Episode Transcript
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I've ever been left waiting by thephone. It's the Fred Show. Hey
Patrick, good morning, Welcome tothe show. How are you, good
morning, I'm good, how areyou? We're doing great? Waiting by
the phone? It is what thisis called, of course, and we're
trying to figure out what you mayhave been ghosted by a woman named Macy.
So tell us how you met Macy, about any dates that you've been
on, and then kind of what'sgoing on right now? So we met
on him and I took her out. We went to a night dinner,
you know, little dancing it was. It was a nice night, and
she's very funny. She's absolutely gorgeous, and you know, we had a
really good, fun long off thenight, and then at the end of
the night she seemed all weird,and you know, she's kind of kind
of left abruptly and I haven't seenher since. So the whole date goes
well until the very end, andthen you got kind of a kind of
like an, I don't know,an off feeling about it, but not
so much that you didn't think you'dget ghost except now it looks like you're
being ghost that she's not responding toyou. She hasn't called you back.
All of that, I assume.I assumed that we had just you know,
we hadn't sitch along night. Ifigured, you know, let's not
push it. She decided she wantedto go home, but I had no
idea she wasn't gonna call me backor you know, completely ignore me afterwards.
Well that's disappointing always, and solet's see if we can get you
some answers, some closure, ormaybe we can fix whatever's going on,
straighten things out, to set youguys up on another date that we pay
for. That's the hope. Sowe'll do it next. Hang on,
Patrick, let's find out what's goingon after David Getta back in two minutes,
Part two of Waiting by the Phone. The French Show is on David
Getta, The Frend Show is onthe radio, and the iHeart app anytime
search for the Frend Show on demand. Hey, Patrick, all right,
welcome back. Let's call Macy.You guys, you met on one of
the dating apps. She met onHinge and went out for a nice dinner.
You thought that went really well.You were excited about the potential.
You do admit that, for whateverreason, you thought she was acting kind
of weird at the end of thedate, but not to the point where
you thought you'd never see her againor hear from her again. But we
think you being ghosted and you wantto know what's going on. Absolutely,
that's exactly it. All right,let's call Macy now, good luck?
Patrick? Thank you? Hello?Hi? Is this Macey? Hi Macy,
good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred's Show.
The whole crew is here, andI do have to tell you that
we are on the radio right now, the morning radio show, and I
would need your permission to continue withthe call. Is it okay if we
chat for just a second? Sure? Yeah, okay, Well, thank
you so much. I don't wantto take up too much of your time,
but we appreciate it. We're callingout behalf of a guy who says
he met you on one of thedating apps hinge. His name was Patrick,
and you guys recently went out.Do you remember a date with Patrick?
Yeah? I do? Okay,so always the exasperation. So what
happened? Because he called us andwanted our help. He says that he
went out with you and liked youa lot. He does admit them for
whatever reason he felt something weird atthe end of the date, but thought
that he would hear for you againand that you'd go out again. But
he says it would appear that you'reghosting him. Is that what's going on?
Well, I guess I'm not really. It was just kind of weird
how it ended. How did howdid an end? What was weird about
it? And he didn't give usany indication. Well, I mean we
went out for like a nice dinnerand everything was great, and you know,
I was super into him. Wehad great conversation and everything. So
we decided to go back to hisplace. Oh, we reached They tend
to go awry right around this time, right around the transition between the public
place and the private place. Okay, so you're at his house. You
had a drink, I interrupted you. I'm sorry, that's okay. Well,
yeah, he called this an uberand I think we're going back to
his place. But then we showup at a hotel. Oh oh okay,
all right, so all right thenwhat Well, I'm confused. I
thought he lived in town, soI'm like, why are we at a
hotel? And he said that hewas having work done at his place.
