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July 6, 2024 • 54 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning, my friends, andwelcome in. It is the Home Improvement
Show of the Midlands on one Othree point five FM and five sixty amwvoc
Hey, it's so good to haveyou along on this fourth of July weekend.
I hope you so far things havegone well for you. Whether you
had to go back to work yesterdaylike we did here, or you're enjoying
a four day weekend, we certainlywish you the best. And of course

it's ridiculously hot as it's going tobe this weekend, y'all, do be
careful out there. I got abusy hour head and of course we'll be
sticking around about ten o'clock this morning. After we wrap up the Home Improvement
show here, we'll get to theHealth and Wellness Show that just after nine
o'clock. But coming up in thishour, we're going to talk about the
heat and how if in any wayit affects the mosquito population around here,

and what you can do about this. Trey Powell of a Musque to Joe
is going to join us coming uphere and this the next fifteen minutes or
less, this heat has an effecton your concrete? What kind of effect?
How bad? Does it affect concreteor is it affected at all.
We'll discuss that with Courtney and ReneeAven from Diamond Concrete Solutions, and we'll
talk about what they're spending a lotof their time doing these days. And

if you've got concrete, you don'thave issues right now, trust me,
sooner or later, probably sooner you'regoing to and they have a whole long
list of remedies for you. Andwe're Diamond Concrete Solutions, so we'll discuss
that. And then mister Electric JeremeryHolliday is going to be in the house
to wrap up the show. Nexthalf hour. We're going to talk to

Jeremy, not knowing so much aboutoh electric stuff today, but about something
else that can keep you safe now. And I should remind you that whenever
they make of is that they doa safety check for you. But we're
going to talk about well smoke detectorsand alarms and how vital they are and
how you may need more than youthink you do in your home or your

business. So that's coming up hereon this the July fourth weekend edition of
the Home Improvement Show of the Midlands, and we thank you for joining us,
who have we not mentioned well,this young lady right here. Hey,
it's summer from Beaver roof you youguttters more in summer. Good morning,
good morning. We are doing great. I hope you are. You
know I can't. I could complain, but I won't. Wait, nobody

would care, because why we allhave our own complaints. Right yeah,
Oh, goodness sake. I hopeyou and AJ and folks are doing well
over there at Beaver Roofi You gutters, we are doing great. We're busy
as we can be. Busy Beaver. That's a good problem with busy beavers.
I see what you did there,Yeah, there you go. I
want to talk a bit about rooftoday. We focused a lot here the

last couple of weeks. I thinkon talking about gutters and such, but
I want to we want to talkall about all the different roofing services you
do. But you know, whenI talk about you during the week on
Columbia's Morning News, we always saythat Beaver Roofing and gutters they can take
care of all of your roofing needs, all of them. Yep, that's
that's exactly right. Apparently there aresome roofing companies who their definition of all

is yeah, you need a roofreplaced, sure, which you guys will
do if it's warranted. That wasone percent. We love replacing roofs,
but you know, it's like yousaid, it's not always warranted. It's
it's not always up let's let's justreplace it. Sometimes if you replace it,

you're still going to have the sameproblems. So you know, you
know, that's what that's what weare. You know, we like to
do. We like to come out, we like to investigate, and you
know, we like to be youradvocate. We're not out here like you
said, just oh yep, let'sjust replace it. That's not always what
needs to happen. And we wantto look out for the homeowner's bus interests
and for their pocket. You know, we're not out there just to get

their money right now. Yeah,okay, so here's the question summer when
your folks head out there, solisten. Sometimes you know this is just
a small something or another this happened. You know, something's leaking around a
roof, boot or maybybe you asa homeowner don't realize what's going on.
We don't typically, but it doesn'tseem like it's a major problem, and

you call a roofing company. Sowhen y'all show up, what is there
a determination? And I know alot of this is driven by insurance companies,
a determination about what what can bejust repaired and what's gonna warrant a
whole roof replacement. Yes, soyou know when we get a phone call,

hey, I have a leak inmy kitchen or in my bathroom or
you know, so those are someidentifiers to us. Okay, in your
kitchen and your bathroom, there arepenetrations through your roof that vent out.
So those are your bathroom fans andyou're you know, you're range fans and
things like that, and that happensvery very often. So you know,

those are just things we're like,Okay, it's probably one of those.
So our are you know technician,he's gonna come out, take a look.
He's gonna get photos and he's gonnacome down. He's going to show
you, hey, this is whyit's leaking into the bathroom. You know,
maybe the ceilant around the pipe bootor you know, that's what they're

called when they come through the roofaround the pipe boots. Has you know,
expanded tract expand contract with this wildcrazy weather that we have in South
Carolina. So it's just as easyas hey, let me go ahead.
I'm gonna reseal all of your pipeboots. I'm gonna make sure that you're
that the ridgement on your home isfastened. So we're just gonna go and

do like a make sure everything isworking, tune it up. At that
point, you know, we've lookedat your shingles. We don't see any
hail damage, we don't see anywind damage, we don't see any huge
granule loss. Overall, your roofis in great help. Let's just go
ahead and steal up these little thingsand you'll be good as new. Now,

sometimes there's an issue where maybe we'vehad a storm, a tree limb
falls on your roof. Next thingyou know, you got water on your
house. You go out as ahomeowner and you look at your roof and
you say, oh, my goodness, it's poked a hole on my roof.
That doesn't that doesn't require a replacement, not necessarily does it mean?
It does not, you know,and it does not require a full replacement.

