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March 4, 2024 10 mins
Clay and Emily, like most people, met on the apps. They went out for some drinks and Clay thought they had a great connection and would certainly have a second date. Since then, Emily hasn't been responding to any of Clay's messages. Listen to find out why he got ghosted!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show. Hey Clay,
good morning, Welcome to the program. How are you well? Honestly,
I'm not doing too great. That'swhy I'm talking to you guys.
Now, see now that is anhonest answer. Yeah, I cannot tell
you how many times in this thingI'll go, how are you? I'm
great? You're being ghosted, bro, Like, how can you be so

great? But you, in factare not great because you went out with
this woman, Emily and you can'tget hold of her now. So can
you give us sort of the backstory? How did you, guys meet?
Tell us about any dates that you'vebeen on, kind of tell us what
we need to know, please,if you would. Right, we met,
you know, on the apps likemost people do nowadays, and I
feel like we really hit it off. You know, we went out,

went out to grab some drinks,talked. I felt like there was a
good connection, good rapport. Ihonestly thought we would definitely be having a
second date. And I've been tryingto reach her and yeah, like I
said, you know, she goesto me. Yeah, so you've texted,
you've called, You've Yeah, Imean a few times I assume.

I mean, it's it's for sure. She's not busy this, she's not
responding, she's ignoring you. Yeah, it's pretty clear. Yeah, all
right, well this is where wecome in. Of course, we're going
to see if we can get ahold of Emily. In just a second.
You'll be on the phone. Atthe same time. We're gonna ask
some questions. You're welcome to jumpin at some point after we get some
answers. And you know, thehope here is that there's a good explanation
for her absence and that we canset you guys up on another date that

we pay for, and then offyou go into you know, happiness,
and maybe you'll get married and inviteus at a wedding. Who knows what
might happen, but we're hoping fora happy ending here. Yeah, that
would be great. All right,I'm gonna play one song and come back
and then we'll call Emily. Hangon, Clay, all right, let's
see what happens next. Part twoof Waiting by the Phone After this song
on the Fred Show. Good morning, It's the Freend Show. Part two

of Waiting by the Phone. Hey, Clay, Yeah, all right,
welcome back. Let's call Emily.You guys, you went on a date.
You met out one of the apps. You thought the date went really
well. You were excited about her, except you've reached out to try and
plan another day. You've called,you've texted, and she's left you on
red. She has not responded.You believe that you're being ghosted. You

want to know why? Yeah,exactly, Okay, let's call her now.
Good luck, Clay, hullo,Hi Sis, Emily. Yes,
this is hey Emily. Good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling
from the Fred Show, the Morningradio show, and I have to tell

you that we are on the radioright now, and I would need your
permission to continue with the call.Is it cool with just Jeff for a
couple of minutes you can hang out, but anytime if you won? Oh
my god, Okay, yeah,I know it's a little bit weird,
but thank you for playing along.Here. We're calling on behalf of a
guy who says he met you online. You guys recently went out. His
name is Clay. Do you rememberClay? I do remember Clay? Yeah?

Okay, So what happened with Clay? Because he we just spoke with
him. He said that he hadmet you on the apps and that he
went out with you and he thoughtit went really well and he was looking
forward to seeing you again. Butnow he can't get a hold of you.
So what's going on? Oh okay. He was just very odd on
our date. You know. Hetold me he had just moved to the

city and he was having a hardtime like finding friends, but specifically finding
friends to like. I think hesaid to play in the park and like
do karate with or something to thateffect, and I laughed because I thought
he was joking, But then Irealized, no, he's he's m He

was serious, and I don't knowhe thought it was weird that I didn't
understand. Wait, hold on,so he was looking for a partnership so
that you guys should go to thepark and do karate. Hell yeah,
yeah, I what is he goingto come out there with this belt and
break a board or something? Youknow what I'm saying, can bring the

boards by himself? What? Yeah, it was pretty It was pretty awkward.
Don't do for that. Don't yougo to the karate place and like
hang out with other karate people whenyou I mean, I don't know what
you're on I mean people are ondating apps looking for a lot of things,
but I've this one I've never heardof before. I've forgot to mention

that Clay is here, kung FuClay is here. Hey Clay, Hey,
karate kid. What's going on?Like, wax on, wax off?
Bro, Like, what's karate Clay? What's going on? Like?
I mean you told her on thedate that you were looking for someone to
go do karate in the park with. Like, yeah, I don't understand
what the joke is. I mean, it's a hobby of mine. I

have a lot of fun doing it. I don't see what's what's odd about
that? Now, do you puton the entire karate garb? Do you
put on the was it? Doyou put the gee on? Are you
what level? Are you? Bythe way? Yeah? Yeah, no,
I'm yeah, I'm I'm a blackbelt. I've been studying karate since
I was a little kid. Ilove karate, and yeah, I'm new

to the area. So I waslooking for people, not necessarily with you,
Emily. Uh, you know,I wasn't saying that me and you
need to go to the park anddo karate. I you know, if
you don't like karate or into it, that's fine. But I've been trying
to meet from friends that I couldgo to the park with and and and
you know, play fight with.Oh gosh, do they you kung fu

