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March 12, 2024 5 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show. All right,
Jacob, how are you very well? Welcome to our show, waiting
by the phone? Tell us aboutAndrea. I know that you guys met
on Tinder and uh you talked alittle bit then went out. What happened
from there? Yeah, that's right, it was. I mean the date

was great, like a lot ofchemistry. We ended up actually going back
to her place and hooked up.Okay, well I thought, uh yeah,
I thought the hook up was amazing. I mean obviously cele right.
Have you go on a date andyou went it back at her place?
You guys took up. I mean, yeah, that's typically good, except
you haven't heard from her since then. You've reached out, you've called,

you've texted whatever, exactly exactly,and then nothing. So I know,
I've tried to see times. That'sfunny. What the hell's going on?
Okay? All right, Well that'swhere we come in. We'll call Andrea
and we'll get her on the phoneand we'll ask some questions and you'll be
on the phone at the same time. Well, I don't want you to
say anything right at first, butat some point definitely coming on the call
and hopefully we can figure out what'sgoing on. And there's a simple explanation.

We can straighten it out and getyou guys going on another day to
pay for it. Okay, canyou hang on for just a second.
You've got to hear what happens nextPart two of waiting by the phone from
the vault. Fred's after Brittany inthree minutes. Fred Show's on, It's
a freend show on the radio andthe iHeart app as well. Search for
the Fred Show on demand tomorrow.This time game show Wednesday, which means

Kiki karaoke and one of the finaldefinitely gonna beat Paulina's before the Birth of
the christ Child, Jacob. We'regoing to call Andrea. You guys met
on Tinder, you talk for alittle bit, went out, I had
a great day, wound up backat her place. You hooked up.
The problem is you've reached out sincethen, texted, called whatever, and
she hasn't responded and you want toknow why. Well, that's right,
perfect, We're gonna call her rightnow. Good luck, Okay, awesome,

thank you. Hello. Hi isthis Andrea? It is is this
good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred Show in
the morning radio show. And I'msorry to bother it, but I do
have to tell you that we areon the radio right now, and I
would need your permission to continue withthe call. Said, okay if we
chat for just a little bit.Okay, Well, thank you for that.

We appreciate it. We're calling aboutI'll get right to it. A
guy named Jacob says, you metyou on Tinder. You guys went out.
He reached out to us. Didyou guys had a great date?
Do you remember this guy? Yeah? So, why what happened with this
dud? Because he told us thatyou guys had a great date and that
he's reached out to you for anotherone and you haven't responded and he's wondering

why you're ghosting. Yeah, wehad a fun time. It was good
that we hooked up. And shejust got really weird. I don't even
it's just weird. Why did heget weird? How did he get weird?
Well, when we started, okay, he all of a sudden went
into this like Bark Wahlberg impersonation,and at first I thought it was funny,

but then he never broke character likeat all, Like we hooked up
like he was still Mark Wahlberg.We said goodbye, he was still Mark
Wahlberg. He had the Boston accent. Come on, manager, Andrew,
you know what you know you thinkI'm hot? You know you really hear
it? Like, you can't dothis. I know this is going on
whole on a second, I forgotto mention that Jacob is here. What

do you is that? Is thatyou being Mark Wahlberg? Does that turn
women on? Every single time?You can't? So you can't. She
just gets excited even when she hearswhat you do? You think that?
Of course that's good. Of coursecan you hear her voice? Can you

hear trembling? Okay? So Jacob, this is your deal, Like you
slip into Mark Wahlberg voice and like, what are you hoping that women will
think that you look like him?Or I don't understand you. You want
me to really bring it. Youwant me to get excited, men get
mad? Are you okay? Like? Everything okay with you? I'm fine.

So this is what happens. Soyou guys start hooking up and he
starts talking like that and then wantsto be called Mark and yeah, okay,
And when we said goodbye or marky. This is so strange. It's
like he has a second personality.I don't know if he's it's a frantic
or like what like I don't Idon't want to like she's great. You're

the one trying to sound like MarkWahlberg right now, and your name is
Jacob and you met her on Tinder. It just real well that's for sure,
all right? Are gonna get Jacobagain? Or we're just gonna keep
talking to Mark Wahlberg? Are webeing punked right now? I'm not punking
anybody. Do you even have toask if there's a chance at another day,
like this is out of control?Do I even have to ask if

there's a chance at another day toAndrea, would you consider going out with
Mark Wahlberg Junior? No, likei' would you go out with this guy?
Come on? Think about listen toI'm like, listen, tell me
who knows? You want to justto singing again? Just to know how
you feel? All right? WahlbergNot really
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