Episode Transcript
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Secul. Yeah, they talk betterthan they say. These are the radio
blogs on the Friend Show. Ican see that. I can see how
a guy taking care of a childlike I like when I post pictures of
Polly. That's not my kid,that's my niece. But like good things
happen. Oh that's why there's somany photos of Polly. Your face and
the fact that they made a perfectlooking child in my opinion, Yeah,
probably going to be a model atsome point. I mean, I can't
say for sure, but we wouldnever shop her out like that. It
would have to be they'd have toin call only, you know. We
would never sign up for one ofthose agencies or something. Oh, they
would have I would imagine, likegap, We'll just call soon and be
like, here's a gazillion dollars justwhere the overalls kind of thing, you
know, like the cost or something. I can see her being a little
cost outfit little Yeah, yeah,but we would would. We don't.
We're not holding out for that becausewe're not We're not like showbiz moms,
you know what I mean. We'renot you know what do they call that?
Like when you're not we're not stagemoms? Pleass. We were not
stage the numbers, right, Idon't oversee take a small forty percent commission.
But it's like running in our diaries, except we stayed him allowed.
We called him blocks Jason Brown.Yes, take it away. Please,
thank you so much, dear blog. So things have been busy around here,
so I've been having to get upabout an hour and a half earlier
than I was prior to um somy alarm goes off super early. Obviously,
my boyfriend Mike hates that my alarmgoes off that early. But we
were talking over the weekend about howhe claims that he wakes up every time
my alarm goes off, which Ican say is not true. Right,
Like I leave, the man isstill in rem he is full on snoring
like he is asleep, but heclaims he wakes up every single day.
Like I grabbed my phone within tenseconds to turn the alarm off so that
it doesn't wake early. I thinkyou can't snooze, Oh no, Like
it's not cool, Like, yeah, the alarm goes off if someone else
is in the bed, they don'thave to get up for a while.
Then you can need not snooze,get up and get about your business,
right, yeah, exactly. Soyesterday morning alarm goes off and getting ready
whatever, I go in because Ialways give him a little good bye kiss
before I leave, and I'm likeleaning in and he wakes. I don't
know if he's awake or sleepwake whatever. He like whips around his arm,
hits me in the chest. He'slike, I'm awake, Jason Brown,
And yeah, I was like okay, and then so like I like gave
him a little peck on the forit. And then I was walking away
and he's like, I'm always up, Jason Brown. Are you awake?
And he doesn't call me that obviouslylike in real life, so like are
you awake? Are you sleeping?Like what are you dreaming about? Like
it was just a very odd reactionto me leaving that day. I know
that neither of you, Jason willgo for this, but this this once
again another benefit of my two masterbedroom relationship. He would love that.
And I know people to do this, Like I know I knew a news
anchor. It's TV news anchor.They got up at two because the TV
in the news morning shows they startedlike four sometimes, so she would get
up at two, which we getup at I get up at three fifty
five two is out two and threewild two is really wild. Yeah,
but um, they actually slept indifferent bedrooms because it was screwing his life
up to have to wake up eventhe first time. Even if he went
back to sleep, you know,he was interrupting the way that we are
rem sleep. If you get upthis early in the morning, then you
know what I'm talking about. Andso it got to the point where she
was like, I'll just sleep onthe weekdays in another room because it was
affecting his health. Yeah. Icould definitely see that because he and he
it's really hard for him to goback to sleep. So on a couple
of days that he does woke up, but I try to be literally as
quiet as humanly possible. I'll takea shower in the dark because I don't
want to turn the light on,like thinking that that's gonna wake him up.
And then he still complains about it. But then I get here and
kick He's like, oh, I'mon TikTok and I'm doing this and go
then my phone kill me if Idid that. Consider I'm getting up at
the crack of down to help paythese bills. Now, if you would
like me to stay at home,then maybe I can tip to around the
house. So Jason, So hedoesn't remember any of these interactions, like,
um, he doesn't. He doesn'tremember the one that happened yesterday.
Okay no, but he claims he'sup every You should set him up.
Be like like you get home,you guys are eating dinner, and be
like, hey, remember that conversationwe had this morning. He's would be
like, yeah, you're gonna giveme like an extra thousand dollars to pay
my bills? Oh yeah, youknow, yeah you said yes. Remember
when we said we were going tojoin bank accounts? Yeah, too far. Show