Episode Transcript
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Ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show. Hey Russell,
good morning, welcome to the show. How are you Hey, good
guys, thanks for having me.You know what, it's our pleasure.
Uh. So far, so far, so good. The first five seconds,
great impression. We're having a greattime so far. What's going on
with this woman in Brittany? Ofcourse, this is waiting by the phone.
We're trying to figure out why youmay have been ghosted by this lady.
So how did you meet? Tellus about any dates that you've been
on, and kind of where we'reat right now. Yeah, so,
you know, we met at abar and uh, and I worked up
the courage to ask her a number. And our first date was actually a
brunch on Super Bowl Sunday that wentso well. I invited her to like
my friend's Super Bowl party and shecame and now I can't get a hold
of her, and so I'm wonderingwhat happened, because you know, I
don't know that it's been I don'tthink it's been too soon or anything like
that. She just she hasn't answeredme since she left the party. Hmmm.
Man, We've heard, we've heardsituations where this goes awry once or
twice before, but I will sayit's normally a good sign when a date
goes so well that you extend it, you know, because I typically my
strategy is first date drinks because thatway, that's like a natural out,
like there's a two drink expectation,and then if it's not going well,
then the two drinks happened, andoff you go. What do you men?
I would I didn't know that wasthe rule. Two drinks. Well
that's in my mind. Okay,in my mind, I shape it.
And no one's ever left after one, but at least after two. In
fact, I can't remember a timethe drinks should ended at drinks, but
you know, at least that way, you got the drinks in, and
then if you want to, youcan extend it, like oh, you
want to get something to eat,or you want to go do something.
And then in this case, itwas so good that you had the meal
and then it was hey, let'sgo do this later, and she was.
She was up for it. Sothat's all good, except something happened
after that and you're not hearing fromher. Now you've reached out, I
assume texted, called, and Britney'snot responding right right, yeah, none
of it? All right, Well, let's call her. We'll get her
on the phone if we can.You'll be on the phone as well.
I don't want you to say anythingright at first, because we're going to
try to figure this out for you. At some point, You're welcome to
jump in on a call, andthe hope is that we can set you
guys up on another date that wepay for. Sound good. Sounds good
to me. You've got to hearwhat happens next part two of Wait you
met a phone after? Doja catback in two minutes on the Fred Show
commercial free for the next forty minutes. You don't have to go anywhere.
It's the Fred Show on the radioand the iHeart app as well anytime search
for the Fred Show on demand.Hey Russell, Yeah, all right,
welcome back. Let's call Brittany.You guys met you met for brunch on
a Super Bowl Sunday and this wasafter I guess you met her at a
bar, so you know, Wow, you walked up to her in the
wild. That's amazing. I alwayscommend the people who meet people in the
wild like actually use their mouths.Is to communicate and exchange telephone numbers,
and it's just it's crazy, it'sunheard of, it's historic. Nonetheless,
though, the brunch date turned intosuper Bowl date turned into and she's ghosting
you now you think and you wantto know why? Yeah? That sums
it up all right, let's callit Brittany now, good luck, Russell?
Thank you? Hello? Hi ishis Brittany? Yeah, Hi,
Brittany, good morning. My nameis Fred. I'm calling from the Fred's
Show, the morning radio Show.I have to tell you the whole crew
is here, and I also haveto tell you that we are in the
radio right now, and I wouldneed your permission to continue with the call.
Can whichat for just a second.You can hang up anytime if you
want, okay? Sure? Well, thank you very much for calling on.
