Episode Transcript
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Ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show. Andy,
good morning, welcome to the program. How are you good morning? Do
them well? Thanks? Are you? We're doing okay, We're great.
Happy to be here talking to you. Waiting by the phone, of course,
is what this is. We're tryingto figure out if you may have
been ghosted. So why don't youtell us what's going on? Tell us
about this woman Chloe, how youmet, and about any days that you've
been on and where things are now. Yeah, so Chloe, we met
at a bar. We went outtwice versus for drinks. Second time I
invited her to my place for dinnerand then a movie, and it seemed
like everything was great and we seemedto get along super well. And when
she got to my place that wehad a little wine. Then I ran
up and ran to pick up foodat this Italian spot around the corner.
And when I got back, shewas gone and I was and I don't
know why. Wow, bizarre.Okay, this is kind of a new
one. I don't know if we'veheard this one before. So you,
I was gonna give you credit forcooking, by the way, which you
didn't do. But that's all right. You know, the first day went
well, you had her over,the second time she obliged. She came
over. Thinks for going, well, you arranged for the food, you
went to get it, Boom,disappearing act, she's gone. Who d
need? You blocked you, whichis an added step. I mean,
it's one thing if something had happenedwhile you were away that you know,
she had to break out, andthen she could have texted you like,
hey, this is what I'm doing, or is where I got to go,
or even if she was embarrassed aboutsomething the next day, she could
have been like, hey, I'msorry about this, but but she blocked
you, so she didn't want youto have access to her. Yeah.
I don't know what she saw,but something happened that was my place was
clean. I don't know if thereis no all right, well, let's
play one song. We'll come backin two minutes, and we'll call this
woman Chloe, and we'll see ifwe can figure out what's going on.
And the hope is that whatever itis, we could straighten out and then
we'll set you guys up on Iguess a second and a half date or
a third date or whatever, andthat we'll pay for it, all right.
Yeah, sounds good. Let's seewhat happens next Part two of Waiting
by the Phone after this song onThe Fred Show. Good morning, It's
the Fred Show. Part two ofWaiting by the Phone. Hey, Andy,
Hey, how's it going? Allright? Still good? You know
we're still still doing well. Thanks. We're trying to figure out though,
well, yeah, we're trying tofigure out what happened with this woman Chloe,
who you told us about. Youguys met, you went on a
date, then you had her overto your place for another date, and
that she agreed to that, andthat went okay, except when you left
to go get the food for thedinner that you guys were gonna have together
at your house, she disappeared.You came back, she was gone.
She blocked you. You want toknow why? Yeah, that is the
deal. All right. Well,let's call her now. Good luck,
Andy? Thank you? Hello?Hi is this Chloe? Yeah, Hi
Chloe, Good morning. My nameis Fred. I'm calling from the Fred
Show, the Morning radio show,and I'm sorry to bother, but I
have to tell you we are onthe radio right now and I would need
your permission to continue with the callsit okay if we chat for a second.
Yeah sure, well, thank youvery much. I know it's kind
of awkward, but we won't wastetoo much of your time. We're calling
on me half of a guy whosays he met you recently and you guys
went on a couple of dates.His name is Andy. Do you remember
Andy went to his house? Iguess yeah, yeah, okay, So
he called us and he said thathe liked you a lot and was excited
about you, and that you wenton at least a date and a half
that you I guess. On thesecond date, we're in his house or
something, and then he left toget food. He says, when he
got back, you weren't there andyou blocked him. What happened after he
left? Yeah, So basically,while he was gone getting the food,
I noticed some letters like on hiskitchen table, and you know, they
were just like out. So Iwas just like, okay, I'm going
to flip through these and see whatthese are all about, and like,
who wouldn't read them? You know? And letters were literally between him and
a woman in prison who calls herselfhis fiance. And these are recent letters,
you think, I mean they're datedor something. Yes, they were
dated this year, and they're talkingabout like, you know how they can't
wait for her to get out sothat they can get married like and it
was it was wild. I couldn'teven finish reading them. And I just
I've seen this before and they alwayswork out. It always works out with
those people. They never break outand then find somebody else. Wow.
Okay, So I mean, Iguess I could scold you for going through
his mail, right, but hedid leave it out. I come on,
there's a stack of papers in somebody'shouse and they leave and I see
a stack of papers, and it'snot like they were in the envelopes.
You know they were out. That'sstill his privacy. Good chance, I'm
going through the stack of papers.You all people, all people are going
to see you know, you goto the medicine cabinet first, not some
stack of letters on the good life. Can I do that if that's hanging
around, it's not out when somebodycomes over for a date that I can
assure you up. Put your prisonletters away. Yes, I put the
prison letters. My prison fiance isshe's not in a prison. Everybody knows
that. Let me bring Andy,and I forgot to mention that Andy is
here. Andy, what's up withthe prison fiance? Bro? It's not
something to say every day, bythe way, But okay, so I
can't believe you went through those butthat's fine. I can't believe you left
him out. But anyway, okay, well, okay, it's not something
to worry about, right, Okay, she's never getting out of jail.
