm gonna get two of those. I'm
not gonna get three. I'm not. I'm not tempted. So
I promise you if you were allowed to try some
of this, you would love it. Win play show these
dessert items, how do I You can't really see if
you start going into cake and pie, cookie, cupcake. M hmm,

it's just tough. Is it cookie a dessert item? I
feel like it isn't in the US I've a seen. Well,
it's it's a it's a mid often in snack or
mid morning snack, depending on oh. I see most French
you don't order cookies as a dessert. I got you.
It's a sweet but it's not a dessert. Yeah, sarily,

I mean it can be what do you think about
Let's turn to Eddie since we set pie off. Yeah,
but he's a remorse is eating machine. He doesn't he's
in capable of distinguishing. Does it fit inside my gaping maw?
Then put it on in there? You know. That's like,
who's he to judge? You know? Um cook? We didn't

do pie off at Thanksgiving. We have talked about doing
a spring installment. Maybe that's what it is. All desserts
that could conceivably fit in one's pocket, that's the measurement.
And then Eddie has to eat them all. Wow. Now
I he can eat whatever he wants. But I will

remain the blue ribbon panel of one the biggest dessert guy.
Imagine if he was, Oh my god. But because it's
something who have like the too, It's like, I don't
seek out dessert. I guess that's a way of finding me.
But but I don't never say you're the guy, don't
you what's your fav You find your way to what's

it called the milkshakes? Every time you're like and then
on the way then it wasn't really on the way home,
but I was. I was in a car. So I
drove forty minutes to go to milk bar. No, it's
close milk bar. Milk bar is a place if you
have not been to the listeners. I'm not a dessert close.
I'm not going to go in there and eat. You
think drive my car is gonna drive itself home. What

I mean was, I don't have dessert in my apartment.
And secondly, if I go out to eat, if I
go out to eat at a restaurant, I don't have
I don't. I'm not a locked or distrt post dinner,
but you are luck to drive somewhere else to get it.
You might not order it at that restaurant, but you're
definitely going somewhere else. I guess we should be thankful
that he's not a dessert guy. I know. I mean,
imagine if he was six hundred pounds whatever. So I don't.

I don't like ice cream. Most cakes are boring. It's
just like certain pies are like it. Just so it's
like I don't really I don't really miss the dessert
all the time. You can only have let's do the game,
Let's do cupcakes, cookies, cake pie. What are the other
key dessert item brownies, like some kind of baked goods.

I don't know what you would call a brownie, but
a baked good. All right, we'll tackle that at another date.
Well you want to favorite, right, Yeah, I don't want
to just willy nilly. This thing's too important. Yeah, too important.
It's marches here. Maybe that will be our big bracket
for the month of March. Um, Yeah, we could, or
we could do ice cream flavors. That's a good one. Yeah,

what's your favorite? I like chocolate with chocolate, and like
what I like is a dark, deep, dark chocolate ice
cream with like chocolate brownie chunks in the that's number
one for you. I like it when it's dark chocolate.
Like I've said before, and I'll say again to you,
I milk chocolate. That's for the ham and Eggers out there. Yeah,

when you're ready to go hardcore, you tune it up.
That's what I'm talking about. This is dark chocolate with
chunks of brownie in it, but dark chocolate brownie. There's
a place down the road. Maybe we should do a
part we haven't you know on the road with the
podcast for ages. No, there's an ice cream store called Gingers.
Have you ever been there, just on the road from here.
No weird. Um we shoot at dessert guy, Man, A

good point. We should go there and try. They have
like a hundred flavors. We should see if we can
get a Scoopa beach and and just go go through
it all right. Yeah, well my kids are big on
that one there, My my, my boy. Jean Claude van
Damask is the greatest perpetrator of too many, too many
of them. And I also taste that one. That one.
It's like, but you don't, I know you don't want

that one, Yeah, but I want to try it. It's
an outrage. Yeah, it's an embarrassment to me. I I
get embarrassed. After like seven, I'm like, no more. And
even the people behind the counter are saying no more
as well. Um, is there any football you'd like to
discuss here today? Handsome? Sure? I mean, what do you
want to talk about? Free agency? Or the man to
keep talking? Tom Brady? I mean, I like Tom Brady,

make make make something happen. I we've we've discussed at length, Um,
all the places he could go we'd like to see
him go to. I mean, I think it's going to
turn out this way. I said this to you before,
but don't go back to New England. Go go try
to have a new adventure. Yeah, I I like that
from a distance. I don't want to see Tom Brady.

I don't want to look back in thirty years and
be like, remember when Tom Brady wore that ridiculous bucketeer's helmet.
I don't want that for Tom. You know, um, I don't.
I mean just I'd like to get him out of
the FC East. That's part of it. I said this
Spaghetti on the on the last episode after Willie departed,
we read the tea leaves that Willie all the little

drops some some hints while he dropped some. He dropped
some bread crumbs, but unfortunately Spaghetti ate them all. So
then we have to try to pace it all back
together from scratch. Um. But um, the uh Tampa Bay
does make some sense I don't know about and well,
Bruce arians always gets the better. I get that, but
I mean like, but that will be that that's that's

not good for his legacy. There were some teams way
you can go. Okay, you go there and I get like,
it's like that's a classic franchise. You go to the Buccaneers.
It just it doesn't feel like that fits with well,
that's what I said. That what I said the spaghetti.
It seems I don't know that is in my head.
Do you suppose that that is in Tom Brady's head

as well? Like I can't check out of this league
with a pirate chip fireing behind me and these silly
get ups, like at least need to see what the
new get ups are gonna look like. That wouldn't it
for you? Otherwise, Tennessee makes a lot of sense, Rabel,
it doesn't. I mean that kind of in the same
league though, Yes. But the thing that I floated the spaghetti,

and I float to you. Now, if you're Tom Brady,
you get out without ever really letting anyone in the
a f C. E s take you down. And if
you stick around for one more season, the Bills might
get you, the Jets might even get you, and the
Dolphins aren't gonna be a complete joke. You wouldn't think,
not at all. I don't think. Um yeah, I think

that's why I'm saying. I think he should. I should
he should go and find a new challenge, But I'd
like it to be there. I think that your idea
of the forty nine is last week, which I'll be honest,
I hadn't really considered seriously before when you laid that
out for us, and I think it was where money
was around on a people are throwing it out. I
know suddenly, Dion, it's his idea. Um, but I am
noting that you You were the first person I heard

suggested and then really sort of flesh it out. Um.
I think that sounds cool. I think that sounds like
he could go there thinking, obviously, this is a team
that's fresh off a Super Bowl loss, he is the
difference and again, if there's a challenge, it's like I
want to prove that. Separate to Bill Belichick. Whatever you
think of Carl SHANAHANU, I think is a great coach

