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July 17, 2024 24 mins
Violence is threatened by a listener when Jubal lets him know that his $50,000 jacket was damaged from a wine spill on his Tinder date in an all new Jubal Phone Prank. A listener thinks his wife is cheating on him with a contractor that is working on their house in a new To Catch a Cheater and another listener is calling on the Jubal Show's help in a new First Date Follow Up after she bailed on their date because her dog was sick. 
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It's another jubile phone prank weekday morningson the twenties only on the New ninety
six one. Now, oh hi, this is Trevor calling from Dray Cleaning.
Is this Shane? Yeah, thisis Shane. Is my jacket?

Sonum? So that's why I'm callingyou because like you had that really cool
jacket in here for us to dryclean. Okay, what is it ready?
So it's gonna be like a lotlonger until we can get it back
to you. Like, Okay,you guys told me we'll be ready in

today's Yeah, so we yeah,we did say that, but then like
we had like a little bit ofa mishap, and so there's like what
do you mean? What what?So there's like a it got a tear
and like a stain in it.So a tear and a stain. Yeah,
and so okay, so I'll justtell you, but like if you

promise, go ahead, Okay,but do you promise like not to get
like mad? What are you?Are you a child? No? I'm
not a child because like I workhere like and and like I don't have
to have what happened? You know, what is your first job? My
first job? I was like sixteen, but like I'm a lot older than

that now, so just tell mewhat happened. Oh so okay, So
that jacket is super sweet, likeit's really cool, and like I was
on tender, you know, andlike, anyway, I got a date,
which I don't get many of andso like, yeah, I get
I can see why you don't getmany dates you work dom as. It's

because I'm like kind of a workaholic, you know, like dray cleaning is
my life. So anyway, soI borrowed your jacket for my date and
then like she spilled wine on it, and then also like things got pretty
hot and heavy the jacket to adate. That jacket was super sweet.
I had to I won that jacketand an auction. It was fifteen thousand

dollars and you took it to adate. Yeah, and like, honestly,
I can see why that jacket islike so was so expensive or whatever,
because like like it works, likeyou know, I think because I
was wearing the jacket, like thingsgot hot heavy, and then like I
was like, you're not real.I ripped off. I've never spoken to

anybody so dumb and unprofessional. Soyou're telling me that you took my jacket
on a date that you got ontender. Yeah, like she spilled wine
on it. So technically, likethe stain isn't my fault, but the
rip like was my fault, becauselike everything is your fault. Little I
can see that, like you're upset, but I would like to make it
better if I go, like,listen, you can't make it better.

There is no way that you werea little dump scent of money to fix
this. Well what if, okay, so what if I'd be willing to
like give you a chef outfit thatwe just got in in exchange, Like
you know, I know it doesn'tfully replace the jock APPI you said a
chef out it like you no,no, no, you listen, you
better you better saved that chef outit because after when I'm done and you
get fired, you're gonna need it. I'm getting in my car right now,

I'm gonna be there. I'm like, what ten minutes away, dude,
you you better not be there.The better be somebody smarter there talking
to about Okay, Well, inthat case, then I'll let you know
that it's a prank phone call andyour girlfriend set you up a prank phone
call. That's all you're gonna tryand get out of this one. This
is actually Dubil from the Jubil Showdoing a phone break on you and your
girlfriend Tara. Set you up,seriously, this is this is how you're

gonna is that? Is that whatyou guys do at this breaker? You
just mess around with your customers.No, it's not a dry cleaner.
It's a radio show. It's calledThe Jebel Show. Your girlfriend listens to
it and wanted me to mess withyou because she said, do you love
your jacket? Oh my god?No? Are you is pleased something here?
Are you serious? It's really aradis show. Yes, like the
jacket is fine, I think fude, So you really convinced me that some

idiot wore my jacket on a tapeyhat on Tinder. Wake up every morning
with Jubile phone pranks weekday mornings onthe twenties, only on the New six
one. Now It's time to Catcha Cheater only on The Jebel Show and
only on ninety six one. Now. Billy is on the phone today for
to Catch a Cheater. He's beenmarried to his wife Adrian for three years,

but they've been together for eight years, and now he's suspicious that something
might be going on. So we'llsee if we can help him out.
Billy, what's up, man,I'm sorry you're going through that. Tell
us about your situation. Yeah,hey, thanks man, Yeah, that's
that's that's it. Like you said, we've been married for three've been together
for eight. I say, thingshave been going Like recently, things have

