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August 31, 2024 • 54 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The following is opaid podcast. iHeartRadio's hosting of this podcast
constitutes neither an endorsement of the products offered or the
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Speaker 2 (00:10):
Welcome to a moment of Zen. Time to sit back
and relax. As model, actress, mentor and super mom, Zen
SAMs takes you on a sexy and wild ride covering
the latest in film, fashion, pop culture, cryptocurrency, fintech, cannabis,
and entertainment from the millennial mom's perspective. Here's your host,

Zen SAMs.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Hello, my beautiful Tri State area. Welcome to our one
hundred and seventy eighth episode. It's always such a pleasure
to spend my time with you on the airwaves. Thank
you for listening and interacting with me all over social media.
It truly makes it all worthwhile I read all your comments.
Please make sure to continue following me at Zen SAMs.
That's Zen with an X no A Z. Also remember

that all of our episodes stream twenty four to seven
on your home TV and Kathy Ireland and worldwide, and
of course you could always find us on our YouTube
channel at Zen SAMs. Tonight in the Hydration with Heart segment,
brought to you by once Upon a Coconut. In the
Featured Artist segment, we are going to be joined by
a very talented young man by the name of Tony Marino.

He's a twenty one year old independent artist and producer
from Long Island. He's going to join me today to
chat all about the evolution of his music journey from
just twelve years old to what inspired him and how
social media has influenced his career. Recently, he's put out
a single called Hayastan and he will definitely be chatting
with us about what inspired his Armenian dance hit. In

the Going Deep segment, brought to you by Co two Lift,
We're headed to Lewis Dermatology and Associates right here in
the Upper East Side, New York City. We're going to
be chatting with doctor Amy Lewis herself. Her premier practice
specializes in cosmetic and laser dermatology. Get ready for that
wedding weekend. Whether it's your day or someone else's big

day that you're celebrating. We're going to chat about the
latest laser and skin trends to elongate your neck and
give you that instant facelift for the big day. We're
also going to chat about how to put some extra
honey in your honeymoon for all you techno enthusiasts out there,
and the Discover Your Potential segment brought to you by
Keep the Past host Annadverer, chat's global game changers and

how they're using artificial intelligence for good. Up next in
the regular Hydration with Heart segment. It's a double one
for them tonight, brought to you by Once Upon a Coconut.
We're featuring doctor Emily Splickel. She's a functional pedietrist and
human movement specialist. She's the CEO and founder of Naboso,
which is a company providing sensory based products to optimize

your foot health and movement. Stay tuned for Emily coming
right up next. You're listening to a Moment of Zen
right here on seven ten WR, the voice of New
york iHeartRadio. We'll be right back after this.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
A Moment of Zen is brought to you by your
Home TV with Kathy Ireland and their channel partners. Head
to your Home TV dot com for free family friendly
programming streaming twenty four to seven.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Do you have the dream of starting and owning your
own business or know of someone who does. If so,
check out your Home Business program where they inspire, equip
and encourage those who dream of owning and operating their
own business. Check out your Home Business on your Home
TV dot com.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Tune into a Moment of Zen Saturday nights from nine
to ten PM on seven to ten wor the Voice
of New York.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
A Moment of Zen is brought to you by Once
Upon a Coconut.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Discover the refreshing taste of one hundred percent pure coconut
water that actually tastes great, not to be sweet with
nortificial flavors or added sugar. It's packed with electrolytes to
keep you hydrated throughout your day, and with ten percent
of profits going to charity, every sip makes a difference.
Pure taste, pure goodness. Experience Nature's Gatorade. Visit once Upon

a Coconut or Nature's Gatorade dot Com. Welcome back, beautiful
Tri State area. You're listening to a Moment of Zen
right here on seventy ten WR, the Voice of New
York iHeartRadio. I'm your host, Zenzam's up next in the
Hydration with Heart segment, brought to you by Once Upon
a Coconut Today we're featuring doctor Emily Splickel. She's a
functional pedietrist and human movement specialist. She's the CEO and

founder of Naboso, which is a company providing sensory based
products to optimize your foot health and movement. With over
twenty three years in the fitness industry, she's dedicated her
medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as
it relates to barefoot science, foot to core integration and
sensory integration. Spreading her knowledge, She's taught in thirty five

countries into over twenty five thousand professionals, and she's also
the author of Barefoot Strong. Of course she is. She
joins me today to help us unlock the secrets of
hydration and chat about how coconut water and proper electrolyte
balance prevent painful foot spasms while boosting overall health. Will
also get insight on what you're feeing feet may secretly

be revealing about your health. Welcoming now to the show
is the amazing doctor Emily Splickel.