And a lot of times, youknow, oh, it's easy to
say, oh yeah, we'll justfind falling insurance claim, Well, you
don't know what the homeowner's deductible isthere. You know, deductibles range from
five hundred to five thousand dollars,and that replacing that area, you know,
we would where there the hole is, it wouldn't necessarily cost the deductible.

So it's not like I said,we're not going to say, oh,
yeah, we need to replace thewhole thing and this it's not worth
all of that. No, becausea lot of times the insurance company will
say, oh, it's located righthere, there's no other damage on the
roof. We're not gonna We're notgonna cover the whole house. You know,
we don't need to pull in areplacement, so we'll come in,

we'll make the repairs and just dowhat needs to be done to get the
roof back in good condition. Doyou come up and when we do that,
you know, we take into effectof your existing shingles. We match
as close as possible to those shinglesto make it look aesthetically nice, pleasing.
We're not gonna if you have abrown roof, We're not gonna throw

black shingles on any call of aday. No, you know, we're
gonna make sure that it looks nice, it works like it's supposed to,
and we're all happy when it comesto the insurance part of this. All
right, So let's move to tothis part of it. Let's say you're
needing to do a roof replacement.When that happens, so somebody's got a

leg, they give you guys acall. Your technicians come out, they
take a look, and they say, you know, maybe you are doing
new roof here. Yep. Nowthe insurance company gets involved, and one
of the things you guys pride yourselvesin is to be the homeowner's advocate in
dealing with the insurance company. So, you know, the insurance companies,

they're in it for them. Theywant to pay as little out of pocket
as they positively can. That's justthe business. I'm not talking bad about
insurance companies, but it's where theymake their money. That's just the fact
of the matter. That's how itis. So, you know, there
are a lot of different things.So sometimes the you know, the homeowner

will call the insurance company, they'llsend somebody out and they'll say, well,
we don't really see enough damage.Well, that's why we like to
be there when that adjuster comes out, we can point out all of the
things that we've seen during our ownie. She'll visit whether it be folded back
shingles from wind and or if it'sthe you know, the little dimples in
the in the shingles from hail.So when we get up there, there

are a lot of different things thatour technicians are looking for. They're seeing
and it's not just like, oh, here's one folded shingle on the back,
we need a new roof, no, because that's that's just not how
it happens. How do folks reachyou? So Beaver Roofing and Gutters eight
oh three nine nine to one roofsgive us a call, easy enough,

that's seven six six three. Andoh, by the way, you want
people to do some homework and someresearch, ah wad to check us out.
Do your own homework. Check usout on Google, look at the
reviews, check out our Facebook reviews, and you know, I think you'll
like what you see. That's whatwe're here. We're here for customer service.
This is our community. We wantour community to be happy. We
want to be happy. So absolutelyexcellent. Check us out. All right,

Simmer, thank you so much.Have yourself a good weekend. Woo
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you name it. Lifetime Cabinets andCountertops Fernandina Road in Columbia, Chapin Road
in Chapin and online at Lifetime Cabinetssc dot com. Hey, we're back

on the Home Improvement Show with theMidlands and thanks for joining us this morning.
I am one of three point fiveFM and five sixty AMWVOS. I'll
get it all split out here ina second. Hey, Trey Powell,
now from Mosquito Joe, is joiningthe program. Good morning, Tray and
happy fourth at July weekend to you, buddy, Hey, good morning.
How are you. I'm doing wellman, just like everybody else you know,

dealing with the heat. Right,it's the fourth of July weekend or
was it last weekend. I'm reallyconfused. Well that that has been a
little confusing for some people. Thisis well for those enjoying a four day
weekend, it's this weekend, right, that's right, that's right. They
but they had all the fireworks lastweekend. Boy, people started early,
didn't they. Wow? Yeah,I think the one they do over Lake