and will be considered a great coach for a long
time to come. But Tom Brady can go off win
a Super Bowl with a team that definitely like not
that it needs any more cementing, but his legacy is
then this is this was Tom Brady's thing. Where do
we suppose now that because once you do the you know,
these these things don't happen in a vacuum. So once

you're the Raiders, and you start floating the idea, Yeah
we're interested, Yeah, there's mutual interest. Oh the Niners. Somehow
through you know, behind the scenes, sources float out, Yeah,
we're interested in the tom Brady thing. How do you
then go back and make it right with your incumbent?
And I know you could say it's Tom Brady is
the greatest of all time, but also you would say

we don't have much I mean, you know, obviously don't
have much long term use for me if you're willing
to take a look at a forty three year old
man who didn't have a good season last time we
saw him. Um, But it does seem that with or
without Tom Brady, the Bucks are now letting it be
known that we're ready to move on from Jameis Winston.
Where does the game is land? And wonder if Marcus

Mariota takes over for for him in Tampa, Teddy be
down there. Whoever it is is good, you're gonna see
the best version of that QB, because that's what Bruce
arians us consistently. The weird thing is like during this
time of year, you know, do you talk about draft
smoke screens, But the same thing is happening around free
agency as much as anything that could be the Buccaneers

trying to get a message to Jamis Winston's agent saying, well,
you know, it's not a lot that we're going to
take you back, but if you if they're prices right,
then we will do I do. I would not necessarily
rule out the fact that he winds up back there,
but probably not at the amount of money that he's
expecting to get into. Well, listen, either way, this is
the time of year where it's fun to speculate. Every

player that you see running a forty r dash, everybody announces, oh,
he'd be good on my team. Everybody decided that that's
the guy that our team must get. And free agency
you can start plugging those things in. Never mind the
salary cap and trades that are gonna happen that none
of us. I mean, like you know, we we've talked
a lot about free agency. We will talk a lot

about the draft, but the last three or four years,
what they've told us is in the next two weeks
there will be at least two or three trades which
we definitely didn't see coming, which will put a player
that we thought was fixed on one team over to
another team that you just right, we wanted to acquire
them well, and no jive is the policy here, So
no jib. I don't fully grasp the new cb A

that's being negotiated right now. But I mean, I understand
the formal player you should probably try to come to
terms with that. I trust my my team head, you know,
and I defer to him on all these things. But yeah,
I appreciate that. Um, I'm interested. I but you know,
I made my bones. I'm worried about the young the
young guys, the young bucks, the young bucks. I want

them to get there. By the way, is there any
limit on um talent at the NFL combine? Excuse me,
I'm got a mouthful of cookie. Any or the NFL
combine calling um the players who are at the combine, Um,
this young man. It was like, you're not You're you're
like thirty one and this guy might be twenty. The

opportunity in our league for this young man man, the
sky's the limit. Jamal Adams. Jamal Adams was using it.
Jamal Adams was in his fourth year in the league,
like saying, this young man, because like, I don't understand
you're also a young man yourself, because feels like one
of those words you have to use during the combine.
I know, the yeah. Well, of course, the superlative that

is always used to the exclusion of all others. The
the key adjective that you must employ if you're a
serious football man is outstanding, outstanding character. Outstanding our young
man of outstanding character. Our league is going to benefit
from dish young man's presence. Yeah, if he if he

keeps his head um straight, um, okay, sorry he interrupted you.
I don't remember what I was even going to ask
you about, but you know what, who cares? Who cares
what I was going to ask you about? Because it's
time for a draft edition of use your noodle, Take
it away, Host, and he's Spaghetti, So get to get

and canudo. We've got the whole kid and koodopudo. And
why the questions they may be you go, it's time
for doing to use. No. Yeah, I really wish I

could think of what I was gonna say to you,
but anyway, take it away, Host, Daddy Spaghetti. All right,
I am as always overprepared, and I have about five
or six different options we could choose from all draft
related do you guys want to do uh, you want
to pick? You want me to choose my thing? You
should choose alright, imagine you're running off I men you Yeah,
so I don't choose them all. So they're gonna say

we do all three hour podcast. Actually like this one.
I think we're doing this one all right, So I
have here. This is draft related and it is the
last quarter back taken in the first round by each
franchise in the any what in the in the first round? Yes,
so it's okay, it's only it's so, it's only thirty

two answers. It's obviously one per team. The oh, I
love that one. That's very good. That's a very very good.
I'm glad. I'm glad we all agree because usually they go, well,
they usually stink, to be honest. Well, that's why that's
why I got like five or six. So opared, I
like that one. Okay, I'm a gentleman, so I'll let
Handsome go first. Um. The Pittsburg Steelers took Ben Roth

this bog that is correct. The New York Football Giants
took Danny Dimes. The Miami Dolphins took Ryan Tannehill. You're
we're you're paying these off, right, You're you're tracking all
these yes, I'm checking off yeah, alright, so we have

done that one. The New York Jets took Sam Donald,
the Cleveland Brown took Baker Mayfield. And part of the
drill is if you provide an answer that has already
been provided that counts is an act. Josh Allen went
to the Buffalo Bills. That was my next one. Um,

The Indianapolis Colts took Andrew luck Okay, the Baltimore Ravens
took Lamar Jackson. The Washington Redskins took Dwayne Hoskins. The
Houston Texans took the Shawn Watson. The Caroline and Panthers

took Cam Newton. All Right, See now I'm having a
hard time. Key, I'm not doing a great job of
keeping up with you on which one have already been
thrown out here? But the Atlanta Falcons did take Matt
Ryan Falcons Ma Ryans. Correct. Yes, we should get you

know what now, I mean it's becoming pretty clear we
should get these all correct. We should miss any of these. Well,
there's a there's a there's a couple of teams. Actually,
I've got to where I'm like, I don't know who
that would be. But anyway, the Detroit Lions took Matt Stafford, yes, bold,
The Chicago Bears took Mitchell Robinski, correct, The Green Bay
Packers took Aaron Rodgers correct, Kansas City Chiefs Patrick mahomes um,

the then San Diego Charges took Phil Rivers. Uh, think
about what you just said. I said that. Then San
Diego Charges took Dad gets it. There you go, So

I can go pretty much anywhere. And we in this one.
Umh one idiot as long as he didn't already say it,
because I'll be honest, I was not following along very closely.
Come on, I'll go with our local guys. Oh did
he say Arizona? Did he say Rams? Yet? He didn't

say either one of those? Kyler Murray, Jared goff Um,
The Raiders. The Raiders would have the last one. They
would have taken as Jamacus Russell. That is true, correct?
So and you got me on technicology. The Cowboys is
the one where I was like, is it like, is
Troy when the last one Dallas Cowboys almost took? They almost?