been going pretty great for us.Like, you know, we're on an
upswing. We we just got anew house for first time homeowners. We
get to call the place hours,you know, it's all hours. Yea.
All that stuff's going really well.Even like my work life is going
really well, Like I just gota promotion. I've taken on a bigger
role at my company. So it'slike that's good, you know, more

money for like our family. Asfar as home life goes, like we're
still in the process of getting thehouse set up. It's taken a little
bit longer than I expected, justbecause I'm working and and she's kind of
at home like getting like like herstyle, and they're like because she has
an eye for style, so it'slike and she likes doing it, so

it like kind of works out thatshe's kind of like taken on like the
house repairs and like fixing it upand kind of making it ours like here's
here's kind of like I guess thereason why I emailed you guys. It's
like I've been so busy with workthat she like hired a contractor to like
help us work on like the bathroom. They're getting the bathroom redone. This

guy's like he's he's putting in likenew floors, new showers, and new
tile, like the whole thing.This guy, Mike, and you know,
they've been hanging out at the housea lot lately while I'm working there.
I've come home and there's been likea couple of times where like I
swear that, like I feel likeI interrupted something between like my wife and
Mike. Like I'll come home andshe'll she like darts away from him real

fast, Like if they're in anarea of the house, she like darts
away. You know. Like Ididn't say anything at the time. Maybe
it's nothing, but it's still justlike kind of bugs me. You notice
stuff like that that would bug me. Yeah, I just wonder if if
you're looking for it, Billy,because I mean, I don't know if
you have a contractor in your house, you're going to be together. And
I understand a man feeling uncomfortable withhis wife being alone with another man,

but he's there to do a job. So I don't know, is she
doing anything else that makes you feellike she could be cheating on you?
She feels distant. It's like wejust feel very distant too, So like
like maybe she's gotten bored, youknow, with us, Like she looks
happy and whatnot, Like when she'sworking on the house and stuff. By

the time I get home, likeI'm drained. You know. I know
she's been working on the house.Am I wasting time killing my house?
Like working like this for no reason? Like like the whole reason I am
working like this is for her,you know, Like I'm putting in all
these hours for her, for us, for the home, for our lives.

So you know, I don't knowshe she is. She has been
distant, and like like I said, this guy might like they get along
and like really well, and likeshe just I come home, she starts
away. But I just wanted todo like whatever I can to like make
her happy, you know. Sothat's just kind of like where I'm sitting
right now, all right, andyou said that you have a good way

you think we could catch her.Yeah. Yeah, we So we go
to like this cookie place, likeat least once a week that every week
they got like brand new flavors.The cookies are like huge, like it's
really good. So we go therea lot. So I think that that
would be and we're in like theiremail list and stuff. They have our
info, So I think it wouldbe like good to say that you're from

there, maybe like offer like somecookies or something. Okay, yeah,
we'll see. You know, Idon't know. You guys know how to
do this, so I cookies,Yeah, you know, a dozen cookies
or you know, could deliver tosomebody that's a great guy. Yeah,
we can do that and then we'llsee if she sends them to you or
to somebody else. Okay, yeah, it'd be great. All right,
Well, play a song, comeback, and then call her and hopefully

she isn't cheating, but if sheis, hopefully we can get your answer.
It's time to catch it cheater onlyon the Jubile Show and only on
ninety six to one. Now ifyou're just joining us for it to catch
a teater. Billy is on thephone and he thinks that his wife of
three years named Adrian might be cheatingon him. So we're gonna see if
we can catch her here in justa second. But before we do that,

Billy, why don't you refresh everybody'smemory on your situation. We've been
married three years, together for eightwe just got a new house. I
got a promotion. I've been workinga lot lately. She's fixing up the
house. She hired a contractor,this guy named Mike. I come home,
he's still over like she darts awayfrom him real fast. She's been

distant. You know. I'm hopingthat these guys can call from like this
cookie place that we visit a lot, and see if maybe we could like
trapp her cheating or whatever. Youknow, I get to the bottom.
All right, Well we'll call andpretend you're f in the cookie place and
say that since you guys are regularcustomers, she's wanted a gift box of
cookies to be delivered to somebody andshe'll see I see if she sends them
to you or to somebody else.Okay, awesome, thank you. Yeah,

Hello, Hi, this is Jordancalling from I was looking for our
valued customer, Adrian. Yeah,that's me, Hi Adrian. Please don't
hang up. This is not amarketing phone call. Thank you very much
for being such a loyal customer.We actually are calling you today with free
gift. Oh that's awesome. What'sthe gift? A gift is a dozen
cookies delivered to anybody that you want. Seriously, yep, a dozen cookies.