It's not it's not a real engagement. And we just talk and I fill
her commentary and just like she's gotsomeone to talk to. But that's it.
You fill her commissary and she canget some cup of noodles or whatever.
Yeah. Yeah, so she thinksthat you're going to get married,
except she's never getting out. Whatdoes she murder somebody? What does she
do? No, wasn't anything violent. She just stole something and got caught
and she's never getting out there.Yeah that's not true. Yeah, I
did something, something far more sinisterhappened. But you don't see a problem
with this, Like you don't seea problem with telling another human being that
you guys are going to be togetherand then dating other people, Like I
don't That sounds like a conflict ofinterest. Look, I wrote her on
a dare from a friend, andyou know then I like talking to her,
so I kept it up. AndI mean, so what if she
thinks that we're engaged. I mean, what's the harm. I mean making
someone happy, and I don't thinkthere's anything wrong with that. This is
Kim. Until you married out witha criminal, you never do. Now
your plan, Andy, then,let me get this straight. Your plan
is to keep this treunani get upbecause it's entertaining or a dare or whatever
it is, and make this personbelieve that you're there for them until you
get to a really serious relationship orget married to somebody else, and then
you just break it off and youthink that that is okay. It's not
about that. I'm just trying tomake her happy. If she's clearly going
through rough time, well it's don'tmake her real unhappy. I don't think
I want to make the murderer reallyunhappy by breaking up with her. I
mean, I know you say thatit was like a minor offense, but
you also said she's never getting out, so there's something lost in translation here.
The matthe Mas is, Yeah,well I don't want to I don't
want to talk about it. Huh, Okay, So Chloe, do you
I mean, is there any waythat we can get past the whole pen
pal thing that Andy's got going?I mean, she's never she's getting it
is the craziest. This is literallythe craziest thing I've ever heard. Like,
she's clearly this terrible criminal, Likeshe's probably did something horribly violent,
which leads me to believe that Andy, you might have some violent and criminal
like tendencies as well, Like thisis yeah, what is the I mean,
We've heard a lot of things,by the way, over the years,
a lot of things We've never heardthis one. And I've also watched
a lot of crime TV and documentariesand people like that. The bad people
that did bad stuff that are nevergetting out of jail, they can still
do bad stuff on the outside,right Exactly. I've heard the call the
prison phone conversations where they try andset up a hit man on the outside.
Don't be messing with these Why areyou doing that? Andy? Well?
I just when I started talking toher, she was very nice,
sure she seemed to be caught upin a bad situation, and I felt
bad just leaving her hanging when I'mlike, she doesn't have family, she
doesn't have any friends. She's amurderer probably, But I suppose while you're
single, this is you can dowhatever you want. But if you want
someone to take you seriously in arelationship, which it sounds like Chloe was
willing to, then we got toget rid of the prison girlfriend prison bay.
Yeah, well beyond me, allright, I don't know why we're
skipping over all of that exactly right, guys, people probably screaming at the
radio now going you guys forgot aboutthe SAP ring? Yeah, what's something?
Literally, what's up with the fiancepart? Where did that come from?
I'm just I'm more concerned about thewhole thing. I just want she
she thinks that, I don't know. She said something about how she thinks
that we should get married and stuff, and now she's calling it an engagement
and it's I didn't say that ifthat's her thing, and I just don't
have the heart to tell her otherwise. Yeah, because she's trying to get
those kinds of go visits. What'shappening with that? She's not allowed to
have visitors? Oh my god,Yeah, this is not good. She
can't even have a visitor. Ohmy god. All right, look,
Chloe, I'm it's a rhetorical question, but do you want to go out
with with Andy again? I don'twant to be anywhere near this situation.
And you gotta you gotta unwind thisthing. I don't know how you're going
to do that. But this person, you can't even go visit her.
She did something very bad. Shedid not steal from, you know,
a convenience store. She burned theconvenience store down or something. I don't
know what she's Yeah, I'm goingto talk to her. Okay, Okay,
this isn't it's not. This isway blown, way out of before.
She don't mention us at all.Don't mention it. Shout out to
our listeners in prisons. Okay,we're riding with you off, but I'm
not engaged any Thank you for listening, but I'm not. Yeah, yeah,
wow, Okay, look, Idon't even know. I really am
kind of speechless on this one.To be honest, Chloe, thank you
for your time. Andy. Goodluck, I mean, like really really
good luck. Stay saying thank you