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April 23, 2024 3 mins
We spoke with Derek Jones, President of DK Movement Cares, about their 5K to benefit the Special Olympics Connecticut/Bristol on Saturday, August 24th.
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Hi, our communities. Thank youso much for listening as we welcome via
our hotline. Derek Jones is thepresident of the DK Movement Cares organization.
So Derek, thank you for beinghere. Yeah, thank you so much,
Renee for having me on. Iappreciate it absolutely so. First and
foremost, tell our audience what isthe DK Movement. Yeah. DK Movement
actually started last year and a littlebit before that. We had a clothing

company and we just turned it intoour passion where we just like to help
individuals, whether through mentorship or whetherit's through exercise or just helping our specialties
that help other nonprofits raise money fortheir special cause. And how can we
get more information about DK Movement Cares. You can go right to our website
dkmovementcares dot org. All the informationis there, or you can call myself

or you can call Kelly. Ourphone number is eight six h nine four
zero four four six eight. I'mactually the president of DK movemccares, so
I will pick up the phone.Well, thank you very much for that.
Your door or phone is always openand all right now, I know
you like to help a lot ofcharity, specifically special Olympics Connecticut. But
are there other charities that you workwith or things that you'd like to maybe

share with our audience, So justto get an idea of how you help
and what your outreaches into the community. Yeah, for us, our direct
clause is actually Bristol Special Olympics.It's the actual the towns that we try
to help the much smaller. Butwe've also done food drives where we've helped
out local food pantries, churches.I'm big into helping those are just in

need, whether it's to get themthe additional clothing they need or helping young
youth. I do a lot ofmentorship and going to help them too.
So we like all the trying yourorganization. All right, Well, now
you are going to get people movingbecause your second annual DK Movement Cares five
K run is happening on Saturday,August twenty fourth, So we are giving
people enough time to train and getready. Right, no excuses, Derek,

Right, definitely, no escases.But here's here's the thing. I'm
actively training myself. But you don'teven have to run it a walk too.
Oh okay, so no pressure oneone, no, no no pressure
pressure. We love it to forThis is going to take place Saturday,
August twenty fourth at the Bridge CommunityChurch. Why don't you tell everybody who's
listening how they can be a partof it, what it's going to go

for, all of the details andhow to register. Yeah, it's fantastic
again. You can go to dtblemake Cares theregister dot org, or you
can, like I said, youcan reach out to myself, Derek Jones
at A six nine four zero fourfour six eight. It's pretty simple.
Just go on enter your information.There's going to be a lot of activities
there. We'll have food trucks.We're also going to have some face painting

for the kids, so a littlefun zone, and then we're going to
have a walk. The proceeds willgo back to the Bristol Special Olympics.
Last year we were able to raiseabout eleven thousand dollars and fifty five hundred
of it went to the Bristol SpecialOlympics maid for their full bowling and bowling
shirts. So this year we wantto raise at least fifty thousand dollars and
that would pay for their whole entireseason. Oh isn't that wonderful? Okay,

So what is the second annual DKMovement Cares five k run Saturday August
fourth at Bridge Community Church. Thisis going to be on School Street in
Bristol. Check and begins at sevenam. Race starts at nine a m.
You want people to register, soyou're going to go online. We'll
have all the links live. Ofcourse, could people if they wanted to
Derek show up day of Oh absolutelyyes, We'll take registration all the way

up to eight o'clock eight am.So we've done it. Last year we
had over two hundred and I thinktwenty five people there walkers and runners and
we registered right up to about ahalf hour before the race start. Great,
great, great, So you cango to Dkmovementcars dot org if you
want to preregister also to get moreinformation about DK Movement and again you could
even show update of so save thedate Saturday August twenty fourth. Get all

the details at Dkmovementcaars dot org.Derek, it was a pleasure to have
you on IR Communities. Yeah,thank you so much. Row You have
a great day.
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