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May 17, 2024 80 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You've got to wait.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Fred's show is on the hottest.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
Morning shown, Good Morning everybody. Friday, Friday. Yay. I can't
be the only one happy about Friday.

Speaker 4 (00:18):
I'm ready. I'm happy.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Thank you, Pauline, thank you.

Speaker 4 (00:21):
The first week back at work, ready to go on
the weekend again. You must be exhausted, guys, how do
you do?

Speaker 3 (00:28):
You must be exhausted, like for real?

Speaker 5 (00:30):
I mean, yeah, I got a newborn at home too,
so that kind of that kind adds on to you
had a baby.

Speaker 4 (00:35):
I had a whole baby.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Did Cale go to Brazil too?

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Not a lot of people know.

Speaker 3 (00:41):
Did I may do a leap a cry?

Speaker 4 (00:43):

Speaker 3 (00:44):
I had to tell that story yesterday to a bunch
of realige kids.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
Yeah, college kids, college.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Yes, I was. I was invited to speak to paul University. Nice.
Well I didn't speak. Apparently they my friend Marley teaches
a class, and apparently she had a bunch of different
like media personalities come in and they like stood at
the lectern and spoke at these kids, and I refused.
I sat with them and was like, just asked me questions.

I'm not giving a speech. Nobody who wants to go
to college class and hear some guy talk at them.
I'm I just asking what you want to know, and
I'll tell you what kind of questions did they ask you?
They were really good questions, Yea, the classes about interviewing.
I told them I'm a terrible interviewer, but I gave
them my insight on why I think I'm bad at
it and why I think they should be good at it.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
So like the exact opposite, and you're really good at it.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
I don't know. I've had a few snaffoos in my day. Wow,
you know, but it's all right. Yeah, I told them
that story. But among others, they asked a lot of
good questions. Honestly, I was very encouraged by the by
the gens, as you would say it, gens by the gens.
I was very encouraged, really good questions. They're really thoughtful kids,
really smart. They were much more engaged than I would

have been at that point in my life. And yeah,
it was good.

Speaker 4 (02:01):
That's so cool.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
I invited some of them. I invited all of them
up here. We'll see how many follow up and how many.
You know, the next generation we have sitting behind each
one of you, trying to take your jobs. Yeah, yeah,
you're worried.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
Not right now, Yeah, I am not right the second,
not worried at all.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Your job is safe. Also, I want you to know,
Klen that your contributions to this show matter to the world.
We got a text this morning. Yesterday, I was instructing
my second graders in telling time and one of the
mass with the little numbers on the clock mean little
military time numbers like next to the big number. And

I explained that the radio show I listened to is
just talking about it. I told them that all the
professions that use it, and that they didn't need to
know about it. Oh, so thank you, Kaitlin. You've inspired
the world into anti military time. You're a propaganda We
don't need to know about it.

Speaker 2 (03:02):

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Yeah, well, I hope they don't go into the military.

Speaker 4 (03:04):
See what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Or we're here at the radio station.

Speaker 6 (03:07):
We use military time in our clocks.

Speaker 4 (03:09):
Here when I'm not at work.

Speaker 7 (03:11):
I don't like bring a microphone around and make people
talking to it, you know, like we do stuff at
work that we don't need to bring into like the
normal special life.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
You should see her when we're out socially, she pulls
this microphones got a little money flag on it. On
it it says the Kalin Show, which is weird. And
then she's always talking to people like she has to
be in the microphone.

Speaker 7 (03:29):
It's very strange, like what you do at work you
don't need to bring into normal life.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Well not morning Kiln, good morning, Hi Chasing Hi rool, Hello,
Paulina Hikiki the morning show me is here, She's got
four hundred. I could look, but you know, I just
always ask. He's my van of white. He's my he's
my U, my van of what, my Asian van of white.
Thank you Filipino Vana we especially during API month. I
appreciate that. Well, you know, I'm all over that. Yesterday

our Japanese fun fact come out. Yeah, Kiky was on
top of that one yesterday.

Speaker 4 (04:00):
I've got a party tonight.

Speaker 8 (04:02):
I know you do.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
It's your mouth feeling empty right now, wasn't it lonely mouth?
Wasn't that what the fun fact was yesterday? That people
eat sometimes just because they're bored, basically, and there's a
Japanese term for it. It's a lonely mouth. Lonely mouth.
So just stick something in there. Internvendamine not Benjamin is
apparently here. Let's do headlines and trending stories in a
little bit the entertainment report after that blog's coming up.
See what are you working out?

Speaker 7 (04:22):
Kavia the port Well Jennifer Lopez liked an instagram that
I think tells us exactly what we need to know
about the state of her relationship and more fallout from
or I guess fallout period from the Chiefs to Harrison
but lover. Sorry but her, I'm so sorry. Yeah, my
bad with that one.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
Yeah, except I have a story in trending about he's
gonna get away with it. He's not going to get
widely canceled. He is and he will continue to kick
field goals with the Kansas City Chiefs and nothing will
happen for his stupid statements. And I'll tell you why
in just a second. Kiki, speaking of the younger the

younger generation, the future of the world. I know that
you play a big role in your nephew's lives. Oh yes,
And I know there was a conversation recently about him
needing to apply himself, yes and get his grades up.

Speaker 4 (05:16):
Yes. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (05:16):
I don't know why I wasn't invited to this summit,
because you know, when you were speaking to the kids
of depal. I was. I was, I was trying to
inspire the next generation. Yes, yeah, I'm not sure if
I'm the guy for the job, but I tried. What's
sad is, by the way, a bunch of other people
I shouldn't say much. I guess a couple of the
other speakers have been like very negative about the few,
like basically telling these kids who are spending all this
money to learn about journalism and interviews and being in

the media and being in entertainment whatever else. Basically like,
I don't know if i'd do it saying this to
these girls. It's like, I don't know if I would
do it the way that you know, if you're older
in this generation or older in this industry, I don't
know if I would do it the way that you've
done it. But I mean, if I were young looking forward,
I think there's a lot of opportunity. It's different, it's

it's just it's different than it used to be. The
delivery is different, the you know, the content's different. The
way that people hear the contents different. But like, I
don't know, I mean I would be encouraged. You got
all kinds of different social media platforms. I mean, you
have access to so many people, you know, via via
social media and TikTok and Twitter and podcasting, and hell,
you can start your own radio show. You don't even

I mean granted, like you know, we're built into people's cars.
You're kind of forced to listen to us. But there's
a lot of opportunity. I was, I was discouraged by that.
But anyway, so you needed he needs to get its
grades up. What's the situation with this young man?

Speaker 5 (06:35):
So he needs to get his grades up. It's getting
close to the end of the school year. And so
you know, my sister raises him and she was, you know,
but we all help out. And so I text him
because I knew he was at school getting there, and
I was like, hey, you know, this is the last
couple of weeks. You really need to turn it up.
We need to get those grades up. So he responds, Okay,
I'm working really hard. And then I started seeing a

little three.

Speaker 3 (06:56):
Dots come up because he's got he's got something else's.

Speaker 5 (06:58):
Y Yeah, now what else could he have to say?
And he goes, okay, yeah, so about the grades. Can
we make a deal? And I look at Kaylin, Like,
this man just asked me, can we make a deal?
Like the deal is that you either get your grades
up or my foot is up your you know.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
So I'm like, can we make a deal.

Speaker 5 (07:16):
So I'm at first I was about to just go off,
and then I was like, you know, I actually want
to hear what his proposition is, Like what.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
What why don't you pitch me?

Speaker 4 (07:23):
Go ahead?

Speaker 3 (07:24):
Yeah, so that's your job, by the way, that's the
only thing you really got to do in life. That's
it is go to school exactly and apply yourself the
best you can. That's the only responsibility. But you want
to make a deal, right a young entrepreneur.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
What's my deal?

Speaker 5 (07:39):
So he's like, if I get my grades up, can
me and Michael and CJ go to the concert that's
coming up. And I had to just sit back in
my chair because I'm like he thinks this is like
like he's like he's doing me a favor getting his
rays up, you know, like I'll do you this big
one something you scratch my back scratular was like like, no,

get your grades up, and I simply responded like, no,
there's no deal. Your grades are your grades, and we'll
see about a concert.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
And he just was like, okay, oh yeah, you have
no way of going if you're grades of this bad.
So there's there's that, right, so you could get better
grades and then it maybe yeah.

Speaker 5 (08:18):
Actually I don't even know if he responded to me.
I gotta check, but yeah, these kids are wild.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
Like they are. They just said, I don't know what
they think. This is like, this is not what you're thinking.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
My parents tried that, I mean because I didn't. I
was an average student at best, and they tried it.
I mean there were times when they're like, we'll pay
you for an A that my mom bribed me with,
you know, stuff I wanted as a kid, if you
can get this grade on this test. And I mean
they tried it. I think it was desperation. I think
it was like you know, that's why I think it was.

But but how do we feel about eight five three five?
How do we feel about incentivizing kids to do better
in school? Like, I mean, if your kids came to
you and pitched you if they were getting c's and
they're like, you know, I think I can pull off
some b's and a's. However, I need to be on
some kind of a bonus system. You know, I want

to be incentivized for this. You know, if I get
an A, you know, how about It's like, if you
get an A, you can like still have a roof
over your house and we'll like give you food and stuff.
If you get a C, then you can go get
a job. It's amazing, and I will sing, I'm so
grateful for my parents now in ways that I didn't
realize I needed to be, because I grew up with

people who were very similar to me or better off,
and so everybody around me had the same stuff for
more and I just assumed that was how everybody had
it because I didn't know better, and so I wasn't
rude to them or mean or disrespectful. I was very grateful.
But looking back now that I'm an adult and I
make money and pay taxes, and I don't care what
you're getting from your parents, if it's a lot or

a little, whatever it is, is probably a tremendous amount
of work and effort for them to be able to provide.
So if you're listen now and you're a kid, like
you don't have to really care, but like just be grateful,
be happy that your parents you know, if you don't
have to worry about, you know, where you're going to sleep,
or you don't have to worry about where food's gonna
come from, or if there's food in the fridge or whatever,
just be happy by that. And I'm not saying that

to guilt anybody. It's just there's no way that as
a kid, you could truly appreciate it because because you
haven't necessarily had to work for it yet, so you
don't know, you know, And I just I look back now,
I think my parents paid how much for that stupid
school that I hated? Oh my god? And they thought
they were that was they were doing their big one.
That was the best they could do, the very best
it was available, and I hated every day. And then

on top of that, on top of all the money
paid for that, I made him pay me just to
like apply myself because I mean, it's crazy. But so
so he's not going to the concert. There's no direct
correlation between like if he gets a's, Like you didn't
say to him explicitly, if you get a's you can
go to the show.

Speaker 5 (10:55):
Absolutely not. I said, we'll see period taking them. And
that's the problem.

Speaker 3 (10:59):
Yeah, he he's a a and I's.