Murray. They always do them aSaturday before on a Thursday. It's kind
of seems like a week ahead.Yeah. Yeah, kind of weird,
isn't it. Yeah? Well,uh, man, the heat, Uh
what if any effect has this hadon the mosquito population around here? Does
heat have an effect? Well,you know, they love the heat for

sure, and it really will dependon how much rain you get, you
know, during that time. WeIt's been a very interesting because normally when
we have it, you know,when it gets super hot, you know,
high eighties and nineties, very highhumidity, we get those afternoon thunderstorms.
And you know, this spring wasvery very wet. I mean,

it's the mosquito population is is ata very high level because of all the
rain that we had the spring.But here in the last few weeks we
did have almost a little bit ofa drought, at least in some areas.
You know, we could see hereand watch it. You know,
it was raining like crazy on oneside of the lake and and not raining

at all on the other and uh, you know, we'd have a storm
pop up and go, you know, right around us, and so some
some places didn't get any rain.I know, our grass was as dry
as can be. We were runningour sprinkler like crazy, where earlier in
the season we didn't have to runit at all because it was raining so
much. So, Uh, that'sjust one of those things to watch out

for, is you know, whenit's when it's raining a lot, you
got to make sure that your tipand tossing all the little man made containers
that will hold water in your yard, trash cans, buckets, wheelbarrows and
all that sort of thing, becausethey become ideal breeding spots. But when
you have a little bit of adrought that will slow them down. Some

of those breeding areas will dry upand those eggs will stop hatching at least
until it gets wet again. Andas soon as they get wet and they
they will hatch. Okay, sothey can't actually dry out. I mean,
if we went through an extended periodof drought, those eggs will survive.
And even though they're not in water, is that right, That is

correct, they just go they justkind of incubate and you I mean,
honestly, they'll incubate up to fiveyears until the conditions are right. But
you know, when you do havea little bit of a drought in the
summertime, you know, that doesslow them down a little bit in the
areas that are that are really youknow, really down. Now, one
of the things that you'll that thatwill happen is you know they'll find standing

water way back in a storm drainthat's sitting and shaded and that never dries
out, and you know they'll startbreeding in those areas. You know,
but uh, you know, yeah, it can. It's it's a little
bit spotty, can have a littlebit of an effect. But you know,
we don't go long at all withoutrain around here. Yeah, if

I got this correct. Now,the ones those eggs are laid, as
you mentioned, they can they canlast because for five years if they had
to and survive that. But oncethey're born during drought periods of time,
mosquitoes will lay eggs in dry areaswhere they know water will be. You
know, they they might lay eggsin a dry bird bath, for example,

knowing that as soon as it rains, they'll be wet and they'll hatch
pretty small. So if they can'tfind water to lay their eggs, they'll
lay them you know, where theyknow water will be okay, but once
but once they're born, they don'tlast long, do they. I mean
the typical lifespan up of mosquitoes.Yeah, the species that we have around
here. You know, male mosquitomight last you know, ten days to

two weeks, where a female laststwice that long, four to six weeks.
Okay, So I guess my ideahere is that let's say we went
through a period of six eight weeksof really no rain at all. What
just happened? You know, Imean you get here or there, but
for the most part, I mean, so, is it plausible that an
area like this, that if wewent that long without rain, that you

could actually see the mosquito population almostdisappear for a brief period of time before
the new ones hatched. Yeah.I wouldn't say it would disappear, But
the pressure can come down from youknow, like a ten out of ten,
which is where it is now,you know, to a five out
of ten or a three out often. I mean, the the population

will decrease, which brings the pressureof mosquitoes down. But you know there's
always little places you know that theywill find that they can can hatch,
and you know some some places willbe more you know, will be more
effective than others. It depends onyou know, you have storm drains,

you have you know, irrigation ditchesthat don't completely dry out near you,
and you know it's it's all aboutstaining water, right. Yeah. I
don't know if you happen to catchthis or not. It was an article
in the state newspaper last week andit was a a there was some outside
outfit I think they picked it up, but it was talking about the most

mosquito infested cities in the country,and when it came to it was kind
of surprising when it came to SouthCarolina. Of the top I don't know,
thirty or forty or whatever some outfitcompiled, the only one to make
the list was Greenville at number twentynine in the country. Now, I
got a couple of questions here,number one Greenville. You would think that

in a state like South Carolina,it'd be more of the coast Larries maybe,
or the Midlands maybe more so thanGreenland. Does that make any sense
to you? At all. Soyou know, I've seen some studies like
that before, and you know,sometimes those things are pulled from big,
big companies like like termin X andwhere they do the most number of mosquito

treatments. Okay, so maybe it'smore population based than anything else. It
really is. I mean because theyyou know, I saw one one time
where they said LA is the worst. Well that's just not true, right,
because that's what Yeah, this matterof fact, this was an orcan
who did this? Yeah, topten most infested US cities LA, New
York, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, Houston, d C, Philadelphia.

