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July 22, 2024 • 15 mins
In an all new Jubal Phone Prank, a listener finds out she mistakenly booked a trip to Paris, Arkansas instead of Paris, France and during First Date Follow Up, a listener finds out he wants to second date with a girl, he'll have to take it up with her boyfriend!
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Keeps another jubile phone, Frank Morningson the twenties Only. I'm a new
ninety six to one now Hello,yes, hello, this is Ted Thibodeaux
calling from travel. I was lookingfor Charlotte. This is Charlotte. Hey,
Charlotte, how you doing? You'getting all excited for your trip to

Paris tomorrow? I am, I'mvery excited, and you've looked over the
itinerary. We have planned some greatexcursions for y'all and it is going to
be a fantastic trip. Yeah,I looked over it. Everything looks really
great, wonderful. So we aregoing to be picking you up from the
Fort Smith Regional Airport and then you'llbe whisked away. It's just about a
forty minute drive to Paris where you'llbe staying. I'm sorry, Fort Smith,

Yes, Fort Smith Regional Airport.I know it's a small airport,
but it's the closest one actually toParis, Arkansas. So what made you
choose? Whoa wha wha wait waitwait wait wait, yes, no,
no, I think you're looking atthe wrong itinerary. It's Paris, France,
Arkansas. Well, it is funnythat there's this town in Arkansas.
That's called Paris, and there isa Paris in France. Yes, but
you are booked to go to Paris, Arkansas tomorrow. No, no,

no, no, no, I'mgoing to Paris. Why did you choose
Paris, Arkansas for this vacation?I didn't you have to fix as we
leave tomorrow? Yes, you doleave tomorrow, that's correct. And like
I said, we've arranged a fabulousshuttle to pick you up at the Fort
Smith Regional Airport. It's about aforty minute drive to the hotel minute.
Yes, no, yes, sure, But the reservation that you sent me

there there's a view of the EiffelTower everything, yes, describes Paris.
Yes, there's the view of theEiffel Tower Park, which is the main
attraction in Paris, Arkansas. Andwe've actually arranged two for you. Later
on that day. Jed will pickyou up and you will take you over
to the park and just kind ofwalk you around, show y'all all the
benches. I don't jeb is goingto pick me up and show me benches.

Yes, the Eiffel Tower Park,it's the main attraction in Paris,
Arkansas, and they have some fabulousseating areas he's gonna walk you around,
show you some of the benches andyou can sit, and then you're just
gonna be on your own for alittle while. Who are you traveling with?
By the way, No, myhusband and I are going to Paris,
frank Arkansas. Yes, okay,Look I'm looking at the confirmation for

the reservation. Where is Jared.That's the person that sent me the correct
reservation. I need to talk tohim. Oh, well, he does
not work here anymore. This hassince been passed to me. We found
out that Jared was not actually bookingthings for people. He was senting itineraries,
but they weren't real, so theypassed along with me. They said,
you need to book this trip toParis asap. So I went ahead

and just did everything. And nowI just want to go. You did
everything wrong. It's wrong. Well, I don't know what would be wrong
about you off booked to go toParis. Tomorrow's staying at a fabulous motel
six here two of the Paris ArkansasPark. To somebody else, I'm gonna
eat some bombers. Well, I'vegot a great barbecue place that night.
There's not many options. The barbecueplace is a Denny's. No, Oh

my god, Denny's. Yes,very romantic. Why would we go to
Paris, Arkansas? With all duerespect? Can I be candid with you,
Charlotte, No, it doesn't soundlike you're given Paris, Arkansas enough
of a chance. I don't wantto go to Arkansas. Leave the country.

Is it Arkansas that's for love us? What is it on the license
plate? Which license plate? Isit that's for love us? Do you
know? I thought it was Paris, but maybe it's Pennsylvania. Either way,
it should be very romantic. No, I'm not going to Paris,
Arkansas to walk around some park tolook at benches with some guy named jeb
and a romantic dinner at Denny's andwe stay at the Motel six. No.

Same, Okay, Well, thenI'll just let you know that this
is a prank phone call. Thisis actually Jubil from the Jebel Show doing
a phone prank on you and yourhusband. Devin set you up. Oh
my god, he said that youguys leading Paris tomorrow. I wanted to
mess with you. Oh my god. I was like, no, I
was freaking out. I'm like I'vebeen planning for this and looking forward to

this. Oh my god, wakeup every morning with jubile phone pranks weekday
mornings on the twenties only on theNew ninety six to one. Now First
Date follow Up. Reid is onthe phone today for our first Day follow
up and he's getting ghosted by Millie. So in a second, we're gonna
get her on the phone and seeif she'll tell us why he's ghosting him

and maybe get him another date.But first read, how long has it
been since you heard from Millie?It's been a week? A week?
Okay, that's kind of a sweetspot. I know, right, it
seems like maybe she'll appear, ButI got only one text from missus to
date, so you know, I'mover Wig. I should start from the
beginning now, Okay, Yeah,let's do that. Yeah. We went

on on date and it was reallygreat. Honestly, I'm such a mad
in time and she's a great karaokesinger and so am I. So like
we knew what the plan was.We went out and hitched the light dinner
and a couple of drinks and thenwe went to a karaoke bar and we
killed it. We founded amazing,excellent. What's your go to karaoke song.
Honestly, at one point we bothgot up and you know the Lady