Speaker 5 (11:03):
Welcome be again. Literally gets everything he wants from me.
He also hits me up like a couple of times
a week just for random cash apps and.

Speaker 7 (11:12):
Like oh my god today ever yeah, yeah, my friends
are low.

Speaker 4 (11:17):
Yeah, and sir, you know you need a job.

Speaker 3 (11:19):
Well, Calyn, you're twelve years older than your sister thirteen,
so you basically are another mom to her. And so
when your mom says no, then the expectation is that
you'll say.

Speaker 7 (11:27):
Yes yeah, or if she doesn't want to get the
wrath of her and she gets a worse wrath from me,
but for some reason she doesn't mind it. But my
favorite thing is when Bella gets in trouble. It's well,
I could be doing X, Y or Z, but I'm not,
so like, I'm really giving you guys a gift by
being this good. So it's like I could be doing
hard drugs. It's like, no, whatever you're doing that you're
getting trouble for is what we're talking about.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
Oh, that's a good one. I could be doing heroin.

Speaker 7 (11:51):
Moth's like okay, well great, we'll nane for not Yeah,
thanks for that.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
There's something else.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
Yeah, I mean I have a neighbor kid down the block.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
That's he's he's obsessed with a fixie, a bicycle, you know,
like a fixi is a style of bike that all
the kids have nowadays.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
And thank you for teaching me that. I it's and
I have one. I have had one for of course
you do. If the kids have one, then Rufio has
one well because I have the money to buy one.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
And he knows I have this bike, and he's just
like he'll come over like, hey, you're not riding the bike.
I was like, no, I mean it's I keep it
like running right, and he's just like, can I have it?
I was like, can you have what? I was like
my bike that I paid money for? It was like, yeah,
you're not using it. I'm like, what can I have it?

Speaker 3 (12:37):
Yeah? That's both. I can't imagine asking one of my
neighbors I have something like, you know, I really want this.

Speaker 4 (12:44):
I was like then sorry, I was like most some lawns.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
Or something like.

Speaker 3 (12:49):
Make some money. How much these bikes anywhere from three
hundred to like a thousand bucks. I'll tell you what.

Speaker 4 (12:55):
I got.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
Three hundred bucks. Where the work you can do around
my house that I don't want.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
To That's what I said to him.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
I was like, you know what, it was like, if
I can find a cheap enough one, I will buy
it for you.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
You don't owe me any money, and you can work
like over the summer. If I asked you for your help,
you could help me. It's just like no way.

Speaker 4 (13:11):
I'm like, see, no way.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
I was like, no way, I'm giving you a free bike.
You're I know, and like and I was like I
will help.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
You, and and and he had permission from his mom,
like he's like, yeah, take this deal.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Because I'm like, he's like, I'm not buying you this bike.

Speaker 6 (13:29):
I was like, take this deal.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
And I was like here it is, and he like
he thought and he was like all right, but what
about this one?

Speaker 3 (13:36):
And he's picking up bikes.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
I like what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
I was like, I found him and I was like,
here's one for one hundred dollars.

Speaker 3 (13:43):
This is solid one.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
He's like, no, what about this one for I was
like three fifty.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
Look at this guy?

Speaker 2 (13:53):

Speaker 1 (13:53):
And then the next day then the next day he
came back with his table between his legs, is like, hey,
is that the offer still said?

Speaker 3 (14:01):
I was like, no, bro, that you teach that was
on the table. I hold the offer. Yow Adriana, Hi, Hey, Hi,
good morning. So what do we think about yeah, Kiki's
nephew coming back and say, well, oh I'd get better grades,
but you need to hook it up with some concert tickets, Like,
how do we feel about that? I mean negotiation at

this point.

Speaker 9 (14:24):
At this point, we're all living the same lives. Time
I'm gonna so I think. So I have an eighteen
year old, she's a senior now, and then my fifteen
year old he's a freshman. My fifteen year old, like
when he was in seven and eighth grade, he was
a kid you could have sensifized. And it started small, like, okay,
if you get all a's, i'll give you a certain
amount for the a's, but if you get any d's
on their report card, you don't get anything. And then

he got some point this boy was getting straight a's. Okay,
this is he was at one point like a C
average student. He's getting straight a's. So I was like,
when you designed school here, we're not doing this. I
know what you're capable of.

Speaker 4 (14:53):
Now just get the grades.

Speaker 9 (14:55):
And then my eighteen year old, it really did not
matter what we did. Like I could be like, girl,
you're get a car like next week if you get
all ads, and she's like okay, we'll see and she'll
still come.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
On with these.

Speaker 9 (15:05):
So I think one it depends on the student, and
then too those incentives have to change as they get older.
But like for these kids now, I think that sense
of entitlement kicks, like, well, what are you gonna do
for me?

Speaker 3 (15:14):
At fine?

Speaker 9 (15:14):
It's like uh huh, just get it done, Like I
don't get anything at all for going to school every
day getting my grades, Like I got nothing, but like hey, okay, cool,
we'll get your graduation.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
Yeah. Yeah, that's the problem. It's like wait, wait a minute,
so I start paying you and now all of a
sudden you can get a's but you couldn't get them before.
What the hell were you doing before? Yeah? Yeah, right,
thank you for calling. Have a great day.

Speaker 10 (15:38):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
I think my parents just got desperate. But like, uh,
it's like, dude, can you like please honestly, like there's
forty students here, can you at least finish in the
top ten? Yeah that did not happen. I'm gonna shure
you o that that we're lucky there was a little
paper in that thing at the end. I wasn't try
open it as soon as they ended and think, thank god, Diane,

how you doing? Hey Diane, good morning. Do you do
you pay your kids for grades?

Speaker 11 (16:09):

Speaker 4 (16:09):
I do.

Speaker 11 (16:10):
My daughter's seniors's graduating on Sunday. This girl has straight a's,
and my son's a freshman he also has straight as
they get thirty dollars per a.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
First of all, congratulations to your daughter and your family.
But so, I mean, if it works, it works. But
like on the flip side, you could argue, I don't
have I mean, I'm paying for everything else, So why
do I have to pay you on top of it
just to do the thing you're supposed to do, the
only thing you're supposed to do.

Speaker 11 (16:34):
You know, it's just because I know they're good kids.
I know I know what they're capable of doing, so
why not give them a little bit of extras to
get it even more? And she's got a straight scholarship
for college, so hey.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
Oh yeah, actually that's pretty smart.

Speaker 11 (16:52):
Hey, and the college is paid for all we have
to pay for her dorm.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
I'm good with that, you know.

Speaker 3 (16:56):
Okay, that's another side. Do all this that's actually that's
actually a good investment. So I mean, if you think
of it that way, Hey, i'll tell you what. I'll
give you thirty bucks per a, you get all a's
for four years, and then you get college paid for.
Then I just saved one hundred thousand dollars or whatever. Diane,
maybe you're I think you're an edit of the game here.
Thank you, Diane, have a good day. I also think

that like her perspective right there, it's like her kids
didn't necessarily ask for it. It was more like, here's
a reward. It wasn't like what, I'm not bagging on
your nephew. But it wasn't like I'm getting seeds. I'll
go ahead and get a's if you do it for me.
It sounds like they were going to apply themselves anyway,
and this was just a reward on top of it,
you know, to keep them motivated. Like I don't have

a problem with that. I think it would be more
like if I went to my parents and said I
can get the seas to B's for a price, she
said that.

Speaker 5 (17:48):
I think I need to take them back. I think
that's a brilliant I too.

Speaker 7 (17:51):
I mean, her saved her money, and that's brilliant. I
struck up a deal to get my belly button pierce
and that hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Speaker 4 (17:58):
So she's smart. Her kids gore a nice college.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Hey, Kirk, how you
doing good?

Speaker 12 (18:05):
Very good?

Speaker 3 (18:05):
I'm doing all right, man. So you grew up in
the nineties, A lot of us did too, and your
parents would give you money if he did well.

Speaker 8 (18:11):
That's great.

Speaker 12 (18:12):
Yeah, but they'd do it for honor rolls. So like
every quarter we'd get twenty bucks, which back then was
pretty decent. But I grew up with my twin brother,
but uh, he didn't really care about the money. So yeah,
so I always got the money.

Speaker 2 (18:29):

Speaker 3 (18:30):
Did he get on the honor roller and he just
didn't really even bother.

Speaker 12 (18:33):
No, he didn't even bother. Yeah, but we didn't switch
classes and stuff. So I'd help him out a little bit.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
Oh there you go, there you go. Thank you, have
a good day. I love you, guys. Hey, look it
to you man, Thanks for calling. Hey, kaylea, good morning.
Hey you're all for paying the kids to go to school?

Speaker 4 (18:53):
Oh yeah, because I was one of them kids that
would do that.

Speaker 13 (18:55):
Because my mama when I was in high school, My
mama head, I mean were justin Bieber tickets, and I
got on a roll.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
I mean, these are justin Bieber tickets. Okay, I mean
like I can understand why you would apply yourself for that.

Speaker 4 (19:09):
Yeah, I would have shared which tour was that? Do
you remember? I was believed tour two so good that
it is worth on a row event.

Speaker 13 (19:22):
We were I think my friend it was one hundred
and seventeen dollars.

Speaker 11 (19:25):
We had got them off biby seats.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
And it was section three.

Speaker 11 (19:30):

Speaker 3 (19:31):
Right, hey, wait to apply yourself to Look where it
got you justin Bieber.

Speaker 13 (19:41):
This is how you know that it one hundred percent
happens really good. Because my when I used to work
at Chipotle, my manager was like, if you get done
at ten thirty, I magine the place closed at ten.

Speaker 8 (19:52):
She said, if you get.

Speaker 13 (19:53):
Done at ten thirty, I'll buy you some I'll buy
you a milkshake. And I got done at ten twenty.

Speaker 10 (19:57):

Speaker 3 (19:58):
There you go. But don't you try to eat that
chicken out time. That's for everybody else. That's scoops.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
Please, thank you, have a good day.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
Chapotle's been getting killed by the way social media for
being kind of scammy. I went yesterday. It doesn't seem
to be hurting their business whatsoever. That place was packed, so,
but I did look at it. I looked at the
portion side as the guy was doing it. I'm like,
I noticed everybody in line was like, give me more,
give me more. So I feel like everyone's going in
there like it's like when you go to the car
dealership and you walk in there like ready to swing.

I feel like everyone's going to Chipotle now like, oh,
you ain't gonna get me.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
It's like a thing on TikTok where it's it's like
you get to the meat portion and if they don't
give you a big enough scoop, you're supposed to walk
out and just leave them with that bull. It's all
over TikTok. I'm not leaving that brito them too.

Speaker 4 (20:45):
No, And that's crazy.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Yeah, you say, all right, let me get rice, and
then let me get beans, and then what kind of
meat you want.