You can choose which ones they are, and we can deliver them to
anybody that you want within the UnitedStates. Because you know our cookies are
delicious. We love to spread thelove. Well man, that's awesome.
Hell yeah, all right, yeah, I'm in. If you know who
you want to send them to rightnow, I can take the information down.
Yeah, absolutely, I know ifI want to think cookies too.
First thing I will need is thefirst last name of the person you like

to send them to. Okay,it's Billy last name. Okay. Would
you like to put a note oranything with it? Yeah? Yeah,
okay, can I's a bad word? Was that cool? Oh? I
love bad words? Yeah, thensay free cookies? Love you, okay,

Adrian. This is actually Jewble fromthe Jewel Show. It's a radio
show. Hi, Adrian, I'mNina on the show too, listening to
all of this love about and yourhusband Billy is actually on the phone.
I've been listening this whole time.Well, why, Billy, do you
want to tell her or do youwant to tell her why? I'm like
really happy right now. Hey,I'm like so, well, yeah,

I will let them explain it.I guess okay, Adrian. We do
a segment on our show called toCatch a Cheater. It's where if you
think somebody might be being unfaithful,you try to see who they'll send flowers
or something to, in this case, cookies, and so Billy has been
a little suspicious and wanted to wait, wait, wait, Billy, you
think I'm cheating on you and youcalled a radio station. But the good

news maybe not, You're not.So I believe there's a lot going on.
I'm really happy right now, butI'm like kind of I feel like
a little embarrassed, like I thoughtyou were cheating on me with Mike.
Honestly, I'm glad you're because I'mkids like, I can't believe you thought

of with Mike our contractor Yeah,oh my god, yeah no, that's
wow. No, I'm i canfeel like a little distance. But it's
not because I'm doing anything with Mike. It's because you got this new promotion
and it's like I don't exist anymoreto you. Yeah, I mean I

definitely have been busy, you know, and I know I come home tired,
and you know, I do loveyou so much, like everything I
do is for you. But Ijust felt like, you know, like
I've come home a few times andlike you might be in the other room
with Mike and you like dart away, like you're like you're doing something,
and it's like, yo, that'sa little suspicious. So I was just
like, I guess worried about it. I literally have no idea what you're

talking about. If I'm ever skirtingaway from Mike when you come in the
front door, it's because like Iwas coming up to welcome you home or
like grab you to show you whatMike had gotten done that day. Like
it's you who's been weird and awkwardaround Mike, Like he's actually pretty chill
dude. And if you didn't know, because you don't actually talk to him,

he just got back from his honeymoonwith his actual model life. So
wow, Yeah, yeah, goodhWow, I'm embarrassed, but like this
is great news. Well it soundslike it cracked open a little bit of
communication though. Billy you were feelinginsecure, and then Adrian you were feeling

neglected. So now we can cometogether and be like, eh, let's
go eat cookie. Yeah, weused to have like at least one time
a day that we talked, butnow it's like Billy closes his computer and
it's lights out every day, likeeven the weekend. So I just feel
like, you know, like superlonely and trapped at home, you know,
and like I can go out withfriends like I do, but I

just like I'm just going out andcausing trouble with your dumbat Like I I
really do miss that too. Yeah, but now you've stuck me at home.
Like I work from home, soI'm forced to hang out with Mike
and like talk to Mike and likeI said, he's a chill dude,
but like I don't get to justhang out with you anymore. It stucks.

You're right, I'm so sorry,Like I miss you too. It's
like work is important because like I'mmaking all this money for us and from
home, and like you know whatyou guys need to do. You guys
need to go off for a cookiedate. When the last time you guys
got cookies together? I would lovea cookie boat. Yeah, you guys
are still hooking us up with freecookies, right. No, Unfortunately I

was like a made up thing.I mean, you guys both sound like
you miss each other and cookies areyour thing. Why don't go make some
time to go get some cookies.Make it a priority. Yeah, I
mean, like that sounds great tome. I would love that. I
would absolutely love that. Like Iam, I'm very embarrassed. I'm so
sorry for the whole little setup thing. I am gonna try so much harder