What is that right? There's a couple of crazy ones.
That's a great. The Vikings was the other one I
was trying to pull, and then I was like, I
just well the Vikes. I mean, it can't be Dante
coulp Appercan. It was he he went in the first though, right,
it's more recent than you think. Oh it's Christian pond m.

It wasn't Christian ponder A. Oh uh no, it wasn't
Sam Bradford. Let's round out so Arizona so golf Seattle's
last first. Carson wentz that was what I should have
done next, But I was I was had Phil Rivers
in my head. That Cowboys one is crazy. The Skins

you got Haskins. So if we rounded out the division,
giant yees. So that division is done. We didn't do
um Denver? Denver's Paxton Lynch. Yeah, that was a good pull.
I was, you know what, I wasn't positive he was
the first round guy. Yeah, but you're right at late
first round? Yeah right? Okay, um, so we're done with that.

So surely that I mean, like we could have had
fun here, you could have I mean, what do you
want to tell you? I'm going across that. That's the rules.
You lose. Who was the charges? Okay, but I mean
that's done. That really is it was a draft and trade.
I mean I could fine, but I get it. I

understand what too bad that Paxton Lynch was there because
the answer otherwise would have been if I'm not mistaken one,
Tim Tebow, Um, are we missing any teams here? You're
missing the Bengals, Jacks, Titans, Patriots, the Jacksons, Blake Bootles? Correct,

the Titans? Is what you say? The Titans? Titans? Yes,
remember the Titans? MARIOA. Mario's the answer? Um? Who else
the on this side of bungles? Be careful with the bungles,
Dave Klingland. It could be if the a f C.
You're just missing Cincinnati in New England the Bengals is

custom correct, and New England is a man oh Man
Carson Palmer the last first round or for Sue England
is boy, this could be? Is this a Is this
a great one? Yeah? This is a great one. Yeah,
it's a fun answer. Bledsa Yeah. I was about to say, Champagne,

I think it should be a tie. No, I think
because you got me on a technicality that is ridiculous.
If all right, I'll say, if if you can get
well hold on before I say this one, you have
still have the Vikings, the Saints, the Bucks, the forty Niners,
and then the Seahawks. To see the Saints are okay,

you got Alex Smith here you go. Oh, I'm sorry
the NFC so is Alex Smith. Seahawks this one. I
would wait on this one. Okay, the Saints. I would
also wait on this one. Okay, okay, So Seahawks, Seahawks.
Based on your the way you're acting, you should be
able to rick. There you go, Okay, I was. I

was in say the Saints last first Blake, Well, don't
don't say yeah, uh they're spaghetts. Let me let me
weigh in here before you say yes, sir, unless he's
tell me some other to tell me he's uh Tampa
and Minnesota jamis jamis correct? Okay, So Minnesota, Minnesota, we

say we Christian point we got it's not Ponder. Oh
and we still didn't get that one up a first
round QB who was not Christian Ponder. So in the
last eight years or thereabouts, there's been a a QB
that went to the Minnesota Vikings and it wasn't Christian
Ponder m did they did they sign in trade to

Mendigos to one of those he played as a as
a member of the team. He's currently in the league
and his name has been tossed around a bit as
a recent Oh man, sure, um, that's crazy that I
can't remember that one. And then sorry, the Saints is
the last team that we have. The Saints is very fun.

I'm trying to think of the cute. I mean, it's
very fun. Could go away. I couldn't go way back
to Archie. That's insane, that's crazy. What are we supposed
to learn from this? The Bengals having used the first
rounder and forever, well that's not that forever compared to us.

But they were bad. But the but the differences between
some of these good teams, I was like, Wow, you
go pretty far back there. Well, yeah, I guess they're
never in a petition think how snake. But they were
before that, Achille Smith, Dave Klingler. I mean, like, I'm
trying to think they used to pick a quarterback every
other year and they were all bust. Maybe they just
said forget it, let's not let's not fill that position. Boy,

that was that was more fun than I thought it
was going to be well done there, though I definitely
think I lost on the technicality. Um, we can we
know that? I mean, I don't know what football we
need to talk about here. I'm sorry that you're not
watching the new hit reality dating show called Love Is
Blind Handsome. It's it's very strange. You meet, they make

these people. You don't get to see the people. You
go on dates with them, but you sit behind a
wall kind of like the dating game kind of thing,
and you just have one on one dates. But how
long were they in those things? They're spaghetti they had
the they had like a week or two weeks, not
just each They were in there about that long. I
believe it's like a week or so. But the dates
were very, very quick. They had to like speed date

with everyone else in this facility they were in. And
then you don't see each other. They never see each other.
When do you finally get to see someone after you
propose marriage the only time unless like actual marriage overtend
game show marriage. Well, it was kind of interesting because
by the end of it, I've watched the whole thing
now and by the end of it it's fairly clear.

So they put you in these things where you have
to interact behind a wall, And how do you think
you would do in that? Would think you would fare well?
I beg you you would. I don't think I would.
Oh no, but if it but if if it were
a US based show and you started dropping that accent,
you know, forget about it. I mean, the number of
proposals would be would be outstanding in our league from

this young man from this young man? Um, yeah, okay, um,
And it's it's I kind of was a roller coaster
of interest in it. I liked it, then I got
bored and I walked away. But then Beth kept watching
and said, you gotta catch up and check this out.
And so then I started watching it and I found
myself engaged again. But um, much like the people on

the show, and then on the at the end of it,
it's it seems fairly clear that the producers must have
had these people under some sort of a contract that
required them that if they got engaged, then they lived
together for like what the two to four weeks or
something like that, and then they have to go and
have the ceremony, and it had to have a sup

That was my question, what what obligate? Why wouldn't you
just say that. The producers say for everything, but yeah,
we're just gonna date now casually. The things that made
it better than The Bachelor were everybody was in Atlanta,
so that the notion that, um, like, well it's unreasonable,
I'm a I'm a wrangler at a on a ranch.

