Episode Transcript
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They talk better than they say.These are the radio blogs on the Frend
Show. So it's like writing inour diaries, except we say them aloud,
because fretting in our diaries would beboring. I think, well,
you know what if we just sathere into the whole segment, we just
just write, what are they doing? They're just writing, eating breakfast and
writing. Paulina's got the first blog. Go Thank you so much, dear
blog. So for the weekend.Um, you know, I hung out
with somebody, you guys, mayor may and I know him. I'm
not sure we heard the name Robertde Niroka. I never ever, ever,
in my whole life, thought Iwould say that Paulina and Robert de
Niro one of the greatest actors ofall time A time. How did this
happen? Man? And your momand Marta? Can I just say too?
She is the only person I think, on this whole red carpet experience
that I attended that actually got aphoto, a good stage smiling photo Robert
de Niro. So I went toum a red carpet kind of interview thing
happening here in downtown Chicago. SoI got to go shout out to allied.
They did invite me to come andjust, um, you know,
do a couple of interviews for SebastianMoney Scalco Y. His in a movie
about my father and it's literally abouthim and his dad named Sal and Robert
de Niro plays his dad, yes, which is like pretty cool to be
like, wow, Robert Nio isplaying me right, Like it's awesome.
So in the real life, dadSal was there too. The cast was
there, Cam Coutrell was there.Yes, Sex in the City, shout
out. I'm Antha Jones. Iwanted to tell her that one time I
confused her for Blue Control on thethrowback, you know when you look at
those two to each other. Yeah, yeah, you know. But uh
yeah. So Robert de Niro wasthere too, And I didn't think he
was showing up because it was alreadylike, you know, almost time to
KNA and this whole red carpet thing, and I just see him at the
very end, like last minute,and I'm like, he showed up.
So I brought my mom because Iwanted her to well, Annie, somebody
to run the camera. There's nothingmore. But we don't have photographers,
we don't have the people, noneof that. And yeah, that's right.
We got Marza. So Marta camethrough, and then I wanted her
to kind of like experience it ifhe did show up. So he did
ask her like, you know,you can leave the camera running, you
can step forward. Otherwise you knowshe'll be tripping through people and things.
Because the whole row of everybody WGNABC, like us, everybody was there.
So then I was like, youknow, just step forward. Whatever.
So then I'm interviewing Robert Narrow.She's behind me and I'm wrapping it
up. You know, it's acouple of minutes whatever. I feel like
a tap on my shoulder. Ididn't know who it was. I thought
it was like the publicist. It'sMarta and she's like peeking over and she's
like, can I just get aphoto? Come to a quick photo?
And you can tell like a guya little frazzling, because everybody was just
kind of like, well, he'sgot to move on, you know.
And he was so nice to mymom. He's like yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, sure, Andwe just took a photo and that's Mark
just Christmas card. Now. Yeah, she forgot his record on all the
videos. It's just this photo exists. I feel like only a mom could
get away with that, like likeyeah, I mean, I just don't
think like my mom would do thesame thing, Like I would make mom
no pictures, like the publicist said, like we'd follow the rules, right
because we're in the business, andyeah, well wink, but you know
as far as like I don't know, you just don't want to get in
trouble and you want to get invitedback to this stuff or whatever. But
so i'd be like, mom,no pictures. I'm telling you, before
long, she'd be inviting Robert DeNiroover to the house to you know,
have like spaghetti or something like that. That'd be my mom. And then
all the publicists like heads would explodeand the whole thing. But um,
I couldn't believe it when I sawthat picture double take right, It's like,
hold on, is that Robert DeNiroalso too? Like I refuse though
to believe that, like he's gettingolder, like I still see him like
good Fellas, Like I still seehim like in that era and I'm just
like, man, like who youmet that guy? I met that guy
and you have a picture forever forever, like just was an iconic night now,
is that like for example, interviewingEdge here and later I think that'll
be the moment that my mom realizesthat, like I maybe I made it,
you know, because to her,Ed Shearing's the man. Like the
only thing probably would be bigger wouldbe if she could meet Bruno Mars.
Yes, god, mom, Imean we could do so much better.
But anyway, excuse me. PreviouslyI met Lionel Richie at the Art Radio
Music Festival and like she was like, my son is my son is?
Like I'm like, ha been onthe radio in these cities for a long
time and now this is what didit was at the moment, though,
do you think your mom was like, okay, my daughter, Like would
she or would there be someone bigger? You know what? Honestly it's got
to be I would say tap tierfor her, But if anything random,
I think it would be Eminem.Yeah yeah right no, but like mart
On Eminem. It's because she lovesthat song mocking Bird. Yeah, she
loves darns love that song. Guessfor some repecond famine would impress most people.
Yeah yeah, but my mom,she would have had songs she would
like poop her shorts. Is theresome like Eastern European artists that if you
could make it happen, then she'dfreak out. No, she Love's got
Johnny Cash though, rip because shewould have loved that, if you could
pull that off, would be somethingmoney. More Fred Show next