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June 20, 2024 14 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's the Bread Show. This is what's trending all.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Right outside of our politics and wars.

Speaker 3 (00:06):

Speaker 2 (00:06):
It's a slow news day today, guys. Sorry, but Elon
Musk is trending for a few different reasons. He's being
hunted by psychopaths, apparently, he announced. Also he was asked
what he does with all of his money. He does
have a jet, we know that, but we talked about
this the other day. He's famous for like going places
and then staying like on his friend's couches and stuff.

I'm like, if my boy Elon I called him, if
he called me up and was like, Hey, I'm gonna
be in I'm going to be you know wherever, and
I'm a crash on the couch, I'd be like, E,
you can buy this condo and just stay. That's what
I'm charging you for the night. Whatever's left on my mortgage, Sure,
sleep on it. You can sleep in the bed with
all of your children and girlfriends and all your staff

and whoever you want. Just pay off the mortgage. That's
all I care. You're not sleeping on my couch. You're
a multi billionaire. Didn't he just get compensation worth like
fifty billion dollars. I know, I'm not going to help
you pay you your house. Bro'm not going to help
invent your house. I'm not going to help you move.
I'm not. But here is what he does with all
of his money. He answered the question.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
Money, well, the personal question, well.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
I have a big I have a big money then,
and I swim swimming in it.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
He swims in his money. He does swim anymore.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
So, yeah, you've got to get exercise somehow.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
And so.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Well, if I was supposed to say I likes me, it'll.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
Keep me alive, like hopefully not in some sort of
experimental cage.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
He's not among us, like he's not one of us.
He's not. He's not like I don't know where he
is or where what he what I mean, I think
he's visiting us from somewhere else. I think he's like
he's just a human form of an Alien's that from
another universe or something. I mean, honestly, he's just I
don't know if he's just too smart or I don't know,

maybe he's too dumb. It's one of the other he's
just not one of us. The Kansas City chiefs are
trending why because they got their Super Bowl rings last week.
Fourteen point eight carre at rings, sparkling reminder of football's
greatest accomplishments. Forty thousand dollars each ring is how much
it cost, but there is a typo on the ring.

On the inside of the ring are listed all four
playoff games, their scores, and opponents from the twenty twenty
three playoffs. The Dolphins are listed as being the number
seven seed. They were actually the number six seed inside
the ring, and no one caught that. So I don't
know how many forty thousand, because you know, the players
and the coaches, and then some of the staff get
the night you know, the big, huge ones, and then
there are like smaller versions for other staff members, and

then I think family gets some and whatever else. But
nobody caught that. So I don't know how many forty
thousand dollars rings are out there with the typo, but
I'm sure that makes them now worth more, yes, because
there's something wrong with them, but yeah, no one, No
one caught that. No one was looking at them. Flip
phones are trending today because it's an official trend now.
Gen Z is driving the trend of flip phones or

dumb phones because they don't want distractions. They want to
be more present and not addicted to the noise that
comes to smartphones, and so no more iPhones. I guess
one person's thing. I wasn't present with other people. I
was constantly checking emails and texts, sitting at a stoplight
looking at my phone, and just constantly grabbing the phone,
being distracted, being distracted when I was with my wife

and kids. No Kia, Motorola, other brands still make these
sort of dumb phones, like kind of texts and that
you can call on them. But here's my thing is sure,
I love it great. I'm gonna get a dumb phone.
I'm gonna tell these guys here the suits have a
dumb phone. So I can't broadcast from anywhere with the thing.
I can't you know, I can't do social media. Sorry.
I want be able to respond to your email until

I get to a computer. So sorry. And you know
what they're going to do. They're gonna go, no, well,
you don't have enough money will buy you. Like the
standard now if you're a professional, is that you're accessible
twenty four to seven. I'm not saying it should be.
And they set rules, you know, they'll say like, well, okay,
well no emails after five and no emails on the weekend,
do it. But no, that's not how it doesn't happen.

It never happens. And then people write you a message
they expect to response, and so I don't know how
don't I don't know how you can do? Is this
just another gen Z thing? And I'm not bagging on
gen Z where it's just like we're doing it and
you're the rest of the world's going to deal with it.
Because like if I write Ben Hamen an email because
I need him to do something and he writes me back,
you know, three days later from the library because he

doesn't have a smartphone, you know, and doesn't want to
pay for internet, he's like, oh, I just got around
to this. Like that doesn't work for me, you know
what I mean? Like, I mean you have a lot
of gen Z on your staff. Well, you got to
have an on demand staff of people for the marketing
aspect and this, so like when you need people and
you need to reach them, you got to reach them,
and I guess you could call them, but then there's

that doesn't provide any sort First of all, it's not
efficient it doesn't provide any kind of paper trail, so
I don't know if this works right.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
I think it's just another example of how gen Z
is like really, you know, sticking their boot in the sand.
And it's like, this is how I'm going to do it,
and y'all need to just you know, get along with it.

Speaker 6 (05:21):
But no, it would not that would not work for me, Kiki.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
How long could you would?