Speaker 5 (05:07):
Thank you so much. I'm excited to talk about feet.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
I let's get to it. So fact is that about
sixty percent of the human body is water, and staying
hydrated isn't just about quenching thirst. It's cornerstone of good health,
and stepping into wellness begins with the critical role of
hydration and electrolyte balance. Now, doctor, can you tell us,
especially in preventing myalgia and enhancing foot health with coconut water,

how does proper hydration influence our overall health, especially from
a pediatrist perspective.

Speaker 5 (05:38):
Yes, when I think about feet, I think about circulation
and foot recovery and proper hydration. Having a balance of
appropriate electrolytes is really important to overall foot health foot recovery,
and as I said earlier, a big component of that
is microcirculation.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
Wow, that's interesting. Microcirculation. It always comes down to blood
flow right now. You know, our feet often get overlooked,
but they can be like a secret diary of our
overall health. From what you just said circulation issues to
nuditional deficiencies, our feet might in fact be telling us
more than we realize. So what are some surprising things

our feet can reveal about our overall health. Talk to
us about some of the more intriguing revelations that.

Speaker 5 (06:24):
You've come across Yeah, so our feet definitely tell us
a story.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
They tell us a story about how we move.

Speaker 5 (06:30):
And what's interesting is the different calluses and where you
see pressure points on the foot will actually tell me
when I'm assessing movement, how that person is moving without
me even ever watching them move. So that's a really
fascinating part of our feet. Also, certain skin conditions and
nail conditions that are associated with diabetes and lupis and
other inflammatory conditions. Oftentimes they show what first in the feet,

so it might actually be your pediatrist that helps lead
to the diagnosis of a large medical condition.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
Wow, I never thought of it like that, But you
just put things into perspective, and of course I believe
you know, top in the bottom, the feet, in the head,
there's a lot that goes on there.

Speaker 6 (07:12):

Speaker 3 (07:12):
According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,
men should aim for about three point seven leaders of
fluids a day and women about two point seven. That's
a lot of water, but it's essential. Why is it
important to maintain proper hydration levels throughout the day And
what are some signs that we might not be drinking
enough water?

Speaker 5 (07:31):
Yeah, Actually, dehydration is one of the most common conditions
that you actually see in the elderly that leads to confusion, fatigue.
It can actually lead to passing out if you do
not have enough hydration. I work a lot with athletes,
so I'm always thinking about recovery. Really, from your skin
to your hair, to your thought process of your brain,

to your recovery to how you move is really based
around maintaining a proper hydration level. And I would just
assume that most people are dehydrated.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
You're right around seventy five percent of Americans are chronically
dehydrated statistically, and you would have to wonder why so
many people are feeling sluggish or out of sorts. The
first go to is, well, did you drink enough water today?
And the answer is I don't recall drinking water today.
So let's go to something that can help all of this.
Coconut water contains about four to five hundred milligrams potassium

per cop which is more than a banana. Talk about
a powerful drink. How do electrolytes like potassium found in
coconut water contribute to our overall health and well being?

Speaker 5 (08:35):
So electrolytes, this would be your potassium, your sodium, your chloride,
thinking like salt, right, these nutrients that are really important
to every process. So the way that your muscles contract,
Remember your heart is a muscle, so that's an important
part of it. How you recover, how you move, the
quality of your skin, and then brain processes. So electrolyte

balance is a very underappreciated side of hydration and movement
and recovery. Coconut water gives the highest ROI compared to
either a sports drink or a traditional just plain glass
of water.

Speaker 3 (09:11):
I love that you said it gives the highest ROI.
That put another thing into perspective right there. And some athletes,
I think most athletes that I've interviewed, swear by coconut water,
calling it Nature's sports drinks. So mother Nature really does
know best. Now, what are the benefits of coconut water
for those who lead active lifestyles compared to traditional sports drinks.

Speaker 5 (09:33):
Yes, you can think of coconut water as low calorie,
high electro lights and it's actually antimicrobial as well, so
you are getting a very fast rehydration let's say after
a workout or it's hot and you're sweating. Things like that,
where you're drinking it, you know, you're not going to
get a lot of sugar that you see in other

sports drinks, but then again you're getting those invaluable electrolytes
that we need to maintain that balance.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
Yep. In fact, the study in the Journal of Physiological
Anthropology found that coconut water is as effective as sports
drinks in hydration and recovery, if not performs better within
on a circular level. But looks like the coconut might
just be and might just be beating the gatorade at
this point right now if you look at the hype, Now,

can you share insights on how coconut water supports recovery,
because I know recovery is something that you talk about
a lot post exercise yep. So recovery post exercise, Let's
say you're lifting weights, you're doing something that's actually damaging
the muscle.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
That's how you become stronger. You stress the muscles, you'll
actually injure micro injure the muscles. So then bringing in
these electrolytes, specifically potassium, is what's most known for muscle repair,
muscle recovery. You are then allowing the body to repair itself,
so then you can get the benefit of the workout
at which you just performed. So a lot of people

work out but then don't get the body what it
needs after the workout, and it's kind of like taking
one step forward half a step back.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
We want to be really smart on what we do.

