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July 9, 2024 35 mins

During today's show, we talked about our airport complaints, fireworks scaring dogs, and Paulina's mom! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Kiki, your latest your latest issue. I know you were
you were traveling. You're in Los Angeles, weren't you. Yes,
you're in LA for the BET Awards. And did you
fly Spirit? No, because I didn't pay, so oh I see, okay,
so they got you on one of the frontier No,
I was United, I believe say this company pay. Then

you were probably on Denver air Connection or company and
you aren't even going to Denver so yeah, yeah, yeah,
you're right, Yeah, yeah you were going to You're some
part of the airport none of us have ever been
to before, Like, yeah, like where is this? So what Kiki?
What is your latest air travel gripe?

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Well, it's not even a gripe. It's just I need
to be in line with what's you know, proper. And
I had an aisle seed this time, and I noticed
that the moment we landed, the two people inside of
my section stood up immediately.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
But I'm on the aisle, so like, where are you going?

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Like I suppose to stand up to like be like
I got y'all and I'm gonna get out this thing
as soon as we can.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Or I just sat there.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
But then the whole time I could feel their eyes
like burning the top of my Wii.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
You know, like, what are you doing? But we can't
go anywhere? What now? What row were you in?

Speaker 4 (01:13):

Speaker 3 (01:14):
I don't know, this matters, like were you in? Like
were you in like five?

Speaker 2 (01:18):

Speaker 3 (01:18):
I was in like seventeen.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Oh, so you're not going anywhere for like at least
five minutes after the door.

Speaker 5 (01:23):
Even in five, you don't need to get a running start.
I sit there to prove a point. I'm like everybody,
we will get out when.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
We get out.

Speaker 6 (01:29):

Speaker 1 (01:30):
The other thing I've noticed lately is like everybody knows
that you go in order of the row, from front
to back. Everybody knows, like if you're in row one,
you're getting out first. And maybe there maybe you say
to the person across the eye, like you can go,
But we're in the same aisle. So when it comes
our turn, then you know, we decide amongst ourselves. You
know what sort of society we're going to live in.

You know, am I gonna step in front of you
and then hit you in the face of my bag
and we're gonna wind up on the news. Or am
I gonna be like, you know, polite and acqua?

Speaker 3 (01:59):

Speaker 1 (02:00):
But what I'm noticing now is some people just because
they got it first, Like if there'll be two rows
behind you and they'll just go and I'm like, now,
I want to hold on a second. This is not
a free for all. Everybody knows the rules. It's unreadden
It's like sidewalk rules. You walk like on the sidewalk
like you're driving. Everything about the sidewalk is the same
as the road. You walk on the right, and if

you're going slow, you go further right. And you don't
get to just string your entire family across the entire road.
You don't get to do that. Everybody should know. The
same is true with the plane. Right, we go into
order of the row that you are in, and if
you're in row seven, you should not be off the
plane before anybody in row four. No, this shouldn't happen.
The only exception might be if you have a connecting flight.

But I've also noticed no one cares about that either,
Like the flight attendant will say, like on this last
flight I was on on Sunday, it was, hey, we're
very tight on connections, you know, So if your final
destination is here, then sit your ass in your seat
and let's like, you know, these ten people get off
the now no no one didn't, No, no one did.
Then it's crazy no. And the other thing, since we're
going off, the other thing is you want to hear

it just make me very unpopular. I'm a little afraid
to say it, but this has been written about in
many big publications. A lot a lot of wheelchairs, a
lot of wheelchairs, a lot more wheelchairs.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
That I've ever seen before.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
Oh yeah, because you can get on Southwest Airlines? Is
having issued an actual statement about this really like that
they want a little more information because what's happening is
you get on first yep, and so what next time
you fly? Yet? And I think Southwest policy is maybe
more generous with wheelchairs because the story was about Southwest Airlines.
But next time you go watch and I'm not saying

there aren't fifteen people on your flight who need wheelchairs,
but I've never seen that many people needing wheelchairs before
before they made the policy. But can you imagine, you know,
you've got people that actually need to be in a wheelchair,
and then you go, I'm gonna get one. I don't
want to pay for business select.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Let them get their karma though they will. That's disgusting. Yes, no,
like it's not.

Speaker 5 (04:07):
And like, again, you have a seat on a plane
unless it's Southwest, Oh is it saying that?