Speaker 3 (20:52):
They'd be like steak.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
If they give you like a skimpy thing, you're supposed
to be like nah, I'm good and then just leave.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
You don't have to do that at Canna.

Speaker 3 (20:59):
Let me tell you test for extra rice. They kind
of look at me. I'm like, that's the cheapest thing,
the thing you give me the right to fill it
with the rice. It's the best part. Like, what are
you married about the cheapest thing? And it's not even
your riso? Probably God?

Speaker 4 (21:15):
I mean people walking out now, that's that's rude.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
I can only imagine if I were the person behind me,
like what you doing with that?

Speaker 2 (21:20):

Speaker 3 (21:21):
Exactly, Like just added to my burrito and I'm good
they left that behind me. That's a wounded soldier. You
must save that. Yeah, let's doe trending stories at the
Teddy Swims. In two minutes, spread show is on. It's
the thread show. This is what's trending.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
All right.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
So it's been confirmed by the NFL. The VP of
Broadcast Planning. This guy's name is Mike North. In case
you were wondering, that's the that's Mike North. That's our boy,
the VP of broadcast planning. If you had to describe
Mike North to the people who've never seen the VP
of Broadcast Planning for the NFL came and how would
you describe Mike?

Speaker 7 (21:52):
Yeah, Well, I mean he uh is latest on the fact,
did you see them?

Speaker 4 (21:56):
You saw the Matt Gallery?

Speaker 7 (21:57):
Yeah, of course I did, right, So he kind of
the theme was inspired by him ethereal because you know
what I mean, he gives like kind of just not
of this world in a way. Yeah, yeah, like the
whole garden vibe. He kind of just brings that.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
On a how do you glow this way? Mike North?

Speaker 4 (22:14):

Speaker 3 (22:14):
You know, how do you do it?

Speaker 5 (22:15):

Speaker 4 (22:15):
He can't be human?

Speaker 7 (22:17):
No, no, I don't think that in a win tour
kind of based it all around him.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
I didn't say that in my report, but.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
I wish you had. That was some insight info that
the people should have known.

Speaker 4 (22:25):
But is a secret.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
Yeah, well not anymore. But he says that the NFL
took Taylor Swift's concert scheduling into account when they made
the entire NFL schedule. Taylor Swift could attend up to
fourteen of the Chiefs games this upcoming season. Here's what
I want to know powerful And I didn't see the
full quote. I just saw this little blurb, but like,

did they do it so that she can go to
the games? Probably because I want to say that they
I saw a statistic or a number that she was
she was responsible for like a three hundred million dollar
uptick in NFL revenues. But I also wonder how much
that has to do with planning, Like is she doing
stadiums again this summer? What I'm wondering is is it

so she can go to the games, or is it
so she can go to the game slash They had
to take into consideration how many stadiums she was filling
up because they were the stadiums at the NFL teams
play in, Like, for example, when she plays Soldier Field,
the Bears obviously couldn't play there. But that's not this
summer though, So this summer she's in Europe, so they might,
you know what I mean. So I don't know.

Speaker 7 (23:26):
I don't know how she's adding more dates now in America,
which you know, pray for Jason, But yeah, so that
might be. But I think it's it's the money thing.
I mean, she gets the more money, and that's just about.

Speaker 3 (23:36):
If you show up for work, the company will pay you,
so sort of, and with that money you can buy
Taylor Swift tickets if you'd like, if you have a
p money, if you have approved PTO. That's only if you.

Speaker 4 (23:48):
Have vacation time, so it's weekends.

Speaker 3 (23:51):
I already got a text this morning on the text line,
certainly not on my personal phone, that oh guys, I
love you. But Harrison Bucker didn't say anything wrong. Now
look on your personal phone, no, I said, it was
certainly not. There's not one person in my life who
thinks that what Harrison Butker.

Speaker 4 (24:07):
Said would say that was.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
I mean, look, the context that people are leaving out
is that he was catering to his audience. He was
speaking at a a evangelist, a Catholic or Christian based university.
He got a standing ovation. I guess everybody who listened
to him speak agree with what he said. I found
it insensitive for a lot of read for a lot

of reasons. But I mean, basically, the way that I
heard it was, yeah, nice job with that whole four
year degree thing, ladies, but get there and get there
and make me a kid in a sandwich. That's how
it came off to me. But that's just me. That's
my personal opinion. Apparently a lot of other people felt
the same way. But apparently a lot of other people
agreed with him because his jersey was the most in

demandfangear at NFL dot com as of yesterday.

Speaker 4 (24:54):
What I mean, I'm not surprised. I know what we're
working with around here.

Speaker 7 (24:58):
You can't lose it anything this country they're standing on.
I mean, I've seen what's happened a couple of times,
so these people exist.

Speaker 4 (25:07):
Yeah, I.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
Didn't. I didn't love the way it came off. That's
just me and that's my personal opinion. It doesn't reflect
that of anybody else or the you know, well it does, no,
I think we all agree. But I just the way
that I heard it was, you know, nice job with
all these other efforts, and oh you wanted to Oh
you wanted to have a career in something other than
motherhood and homemaking. And that's funny. That's kind of the

way that I heard it.

Speaker 7 (25:31):
Well, he also talked about like other hot button issues
LGBTQ plus abortion, So I think that's obviously going to
make some people talk, right, And.

Speaker 3 (25:40):
Look, if that's your path, that's if that's what you
want for your life. You want to wear itself, You
want to make kids and make kids, You want to
have kids in a family and whatever make that great.
And you want to be an amazing mother, and that's
your job. That's amazing, that's wonderful. But I don't think
that that precludes or negates a four year degree or
any career aspirations or whatever else. That's all I'm saying,
do you that's it. I think those people should have

been proud on that day for their degree, and it
should have been minimized by the idea that women are
supposed to go make kids and take care of men.
That's the way I heard it me in my little
pea brain.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
All our little brains are the same thing. And then
you say too, like women even lied to like even
sold a dream. And it's like that was just the
weirdest tick I've ever heard from just anybody.

Speaker 3 (26:23):
And I listened to the speech a couple of times
at the full speech, but I listened to a good
chunks of it a couple of times, and I just thought,
not I didn't love it. The Vatican, Guys, the Vatican.
Jason Brown is our official Vatican Report. Let's go Live
to the Vatican. Now Live to the Vatican. A former
altar boy. Not surprising, Jason Brown is set to hold
a press conference on supernatural phenomenon today and it will

really this is a serious story, I guess, and it
will touch on aliens and how it will deal with
potential encounters in the future. It kicks off around noon
wherever in the Vatican. That means is probably happening now.
With plans to present the new provision of the Dicastory
of the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions
and other supernatural phenomena. The press conference will see new

guidelines launched on how to Vatican will deal with aliens
and phenomena created by them. Oh my god.

Speaker 6 (27:16):
Wow, that's the messiest word, right, guys, mister Vatican. We
have the Pope, the Pope, mister Pope, we have so
many other issues that you need to worry about. You
guys are the.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
Smallest country in the world, by the way, Vatican.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
City, Pope, thank you. Yeah, I love my fun fact today.
I think I've done it before, but we've done that one.
That's how you come on, That's how your woman brain
knew that. I mean, obviously it certainly wasn't. It wasn't
from your four year degree or we're starting abroad there,
we're studying abroad, or the many years of work that
you did to get here, and the many years of

work that it required for you to stay here. It
has nothing to do with that. It was simply because
a man told you.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
You're right.

Speaker 4 (27:53):
You're right.

Speaker 3 (27:54):
No, you're right.

Speaker 4 (27:54):
You tell me most things.

Speaker 3 (27:55):
I shouldn't even joke about this because if anyone tuned
in right now, they're like that guy just is he
wearing a Harrison But for Jersey as we speak, are you?
I am absolutely kidding about everything I just said, except
for watching the Vatican press conference med Aliens, I'm not
kidding about that. I'll be tuned in. I'll be glued
to the TV and in more space news today and
what's trending. Elon Musk claims that humans could be living

in a city on Mars within the next thirty years.
He took to X to write, we are just a
few years away from landing on Mars, less than five
years for uncrewed, less than ten to land people and
maybe a city in twenty years, but for sure in
thirty civilization secured SpaceX was the first private company to
send a liquid propellent rocket into orbit and deliver astronauts

into the International Space Station. Now not a journalistic outlet
is the Fred Show, But haven't we discussed before that
they have a way to get you to Mars, they
just don't have a way to get you home. Isn't
it one way trip? I think so?

Speaker 2 (28:51):

Speaker 1 (28:52):
Well there honestly so like, yeah, right now, they're just
sending rockets there right right, This is what.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
He was just saying. But I'm just it's like if
I like it, if I don't like it, Like if
I get to the party and I'm like, this isn't
my scene, I don't get to come back because remember
when did we do a story about a bunch of
people who signed up to go to Mars and there
was no way back, and like their families and wives
and husbands were going like, uh wait, you want to

go somewhere where you're never coming back? Like how much
do you dislike me?

Speaker 4 (29:25):

Speaker 3 (29:25):
I guess I would like to know that I could
get home, because I'll go anywhere once, but I like
to know that I can leave, you know, an Irish exit. Yeah,
you know, I got going to the bathroom, guys, and
then I get on the thing and thirty years later
I'm back on earth, you know what I mean? I
guess not though it's National Idaho Day, National Graduation Tassel
Day to celebrate every graduate's accomplishments in future. That's right,

NASCAR Day, National Pizza Party Day, National Bike to Worker
School Day, a National Endangered Species Day. Today the Entertainment
Report and blogs new Waiting by the Phone money would
showed vis Shelley All coming up texted eight three five.
What's an Irish egg. It's when you sort of disappear
without saying goodbye from an event or a party or something.
I think that's the easiest way to describe it. It's

the person who doesn't make a big deal about leaving. Okay,
I'm leaving now. Then you have to hug everybody, and
when you just sort of you just sort of slip away. Yes,
And that because which was I'm famous for doing. Because
I think if I'm gonna leave super early from something,
if and we've had this discussion before, and I have
to go okay everyone, me, Hi, look at me. I'm
leaving this thing with all of you that I don't

want to be at. And so I feel like then
you have to go around and say goodbye everyone. You've
made a scene. And I think also what you do
when you do when you do the ladder is then you.
You sort of give the invitation that anyone can leave now,
and I think that's rude. If you're going to leave,
you know, prematurely. I think it's rude because then it's like, oh,
well he left, Well I think I'm gonna get going

now too. But if I just disappear, well, then I
didn't sort of upset the you know, the Apple card now, yeah, right, you.

Speaker 4 (30:53):
Taught me that.

Speaker 3 (30:54):

Speaker 4 (30:54):
The Irish exact I say, is this think it was
so rude. I was like, oh my god, I left
what I was saying bye.

Speaker 7 (30:58):
But now I just like, I peek out the back
door whatever I need door, I'm out.

Speaker 3 (31:03):
Yeah. The Kiki's an Iris exitter as well.

