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February 28, 2024 7 mins
Lindsay and Michael met on bumble, and went out for dinner. She liked him and said they had a lot of similar interests, but now Michael isn't responding to her messages. Listen to find out why she got ghosted!
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Episode Transcript

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Ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show. Hey,
Lindsay, good morning, welcome tothe program. How are you good,
Good morning, How are you guys? We're doing okay, we're doing well.
Glad to be here waiting by thephone? Is what this is called,
where we try and figure out whysomebody may have been ghosted. In
this case, that somebody is you, Lindsay. You reached out to us
Fredshire Radio on Instagram, fretschurradio dotcom places where you can do that.

What's going on with this guy?Michael? Tell us how you met,
about any dates that you've been on, and then where you guys are now?
Yeah, Like I don't know,Like just I don't know. I
mean I had a friend that calledyou guys once, and she's I just
I wanted to see you, LikeI just wanted to melt because I had
a really nice date with Michael.We met on Bumble and we honestly like
we totally hit it off, andthen he just completely ghosted me, like

full blown ghost and I'm just soconfused, Like I'm just honestly curious at
this point. Okay, you hada friend who utilized our services, our
detective services. At that point you'resaying, yeah, okay, exactly,
Well, you get what you payfor. We'll see what happens. I'm
not sure if it worked out foryour friend, but maybe it'll work out
for you. So all went well, you liked this guy and you were

kind of waiting by the phone forhim to call you, except he hasn't.
And you want to know why Icouldn't. I couldn't have set it
better myself. I just really wantto know. Well, that's my job
just to say things well, andsometimes it works like that. So we're
gonna play one song, come backin a couple of minutes. We're gonna
call this guy Michael. You'll beon the phone. We'll ask some questions,
and you're welcome to jump in atsome point once we get some info
for you. And you know,the hope here is that we can straighten

things out and then set you guysup on another date that we pay for.
Sound good, good, It's aboutto get really weird. Next part
two of waiting by the phone afterpanic. In two minutes, we'll do
it. Fred Show is on theEntertainment of fort two hundred and fifty bucks.
The show bit Shelley. Good news. Story is all coming up.
It's the frend Show on the radioand the iHeart at any time searching for
it The Fred Show on demand.Hey Lindsey, Hi, welcome back.

Let's call Michael. You guys meton Bumble. You went on a date.
You thought the date went really well, and you were excited to hear
from Michael again. You thought he'dcall her, text and set something else
up. Except you You haven't heardfrom him. He hasn't responded to you,
and you want to know why.Yeah, we had a nice date
and I thought he was a niceguy. Okay, well let's call Michael

and see if we can figure thisout. Good luck. Hello, Hi
is this Michael? Hey Michael,good morning. My name is Fred.
I'm calling from the Fred Show,the morning radio show. The whole crew
is here, and I have totell you that we are on the radio
right now and I would need yourpermission to continue with the call. Can

we chat on the show for justa minute? Sure? What about?
Well? Thank you very much.Well, we're calling on behalf of a
woman who met you on I guessit was Bumble and her name is Lindsay.
Do you remember meeting lindsay there andgoing out with her. Yes,
I do. Okay, So there'sa little giggle there, a little laugh,
and then you remember, so what'sgoing on? Because she called us

and said she liked you and hada great time with you on the day
that you went on and was hopingto hear from you again for another date,
and feels like you're ghosting her.Is that what's happening. That's exactly
what's happening. Yes, okay,very matter of fact. Michael's very emphatic
about it. Why are you ghostingher? What happened? So I guess
I should just explain the whole thing. I do this. That's kind of

like a thing for social media.So I'll go on dating apps and dating
websites and stuff, and I'll Ipurposefully look for like conservative or maga or
just right wing women with crazy likeTrump flags or whatever on their profiles,
and I guess it's kind of likea social experiment. I'll just kind of

pretend I'm conservative as conservative as well, just to kind of mess with them.
And yeah, well, so youjust them. You look for people
who have different political views just soyou can go on a date with them.
And I don't know, you weren'tvery successful at torturing her. I
guess because she wants to go outwith you again. I don't think you're
believable. I don't think you're You'renot very good at this, Michael.

If you were looking like that,Lindsay, are you are you a trumper?
Lindsay by the way, I mean, I'm just curious for perspective here.
Yeah, okay, all right,yes, so that's Lindsay. By
the way, Michael, Lindsay,you guys know each other. I'm I'm
so forgetful. I forgot that part. So, Michael, she wasn't offended

by you at all. She wantedto go out with you again. No,
I'm not surprised. She's probably usedto knuckle draggers and when she goes
on a date with actual, realperson with a brain, want to see
me again, Linda. Yeah,Lindsay, did you get any vibe here
that he was doing this as astunt or something like a joke. No,

I mean, obviously you're a fantasticactor. So I'm not sure why
you haven't headed to Hollywood and grabbedyourself an agent. I mean, maybe
I should. This is very strange. You should. I mean, are
you sure that you don't let meknow? Are you sure you guys aren't
align, because I mean if Iwent on a date with someone and we

were so different that it was itwas tortured, like to the point where
I was going to wind up onsocial media getting made fun of, I
don't think I would want to goout with that person again. So I
don't know what your point is.No, I just you want to know
something. You may not agree withmy views, but I don't agree with
false pretenses and wasting someone's time andessentially making fun of them for social media.

So you know, I have justyou're in the same boat. I
am my friend as long as,however, however highly you think of yourself.
Damn, I don't understand your socialmedia point, Like since you reveal
yourself at the end of the day, be like, hey hah, I'm
not a yeah, And were youfilming her the whole time? Like is
this going on? I wasn't deceptiveabout it was I was open about it.

So you're the deceptive one. SoI just, you know whatever,
it's just really funny that you Idon't really get it, Michael, Like
did you film her? Right?Irony. No, there was no filming.
It's just so you just go theline and tell stories about the people
who like Trump that you went outwith. I mean, like, ready,

ready with me, I'm going outwith someone who voted for Trump.
Got my red hat ready? Youknow? I mean, are you sure
maybe that you don't like Trump?I mean, it doesn't sound like it
was. It sounded like the daywent so well. She wanted to see
You're not very good at this.No. I think it's pretty funny and
that's all that matters to me.Okay, all right, so you you

were a content bait, apparently,Lindsay. So there's there's that. And
I don't know if somebody was thatdrastically if their viewpoint was that drastically different
than mine, I don't I don'tknow. I guess I would assume wouldn't
get along and we wouldn't go out. Maybe. But anyway, Well,
Michael, good luck in your endeavors. I guess I guess you don't want

to go out with Lindsay again.No, I'm good. Maybe to a
rally or something so weird. Idon't get him. It doesn't make any
sense. It's like I think youclose it actually right, I mean,
would you consider changing all of yourviews Michael to go out with Lindsay again?
No, maybe she could changed allof her views then I might consider

it. But this is very strong. Even x Trumper is kind of gross.
Okay, all right, I knowyour social media and getting no views.
I can tell you that. Yeah. I was going to say,
I hope your TikTok is better thanthat thing. It's a bad idea,
except for this one is a terribleidea. All right, Well, guys,

good luck to both of you.I guess sorry, sorry Lindsay,
Thank you God,
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