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April 24, 2023 6 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yeah, they talk better than theytie. These are the radio blogs on
the Friend Show. All right,guys, like for running in our diaries,
except we say them aloud. Wecall them blogs around these time,
Jason Brown, we've all been waitingto hear, oh boy, about your
solo adventure. Did you go toHeat or whatever that place was called?
No, I don't know. Mikecan see my location and he was already.

He must have listened because he waslike, well he went to Heat,
so different heat? I don't know. Um so, yeah, dear
blogs. So this weekend I tookmy first ever solo trip for pleasure.
Like I didn't have to work,I didn't have to be anywhere at a
certain time, Like I got todo and go where I wanted, which

was great. Um So I gotthere on Friday and figured out how to
get to the rental car plays atmy flu Ne Newark in New Jersey,
and I got a car and Idrove like an hour and some change to
East in Pennsylvania, which is therecord store that I wanted to visit.
And the first thing I noticed waslike it was a beautiful drive. I

got to drive on the Jersey Turnpike, like if you're a Jersey Shore fan.
Yes, I didn't do the JerseyTurnpike, but I got to drive
on it. But I didn't knowit was so mountainous and like beautiful,
Like I was like, sure,if anyone has ever been so excited to
go to New Jersey as you were, I'm a huge Jersey Shore fan,
so I don't know. It wascool. So the mountain, I got

to drive through mountains like that wasreally cool. And there was like trees
and it was like a really beautiful, like scenic drive. I didn't know
there were mountains there, so thatwas cool. I did a little exploring
on Friday. I went to Kaitlinactually sent me a place in our luxury
travel agent that called then sent mea plant store that's also like a coffeehouse

that was there, so that wasreally cool. I went there and I
got a coffee and looked at plantsand I sat there for a little bit.
They have like a river walk bya museum, so I walked around
there for a little bit. Thatwas really pretty. Did you love it
or did you not love it?Like do you find things? Did you
find it as liberating as I doto just take an adventure by yourself in
a place you've never been and justsort of just you wake up and you're

not exactly sure what the day isgoing to hold, and you just do
what you want. I did likeit. There was like a sense of
like freedom and being able to dowhat I want to do, but like
I dig it kind of lonely,like especially like at nighttime, because like
I wanted to like go out withsomebody or like have that like companionship,
you know. So during the dayit was great because I was like busy

and I got to go around andwhatever. But then when it was like,
oh, you go back to yourhotel and it was like, oh,
I wish someone else was there.So it was kind of like both
sides of the coin. I guessyou can say there was there any crisis
moment? Were there any points foryou? Because you people need to understand.
People need to understand you've never bookedyour own flight, hotel, or
car. Yeah you did all ofthat. Yeah, you know you you've
never driven yourself alone around right,like in a you know place, well

four place was foreign to you.Yeah, right, So where were the
moments of christ? So there wasone moment that I got like really and
it was yesterday. So I wasdriving back in and I had a round
the car and say, so Ihad to fill up the gas on the
way back. So I pull offon the on the expressway and so I
pull up to the pump. I'mlike, okay, I'm gonna get out,
and all of a sudden, inmy review mirror, there's this guy
standing there and I was like huh. And so, like I get out

of the car and he's like,oh no, no, stay in the
car, and I'm like, whatare you talking about. He's like he's
like, I'm gonna pump your gas. I'm like, look that the other
day. I forgot it or Iwasn't listening because he scared the crap out
of me. Yeah. So Iwas like, I'm from Chicago, like
we pump our own gas. Andhe's like no, He's like give me
like your card or whatever. SoI was like, get you back car.

Go in Chicago, like we don'tdo all that. Like I'm not
handing my car to be about thegas stations, right. So I was
like okay, here, he's like, well, your gas pumps on the
wrong side, so you gotta likeflip around. So trying to flip around.
He took my card or whatever andhe pumped my guests. So then
I looked it up and like,yeah, like in New Jersey and Oregon,
I think or the Tuesdays, youcan't pump your own gas. But
he scared the crap out of mebecause all of a sudden I looked up

and I was like, well,like he was like rounds on my hand.
I would have even though I wouldremember, I guess that I knew
about Oregon. I didn't know aboutNew Jersey. But I'm like you,
if somebody walks up to me ata place where you're not supposed to be
talking to me, I would thinkI was getting scammed too, unfortunately,
right or just pops out of yourlike side mirror like and of course this
is like his normal day to dayyou know, like whatever. So yeah,

that was the only scary part.I got to go to the record
store that I wanted to visit,and I actually got to work a little
bit in the record store, LikeI got a section and I was able
to like help people, and ofcourse it was the Taylor Swift sections.
Like I got to help people likeyou would go on vacation and find the
place to work. But I said, I was like, I want to
work, like put me to work, like show me you know how you
do this. And I got tosee everything and cheer on people when they

bought the Taylor Swift record, andit was really fun. I had fun,
and I definitely want to go backand visit the friends I made.
But yeah, I think I wouldlike for someone to be with me next
time. But okay, all right, Well, I don't know. Some
people are afraid to like go eatby themselves and they don't want to be
think people are looking at him,or you know, travel by themselves.
I'm telling it's very very liberating.You guys are inspiring. We know.

I never would have thought of that, like going anywhere, even if it
was Indiana by myself. I don'tdo that. I couldn't. But now
I'm like, wait, this soundsactually kind of real. Girl. If
I could do it, you cando I mean, I took take out.
I didn't eat, like buy myselfanywhere, like at a table.
But that's another funny thing is youwent and got food to go and then
wit your hotel room. The bestpart about pan alone is sitting there at
the bar or whatever and just watchingeverybody else. You can order whatever you

want. There's no judgment. Yeah, you know, I don't know.
And when you get, the furtheryou go, I think the more sort
of excitement you get, because youknow, I don't know. When I
went to Asia by myself, I'mlike, you know this, I'm very
far away. Yeah, at thispoint, I don't know. I'm by
myself, Like, who knows anythingcould happen right a large human being.
But I'm still like it's kind ofexhilarating because you're like, well, I'm
really doing this right in the backof my head the whole weekend, I

was like, oh, if anythingdoes go down and whatever, like I
can always drive home. It's elevenhours, but I can do it if
I need. Just like that wasalmost like a little bit of comfort because
I'm like, Okay, I canI have a car. I can still
get around, But if I justwent somewhere where I was like completely depend
I don't know if I could dothat. I'm proud of you too,
Thank you you did great. Thinksit was fun. I did make sure
that, you know, there wasproof of life a couple of times,
but I believed in you the wholetime, like Brandy waiting by the phone

after god gut two minutes
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