Behalf of a dude named Russell.I guess you guys met out and
went out recently, had brunch andwent to a super Bowl party. Do
you remember this guy? Yeah?Yeah, I do. Okay, so
what happened with him? Because hecalled us and said that he thought things
went really well, you know,from meeting you to the brunch date to
the super Bowl party date. Thatkind of I guess it was an extended
date. He says, everything wasgreat, but he can't get a hold
of you. Now you're not respondingto him, not calling him back,
So what happened? What's going on? Brunch date was nice and I was
excited to spend more time I'm withhim and his friends were super nice,
but I honestly kind of liked themmore than him, because once the game
started, everything he said just totallyturned me off. He was going on
and on about how Taylor Swift grinnedfootball. Oh no, no, dude,
you know your audience and plus likethat's a dumb take. No,
look at me. I'm getting allthe fact I'm a true Swift. Yeah,
I mean I am a Swift.So this dude's going off. He's
going off about with the whole narrativethat too much Taylor and Taylor is ruining
the NFL and conspiracy and all thisbs. Absolutely, yeah, he was
talking about conspiracy, about how she'sa plan to the political agenda, and
it was so negative and even duringutter he wouldn't shut up about how bad
the performance. Oh no, hewas talking to her. This dude,
what do they say fifty five secondsof Taylor in like a what twelve hours
of super Bowl broadcast, you know, and then and then the halftime show
was ten minutes. I mean,and by the way, you may not
have liked the performance, but ifyou can't, if you can't jan the
those bangers, right, No,my mom liked the Super Bowl half times
and no one didn't like my Nana'sdead. She liked the super Bowl half
type show. I mean I wasright there with her, I mean,
honestly, Like, this is crazy, so it turns you off? Yeah,
yeah, I just sud it waskind of gross, like all the
commentary this man, let me bringRussell in the Taylor Swift haater. Come
on, man, like what areyou doing? Look, look, I'm
not saying like like what she's sayingis wrong, but I'm saying what I
was saying was right. Okay,Okay, is that another way of saying
you did say all those things?Is that what you mean? You were
Taylor Swift the entire time? Okay? Of course I said those things like
I'm speaking the truth here, likeit's the one thing men had and she
took it away from us? Ohwhat how did she away from you?
How much screen time has she hadwho cares like like it's every game.
It's like all it is is there, and it's all she's doing is just
as just to push your political agenda. Man, that's all it is.
She's the supported her boyfriend who playsfootball. You can't you can't tell me
that wasn't set up by the government. Yes, Joe Biden is behind it.
Oh my god. Yeah, she'sso powerful. I a organized the
whole thing. It's attempted a cop. No, they're gonna take They're gonna
take the most the most popular personatingon the planet right now and tear them
with one of the most likable NFLplayers of all time, which is arguably
like the most popular sport in theentire world. Oh my god. All
right, and put them together.Yeah, you have. The government's right
behind it. Baby. You gotto get outside and touch some grants.
This guy's turning me off and I'mnot even into him. Yeah, okay,
So this was what you were doingthe whole time you were going off
about conspiracy theories and Taylor ruining footballand Taylor taking football from you as a
man and all the rest of this. That's what you're agreeing that you were
doing that. Yeah, because it'sbeen the only thing that's been like untouched
by like any like unsanitary hands forso long, and now now it's just
that's all it is. Taylor isunsanitary hands to this man. Oh my
god, why don't I tide likethat? I don't know where that came
from, but this is so ridiculous. Don't be that guy. And the
other thing is, even if youare annoyed at the overexposure, and there
was a lot of exposure, Ithink they I think Taylor and and Travis
are annoyed by the overexposure, youkeep that to yourself, especially if there's
a chance that the woman who likedyou is a fan. Why bother?
Why am I going to change likemy beliefs in who I am? Right?
What was wrong with us? Justhalftime performance? Bro? Seriously,
what was wrong with it? Well? You tell me, like what,
like honestly, like, what's everythingis wrong with it? For the last
two years now, it's been Rand B and hip hop are like,
all right, you know, Idon't like yeah, misogynist and yeah,
right who this is? This isgiving a lot of problems and I'm just
gonna leave it right. There shouldhave been kid Rock. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't hate a kid for yourmoney, nothing more the other way.
Michigan didn't want him anymore. Butanyway, all right, look, Brittany,
I'm sorry, this makes perfect senseto me. I mean, I
would ask the question, do youwant to go out with him again?
We'll pay for it. I knowthe answer. Yeah, definitely not.
And I'm glad you can see why. I'm glad that I found all this
out. What a crazy person,all right, Russell, I don't know,
man, I don't if you everwant to get laid again, don't
say that. Don't say what youjust said. Yeah, I would,
I would recommend that, I wouldrecommend becoming silent mute. You guys are
all a bunch of sheep with yourheads down. Yeah, eventually, but
it's too late. Yeah, Brittany, thank you for your time. Good
luck, Russell, good luck outof there, man,