I can't move to New York City kind of kind
of conversations are out because they never happened. Um, Spaghetti,
who would you date? Of all those people? Who do
you think you would get engaged to? The women on that? Which?
Out of the entire show, just like the final the ones,
the ones that we saw, there's there to me, there's
one clear answer. Can I ask a question before? Is

that just one guy or one girl who's doing who's
making the selections? Or that no, there wasn't one for
each person. It's as I described as what I'm realizing
as I'm telling Handsome about it, is how did anybody,
first of all sign up for this show except that
they want to be on TV? Which is always the answer.
But then how did these people trick their own brains

into thinking like, oh, yeah, I'll propose marriage to this
person who I've spoken to three times. It's more ludicrous,
But so did some people get left out with some
people like you, Sorry, your conversation is not good enough.
It stinks exactly, Yeah, your conversation stinks. You and not
people vanished and you don't know what happened to them
like that from the show from and then I was

telling Dave off air before that there was a couple
that actually I guess it worked out for them and
they were just deemed too boring by the producers. They
just cut them out of like even though actually that
might be the success story exactly. I mean, they're all
damaged human beings, first of all, on some level. I
guess everybody's damaged, but these people are, you know, needy

sorts of people, and that's the the common thread for
all of them. But I liked the one who was
the one who was the most attractive and and the
most delightful. Was that Giannini. Giannina girl seem like most
and the guy she was with was the biggest goober
out of the whole gang. Right, well, yeah, and and
and you watched the frat dude, Yeah, and they're what

happened at their wedding and then they stay there with
their families gathered on either side is like, I will
not say yes. So then like there's a priest. There's
a lot of notes issuing threats. And by the way
they get that, how they get these priests? Who are
you can tell our actual priests priests? But and then

they read the copy written by one of the producers
that is like, so the moment of truth is here.
Will you say yes to blank and spend the rest
of your life with her? Or will you say goodbye
forever right now? Choose? It's like it's like why what,
why would I have to say goodbye to her? But

then I guess that's the sort of thing, and more
often than not they say no. It feels like this
is you know, maybe the way, given the threat the
world has from the coronavirus, says, maybe the way dating
is going, you know, not no contact, no physical contact,
no not in the same room like that that could
actually become it could be the real life. Yeah. Um,

so perhaps this is a good way for us to
to get some prime you know, super weird show you
know I I. But and then there was one guy
who got engaged and they were very much in love,
he and the woman. They're very much in love with
Then he told her a couple of years ago, I
dabbled in men, and then he got quite steamed. He

got quite steamed when she didn't like that. How dare
you judge me right? Spaghetti? Yeah, he told her. On
a vacation they also had we didn't fill it in,
Hank in that part after So after then they proposed
you have the the first meeting part where they first
see each other and they're like wow, and they like
some awkwardly hugs some kids. I'm just like, oh, this
is crazy. And then they each have their destination. They

have like hotel rooms in um wherever, I got a
beach area and they can go on vacation and they
do all that activities. They have to meet the families
as well. Unfortunately for I forgot his name. It was
like Carlton I think his name was. When they were
on their pool side vacation thing, he Carlton. Yeah, he
brought it up and uh, and then she unfortunately left
didn't and he got we got very mad about this,

you know, like who are you to tell me? You know?
And then she was she was villainized by him. Um, yeah,
go watch it, you'll love it. I don't think I will,
But I mean, I know, I don't think I will
love it. I don't think i'll even watch it, but
I appreciate it sounds interesting. I just don't feel like
I have enough time in my life for that. Maybe that,
you know, to make it football, Maybe that's how all

the combine interviews should go going forward. Well that I'm
a player who plays running back. Um, I'm not gonna
tell you. Okay, he's okay, he's talking about something here, spaghetti.
Keep this in mind. We should try this. That would
be an interesting test to put the onus back on
to the teams and is making about these poor one

year old guys who are and because a lot of
the stuff that's coming out of it, a lot of
the personnel guys, a lot of the head coaches I've
heard from a few of them, have said, all these
guys are so coached up. All the kids now are
so coached up with the signs of question. These young
men as they are entering our league now, are now
so coached up about what the right thing to say.

Is That it that the interviews don't have as much
value as they did a generation ago. Maybe if we
did it, uh, if we did it. Love is blind,
football is blind? You know style, What do you think
about that? Combine is blind? That you don't even know
who you're talking to and you have you know, could
be I love this guy. Oh it's Jake Fan. Uh,
it's like that's who. I love that game. I play

that with my kids a lot. I love guests who myself? Yeah?
Are you a quarterback? Yes? Okay, knocked down all the
other players? Do you have small hands? Yes? Okay? Joe Barrow,
you you know you can go through not in? Yeah,
we're not in or yeah it turns out. Yeah, the
Mike Brown he went through the interview. Oh he didn't.
He didn't connect with Joe Burrow, he didn't select them.

This is an interesting idea. All right, let's let's explore
what we can we can do with that handsome Over
the weekend, I was flipping through the channel after the channels,
and I came across Children of Men and I watched
it for the umpteenth time for you know, maybe twenty
minutes until the until the picture ended. Um and I
realized then and there that it's the best movie of

the twenty first century. Children of Men. You have another
one let's go through them right now, win play show
the best movies of the twenty one century. I'd like
you to like, it's very confused about the centuries these days.
What would you what would you float out there? Spaghetti?
This is your alleged wheelhouse twenty first century movies? Oh um,

best in terms of like the public or because if
it's like what I want, I'm gonna pick what's very
rewatchable best. I mean there'll be blood and treat. Treat
this question like a double double animal style. Just just
just take it. The Breakup, Departed, The Breakup, So I

watched that. I thought this year had a lot of
good ones. I thought The Departed is the most overrated.
I disagree that it's all it's all built around cell
phone technology that is already outdated. That movie does not
hold up at all. Um parasite nineteen seventeen once my
time in Hollywood. A couple of ones this year pretty good,
were good. Also really like night did I totally. I

watched nineteen seventeen last week, very intense, like it was
all of my worst nightmare mare's kind of unfolding one
like I have. I have not often, but I have
nightmares about being chased. I have nightmares about suddenly finding
myself at war. I have nightmares about about planes, Like
all of these things all happened, like you know, all

of the it was just full of like recurring nightmare image.
And then the bit where he's like running through this
bomb town and there are ums flying over the top.
That is basically all my nightmares, Like that's what happens. Well,
the um destroyed city, the city you know, just in
rubble at to night at night with the fires burning

from within the buildings. Was was was beautiful night night
nightmare landscape. And it's well, Children a Man is It's
not the reason I love Children of Men because of
the two tracking shots that are within it, but they
are remarkable that those are that those are genuine tracking shots.
But nineteen seventeen's trick that it makes the entire thing

look like it's one tracking shot is is fascinating as well. Um,
it's a good movie. What else have you got? What's
on your list? No Country for Old Men would be
in the top five. I think I'll throw a couple
of anything by Taylor Sheridan, Hell or High Water, Wind
River and the cicarios. I like, well, I finally watched
one of the Cicarios. I thought it was pretty good.

