Episode Transcript
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They talk better than they signed.These are the radio blogs on the Fresh
Show. That was Rufio that saidthat, so, next time you want
to write a crabby text, writeit to him attention at t N Rufio
on the text line if you wantto. Um. So, it's like
writing in our diaries. We seethem allowed, we call them blogs.
I'm taking this one. It's kindof more of a group effort though,
because and Jason had to step out. But Jason, well, first of
all, dear blog. It wasit was quite the friday. We had
quite the friday, very busy,long day. We had a zoom call
so they could teach us how todo a syndicated radio show. That lasted
about twenty seven minutes, so that'sgood. In twenty seven minutes we were
taught the fundamentals of how to soI think you know, so far,
so good on that? All right? Who knew? Who knew? It?
Only would take a twenty seven minutezoom call to get us all up
to speed on all that. Andthen we went to the pause event Animal
Magnetism and Morgan manufacturing a big,big fancy party for us to raise a
bunch of money, and um,everybody was there from the show. So
thank you for that for coming andsupporting and um, everybody except for Rufio,
but I was I wasn't going tocall him out. It's fine,
but Caitlin I couldn't make it.Calin did so and called yop. But
um, everybody but everybody but Rufiowas there and uh I felt I felt
unloved. I did. I'm kidding, I didn't feel. But it was
just a random night like I wasgetting doing announcements and I gave an award
to see him punk. I didn'teven know see him Punk was there,
shout out. I halfway did itbecause Jay Campbelton was my comcne. It
was his award to we each gaveout a bunch of awards. I didn't
read his part of the script,but I'm just like, oh, that's
c him punk R. I meanthat was sort of random, like,
okay, well here's an award frompausive ce him punk. I guess he's
a big supporter. And then wewent to the Somerset show that we caught
a few of the songs at Houseof Blues, Somerset, our friends.
We saw the people watching there wasstellar. There was a guy in a
cowboy half. There was a guyin the front row that was just enjoying
his life who we later met,who explained to us that his wife had
dropped him off at the concert andwas on her way to pick him up,
almost like it was a date inhigh school or prom or something.
He said she did not enjoy music. He enjoyed music so much that I
have no idea how these two weretogether. Same, no clue. Same
to Cassie, that's right. Wemet Cassie, that's right. And then
we went to the dressing room ofthe band where we walk in to find
Dave Coolier, Uncle Joey. It'sjust standing there. I'm like, where
are we right now? Why isuncle Joey here? Why is Dave Coolier
backstage in the dressing Somerset. Turnsout that he's the lead singer Brian.
His dad and Dave Coolier were roommatesin college. Okay, song Joey was
there. Klin was desperately trying toget a picture with him, which you
finally did get later when you wentout with us. When we went out
to Boss Bar with Dave cool Yetand Kaylee Quoko's sister. That was the
other thing is that the lead singerof the Somerset is dating Kaylee Quoko's sister.
And I never would have put thattogether until somebody told me, and
then I pulled because they don't lookalike to Okay, she is very bad,
but she has like jet black hair. Yeah, um, so not.
I would not have put that so. Yeah. Then there was that
we were in the bar in lovewith Jess oh oh Jess Bowen. Yeah,
like I've never seen him like this. I learned that she's half Filipino.
She is half Filipino. She sharedthat with us. I would crush
on her too, honestly. No, she's sexy. Yeah, she's also
engaged to a woman, so there'sthat. Um but yeah, no,
she's she's I don't know. There'sjust something about her. No, I
like genuinely think you're in love,like the way you speak about her,
and look, I've never seen youact like that. Well I don't I
you Maybe maybe it's love admiration.No, I don't yes, No,
having seen her with her partner,I don't know. It's just like and
I've met her partner before then Imet her again, Like, I just
I don't know, it's not thatkind of love. It's just it's very
clearly not my wheelhouse. She shedoes not like what I have to offer
physically, she's into a very differentthing and I can live with that.
But I don't know. I thinkshe's hot. I think she's super talented.
I don't know the whole though.And she's so nice. It's really
nice too. She shared the audioin her story. I was like,
oh cool, yeah, but anyit was just just I don't know if
you've ever, I'm sure a lotof people have had these sort of nights
where you just like, where wheream I? What is happening? Why
is the Uncle Joey here? That'samazing? How did this picture turn out?
How did the picture? How didyou end up getting a picture?
Going? Oh, he's from Michigan, So I just like talked to him
about that. Um he. Idon't think he felt like being Uncle Joey
that night. No, No,he was not really happening, not really
having it. No, because Ishook his hand and was like, hey
man, I had to say hior whatever, and he was just kind
of like okay, we don't know. It wasn't mean, but he also
was nice guy, but he wassort of like a yeah, but I
talked to him later at the bar. I'm like, he'll be drinking more,
you know whatever. But yeah,it was it was the most random.
I feel like more stuff happened thanI'm forgetting, but it was just
it was just one I'm sure anotherjust things were just weird. Oh I
walked in a girl that I hadonce gone on a date with a couple
of months ago was holding hands witha guy with a man bun. Oh
that was weird. The server thatworked there at bossbon what I happened with
her? There's the one bartender atBoss Bar. Sure we want to talk
about that. I don't know.I don't know, nothing's ever happened.
I don't mess around with I trynot to mess around with bartenders where I
go, Okay, I think it'sa bad idea. Yeah, yeah,
that was weird. I was like, you hooked up with me and now
a guy with a man bun Like, oh, okay, well that's a
departure. And we were up.I mean I was up for twenty four
hours because like the time we wakeup for work and then the time I
got home, like Taco Bell wasclosed when I got home, Like that
hasn't happened in a really long time. No, I did Taco Bell,
but it showed up at like twothirty and more. I mean literally like
I had gotten up at four theday before and I was eating Taco Bell
at two thirty. I mean,that's okay. I don't live like for
me. When I got home,they were closed, and I was very
sad. I don't live like thiscame Wait, why did you sneak out?
So you thought we left? Youknow, because you guys would Everything
you do is as a unit,apparently, so you went to the bathroom
together and you were gone for likefive or ten minutes. I'm walking around
looking for it. I'm like,oh, they goes to the Irish ected
it because I don't know. Itwas getting weird. So I I left
and then it's like, oh no, no, we're still here and whenever
it's fine. But yeah, yeah, no, I would never leave you
without telling you I was leaving.Well, I would hope not. But
I felt abandoned, so I wenttac How does this feel? How does
it feel? Friend? When youleave us? Don't you didn't even show
up to begin with. We're talkingwhen I rejected, you didn't Irish or
ride. I did, Paul Ithought about pulling up and yeah, but
you didn't. It's fun. Thousandbucks and waiting my mother phone. Next
Fred show,