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Yeah, they talk better than theytype. These are the radio blogs on
the fridge, like running in ourdiaries. We call them blogs, dear
blog. I'm just out here strugglingas a dog mom, and I really
need a support group at this point. Um. You guys know, I
am a mom of a multapoo luxand there's an event happening tonight. So
I wanted to take him out andbring him to the event. I ordered
him a little outfit. Yeah,so I was like, you know what,
I'm gonna take you to the groomer, get you all cut up in
queue for the event tonight. So, you know, the first time or
the last time I took him tothe groomer, the lady uh named the
dog Kiki, so like she wouldtext me like, hey, kek he's
ready to be picked up. Yeah, like okay, so that was the
first thing, um, yesterday whenI went to pick up my dog from
this lady. Um, he walksout and he has two big green bowls
on his ears, like I mean, in full drag the dog for luck.
I feel too, but I'm justlike, am I crazy or do
you not see that he's a boy. So I'm like, you know,
you know, there's nothing wrong withyou. Why are you trying to box
him? And I just I pickedhim up and she was so like,
she was like, oh, lookat your baby. She's so cute and
she handsome to me, And Idon't have the heart to tell her like,
ma'am, first of all, that'sa heat, but I just said,
okay. So I picked the dogup and I carry him outside and
he's looking at me, and I'mlooking at him and I'm like, it's
just my dog. So I getoutside and I literally check his man parts
and then I look at him andI'm like, son, like, is
this something you want to tell me? Are you getting dropped off at the
groom and telling this lady like youknow, I would like to be you
know something else, which is fine, but I'm just like, I don't
understand why she keeps trying to changethe gender of my dog. This is
now the second time, and maybehe's open up to her in a way,
he's not willing to tell you,you know. I think that's it.
And the poor dog, I couldn'tget the bows off. So last
night I'm trying to take the bowsoff. She has him like rubber band
because Scott guess she was thinking like, I want to make sure he looks
good for her for the event,and I want to make sure like the
balls don't come off before the pauseevent. So we had to like literally
do surgery on this dog last nightto get these bowls out of his head.
And Big Tim is just like,what are you doing? Like how
does this keep happening? But Ireally can't explain, and I didn't have
the heart to say anything. SoI think I'm just gonna sorry. When
I drop him off, I'm gonnasay she too, And I'm gonna say,
you're going, yeah, like,lady, put whatever you want to
put on the dogar you know it'sfunny though he's along those Lineses, we
have a well, as you wellknow, we have a fifteen year lapper
dudeer man literally eye that you've triedto kill with your graphics package many times.
He is alive and well and doingfine, but he is. We've
always joked that she was a SealTeam dog. I don't know where this
narrative came from. We just welike we tell a joke that she's like
a natural born killer Lily. Oh, Like I don't know why, because
because her brother who passed away,was a little more effeminate, okay,
And Lily's a little more rugged,like she was a bird dog. She
like to hont and dig holes andlike the whole thing. But Lily,
they'll put bows in Lily's hair atthe groomer too, and it's almost like
she doesn't. You can see thelook on her face like she doesn't want
the bows, like she's rugged,like don't you know, don't you know?
Like I'm just she has just likelike the look in her eyes when
she gets back from the groomer there'sa bow in her hair, is like
like get this thing out of myhair, Like I'm I'm savage, I'm
Lily, I'm yee yee. Maybebecause of the dog's name, your dog's
name looks yeah, I don't knowwhat else to do. I thought I
thought it was a girl name.Yeah. Maybe my sister in law tells
me that, like, maybe youneed to give him some enhancements. I
shame my boy, okay, butyou know why, To be honest,
he he doesn't look like he's madat the bowl. So that's where I'm
thinking, you know what, lethim be think he likes it. Mommy's
just like I'm gonna do this,like I don't know, hold on,
we gotta take a brow. Come, I'll do my blog in just a
second. Look look at the disciplinehere. I'm disciplined as a radio host.