Mad Max would be in probably my top ten. Lust
in translation and that's what I love, is that, right?
Big fan of that movie. Inception, Um, I'll go The
Incredibles would certainly be top five. I would think that
that has to be in their Brokeback Mountain would be
in my top five. I think have you seen that lately?

Not recently? Oh my god. I came across it a
few weeks back late at night and watched it, and
uh man that I mean there there are certain movies
that are impacted by the score more than others, and
that has got to be I think out of context
that if you just started playing that music, I would
I would ill, maybe not well up. But there there's

something about that music intrinsically attached don't no matter what
it's attached to. That is just heartbreaking music. But the
picture in general is is heartbreaking stuff. City of God,
that's top five. I don't want to over so I
don't want to put everything in the top five. So
I've got incredible, City of God, Children of Men, uh,

Broke Back Mountain, and wooing glorious bastards. That is a
great movie. The Wolf of wool Street is a is
like that's when I if I see it on TV,
I will I'll watch that just because I like all
of it. Yeah, it feels like you know, as I've
always said about that picture, it's uh it has it's

casino without the stakes. Yeah, I don't understand really what
the what where any tension comes from for people in
that picture. He's a rich guy who like might lose,
might be, might be too hedonistic, but probably not given
the lifestyle E leads, um before Sunset is wonderful. All

the sunset, you know, before during off to None of
the Star Wars is all rogue. One deserves a place
in Mike probably in the top ten, right out the
assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford. You
want to talk about a movie with a a pervasive
vibe that that runs through the whole thing. It's so austere,

right is that? Yeah? That's a great, that's a that's
a good I mean I wouldn't have I wouldn't have
put that in this century. When I watch you, when
I watch a picture like that, I just I marvel
at what you do to pass your time? What did
anybody do from the dawn of man until about night? Like?
What did anybody do? To fill this out? All you?

I mean, but either you either read a book is
look right, look outside? Or maybe I had some crappy
dolly thing you know like that you have. But what
what did people do? I don't know what you did?
Wouldn't be that bad to be in a war because like,
you know, what else was I doing? You know who
would do? Who would do the best in a war

out of the three of us? And who would do
the worst? I think Eddie would do the best apart
from the food. I would agree that. I've been reading
a Navy seal book. I'm getting into that in my quarter.
That settles it. I've been, I've seen I've seen movies
that depict multiple I just find it fast. Almost when

you're growing up, you're like, you're almost like petrified of
war in the military. Now at this age, now you're cool,
and I'm like, I think it's I respected and I
want to worry more about it. Yeah, that's that's one
of the best answers yet. I'm reading a book about
the Navy's agree. I agree, I would do well in war. Well, listen,
and I'm self aware enough to know I would do
what I would do. Miserable it would be. And the

and of all the wars that might be the worst
one to throw me into is uh w W A
one that might be the of all the wars you
could drop me into where I would fare the worst
that might be it there's no hiding place. We're gonna
sit in the mud, right you're going over the top
to good news. It's raining the whole time here. I

would just be in alright, lads, some of you won't
be coming back. The the enemy is it's a mere
forty fifty yards down the other way, all right over
the wall. Then I would be the first one who
got shot. Like I would barely get my head up
out of the thing, and then I would be dead.
And and then like that would be day. One of

the ways they would be able to they hit me
coming from about two hours earlier, just from the weeping.
They're just sobbing. I'd be yeah, right, I would weep
the whole time. I would weep the whole time, and
then I would be shot, and then I would be
the corpse that everybody steps over. For the rest of
the movie, bloated buddy. They'd be like, well, at least
we can take shelter behind Dave. Action heroes use that

movie a little bit too much for my book to like,
I don't know, like about the morality holding up a
dead person. So like, if that dead person, if the
bullet went through them, why would you possibly decide that
that's a good place to hide behind. If it went
through the dead person, it's going to go through the
dead person again and hit you. I I've brought this
one up before, but I was reminded of it. I
don't remember even what movie I was watching. But I

think a big difference between what happens in movies or
or some of the dialogue that you hear in movies,
and you hear it all the time in movies that
I bet no one has ever said in the same
situation in real life. Is if you're in the middle
of a big bank heist, you know, like it's late
at night and I'm almost I'm almost there, like and

then if and then if one of my one of
my colleagues came in because the police were coming up
to the warehouse, or if I was being or if
I was trying to get away in a car and
I was a good guy, and then the bad guys
pulled up behind us and they were they had guns
hanging out. I bet in neither situation where I go like,

hurry up, guys, we got company. We got company. Who
would ever say that? You you would you would just
say an expletive. I feel like I feel like people
have stopped saying that movies recently, that that used to
be a big thing. Like every single episode of the
eight Team, they always had company. We got we oh
conal conal deck is coming. We got company. It's like, okay,

well obviously you don't. I feel like that's gone away.
Step it up, Cobra, we got company. Yeah, yeah, I
don't think that would happen. Um, So all right, the
who would by the way, who would do who would
win on a on a reality show if it were
The Bachelor or Love is Blind? Who would who would
do the best? If it's Bachelor? Then and it involves

your appearance, what do you think you would do well? Spaghetti?
I've read a book about it, The inter The Interact.
I'm not worried about my physical My physical appearance is
gonna be fine. I haven't missed the day working out.
Everything's fine, and he's under control. It's just the interaction
I feel like I would. I feel like I am
a very annoying person and you're not annoying football face.
I too have no interest in the Pittsburgh Steelers. Are

intent on convincing everybody that Ben rothel Spurger is fat.
That's not a concern here, Handsome, and I are worried
about your weight, Spaghetti. You've got that the wrong way around.
You are not annoying, but you have a problem with
your parents. No, he's getting worse and worse by the day.
I just think I I like what I like, So
I don't want to do you want to get myself

in trouble talking about the contestants on The Bachelor and
I don't. But it just I don't think i'd mesh Well,
I'm gonna say that, what does that mean? You wouldn't
get yourself in trouble? Who he's read a book about
the Navy seals and he's built like a literal seal.
How would he do on the Bachelor? I just feel
like I feel like a lot of the contestantation would
impress them, though by taught you would impress the comely
young lady by letting her know about your book reading

reading a book about the Navy Seals pretty good, soldier.
I'm not going to find a person the bachelor who
wants to read about the Navy Seals go to like
a tool concert and you know, go uh, they'll they'll
care about like Instagram and stuff like I don't care
about that. I'm not into popcorn, like I don't need that.
I'm I'm I don't. I don't like all the reality
shows like that. I like weird move movies and like
that's why I like this. I like video games and