There's kind of a thing there,isn't it. Those are the biggest cities
of the country. That is surelybased on population and the number of people
that are getting treatments. Yeah,you know, and so forth that that
that probably has nothing to do withthe actual population because you know, there
are places like Columbia, South Carolinaand Nashville that you know, don't have

the population for capita, but weprobably have the same number of mosquito.
Yeah right, I'm tearing this reportup right now as we speak, because
that's just just hang, I'll takeit. Okay, that's bunk. All
right, Yeah, that looked really, really weird to me when I saw

that. So let's talk about whatto do about it. And now before
we do, though, Trey,Uh, what's up with the dingay fever
thing? Is? It seems likeI'm hearing that that's getting worse in some
spots. Yeah. I mean we'vehad such a wet spring that the population
is higher than normal for mosquitoes.And anytime that happens, you you will
see some of these diseases where theirugly head. Then gay fever just happens

to be the one which is youknow, comes from you know, that
species of mosquito that carries it isyou know is where those those pop you
know, those cases will pop up. Last year, we had malaria pop
up for the first time in twentyyears here in Florida and in Texas.
You know, we had a zekeaoutbreak a few few years ago, and

it's that that stuff generally will ebband flow with the population of mosquitoes,
and when they kind of get outof hand is generally when you see those
sorts of things popping up. Sothen gay fever is the is the pick
of the litter this year. Yeah, it seems like i've but now I
think you've told me before. Themost prevalent mosquito around here is not a

carrier of that. Is that right? You know what I'm I don't know
right off the top of my head, because that is more of a little
bit more of a rare one likea chicagonia or something like that that you
know, I know, zeca virusis the one that is mostly carried in
West Nile. Virus. Yeah,carried by the mosquitos that we have.
We do have the mosquito that wouldcarry malaria, but it's it's much less

than the ones that we have.Most of the time. It's the fall
when those those mosquitoes start coming out. And are we hearing anything about you
know, any municipal spring which isdifferent from what you do, by the
way, explain why that is.Well, they're they're treating large areas that
where the population of mosquitoes has becometoo high. And you know they've been

doing that for one hundred years.They do it in a lot of different
ways that you know, everyone hasseen the trucks that spray going down the
street. You know, they doa lot of that stuff in the in
the middle of the night. Theydo a lot of big larva siding of
low lying areas that that have lotsand lots of standing water. They do
that by aircraft. You know,they're they're really in the in the in

the business of public health and tryingto keep the mosquito population down to where
we don't have widespread outbreaks of youknow, dentate fever or West Nile virus
or any of those things. Andyou know, fortunately in the United States,
because of that, we really don'thave tons and tons of cases.
The few that we have or arevery you know thing, it's not something

to be terrified of, like ifyou were in a third world country where
it's very prevalent, and mosquitoes arethe deadliest thing on the planet by by
many many times they're they're by farthe deadliest thing on the planet. And
but most of those deaths are nothappening in the United States because we have
the municipalities now that doesn't keep itso low that you can just cook out

in your backyard and never worry aboutmosquitos. I mean that's where mosquito jokes
come. We yeah, we makeoutside the fun again by by going into
your backyard and trying to eliminate themto zero. They're not trying to eliminate
them to zero. We you know, we we are doing that on a
on a very small area like abackyard for somebody who wants to enjoy their

backyard. They are doing it overyou know, an entire municipality to try
and target areas that are prone tobe very very bad for mosquitos, so
that so that we stay healthy.Well, let me I tell you from
from experience with you guys, whatyou say you do, you do very
well. And I appreciate that wegot to I appreciate that. Thank you

over the house this past thursday.I love the boys, and yeah it
was it was a mosquito free allright. So, folks who want to
try your service, what do theyneed to do tray? Well, we
have the first time treatment is onlythirty nine dollars, which is below cost.
After that, each treatment after thatis will be a little bit more
based on the size of the property. But we want you to try it

and see how well it works.There's never a contract with Mosquito Joe.
It is a reoccurring service, butno contracts. And to get more information,
just go to Mosquitojoe dot com,or you can just call us at
eight five five Ask a Joe,eight five to five, Ask a Joe,
and that'll direct you to either ourColumbia office or our office over here

in Lexington, Skeita Joe. Makean outside fun again, all right?
Thank you, Troy. Having goodweekend, buddy. Thank you. Happy
Fourth of July. When your powergoes out, there's not a lot to
do, but you can call misterElectric with priority dispatching. One of our
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mister Electric dot com Forward slash Columbia. Hey, we welcome you up back

to the Home Improvement Show of theMidlands on this July fourth weekend, and
hope it's been a good one foryou so far. Good to have you
with us this morning. I'm GaryDavid here on one O three point five
FM and five sixty AM w VOCand now joined by Courtney and Renee Avan
who are spending their July fourth weekendcoming in and talking to us. Hey,
Hey, how's it going. Hey, y'all doing very good. I

don't feel like i've seen the twoof you together in here in quite self
done a while, Yeah, yeah, yeah, busy, busy, Albin
hoppin and uh well, you don'teven bother the look at the forecast today
in Aura with this heat, it'sjust unbelievable. This is that time of
the year we talked about this lastyear. You get to a certain time

because of what you do with theproducts that you use and for the solutions
you provide. For concrete, it'sdifficult, of not impossible to work outside
right now, isn't it. Yeah, you know, we try to around
that July August time of the year, we try to do as much indoor
work as we can just to keepour guys safe number one. But also
the products, you know, theyset up and get hard very quickly in

this kind of weather, and sothe installed time is really limited when we
have this kind of heat, forwhether or not the products are going to
perform and if we have enough timeto kind of get everything down and properly
adhered. So I am curious becauseI think I think, you know,
we lay folks, and we've allgot concrete of some sort, and some