Speaker 5 (11:10):
After we work out.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
You're right, it feels counterproductive, so it's important to continue
the momentum post workout. Now, why is it essential to
pay attention to foot health? Who would have thought foot
health in the context of overall proper nutrition, hydration, and health.

Speaker 5 (11:29):
I mean, really, our feet are our bodies foundation to movements.
So if you want to keep working out and you
want to keep moving doing all the activities you love
to do, your feet play a very important part of that.
It's the only contact point between the body and the ground.
So foot health, foot strength, foot recovery is really this
foundational component to what I consider movement longevity, and we

all want to move for a long time.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
I couldn't agree more. Now, the average adult loses up
to two liters of water a day through sweat, and
even more you're exercising. It's almost like having a leaky faucet.
Right up to sixty percent of adults experience muscle cramps
at some point, often due to dehydration or an imbalance
of electrolytes. Doctor, please tell me how does dehydration or

excess loss of electrolytes lead to muscle cramping and what
can we do to prevent it? Yeah, so what's happening.

Speaker 5 (12:21):
When we sweat is you are losing a lot of
these electrolytes potassium, sodium chloride, the things that are important
for maintaining muscle balance. Also, this is a natural part
of what happens at night, so our body actually dehydrates
naturally during the night, which is why if anyone's ever
experienced foot cramps, they're usually at night and they say

that their toes just contract and they can't get them
to release. A lot of that is demonstrating this combination
of dehydration, insufficient foot and muscle recovery. So that's the
soft tissue work, and then bringing in that balance of
electrolytes for muscles, it's really the potassium.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
Wow, no one likes waking up in the middle of
the night with a Charlie horse, and staying hydrated might
just save our sleep apparently. Now, why are foot cramps
so common? And this electrolyte balance. Is there a direct
correlation between the kidney the liver and how this is
all processing and is constant foot cramping symptomatic of a

bigger health issue.

Speaker 5 (13:22):
Foot cramping can yes be indicative of a larger systemic issue.
I do think that a lot of foot cramps are
because of insufficient attention to the feet. People are not
recovering their feet, They don't think about strengthening their feet,
and they really get neglected. That combined with dehydration or
insufficient hydration throughout the day, lots of cat being, lots

of coffee, so you're kind of throwing off that balance.
That combination is really contributing to these foot cramps that
we see. And it happens actually a little bit more
with age. This dehydration spectrum becomes more prevalent as we age, while.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
We are officially out of time. Thank you so much
for your insight, your transparency, for teaching us something extremely
helpful with our everyday lives and helping us put our
best foot forward literally no pun intended. Thank you so
much for joining us.

Speaker 5 (14:15):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 3 (14:17):
That was our hydration with heart segment, brought to you
by one spot of coconut. That was the incredible functional
pediatrist and human movement specialist, doctor Emily Splitple. Definitely be
sure to check her out and her company at naboso
dot com or doctor Emilysplickele dot com and on the gram.
You can find her profile at the Functional foot doc

end at Naboso Underscore Technology. You're listening to a Moment
of Zen right here on seven to ten War the
voice of New york iHeartRadio. We'll be right back after this.

Speaker 4 (14:48):
A moment of Zen is brought to you by Once
Upon a Coconut.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
Discover the refreshing taste of one hundred percent pure coconut
water that actually tastes great, not to be sweet, with
no artificial flavors or added sugar. It's packed with electrolytes
to keep you hydrated throughout your day, and with ten
percent profits going to charity, every sip makes a difference.
Pure taste, pure goodness. Experience Nature's Gatorade. Visit Once Upon

a Coconut or Nature's Gatorade dot com.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
A moment of Zen is brought to you by your
Home TV with Kathy Ireland and their channel partners. Head
to your Home tv dot com for free, family friendly
programming streaming twenty four to seven.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
The Kellywilliams Show is brought to you by Serendipity, Yacht
Cruises and Events. Tune in and turn on You're happy.
Kelly Williams is full of energy and incredible guests. Watch
her anytime free programming on your home TV network, and
do follow her on social media for a chance to
win monthly prizes. Check out The Kellywilliams Show on your