are not gonna like that? And just like I've been
a bad mixed All right, I've bought you both enough time.
Let's do it now, Win play show the best movies
of the twenty one century. I've got in my win.
I'm going, I'm going Children of Men, I'm gonna go place,
I'm gonna go. Well, you know what. I also love
the movie Once. I don't know if that goes in

the top three, though it's very difficult day to put
us on the spot like this Inception is definitely a
top three movie for me of this century. Okay, I
v no, it might be out there. I mean it
was so intense. Um all right, I don't know. I

thought it'd be fun to talk about. But I guess
that we didn't have enough, don't I think we need
a bit more time to prepare that. Are we done, handsome?
I mean spaghetti? If we've done enough talk minutes nothing.
This is the preamble. This Eddie would have eat eating
this as a as an appetizer. We're still gonna said
the main coast to him. Well, look, there's some love

is blind. There's a big reunion coming up here. Is
there gonna be four year old guy who his biggest
shortcoming is that he's short and he comes out well,
the woman who he gets engaged to is thirty four
and then she has four But that's not the issue.

The issue is is that when he comes out, one
he has buggy eyes and and two he's quite sure.
I mean, but that's the kind of thing you need
and like you can work that stuff out. You should
be asking, hey, how tool are you? That's that's what
I asked to That's gonna be important as a woman.
That needs to be one of the question, Or do
you have. But hey, by the way, do you have
buggy eyes? I just I'm not a big buggy eye. Yeah,

just they're just broadly just myself. Like when you when
you stand on a scale, like what number we'll come
back up at you if you got measured type of
number would come out of that? If would your are
your eyes a little buggy like one of the things
you don't like? You know, that's what you need to
give any any health concerns, you know, the lady variety
kind of you want to should tell me about, you know,

that kind of thing you would think you would ask
those kind of question. She becomes the villain of the
by all accounts, she's like the villain of it because
she um discriminated against him because of his height. Yeah,
people didn't love her attitude about stuff in the show.
I'm not gonna I hope you do watch, I will
continue to say. And you know, they should be a
little edgier in their conversation the convert. Real people would

have those conversations about like especially if you can't see
I mean, that's going to be a part of you.
You don't want to come out and be really like
not just surprised, but shocked. Yeah by what by what
you've met with? Yeah, I think they should be more
R rated X rated kind of conversations. Wouldn't you imagine that?
That's what's going on. And the other one is the
cookie um former tank operator lady, Oh yeah, with the tattoo,

and she has a bunch of like knowledge. Then she's
told the guy like you gotta pay it off and
she she the guy asked, He's like, do you work?
And think her name is like Amber's like do you work?
And she's like, I don't really work all the time.
I kind of work when I want to. It's like
that is and and again I was homeless for a while.
It's you should really watch it. Maybe I watch give
it as always if nothing else. The thing about reality shows, dating,

reality shows, relationship based ones, it makes you feel so
much better about you. But for me, I mean, but
these people, these are they're nice ish looking people, but
that's about the only thing they have over me. You know,
It's like, this is what you talk about. I've always been, always,
my whole life has been plagued by the idea that like,

surely you don't want to be talking to me. Surely
whoever I'm talking to has anything better to do than
talk to me right now? And I have always That's
always been the guiding principle for me in life. And
I don't know why I do what I do now
for a living as a result. I guess they're probably related.
See I think, I think, but I can't. When you
listen to what people talk about, this is what you

talk about, and then you wind up together that you
know what. By the way, the thing that I said, um,
watching the finale last night, the bath, was I what
the through line? The number one trait of these people
is that not a single one of them has a
sense of humor. They don't even try to make jokes,

but they laugh. I don't know how you could, how
you would? I mean, like, they laugh, but nobody ever
says anything funny or all they talk about is like
I gave you my heart. My heart is now belongs
to you, but I fell in love with your heart.
Can how can anyone like if you if you're taking
away any kind of you know, being able to look
at each other like that's all that's like. You have
to be able to make each other laugh. Otherwise, UM,

what else you having? Well, I'll tell you the other thing.
Everything that they did do that the producers did. They
had a drink in every person's hand the entire show,
whatever time of day it is, they are always boozing.
And that leads to you know what, as a matter
of fact, that's what we need around here. We need
to show you want to be Oh yeah, you can
come on the show. The only thing you gotta do

get loaded. You know. I might say that maybe this
is how the d DFP has been running of the
I'm not telling any tales out of school or even
in school. All right, let's wrap it up, unless you
let's do one more. No, no, no, because I feel
so bad about the fact that I got I got
ripped off by Eddie on the last one. I'm thinking
about The Incredibles, just to honor it as the greatest

animated the Batman's either one. I love those pictures, comedies,
great said one comedy. I think you kind of have
to to let the Academy Awards off the hook. Oh,
I do think it should be a new Chechy Award
category is the best movie of the twenty one century,
And then you know, last year it might have been

Children of Men. But if I like nineteen seventeen sufficiently
it could conceivably replace as long as it's the best
movie of the best movie at the tint So this
is a Schechy Award. Children of Men as of this
moment is the Schecky Award winner, but it could be right.
I'm gonna go back and watch it again because I
genuinely have not watched that movie in a long time.
Spaghetti has never seen it. It's like it's just a gem.

It's a It really is a good picture, you know.
I really would think you'll love it, especially with your
Navy seal training, um, because they have the British equivalent
of those what are they called the s A S Yeah, Okay, alright,
go ahead, time for us. Your play us a little
bit of the song to get me in the mood.
So get to get a hand. I don't know any

more than that. I'd like you to do a little
bit better job of being like a game show personality. Spaghetti,
please before I do that, do you want do you
want to? I'll you want to pick this one. I'm
worried if Spaghetti's gonna Spaghetti is like four to seven
pounds away from having a fat guy voice. Well, we

would Hank saw the tweet and resting care. But an
interesting obesity is that you can hear it. I had
to take it offline with Eddie because on on Twitter
and Eddie's girlfriend, who you know, somehow puts it. I
don't know how big. They must have a large apartment,
because anybody at this point is probably taking up se
it um puts up a picture of like the most

gigantic um in and out order. Yeah, I just I
took it offline with Eddie and just said, hey, by
the way, you weren't involved in Hey, I like to
have I like to have fun. Yeah, I like that fun,
but but you were involved in all this. I wanted
to get out of her common space. But one online
it was one post hike. It was a post hys
with her family. What did you in and out? Yeah,
that's how you refeel. We were in Hollywood from from

from your car all the way to through the through
the parking lot, went to the Wisdom Tree in Hollywood
and there's there's the internet on Sunset so one in
Rome and we you know, we brought our family there
and we got we've got double double an amal off rise.
So I didn't get the four by four. I got
the double double. So that's that's that's the starting somewhere
you I mean, just just so that the rumors aren't

out there, can you just you are not the one
who killed Ben Latten? Right? No, no, you did not.
There was in the tunneled he couldn't get in there.
Try to but he couldn't fit. We could. Let's do
this one. I like this one a lot um. This
is the everyone talks about who's the number one overall pick?