more than others. But you know, we just I think we we operate
in the misconception that, you know, concrete is really hard, durable,
hard to mess it up material.But it's not. No, it's not.
But heat like this, what effectdoes that have on concrete surfaces?
Is there one? Well? Thinkabout that though, the concrete when it

sits in the sun like this wasone hundred degrees, the concrete is between
one hundred and forty and one hundredand fifty degrees, so it really expands
pretty much and it's not really goodfor the concrete getting that hot. But
if you imagine all guys work onehundred and forty degrees floors, the reflection

is really really crazy and the materialjust dries on them in minutes. So
that makes it very difficult to workon the outside. So we're really trying
to avoid this as good as wecan start a little bit earlier to keep
this a little bit cooler, butit's it warms up so fast. I
mean, think about we have likeeighty degrees at night. Sure, so

yeah, so it's really really hot. Yeah, so that's what we're facing
right now. But I'm guessing ifyou have cracks in your concrete right now,
this kind of heat is I'm guessinggonna make it worse. Probably,
I mean it could, but notnecessard. I think the winter time is
more crazy when it's really wet,when it starts freezing waters and you're concrete
and expense and that's when it reallyfreezing water. So right now, I

think the biggest problem everyone faces isreally the heat on that concrete, just
working on that surface. But also, you know, we try to start
earlier or do things when when it'scooler. The problem with starting earlier is
there's still a lot of science behindwhat we do. And so there's a
due point that comes into factor withwhether or not you can start to lay

materials, wet materials down. Sothe dew point if it is not significantly
you know, five degrees or moredifferent from the actual air temperature, which
in the morning, it's never inthe morning. In the summer, with
the humidity and thede point, it'salways about two to three degrees different from
the air temperature, and so youhave to wait for that to burn off
and to clear up some before youcan actually start. Otherwise again you're going

to have an issue. So sometimesfolks are like, well, wow,
I thought you would start so muchsooner. Well, we would love to
start sooner sometimes, but we can'tbecause of the dew point. So well,
yeah, I mean, you know, you can't go in there and
do something, turn around and doit all over it. Yes, yeah,
not only inconvenient for you, butinconvenient for your customer as well.
Yes, So there is there issome science, there is some weather behind
what we do, and so we'veyou know, figured out the best way

of operating to you know, makesure all those parameters are met correctly so
that what we're doing goes down theright way the first time, and sometimes
the conditions are not right for itoutdoors, and so we've got to do
other indoor jobs while we can basedon those factors. So you all busy
working inside right now. And again, a lot of times you think about

well concrete, you think about drivewaysand patios and pull decks and such.
But there are plenty of application andmore and more these days people with concrete
inside the home. Certainly businesses.Yeah, yeah, I think we see
a swift coming from to polishing floorsversus like lemonade or something like that.

So it's like kind of shifting herein this direction where people enjoy seeing their
concrete in a very cool look.It could be metallic floors, it could
be just grind and seal the flooror really polishing the floor. So this
is definitely something what we see inresidential more and commercial. It's a very

standard thing. Yeah, well let'stalk let's let's talk about a couple of
those things, because you know Renementioned, you know, grinding or ceiling
or staining or polishing. I mean, these are all different things you can
do, right, Yes, Soone of the benefits with staining and ceiling
or polishing and ceiling is. Oncethose floors are finished, they are beautiful

and they're very sort of got that, you know, I guess modern chic
look to them. Area rugs godown, you know, to help with
sound or for comfort, but they'revery easy to keep clean. So for
residential they're becoming more and more Iguess desirable because not only is the esthetic
is pleasing, the materials are longlasting, and they are priced comparable to

you know, real wood or stoneor anything like that, which is more
of a traditionally hardwood floors, traditionalflooring even you know, comparable pricing with
you know, some of the artificialflooring that's out there. And then once
they're installed, they're very long lastingand they're easy to keep maintained so and
you can really dress them up andmake them really stylish and fashionable. So

yeah, that's that's trending more andmore in residential, even whole homes.
The barn dominiums. We've got oneon the books right now for a big
four thousand square foot home where theywant the whole thing polished. Wow,
and so concrete floor throughout this homeabsolutely, I mean, then that's going
to be you know, I don'twant to be the one sweeping it.

But it is really easy to keepclean and it's beautiful. So it's a
great way to treat your floors withone floor type of covering, I guess,
and then you can change it fromroom to room based on your design
in each room. But it reallyis a very affordable, long lasting,
and fashionable looking option. So theoverlays, of course, you can use.