Speaker 4 (31:05):
I love it, are you? Favorite thing they do is.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
Yeah, yeah, so she knows that. There you go. There's
another entertainment report and he's on the Fread show.

Speaker 4 (31:13):
Speaking of Harrison Butker.

Speaker 7 (31:15):
He got disowned by Kansas City itself following his controversial
commencement speech, at least briefly on social media, with the
city's official Twitter or x account dissing the Kicker. So
the Kansas City page, which John's the gray badge for
government verified handles, shaded the hell out of him writing
just a reminder that Harrison Bucker lives in the city

of Lee's summit. FYI, that city is about a half
hour outside of Kansas City and a solid twenty minutes
from Arrowhead Stadium. Essentially, they're saying, dude's not one of us. Well,
someone over at who runs their account got in trouble
because the tweet was deleted and they later.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Wrote, we apologized for our previous tweet. It was shared
in error. I don't error.

Speaker 7 (31:56):
Of course, he's been dealing with lots of fallout from
his commencement speech, which covered hot button issues like I
mentioned abortion, the LGBTQ plus community, COVID, and a woman's
purpose being a homemaker and a mother. Dude even brought
teammate Travis Kelsey's girlfriend Taylor Swift into it, citing one
of her song lyrics to get his point across the Chargers,

and Rufio sent me this also through shaded him with
and I loved this video. There SIMS themed schedule reveal,
which you know every social media person tries to make
theirs the most interesting. It showed him cooking in the
kitchen as a sim think this is pretty funny, Like
fred said. The NFL's chief diversity officer said his views
are not those of the NFL as an organization. Jennifer

Lopez liked an instagram about broken relationships amid rumors she
and Ben.

Speaker 4 (32:45):
Affleck are having issues. So here's the deal.

Speaker 7 (32:48):
This relationship coach named Lenna Marsak. She posts a lot
of content about how to build a strong and healthy relationship.
Posted something back in March that j Lo apparently came
across Thursday morning and liked it. So the post itself
is pretty telling. So it features a few slides of
large text that reads you cannot build a healthy relationship

with someone who dot dot dot and then it says
lacks integrity and emotional safety. Goes on to explain trust
and integrity and how they're the foundation of every solid relationship,
noting that if you can't trust someone, it ends up
fostering fear, anxiety, and emotional instability. The third slide describes
the type of person you can't build a healthy relationship
with and how it's someone who doesn't respect your time,

doesn't think it's important to call or text you back
in a respectable timeframe. The fourth talks about someone who
lacks effective communication skills like the silent treatment with draws
refuses to communicate unless it's on their terms, and the
fifth and final slide says someone who doesn't know who
they are or what they want. Of course, this all
comes as Ben with spotted driving away from a Brentwood

home where I'm told he's saying lately and not the
home that he shares with Jen in touch is saying
that they're split up or now. I haven't heard that
confirmed anywhere else, but there is definitely some space. They've
been seeing a part a lot, and I mean she's
she must have been looking for that post if it
was not from recently, so you know, see, maybe she's

just getting ready for the tour. She needs space, you
know what I'm saying. Maybe she could send benda.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
They don't want to know because there's really nobody there,
so plenty of face for him to spread out with
his belongings. Maybe she listens to the Fred Show and
she you know, they're they're trying the Fred theory of
a two house relationship. That's it, that's I think it is.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
Yeah, they're big listeners.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
They're a little tense.

Speaker 11 (34:39):
You know.

Speaker 3 (34:39):
She likes to leave the dishes in the sink, and
you know, Ben likes to smoke in the house and
get old botox and get his face stretched and whatever else,
and she doesn't like so he goes and does he
does all those things in his Brentwood home and then
they just get together, you know, for social time.

Speaker 4 (34:56):
Yeah, they're big listeners. I think I think you got
to the bottom of that fire. I think no, that's
your story whatsoever. They're definitely not going through it.

Speaker 7 (35:03):
If you do anything today before you start your weekend,
could you please follow us on Instagram at Fred Show
Radio and then on TikTok at the Fred Show. TikTok please,
I'm gently begging.

Speaker 3 (35:13):
Yeah, thank you. Yeah, they talk better than these are
the radio blogs on the Fred Show. We gotta follow
up with Rufie. Yeah. His mouth, his mouth, he got
that thing that lonely mouth. No, trust me, his mouth
is not lonely. It's moving too much words all the time.

Go ahead and take it away, Rufie.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Thank you, dear blogs. So yeah, Fred mentioned about a
month ago.

Speaker 4 (35:39):
I got over.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
A month ago, I got a root canal done. I've
been trying to get my teeth all in order. I
had my wisdom teeth taking out and they're like, oh,
you need a root canal on this tooth. So I
got that done and if you remember, they left the repliers, Yeah,
a little piece of the instrument in whatever the drill
in my tooth and they're like, oh, you got to

see this specialist and that guy's super busy. Uh So
it took a month to get an appointment there. So
I finally went yesterday. Shout out to doctor Novak and
his assistant Joanna listeners of the program. OK, yeah, So
I went there and he's like, all right, let's, you know,
see what's going on here.

Speaker 3 (36:22):
Let's take a scan.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
And he takes a scan, puts it up on the
screen and he's like, oh, yep, there's that piece right there.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
And then I was like yep. I was like, so
what's the plan.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
He's like, well, first of all, did you know that
this root canals not even finished?

Speaker 3 (36:35):
I said what? I said what? And he's like yeah.
Then he shows me in another scan.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
She was like, this is what the root canal is
supposed to be, like, it's all filled in, the roots
are all clean, and he's like, you don't have any
of that.

Speaker 4 (36:45):
I was like, what do you mean I don't have.

Speaker 6 (36:47):
Any of that?

Speaker 3 (36:48):
They told me when I went back to the dentists,
like it's done.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
We just have a little peace left and then we're
gonna get this cleared up. If if we're gonna remove
it or leave it, we're going go see this specialist.
And then that said, he's just like, no, it's not done.
So the first time, I'm like, what is going I
was like, I'm so. I was like, what do I do?
DOC Like, I don't know what to do? Like do
I call my insurance? So I say, hey, I'm not

paying for this other service because they didn't do anything.
I was in that chair for almost two hours and.

Speaker 3 (37:19):
It's not done. I was I was what did he
say to do?

Speaker 1 (37:22):
He's just like, well, it's like I could you know.
He's like he's like, have you had any pain or
anything like that. I was like, no, it hasn't really
bothered me with the little piece of my mouth. He's
just like, well, it's really down in there and I
might not be able to retrieve it, but I can
finish this the root canal. And so he's just like,
do you want me to finish it? Or do you

want me to call you want me the other guy
that I was just like.

Speaker 3 (37:45):
Yeah, I go back to I think I said this before,
like when you have a bad meal and they're like,
here's a gift card to come back. No, I don't
want to come back. It sucked here. I don't I
want you to get my money back. I'm never coming back.
So like, no, I don't want to go back to
the old guy who left a pair of hammer int.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
So I have an appointment a month from now because
this guy's so busy to to finish this root canal
and and get it all done. And he's gonna attempt
to see if he could remove the thing. But if not,
he said, it's not a big deal, and and then
if he can't reach it, then he's gonna leave it.
I was just like, oh yeah, And I was like
that guy told me the other guys like it's done.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
We just need to get this piece out. But it's
not done. Somebody called Amy with a right one hundred
pretty called somebody this is a truck a truck rack.

Speaker 4 (38:30):
My friends need lawyers right now.

Speaker 3 (38:32):
Yeah, you know, I think the same guy who did
his teeth is the guy who moved ahead stably.

Speaker 5 (38:36):
It's given a crackhead. I don't know, but we right
right right, We got yeah right. So that's so a
month from now, I have an appointment to finish the canal.
It's kind of funny because like, uh, on this my friend,
my good friend's wife. I guess she's my good friend
who is a dentist, you know, oh yeah, And even

though she's not in network, I have to go to
her and pay cash because she because I just got
so tired of hearing about how I didn't support her,
like I didn't go to her place.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
I mean it was kind of like, you know, like
what like Mike's one of my best friends, and then
Lauren is like, how can he be your best friend?
You don't go to me? So I go to her
and we did like X rays and it shows up
on a little computer screen and you can see where
my fillings are and some are like real and she
didn't do any of them, but some are like real pretty.
And then I have like three or four and I

think all my teeth tried to fall out at one point.
But then like a couple are really nasty, like they
don't look very nice, and I'm like, what is that? Like, Okay,
and she looks at it and she's like, well, it's
clinically passable. And it's like clinically passable. She's like, I mean,
it's not the nicest work I've ever seen. And I'm thinking, like,
there's someone who graduates at the bottom of their death

of last two and you don't know, like you never know.
She's like, I mean, I'm not I don't have to
redo it, but like I wouldn't say it's the nicest
work I've ever seen. I'm like everybody walking around with
mediocre stuff going on in their body and the people
don't even know. And I guess if we don't know,
doesn't matter, but like, still, you're right, it matters. Like

somebody graduated at the bottom of their class and they
out here doing nasty cavities and and some of you
are wise. I need Victoria to write a review.

Speaker 5 (40:20):
I'm on him. My parents should have paid for them.
The grades exactly much better if mom and said thirty.

Speaker 2 (40:29):
More pread show. Next, A Fresh Show.

Speaker 3 (40:33):
Is on Everybody Well, Hello Everyone, Good Morning Friday, May seventeenth.
The French shows on hig Kaylin, Hello Jason, Hello, Rufio, Hi, Paulina,
Hikki Good Morning Show, based with four hundred bucks. New player,
Can you beat our pop culture expert in five questions
to get that money? We'll play in about twenty minutes
after a brand new waiting by the phone. Why did

somebody get ghosted? Good news stories this hour? And the
Entertainer Report was coming up in their cape.

Speaker 7 (40:59):
Oh, someone who has ten kids with five different women
is having another one and it's quite the story.

Speaker 3 (41:07):
I'm looking at this New York Post article about the
anti This is a quote anti sex beds that have
arrived for the Paris Olympics this summer. They there will
be no love making. Apparently they're promoting and this is
not a new thing. They don't want the athletes procreating
for some reason.

Speaker 4 (41:27):
They're usually cardboard, aren't they.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
Yeah, well, these anti sex beds that have arrived. The
materials are small and aimed at deterring athletes from getting
kinky during the competition. The beds twin size means there's
no room for the competitors to slide up together. That
would not stop me. Whatsomever?

Speaker 4 (41:44):
No, I haven't heard of the floor? Don't they want
the Olympics to continue?

Speaker 3 (41:48):
Like, yeah, let's make future athletes here, let's procreate guys. Yeah,
but basically they are just these tiny little cardboard beds.
That is not going to stop me. Okay, I mean
when I see the Lithuanian track team, I mean a
little cardboard bed ain't gonna stop me. Yeah, you know

what I'm saying. See that volleyball teams and that's what
I mean.

