Episode Transcript
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I've ever been left waiting by thephone. It's the Fred show. Her
good morning, Oh, good morning. Let's hear about this date on waiting
by the phone. Vanessa is hername? You met on bumble then,
what that's exactly right? So wemet on bumble. We started chatting and
hit it off pretty quickly, youknow, asked her what she was reading,
what she's watching, And turns outwe were both watching the stock on
netflook called The Social Dilemma, whichI thought was funny. Yeah, I
saw that. That is that ispretty crazy. It's kind of terrifying,
but I'm glad that we were bothable to watch it, you know,
talk about it a bit. AndI used that opportunity to ask for a
number and ask her out to dinner, to which she obliged that yes,
took her out, and I don'tknow, she was amazing. I mean,
the thing is like she was kindof quiet at dinner, which you
know, I guess if you're chattingand texting back and forth doesn't always translate
to face to face. But I'mjust trying to figure out if we had
a good time, which I thoughtwe did on our first day. Why
she goes, yeah, and youhad a lot in common, I mean
the reading and the in the documentarystuff, like not everybody reads, not
everybody watch watch the documentaries, andit just so happened you were watching the
same one, so you have,you know, similar sensibilities. And you
would have thought that was like,you know, I don't know, built
in conversation and similar interests and that'sall. That's all good, exactly exactly,
And you know, I'm trying toask for more about you know,
what she's reading or at dinner,and you know, the conversation felt a
little built in at times, buthonestly, she's incredibly beautiful, incredibly charming.
We definitely have that initial spark.There's some chemistry there. Bigs too
is smitten. All right, well, let's let's cabble the nessa. We'll
ask some questions. We'll see ifwe can figure out what's going on.
You'll be on the phone at somepoint. You're welcome to jump in and
hopefully we can straighten this out andset you guys up on another date that
we pay for. Okay, m'chappreciated, guys. Okay, you got
it. Can you hang on fora second. Yeah, let's see what
happens next Part two of Waiting bythe Phone after Neon Trees back in two
minutes. Fred Show, It's theFread Show. Good morning on the radio.
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Phone, Big Stew, Welcome back. Let's call Vanessa. You guys met
on Bumble and you really connected well. In fact, you were reading some
of the same books or roy atleast watching the same documentary, and you
were excited about these similar interests.Except now she's ghosting you and you want
to know why. Let's call hernow. Good luck man, Thanks dude,
Hell, Hi is this Vanessa?Vanessa? Good morning, It's Fred
for the Fred's Show. Everybody's here. I'm sorry to bother it, but
I do have to tell you thatwe are on the radio right now and
I would need your consent to continuewith the call. Can we talk for
a little bit? Okay? Sure, Thank you so much. I get
read to it, though I don'twant to waste too much of your time.
We're calling on behalf of this dudenamed Stuart, who I guess you
met on bumble. Do you rememberthis guy? Oh yeah, oh boy?
Okay, so I'll tell you thathe called us. He reached out
to us and told us that hereally liked you and he thought that you
had a lot in common. Iwas excited about the date. I thought
the date went well. And hesays, now you're you're ghosting him,
and he's curious as to why canyou tell us because he's super annoying?
Why is he super annoying? Sohave you ever met one of those people
that is, first of all,he's very smart, which there's nothing wrong
with being smart, but he clearlywants everybody to know that he is very
smart. Yeah. Yeah, Howdid you just describe sort of how you
were led to that conclusion? Didyou just say I'm so smart from the
moment he picked me up, sowhen he dropped me off, he was
constantly educating me on something, tellingme how things worked, making sure it
was informed. And I just wantedto be completely exhausting. Sometimes you just
want to hang out. You don'tneed to learn every single moment of every
day. And I mean, whatyou like? You got in his car
and he was like, this isa nineteen you know this this way this
comes in the eighteen crime just madeit in Germany and inmanytimes. You don't
want to learn though. I saythis to you all the time when I
watch Krabby TV, Like sometimes Ijust want to not bring this stuff.
You annoyed at that, and thatwould be annoying. But but but in
this case, you felt like hewas like he really wanted you to think
he was smart or know that hewas smart. Yeah, And I mean
I also, I mean, it'sgreat to have intellectual conversations, but it's
also sometimes just like get to knowme as a person, and and also
like it's it's kind of rude toconstantly be educating someone. Is this okay?
Well, you know, I forgotto mention, as I often do,
I just it just flips my mindthat Stuart's here. Stuart, what
what's the deal? Like what Imean? You said you have stuff in
common? You knew that already.Why are you trying to prove to her
that you're so smart? First ofall, First of all, Hi,
you're making me sound like I'm tryingto mansplain everything to you. This is
this is a that I've been workingon for a while. I'm trying to
always be educated working on it,so you acknowledge that you've heard this before,
you it all or yeah, I'mreally trying to work on this kind
of this man's place, you know, whether or not it exists. I'm
doing my best to curb that behavior. Vanessa, if he started to see
it, I'm sorry, I don'treally know what to tell you. Okay,
Hey, you know what. Youknow what I'm hearing right now,
Vanessa, I'm hearing something we almostnever hear it. It's called self awareness.
It's like this guy is saying he'svalidating what you're saying and saying somebody
he wants to work on. Imean, you liked him otherwise, and
now he knows he needs to bemore conscious of it. I mean,
would you consider giving him another chancemaybe when he's done working on it?
Okay, you know, I didn'treally want to say this, but maybe
if you could keep up with me, it wouldn't be having a book still.
And then the self awareness out thewindow. I knew it. I
knew I was waiting for the othershoe to drop. There it is,
Vanessa, I see exactly what you'retalking about. Now. Yeah, he's
not just smart, he's just acomplete smart ass, and it's not no,
not no, that would be soannoying. I can't see. I
know, I know people like this. See there it was though, like
I thought, at first he wassaying, Oh my gosh, I don't
mean to come off that way.And then it's then you just, dude,
you can't. You just called herstupid indirectly, pretty directly. How
do you think that's going to work? I mean, you're you're trying to
make a good impression, and Idon't even know are you thinking? No?
I don't even want to waste mytime trying to explain this to you
guys at this point, Yeah,okay, here we go. This all
makes sense to me now, Vanessa, Hey, what forget it? Forget
it? Not worth it? Notworth it anymore? All right, Vanessa,
Hey, thanks for talking with us. I'm sorry to bother and I
get it now. And I won'teven ask about another day because I already.
Good luck on Bumble and uh andand Stuart, good luck finding your
next brainiac. What do you saythey get bent? That's very intellectual.
What did he say? Get bent? How do I do that? I'm
to teach me how to get bent? Please get the you know the in
ancient Indian times they said that getbent. They did. It was in
then oh wow, and then thesun. Yeah of the for Yeah,
that's what it's exactly right. Yeah, I heard. And then it used
to say that they would say getbentus, which means in the seventies,
get us spent us. I haveno idea get bent meant, I mean,
let's not bring that loave back.No, I don't know.