Episode Transcript
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He's ever been left waiting by thephone. It's the friend shout Harci R
good morning. Yeah. Well herewe are. We're doing waiting by the
phone where we love this. We'regood at this. It's an institution around
here, and we're trying to helppeople. Is it public service? We
want to know what's going on withyou and this guy, Jed, how
did you meet? Tell us everything? So jaed BMS, then Instagram and
was very charming and very sweet fromthe beginning and exchange numbers and then we
went out and we had an amazingtime. I had so much fun with
him. He's so cute and funnyand just like Prince Charming. I honestly
can't describe him in any other way. He's perfect. Wow. Well and
yeah, I just but here's thething though, I'm confused because he's kind
of ghosting me now and I don'tget ghosted, so I don't know what
is up with us. Kind ofbizarre. But I'm wondering, you know
what happened because we had such anamazing time, Okay, really successful first
date. You can't get a holdof this guy now, he hasn't called
you. Have you reached out tohim? Oh yeah, of course.
Oh okay, but he hasn't respondedto my tech. Okay, yeah,
full on ghosts going on, andthat's frustrating, and you want to know
why. So that's where we comein. We're gonna call Jed and we'll
see if we can get him onthe phone. You'll be on the phone
as well. Hopefully we can getyou some info. You're welcome to jump
in at any time, and ifwe can straighten this south, then we'll
pay for another day. Okay,can I have you hang on for a
second. Let's see what happens next? Part two of Waiting by the Phone
After this song on the Frend Show, Part two of Waiting by the Phone,
Marcy Hight, welcome back. Let'scall Jed. You guys, he's
slid in the DMS on Instagram.So that's how you met. You exchange
numbers went out. You thought thiswas a hugely successful date, that he
was prince charming, I think hesaid, And you were hoping to hear
from him again. And he's ghostingyou, not calling you, not responding
to you, and you I don'tknow why, Yeah, exactly, I
don't understand what's going on. Okay, let's call him right now. Good
luck. Hi this Jed speaking.Hey Jed, thanks for answering and for
talking to us for a second.My name is Fred from the Fred Show.
My whole crew is here, andI got to tell you that we
are on the radio right now.I would need your permission, your consent
to continue with the calls. Itokay, if we talk for a minute,
be sure. Thank you. Weappreciate that we get right to it.
We're calling on behalf of a womannamed Marcy. I guess you reached
out to her in her DMS onInstagram and you guys had a date.
Do you remember this woman? Yes? Yes, I remember Marci? Okay,
Well, she described what she thoughtwas a really successful date, had
a great time. She called youPrince charming, was excited to see you
again and says that not only haveyou not reached out, but you're also
not responding to her. So canyou fill us in on what's going on?
I look, he's way too highmaintenance for me. Okay, what
does that mean? So? Yeah, so we talked on Instagram for a
little bit and then we were planningthis date. I suggested, like a
couple of dates go out and shewanted to pick the day that was her
birthday. This was the first daybirth birthday, so first date on her
birthday. Yeah, and like shelike she she wanted to do it on
that day. It wasn't like Isuggested that, and it happened to be.
She was like, no, let'sdo it on my birthday okay.
And and then you know, soI said, okay, it's a little
weird, but I sent restaurant ideasand then she sent back, like a
restaurant you want to go to thatwas like so expensive, like because and
you know, birthday special dinners.Yeah, it's just and I was like,
I'm not, you know, I'mnot. I'm not her boyfriend.
The burden is being put on man. Don't you have friends or family on
your birthday? Okay, all right, so what did you do? So?
I mean we went and I Idid not plan on spending the amount
of money that spent. I spent, but you know, I tried.
I tried to be nice because youknow, her birthday. And then after
I after I buy this like thesame meal, she says, what else
do you have plans? Your princecharming and your prince charming you got to
provide. What did you have plans? Where did you take her? It's
a firsthday. I don't know thislady. Did you buy her a gifts
or anything? I bought the Didyou at least get like free birthday cake
or free to They're not of it. They did the thing. She made
them do the thing you know wherethe waiters they happy birthday. It sounds
like a more expensive place than that. So what okay? So what happens
next? Then? Was that You'relike, no, I don't have anything
else planned. It was nice tomeet you, and then you got out.
Yeah. I was like I triedto make a joke out of it.
I was like, I plan towalk around the block. And we
walked and then that was that wasit. We parted ways and she said
it was the best birthday ever,And I was like, got it.
That's a lot to ask of afirst date. Let me. I forgot
to mention that marcis here, Marcithat I mean, come on, that's
you haven't even met this person andyou're asking him to spring for a really
expensive dinner on your birthday. Don'tyou have other people in your life who
could do that for you? ButI told him it was my birthday,
okay, and birthdays are special andhe should have known that this is what
I was gonna want. I mean, this is kind of an obvious thing
to me. I gotta say,though, if he had suggested the day
and then you're like, well,that's my birthday and he's like, no,
no, no, let me takeyou out for your birthday. But
you said, let's do it onmy birthday. This is the day that
I want you to take me out, and here's where I want you to
take me. I mean, hedidn't really have a choice. Listen.
If he can't whine and dine methe way that I want on my birthday,
then I mean maybe he just willnever understand what I want. Ever
in a relationship, can you sayit looks a little a little your boyfriend
looks a little greedy. I mean, it looks a little a little.
I mean it's not the best look. Well, I've been wined and dined
really nicely before on a first date, so I don't see why I should
settle for anything less than that.But don't you think the guy or the
girl whoever's doing the asking, don'tyou think that person should get to decide
what kind of dat it is isa post. I mean, if I
can tell you right now, ifI on a first date, if someone's
like, we're going to the mostexpensive restaurant in town. Actually, Jason
Brown did this to me. Butif if if someone did that, I
would be like, well, areyou into me? Or you are you
just trying to get a really expensivefree dinner on your birthday? No?
I wasn't trying to use him atall like that. I just thought that
he would want to do something specialfor me for my birthday. He doesn't
know. Wasn't there anyone else youwanted to spend it with? You know?
Did you have friends? Of courseI have friends, but I just
think that I wanted but you didn'twant them. Yeah, because they have
they have a planned party on theweekend. You didn't want that a nice
place for you. I just standby what I want and I don't think
there's anything wrong with that. Fairenough, fair enough, Jed, Look
that's your explanation. Would you considergiving her another shot? Maybe you guys
go to a more reasonable place insteadthe next birthday? Or like? Is
it just any time? No,I'm not interested. This is this is
it's so I hate this. Youwant me to make this special day for
you. That first day is supposedto be special for both people, and
I just feel like, frankly,like I was like being exploited or something.
You don't have to do it yet. I mean, you could have
just said no. But then Iget the day. It never would have
happened. I guess, so hetook the chance. Yeah, I gave
it a shot. I I myfears were confirmed at the moment she started
ordering, And yeah, I mean, if if this is how you meet
people, I don't. I don'twant to know how the rest goes.
You're the one who DMed me,so I'll make sure to check the person's
birthday next time. Six months away, let's go. Oh, you just
celebrated. This is great, Marcia. I'm sorry we couldn't work it out
for you, but best selected bothof you. Okay,