Speaker 3 (04:12):

Speaker 1 (04:12):
Well, which is why they're doing it, because you buy
the cheapest fan for some people. And I know it's
a very small number because there are a number of
people in every flight. There's always going to be that
need extra time and need a wheelchair. And that's great,
that's fine, I completely understand. But there seemed to be
a lot more than there ever were. And I did
ask a person who works at that airline unofficially if

this was a real thing, and this person said, this
is very much a real thing. We're trying to figure
out because how do you tell someone you don't need it,
but you know they don't need it. Yep, because there
are people that really do need it, right, So this
is just simply a matter of if you don't want to
pay for boarding group B, or you checked in late,
so you're like, yeah, I need hurts, I'm gonna need
a wheelchair.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
That's messed up. That's terrible, But that's it's a thing.
It is a thing. Somebody lying it's happening.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
I've walked through the airport and I see them just
smile in riding through, getting pushed through by the little
airport attendant or whatever.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
I'm like, there's nothing wrong with her. There ain't none wrong.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
But you know, it's also a lot of bbls, these
plastic surgeries.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
These girls need wheelchair hated back.

Speaker 5 (05:14):
Well, you can't sit down, so you need You should
have thought that before you flew Toumbi Miami.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
On the way back.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Every girl.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
Three years ago, my pillows on the show there on
this show on the floor. Yeah, Paulina did the show
for three months on the floor.

Speaker 6 (05:33):
That's what I'm saying exactly. I didn't need a wheelchair.
I sugged it out.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
Yeah you did. You laid a little blanket on the floor.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
And yes, the things that we learned about each other,
any other any other air travel draps that you get
to before you know.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
Not a grite, but I do want to know your
opinion on this. If you're sitting next to someone on
the plane, if the snack cart comes through in their sleep,
do you wake them up or do you just allow
them to sleep.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
That's a fourth alarm that's going That's a different one
than the other one, what does that one? And wake
up for the snack cart my bed. No, I don't think.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
I think the only way you wake somebody up is
if it's like an international flight and maybe they want
to eat. I don't know, but maybe not because they
even have it. I notice now that on United they
have a thing where you can tell the little screen,
you can put a message on the screen.

Speaker 3 (06:23):
It will say, don't wake me up to eat. Oh yeah,
I need that, Yeah, yeah exactly.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Otherwise, so like if you're coming around with a peanuts
and a coke or whatever, like for my hour and
a half flight to Orange County, like you can sleep
like I don't.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
I don't need to wake you up for that quick.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
But if it's meal time and we're going to you know,
Italy or something, then maybe the person wants to eat
because that's only time they're going to get to eat.

Speaker 3 (06:44):

Speaker 1 (06:45):
But then again, if you're a person has a hard
time fall asleep on a plane and then you finally do,
and then some idiot wakes you up so you can
have your manakatti or whatever, then then no, then maybe
I don't want that.

Speaker 3 (06:57):

Speaker 2 (06:57):
That was me on the flight back from La I
was at the window seat, and I was sitting next
to a couple and the husband was in the middle.
So when the snack car came around, I was sleep
this man, I felt like I was getting woken up,
like I.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Was late for school. Like he hit me so hard.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
It was like, hey, hey, hey, the snack car's here,
and I'm like, okay, like I don't want to snack,
and so I was like, but thank you.

Speaker 4 (07:18):
You know.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
I didn't want him to feel bad, but clearly he didn't.
But like he woke me up, like I was late
for something.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
Again. All the supplies are still on the plane.

Speaker 5 (07:25):
So if you wake up and you're dying for a
pretzel and a coke, I just go back and ask
the flight attendant.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Hey, they don't dump them out of the back. Yeah.
They don't say all right, this is your one shot
and then they take the drink cart and throw it
out of the forty thousand feet Now, they don't do that.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
Okay. I'm not the first to come. This is my
central riding.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
I'm not the first to complain about it, and a
lot of skits about it. I've complained about it before him.
But can we please discuss boarding groups Can we talk
about boarding groups?

Speaker 3 (07:56):
Can we talk about a few things.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
First of all, boarding groups don't mean anything like I
was group one the other day because my credit card,
but I was not group one. I was group seven
and the person in group seven was group eighty eight
because by the time I got on, the plane was
half full of other people wheelchairs that may or may
needed it. Babies, if your military get on the plane,

hop on the plane, have at it. Just sit on
my seat to be one. I don't care. It's fine
if it needs some extra time, fine, if you got
a baby, okay. But now it's like, how many levels
of I don't ever sleep in my house do we have?
Like are you the premiere one? K? Are you the
Global Services? And every time I see these people, I
think like, if you have that level of status, sure

you got a free first class upgrade and you're getting
on the plane first. That's great, But you must never
be home to have that because you got to have
a lot of miles to get that.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
They're making it way harder for all that stuff.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
And then the credit cards, but depends which credit card
you have. Oh well my credit card, so I hear
I got I'm like, oh, Group one is excellent. I'm
going to be on the plane very early and I'm
going to have a great time. And you know, my
bag is going to fit in everything. And I was
probably the seventieth person on the plane with Group one.
And the other thing is where I was really going
with this is all one hundred and eighty people have
to stand by the door immediately, even if they're Group ninety,

Like you may not actually get you're on standby, sir,
Like you don't even have a ticket. You are probably
not going today on the screen right, like no one
has even called you over the speaker, like I'm not
even sure why you're here at all. Get in exactly exactly,
Yeah you are not as right now, you're not even going.