How about name the number two overall pick? And we
have a dating back to But we don't have to
go back that for the pass. That's too difficult, all right?
We have if I if I took five minutes to
think about it, but on the spot, I think we
would we would be a little bit easier. And it's Sorryoda.

So we just did quarterbacks. Let's do running backs. Uh,
first round running back since the year two thousand? Why
do you that one? What was I had to say? Again?
I'm thinking about the second round running back since the
exactly first round running backs around yep, since two All right,
that's a that's a pretty fun one. I just don't

want handsome looking at my answers. I don't want you
looking at mind. Do I go first as the as
the champ, you can go first, say Kwon Barkley, Um Zeke,
that's correct, he was the first rounder. You know who
else was? Um? The other another guy was Sony Michelle. Yes,

it's a good one, good pool, Dave. I admire you
for that. Since the year two thousand? You say, should
I tell you one Cadillac Williams just why I went there?
But well, because he and his UM Auburn teammate um

did it. We're both first round picks. I think maybe
even top ten, top five, top five. Ronnie Brown was
the top five, the number three Ox Smith go one
Dolphins took and then I think kind like win five
to the Bucks, boy weird, I have no recollection. Also
number four was Cedric Benson to the Bears. I don't

know why I remember that dress Cedric Benson. Oh sorry,
I gave him a free one's making up for last game.
I don't think he deserves that one, Dave, just because
you're not smart enough to come up with it the
year two thousand? So wait, is it my turn? Now?
It's funny because James good one, Dave not necessarily not

until I get the thumbs up here. Sorry, I'm gonna
be the list. Edrian James? No? What? Oh, David wait?
Is that Edrian Jane? No? I mean he was what
ninety is on this list? He's cade McCown's class because
he think. No, No, because Marshall Falk is there. When

Adrian jan has one fourth overall? Dang, so that's the
end of it. No, because I have to come up
with you to get one more running back that when
the first round? Since all right, um, Julius Jones, Julius Jones?
Wait did he not go in the first round? Why
I pulled that one? Is Jones? That's a weird one though. No, No,

that wasn't the one I meant. I meant, um the
other Cowboys one. How could we be so terrible at this?
We should be We should really be doing much better
than this. Um, Okay, Aaron McFadden is who I was
thinking of. McFadden did go in the first Yes, well,
the part of it is legitimately obviously I just got
burnt by that one. But the two thousand things it

makes it like was Ricky Williams. That was that was ninety?
That was before I left Chicago, So that would have
been I'm not saying Ricky Williams. I just that was
one that I decided not to say. Well, it wouldn't
be Maurice Jones Drew, I'm really grassman at Straws when
I'm watching the digital wall flame behind me, um Olevi

and Bell was a second round guy? Um. Leonard Fournette though,
was Leonard Fournette? Okay, I'd like a ding of validation. Sorry,
I gotta have to check it and then make on
the final list. I'll do the ding. I think I
got another one. No, I don't. Um, how about the

Seahawks have taken a few. I'm gonna go with Rashad Penny.
Very nice. That's a correct one. Mark Ingram. Mark Ingram
is on the list. That is correct. Trent Richardson, Trent Richardson,
isn't the list? Trent Richardson, Um, oh, CMC McCaffrey, Yes,

good one, Um, Drean Peterson, d' angelo Williams. That's a
good one. It's a very good one. Dave Melvin, Gordon, Gordon,

Jonathan Stewart. Look at us now with Flying Day really
are doing beautifully now, um, some early struggles have been
overcome here. I'm proud of all of us. Robert Edwards,

that was just trying to go through team by team. Now,
was was Shady McCoy a first round draft pick? M hm, okay,
well that doesn't count. My guest thought it was just
a question. I mean, that's you know, I don't know, like,
are you gonna allow that on your I don't even
know what you just said, Robert Edwards, I don't know

who with handsome turn he just said, he just said
Shadey McCoy. No, I didn't say it. I said, was
I got one? Um? Do you know when it gets
to the point and then you're like, I can't even
think of an NFL team? Um? Uh? They is this

terrible podcast? Or is this good podcastings? I guarantee you
this one. This is going to have our probably our
most listens and most tweets and quite some time. Why
it's just only the fans work we have on It's
just like we have on these like huge name, big
name guests, and then you don't you don't get as
much feedback as sometimes you assume. And then but I
mean when we do this and we sit here in

silence playing that it's probably terrible. Is it terrible? Listen
to someone? I mean, Frances made fun when he used
to be on air and do the dead air. But
I think we also like this. Yeah, but we're thinking
that this is this is this is the sound of
of meditation. I have another one here, but I don't
know if he was. I don't think he was on
first round pick. But okay, um, I honestly can't come

up with another one. I can't believe the Packers Aaron Rodgers.
They have not had one. I don't think right, there's
since two thousand. I don't see the Packers on this linet.
You see the Broncos. I'm racking my brain and I
know that there's a Broncos one and I can't think
who the hell it is? Well, there is there is?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, um well there Okay, I

can name Now, I can name at least a couple
more here, I think us. I'll puss Lawrence Moroney. That's
a good one. It was the feature back on Almost
So Then, which, which, by the way, imagine how crazy
that would have been if the team that goes nineteen
and oh and finally gets over on the on the

Dolphins and their feature back was Lawrence Morone. How crazy?
But then didn't Joe and die go in the same Yep,
that's exactly right. See that's the prom I needed to
jovid best best good. And I don't the Bronco I
can't think of the guy. What was the guy's name?
Who on the good Broncos team that went Monty Ball?

Monty Ball is not on this. I mean I was
thinking the Bush Lendale White. Now Lendale was second. Chris
Johnson was the first round pick though c J two
K Chris Johnson was a bit of a surprise that,
you know, some people thought that was a reach. Um
what about I am oh I was who I was

going to say was, I just don't remember. I think
he might have been a second round guy. Clinton Portis Portois,
I think he was second as well. Don't see Portois
on here. Who's obvious that we've forgotten Eddie? Um there
is and then there, yeah, there's there's at least there's
a Hall of Famer. There's a guy already in the

Hall of Fame. No, but he will be I think,
I mean he's uh, the guy from the kid from
Ohio State on their national championship year who was in
all the trouble and he played his freshman year then
went pro Dane Ron Jane's on the list. Yeah, very nice.
That's crazy that their entire career, there is one definite

Hall of Famer. There is a guy in the Hall
and he started in this same century. That's crazy? Am
I wrong? In the hall? Oh? By the way, Marshawn Lynch,
that's the one. And then launched Dania Thominson. Yes, exactly,
la Danian Domley. I have l t at the beginning.
I was like, no, there's no way that since two thousands.