to like spend time with you,even if I had to take a few
days off a month to like easeup our schedules, like I miss you,
I miss holding you, being inlove with you, laughing, getting
goofy, getting cookies, just talkinglike I miss you a lot. So
then cooking me what she wants.Your wife wants to be cookie cook here,

billy, I don't know what cookiesmean anymore. Well, at least
he's not cheating. Yeah, hellyeah, I got you, babe.
I'm gonna cookie your cookie. Idon't know if I could say that,
but I don't know if we can'teither. We better end this before Jule
shows to Catch a Cheater on ninetysix one Now the new ninety six one
Now, First Date follow Up.Andy is on the phone today for our

first day follow up, and he'sgetting ghosted by a girl named Serena.
So in a few minutes, we'regonna call her and see if she'll tell
us why she's ghosting her and maybeget him another date. But first,
Andy, how long has it beensince you heard from Serena? It's been
two weeks you've been have you beencounting? Uh? Yeah? Yeah,
Okay, that's so frustrating. Haveyou reached out to her? Yeah,
I've reached out. I've I've senther some texts and stuff. But yeah,

I'm not I'm not. I haven'theard anything back. Why don't you
go back and tell us about thedate. How did you meet her?
So? We met on bumble anduh we spent a few weeks talking and
facetiming before we actually met up thefirst time, so it's like I feel
like we got to know each othera little bit. We eventually planned to
meet at a cafe that we bothare into, and uh, we were

going to do a mike ride anddrinks later and stuff, and I was
really excited to meet her in person, but uh, yeah, she never
ended up being able to show up. Oh so did you not actually have
the date? No? Actually,because about twenty minutes before, h I
was you know, I've been sendingway to get the coffee shop, and
she sent me a text that herdog was sick and something got picked so

she needed to take me to thevat and never ended up happening, and
I and I was really excited,Like I I ended up wearing a T
shirt these plaid shorts and sneakers thatshe you know, she's kind of like
telling me to wear beforehand so thatshe could find me. But you know,
I was, I was happy,you were happy? So she told
you what to where you guys plannedthis whole date and then so her dog
got sick. Did she ever giveyou an update on her dog? Like

what happened with that after that?Yeah? I haven't. I honestly haven't
really heard. So that's where yeah, I'm trying to figure it out.
How did you respond to that text? Cause so yeah, yeah, sorry,
yeah, yeah, no when shesent me that I that's okay.
So I responded like I just kindof said bummer, and I said,
I hope your dog is okay,because I was. I was really sad
at the time. But I don'tknow. I've looked back and I've read

that text a million times, andI feel like, maybe I maybe I
wasn't a little cold. Would shehave expected you to say more? Maybe
maybe maybe I should offer to gowith her. So has anything happened then
between that text message and maybe allthose face times? You know, like
if you're talking from the past coupleof weeks, you kind of start to

build what is it about her thatmakes you want to see her again?
Like if this girl just disappears,like don't you kind of feel like screw
you? Then Yeah, I meanI I think she's first of all beautiful,
and I felt like our personalities kindof balance each other out, and
you know, she seems like shedoes once and I'm happy to give that
to her. So okay, okay, And so she just ghosted you basically

for the date, like she didn'tshow up and then hasn't responded to you
since, saying that she couldn't makeit because her dog was sick, right,
and yeah, again, like,I don't know if I just responded
wrong at the time, it wasn't, you know, nice enough, But
hopefully, hopefully we can get itworked out. I mean, what if,
like something really bad happened to herdog. That's also a concern of
mine too. Yeah. Would Ibe mad at a bummer? I think

if somebody responds bummer if your dogssick, I mean maybe I would have
been like, Okay, yeah,maybe that's it. She's like, bummer
is more than a bummer? Yeah? Maybe? All right, Andy,
Well we'll try to figure it out. We'll play a song and then come
back and call her and see ifshe'll tell us why she's ghosting you and
maybe get you another date. Okay, all right the new ninety six one
now first date follow up. Rightin the middle of today's first date follow

up. If you're just joining us, Andy is on the phone and he's
getting ghosted by Serena. So ina second we're going to call her and
see if she'll tell us why she'sghosting him and maybe get him another date.
But first, Andy, why don'tyou catch everybody up on your situation?
Yeah, so I met Serena onBumble. We've spent a few weeks
talking facetiming before we finally met orplans to meet up in person. And
then during that time, you know, I wore a T shirt, plaid

shorts, white shoes that she toldme to pick out. I was waiting
for her, and I got atext that said her dog was stick and
that she need to take me tothe vet. So the date never happened,
and I haven't heard from her stepsAnd it might be because he responded,
bummer, All right, Andy,are you ready to call her?
Yeah? Okay, here we go. Hello, Hi, man speak to

Serena. Please, uh yeah,Hi Serena. My name is Jewbel,
a host to Ratio show. It'scalled The Jebel Show. Hi, Serena,
I'm Nina. The whole show's here. Hi, and I'm Victoria.
How are you Hi? I'm good. We're calling you today because we got
an email about you from somebody wholistens to the show and they wanted us
to call you. Okay, Sowe do a segment on the show.