We'll take a break. Well,right, I'll do my blog in
just this. I'm gonna I gota real situation on my hands here,
it's a real conun waiting by thephone. We'll do that. Got a
bunch of tickets today to Shanaia,Big Time Rush in the Friday and Throwback
Dance Party, Summerset, tickets fortonight, a Second City Chance, the
wrapper, all of that, theEntertainment Report, Showbiz Shelley with some money,
all minut So here's my predicament.Um, So, I have a
few buddies. I mean we probablywould. We probably all have friends in
this room right who when we wereyoung, they aspired to like do something
cool in their life life and thenthey did it. You know, like
you probably have business owner friends righter, Like I'm gonna be a pilot,
somebody to become a pilot, orI'm going to own a business. They
own a business. Well, I'vehad some buddies in the entertainment industry.
Who have you know gone on todo pretty big things. I'm really proud
of him. One of my buddies. His name is is Dokey. I
call him, says his last nameRyan DOKEI is his name. He was
in the radio business and then hegot into onto the record side for country
and now he's a high, highlevel music executive on the country music side.
I'm very, very proud of himbecause he's kind of a goof,
to be honest with you, likejust a kind of a big goof.
But well, I love I mean, the guy's like a brother. He's
a brother to me anyway. Sohe calls me to congratulate us about our
little news this week, and hesaid, hey, Luke Holmes is a
soldier field next weekend, so youwant to go. I'll come to town,
we'll go to dinner, and we'llgo to the show. I know
you like Luke Holmes. And I'mlike yeah, and he goes, yeah,
because my artist Riley Green is openingfor you, so I'm going to
be there with him whatever. I'mlike, yeah, yeah, excellent,
great, let's do it. SoI guess I'm going to your field,
which you know how much I lovegoing to Conscience with a hundred thousand people
at them. But whatever, it'sfine. I love Luke Holmbs. I
love I just love. Annie's anice guy and I just love his music.
Anyway, So last night last night, I'm with some people were in
the group and there's this hot Imean, this girl's so hot, like
she's just like hot okay, andshe was like, well, I went
to a country show recently, gota goat and I'm like dingo ye.
I'm like, hey, are yougoing to Luke Holmbs next weekend? She's
like no, I don't. Idon't have tickets. And I'm like,
well, do you want to go? And she's like, oh yeah,
because I want to see Riley Greenbecause if I ever got closer, she
goes, She goes, if Iever got close? No, but here's
the problem. Here's here, hereit lies the problem. She goes,
if I ever got close to thatguy, I do whatever he wanted.
And so I chext my buddy.I'm like, wait, who's on your
label? He's like Riley Green.I'm like, so I know we're gonna
hang out with this guy because heworks for my buddy, or my buddy
works for him or whatever it is, and so I'm like, so I
asked her. I go, well, it turns out one of my best
friends is like his guy. Likeif I but if I take you backstage
and you meet this guy, oneof the odds that you stay with him
and like, ditch my ass,she said to my face. She goes
pretty good to every girl would saythat about their crush. But you take
her, you strong, silent,confident. Yes, I did that.
You will get laid. You willget laid. Because I was like,
thank you. I'm like, sowait a minute, and I'm not even
trying to flex it. Just sohappens that this is the only this is
the reason we're going to the contratbecause my buddy works. But this works
for this guy. This is RileyGreen in love by now he has a
girlfriend, so he does, Yeah, here's another one. Hopefully she will
be at the show and then yeah, she'll get her kicks in and she'll
think you're ready. Right there therewas this girl. Of course, he
has a truck song if it wasn'tfor trucks. Yes, he has a
grandpa's song too. What is itwith these guys? Luke Holmbs has it
like a dad song? About that. It makes Luke Holmes, even though
I'm leaving when that that is thesong that will make me cry because he's
talking about how like someone in hislife is dying and tells him It'll be
okay because I'll always be there.Oh yeah, oh my god, yeah
right, like not okay. Sothis is what I said. I texted.
I text my buddy, I go, look, I go, uh,
if this happens and this girl comes, will you tell Riley to act
like she is disgusting? Like heis disgusted by this? I mean,
she's a ten out of ten,but like, will you tell tell him
that he's disgusted by her? AndI do, and then I'll play any
song he wants of his on theour room, I offered. I traded
airplay to be disgusted by this,because no, no, you want him
to flirt with her. You wanther to be primed up and ridy.
