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April 26, 2023 12 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Audio journals like we're writing in ourdiaries. We call them blogs. Klin's
got or no, excuse me,Paulina's got one. Go Thank you so
much, dear blog. Yesterday Ihad a cute little moment that I feel
like, you know, what asociety we just don't do enough of um
these days, and it's just reallyhelping our elderly. So Paulina was a
helpful, helpful hand yesterday, andshe's going to tell us the story and

then tell us why more people shouldbe like her. I honestly think yes
a little bit. And the onlyreason why I think it slaps is because
helping old people slaps. Hey,it's Paulina for at your school specials Helping
old people slaps. Listen. Wegotta do this more often, man,
Yes, like me, hear blog? Be like me, Hi, I'm

Paulina like me if I do sayso myself. Helping old people slaps.
So what did you do? So? It was cute? I think because
are you an a That was suchan angel? I just thought it was
so cute because it was like therewas a language barrier, and I think
I kind of surprised this lady.So I came out of my insurance place.
I had to go do something whatever, shout out Rammie, huge listener

or a fan of the show.By the way, I'm trying out.
We love Rammie. So I'm walkingout and this like little lady looks confused
whatever. She kind of like runsup to me, and I was like,
you know, walking towards my car'swalking towards me, and she had
probably you were actually getting your angelwings, like I propped them up exactly.
I had to take them out.I had to unpin them. I
know they can they can be combersomesometimes, I know, those angel wings
of yours. Yeah, obviously hardto get through the door. So anyway,

so you were you were messing withyour angel wings and then if the
old lady walks up to you.She comes up to me, and she's
got this broken English and she's justasking, like you like no, and
then she's like store jewel, right, and so she says it and I
look at her and I can tellshe's Eastern European. So I was just
like, I asked her in Polish, like do you speak Polish? And
she said yes, But the wayher eyes lit up, like because that

people come up to me they don'tthink I'm like a Polish native speaker,
I get it whatever, But hereyes just lit up, and I think
it was just that a moment oflike, I'm connecting to you, you
know what I'm saying. And I'veheard a lot of people too, like
in Hispanic culture, like if you'relike the only let's just say like like
a Hispanic person in the room,you know, and then someone walks in
and can like assist with the translation, Like their eyes just light up.
And that's where I felt that.I was like, oh, like this

poor little lady got off at thewrong bus stop, which already like me,
it was very soothing of her thatyou were able to speak to her
and her native or whatever it is. She wasn't maybe expecting that being lost
on Archer Avenue. And then herecomes Paulina with her Angel rings, BI
lingual Paulina. Well, when you'reangel like Paulina, whatever language it is,

it just comes to you in thatmoment. Yeah, yeah, how
did you know? Yeah, shecould have spoken anything in that moment you
would have understood because because I speakhuman flap flap, you know what I'm
saying, that's angel. Yeah,So it's very nice of you know,
so you helped her get where sheneeds. Yeah, I told her like
that, you know there's jewel onthat side. And then I choose,
pointing at shop and tape, I'mlike, that's another store. But I

was like, but you know Juelascois that way, and I told her
like, you know, just yourtable run, I am your Yeah,
I slashed her. Will be inthirty five minutes a black on the half
night, even half a block away. However, yes, I didn't want
to be like, come my littlelady to get in my car. Um
you know that cool? Yet yeah, I would have been like no if

I was her, not the wayy'all say, probably in a drive,
like she's got to live. Shewas learning English real driving. She couldn't
that you didn't do that. She'sgot a lot of life left dinner.
Angels are not like the airbags.I've never met her, but I know
she has a lot more life leftdinner. The lady swear in Polish.

When I ride with Paulina, Iquestion everything, like I wonder if like
have I signed all my life insurancedocuments? Like have I told everyone I
love them like I have a heart? Yeah, we have a long conversation
when I ride, I get here, when one piece every morning do The
last time all three of us weretogether was a comical thing. It's like
white knuckling as we take you know, we red lights or suggestions so well,

were helping helping old people. Slaps. That's that's the moral of the
story today. It's very good foryou, Paul in it because I will
say, I feel like most ofus, these ads are just mining our
own business. And I was aboutto just keeping our heads straight and going.
And for a lot of reasons,you know, we've become anti sar
show. We become you know,engrossed in our technology and our phones.