Yeah, the old burst pipes again. Yeah right right, Okay, So
you're at this hotel and he youcan't go to his house because he's having
work done on the house at nightI guess on after dinner, so whatever
time. This was okay, yeah, And I mean I wanted to turn
around right then, but I waslike, well, just give it a
chance, like, see what happens. So we like step into his hotel
room and there's a little tiny Duffelbag in there. I mean, if
he's really having work done at hisplace, like, wouldn't he have more
stuff in the room. Okay,So he'd already checked him before the date
and he had a little overnight bag, all right, Okay, Yeah,
so I just felt shady vibes.I was like, I am going to
go, so I called an uberto leave. Okay. So that that
was the weird ending that you Imean, you see that in my mind,
and I first mentioned that Patrick ishere, I'm so forgetful. I'm
sorry Patrick is here. In mymind, Patrick, It's like it was
a weird exchange at the end ofthe day. Not I took her to
a hotel where I had an overnightbag and was obviously prepared for whatever was
going to happen next. What isgoing on Patrick with the hotel? No,
no, I've got I've got myhouses in. It's a real mess
right now, So I got tothat's a really nice smell. No,
fine, yeah, what's you know, same with all of us. We
love in a hotel too. Yeah, what's happening at the house though,
Oh no, they're they're working,They're doing a bunch of work. The
stuff everywhere, Payton a couple ofthe rooms and it's just a real mess.
Well then you could have used oneof the other rooms then, right,
Like, if they're painting a coupleof the rooms, that would have
left the other rooms right where youcould have gone. Yeah, there's that,
there's that paint smell, you knowingthe whole place. It's a paint
smell that we're worried about and thework that they're doing. I see,
But you can live there. Youlive there the rest of the time.
Oh it's dangerous, right, soI want to be clear your okay,
So you live in these dangerous conditions, but you wouldn't bring her back there?
You had to go to a hotelinstead. Yeah, yeah, you
know, But I also I thinkhotels are great. I thought it was
a classy hotel. I thought she'dlike it. I'm gonna go on a
limb here. I'm just this isa crazy thought. I know this as
well. I'm gonna go on alimit. Say someone else lives in that
house with you? Who's painting?Yeah? No, no, no,
I see. So, Macon,is that the vibe that you're getting is
the same vibe that all of usare getting, which is that there's there's
more to this story than just somepaint fumes. Yeah. I wonder if
there was a wife and perhaps somechildren living in that home. I certainly
hope those those people aren't exposed tothese paint fields that you want to expose.
Macy to Patrick, this is comingoff very shady. Yeah, I
guess. I guess it seems likeI just, you know, I like
hotels, and I think it's ayou know, you get room for service
and go get in the pool.You know, I feel like it's a
it's a nice point. Okay,So you got to love duffle bag.
How many draws in it plus theswim trunks? How did that offen your
little duffle bag, your little manbag? Run back and forth to the
house, back and forth. Oh, okay, you go back there.
Okay, Wow, I don't know. I don't want to stay there.
I want to stay there overnight.You know. I feel like it's the
toxic tam. It's not a normalthing. You realize that, right,
Like if I go on a datewith someone and I'm like, I live
in the city, but but weshould definitely go to a hotel instead.
I mean that screams I'm hiding something. Yep. I don't think it seems
that weird. Okay, well Maciethinks that. So look, Masie,
let's say we I'm sure all thepaint fumes are out now and the paint
is dried and everything's fine. SoI'm sure Patrick, on the next date,
you could take her to your houseso she could see the house.
Right, not quite yet? Yeah, yeah, right, right, this
is an indefinite construction. Going ajob there means several rooms rooms. I
can understand you just got your hairand decided to paint all the right.
Yeah, I mean it look greatafter we'rely, but your wife and sure
your family will enjoy it. SoMaysie, I don't I'll ask the question.
I know the answer. It isrhetorical. But would you like to
go out with Patrick again and say, in another hotel, maybe get some
points this time? Yeah, Idon't think so. I'm going to pass
on that one. Okay, allright, well okay, is this by
the way, Patrick, is itall dates you go on that we go
to the hotel? Well, justnow like paying the house, right,
but payton the house right? Yeah? Exactly. Yeah, Okay, Well,
look it's not going to work out. Patrick. I'm sorry. I
wish you well out there with whateverit is you're actually doing. And Macie,
good luck to you. Thank youfor your time. Thank you so much,