Clay? Like no, no one'sever called me kung fu come fu Clay
before. Now I'm worried to maketoo much fun of this man because he
is a black belt. So Imean that's more than I can say for
myself. But I mean, Clay, wouldn't you rather than go on a
date with someone and tell when,don't you just go to a I mean
a karate establishment and you know sortof I don't know, either spar with

other people at your level or orinstruct or something. I mean, it
sounds like you're legitimate. Why arewe going to the park to do well?
I mean, you know, thereare lots of different clubs that do
this kind of stuff, especially whereI was from, Like there are people
that do sword fighting, you know, they go to parking. I don't

really don't understand what the big likeif I you know, im, I
tell someone, Hey, I'm gonnaplay Mortal Kombat with my buddies, you
know on the PlayStation. That's notweird, but all of a sudden,
it's weird that I say, oh, I want to go, you know,
spar fight or play fight in thepark. I mean, I don't
know what to do with this,Emily. So look, he wasn't saying

he wanted to do that with younecessarily, but in general he'd like to
find random people to go to thepark. I mean, so, I
guess you can go out with himif you want to, and you don't
have to play fight with it.I mean, to be quite honest,
it's very clear we don't have anythingin common. So I mean when we

were talking, we have a lotof stuff in common. We don't all
we don't have to have all ofthe exact same hobbies. I'm sure you
do things that I wouldn't do withyou. Yeah, I mean there's a
you could go on Craigslist for stufflike this. I think, I mean
you could. I mean, there'sthere's got to be a Facebook group for
something like this. I mean Ithink there's a little Yeah, maybe don't

write it like that, but I'msorry, this is I mean, I
think I understand what you're getting atis that you were sharing this is an
interest of yours and you just movedhere and you're looking for other like minded
folks. I just think she thinksit's weird that. I guess if I
walked by a park and I sawa bunch of random men right beating each

other up, I might tell inkarate here, I might sort of wonder
what I've stumbled upon. But Imean, Clay, I hope that you
find what you're looking for. Emily. He doesn't want to do karate with
you, but he does want tohang out with you again. Would you
consider that in between sessions of thepark with random men. No, I
don't blame you, girl, Idon't blame you. Don't nobody want no

man walking around like, what areyou? All right? So what do
you do? So it's prefer tohave men that are not in shape,
that stay home, play video gamesall day and they play with their friends
online. That's socially acceptable. Butthis is weird. Okay, Yes,
he says, yea over there,bro, if you want to be John

Wick, just say Tom. Ido think we ain't got nothing on me,
Clay. Everybody, hey man,look, I'm I think there's a
It didn't come off right at thevery least, but Emily no interest in
another day with karate, Clay,Now okay, all right, well,

hey Clay, look, I wishyou the best. I hope you find
the sort of social outlet that you'relooking for, and who knows, you
know, maybe you'll you'll stumble upona place where they do karate, do
karate, and then you can finda woman who also does karate, and
y'all can do karate together. Yeah. I mean I don't necessarily need to
be with somebody else that does karateper se, but yeah, I mean

that would be nice. Okay,Hey, at least you need to wear
the whole thing out to the date, and that would have been something if
he had the you know, blackDo you ever wear the black belt out?
Can you accessorize or no? No? No, I mean I don't
wear that out. Okay. He'slike he's like legally like a deadly weapon.
That's what I mean. Like,that's why, Hey, that was
key he talking by the way,like I want you to know, Claire,
I respect your disc back. Yeah, exactly in the park. Would

you seem like I'm ready to joinup? Yes, I'm not gonna do
that, but I mean I'm notgonna make too much fun of this man,
Emily, thank you for your time. Good luck Clay, best of
luck to you as well. Sir. Yes, yeah I'm bowing. I'm
really know. I salute you,Sir. Kung ful Clay again him again.

I love everybody karate by the way, I do you like you?
About to walk out of the radiostation to get your ass here? Think
he managed to him upset everyone who'sever learned carry karaoke and karate both every
Wednesday. You managed to him soldboth people karate and karaoke and the people

who do both. I love you.
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