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April 9, 2024 5 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I've never been left waiting by thephone. It's the Fred Show. How
you doing, Dan, You're goingOkay, let's do waiting by the phone.
Let's hear all about this date thatyou went on with Sarah. What
happened? So? I was withSarah and I thought it was cool.
Though I thought the date we hadwas cool. But she never like talked
to me. She never like calledme back and saying, like, we

talked on the phone all that stuff, and we set up a date.
But then like when I followed upon her, she seemed to get back
to me. You did actually goout, right, we arranged to go
out, but we like we wereI'm saying date because we were talking on
the phone like for like an houror so, like we were like vibing.
How did you meet this girl?My friend Leslie? She was like,

Hey, there's a chick. Youknow. You guys seemed to have
like similar interests. We want totalk to her. Yeah, right,
So spoke on the phone and youdid all of that, and then you
said let's let's set up a dateand it's going to be here and whatever.
And then when you reached out toactually solidify the plan, it was
it was silence. She's she's missingnow who never got back to me?
Which is weird because I got out. It was cool. It was like

we were again. We were talkingfor like an hour. Okay, So
you want to know what happened,and that's where we come in. We're
gonna call this girl, Sarah,and we're gonna see if she'll tell us
what the deal is. Maybe itcould be anything, and you'll be on
the phone. I don't want youto say anything though at first. We'll
bring you in when it's appropriate.Okay. Part two of waiting on the
phone. Dan wants to know whathappened. I guess it was the date
that never was he felt this connection, except well I never went out with

the girl. Hello. Hey,is this Sarah? Yeah, that's me.
Good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred's Show,
the morning radio show, and Ihave to tell you that we are
on the air right now, andI would need your permission to continue with
the call. Can w chat forjust a second. We're on the radio
right now. Yeah, and soin order for us to keep going,
I got to make sure it's okaywith you. Get I guess what's this

about? Well, we're calling abouta guy named Dan who tells us that
you have a mutual friend and theyshe thought you guys would be great together,
so you guys exchanged numbers. Hetalked on the phone for a while.
He tells us that you had planneda date and then you never followed
through on actually going on the date. So, yeah, what happened?

Oh man, I mean he's ishe here? Like, I don't know,
he's not here. I just feelreally weird talking about this. Well,
he asked, I mean, hewanted to know. So we're just
sort of the investigators trying to figureout what happened. I mean, can
you tell us it must have beensomething on the phone call? I guess.

Well, we actually talked for alittle while, and he seemed pretty
cool, and like I saw hispictures on Facebook and stuff, and I
actually thought he was, you know, pretty good looking, and okay,
I did want to meet up withhim until I don't until what during our
conversation he started talking about how hewas a member and like I don't know

if he said it was like hewas the president or a party planner or
something along those lines of a fanclub for a band that I didn't even
know was still around anymore. Okay, so he's probably what band is it?
What did he say? Like,is it a some sort of rock
band or something? I wish becausethen I would be okay with it.

But he is really into ninety eightdegrees, so obsessed with them. I'm
sorry. I'm sorry, like seriously, like that was a deal breaker.
Ninety degrees? Were you being serialby the way, dance here? I
didn't, he's not here. I'msorry. I had to interrupt because I'm
like, really, ninety eight degreeslike bothered you. I mean they're a

cool band, you know, evenfor even to be ironic, they're awesome.
You know what I'm saying. It'sit's just a band. It's just
like a boy band. Fun.I hang out with people, I go
to concerts. It's supposed to likechicks or like gage, I mean exactly,
I mean chicks and gay dudes.Serious yeah, yeah, but yeah

I am. But like, Imean, they're cool, they're cool guys.
I've met him. I know,like I know this, guys.
They're cool. They're cool dudes.Would you rather me being into like USC
and like, you know, well, I feel like that's a lot more
masculine. I mean, I guessyeah, but you know what, I
have a sense of side. Imean, like, you know, like
was like the most serious. Iam serious. It's great, man,

Like, I don't know why youlike, you know what, how about
this? Like I's all I wassaying, like, yn't just go with
me to like a ninety eight Degreesconcert, even if you don't like them,
at least for like the at leastfor the irony fact, you know.
Okay, So Sarah that turned youoff? Yeah, isn't this weird?
It's not something that I would normallyassociate with the guy to be dude,

like, it's not weird. Imean I'm thirty years old, Like
I grew up with that, youknow, like a family school of sisters.
You know, you like it.She just joined me, Like,
Sarah, that's enough for you thatyou're not going to pursue this or allow
it to be pursued. I mean, Daniel, I'll be nice. You
sound like a great guy, butthe ninety eight degrees just I'm not.
You're being very hateful right now.Okay, you're being very hateful. You

know what, you guys are abunch of like judgmental bitches and you guys
are probably backed you boys then,so I don't even I can't believe this
is serious. Seriously fast few boysare like the most overrated with the boys
bands by the eight Degrees was thatat least technically like technical really good.
I gotta go, guys,
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