So why are you standing here next to the door
blocking my gainful access to Group one forty.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
Five minutes after boarding started? Yeah? No, I mean honestly,
and I'll do it too. I'll look down.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
I will very intentionally look down at your saying and
be like, no anything, but you'll be holding your ticket.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
I looked at it. It's like they're boarding.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
They hadn't even started boarding, and Group seven man is
already in line, like there isn't even a line for you, sir,
like there is, Like what you get to do is
when everyone's on, then they say, okay, I guess right.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Exactly in the kitchen, yeah exactly. Yeah, No, you should
don't say anything.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
I feel like on Southwest because you line up like
a fifty one through fifty five, so I sort of
like get in if I'm fifty four, like where I
think in between the two signs.

Speaker 3 (10:32):
It works with other people.

Speaker 4 (10:33):
That are like, oh, I'm fifty three, so I'm okay
if we're like in the general of the city, like
we're all getting on.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
The oh no, no, yeah, have to be a new
miracle order. I'm not kidding you. This is not a
joke about a year ago I was getting on Southwest flight.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
No joke.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
There was a physical argument between a one and a two.
We're walking down the jetway because I think I was
a five or something, and so here we go and
we're like getting close to the door of the airplane.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
I kid you, not the guy.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
It's a guy, and then another guy and then me
and the guy goes, hey, what number are you? And
he goes A two, and he goes, well, I'm a
one and he's like, oh, well there are you know,
there are one hundred and seventy seats on this airplane
or one hundred and sixty seats. He's like, well, I'm
I am a one. Yeah, And so like then the
guys say, are you being serious? Like he was, like honestly,
like they were standing in the doorway. The flight attendant's like,

you can come on, you know whatever, and the guys
are you being serious right now? Like you honestly need
to get on before me? The guys, I am a one.
And so then they like start to yell at each other.
And then it's like, oh, so we're now we're all
winding up. We're winding up on the new Yeah.

Speaker 3 (11:37):
And I said, right in the south west first class,
maybe I was right. I took the exit row. You'll
fight about it. I'm taking that seat with no seat
in front of me. Yeah, and this thing goes down,
I'll pull the door off. It's fine, it'll probably fall
off anyway. But the mad Yeah, you're right. I let
them fight it out. I went and flew the planet.
The man. I'm like, let's get the hell out of here. Man.

These two guys behind morons. No, they didn't the flight
attendants are just like, I mean, just like the broadcast
is a third time that we've seen it. Yeah, they
talk better than they say.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
These are the radio blogs on the Fred Show. I
like writing in our diaries, except we say them a lot.

Speaker 3 (12:16):
We call them blogs. Klin. Yes, take it away, dear blog.

Speaker 5 (12:20):
So as we are, you know, getting our grapes out
today this morning about society and.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
The way things are going in the US of A.
What all have we covered? Uh? Air airplane etiquette? You know,
hawk to you? Uh? Yeah, I mean you know that's optional. Wingstop,
good writing, wingstop. Iways want to say I'm not a
hot to a hater. I just I'm just like a
house I don't get it.

Speaker 6 (12:45):
I saw on TikTok somebody said it's like divorce dad humor,
Because I'm like, who thinks this is funny? Like cute
and funny in the moment, but like it's not funny anymore.

Speaker 3 (12:53):
That's what I'm saying. It's just not funny. Are you?
Are you just mad that none of your catchphrases? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (13:00):
How many peo oldest time Paulina's promised. I've said a
lot of things on this radio shoot up the club.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
I don't have to say them all now, we don't
have to. We got to wait with you the first
time to repeat it. But you're right. And then, so
how is it that you aren't more famous?

Speaker 6 (13:17):
Paulina promised people, I don't want fame, I just want
the bag. I want the fortune, I want the generational.

Speaker 5 (13:23):
Well, listen, and the beautiful thing about America is that
overnight we never know.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Who's going to be famous the next day. Yeah, don't worries.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Possible years from now you could still be famous for
Paulina's promise.