Speaker 2 (05:26):
I feel like you'd sneak a smartphone, like if I
gave you a Fred Show dumb phone, a flip phone,
yes you know, and I said, here, here's a sidekick,
which is not all that dumb, but at least you
got a little keyboard on there, all right, And here
you go. This is your new phone now, and we're
taking that away because we don't think you're safe. We
think you use TikTok too much, like we think you
need to focus on driving the car and not watching

TikTok while driving the car. And how long how long
until you went and bought your own smartphone?

Speaker 6 (05:52):
Thirty minutes? Like, Rita, I'm not doing this.

Speaker 7 (05:55):
My phone died in the uber yesterday and I was like,
so you need to add I know it's a lot
of traffic. But you don't have another charge in here.
I need to go, so you need to speed this up.
I don't know, charge no extra. I'm I put this
thing in turbo. I'm feeling Dad for thirty minutes. Anything
could have happened, anything could have made an announcement, you
know anything.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
You know what's funny is Omarion. He called me yesterday
and he's trying to get a hold of you, and
he said he had a thirty minute He said, you'd
almost have a thirty minute. He had a thirty minute window.

Speaker 6 (06:22):
You see what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
And he was trying to get to you, and he's like,
if I I got to move on to the next
person who wanted Gracie, who I'm going to get with?

Speaker 3 (06:28):

Speaker 2 (06:29):
And so he moved on to He called Caitlin, who's
also won a Gracy Award and unfortunately, how was it?

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Was it good for you?

Speaker 6 (06:39):

Speaker 1 (06:41):

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Yeah, wow, Yeah she was very generous. So she made
him call her Kiki during the whole podcast. I mean,
but like, yeah, she wanted to manifest, she wanted you
to be there.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
But yeah, anyway, I.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Always think yeah, yeah, And that's what they did too.
They made love they she would have filmed it for you,
but she has a freend show dumb phone now. So unfortunately,
I do think the dumb phone would probably save a
lot of people from doing stupid stuff because if I
had a dumb phone, then I can't, you know, accidentally
send somebody a picture of whatever. And I can't accidentally,

you know, tweet or just put something on social media
that I when I'm drinking that I didn't, you know
what I mean. Think of all the careers that have
ended because of social media because people put stupid stuff up.
So if I had to actually like go to a
computer and sit down and log in, give me a
minute to think about what I'm doing, you know what
I mean?

Speaker 5 (07:31):
Right, Like, she's not another butt jugging video all right again?

Speaker 2 (07:35):
You know, And then Rufio wouldn't be able to like
every single twenty two year old swimsuit influencer.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
Yeah, I know, I don't know what I'd do with
my life.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
I think all the influence would get would pull together, right,
make sure that you had a phone.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
And did like all losing likes here guys, Yeah, he's
got one.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
Of those dumb phones.

Speaker 1 (07:52):

Speaker 2 (07:53):
The Portland Pickles Baseball organization has become the first sports
team in the US to legally sell marijuana based product.
During a live sporting event, the Pickles revealed they have
a new partnership with Cycling Frog, which sells THHD based
Seltzer drinks. So one of the drinks contains two milligrams
of THHD and four milligrams of CBG, CBG or CBD
anyway is available in lemon and passion fruit flavors. You

gotta be over twenty one, but now you can get high,
which this is. This is going to become standard. I
feel like it won't take long. Well, but I don't know.

Speaker 5 (08:24):
Yeah, because in Green Bay they made illegal you could
smoke weed in the stadium.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Now really yeah, this upcoming season, we yeah everything, You
could smoke whatever you want.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
If I were a Packers fan, I would I would
need to smoke weed at all times. I would need
to be high liver with the wace. I I got
plastic cheese on my head right now that I can't eat.
So yeah, yeah, I damn.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
I can see.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
I can see this becoming a thing I would rather
Hypothetically I was. I was saying this to you guys
the other day. I think I would rather get high
then get drunk. Hypothetically, wow more often than not, because
at least you get like a nice sort of feeling,
and it's relative. I guess it's natural. And then you
don't wake up with the maybe a low groggy, but
you don't wake up like the your brain your brain's

so angry with you, you know what I mean. I don't
wake up with like the uh anxiety and all the
other stuff.

Speaker 6 (09:20):
I yeah, drinking what I say, what I do?

Speaker 4 (09:22):

Speaker 2 (09:22):
The only problem with the marijuana hypothetically, if if this
is what my friend Ted tells me about it when
he uses it to sleep instead of chugging Nike will
every night at seven o'clock when the sun's out, is
the monkey component. The monkey component is very real. The
monkey component is I will, I will eat a meal,
or Ted will, and then and then take the THHD product.
And then all of a sudden, like it's ten o'clock

at night and they're knocking on my door with cold stone,
you know or whatever. It's just like I did not
need that, I didn't want it, and I I didn't
think I was capable of consuming it. I thought it
was full. But then the monkeys I don't know. Do
you not get that?