But then you're just talking about let'sjust stay. You could go in
there and polish and stain each rooma slightly different hue. Yeah. Yeah,
So with polishing you have like adie application, which is pretty much
the same thing as a stain.The polishing densifies the floor and makes it
stronger as well. But yeah,you can do really any color that you
want, and you could do differentcolors throughout the rooms. I mean,

a threshold helps to have that transition. Some people they do all one color,
but based on the windows and thelighting and the wall color and the
decoration, it really does change theactual look and feel of the floor,
even if it is just the samecolor, based on how they decorate.
So well, so I'm curious now, Rene, So it's a four thousand

square foot home on the books,it's all concrete flooring. Yeah, and
this will all be you're doing all. This will be the polishing of these
floors, right, there's not theoverlayser doing it. Right. So a
project like that, I mean,how long does that take your guys to
do well? It? Really it'sa kind of an extreme one. I
mean, yeah, it's a littlebit extreme, but it really depends on
how many rooms you have, howmuch hent preparation is necessary. If it's

an open space, it makes itvery very easy because they just run and
they just have to do those fourareas to grind for the corners. But
if it has way more rooms,it will take longer. But I would
say, like depends on how manyteam members we sent in a week week

okay, yeah, and once it'sdone, how long until this homeowner can
be back on that suit immediately?So yeah, so that's once they're done,
they can go back on that floor. Yeah. And that's really kind
of the case with with a lotof what you do. Because we've talked
about this before. I mean backof the old days, we'll go back,
back, back, back back.You only had really one option that

was to start all over again.Yeah, rip it out and start over,
rip it and replace it, whichis very expensive. So not just
ripping it out, but replacing concrete. It's very expensive, uh these days,
and of course that's why companies likeus exist to have a cheaper option

to maintain the floor you already haveand in ripping it out and repooring it.
I mean, depending on what usingthat service for, it can take
a long long time before you ifyou if it's a garage or a driveway,
I mean you can't just go driveyour car over there now. It
is not immediately. Yeah, andeven with overlays, like if you have
a metallic marble floor that takes longerto cure, we do recommend you stay

off of that for a little bitlonger before you move back in. But
with staining or polishing, you youknow, once the install is complete,
I mean within what twenty four hours, you can be back on that floor
if you need to. So it'sa really functional way to improve the concrete
that you have and make it beautifulagain and long lasting and get right back
in there. And it strengthens thesurface, yes, but how does it

make it easier to keep up,keep keep it clean, what's what's happening
there. So once once the flooris densified, it really closes all the
pores. And now when the porestaclosed, it makes it very easy to
maintain that flow and then you candecide if you want a really shiny floor.
It's and all you have to dois mic with five by the floor.

Yeah, that's really good. Wellthose are handy, aren't they.
Yeah. It just glides right acrossand takes any dust or dirt up.
And you know, if you spillsomething, we do recommend that you try
to clean, you know, wetstuff up quickly and not just leave it
there in terms, you know,for for a long time. But that's
the same thing with hardwoods or evenluxury vinyl plank as well tile too.

So but no, it's it's easyto keep clean because that that top seiler
really protects it. Well. Thedentification closes the pores and then the top
seiler. You know, anything thatgoes or falls or you know, dust
that accumulates dog hair, what haveyou, pet hair, it just wipes
up. It's just very very easyto vacuum or wipe it. Microfiber it

sweep it, what have you.You don't need any fancy materials to clean
with. You know, we dorecommend because top seilers they take the hardest
beating over time of just every daywe're in tear, we do recommend that
you clean it with something mild,even if it's an antibacterial or antime microbial.
Something without a lot of either citrusor bleach is obviously something to stay

away from anything for anything, right, It's not good for any type of
a floor covering, much less concreteor a top sealer. But you know,
simple things like dawn soap or avinegar based cleaner or something like that
are great for just easy, affordableways to keep your floors clean. Once
you've done that process. As wealways say, I mean this is some
one of these things you have tosee to believe, and you can go

to your website, I know,at Diamondconcrete Solutions dot com. But if
you want to come out and actuallyi mean kick the tires, right to
make an appointment to come out andkick the tire. Yeah, absolutely,
Yeah, We're really really blessed tohave the space that we've got here.
It's one of the only businesses withwhat we do in the area where you
can come and see actual examples onour concrete floors of the different types of
floor coverings we do for the concretesurfaces. And so we've got large pieces

that we've created, either on aboard that you can take back home with
you and lay down and take alook, or we've actually got you know,
the entire ware house floor itself.Gosh, I don't know, between
twelve and twenty different types of floorson our actual floors in sections where you
can come kick those tires. Allright, So learn more about this again

the website Diamondconcrete Solutions dot com.And I've almost stopped giving out phone numbers
because people don't remember phone numbers anymore, but you can remember Diamondconcrete Solutions dot
com. But just for grins,what's the phone numb Yeah, it's eight
oh three seven five nine eight twoeight nine. Give us a call,
make an appointment to come see thefloors if you'd like to. We're happy
to come out to you and bringsamples, right all right, Courtney and
Rene event always good to see toboth of you. Thanks to mind and

you get the July fourth short ontoo. I just noticed that. Yeah,
we're still rocking it, all right, you'll have a great weekend too.
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nine eight two eight nine. Giveyour property a new lease on life with
Diamond Concrete Solutions. Hey, we'reback already the final segment of the home
improvement show The Middlins this Saturday morning, and we appreciate you joining us as