Speaker 3 (13:33):
I'm waiting, I'm trying bars me.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
Yeah, just don't fumble it like you did Avocado toast
and Uber. For those who don't know, Paulina invented Uber
and avocado toast and somehow was unable to secure the
bag on either one of those projects.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
All this work and what did it get me?

Speaker 1 (13:50):

Speaker 3 (13:51):
That the same came and so we were talking about grapes.
You were talking about.

Speaker 5 (13:53):
Grapes, Yes, grapes, and so obviously it was the fourth
of July, and obviously works come with that.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
But my first grape would be is.

Speaker 5 (14:03):
Absolutely necessary to shoot off fireworks the entire month of
June and the entire month of July, because I really
feel for these little dogs. They get so so scared.
I mean, I was watching my boyfriend's dog the other
day and I found her hiding behind the toilet. She
was and they, oh, I don't know what they think.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
Like they must think we're going to war or something.
They have no idea.

Speaker 5 (14:25):
But over the weekend I was at a cabin with
a bunch of friends and this big my friend Mattie's dog,
a big Bernese Mountain dog, huge dog, and it always
seems like the bigger the dog, the more scared and
sweet they are.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
He needed a little.

Speaker 5 (14:38):
Drugs, and I know Paulina said her friends give their
dog benadryl. It's like whatever, I know that Pablo, the
Bernese Mountain dog is prescribed trasidone, which is a human
sleeping pill. Right, so we had to give him a
little bit. My friend gave him the higher end of
his dose because he was real scared and they were
being set off all weekend. Unbeknownst to us, her husband

has also given him the highest dose of.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
The human sleeping pill.

Speaker 5 (15:04):
Maman's was so scared he was in the bathroom in
the basement. Every time I went in there, he didn't
know up from down. He got up, he would do
a spin, lay back on the ground. It was the
saddest but cutest thing. So he had his double dose.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
But he was so scared. And like, you know, America,
we're celebrating the birthday. Do we need to do it
days other than the fourth of July? Do we think?

Speaker 1 (15:26):
It's just I'm amazed at because growing up in Arizona,
I think now you can buy fireworks, which is really
a terrible idea because there's droughts and right, I don't
know fires and things because we really don't need it.
But you couldn't. Now you can. And I have not
gone into any of these stories. But can I live
in an urban environment where it probably wouldn't be appropriate.

I don't think it would really concerned that he wanted
to think it would sound like a lot of other
things that we hear living in an urban environment. But nonetheless,
I'm shocked at what you can buy, Like Big Tim,
I saw the bit of your man, Big Tim. Yes,
he went and bought like he was doing a He
did the fourth of July Official United States Fireworks Show

from your House Forget about DC.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
It happening in Indiana this time. I mean, this dude was.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Straight up by and like the stuff that you would
buy professional grade. I can't believe that just a normal
person has access to that level of like explosives basically,
and they.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
Don't need it.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
This man was scanning a QR code to figure out
how to set it off. So he's like, I'm like,
do you know how to use this? He's like no,
but it's a code on there. You just scan it
and then it's a YouTube video that'll show you how
to blow it up, sir, So like, and to your point,
wrap this up by ten pm on fourth of July,
I'm sorry. So at ten pm I was like, I'm
going to call the cops on my own party, okay,

and tell them that I have people here with the
legal fireary to get them out of here, because I
was over it at that point.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
If you need a QR code to figure out how
to light your fireworks, then he's probably above your payrin.

Speaker 5 (16:57):
You know, there's a finger And I don't know if
it's a rule here, but in miss And they made
a rule or a law rather that you can set
them off. The entire month and so these babies and
these dogs, I just feel for that.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
Let's to the fourth of July. Yes, I don't know,
I feel bad.

Speaker 5 (17:12):
But all these dogs are drugged and confused and think
we're at war. They think they're getting drafted.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
I would love to have like a go out and
like in a ranch somewhere and just have my own fireworks,
just go nuts.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
That would be a lot of fun. A pirate Yeah,
no fire, let's remain day. I don't get it. Is
the three.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
Yeah, you're setting a fire running like yeah, I was running.

Speaker 3 (17:37):
I'm already out. Yeah, that little purple pink and Red's
worth my hands, you know, up in the air. It's
so beautiful. I don't want to see that. And then
everyone's drunk too, lighting them off.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Who needs all your fingers? Though you don't need all
of them? You got ten for more Freadshell next Cal's
entertainer report is on the Fread Show. I mean, I know,
oh that we struck a chord. When my personal friends
are texting me on my personal phone with their comments
on this, that's when I know when even the people

that know me are like, Okay, you got me with
this one, like, I gotta listen to you chatter all
day long, you call me personally. But when they're listening
and then they're like, oh that was compelling, that's when
I know I got them.

