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Atting go journals like for writing inour diaries. We call them blogs and
thank you dear blogs. So Idon't know if you guys experienced this or
if it's my own problem, butdo you ever change the way you eat
when depending on who you're around orwho you're with. Like we went out
to dinner with Mike and his parentsover the weekend on Sunday. When I
got back, and I like,when I sit down, I'm like,
it's business time, Like I gotthis play like I'm it's good, Like
I'm gonna eat it right, AndMike and I are the same way.
His parents eat very slow, solike and I don't want to be like
the first one done because then I'mlike embarrassed. So then it's like me
like slowly like cutting things into likelittle bit minuscule bits and like eating it
one at a time to like keepup. And then I think, I'm
like this is so dumb, likeI should just eat the way I eat.
But like, I just feel likeif you're the first one done,
they take the plate away from you, and you're like, oh, you
know, I feel saying it islike when you're the first one finished,
they'll come and then you're just sittingthere. Everyone else has plates in front
of him, and you're just sittingthere. So in my family, my
dad doesn't. He thinks it's rudefor the waiters or whatever to take the
plate away until everybody's done, becausehe feels like if if your plate's gone,
that might rush other people at thetable. So like he makes us
leave, Like if they go totake the plate away and everyone's not done,
he makes us. We were liketrained as kids to go no,
like leave it here until everyone's done. But then if you finished early and
everyone's slow, there's like this weirdsheen that grows on the plate as they
sits there, like dry ago allthe sauce like hardening. Yeah, right,
exactly. I don't know. It'ssuch a weird thing. But I
don't know. I can't not matchpeople's energy when I'm eating with them or
like order what they order. Idon't know. It's very weird. I
get it. Like I hate whenthe waiter comes and there's like a little
corner a food level, Like Iget to the point I'm like, okay,
everybody, Kaylin's not done, solet me let me slow it down.
The waiter comes, like are youdone with it? Like, no,
Brasta want that little corner and meatright there that I've been looking at
it for ten minutes waiting for everyoneelse. I had a guy the other
day. I was like taking thebread and like scraping everything that was left
off. But he was so good, and the guy basically was like trying
to help me. He was like, are you done? Like does it
look like I'm done? Right,I'm using everything I can find that's edible
to scrape the remaining pieces off thisplank. No, I'm not done.
In fact, bring me some moreedible things, anything that makes me feel
there, I'm not the only onethinking about that one out to eat.
Everyone's thinking it. No. Yeah, but like sometimes they'll grab the plate
and it's like halfway off and it'slike, uh, I can't it's gone,
so now I have to like it. But my dad, like he
used to get very upset. Hewould say, everyone, don't clear the
table until everybody's done, because it'strue, I suppose if you're the only
one who's got a plate in frontof you, and they and a lot
of restaurants have a really hard timewith this because it's their poly see to
take anything off the table that's beenused, and some waiters will look at
you like, because your manager willbe looking like, why isn't that table
clear. It's like, well,they said don't, but I guess it's
true. If you're the last oneleft with a plate and everyone else's doesn't
have one, it's like, Ibetter hurry and eat this fast. I
only got one speed when I'm eating. That's one speed, no matter who
you're with. Yeah, nope,it's all the same speed. It's just
it's like just eating your meal.I'm done yours now, I'm gonna have
some of yours now, some ofyours too,