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Point right. I'm sorry. Theseare the radio blogs on the Friend Show.
Okay, it's like we're writing inour diaries, except we say them
aloud. I'm gonna do a blog, dear blog. So you know,
I'm obsessed with my niece Polly.She's oh, not quite two and a
half, but she's starting to talka lot, you know, and selfishly,
she knows who I am now,and so like when we FaceTime or
when we see each other, likeI get I get to hear my name
bubby, I get like a bigsmile, I get a reaction. Normally
she wants to show me something.You know. This is all very rewarding
for me personally selfishly. So yesterdaywe spoke and they were on their way
to eat dinner, and it lookedlike she was like we were talking,
and it looked like she was brushingher teeth. But she apparently was a
spoon, and I thought, likea plastic spoon, and I thought maybe
they were like trying to teach herlike familiarizer with the toothbrush or whatever.
But it was a plastic spoon.And I said, Amanda, what is
it with the spoon? And shesaid, well, we allowed her to
choose any one item that she wantedto bring to dinner with us, and
she chose the plastic spoon. Andit got me thinking about, like,
when you were a kid, didyou have like any kind of inanimate like
some kind of object that you carriedaround with you that didn't necessarily make a
whole lot of sense. I mean, I had I had a blanket when
I was a kid. I hada blanket until I was eighteen. Wow.
Basically I left it at home.It was in my bed basically as
comfort, the same one that Ihad as a child, and it still
exists somewhere, but it was inmy bed until I went to college.
When did yourself going to the pediatriciantoo? I was like, your mom
told me? Was later? Rite? Oh, no, it was.
It was after college. I wentto a pediatrician because it was a family
friend. Yeah. It's my favorite. And she tells stories they're not true.
I mean, I don't think they'retrue. Did your parents do this
too? My parents tell these storiesthat are just so fantastic, and I'm
like, what that never happened?It made me part of it happened,
But the whole thing I do rememberbeing really scared about having a shot in
college in a pediatrician's office, waitingin the little chair next to some kid
who was diabetic, and They're like, all right, come get your shot,
and I'm like, oh, Andthis little kid was basically, and
this is the story my mom tells, the kid was basically like eu a
wuss, I do this several timesa day. And he was like six
and I'm six foot four, youknow, with your sucker. I think
it was weird. He made mego to the office. I figured like
he was a family friend. Hewould like come to the house where I'd
go to his, which we diddo sometimes. But like, yeah,
and I don't think I had agrown up doctor until I moved. I
was out of college and had nothingto you know what I mean. Yeah,
no, I think that's true.But did you guys have anything like
a doll or I don't know,sometimes like people have like funny pillows or
nothing. I just had a pacifierfor a very long time, Like my
sister had to take it and literallyhigh. That was a couple years ago
when yeah, yeah, so yeah, I had to finally let it go.
But yeah, that was it forme, A little patsy. I
feel like it's a it's an onlychild, Jason, you would have been
coddled in some way, like withsome sort of item that yeah, I
mean mine was my blankie. Butyou just unlocked a memory for me,
giggy that I like, low keylike hidden, hidden, sucked my thumb
for a very long time, sucklike what I was hiding it for like
a really long time, like inthe school, like into like grade school,
like and I was still stuck suckingmy thumb. I'm sure my sister
will appreciate this story. She hada little blanket it was probably I don't
know, a foot by a footsquare, and it had a little tag
on the end of it, andso she'd stick her finger through the tag
and then she'd stuck on her fingerand then blanket would hang down, and
we called it soggy. I don'tknow why, or that's what she probably
because it was all spit all overthe thing because I don't know, it
had her finger in her mouth,but it was called so it was pink.
And so my mom realizing that therecould be a soggy calamity if it
were to be misplaced because this thingwas everywhere. Oh yeah, she bought
several of them and would try androtate them through so they would each get
equal use in case something happened toone of them. Because my sister knew
immediately, don't you bust a newsoggy out of the box and hand that
to me like that was soggy.That's not soggy, that's I don't know
what the hell that is, right, we're a soggy and yeah, that
was soggy, was what it wascalled. She carried that thing around forever.
But that wasn't a man. That'sa classic Amanda. You guys didn't
have anything like this. I hada doll. Her name was Allah.
I don't know where she went,so I have no idea poor girl.
But she was like my size.So obviously I'm like three years old.
She was a rag doll, butshe was like about my size. Yeah,
that was my girl together, welltogether. I don't know where she
is, but that was my girl. And I didn't have anything. No,
I mean no. I played videogames as a kid. It's not
like I'm taking my I had agame Boy took. Does Ashley have something,
Yeah, he's tablet. If hego nowhere without that iPad in the
charger. Yeah, it's a lifesaver. Yeah. My deputs get really mad
when the battery dies. Like,I'm like, who are you mad at?
Bro? You weren't playing it forhours? Yeah. Yeah, I'm
trying to think if there's anything up. I'm just you saying you had your
blanket on your bed. Oh yeah, my ex had his baby blanket too
on it's bad. Well it wasunder the pillow, like I didn't know.
I knew it was there, butI wasn't doing anything in the bed
anyway, So I mean that's stilltrue. Where where's my blanket? Get it?