Speaker 4 (42:11):
They also, you know, condoms, Like what are we doing?

Speaker 3 (42:14):
The Swedish volleyball team comes into my room. Yeah, we
are breaking cardboard beds. We're gonna do it. That's what's happening.
The Brazilian volleyball team Kaitlin's whole home country.

Speaker 4 (42:26):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 3 (42:28):
One tennis player told The Times of London at one
point that he had a debaucherous time at the nineteen
ninety two games in Barcelona, saying I got laid more
often in those two and a half weeks than the
rest of my life combined.

Speaker 4 (42:40):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (42:42):
Hello wow. All right, well maybe, but like where everyone's
grown ups, right, Like everyone's if you're grown up and
you're consenting, have at it. What are they worried about?
I mean, how is it any different than the two
weeks after the Olympics or the two weeks before the Olympics. Right,

it is a cardboard bed. I mean, the only thing
about a cardboard bed that would be nice. You just
throw the whole thing away when you're done, start over
with a new one, you know what I mean. You
don't have to worry about watching anything or whatever it
is to you have at it, you know, do what
you gotta do, and then just crumple it up, you know,
recycle obviously, recycle, yeah, you know, and we care about
the environment, you know, and just throw it away, get
another one, start from scratch. Maybe they're onto something with

that brand new waiting after McCallie two minutes the Fread Show.
It's Friday. We're glad you're here.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Ever been left waiting by the phone.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
It's the Fred Show, Ashley, good morning, welcome to the show.
How are you?

Speaker 2 (43:42):
I'm good?

Speaker 3 (43:42):
Are you doing well? Thank you? Welcome to waiting by
the phone. We're trying to figure out what's going on
with this guy, Drew. I have your email, but why
don't you explain to everybody listening how you met Drew,
about any dates you've been on, and why you think
you're being ghosted.

Speaker 10 (43:58):
Gosh, so I met Drew on Hinge and we hung
out twice and both times we went to his place
and had some drinks. And I don't know, ever since, like,
I thought we had really good conversation. I've always had
a really good time. We definitely were like super flirty

for like like the whole time, and I felt like
we had a good connection. But ever since then, he
hasn't reached out. And I just want to figure out why,
because I really liked him and I thought we could work.

Speaker 3 (44:31):
Out, okay, all right, So honestly, I mean I asked
the question all the time, but you look back on
this date, you thought it was a success. You left thinking, oh,
we're going to go out again, and I'll hear from him,
you know, I don't know tomorrow or the next day.
But nothing. And I assume you've reached out to him
and he hasn't responded.

Speaker 10 (44:47):
Yeah, I texted him like twice, and I didn't want
seem too desperate, so I stopped it twice.

Speaker 3 (44:51):
But you can't double text, right that you can't do it?
But I mean maybe, I mean maybe maybe once and
then one more Hail Mary. You know you can you
try it?

Speaker 4 (45:02):

Speaker 3 (45:03):
Maybe not No, maybe that's just maybe that's just me. Yeah,
oh yeah, yeah, that's just me.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
Shut up.

Speaker 3 (45:10):
Keep whatever. What's you like not to have to this?
What's you like not to be pseudo desperate sometimes? What's
that like, Giki.

Speaker 4 (45:20):
It's not that fun. You enjoy yourself. It's a thrill.

Speaker 3 (45:24):
Okay, Well, let's call this guy Drew. We'll see if
we can get him on the phone, ask some questions,
and you'll be on the phone at the same time.
At some point you're welcome to jump in and hopefully
we can figure out what's going on with this guy
and straighten things out and set you guys up on
another date that we pay for. All right, okay, thank you,
Let's see what's up. In Part two, waiting by the phone,
we shall investigate you two minutes after Sabrina Carpenter on

the Frend Show each Friday weekends. Almost here. Sabrina Carpenter
is the French show on the radio and the iHeart
app twenty four to seven. Search for the Fred Show
on demand. Ashley, Yeah, all right, let's call this guy Drew.
You guys met on hands, you went on a date
that you thought was a success, but you haven't heard
from this guy since the date. You've texted him a
couple of times. He hasn't responded. Kikia does not know
what that's like. She's never experienced double texting before. The

rest of us have, well, maybe not I have. Maybe
the rest of you never have. I don't know. Ruvio
probably never has. He's never been on a dating app
in his whole life. Paulina, I don't know you ever
double texted.

Speaker 4 (46:19):
I'm sure I have. Yeah, double tux you guys, I
probably double text other people too.

Speaker 3 (46:23):
Yeah, because one of you double text is Hey? Actual question?
That's famous, Paulina, Hey, can I ask you a question
on the text? It's okay. I feel much better now
actually about my about my texting in my private life.
So let's call this guy Drew and see what's going on.

Good luck, Ashley. Hello, Hi, is this Drew? Hey Drew,
good morning. My name is Fredam calling from the Fred's Show,
the Morning radio Show. I have to tell you that
we are on the radio right now, and I do
need your permission to continue with the call. He said, Okay,
if we chat for just a second.

Speaker 8 (47:05):

Speaker 9 (47:06):

Speaker 3 (47:06):
I know it's kind of a startling thing to get
a call from a radio morning radio show, but I'll
get right to it. We're calling on behalf of a
woman named Ashley, who I guess you met on Hinge
and went on a date with recently. Do you remember Ashley?

Speaker 10 (47:19):
I do?

Speaker 3 (47:19):
Yeah, Okay, So what's going on with her? Because you know,
she called us and had a lot of nice things
to say about you. I was excited to meet you,
said the date went well in her opinion, says she's
texted you since the date. You have not responded, You
haven't reached out, you haven't planned another date. She feels
like she's being ghosted. Is that the case? Yeah, I
mean I'm not.

Speaker 8 (47:37):
Really that interested. I think she's looking for more like
a sugar daddy type of situation, oh than like a
dating situation.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
Okay, well tell us more. What does that mean, because
she didn't share any of that with us.

Speaker 8 (47:48):
Well, she came over my house kind of out of
the blue. She's called me and said she was in
the area or whatever and asked if she can come over, and.

Speaker 11 (47:55):
I was like, yeah, okay.

Speaker 8 (47:57):
She got there and she said she was hungry. I
didn't have any food in the house, so she just
ordered food and she definitely she wanted if I wanted
some too or whatever. I said, no, I'm fine, and
then she ate it, you know, and we hung out
for a little bit, and then as she was leaving,
she asked me if I wanted to reimburse her for
the food that she just ordered and ate and told

her no, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (48:24):
Wow, so you were supposed to be okay, So she
shows up at your house, orders food for herself, eats it, leaves,
but before she goes she asks, like, for if you
wanted to venmo her for the food or so give
her cash.

Speaker 8 (48:37):
Or something, And I, yeah, that's not my Uh, that's
not my bag. You know. She invites herself over, orders food,
eats it, and I'm supposed.

Speaker 4 (48:45):
To pay for it.

Speaker 8 (48:46):
Yeah, that's not equality last time I checked, you know
what I mean. No, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
Oh that's not equality. Well, I mean, I guess it
would have been one thing if you had. I guess
you could have offered like, hey, you know, can I
get that for you? You could have ordered it to
begin with, But since you didn't, when you have no
obligation to do, by the way, but since you didn't,
then I think it's entirely unheard to you know, she
bought it. It was her decision. You owe her any money.

Speaker 8 (49:08):
I barely know her. We went on one date, and
this is the second time we're hanging out, and now
I'm supposed to buy her food every time we hang out.

Speaker 3 (49:15):
Now, come on, well let me bring Actually, Ashley, you
did not mention this whole thing about the food. So
you went to his house ordered food that you wanted.
He didn't get anything, and you expect him to.

Speaker 2 (49:26):
Pay for that.

Speaker 4 (49:27):
Well, I mean, he's the guy.

Speaker 8 (49:28):
I don't really see the issue.

Speaker 4 (49:29):
He's the guy, and we just said dating. He should pay.

Speaker 10 (49:32):
And also, Drew, don't actually you.

Speaker 2 (49:34):
Didn't have a bite?

Speaker 3 (49:35):
You did? Oh, he had a bite, so he should
pay for it.

Speaker 2 (49:38):
The whole thing.

Speaker 3 (49:39):
That's hilarious.

Speaker 8 (49:40):
Yeah, I had a bite of a chicken wing.

Speaker 2 (49:43):
I mean, was that like five dollars?

Speaker 8 (49:45):
You want me to vend more? You five dollars?

Speaker 3 (49:47):
Break that second?

Speaker 2 (49:49):

Speaker 1 (49:49):
Was it was it?

Speaker 3 (49:50):
Was it a drumstick?

Speaker 8 (49:51):
Or was that?

Speaker 3 (49:53):
Because that's going to depend on how did you have
any of the celery? Didn't come with celery? Because and
what's there an extra ranch? Or did you double dip?
Did you guys share the same ranch, because honestly, that's
going to cost you more. No double dipping.

Speaker 8 (50:07):
I just got one bite of a regular wing, just
a buffalo of wing.

Speaker 2 (50:10):

Speaker 3 (50:11):
See, one could argue, though, if you're at my home,
I should be hospitable and offer you something to eat
or drink or something in my house. But if I
don't hold on to hear me out. If I don't
and then you make the choice that you're hungry and
you want to do something, that doesn't mean that after
you ordered that I then have to pay you back.

That's not exactly what that means. Correct, Yeah, right, But I.

Speaker 8 (50:35):
Do think that he's the guy and we just started dating,
like we were out.

Speaker 10 (50:39):
If we went on the date and we were out
and we were having food, he would normally pay.

Speaker 3 (50:46):
I also think an important distinction here is that he
did not actually ask you out. You showed up at
his house, So what you're like, it wasn't even like
he said, come over, let's have chicken wings with ranch
and celery yourself. You showed up looking for food and
you wanted to eat, and he didn't have anything because
he wasn't planning on you coming again, maybe if he
had invited you over. My whole thing about paying is

if I initiate, I should definitely pay. He did not initiate.
You just showed up at his house, right, I mean, I.

Speaker 8 (51:14):
Still think it's my school disagree, but I guess.

Speaker 3 (51:17):
I mean she has paid your cell phone bill too,
because you use the phone to order the food. Nah,
that's probably on his WiFi. Oh yeah, wait a minute, hey, Drew,
did she connect to a Wi fi? Because that's not
a day unless she's a platinum?

Speaker 8 (51:32):
Are you gas money too for coming over my house?

Speaker 11 (51:34):
I'm gonta give you.

Speaker 3 (51:34):
Twenty that's an excellent.

Speaker 8 (51:39):
Crazy? Are nuts nowadays?

Speaker 9 (51:41):

Speaker 3 (51:41):
What the hell is going on?

Speaker 2 (51:42):

Speaker 3 (51:42):
No, I have to agree with you here. Again. The
only distinction would have been I think if you had
invited her over, but you didn't, she shut up. So no,
not on you. Actually it's not on him. But look, Drew,
now that we've straightened that out, would you like to
go out with her again? I mean, I'm sure you're
probably gonna have to reimburse her for something, but do
you want to do you want to try again?