You did that, You're the man. I don't. I don't. That's
not real, but I thought itwas funny. I'm like, I'm like
Ryan, like, tell Riley Greenthat when he sees this stunner, yeah
that he's like, yeah, you'redoing like you should give your friend,
like a little fact sheet about you. So he knows stuff like you guys
are close friends. You know whatI'm saying. Yeah, like like like
like like downplayed, how close Iam? Rightly green? So we roll
up Freddy Boys, delaceous. Yeah. I always knew you could do that.
I've never met this man, Dally. Good to see you. Remember
when we hung out in Tuscaloos.Yeah, doing an Arizona Yeah, how
he's amy. Oh man, I'llcall her when I mean town. She
makes the best pot rope. Yes, yes, no, I think you're
right. No, but I didoffer I'll play whatever song you want,
just like be like grossed out.Oh yeah, poor girl, I know
I would never actually do that.Well you did, but I said a
board mission. I said, don'tdo it. I said a board mission.
Yeah, you're getting this show.I didn't think that was a funny
thing to say, because we've hadit waiting by the phone. About that,
I think too. Where like thegirl basically left the guy sitting in
the crowd on the date because someartists had come backstage, and she was
like, okay, but basically,Jason Brown, you you had a chance
to meet Taylor Swift this way didn'tyou. Yeah, and then you didn't
want to leave Mike sitting in thecrowd, so you didn't do it.
I would have been like, byMike, I couldn't leave him himself.
But I'm like one of the oddsof this girl's like, oh my god,
I would do terrible, just awful, nasty girls. I would do
it up for you, the thingsI would do to him. And I'm
like, oh, I don't knowhim. I've never met him before in
my life. But okay, that'sfine, so we'll make it happen.
And of course, you know me, I'll just be like, this is
how I do this, I doall the time. Yeah, some things
shouldn't be said on the radio.She's most likely listening to you. Well,
what part of that shouldn't have beensaid on there? I think that's
hilarious. I tried. I triedto brought up a country singer, but
then I said no. Then Ithen I just thought I was gonna go
with your strategy, which is actlike you've been there. Oh my god.
It's cute that she's fangirling over him, like act like it's like,
have your moment, babe, youknow, Oh, you're gonna get it.
Really, I love it. That'sthe approach I'm going to take.
Take it. But I also thought, like, really you like this guy,
like of all the people like likeLuke Holms for example, like Luke
Holmbs is not a I'm gonna saythis. I don't even know that he
would disagree. I'm a huge LukeCalm fans, very nice guy. Get
a chance hanging out with him atthe I Hear Radio Music Festival. I
mean I stalked him basically to geta picture, to which his security was
like dude, get away and um, and then he actually was like no,
no, no, no, comehere, come here, come here,
and we talked for a minute.He was a cool guy, but
um, but he's not a traditionallygood looking guy, right. I mean
a lot of women would probably getwith him. It's a very attractive wife,
he's extremely talented, but like,that's not a dude who I think
most girls are gonna be like,they're gonna want to meet him, They're
gonna want to hug him, likebe his buddy, but they're probably not
Like it's not like who's the otherguy that everyone like Sam Hunt? Damn?
You know, right, that's whatI'm saying, like, that's not
the reaction that I want when mydate is like, we go to the
Sam Hunt show, right, canwe meet him? Like, Oh,
I got called, I'll called Dookiesee if he can make it. Oh,
we can meet him. That's notthe react. I don't want the
I don't want the I need aminute before we go back, Like this
should be big tim if he knewAmarion, Like, is he gonna set
up his own demise that be known? What does this test? Definitely?
Fred gets syndicated and is trading airtimefor favors. I've been doing that for
years, guys, Come on,that's that's not the Neil Rufio has been
trying to get a Tesla for freefor a million? Is it? Come
on? There nothing to do withsyndication. Waiting by the phone is brand
new. Two minutes away after mcguel, Fred's show is I'm glad you're here,