Yeah it was two yes, Um you said not Monty Ball?
And who is the current Hall of Famer? Is the
current Famer? Right right? Right? Um? All right? I don't
know what do you think? Canceme? Should we cut that
from the show? Let's keep it in the Should we
cut anyone's listening that? Should we cut the blind? The

Love is Blind? Talk? Was that two boring? Again? It
sounds like people are interested in it show, all right.
I just didn't think that I was especially insightful on
the show. I thought you you did a good job
of you. You definitely did the job of someone explaining
something they hadn't really properly watched. Well, I think I
think the takeaway is for me as usual, whether it's
The Bachelor or otherwise. Like I always say, I'm kind

of I like I feel, I feel pleased to know
that I'm not the you know, another reality show. I'm
not the biggest loser in the world. When I watched that,
I realized, Oh, there's so many people that are incapable
of saying anything that isn't just down the middle trite path,
you know, as usually. Dave, once again, you've bought it

full circle as a great host. You are talking about
The Biggest Loser where we started with Eddie and the intervention.
We need that show to come back a sap. I
mean it quickly. Just run off the rest of the
names and then throw a couple of last year Josh
Jacobs first round running back. How do we miss Josh Jacobs?
This one will hurt to Todd Gurley. Then we have

the giants like David Wilson, Doug Martin. Wow, remember that
David Wilson. Pick Wilson, Ryan Matthews. Wait, who'd you say
right after Wilson and Matthews muscle Hamster. Yeah, Ryan matt
Ryan Matthews, C J. Spiller, Chris Beanie Wells was back,
Donald Brown and with the Cults. No, Sean Marino was

the Yeah, that's it, um what he cried? He cried, Yeah,
Richard Mendel, Hall Steeler, Felix Jones, That's who I was thinking.
Julius Jones today is that's what I said. He was,
Thomas Jones and jo Thomas Red also Thomas Johnes on
this list. Rlos Hide No start saying Ohio State runners,

it makes me think of that. Then we have back
We're al You guys got a good chunk here. Derrick
Henry Yeah, uh, I think Deck was in the first round.
He went in round two at de Marco Murray. No,
most he was, No, I don't have him. Um anyway,

back to oh for Bengals of Chris Perry, Stephen Jackson,
Larry Johnson, Willis mcgaey t J. Duckett, William Green, Michael Bennett,
Deuce McAlister trun candidate, Sean Alexander, Thomas Jones, who just
said and then Jamal Lewis, John Alexander and Jamal Lewis.
Jamal Lewis feels like he's been out of the league

for decade, and it felt felt like he was a
star with you know, had a legitimate impact on the
history of pro football and has been retired. I can't
believe it's and he was drafted within this this millennium.
Kevin Jones to for lines. I'm not sure if I
said him, but yeah, that's that's that's I talked with
the Angelo Hall about Kevin Jones and what we thought

was gonna We agreed back then that he was going
to be a star. Anyway, listen, all right, enough enough,
I can't believe we filled an hour here, but but
we've done it. Well, congratulations to you, and thank you
Eddie Spaghetti. How would you rate the delicious cookie? Thank
you for sharing your booty wherever you pulled that from.
Thank you Eddie Spaghetti for your service. Um. Well, and

of course what you know what the stuff he does
in the military, Well the hell he went through just
to just to call himself a seal, I mean it
must have been tough for you reading about the physical
exercise you have to put in to become I'm not
trying to steal a valor. I just I say I
respect with the with those I wouldn't like. I wouldn't
like also, I mean, listen, the bottom line is I

would be bad at war. But I wouldn't want to
be a revolutionary guy who like gets one shot, like
gets the powder and then you have to like all right,
then quickly reload and put the powder into the thing,
and that while people are running towards you to like
get you. I wouldn't do well with that. I do
that and a bayonnett bayonnett is like, I'd rather you

shoot me than stab me with the bayonet, because that
doesn't feel like it's going to finish me off completely.
Sometimes you see the guys do the overkill thing of
like they get you with the bayonet and then they
pulled the trigger the other way around. So yeah, you
don't need to stab that guy, you just shot him. Yeah.
I also just watched um. I also just watched um
the uh not um, the Scorsese picture New York, The

in the Streets, the gangs of Gangs of New York.
I just watched that. I'd be another thing I wouldn't
do well with. Like everybody in a gang just with
a bunch of cutlery, like that's all they have. Nobody
has any guns or anything. They just have a bunch
of cutlery and then they run towards each other and
they just like I feel like just I would be
all forms of combat. I don't think we need it,
doesn't We don't need to specify. I don't know what
combat you think? What type of combat would you do

well in Connect four? But like physical? None, no, no,
But there must be one that you would do better
in than any of the other out Like I told
Willie McGinnis, uh, you know the other the last episode.
I you know, I reminded him that I would be
able to lead a drive. If you gave me an
NFL offense, a high end NFL offense, I could lead

it to to a point scoring drive. I genuinely, I've
known you for a long time, Dave. You wouldn't get
them out of the huddle without a penalty. You would
not You would not be able to call a play
and do it and get the playoff within the play clock. Yeah.
I've known you for long enough to know that that
that would be that would immediately every down you would

we're gonna we're gonna run the y banana. But do
you think that's gonna work though? Because it might not,
and then like smell those hot dogs? Have you ever
eaten a hot dog? Here? It's like take whistle, yeah, complaints,
I don't think they were wearing these colors. And then
when the defense of captain starts calling stuff out across

the lineus, what do you say? Are you talking about me?
What did you say? I don't like to be talked
about What did you you know? Like that? Yeah, you're right,
it wouldn't go very well. All right, this did go?
I guess okay at lead. Thanks to the host of
Use your Noodle. I always like playing use your Noodle,
Eddie Spaghetti and too you handsome Hank, appreciate you stopping
in studios as always a pleasure. Thank you for the cookie,

and thank you The listener. Will be back next week
with more who in Apple sauce for you, because of course,
in the off season it is checker season, and uh
we'll have more delightful conversation about pro football and also
the game of life for you. Until then, thanks so much,
football fans. It's been a thin slice of heaven.
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