Speaker 8 (52:03):
No, I'm good. I'm gonna save my money, uh, spend
it in the right ways, and now you're good. You're good?

Speaker 3 (52:08):
Okay, Ashley he's not interested. That's the reason why.

Speaker 8 (52:11):
That's okay.

Speaker 2 (52:12):
I'm not either.

Speaker 10 (52:13):
I mean, if he's not gonna buy him, I should
for what, like it was like twenty five bucks, then
I'm good.

Speaker 7 (52:18):
He's a cheap ass.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
Oh wow, interesting, that's that's a hot take you broke.
Yeah right, I guess so, all right, it's not going
to work out, Ashley Drew, thank you for your time.
Best of bucks of both of you. Yeah yeah, I
think The Entertainer Report Caitlyn has that next in two
minutes after the weekend four hundred Bucks with Showbis Shelley,
the Friday Throwback dance Party all coming up. It's the
Fred Show, Kaitlyn's Entertainer Report, and he's on the Fread Show.

Speaker 4 (52:43):
This is breaking news pretty much. We were just talking
about this off the air.

Speaker 7 (52:46):
Number one golfer Scottie Scheffler has been detained by cops
in handcuffs after.

Speaker 3 (52:52):
Bad boy Boy Scotty Scheffler Man. I always knew he
had it, and you look at that guy, you know
what he's in right.

Speaker 7 (53:00):
So this all after a misunderstanding with traffic that led
to him attempting to drive past a police officer right
on into the golf course. So the cop attempted to
attach himself to Scotty's car, and then that's when he
stopped because he's like, all right, I guess I really
do need to stop at the entrance of the golf course.
So this is creating a big scene. The cops started
to scream at him to get out. When he did,

the officer shoved him against the car immediately placed him
in handcuffs. He is now being detained in the back
of a cop car as far as I know, and
and what we're reading is that there was a fatal accident.

Speaker 4 (53:34):
And I think he.

Speaker 7 (53:34):
Thought it was just security or something and that he
could drive right on because he's the number one golfer.

Speaker 4 (53:40):
In the world.

Speaker 7 (53:41):
But once he did that, the cop was like, yo,
you have to stop. He wasn't stopping, and so he
got detained. Would Tiger would have pulled over, Oh my bad,
Tiger keep going.

Speaker 4 (53:56):
You think, okay, this is they're trying to screw it.

Speaker 3 (54:00):
Like who's this white guy?

Speaker 4 (54:02):
You know, you can't say anything you want gold.

Speaker 3 (54:09):
You know, here's the thing. It is very possible the
cop didn't know who Scottie Scheffler. And you're right, they
would have seen Tiger woods and he's so recognizable. He's
one of those, you know, handful of people that everybody
knows who Tiger is. But I think when a cop
tells you to stop, you got to stop. And I
sadly I think that's more important than get into driving range.

Like they'll they'll wait if there's if there's if it's
a fatal accident, they'll wait. Just follow police commands, no
matter who you are, and deal with it later.

Speaker 1 (54:40):
I'm just saying if Tiger would have went by that
accident and got pulled over, I don't know.

Speaker 7 (54:44):
Maybe the cop is just like, I don't care who
you are, somebody die. You can't just drive around it.

Speaker 3 (54:49):
I don't you got to stop, like you have to stop.
We will work this out, you know. I think Tiger
would have tried to give him some of that really
bad Sunday red gear, and the cop would have been like, no, stop,
I don't want now, you have.

Speaker 7 (55:00):
To get around terrible And I don't know if you
guys heard about this, but as the viral debate rages
on whether a woman would be safer alone in a
forest with a random dude or a bear, a wildlife
expert has weighed, and so here's the deal.

Speaker 4 (55:13):
And this is where it all started.

Speaker 7 (55:14):
A TikToker recently went around asking women on the street
if they would feel safer alone in the woods with a.

Speaker 4 (55:19):
Bear or an unknown man, and shockingly, most of the
women chose a bear, which kind of.

Speaker 7 (55:25):
Sparked a larger conversation, and of course a lot of
men got really upset and offended. Now ray Win Grant,
a wildlife expert who got her PhD in all things bears.

Speaker 4 (55:33):
I'm not sure why, but she did shout to ray
Win Grant.

Speaker 3 (55:38):
Shout out to ray Win Grant.

Speaker 7 (55:40):
Yes, so she says, bears want nothing to do with
humans in the wild. They avoid us at all costs
unless food is involved, of course, and she says.

Speaker 4 (55:47):
She can't say the same for dudes.

Speaker 7 (55:49):
She says, I think it's pretty This is a clever
way for women to suggest to the wider world, particularly
to men, that we as women feel constantly under threat,
and that speaks volumes when it comes to time alone
with a man compared to time alone with a predator
like a bear, it is very sad. She goes on
to say that bears are not naturally aggressive, contrary to
the image that they've cultivated and they really don't seek

out trouble. It boils down to statistics, though, which is
a word I usually can't say. So I'm very proud
of myself. Yes, there you go, and data that is
in favor of the bears. So she also has numbers
to back it up. She says, I intentionally try to
find myself around bears for the science that I do,
and I know in general I'm safer around a bear
than I am around a random man.

Speaker 4 (56:29):
Oh my god. So I guess she has spoken. But
that was something that people were arguing about.

Speaker 7 (56:35):
And congrats are in order to Dolphin's wide receiver Tyree
Hill and his wife Keita. They're reportedly expecting their first
child together. Tyrek doesn't run, just run like a rabbit.
He has four He's had four kids this year. Yeah,
this year, this year? What Yeah, already had ten children.
Oh at thirty years old and one on the way.

Speaker 4 (56:56):
So he's got ten kids, five different women. But yeah,
for this year. And he has a wife, your old friend. Uh, oh, wife,
I'm sorry, you know his wife.

Speaker 3 (57:06):
This is need them cardboard bits. I don't think that.

Speaker 4 (57:11):
That's pretty crazy.

Speaker 3 (57:14):
Entertainer report brought to you by Condom.

Speaker 7 (57:16):
I just had to say that because that was really
crazy and something I'm very excited about and cannot wait
to see is Back to Black. That is out in
theaters today. You can get tickets at Back to blackfilm
dot com. Now, if you didn't know, this is the
story of Amy Winehouse, her early rise to fame, from
her early days through the making of her groundbreaking album

Back to Black, and that that that album is what
caled catapulted her new global fame. The movie is told
through Amy's eyes, which is pretty cool. And she was amazing.
She won six Grammys five on that album alone, sold
twenty three million albums, had six billion streams. You know,
she was amazing and you know it's a voice you know,

but you don't know. The story also about the love
affair that that whole album was about. So it's it
looks really good. I'm excited, like I said, in theaters today.
Get your tickets at Back to blackfilm dot com and
Fred Show Radio dot com.

Speaker 4 (58:14):
What do we have up there?

Speaker 6 (58:15):
All the awesome performances from the a CM class night.

Speaker 4 (58:17):
Oh yes, and I'll do that next hour for you.

Speaker 3 (58:19):
J Country, Yeah, what did Bobby Bones called do aleipa
last night? Do a loopa?

Speaker 4 (58:26):
Heh, yeah, no good. These radio DJs needs to leap
her alone.

Speaker 6 (58:31):
She said, what do a lipa? Was sorry, Cale, and
you're gonna do this. But she surprised everyone that she
performed with Chris Stapleton, like you, No one announced her.

Speaker 3 (58:40):
She just like showed up.

Speaker 6 (58:41):
So she did an interview after and it was a
slip of the tongue and he said do a loopa.

Speaker 4 (58:46):
And I was like, what's that language? Then you do
do a lingo?

Speaker 3 (58:52):
Do that for English? I guess. By the way, as
you well know, as you all well know, I have
a theory that I could I could reason with a bear. Yes,
I absolutely believe that I could reason with many wild animals.
And this whole thing, of course, is it's it's a
bigger issue the fact that the women would choose the

wild animal over a random man. That's extremely concerning for society. However,
as you well know, with the exception of a snake,
reptiles in general, spiders and insects, with the exception of that,
I believe that I could reason with a wild animal
in the event of a of finding myself in peril wow,

I love to see it. I believe that I have
a connection with animals that is unparalleled. I believe that
maybe in a previous life, I was an animal, because
you know, i'd look, I hear it all the time.
You know, Oh my dog doesn't like people, dog likes me.
It is fine. Oh my, you know my so and
so doesn't like people, No problem with me. So yeah,
you're comparing a dog, yeah, to a domestic animal.

Speaker 4 (59:54):
Well, I don't know. This woman kind of made me
feel the same.

Speaker 7 (59:57):
Yeah, yeah, I mean with the status quote I read
was if a bear attacked me, at.

Speaker 4 (01:00:02):
Least people would believe me.

Speaker 7 (01:00:04):
Oh I hate it, but yeah, no, bears seem cute.

Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
If you don't have food, maybe you could reason you
are the food.

Speaker 3 (01:00:13):
Some of them sticks I don't have. Damn No. I
feel like I really feel like, if it came down
to it, I could just be like, hey, look, you
don't want this, Like this isn't going to taste good,
and like you know, of all the different organs that
you'd want to eat, like this is, these have been around,
like you don't want it.

Speaker 7 (01:00:31):
But the colors of them is what's hard for me
to remember, because different colors of bears, you're supposed to
do different things.

Speaker 3 (01:00:37):
Brown you lay down? Oh you know it?

Speaker 1 (01:00:40):
Black, I think you're I forgot. I mean, brown is
a scary one. The brown bear, Brownie laid down.

Speaker 3 (01:00:45):
You're supposed to.

Speaker 4 (01:00:48):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:00:48):
I feel like dogs, though, I feel like I'm not
scared of any dog for some reason. Same I have
no fear of dogs, which is nuts. I think that
this is yet, like, even if I'm wrong, this is
which I'm not.

Speaker 3 (01:01:00):
This is the attitude that you need to have, uh,
you know, win approaching an animal, because they can sense fear,
they can sense, you know, insecurity, and so honestly, what
are my choices? Like, I'm let's just say I'm out
in the forest, because you know, I'm always I'm constantly
out in the forest and a tiger, a tiger comes
up to me and it's like, okay, what's up?

Speaker 13 (01:01:21):
You know?

Speaker 3 (01:01:21):
What are my choices? I can either go I'm gonna
You're just gonna eat me, or I can go, hey, look,
let's let's let's chat about it for a second, Like
let's let's let's vibe check here a little bit, like
let's assess is this worth it? You know, really and ultimately,
if I get eaten, well, then I got eaten right, well,
then it is But like, but maybe, just maybe I'm

able to thwart the whole situation with my confidence.

Speaker 1 (01:01:48):
Yeah, from the kid that got chased by a ducky.