Speaker 3 (18:19):
What are they saying? Most people are saying, you just
you need to assume when you attend something that you
are paying for your presence. You know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (18:27):
And again, I think a wedding is an exception. But
again this was an invitation to an event. It's not
a wedding.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
But like, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
I guess I just don't figure it. I don't figure
anything is free anymore. I don't figure that anything is free.

Speaker 5 (18:41):
Yeah, yeah, I mean even on dates. My nana always
told me, you need to have enough to pay for yourself. Yes,
Now do I look at someone's sideways? Maybe if I
you know, maybe, But I always have enough stuff.

Speaker 6 (18:52):
I fake pump or I used to fake pump all
the time, but I knew I wasn't gonna pay, and
if I.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
Did, I won't see you again. Pump fake I pay
a pumped, faked faked pump, fake bumped. Yeah, I'm not pumping.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
I was actually just talking to my brother in law
about this the other day. The first time we ever
went to dinner was in Dallas. We went to Nobu.
My sister picked it, fancy, you know, sushi place. Apparently
he had told her I'm getting the bill. She forgot
to tell but with my mom and I and the
two of them, and they just started dating. And I
think it was literally the first dinner we ever went to.

And you know, this guy's at bartenders and a death
metal band, and now he has a great job.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
He's a computer programmer.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
He's guys loaded any guys, he's rolling in it now,
my brother in law, he's moved off with the death metal. Nonetheless,
I did not get the memo. I was under the
impression I was paying for dinner. So we go this
fancy restaurant and I'm ordering everything. I'm like because it's
my money, right, So I'm like, yeah, we'll take yeah, yeah,
take it to it. And they're like, well, there's only

four and you guys want two points. Yeah, you got
to bring us two of those. And then like the
wine comes a socket. I'm like, yeah, give us this one.
Which one do you recommend? You give us this one.
I'm over here because I'm flexing because I'm thinking I'm paying,
so I'm ordering like I'm paying, and this dude sweating
and I'm like, why can you shuttle down?

Speaker 6 (20:02):

Speaker 3 (20:02):
Why are you sweating? He got the water in a
bread basket.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
Literally he ordered like a cucumber salad or something like.
He literally was in his head counting what I was ordering.
Tamahawk will take it, you know whatever. I don't know
because I was trying to go big for this guy.
And I told my sister, I am paying my mom,
I'm paying for dinner tonight.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
Let everybody know. Well, he apparently did the same thing.
Nobody so at the end of the date.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
I mean, this dude, I just think he thought he
was going to have to spend oh, like I thought
he's doing he let that in his mind. I think
he thought he was washing dishes. And then the bill
came and I paid it, and he said to me,
he was like, what a relief? Like in his mind
he was adding it up and it wasn't. But I
didn't get the because if I had known that he
intended to pay, I would have curtailed what I was ordering.

Speaker 3 (20:46):
But he must have been tortured for two hours.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
I'm like, another one sure, another one and all this time.
But the worst part of it is that in his
mind he thought, I knew he was paying and I
was still doing this, he thought, But I loved it anyway.
You gotta assume you're paying for yourself when you go
to stuff.

Speaker 5 (21:05):
I think, yeah, I agree, fair, Yeah, I assume, But
you still look at them sideways. A and E has
a new lawsuit on their hands over its Secrets of
Playboy docuseriies. I haven't seen it, but according to this suit,
a woman named Jennifer claims that the network used naked
footage of her, which she claims was filmed without her
consent back in the day at HEF's Playboy mansion. Remember

she was one of those and if you watch the
show those painted naked dancers in two thousand and one
or two, worked in an event at the mansion and
was filmed dancing in just green body paint.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
She says she never signed.

Speaker 5 (21:39):
Off on her naked body to be featured in the docuseries,
and it was a couple of times.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
She says, my life has changed since then.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
I'm married, I have kids, and she's pretty devastated that
they're using it.

Speaker 3 (21:49):
She's after a and E four like two million in damages.
Oh wow, yeah sure.

Speaker 5 (21:54):
I mean I would assume, as like a producer, you
would have to reach out to like show people's faces.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
No, how are you gonna find them?

Speaker 6 (22:01):

Speaker 3 (22:02):
Yeah, but you were at the Playboy match and isn't
everything recording? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (22:06):
But even I mean, I don't know when they're filming
for shows, you have to sign off on things, even
like reality shows.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
If you're in a restaurant, yeah, there's like a tiny
little sign somewhere that was like recording in progress. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
If you ever watched an old episode of that show Cheaters, yeah,
you know that show is telling VH one sometimes whatever.
If you look carefully, you'll see there's a security guy
holding a gigantic sign that has the disclaimer on it.
And I don't know if this is still legal, but
like it's just a dude holding a sign doing like this,
so that like I guess thatnifies it from like yeah,
anyone in the shot now is like, you know, hey,

we gave you the disclaimer. It's right here, so that
way they don't have to blur his face out, I
guess or whatever.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
Yeah, I was.

