Episode Transcript
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Yeah, they talk better than theytie. These are the radio blogs on
the fridge, like running in ourdiaries, except we stayed them aloud.
We called him blogs. Kylin's gotone go. I'm actually gonna pass it
to Ruffy who said he would liketo do what. Oh okay, thank
you to you both. You areyou are indeed welcome salutation. Take it
away, sir, Thank you dearblogs. So you guys are talking about
going to the Positive tonight and theSomerset Show. I unfortunately cannot attend because
it is boys' night at the RufioHouse. Because Mama Jess is going out
tonight. I don't remember the lasttime. No, yeah, that's why
you guys, I can't wait toYeah, which is fine by me,
Like, I honestly don't remember thelast time Jess had a night out.
Like our friend one of her bestfriends is in town for one night,
invited her out to dinner. Soshe's gonna go out to dinner with the
girls, and she's like, up, you're with action tonight. I'm like,
cool, that's fine, but Ihonestly don't remember she has she has
not like taken the night off tojust do whatever. I mean she's gone,
and you know she'll get a pedicure, her nails done, or she'll
get her hair done or whatever.But I've never been like, all right,
just me and my boy tonight andyou go out and half one watch
on the Jennifer Boys night. Whatare you guys gonna do? I have
no clue. I don't know ifhe's gonna be okay because like at night,
you know mom's there, but Ididn't go at it. You toota.
What are you gonna eat? BecauseI know you don't. I know
you've been thinking about that. Oh. I mean he only eats pizza,
pizza, impasta. He doesn't haveit's not a much selection for him.
So well, I mean on him, I'm on my own to figure out
what I'm gonna eat, you knowwhat I'm saying. Because Jess is not
gonna be there, so wow,Um, yeah, Jess's gonna come home
all prime. There's gonna be agood night for I'm saying if I'm not
sleeping a round Wickens, are yougonna take him to the mall? I
know he loves going and you guys, that's usually a Saturday thing. That's
our Saturday tradition. Um, withit. He's actually been talking a lot.
He watches I don't know, hewatches a lot of YouTube, and
uh, he's been watching a lotof Chucky cheese videos. So he thinks
he could just go to Chucky Cheeseanytime. So maybe I'll take him a
Chucky cheese. See was so funnim. Don't think the birthday party. No,
we're just here like, I don'tknow, I don't know if you
can go. I haven't been theChucky teas in a long time. You
can just go, Okay, justdon't get in any fights because I know
how competitive He's gonna play some kidsand whacking is gonna be thrown out again.
They have this picture up at thebat. Sure you're not awed anymore.