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April 21, 2023 3 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Let's do our audio journals. Wecall them blogs. Rufio's got one go,
Thank you, dear blogs. Soyesterday um Ashland and I were outside
starting to do some long work.It's long care season, you know what
I'm saying, picking the pulling thedandelions and putting the fertilizer down. And
while we're doing all this, yeah, he's my little helper. He carries
around the bucket that has the youknow, and I put the dandelions in

there, and he's pointing him out. He's like all right. I was
like, fine, all the yellowflowers, you know, yeah, yeah,
and then he saw stick and justwas engaged with a stick that fell
off a tray stuff. Yet allright, cool, give me some time
to do this stuff. But whilewe were doing that, we saw this
dog. I don't know what kindof dog it is, but this like
a fluffy dog just walking down thesidewalk by itself. I'm like, okay,

like I've never seen this dog before. In the neighborhood. There's similar
dogs that look like that and bythat lived by us, but it wasn't
their dog, and so action ofcourse, just go straight for this dog,
like I don't know, you knowwhat I'm saying. He wants the
dog dog, Yeah, because hesees the dog so he wants to go
pet it and whatever. And there'sno one around, just this dog by

itself, and it had a collar. Is the dog's name was Max.
There's a phone number on there.We called the number. No one was
saying to no one's picking up.So um so actually and I we stopped
what we were doing and we wentdoor to door. We got another another
neighor to help us because we don'thave a leash. So you know,
I don't have a pet. Sowe got a leash, went door to
door around the whole neighborhood until wefind it's just your dog. Yeah,

like, hey, not gonna go. If they were answered, hey do
you know who's dogging this is,they're like, oh, I think it's
that person over there, So wewould go over there. No, no,
no, that looks like my dog, but it's not my dog.
This person might have it. Soliterally we would spend an hour trying to
find the owner of this dog.And then we found the dog. The
lady was like shocked, She's like, that's my dog. I was like,
I know, it's out of thesestreets. She's like, how it's

like like we have a barbecue grillblocking the fence for the for the ki
me late here it is. She'slike the dog not to get out.
Then she steps down her little alittle entrance from her door. She's like
the barbecue girls. Right, Oh, the barbecue girl's not there. And
I was like, you wonder howyou dog out? Did Ashally want to
keep the dog at any point?He just wanted He just wanted to.

He kept throwing a stick, likethe dog's gonna chase the sticks he had,
But no, he was he wasjust like, you know, he
wanted to help. He was likeand it was it was an adventure for
him. He's like, let's findthe only we made it a game,
like let's find the one his dog. Then he got tired when it took
like an hour. It's like it'slike I don't want to go home.
The dog in the streets Max,Right, we got fining owners. So

did we do these stories all thetime about dogs that like walk one hundred
miles to find their hell dog,go find your run around the corner.
Yeah, that's all I was tryingto do too, was like like following
the dog to see where it's going. It was just going anywhere takes you
to, like down the street.You live here? Okay, you live
here now? Two? Yeah,But we found owner. She's like this

the second time this week. Thedog got it. Oh my god,
put that barbecue girl back over thefence. Lady, and she lives on
a busy street, like she lives. Her house is right in front of
a busy street. So like thedog was okay, right, so yeah
yeah, And then we went backto her. Does she offered you or
anything like for bringing him back?No? No, no, no,

you know, I'm surprised you didn'task for defeat for your service working an
hour. This just keeps thank you, You just keep standing there. What
do you do for living? Howcan I benefit? Yeah, I'm surprised
you didn't sell her her dog.The dog for sale. That sounds the

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