Speaker 5 (22:48):
I was at a restaurant in Detroit and they were
filming some dating show and they asked me to sign
something in case I was in the background.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
So I think you have to do that, But I
don't know if they could find her. I agree with you.
If I'm one of the Playboy Mansion, I just I
assume that that's all the records.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
Yeah, the producers. I'm like, yeah, you telled us. He
told us we could use this well.

Speaker 5 (23:07):
But there are no phones at that time. I mean
a lot of celebrities. Did you know there weren't really
cell phones. I don't know, but either way, she wants
her money, she wants her track. Kendrick Lamar, highlighting his
hometown burger join in his not Like Us To music
video is helping them big time.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Of course it is.

Speaker 5 (23:21):
People at TAM's Burgers say that customers have been flooding
their Compton location all weekend after Kaito released the music
video on the fourth of July. They say business is
up forty percent since the video dropped. People are literally
going in there saying this is why I'm here. If
you haven't seen it. Kendrick and Mustard pull up to
the location in a lambeo. He gets the bacon cheeseburger,

so that's what people are ordering. The owner says that
he's known him since he was a teenager. He grew
up in the community for twenty years and he didn't
ask to be paid for it. He just said, you know,
can you keep the logo in or I think Kendrick offered,
which is really nice and it paid off.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
People are going to visit and.

Speaker 5 (23:58):
Really quick out and John was spot pein in a
plastic bottle in the middle of a store will shopping
for sneakers. So the owner of Sugar Kicks and Nice
said out and came in to shop Monday afternoon. Two
sons were there and a bodyguard and asked if there
was a restroom. He was told there wasn't a restroom.
He turned to his security and asked for a bottle.
He took a few steps away, just a few steps

from the other shoppers began to take a leak in
the bottle. I guess some pe even ended up on
the floor. He asked his security for a towel to
clean up the mess. The owner says he was shocked
and frustrated. He asked him what he did, which I
don't know how. He didn't know but I guess it's France,
and he aske him what he did for a living.
He just goes, I'm out and John he google search
realized it was a big deal. In the end, he
bought two pair of sneakers, snapped a photo, and shook

hands before leaving care.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
Right, God, they're just like us.

Speaker 2 (24:53):

Speaker 5 (24:53):
I would like have my security carry like a shi
Wi for me though, because for.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Sure, you know, and if you that's a different level
of fame when you're like, I'm so famous, I'm going
to pee in a bottle in the middle of the story.
I just am and that's what I'm doing. What do
you do, sir? I'm Elton John. My favorite part of
Oh you do? I'm Fred?

Speaker 3 (25:13):
Who is that?

Speaker 2 (25:15):

Speaker 3 (25:15):
I go? But you're dinging away?

Speaker 1 (25:19):
How do you know that's an actual conversation that's happened, sir.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
Why is it out? I'm Fred? Put it away? Please
leave the store. I'm going to call security.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
That was in my own home where I have two bathrooms,
but instead I just whipped the bottle out.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
It's like whatever, I'm Fred.

Speaker 5 (25:35):
We just added, by the way, do Alepa and Halsey
to our iHeartRadio music festival.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
To an already sacked lineup.

Speaker 5 (25:40):
If you want to get tickets, go to excess dot
com get them now before they sell out?

Speaker 3 (25:44):
Or is it Hello Red Show? Hello brother? Do you
have what it takes to battle show biz? Shelley in
the show Biz showy versus Barbro? How you doing, Barbara?

Speaker 1 (26:00):
I'm good, Ally bar Bro welcome, tell us about you please?

Speaker 3 (26:05):
On my way to work? Did not expect to get through?
Did it? Very randomly? Literally turned down the radio and just.

Speaker 1 (26:12):
Called you should expect to get through, Because if you've
been listening for a period of time, you realize this
same we only have thirteen listeners, We really do. There's
seven lines and thirteen listeners, almost one per person, so
it really shouldn't be any problem. Plus we've had the
same person play every game on the show in one day. Hey,
I just played last Hour and I'm like, wow, we
really only have thirteen listeners, Like for Room.

Speaker 5 (26:34):
I mean I have been to both of your life tangents,
Thank you, thank you, Barbara?

Speaker 3 (26:38):
Are you the one that kept flashing me? Is that you?
That was not me? Definitely?

