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May 2, 2023 6 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Better than these are the radio blogson the Friends Show. All right,
che Paulina, you got one?Yeah, all right, good, let's
do it audio journals like we're writingin our diaries. Go. Thank you
so much, deer blog. Thismusic confusing a girl is the same music.
Well, this is nice. Thisfeels like home. All the music

this is this is the exact same. Thank you for not killing me off
either for the Friends one fact,no no no, no no no.
That intro will always remain out ontrust. Don't trust over here. You
better pay, you'll make it thishow much you want your audio to stay
on here? I mean he's that'sa technical producer over there. You getting

talking about your shift. I thought, at least the people in this room
we're safe, but none of usare safe. Apparently I lad have taken
away. Thank you so much,deer blog. So this question is for
couples who have, like I guess, different just lifestyles or different I don't
even know, different, just sleepingpatterns. Um. This morning I had

to be well, we all hadto be a very extra early to get
some stuff done, you know,little housekeeping around the good old radio station.
Working woman just well we have workingwomen all of us in this room.
So I'm a working woman, yes, ma'am. Sorry, that's right.
So I told my fancy. Iwas like, I need to go
to bed early, like we're callingit, well, I'm calling it a

night like seven thirty in bed,like that's how I felt. So you
know, he's walking around eating cheetos, like doing all this extra stuff,
watching a game on TV, likedoing everything the most extra extra. I

told him. I prepped him.I said, listen, like all the
sexy time we threw down before seventhirty, Like everything is done before seven
thirty. The dog, he's everythingcloset right, everything's closed. So I'm
over here trying to sleep to thepoint that I got so mad that I
blew up the air mattress and Iwent into the other room, like I've
never done that before. But Ialso feel like I may be staying there

for a couple of days, dependinghow you know, the stuff at work
goes and me going to bed early, like I need my rest. People,
I cannot rest, Fred, doyou know what I think I'm finding
And it's only taking me like fifteenyears of the schedule to do it.
I don't my mental state for gettingup early is that I need to be

in or near a bed around seventhirty eight. But what I'm figuring out
is it doesn't necessarily make me feelany better than next morning if I go
to bed at eight or eleven.Like it's almost like you're fighting on both
ends. Your body doesn't want togo to sleep at ape, so you're
not getting any credit. I feellike if, for lack of a better

term, your body doesn't want toget up at three thirty, so you're
not. So I feel like it'smy own. It's just a mental thing.
I'm gonna be tired either way,So it's do I want to be
tired and stressed or just tired?Is what it comes down to. Because
to try and go to bed atseven thirty every day, which I've tried,
it doesn't. You don't feel anymore rested. Now. If you're
out drinking and doing and eating anddoing a bunch of stuff till late,

then you're paying for that. Youknow you're paying for the alcohol and stuff
the next day. But I justdon't get me wrong, I'm not going
to shift my bedtime to eleven,but I've done it, and I'm just
laying there watching TV. Till eleven. I don't feel any more rested the
next day or less rested than Iwould because it's the wake up call?
Is the wake up call? Doesthis makes sense what I'm saying? I
get that, and I feel likeexactly, I don't. I don't feel,

to be honest, today, anymore well rested being in bed by
seven thirty. But the only thingis only difference is I feel like okay,
at least I tried so, Likein my head, I'm kind of
like messing with myself, like okay, but you want to bed early,
like you're okay, You're good.Today I went to saying it's mine.
I'm going to know the difference likehugely. Yeah, Yeah, by an
hour makes a huge difference. Ithink it depends on which hour you're talking

about. If it's an hour fromif it's like nine verses eleven, I
think it makes a difference. Ifit's seven thirty verses nine, I don't
think it makes a difference. Yeah, because your body doesn't want to go
to bed at seven now, mybody won't do that. But yeah,
I can notice an hour and difference. I wish you could just get eight
hours, any eight hours, anyold time and then you were just good.
Yeah, I would do. AndI wish you could bank sleep.

And I wish it was like atotal of sleep, Like if I got
three in the afternoon and three atnight, or you know, four in
the afternoon at four at night,then I would be good. I wish
that was the way that it worked. It doesn't work that way, though,
Paulina. I wish everybody in ourlives can respect our bedtime, like
they don't respect them. No,they don't care. I feel like they
schedule family even still late on Sunday, like you know that I have to

be up, so I'm with you. Put the air mattress up. So
he was doing all this in theroom. Yes, he's like, I'm
gonna be awake still, you know, I'm gonna have some hot chips.
And then he's like, oh,I'm gonna watch the front room and wait
a minute, why is this allhappening in your room? Yeah, I
have no idea. Someone come getthis man, get him out of that.

That's very inconsidered, bogus. Yeah, you should. You should be
able to. There's if there's morethan one you live in a in a
multi room home, it's very richyes, you do you tell that man
that's not Now there's your problem.Yes, he doesn't need to be eating
chips while you're watching basketball while youtrying to sleep at living room kitchen.

Wait, and why is there foodin I can't I can't rest with this
man. Me to my god.If you guys don't know that story,
the I can't rest Fred's story,it was he was talking about a chick
who would leave dishes in the sinkovernight and that was her system, and
he couldn't sleep, not in thesame house. Like we would cook.

There are just so many reasons wewould cook. And I would cook.
I would I was cooking right,And then I think the expectation is if
I cook, you clean. Ithink she wanted me to do all of
it, and then when I wouldn't, She's like, oh, forget it,
we'll do it in the morning.And I'm like, whoa, whoa,

You're gonna leave all this like thisall night? Yeah. Well,
but I think her expectation was Iwas just going to do it all And
I think the deal is if youcook, I clean. If I cook,
you clean, that's the deal.And I don't know. I couldn't
rest. I don't know how peoplelive this way, these heathens. The
Entertainer report he is next
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