home TV dot com.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
Tune into a Moment of Zen Saturday nights from nine
to ten pm on seven ten wor the Voice of
New York.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
Welcome back, beautiful Tri State Area. You're listening to a
Moment of Zen right here on seven ten WR, the
Voice of New York iHeartRadio. I'm your host, Zen. Sam's
up next in the Hydration with Heart segment, brought to
you by Once Upon a Coconut. Tonight, we're joined by
the very talented Tony Marino. He's a twenty one year
old independent artist and producer from Long Island, right here

in New York, with a variety of sounds in his
catalog from a unique mix of house and wrapped afrobeats
and R and b all the Way to hip hop.
Aside from writing his own lyrics, he also produces his
own beats and co engineers his own tracks in the
studio Now. In the summer of twenty twenty one, Tony
Really is his EP Where Was the Love and That
was hosted by heavy hitter DJ Drewski and most recently,

he put out a single called Hayastan It's an Armenian
dance hit. He's going to join me to chat all
about the evolution of his music journey from just twelve
years old to what inspired him and how social media
has influenced his career. Welcoming now to the show is
the incredible Tony Marino. Welcome superstar, Thank you for having me,
Thank you so much for joining us. So jump right in.

Before we dive into the beats and the stories behind
everything that you do, let's take a moment to appreciate
the magic of coconut water, right, a little hydration love
if you will, Because what better way to fuel a
conversation about music than was something refreshing right there, coconut water.
So welcome to the Hydration with Heart Artist feature brought

to you by Once Upon a Coconut I'm so excited
to dive right in now. Before we do, before we
talk about your most recent release, let's first take a
look back. We had you on the show about three
and a half years ago or four years ago, back
in twenty twenty one. But I know you've been into
music since you were twelve years old, posting covers of

popular songs on social media, and you've released your first
single back in twenty sixteen, you were just a teenager.
How did you discover your passion for music and where
did you realize and when? More importantly, where were you
at that moment in your life where you'd realize you
wanted to pursue this professionally.

Speaker 7 (18:00):
Ever since I was.

Speaker 8 (18:00):
A little kid, music's always just been a big part
of my life. I think it's kind of instilled in me,
especially being an Armenian. Armenians like music and dancing is
just like a big part of the culture, and I've
just always had that natural incline and passion towards music,
just growing up listening to artists like Michael Jackson, fifty
cent Drake, and eventually I just decided I'd take a

little dive into it just to try something new.

Speaker 7 (18:26):
When when I was still young.

Speaker 8 (18:28):
I was around twelve thirteen years old, and I started,
as you said, I started posting covers on social media.
I got a little bit of a fan base going
on my YouTube and my Instagram, and then eventually the
growth didn't stop, and I figured it'd be a good
idea to take it to the next level and pursue
it as a serious career around the I would say

twenty eighteen is when I fully decided I'm going to
this is what I'm going to be doing in my life.
And I dropped my first EP when I was in
twenty eighteen, and ever since then, I've just been going
harder growing as an artist. As you said, I produce
my own records. Now I even edit music videos. I'm
just saying, complete control on the creative side, and yeah,

it's only leveling up as time goes on.

Speaker 3 (19:16):
So I love everything I'm hearing you are on track.
You are an entrepreneur. Not only are you an artist
and you have a good head on your shoulders, but
I know that you have your family's full support, which
is so incredibly important. Now you've been chasing beats longer
than most of us have been chasing trends on TikTok.
I mean, starting at twelve and now you're twenty one,

I mean you're practically a veteran in the music game.
Did you know that by age twenty one, not only
about eight percent of musicians have gained notable recognition. So
you should really pat yourself on the back. You have
something to totally be proud of, your head of the curve.

Speaker 7 (19:54):
I appreciate that, but I'm always striving for more though.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
Now, how do you feel your music has evolved since
you first started?

Speaker 8 (20:00):
I definitely found myself more as an artist over time.
Making well started out, I wasn't writing my own music,
I wasn't producing, and then I just as a creative
I needed everything to be perfect and I needed it
to be my vision completely. So I basically took over
everything on the creative side, the editing, the producing, the writing,

and I've only gotten better as an artist.

Speaker 7 (20:26):
I've branched out.

Speaker 8 (20:27):
I started out doing pop and hip hop, and then
I've branched out to house music, to Afro beats, to
R and B. I feel like it's important as an
artist to be diverse, and I just love all types
of music.

Speaker 7 (20:40):
Good music is good music.

Speaker 8 (20:41):
So I've definitely branched out and expanded my palette.