Speaker 1 (26:44):
So if we had the live Tangent Our off air
uncensored podcast and there were Shenanigans, and there was a
couple there that was pursuing me over the question and
answer session. The woman was flashing, the guy was like, well,
you come home with us, and then there was some
compromises being made and then I never heard from him again.
Now I'm not saying I was or wasn't going to
do it, but I do you think they were for real?

Or do you think that was just they would just
be asking Barbara? Because I never heard from them.

Speaker 6 (27:10):
Again, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (27:12):
It was it was intense, the tension was it felt
real to me? It?

Speaker 1 (27:18):
Yeah, I think I thought Jason was going to go
home with a husband. I was going to go home
with a wife. You know, Okay, I mean we're willing
to go the extra mile for our audience. You know,
We're willing to do what it takes, Barbara. Seventeen hundred
bucks is the price twenty eighth straight wins for Shelley.
It's five pop culture questions against our pop culture expert.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
Let's go, all right, Papbara, Hello, you're too all right, Shelley,
with all the respect, get the hell out here we go.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
Question number one for you, Barbara, which Barbie Starr is
expecting her first child, Margot Roby, just weeks after his
d w I arrest, which singer announced he's opening another
bar with Ziger.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
Woods justin I went up. Reality starts.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
Theresa Judice is being called out from photoshopping a folk
if she and Larsa Pippen, which reality franchise?

Speaker 3 (28:03):
Are they both on Real House? You don't have to say. Yeah,
that's all. That's all we needed.

Speaker 1 (28:10):
Season three, A ton officially made it into the top
ten most popular shows on this streaming service network, and
Halsey and this Houdini singer were added the to the
already amazing lineup of our iHeartRadio Music Festival.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Name that singer that's a fire. I'll tell you what.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
If Shelley gets five wrong, then she doesn't, then we're
taking away all the insurance.

Speaker 3 (28:35):
A five A five okay? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Which Barbie Starr is expecting her first.

Speaker 3 (28:42):
Child, Marco Robbie.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
Yeah, just weeks after his d w I r s
which singer announced he's opening another bar with Tiger.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
Woods justin Timberlake. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
Reality starts Theresa Judicas we can called out for photo
shopping a photo of she and Larsa Pippen, which reality franchise.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
Are they both on The Real Housewife ye season three.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
But officially made it into the top ten most popular
shows on this streaming service Netflix. Yes, and Halsey and
this Houdini Singer were added to the already amazing lineup
of our iHeartRadio Music Festival. If you'd like to keep
your job name the singer? Yes, yeah, good good Barbara.
That's a tie. So you got to come back tomorrow,

but you may have earned yourself some extra money. Seventeen
fifty tomorrow, all right, awesome, So clear your schedule, miss Barbara.
Hang on, all right, stay there over. You'll talk to
you in the morning.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
I'm so shocked I got through. I can't. And they're
always so good, you know what I mean, like the
unexpected one.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Yeah, nobody should be shocked to get through to this thing.
It's not hard. It's not hard at all. Well, Shelley,
we'll do it again tomorrow. Seventeen fifty all right, sounds good,
sound good? All right, have a great day, all right here.
We'll try and be on time tomorrow too. I know
you got stuff to do, you know again. Added to
the list of things I know about my colleagues here
that I didn't need to know. I know so many things,

including what Shelley does around eight fifteen to eight thirty every.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
Day, and we got me in the way of that.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
So as you were waiting by the phone after Jojia
cat in is three minutes.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
Yeah, they talk better than they tell me. These are
the radio blogs on the Fred Show.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Now that that happened in the history of this program,
all right, like writing in our diaries, we call them blogs, Paulina, Yes,
take it away.

Speaker 6 (30:21):
Thank you so much, dear blog. So you know, you
guys all know my mom, My Mom, Marsa, Mama Marsa.
You loved by many, feared by money, yes, but she
is a woman of her word and one thing that
I don't like. And it's crazy because growing up I
used to get disciplined. It wasn't the whole like I'm
disappointing a youthing. I know, Freddie talk.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
About that a lot. Yeah, that was your thing.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
My grandfather he only busted that out maybe twice. You
get it to my mom, you know, growing up to boy,
when that one came out, he used that one for
special occasions. When that one came out, Oh there was
nothing more crippling.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
Yeah, we never was.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
I wanted to crown a hole the two times he
said it, and I remember them too, verbade him. He
knew what he was doing, right, I'm sorry. So she
doesn't have one of those lines.

Speaker 6 (31:05):
It wouldn't work on me. I don't think either, like
being disappointed. So for us, it was more like.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
Joined the club whatever. Yeah, okay, and yeah, that should
have been my response saying at the time, like, well,
you know, I get used to it, but this this
is not the first today, this is the first time.
It's not the last time you'll feel this way about me.