Speaker 3 (01:01:53):
He didn't get me. Okay, let me add me I
have one more birds. I also cannot negotiate with the bird.
I think birds fall into the reptile category. I gotta
be all lucky in the eye, which they say you
should never do. But I gotta be a look in
the eye. And I got to be able to feel
like I can have a conversation. I can converse with you.
I mean, look, I've dealt with I've dealt with the
wildest of dogs, rescue dogs. I've dealt with the wildest

of pigs. A wild pig loved me, George. I just
got a picture George recently. He's like four hundred pounds.
Now he's going to be a thousand pounds, a thousand pounds,
a thousand George of the rescue pig. You're wearing the
shirt right now, got my shirt, flying pig. We got
friends at the zoo. Let's set this up, Fred.

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
No, I don't think we need to do. I don't
think I get down black fight back.

Speaker 3 (01:02:37):
I don't know about scared of you. Oh, I don't
know about domesticated, Like the zoo is a that's a
different category. Now, maybe they're more used to people.

Speaker 2 (01:02:49):
Maybe they're not.

Speaker 3 (01:02:50):
I don't know about that. I'm talking about wild encounter. Now,
you might argue. You might argue, well, the animals in
the zoo that have dealt with people might be less
likely to eat you, because I've dealt with people. But
I don't know that. I'm just that I don't know
about all that. I'm just saying to you. I'm out
in the forest. I'm just walking around like I always do,
my flirty walk with nature. I'm out here and hello bear, Yeah,

and here comes a lion, right, I go, Bro, you
are beautiful man, like you are a beautiful animal. I
really respect you.

Speaker 2 (01:03:19):
I like you a lot.

Speaker 3 (01:03:20):
I realized I'm in your hood right now, and I'm
just going to turn and go back to where I'm from,
and like, let's just I'm really sorry about this.

Speaker 4 (01:03:26):
I agree with the lion. They're just a big cat.

Speaker 3 (01:03:27):
I could deal with the lion. The only exception, there's
an asterisk to this further asterisks. If I were to
stumble upon a mother and her babies, Oh no, it's over,
I'm gonna die.

Speaker 4 (01:03:37):
Well, don't touch the baby.

Speaker 3 (01:03:38):
No, I would never, but I'm just saying that that
would be a terrible accident. That would be that would
be just a no, because I understand that because the
mom's going to defend babies, like mom's going to like,
you know, natural protective mode.

Speaker 10 (01:03:50):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:03:51):
Oh, let's go. This is this is this is the
Jake Paul Mike Dyson fight.

Speaker 4 (01:03:54):
I need to see.

Speaker 3 (01:03:54):
No, this is you guys. You guys, I absolutely in
my heart and brain believe this to be. If I
get eaten. If I get eaten, got eating. But you
can always know that I tried to reason with him
or her.

Speaker 2 (01:04:09):
I tried.

Speaker 3 (01:04:10):
And anyway, here's some new Billy Eylish music. Would like
to hear some new billy. He has a brand new
song for Billy Elish. This is called Lunch and then
we'll have a this is the Bear song.

Speaker 2 (01:04:22):
This is.

Speaker 3 (01:04:24):
I'm gonna be like, hey, look Bear, tell you what
my man Jason, he's a pot belly guy. He can
hook us up. Let's just cruise over to pop Belly
let's get you. Let's get you a wreck, and we'll
just believe that is the big one. That's pie. Yeah,
you can have the biggest one. That's my peace offering
to you. You want a sugar cookie, they're made out
of bunter by all means on me. You want to

shake on me? Yeah? Absolutely. Yeah. Here's New Billy Eilish.
Fred show is Hey, Wow, Yeah lunch, New Billie Eilish.
That was Brady told me it was a little filthy,

and he was. He was absolutely correct about that.

Speaker 1 (01:05:09):
Phineas was like making his beats and his sister just
starts thinking about that's a little weird.

Speaker 4 (01:05:14):
Like what they're weird?

Speaker 3 (01:05:17):
Like if Amanda was like, hey, give me a beat,
she called me bub Amanda, my sister, give me a beat.
She starts thinking about that and be like, oh, you
want me to leave me alone. I'm just gonna play
the beat and leaves. Let me know when you're done.
Gidey and the Gideon the Torturer my personal trainer. He said,
he just texted me if you could eat, and you'll
be lean, muscular, tasty meat. Fatty meat tastes better. Everybody

knows that.

Speaker 4 (01:05:42):
Okay, you're two doing taste good isn't on my tongue.
That's what she said. Yes, the girl for lunch.

Speaker 3 (01:05:56):
I'm trying to she'll me Shelley. The peoples me. It's
the weekend. That's what I'm hoping for, trying to go
to lunch. Eight five five one take on, She'll be
Shelly in five question? Four hundred bucks is the price?
Will play?

Speaker 2 (01:06:10):
Night more? Breadshell? Next?

Speaker 3 (01:06:16):
All right, I got a DM to uh say Happy
tenth birthday to Leah. Now, I was supposed to do
it around eight fifteen. Hey, but I'm gonna do it
now because I'm gonna forget. I mean, I love you
guys deeply, but when you send me a DM hey
on on November two at six twelve, I need you

to do this. It's like, guys, if you want me
to do something, tell me to do it right now,
like these guys are around here now. If I don't
do it right now, then I moved on to something
else in my brain. I'm already I'm already like it's
Saturday in my brain already, I'm already thinking about lunch. Okay,
Billie Eilis got me inspired. You want me to do something,
then I need to do it right now morning Everybody

Friday Throwback Dance Party d Janney Roddick about five minutes
two way after show by Shelley four hundred bucks, Mary
Beth in just a second entertainer report.

Speaker 7 (01:07:10):
If we have time, what's coming up? K, We're not
you know, I have to talk about the ACMs for
my boy Jason.

Speaker 4 (01:07:17):
There was a really big surprise gas last night.

Speaker 3 (01:07:19):
And crocodiles. Crocodiles in the Fun Fact today? Can you
reason with the crocodile reptile?

Speaker 2 (01:07:27):

Speaker 3 (01:07:27):
Aren't they reptiles? So?

Speaker 2 (01:07:28):
No, it's redshell. My theory makes you have what it
takes to battle show biz Shelley in the show Biz Showdown, Shelby, Hi, like.

Speaker 3 (01:07:38):
These people that put their head in a crocodile's mouth, Like,
what are you doing?

Speaker 8 (01:07:42):

Speaker 3 (01:07:43):
Yeah, what are you doing? One slip? One slip? It's over.
You're like, why why are we doing that? We don't
need to do that, Shelley. No, I'm doing that, Shelley.

Speaker 4 (01:07:53):
Yeah, I know I really need to stop that.

Speaker 8 (01:07:55):

Speaker 3 (01:07:56):
Do you believe that you can reason with the wild
animal show b Shelley, No, I do not.

Speaker 4 (01:08:01):
I feel like I'm a pretty good communicator. But with
an animal.

Speaker 7 (01:08:03):
I just I need you to be able to say
words back to me, like that's where I'm My daughter's
almost there, and I'm like, yes.

Speaker 3 (01:08:08):
Okay, oh no, no, yeah, what she wished for? Yeah,
I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (01:08:14):
Was a good kid, though she doesn't have karma.

Speaker 3 (01:08:16):
Yeah, like, wow, you know what I'm saying. They arrive
real quick.

Speaker 4 (01:08:22):
Yeah, I've heard.

Speaker 3 (01:08:26):
Either I'm her favorite or she wants to hang up
on me. It's one of the other. But she loves
pushing the red button. Man, she loves that's a first.
It's so funny. She'll call me and I just see
her little face and then she gets and then she
tries to push the red button. I'm like, why'd you
call me?

Speaker 1 (01:08:42):
Kid's talking is great because they could they could say
what's wrong and communicate back, but they just don't stop.

Speaker 4 (01:08:48):
And they're too honest, way too honest.

Speaker 9 (01:08:51):

Speaker 3 (01:08:53):
Hi, Mary Beth, good morning, how you doing. Welcome to
the show. Do you believe you could reason with the
wild animal? Mary Beth? Oh heck no, okay, I think
you could. Dark can already tell from your voice you
probably could tell us about you. By the way, Welcome
to the show.

Speaker 4 (01:09:08):
Thank you.

Speaker 11 (01:09:09):
I'm one of your loyal thirteen love you. I have
an eight year old in second grade and we have
one more week of school left.

Speaker 3 (01:09:17):
And what is your eight year old's name? Mia? Okay,
Well hi and thanks for listening to someone just texting
and I need to shout out at fifteen thirty seven,
you ain't getting you ain't getting that, not gonna, not
gonna um or not so Mary bet four hundred bucks
is to price Shelley's record our Pop Culture Expert eight
eighty five and fifty eight and she's won five straight.

Let's go, guys, could.

Speaker 4 (01:09:39):
Let me bye? Good luck, Thank you too, all right,
with all.

Speaker 3 (01:09:42):
Due respects, Shelley, get the hell out. Question number one
for you. Mary Beth Hailey Bieber says her biggest pregnancy
craving is egg salad on a pickle with hot sauce.
I'm here for that.

Speaker 2 (01:09:52):

Speaker 3 (01:09:53):
Is somebody from Manny's make me that at Manny's. I'll
go eat it right now? True or false? Alec Baldwin
is Hailey's father.

Speaker 4 (01:10:00):

Speaker 3 (01:10:01):
Sophie Turner said she hit her first pregnancy from her
estranged husband for over a week. Who is she married
to Joe Jonas which late Comedia known for Full House
and America's Funniest Home Videos, has a birthday today. David
Copperfield has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least
seventeen different women. What is David Copperfield known for.

Speaker 11 (01:10:24):
Besides that he's a magician?

Speaker 3 (01:10:27):
And which actor will be reprising his role in Happy
Gilmour for a sequel on Netflix?

Speaker 2 (01:10:33):
Adam Sandler.

Speaker 4 (01:10:34):
That's a four.

Speaker 3 (01:10:35):
That's an excellent score. Let's see how this goes. I
think Shelley might get a five, but we'll see.

Speaker 4 (01:10:40):
How did she do?

Speaker 3 (01:10:40):
She got a four? Okay, good score right. Hailey Bieber
says her biggest pregnancy craving is egg salad on a
pickle with hot sauce. True or false? Alec Baldwin is
Hailey's father?

Speaker 4 (01:10:52):
That's false?

Speaker 3 (01:10:52):
That is for Stephen is her father. Sophie Turner said
that she hit her first pregnancy from her estranged husband
for over a week. Who is she married to?

Speaker 4 (01:11:01):
Joe Jonas?

Speaker 3 (01:11:01):
Yeah? Which Lake comedian known for Full House in America's
Funniest Home Videos has a birthday today?

Speaker 4 (01:11:08):
Bob saying yes.