And and then also like I don'tusually I'll be honest, I don't spend
a whole lot of time focusing onother people on the street because I feel
like sometimes either I'm being hit upfor something or maybe potentially scammed, or
I just mind my own business really, and I think we're all a little
hyper vigil into like what's going onthese days, and it's just like I'm
just gonna if I just keep tomyself and do my own thing, then
everything will be fine. You stopand talk to everybody yeah, I'm I

mean everyone's business. Yeah. Iactually helped someone yesterday too. Downstairs in
our lobby there was free food deliveredto our company, and you made it
for them. No, they werelost. They were lost sitting in the
lobby downstairs, like not our lobby, but like down where all the restaurants
are, and they're like, noone's helping them. They're sitting right there
by Duncan. And I was justlike, are you guys looking over place?

And they're like, we're looking forthe radio station. I was like,
I got right. You were like, that's free food, right,
and I'm roofy. But I didn'tstay for the free food. I had
to get somewhere. And then Calyntext me's like, hey, you missed
free food. I was just like, I know, I should have came
back upstairs, but I didn't.So I'm surprised you didn't just take a
plate right there. And then Ididn't know who it was for the right,

I think that bag and chips offyour hand, yea, the radio
stations over the right and they justwant joy dear blog. So I mean,
we've made a big deal over thelast couple of days about you know,
our show growing to go on inother cities. Syndication is what it's
called. So far, we haveone. We got one guys, well
technically too, I'm calling Chicago onetoo, So we got two cities guys

so far, and we launched youin a couple of weeks. I don't
even are these people like having secondthoughts because they have not. They have
not shipped us this this other radiostation where we're going in addition to this
one. They have not publicly proclaimedtheir love for us. No we're not.
We haven't DT We did DTR,but we have not publicly like,
they haven't hard launched us. It'snot Instagram a fish. That's what I'm

saying exactly. And I'm starting toget a little nervous about it because it's
like, you know, the paperworkassigned to your guys, but there's no
turning back. I mean, wealready did this. This is gonna be
like the girlfriend that I had aneighth and in my freshman year where we
agreed to get together. The nextmorning she broke up with me. We
didn't even get a whole night.Yeah. Yeah, there was a girl,
her name is Jill. It wasmy freshman year and we hung out.

One afternoon, I'm like, gonnabe my girlfriend. She's like,
I do. And the next morningshe was like, I don't. Could
you have done nothing? She justfreaked out, I guess and had it's
been divorced, I think too,So it doesn't matter, like I think
maybe she has commitment issues. No, no, I just don't. I
don't think I was the only onewho with whom she you know, had
anxiety about committing to. But yeah, that was in my freshman year,

like literally, like we hung upthe phone, like we hung out,
and we talked in the phone whenI got home. And the next morning
the first thing she does when shegets to school is be like, hey,
I can't do this. Oh no, no money, you can't do
what. We haven't done anything,hands in the hallway. We didn't get
to do a damn nothing. It'svery upsetting anyway. So so I took
um. I took the only suitaround here the last night. I shouldn't

say the only one I like,but one of the only suits I don't
like. The suits you guys alreadyknow that, you know I don't like
them, And I took one ofthem. Who's been working very hard on
this with us to dinner, toa nice, fancy dinner, because well,
I haven't been paid one single dollaron this, not one single dollar.
I still thought like, let's let'scelebrate this guy and thank you for

your help, and you know whatever, So I took him to fancy dinner.
Now, it doesn't matter if you'reat a fancy place or a not
fancy place. Here's my question.When you get when they hand you the
menu and there's options, Now thiscould be like in this case, it
was the wine list, right,um, and since I was paying,
and I think he maybe knew Iwas gonna pay, gave me the wine
list, which is a nice thingto do. But it doesn't matter if