Speaker 6 (31:22):
Yeah, but my mom kind of pulled it on me yesterday.
And I don't know, but because I have a daughter
now I have a baby, and that's maybe why I
felt some kind of way. But love my mama's she
was asking to see the baby.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
And if you.

Speaker 6 (31:36):
Got a kid, you know that, you know, plans change.
Even without a kid, plans change. And like the day
just kept danying, and she was like napping, then we
were up that I was cooking, then it was laundry.
It was just like the day was just going And
this is like three o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock, and
I can tell she wanted to see her, and she
was like, oh, her nap is getting into you know,
grandma time, and I'm like, oh, that's really cute, but
like we're napping, you know. So then she didn't end

up going. My baby did not go over her house yesterday,
but I did tell her, Hey, I'm still cooking.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
Do you want to come over? And then she's like no,
and I was like oh.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
And like we don't talk about mama mar to access
to the christ child.

Speaker 6 (32:13):
But I didn't mean So the day was just going
and I just lost shack of time. And then I
was like, hey, why don't you just come by here?
I cooked dinner, you know, I made some dinner. You
can have some with us, and she said no, thank you,
and she just kept going.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
She shut her location off on her phone on she
was mad. She goes mad.

Speaker 6 (32:33):
She was like, I'm busy. I called her twice because
you know me, I'll blow up your phone. Like if
I know you're mad at me, I'll blow up your phone.
And I was like mom, like, don't do this, and.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Why did you have to deliver the baby?

Speaker 6 (32:43):
I think she just wanted to see her And then
I do this thing too I'm really bad at this.
If you say, hey, three o'clock, my ass is like four,
let's do five thirty.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
She really mad because you had a plan and then
you didn't follow through with the plan. That's what she's
mad about. Maybe she moved her day around to yes
and then and then what then it's a bandfit we're
talking about here. It's a baby, right, so like yes,
it's oh, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 3 (33:06):
Things don't always go as you mentioned that things would
always happen on schedule.

Speaker 6 (33:10):
Yeah, And I try to be respectful of everyone's time
because everybody's got a life, you know. So I don't
want to be like making plans or or her thinking
I'm coming at three thirty and then we don't come
till six, and she's like, I could have done this.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
I nothing.

Speaker 6 (33:21):
I get so mad at people who do that, and
nothing makes me more mad, even though I am the
queen of doing that.

Speaker 3 (33:25):
Right. A lot she made she made you. She should
have known that three men. Maybe never she did tell
me that she goes, she goes, you do that a lot.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
To me, She's like, you know, you do the whole
like I'll be there in ten, I'll be there in twenty,
I'll be there in forty five. I do that a lot.
I will admit it. But then she actually, I did
go over last night. I brought the baby, just kind
of like say good night and like chill for a
little bit. Feeling guilty. I felt so guilty because like
I want them to have that bond. And I think
that's why I was more bothered. If it was me,
I will let it go, I'll see you tomorrow. But

I was like, no, you want to see the baby.
I'll bring the baby to you.

Speaker 3 (33:56):
So I did. It was a cute moment.

Speaker 6 (33:58):
And then she texting this morning and he's like, I'm sorry,
and I.

Speaker 3 (34:01):
Don't really get that a lot. So I feel like
I feel good. I got an apology. She turned her
location off.

Speaker 6 (34:07):
She did.

Speaker 3 (34:07):
Oh, I was mad.

Speaker 6 (34:09):
That's that's the way to get me, is turning your
location off on me.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
It's a tough it's a tough balance, you know, because
it's like you trying to create your life. I'm watching
it right now. In my family. You got your life
and your routine. But then you've got grandparents that really
want to be involved, but they don't necessarily do it
the same way you do. And then they may not
they're on the same schedule. They also aren't doing all
of the things that you have to do. Yeah you

know what I mean. So and they did do them,
and they'll remind you of that, well sixty years ago.
I had to do it for you. But it's like
you're juggling, you're actually doing the stuff, and then these
people drop in, drop out.

Speaker 3 (34:41):
Yeah, it's you go. Speaking of babies, we have breaking news.
We have a baby already. We have a baby. We
have a baby. We have a bet. That didn't take
any time at all. I mean she had a c
section with that schedules from six ten to now. We
got a roof for your baby. We got it.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
Just faming.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
Congratulations. We have a name. I don't have a name yet.
Put me back on. I gotta get approval from Ashland first.
Oh boy, has anyone briefed him yet? How much has happened?
The entertainer afforded his nag

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