It's called the first Date follow Up. What that is is if you go
out on a date with somebody andthen you end up ghosting them, they
can ask us to get you onthe phone and ask why you're ghosting them.
So a dude named Andy emailed us. He told us about your date,
well the date that didn't happen,and then asked if we could call
you and ask why are you ghostedhim? Wow, that's really cute.

You know, he's that far tosee what happened, So you think it's
cute. Is your dog? Okay? No, no I didn't. He's
just not what I thought he wouldbe. And the dog is your dog?
No? Andy, Annie, doyou have a dog? Even?

Whoa? I mean, we chattedfor a while in a bumble. It
was nice getting to know him oranything, but yeah, and he also
like, I actually don't have adog. I figured that's where it was
going, thank you. Yeah.So I when I walked up to go

to the date, they wouldn't goon. I just saw him sitting there
like a puppy dog. He hadlike a rose and some dirty white sneakers,
and I'm just like, I'm notbusy, but Helena keeps up.
The sneakers just kind of struggle on, you know, So it's dirty shoes.
Yeah, just like I don't know, just it wasn't. He didn't

look like he did any pictures.Wait, but he had a rose.
Yeah, but it's just like Iwas just sitting there like a like a
bad puppy dog. Like it justwent I don't know, just no,
you sound like you could bull dozen. I mean sometimes sometimes that's sometimes that's
the thing. I mean, itsounds a little shallow, but sometimes you
know, if you're gonna like betoo much for somebody. Yeah, and

then if I did have a dogand he replied a bummer or your dog,
just like come on, Okay,So it was because he was sitting
like a peppy dog and he haddirty sneakers. Oh so what did dirty
sneaker say about a man to you? I mean, come on, it's
the first date. If you can'tlike seeing your shoes or like wear some
like, come on, like wasit a nice like fancy restaurant that you

were going to. I mean itwasn't a fatty restaurant. It was just
like a cafe. But still,come on, like, come on,
just at least want your shoes orbuy a new pair on a first date.
I get presenting yourself nicely. Iwouldn't And we don't have to go
as far as buy new shoes,but I mean keeping them. You know,
do you think about that? Ido. I try not to wear
dirty shoes if I go places.But so yeah, but I'm one of

those people that always wants, youknow, tries to clean my shoes and
stuff too. Right, some peopledon't care, though, I mean,
well I cared. And he wasjust sitting there with like a rose,
like not even like a bookcase,just like a rose. Now it's really
glimpsy, you know. Well,okay, well, thank you for telling
us. And now, Serena,I'll let you know that Andy is actually
on the phone listening and wants totalk to you. What say, Wow,

I'm a wimp because I had dirtyshoes in a rose. You lied
about having a sick dog. Imean, I was weirding what you told
me to wear. I didn't tellyou to wear dirty shoes. And you
know, come on, first impressionsor a big well. I went out
and bought a new shirt and plaidshorts because I didn't have any I wasn't

thinking about my shoes. I'm sorry. Well that's a bummer. So you
so you saw me sitting there andinstead of coming up to me and saying
anything like an adult. You justwalked away and hit lied about having a
dog that was sick, and you'resaying that I'm away. Yeah, I
mean a little bit. And youdon't even look like your pictures, so

you know what, you didn't looklike your pictures either. You didn't look
evil. Well, I think thatwas appropriate time to ask Serena, would
you like to go on another datewith Andy? We'll pay for it.
Uh no, thank you. No, it's like good luck, though I
wish you the best, Andy,somebody's gonna appreciate your rose. Thank you.
I think I'm dodging a bullet.You know what, Well, I'll

pay attention to if you ever doend up getting a dog, and I'm
gonna call ASPC on you, becauseyeah, you shouldn't be only any animals.
Geble's first date salo ed only onthe new ninety six to one Now
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