you go to a I don't know, get a spat treatment and there's options,
or you go to wherever you goand there's like levels of spend.
This particular category of wine had threechoices. There was expensive, pretty expensive,
and ungodly expensive. I picked thelowest one, yeah, because it

was still good, but it wasstill outrageous but not like, oh my
god, I need to take outa second mortgage on my home outrageous.
And I could tell the waiter kindof looked at me like oh okay,
that'll do, you know, andwalked away. And we're not talking about
a twenty dollars bottle of wine hereeither. I mean, it was like,
you know whatever, But I haveto say that I was a little

apprehensive and felt a little judged bypicking the cheapest of the three options.
Now granted that the first option,like the number one option, was like
two thousand dollars, so that wasno, no one is picking that one.
But I'm just saying, do youever feel like a little judge when
someone's like, well, would youlike to upgrade that for a dollar?
And you're like no, and it'slike, oh okay, Yeah. I

felt that. Over the weekend,we went to a very fancy dinner for
a friend's birthday and they all didthe thing where they all threw their cards
in and this place is like boogieand the waiter looked at me when I
handed to him, and I waslike, you know what, here's my
card. We're not going to dothat. We'll figure it out. Yeah,
And from that moment on, Idecided I'm never going to do that.
I'm just always gonna put my carddown and my friends can pay me

later. Because it was a littleembarrassing, honestly, or like when you
go to I don't know, likeget a spray tan or if you do
fake bake or whatever, and they'relike, well, what would you like?
You know, You're like, well, I just I just want the
one service, Like but you canhave ten services and it will be this
much cheaper, and you're like,no, I just want the one.
They're like, but but you couldsave if you sign up now for this,
and you're like, I just wantthe one, and basically look at

you, like, so you don'tlike to save money? Like have you
ever seen our websites where they'll dothat too, It's like ten percent off
if you give us your email orno, I don't like to save money,
and it's like you have to clicklike no, I'm just an idiot,
you know exactly, Like no,I'm a loser. It's like it's
like give me your email more.I suck yeah at life completely and I'm
a you know whatever, but Ireally like and it was just nothing to

do at the restaurant And this isobviously all within me. But I'm like,
why are there only three choices?And why are they so much?
Like why can't I don't need likethis, Okay, why can't it be
like, I don't know, reasonable, a little bit less reasonable, a
little bit less reasonable than that,and then totally unreasonable, right, so
that at least I can pick thesecond option and I don't look like,
you know, like I don't knowa broke boy. Right, Yeah,

And the truth is the option thatwe picked I knew and liked and everybody
universally liked. But like it wasit still it's like, oh that one.
I have angel wings. I wasable to get them through the door.
It was crazy that you guys,you guys can relate to this,
so you know what, I'm okay, Like, you go get a wax

and they're like, you might aswell buy the package for five, so
you already have your waxes scheduled out. And I'm like, sis, I
don't know when I'm coming back orwhatever. They make it. They make
you feel like, oh so youdon't get wax regularly? Why right,

You're like, oh, I guessI'll take five. Shame you. Same
with the car wash, like Ijust want the simple one, Like well,
oh god, I don't know,this is exactly what I'm talking about.
And someone just texted that too.It's exact same thing. It's like,
I just can you just wash thecar? Yeah? But for you
know, you can have the premium, will spit shine your tires for you
for you know, and extra tendollars and you're like, but I don't.

I don't want that, you know. It's like, oh you oh
so you like dirty ass. It'sthe same when you like when you go
to pay and they're like, wouldyou like to donate a dollar? Round
up the change? So I'm like, no, thank you. You don't
like children? Yeah, I don'tlike whatever I say. You're fine with

cancer eradicated? Oh taking out theentire society? Can I just have my
standwich? I would like to leavenow. Winning by the Phone is next
chapter. Gagaan two minutes the FredShow's commercial Free
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