Speaker 3 (01:11:09):
David Copperfield has been accused of sexual misconduct by at
least seventeen different women. What is David Copperfield known for magic, Yeah,
being a magician. And which actor will be reprising his
role in Happy Gilmour for a sequel on Netflix.

Speaker 4 (01:11:24):
Adam Sandler.

Speaker 3 (01:11:24):
Adam Sandler. That's a fine, that's a win. Mary Beth,
you did a great job. But you have to say,
my name is Mary Beth. I got showed up on
the showdown. You know the rest.

Speaker 11 (01:11:33):
My name is Mary Beth. I got showed up on
the showdown. And I can't hang with a gorilla.

Speaker 3 (01:11:40):
That was good. That was good, Mary Beth. You can't
hang wis Scottie chef? W Mary Beth? Good reason with
a gorilla. He was in jail for like five minutes.
They did put him in an orange stuit. But he's out,

I guess on his way to play golf now, I
got your right.

Speaker 4 (01:12:02):
Yeah, it's like new tea. Time is a little later
or something. I'm sure it is.

Speaker 3 (01:12:05):
To get it all straightened out. They're charging him with
like everything, so let's see how that goes. My gosh,
but watch him, watch him. He's either going to go
out and go off of three thousand like iround, or
he's gonna golf like a four. Right, Yeah, he's gonna
hit it from one. It's going to go in the
whole on eighteen, he gets on one, it's over.

Speaker 1 (01:12:20):
I really hope Netflix was filming for whatever. Oh yeah,
oh my gosh, wearing all this. Yeah, full swing. Yeah,
Mary Beth, have a great weekend. Hang on one second.
Thank you and thank you so much for listening. All right, Shells,
I want you to have a great weekend. To four
point fifty on Monday, six straight win number eight eighty
six on our way to one thousand wins.

Speaker 4 (01:12:40):
Yeah, I guess so.

Speaker 12 (01:12:41):

Speaker 3 (01:12:42):
I don't know how the math works on like how
many actual shows we have left this year, but I
think you could probably get I think you can get
to one thousand by the end of the year.

Speaker 4 (01:12:49):
Don't do math. I don't know, but I'll see you.

Speaker 3 (01:12:51):
Yeah, but we're on the road to one thousand. Everybody,
have a great weekend shows. Okay, you see see you Monday.
D give here you can text us. We'll shout you out.
Eight five nine to one. What I was three five.
The hashtag is FTDP the Friday Grillback Dance Party at
DJNU r O. Can I spell at dj n U

r O? T I seed That's one of those things
I got to start from the beginning. If I messed
it up, man down your christ. Thank you for all
of the text and tweaks Today DJ No Roddick The
Friday Rollback Dan Fridday.

Speaker 2 (01:13:27):
Cawen's entertainment report is on The Fresh.

Speaker 4 (01:13:30):
Show all Right.

Speaker 7 (01:13:31):
Landy Wilson was the big winner at the fifty ninth
ACMs Academy of Country Music Awards last night, including the
Biggest One of the Night, Entertainer of the Year, She
Looked Amazing that red like Pants suit and the.

Speaker 4 (01:13:43):
Red Cowboy hat.

Speaker 7 (01:13:44):
Chris Tapleton had a few big wins, as well as
a surprise performance from Dua Lipa Fred's Girl. Other big performances.
Nate Smith took the stage with Avri Lavigne. Kelsey Ballerini
teamed up with Noah Kahn to mesh two of their songs,
including six Season. Jason al Dean honored Toby Keith with
should Have Been a Cowboy. Caine Brown did a Ray

Charles song Georgia on My Mind of all Things post Malone,
and did a new song from his upcoming country album,
and that is a country album, let Me tell You.
He also did I had some help without Morgan Wallen
then later joined host Reva to honor the late Allman
Brothers singer and guitarist Dicky Betts.

Speaker 4 (01:14:23):
Luke Colms won Single of the Year for of Course,
Fast Car.

Speaker 7 (01:14:26):
He wasn't there, but speaking of Luke, the Country Music
Hall of Fame and Museum has a new exhibit called
Luke Colmbs The Man I Am, which opens July eleventh
and runs through June of twenty twenty five. I do
need a trip to Nashville, so maybe I'll stop by
there if you do anything before you get your weekend started,
would you be a deer and follow us on Instagram?

Speaker 4 (01:14:47):
It's Fred Show Radio and then also the Fred Show
on TikTok.

Speaker 3 (01:14:51):
Please trending stories quickly. The NFLVP broadcast planning Mike North
that's his name, if you didn't know. He says that
they did take Taylor Swift's concent scheduling to account to
make the schedule for this year, so if she wanted to,
she could attend all fourteen Chiefs Games. Mainly because she
helped raise somewhere in the vicinity of three hundred million
dollars in additional revenue for the NFL. They're predicting. Harrison

Bucker made some interesting statements at a graduation speech at
have very different reactions to his remarks. His jersey actually
is the most in demand fangear on on NFL dot com. Wow,
I'll have you know. The Pope, if he hasn't already,
is going to hold a press conference today on aliens
and the supernatural. And apparently that's a real story, not

something from I don't know the Natural, right, exactly right.
And also in Space News today, Elon Musk says it
will be living in the City on Mars within the
next thirty years. I'm interested. I'm listening. What does that
look like? Exactly, yeah, exactly. It's National Idaho Day, National Graduation,
Tassel Day, NASCAR Day, National Pizza Party Day, National Bike

to Work or School Day at National Endangered Specie the day, guys,
Today's fun fact, which I have for you in a
couple of minutes, is about crocodiles. Oh, it's about a crocodile.
And I'm guessing, based on this fact, the crocodiles would
not be very popular in these streets. Oh, and I'll
tell you why.

Speaker 2 (01:16:13):
Just atached more Fread Show. Next, the Fread Show is on. Yeah,
fread's fun fact breads fun.

Speaker 3 (01:16:28):
So much. Gosh, guys, did you know that a crocodile
cannot stick its tongue out? A crocodile cannot stick its
tongue on. They have a membrane that holds their tongue
in place on the roof of their mouth so that
it cannot move on the roof. Say what, that's weird.

It's attached to the roof in your mouth. I guess
I don't know how this works, but a crocodile is
unable to stick its tongue out, which is why I
suggested crocodile and the lady crocodiles aren't a tremendous disadvantage
in like, oh, I just feel like this is something
they'll never experience.

Speaker 4 (01:17:09):
Why I have a tongue if it's stuck to the roof,
that's weird.

Speaker 8 (01:17:12):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:17:12):
I don't, Yeah, I'll do. I mean, we'd have to
ask uh crocodile. Well, what's the crocodile hunter's son's name?
We'd have to ask him because he probably knows. I'm
sure Bendy could tell us. Terry, Robert, Robert Man. Those
guys they are too I would love to meet them,
like and have a few beers with them away from
the camera and see if they like cuss a lot

of stuff because on the TikTok videos or whatever, it's
just hey, just like they're dead.

Speaker 4 (01:17:39):
Very big smiles and andy Ewen.

Speaker 3 (01:17:42):
And they're so excited about everything, and I love that
for them. But like, behind the scenes, do you think
they're like, screw all of you? You know, crocodile cannot
stick its tongue out. They have a membrane that holds
their tongue in place on the roof of their mouth,
so it cannot move. There you have it. Are you
really blown away by this?

Speaker 5 (01:17:58):
I am, because like I feel like crocodiles are always
eating people and you can't even taste it, So why
are you eating us?

Speaker 3 (01:18:03):
Well maybe the bottom of the ton they can taste it.

Speaker 4 (01:18:05):
Oh well, hopefully all that teeth.

Speaker 10 (01:18:07):

Speaker 4 (01:18:08):
All that's how you get ghosted.

Speaker 9 (01:18:15):

Speaker 1 (01:18:15):
Fread Show Next, You've got to wait.

Speaker 2 (01:18:22):
Fread Show is on now hot This morning.

Speaker 3 (01:18:25):
Show, Good Morning, every one Friday May seventeenth. It's The
Fred Show. Hello, Kay, good morning, Hi Jason Brown, Hi, Rufia, Hello, Hi,
Paulina Hikky, Good morning, show Business here intern venom now
Benjamin waiting by the phone. He's new I did someone
get ghosted? We'll find out next the Entertainer Report after that,

what are you having there?

Speaker 7 (01:18:46):
K Well, a wildlife expert has finally settled the debate
over whether women should want.

Speaker 4 (01:18:51):
To be stuck in the forest with a man or
a bear.

Speaker 3 (01:18:55):
This is so sad, but that story and word coming
up this hour. Fred Show is on back in three
minutes of waiting after good Morning, It's the Friend Show.
Thank you so much for having us on today this week.
We love you, We appreciate you. Hav an amazing weekend.
Catch up with the show anytime on the iHeart app.
Search for the Fred Show on demand. Lots of stuff
from the week, Throwback, throwed Down, Kiki Karaoke, the Return.

I'm definitely gonna beat Paulina this week. Yeah, you're back,
your first full week back. How does you feel, Paulina?
Working mom?

Speaker 4 (01:19:23):
I am a working mom era. You know it's hard,
but someone's got to do it.

Speaker 3 (01:19:26):
When does the era end?

Speaker 5 (01:19:27):

Speaker 3 (01:19:27):
It was just an era. When does the working mom
era end?

Speaker 4 (01:19:30):
When she's like thirty five mayubes?

Speaker 3 (01:19:31):
Oh yeah, quite some time. Yeah, I'll be dead but
don't say that. Maybe that's what it ends.

Speaker 4 (01:19:40):
No, no, it never ends here. No, it will never end.

Speaker 1 (01:19:43):
I got you for I got you for another forty years, right,
really the AI yes and friends or Fred's friends. Yeah,
you guys will be just plice together anything.

Speaker 3 (01:19:53):
One of these days, I'm gonna get that window open,
I really am. And then can finally have her wish? No,
you can. She can permanently change the logo to the
Kiki Show. We already have one for Paulina and La
Manana and Maiana. Yes, yeah, you know. She tried to
change the logo one day.

Speaker 4 (01:20:12):
That was me, Yeah, Paulina and what was it? Paulina
and those people and.

Speaker 3 (01:20:16):
Other folks and then the people and other people in
the morning. Yeah, I would. I would listen to that,
to be honest with you, I would. I would. Yeah,
all kinds of stuff waiting by the phone is up there? Show?
But was Shelly and more? Search for The Fred Show
on demand on the iHeart app. The Tangent Are off
Air Uncensored podcast got a new episode of that bonus
content online on the on the on the interwebs, Fred Show,

I have to if I don't do it the right
order I screwed the whole thing up. Freends Show radio
dot com, Frendshier Radio on Instagram, The Friends Show TikTok
on YouTube. Search for The Friend Show. Don't ask me
to do that backwards, because I'll screw the whole thing up.
We got bonus videos and more on there, and we're
back next week. Have an amazing weekend. Bye guys,

The Fred Show On Demand News

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