Episode Transcript
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Yeah, they talked about it.Yeah, they talked better than the excited
talk. These are the radio blogson the Fred Show, like running in
our diaries, except we say themalive. We call them blogs. Kiki,
you're ready, yes, dear blogs. So you know, I had
a busy weekend. Over the weekend, um, do want to start this
blog by shouting out Gains Elementary Schooland Michelle Obama School. They both had
me there for career day, sowe had a time. I taught them
how to sing my lead, myversion. But other than that, yeah,
it was it was. It wasgreat. Um. Over the weekend
though this, I got together withfamily that I hadn't seen in a very
long time. Like, they haven'tseen me since I joined The Fred Show.
They haven't seen me since a lotof things, right, so it's
been a while, and we werethere, we would you remind them how
famous you've gotten since the last time. So now, I had a drunk
cousin that was there, and shedid a very fine job of telling everybody
that walked through the door that Iam a celebrity. Oh and she I
would like to take her everywhere Igo. Now it sounds like my mom,
do you know who this guy is? Y, your dad's that way
to RUPHEO, yeah, who thisguy is right, it's not gonna get
a seated faster red lobster dad.I'm sorry, we gotta wait. Well,
Christopher here is the number one morninghost in the Morning Man in Chicago,
and I'm just humiliated. Anyway,continue, So that was me yesterday.
It was flattering the first seven times, but then like after that,
I was like, oh, pleasestop saying this. But anyway, so
she was careful to let everybody knowthat I'm a celebrity. Syndicated it all.
And then there's this uncle that Ihaven't seen in years, and he
walks in. He's one of thoseuncles that he's always like tries to be
a little young, so he's veryactive on social media. He has like
he always has, like a coupleof girl friends or whatever. But he
walks in and he's like, what'sup, niece. So I'm like hey,
and he whispers in my ear andhe's like, YO, whenever my
girls are in town, you gottalet me know. And I'm like,
who are your girls? And he'slike, well, don't tell anybody,
but um, you know, I'vebeen texting with Scottie Pippen's ex wife.
What your uncle thinks he's been texting? Yes, okay, did you see
your post on Instagram? Then no, he was not on Insta. Hopefully
I could not not tell the story. Yeah, so he goes, He
goes, um, yeah, youknow I text often with us Scotty's ex
wife, and I said Scottie.He's like, yeah, Scottie Pippen.
So I said really, He saidyeah, Larsa is her name. I
said, oh, wow, youtalked to Larsa Pippen. He goes,
he goes, yeah, um,and you know Nellie's ex girl hit me
too before, And I said,who was Nellie's ex girl? He said
A shot, Yeah, tell himto get jb unblocked, like your uncles
were famous than you are. That'swhat I think. He was trying to
prove to me that, like he'swhere does she think he's Is he kidding?
No, he's dead serious. Wheredoes he think he's getting these people's
numbers? I haven't? He saidthey met on Facebook? And he said
that. I said, so,what right are so saying to you?
He goes, oh, well,the last time we talked, she was
just saying she can't wait to seeme in Miami. Yeah, sorry,
you've never been to Miami. Firstof all, like where did you get
these people from? It? AndI didn't have hard to tell her.
I mean, I mean it's withall the respect he mentally sharp. I
don't think so, because I wasjust like, so, you mean to
tell me Larsa Pippen is talking toyou. Yes, And Larsa apparently cannot
wait till he gets back to Miamiand I just back to Miami. Yah,
So that was a very eventful.He has to be maybe like sixty.
We need we need to protect himat all. Yeah, before they
drained his bank account, I thinkit's already happened, yes, because he's
so he was so like deep init, like he was like that's my
girl, like where he come onthe show and talk about his girls,
or maybe I feel like making funof him now like this you need to,
but you need to, like youneed to talk to him. He
doesn't need to be sending his moneytoo. He's gonna go brokes and the
money to a shunt. The problem. The problem is he's already broke,
so I don't even know what she'llbe sending. What's your uncle's name.
I I need some cash. Letme, let me be Taylors with us.
He gotta get a new girl.Can I have his number? What's
up? Better show next him