Gaga song of Government Hooker, SoI don't either. It's called government Hooker,
it's uh, it's a Lady Gaga. So we both love it.
We sang it so everybody. Imean, yeah, it's a little weird,
but I thought we did a greatjob. Okay, so things are
going great, and it kind offelt like, you know, one of

those like MCom movies here, likeyou have the big kiss at the end
of the night, you know,And I went in for the kiss,
and the kiss was really great,but like I'm wondering if maybe I didn't
do as good a job of itas I thought, or you know,
christ Jovis, she's not calling youback, and I like keep going over
in my mind, like, youknow, did I do something wrong over

over the night. And I theresone thing that I keep thinking about other
than the kiss that could have doneit. And at one point my belt
broke. I'd get like a ziptie from the guy at the bar to
what you might that's resourceful. Didthey fall all the way down while you're
singing no? Thank god? Imean, if my pants filed down during
government hooker. It would have beeneven I think that style would have brought

the house back. Yeah, maybeI would it be on the phone with
you guys right now. So anyway, Yeah, the zip tie issue that
stuck in my mind, and alsothe fact that you know that maybe the
kiss could have been better. Idon't know, like I use a little
tongue. I don't know if thatwas inappropriate at the time. I don't

know what happened. Did you feellike your mouth was wet? Also,
the alternative is if it was toodry, like you're saying it. I
would have known if it was toodry, But it might have been too
wet. I mean we were drinking, it was well well saturated. Did
you bite? No, I knowI didn't. I didn't grab Maybe I
should have. I'm asking real questions. You never know. We heard there

was no biting, but I usedto want of tongue, and I'm wondering
if that was too much tone orit's the zip tide belt, you know.
I mean, it's hard to ignorethat. That's pretty embarrassing. I
mean, she kissed you after thetie belt, so I don't think that
the ty belt is that's true.That is true. If the zip tie
belt was a deal breaker, shewouldn't kiss me or I was down and
she needed an extraordinary kiss and makeup for the zip tie belt. And

then I just didn't do enough tobring it back. You know, I
just broke even at the end.I don't know. So anyway, I
like the Like the next day,I got a text. She's like she
said, just you know, thanksfor a fun night. It was just
like one. There was no correspondence. She said, thanks for a fun
night. That was it. Andthen like she has a responded since I've
texted her a couple of times.I didn't want to seem too needy,

so it didn't overly text. Butyou know, at one point I just
said, hey, what are youup to next weekend? And I had
nothing back. Did you send theinitial text in morning after? Did she
She actually sent the initial text,but I was wondering if she just sent
the you know, let me putit nail on the coffin on this one.
I thanks for fun, just tobe nice, ended it. Yeah.
Yeah, it might have been anice and nice you know, it's

like a four. Yeah, shealready had it stored in her phone like
a yeah, thank you for funnight, and I just filled it in.
Well, let's see if we canfigure it out for you. Plus
on come back and then call herand see if she'll tell us why she's
ghosting you and maybe get you anotherday. Did you still want one?
Okay, yeah, sounds great.All right, well, plaus, I'll
come back and get your first dayfollow up next the new ninety six to

one Now first date follow up.Right in the middle of today's first day
follow up, if you're just joiningus, Reid is on the phone and
he's getting ghosted by a girl namedMillie. So we're about to call her
and see if she'll tell us whyshe's ghosting him and maybe get him another
date. But before we do that, read why don't you catch us up
on your situation? Went out onthis date? Our first date? We
uh, we went to karaoke.Things great, great, My belt broke.

I had to use the zip sidebelt the way saved the date.
Went in for the kiss at theend of the night, and I made
use too much strong. I don'tknow. I get like just to text
the next day saying hey had agreat time, but that was a She
hasn't responded since and now I'm wondering. I mean, I'm a great singer.
I know it wasn't a karaoke Okay, I'm so modest. All right?

