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February 26, 2024 10 mins
Wes and Alicia met online. They chatted a lot over the phone and went on two dates! Wes told us both the dates were great but for some reason, Alicia stopped responding to him. Listen to find out why he got ghosted!
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Episode Transcript

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Ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fredshell West. Good morning,
welcome to the program. How areyou. I'm doing all right,
you know, I'm just a bitconfused, right right, right, confused.
Well here we are here to tryand help you with that confusion.
This is waiting by the phone.We're trying to see if you have been
ghosted by someone who you met recentlynamed Alicia. So how did you meet

her? Tell us about any datesthat you've been on, any kind of
backstory. We need all the infosso we can We're investigators here, we're
like Sherlock Holmes, so trying tofigure this out. I met her on
Tinder. She was my Tinderella andyeah, okay, never say that again.
So then what we were on oneday? We had kind of a

good vibe. I asked her outagain. We had a second date.
It went great. But since thatsecond date, I haven't heard from her
at all. Okay, not onework Okay, And I assume you've texted
her or called, You've reached out, You've you've attempted. You're not just
waiting for her to reach out toyou. No, no, no,
I've definitely reached out to her.You can call her Tinderella to her face,

because we could just stop it rightnow if you did. That's the
reason, that's the problem. Ifthat's it in case closed, No,
no, no, I just calledher at Tinderella this morning, you know
right right? Got it? Okay? Well, excellent, excellent thought there,
Caitlin. But no, that's notthe culprit I guess in this case.
So here's what we're gonna do.We're gonna play a song, come
back, call this woman, Alicia. We're gonna see if we can figure

out what's going on. See wecan get her on the phone, ask
some questions. You'll be on thephone too at some point. You're welcome
to jump in after we get someinfo, and we're hoping that we can
straighten things out and set you guysup on another date that we pay for.
Sound good, don great, You'vegot to hear what happens next.
Part to you of waiting by thephone two minutes away after Miley the Fred
Show is good morning, Mimy ison The Fred Show commercial free by the
way, and we're on the radioand the iHeart app anytime search for the

Fred Show on demand. Hey wes, Hey, how are you. Hey,
still, let's call uh this woman, Alisha? You're what do you
call it? Tinderella? Yeah?I wish you hadn't said that, but
anyway, as long as you didn'tsay it to her, But we're gonna
call her. You met her onTinder, you went on two dates.
You thought they went great, exceptyou've reached out to schedule the third date
text had called whatever, and sheis not responding at all, and you

want to know why. Yeah,I'm just it's bothering me because I think
we had two awesome days and I'dlove to see her again. I get
that. That's understandable. All right, Wes, We're gonna call her now.
Good luck. Hi is this Alisha? Hey, good morning. My

name is Fred. I'm calling fromthe Fred's Show, the Morning Radio Show,
and I have to tell you thatwe are on the radio right now
and I would need your permission tocontinue with the call. Can which hat
for just a second. You canhang up at any point if you want
to, Okay, Well, thankyou so much for taking the call and
taking the time. He maybe you'veheard this before, but it's called waiting
by the phone, and a dudenamed Wes says he met you on Tinder,

and you guys went out a coupleof times. Do you remember hopefully
dating Wes? Yeah? I remember. Okay, So what happened with him?
Because he called us and told usthat he liked you and he thought
that the dates that you went onor were successful and was hoping to hear
from you again. But he saysthat you're not responding to him at all.
We had no trouble getting you onthe phone. So what's going on?
That's really funny, because yeah,I mean the first two dates did

go really well. I thought thatit was going really nicely and it was
like before Valentine's Day, So Ithought, oh, you know, maybe
he would talk to me on Valentine'sDay. I thought, you know,
I can usually get a good vibefrom somebody after the first date, thinking
if I want to go out andsee them again. This guy was like,

okay, I do want to seehim again. So I thought,
maybe Valentine's Day, something cute,something casual, he would ask me out
on a date or something. Nothing. I thought maybe he'd call me,
maybe he'd text me. Absolutely nothing, And so I'm like, you know
what this guy's playing me? Ifwe're going to go out. We've got
out twice, and he's not textingme at all on Valentine's Day, not

calling me, not planning anything.He's absolutely with another girl. He has
a girlfriend, probably married or somethinglike. He's absolutely playing me. So
I mean, I'm done with that, Alicia. I tend to side with
people in your physician on these things, but well, I think it may
have been a miss not to atleast say something to you, acknowledge it

in some way. Hey, happyValentine's There is something you know. I
don't know, a text or something. It is two dates, okay,
And I think that that's a touchyholiday for a lot of people because it's
it's a love holiday, right Andhe does not love you, And I
think if he did love you,love you, he does love you yet
not yet. I'm not saying he'llnever love you. I mean it's two

days. He probably doesn't love you. And by the way, if he,
if he did love bomb you,we'd probably be talking about that right
now. In fairness, no keywould love it. But the rest of
us are you. I have onme. I need it, I need
you really want a man after twodays to say he loves you, Yes,
ninety nine percent of women. Ifeel like we would get the total
inck for that, and for goodreason. Love. This is why y'all

not out here making love, becausey'all want to hold off if you love
me day. Yes, yes,I hold off two days. I absolutely
hold off two days. I do, even if I have an inkling of
like real serious feelings. I don'tknow, but I think there was something
he could have done. But Imean, you really you really expected him
to, like, I don't know, show up with flowers or something.