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there forever. Hey, it's missedelectric Stepping up to the microphone, Jeremy
Holliday, Good to see you,buddy. How are you man? Good
to see you, Gary doing great. We want to talk about well,
keeping safe today. That's what youknow. Really when we talk about electricity,
A lot of what we talk aboutis keeping safe. Right, that's
right. A lot of things cango wrong, especially if you try to

go it on your own. Butbut today, keeping safe as far as
smoke detectors are concerned. Yes,all right, you're an electrician. You
know the issues that can come up. And I don't know what the stats
are on this, Jeremy, butyou know when there's a when there's a
fire and something happens and something catchesfow, I'm guessing that a fair amount

of time there's some sort of anelectrical issue. It's cause a well,
could be any kind of issue.You know, somebody can be smoking in
bed or whatever's right. But butbut certainly electricity you can can can be
achieved. Contributor to Yes, electricity. You want, you want to.
You want a good installation. Youwant your electrical to be functioning properly.
You want all the safety devices inplace. But on top of that,

smoke detectors are going to protect youfrom fires that are caused uh by other
things in the home. You know. And we're about play old regular you
know, sticking up on the wall. Put a cold battery in a smoke
detector right well there? Or dowe need something more or are there better
things available? Yes? Yes,when it comes to picking out the right
smoke detector for your needs, uh, it's better to go with one that's

uh you know, been approved byuh testing laboratory. You recognize that's right,
you listed you want to? Youknow, you have things like ten
year batteries now in smoke detectives,smoke alarms, and what's more, what's
more irritating waking up on us Saturdaymorning because there's this deep yeah right under,

change the battery, get your ladderout and get up there and deal
with something that you may not befamiliar with. That I get it put
back up properly? Is it goingto fall? You know, I live
in a house. One time welive in a home that the one in
the room over. We had ahuge room over and it was they placed
it up high. But the onlyyou get to it was to have to

place a ladder on the steps toget right. Genius. But anyway,
they couldn't have to deal with thatproblem anymore. But so it got ten
year batteries and I did not knowthat. Yes, now, is that
can you buy those first? Whatyou may already have or is that a
special smoke detector that comes with aten year battery? Well you can buy

them, you can, Yes,you can go to the local hardware store
and purchase a ten year battery smokealarm. Absolutely, the ones we do
list now, Yeah, we carrythem on our vans. You know,
mister electric can come out and giveyou turn key service. We have smoke
detectors, well, smoke alarms,that's the true terminology form smoke alarms,

and they're multi criteria so they usedifferent technology to detect smoke or fires,
and those are the more they're they'rethe they're the recommended type of smoke alarm
to give you a better response rate, so it's going to give you less
nuisance alarms. But they also havea ten year battery. So you know,

I feel dumb because I thought Ismoke alarms of smoke alarm, but
apparently that's not necessarily truth. No. They they've advanced, like everything else,
you know, so quick to change. The technology they have the way
they detect smoke or fire. There'sa photoelectric and ionization technology. And what

that does is it's detecting if it'san open flame or a smoldering fire.
Really yep, and they have youknow, little microchips in them. Now
can can can check double check itselfand make sure, Hey, is this
really something that I need to bealarming about? And uh, is there
one particular type or one that hasparticular functions or even a brand for that

matter, that that you and yourexperience have found is the best to have
if the one we like, youknow, it's a matter of opinion.
But the one that we install actuallyuh was on consumer reports for being a
very good uh smoke smoke alarm.And it's made by a company called you

know U s I U s I. You know, I'm not here for
us I, but you to saythat is just what you like I did.
Okay, Now, what's what's thecost of one of these things here.
You know, when we get thecost, I don't have them in
the top of my head. Uh, I'm sorry. I mean, is
it that that much more expensive thansay the one you just go pick up

at Walmart or something. They're alittle more spendye for the for the alarm
itself. You know, there's it'sit's a variety of different prices for different
smoke alarms of Uh. As faras what we purchase them for, I
don't. I don't have that information. But what we're not talking about one

hundreds and hundreds of dollars? No, is there when it comes to where
these alarms are located in the home. I mean, is there a science
to that or is it just whereverthe builder put it when they build a
house. There is a science toit. They're they're you know, the
way smoke flows through your home,the way the way smoke rises in certain

uh circumstances. You know, ifyou if you put a smoke detector or
a smoke alarm, if you wantto say smoke detective, that smoke alarm
next to smoke detector. Anyway,what you say next to a vent,
you know, that's moving air.You may have problems. So there's a
distance you should be away from thoseareas are in takes returns. You should

ceiling fans, exhaust fans, bathrooms. You need to be a certain distance
away from different areas just based onthe environment that they're going to be exposed
to to not confuse them. Sothey need to be certain heights. They're
always up high. Yeah, asa reason for that igains. That's right.