You ready for us to call her? Yeah? I'm ready? Okay,
here we go. Hi? Please, isn't there? Hey Millie?
How are you? My name isJewbel calling from radio show called The Jewbel

Show him Millie. My name isNina on the show. Hi, I'm
Victoria. Hi. Hi. Hey, do you ever listen to the show.
I just have to ask you ifyour friends were like always asking you
to do the Millie Rock because itwas like your name, you know,
ha ha ha haa definitely never before. Okay, do you have any idea

why we're calling you? I don't. Okay, Well then i'll tell you.
Have you ever heard a first Dayfollow up before? Oh? Yeah,
then I think I do. Great. Yeah. It's a segment where
if you go out on a datewith somebody and then you ghost them,
that person can email us to getyou on the phone and ask why you're
ghosting them. And we got anemail about you from a guy named Reid

Ah and he said he liked youa lot, but he wants to know
why you're ghosting it. Oh,I mean I did reach out. I
don't know, I just like Ithink you get busy. I didn't even
think of it that way, butlike, no, like it was a
good day and I liked him.We clicked and it was good. I
had a good time. Though,So you're not ghosting him or you are?

No, I'm not, God,I'm not I'm not ghosting it.
I just kind of feel like whenyou really like somebody, you don't kind
of forget that, you know.Yeah, yeah, I mean I'm guessing
he called in, yes, yeah, emails us and he said, you
guys went to karaoke, you hadfun, and then you texted in the

next day, thanks for a funnight, but you haven't gotten back to
him by anything else. Well,I mean, here's the thing, Like,
I'm in a newly open relationship.Oh so I told my boyfriend that
I was going on the day andhe was really cool with it. But
yeah, I know, I thoughtmaybe read I don't know if he's opened

to that, but that's kind ofwhere I'm at. So with your open
relationship, is it just you're opento physical or actually like having emotions and
dating some of the like another person. Oh, all of it, all
of it. So is the relationshipwith your current boyfriend new or you just
recently opened it up. We arenot new, and a friend of ours

and other couple suggested we try thatto keep this fikelive and so we're newly
open, so Read the first personsince you've been open, he is,
I mean, why not communicate thatto him? I mean, I guess
I uh, you know, rekind have reached out to don't just go
both ways? He said, hehe said, he did. He said

he texted you a few times andyou didn't respond. Oh hold on,
yeah, hold on, Oh youknow what, I think I did get
it. I think I kind offorgot to respond. Oh all right,
Well, thank you for being honestwith us and Millari Read is actually on
the phone and wants to talk toyou. What hey, are you doing

Hi. I know it's a bitof a surprise, but I have to
say I'm pretty surprised too. Ididn't realize we're in a relationship with someone.
Yeah, it's an open relationship,so we're seeing other people. You
were my first, well I'm yoursecond. Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, that's pretty I mean,I just wish you'd mentioned it.
That's kind of I don't know.Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I
uh, it's all new to me. So did you enjoy the date though
you want to tell them about that? I mean I did enjoy it.
I don't know if you had agood time read, but I had a
really great time. It was reallyfun. I just, uh, would

you be I mean I don't thinkso, but I think if you know,
you guys ever broke up or something, I would definitely want to go
out again. I get that,but you know I don't. It's a
little it's not really my thing,you know. I mean, yes,
sure, like you did have alot of fun on our date, and
who knows where the next one togo. I mean it's really tempting.

I just I'm kind of just weirdedout by the whole thing. I mean,
I mean, you weren't ghosting methough, like you're trying to convince
me now to do this, butlike you didn't even answer me all week.
I mean you like you're checking yourphone now. You'll go, this
is weird. You're like, oh, yeah, yeah, he did text.
I mean that doesn't sound like you'rethat into me. If you just
couldn't even bother looking at the phone. No, I mean, I mean

I did get your question. Thatis my bad. I'm not great.
I'm not great with text because you'reyou're busy with your boyfriend. That's why
you didn't answer. I mean,I mean, if you you know,
if you went into it, youwould have been like, oh yeah,
I agree, and you just sendme this quick like thanks text. That
was it. You can even respond, and you know, I know why
because you're in a relationship. Imean it's pretty obvious or seeing somebody else

just weird. Yeah, I meanI hear you. I just I mean,
you're you're in an old relationship withhim. You're an old relationship with
him, but you're not open withme about what you're doing. Oh you're
really really half open. I meanI'm open now. So like now,
they mean it's just way the dooris way week it's not like, well,
the door is not even halfway open. Clos like you're closing every second.

Yeah, I feel like you're closing, Billie. Would you like another
day with read? We'll pay forit. I mean, I'm still open
to it, but it kind ofsounds like you've made up your mind.
Well, because it's not open.It was half open and now it's barely
open, and now it's just closed, but it's still open. No,
it's cool. I just closed itclose. It's a close relationship. There's
a knock on that door. NoI'm not, I'm not. No,

I'm not opening the door. Okay, okay. Juble first date followed only
on the new ninety six to onenow
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