It didn't even have to be anythingcrazy or big, just like tell me
I'm pretty or something like send mea heart emoji or whatever like so it
could have been super casual. Itwas just absolutely nothing. And I was
like, okay, well, ifyou're trying to impress me, you're not
doing it well. And why arewe jumping immediately to him having some kind
of you know, alternate life,Like why does it immediately go to he

has a girlfriend or a wife.Like maybe I'm just coming from the male
perspective. There is a sensitivity thesedays to people being too AGGRESSI there's is
sensitivity to everything, quite frankly,but I don't know maybe he was afraid
to come off too needy or tooaggressive, or like like he was love
bobbing or whatever. Again, couldhe have said something maybe, But could

he have said something before or afterat least for you to hear nothing.
I don't know, but is itpossible he was just afraid of being too
aggressive. I don't know him.Well, I will because he's here.
I forgot to mention that. Ifeel like Maury, bring him out,
Alicia Wes, what happened here?I mean, what is your He's been
here the whole time. I'm soforgetful. I always always forget that part.

Why no acknowledgement of Valentine's Date fromyour perspective? I mean, I
want to be honest, Fred,I kind of I echoed everything that you
said, which is why I juststay completely silent, which is after the
second date. I had a goodtime, but I just think it's a
weird holiday to try and do somethingspecial or I felt setious if I was

going to try and do something onValentine's Day. Okay, all right,
so look he wasn't. He wasuncomfortable with the holiday. It is kind
of a weird thing when you startdating somebody before, you know, right
before Valentine's Day or right before Christmas. It's like, you know, what
do I do here? How bigdo I go? I don't want to
catch somebody off guard. What ifI show up with a big gift and
you have nothing? What if Itell you I'm super into on Valentine's Day

and you're like, I'm not thereyet. I don't know. I mean
it, Alicia, like we gotto give this guy a break. You
said you liked him aside from that, right, But it's like it's just
the acknowledgment of it, Like ifyou're feeling awkward about it, just say
that, like, hey, thisis usually such an awkward holiday. But
I did want to just say,like I really liked the last two dates
that we had, just something becauselike every you know, you go on

social media and it's just covered inValentine's Day. I would have liked something
of like this person that I'm interestedin to be like, hey, I'm
super awkward about this this day.But I just wanted to say that I'm
thinking about you or something small,right, just like be honest with me.
That's the least he could have doneafter two days. After two days,
yes, Valentine. I got atext from Instagram like a snapchat sent

me a message that said Happy Valentine'sDay. So what would have been somebody
I spent two days with? Couldn'tdo that the text. I see both
sides, but I can also seewhy I was a little premature for you
know, too much acknowledgment of aromantic, loving love related holiday big red
hearts. I mean, you just, Matt we I think you might have

gotten you know, I think youmight have gotten the if I something so
just a simple text is so simple? Have you not been on I know
you have RUF, You've been onthe internet and TikTok because you've every bikini
shot ever you you sent them ared heart now that I know already.
But I just mean, like it'sthe list of its that you see.

I mean, it's like people areicked out by everything. I guess I
would have kind of tried to stayaway from that too after two dates,
but maybe not ignore her completely.But I don't. I don't. Look.
So you heard him, Alicia,that was his justification. What do
you think give him another shot?I think that if I think I just
need somebody that's a little bit morelike upfront and forward with their feelings,
whether it's good, bad, anythingin between. I just need somebody that's

more forward with things. So no, I'm good, Okay, I love
you? Is that cool? It'sa hard one. It's hard. Well
that's going to work, Alicia?Are you into him now? No?
I can't win. But if that'show you truly feel love on people,

it's okay. It's a safe Ido not think that's great advice coming from
the single perspective, but anyway,look, I guess it's not going to
work out. This is kind ofmakes me sad because it sounds like everything
was fine except for this. Butanyway, guys, thank you for your
time. Best of luck to bothof you. Thank you, thank you
for trying showbiz in for Kaitlin.The Entertainment Report is next at one hundred
and fifty bucks. In the showdownagain with Shelley, Damn with Shelley.

That's a lot of Shelley Fred Show
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