So if if you have a reallyhigh vaulted ceiling, you may wonder
why they put a smoke detector youso far up there you can't get to
it, But there's a reason forthat, and it's normally because that smoke
is going to rise to the ceilingbefore it starts filling up the house,
and so it'll be running across thetop of the ceiling. You know,
they always tell you to get downon the floor and crawl out of a

fire, so you can hopefully stayout of the smoke, because that's the
clearest areas, closer to the floor. So the ceiling is the most contaminated
area with smoke, and so that'swhy they put them in the highest in
the highest points of the home,because that's where the smoke's gonna go.
Is there a rule as to howmany you need to have in a home?

I guess based on the square footageof the home. Is there a
good rule of thumb for that?Yeah, it's a you know, every
third you have a two story house, you're gonna need one up and down.
Yeah, one on every level.A smoke detector in every bedroom,
a smoke detector outside the vicinity ofevery bedroom. So a certain footage really
radius, yes, and then youknow common areas. If I remember correctly,

the radius is thirty foot. Soif you have a smoke detector down
there and the area is greater thanthirty foot, now you need to outside
that radius. You need to addanother one. Well, let's say I
don't know, let's say a twothousand square foot home. They're all laid
out differently, of course, maybea different number of rooms and such.
But I mean, how many smokedetectors are we alarms? Are we talking

about in your average two thousand squarefoot home? You know, i'd say
about six or seven? Really thatmany? Oh? Yeah, And I'm
going to guess that most people don'thave that many. No, No,
I know, I don't. Nope, that's the code. Like we talked
about before on the show is updatedevery three years, and they find you
know, you know, they theytake data and they find out, you

know, you want one in multiplein multiple locations because you also want them
to be interconnected. And what thatdoes is if a fire happens on one
side of the house and you're onthe other side of the house, all
those smoke detectors are going to gooff. Rather than the smoke detector getting
to where the one rather than thesmoke getting to the one smoke alarm that

you have in the home, halfof the house could be a blaze at
that point, you see what I'msaying. Yeah, And how is how
does that work that they're interconnected?Is that through an app or something or
the wire? How does that work? The best system is a hard wired
system, and there's a communication wirethat runs in between them, all of
them, and they're and and theycommunicate with each other. So when one

goes off, they're all going togo off and give you a better response
time. Wow. Okay, yeah, so more than likely. Unless your
home was just built in the lastyear or two three, maybe, then
chances are probably pretty good that atleast a code you don't have enough of
these in your home right now.Absolutely? Wow, who knew? Well,

you know, that's why we dothe safety check. That's one of
the reasons. Let's talk about that. Yes, so we go, when
we come out to your house,we'll do a safety check on the electrical
system and give you an idea howyou can make your system safer because of
the all the new safety devices thatwe have coming out that make your electrical

system a lot safer for you.And you know that's one of the most
dangerous systems in your house. Iput that next to gas. You know,
is electricity flowing through your walls everywherethroughout your home and you want to
make sure it's maintained properly and thatyou have all the safety devices in place
that can help protect you. I'mjust gonna bet that every time you do

one of these things, it's areal eye opener for the home or business
owner. It enlightens them a greatdeal, really does. Wow. While
we're on the topic of co twodetectors also something, so you ought to
have yes, best placement for those? We have one in our bedroom because

it's like, okay, we wouldseem that that would be you know,
if you were asleep. That's whenyou really of course it's odorless, right.
COEO two is odorless, so right, silent killer. Yeah, I
guess maybe multiple CO two detectors ina home two would be the best idea.
Yeah, you definitely want one onevery level. Okay, if you
have a garage it's attached to yourhome, and you don't have any gas

on your home, you still wantto have COEO detectors on every level.
One on every level at least minimum, and then one where that door accesses
the house on the garage, onthe garage. That makes sense. Yeah,
yeah, so that's just for ifyou leave left left your car running
and the garage door shut, yougot you know, carbon monoxide entering into
the home exactly. And so uhand then if you have gas on the

home, you definitely want to haveyour carbon monoxide detectors. The ones the
brand we install, uh, likeI said, uh, they have we
have a three in one that detectssmoke, fire, and carbon. Well
that we can do it all inone unit. And yeah, so uh,

multi criteria type are the best ones, man, and and the ones
we install have a ten year batteryand so uh and then when we talk
about the cost of them. Youknow, it's a fair price for everybody,
and especially when you consider the statisticsthat you find the alternative not having

them. Yeah, if you goto the National Fire Protection Association website you
can get a lot of information onthere. I think it is if I
remember correctly, three of five firedesks happen in homes with either no smoke
alarms or no working smoke alarm.Right, yeah, year about that all
the time. Unfortunately. Yeah,Jeremy Holiday, he is mister Electric around

these parts. Get ahold of them. Whether it's a safety check or you
have an electrical need, they cancertainly take care of you. How do
folks reach Jeremy? You can reachus at eight zero three eight six eight
four two four three or go toour website mister Electric dot com forward slash
Columbia. All right, good tosee you, Boddy, Good to see
you. Hi. This is GaryDavid. You've heard me talk for years

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