Speaker 6 (09:59):
I do.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
I do get the munchies for sure.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
But I tried to brush my teeth and put my
little mouth bull I've tried that old trick before, and
by the way, a carrot, it's not nearly as satisfying.
I've tried that one too. Like I got apples and
bananas the stuff in my house. I'm like, oh no, no,
gonna do it. Brittany is trending today and Canon will
tell you why. It's the first day of summer officially.

But it's felt like summer most places for a while now,
and I don't really appreciate it, and uh like like
too much summer, Like summer is great. This has been
a little too This is like my butt crack sweat
in summer already, and I was waiting. I need at
least a couple of weeks for the butt cracked the sweat. Yes,
it's too soon.

Speaker 6 (10:37):
The zero hell yeah outside.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
Yeah, yeah, it was almost like I could like not sweet, yes, yes,
like what are we doing? It's also National American Eagle
Day today as well. Yeah, so there you go. The
entertainmer report. What's that the store?

Speaker 1 (10:55):
The store yesterday? This still exists.

Speaker 6 (10:58):
Yeah, yeahs a hole.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
It's done a whole. Yeah, I need to go, because
like they it was gone. It was out for a
while or at least it was very youthful, and then
like lately I see all this cool stuff on TikTok.
I'm like where they get to Abercrombie. Yeah, and they
took their like logo off of everything, so you were
no one would.

Speaker 5 (11:18):
Really write whatever. Tell oh yeah because it was the
eighth Yeah.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
And the reopening stores too, Like there's a store in
a boogie part of town here.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Yeah, now, so I need to go. Yeah, Holliser's still too.

Speaker 5 (11:28):
Yeah, Holliser got rid of that whole beach vibe in
the front where you look like you're.

Speaker 6 (11:31):
Walking to a beach house. I knew what.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
Dude, one of my fraternity brothers was on a bag
in Abercrombie bag back in the day, like in the
two thousands, and you know, if you were on the bag,
a lot of times you were like wall size in
the store. And so I'm like in college, no one
knew this, Like he didn't tell anybody. So like I'm
in college and I'm in an Abercrombie buying fierce because
you know, I love Fierce. I haven't worn it recently
because it used to be a little hard to find.

I don't know if it's back now. But like Abercrombie
cologne for fifty bucks or whatever it is is. I
go to Sephora and I buy some fancy Gucci, Wucci, Flucci,
you know, Jean Hues whatever. Nobody says anything to me,
and it's like expensive. Then I go get Fierce from
Abercrombie that I were when I was fourteen, and everyone's like, god,

you smell good. What is that. I'm like, it's zoom
John von Claude van dam Right. I tell him. I
tell But I'm in there one day and I look
up at the entire wall of the store like and
I'm like that that is the dude I know. And
so I go back there. I'm like, were you gonna
tell us that? He's like, oh, I did. I did

that a couple of years ago. I forgot about it,
and he forgot, but he was on bags. And then
remember they used to have guys like standing in the
front of the store, in the atreum of the store
or whatever, like shirtless, and you'd walk by and there
was just a shirtless man standing there.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Oh, Jason spent much money, is it?

Speaker 2 (12:52):

Speaker 6 (12:52):
Much money?

Speaker 2 (12:55):
You never you never frequented the Abercrombie and Fitch.

Speaker 7 (12:58):
No, I don't think they have plus Assuah. I just
walked on past the Little Man. Yeah, when you walk
past those stores, there's a smell.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
That's the Yes, they sprayed it on everything.

Speaker 6 (13:12):
Yeah, it was a lot, now, I do remember the smell.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
Yeah, they sprayed on everything. I knew a guy who
worked for them in a specific department. Uh, it won't
be too specific, but it was. He was involved in
transportation for the company, and everything had to smell like Fierce,
and they had to wear Abercrombie clothing to work there.
But like the canister they sent them to use a
full of Fierce was like industrial size, and it said

on there like this is toxic. Like Hue telling me,
there was this huge warning on the other side of
the container like this is really not good for you.
It was almost like like nuclear or something. And He's like,
and we were just took this gigantic thing and just
sprayed it on everything because everything had to smell like that,
and like sometimes they had to wear flip flops but

they couldn't do their job and flip flop. So they
would have to change into shoes, do their job, and
then put the flip flops on. To be forward facing,
they had to look like they had to wear you know,
like multiple polos popped and the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Yeah, that whole thing. Oh yeah, Puka shells.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Oh yeah, but yeah, that was a big deal. If
you if you get a job at Abercrombie, you were
like officially in high school, you were officially considered hot.
That was like you were anointed. And and by the way,
the other thing is when you walked into Abercrombi, you
knew that the employees thought that about themselves because they
didn't want to do anything because they were like they
thought they considered themselves to be models. You're walking into

head you have this in a large like, I'm sorry,
pan speaking to me?

Speaker 1 (14:36):
Who is that?

Speaker 2 (14:36):
I hear a noise being directed towards me? But you're
not attractive enough to be talking about the hall, buddy.
I could get a job there, though exactly they'll go
to express

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