Speaker 3 (20:45):
You could say definitely. The ability to adapt and grow
is what keeps things fresh right, much much like the
versatility of coconut water equally refreshing, whether you're in a
tropical paradise or stuck right here in New York City traffic. Now,
let's chat about your most recent single.

Speaker 7 (21:01):
Hi Astin. You actually nailed it right, You nailed it.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Look at that. What was the inspiration behind the song
and in general, what themes and messages do you do
you look to really address through your music.

Speaker 8 (21:11):
Yeah, so, what I've been looking at do an Armenian
being that I'm half Armenia myself, I've been looking to
do an Armenian song for the past few years, but
the idea never came to me because I wanted to
really make my own lane. I didn't want to do
something that's already been done with Armenia music.

Speaker 7 (21:27):
There's a bunch of creatives who you.

Speaker 8 (21:29):
Know, paved their way and have made great music. But
I wanted to do something that would make me stand
out as an artist. And I finally came up with
the idea of taking a traditional sound and mixing my
modern club and hip hop fusion into it, and people
are loving it. I really just wanted to put this

song out and be able to bring attention to my
people and my culture and shine a light on it
and make something that not only Armenians could listen to,
but the whole world could listen to. And I said,
just bring attention to my culture.

Speaker 3 (22:02):
You've definitely made the Armenian community proud and without a
doubt your family now with i Astime, You've truly captured
something unique. It's really not just a great Armenian song,
but it's a great Armenian dance hit. Did you know
that music inspired by cultural roots and this is a
true statistic most likely leads to a twenty percent increase

in fan engagement, And I'm I'm interested to hear about
if your Armenian fan based increased when you drop that.

Speaker 7 (22:30):
Oh absolutely, yeah.

Speaker 8 (22:31):
I've been still to this day getting NonStop love and
support messages, comments, shares, like everyone in the Armeny community
is going crazy showing so much love and I'm so
grateful for that. And yeah, I'm so excited to see
what else is to come from this. I really want
this to be a big hit and I love to
see my people on the mat.

Speaker 3 (22:52):
It's all about keeping it real. Now, most people create
boundaries between their work life and their personal life. However,
when it comes to the life of an artist, this
distinction becomes a bit more unclear because artists find inspiration
for their music from their own lives and experiences. Now,
i'd love to hear your thoughts on this. What role
does your personal life play in your music and how

do you find a healthy work life balance while you're
constantly producing, recording, and performing.

Speaker 8 (23:19):
I definitely think that my work, you know, it doesn't
necessarily take away from my personal life because some people
look at it as, Oh, I'm always working and I
never have time to chill. But I kind of look
at it in a different way. I'm a really needy
person in a sense that I need to be busy
all the time. Like when I'm whenever anything stagnant, I

just don't it doesn't feel right. I always need to
be doing something. I always want to feel like I'm
getting something done. I have a planned out day and
I try to maximize. I try to get as much
done in one day as I can, and you know,
I try to prioritize work over free time. But when
I am free, I do like to spend time with
my friends. I have a great friend group, and when

I'm not working, I'm in the gym training usually. But
work does take up a majority in my life. I
don't sleep much and I'm always working and I'm always
looking to advance my career and do something new and
always make some type of advancement every single day.

Speaker 3 (24:18):
Yeah, well, you're definitely doing that now. You work in
a wide variety of genres, from house and rapped afrobeats
to R and B and hip hop. Why do you
find it important to diversify your sound and are there
any other genres per se or styles of music that
you'd like to explore that you haven't yet.

Speaker 8 (24:36):
I just feel like it's important as an artist to
diversify your sound because making the same type of music
over and over again, I feel like the listener is
gonna get bored. A lot of artists nowadays come and
go very fast. I feel like because they're unable to diversify.
You may be good at one thing, but it's going
to get old after a while. And me and myself,

I just listen to all types of different music, and
I like all types of music, and it's really whatever
I feel in the moment. One day, I could feel
like making a sad R and B record, one day
I could feel like making.

Speaker 7 (25:08):
A hype house club song.

Speaker 8 (25:11):
So it's really what I'm feeling in a moment, and
I like to always keep the listener surprised and engaged
and ready to see what's next.

Speaker 7 (25:19):
That's always something new on the way.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
Diversification is key, and your sound is like mixing coconut
water into different smoothies. That keeps things exciting and tasty.
I love all the flavors that once upont of coconut offers.
But artists who experiment with multiple genres and this is
a fact, really reach wider audiences and that increases your
streaming numbers up to forty percent. So keep doing what

you're doing now. You've been online from the very beginning
of your career, since you started out by posting singing covers,
and almost a decade later, those following and viewership numbers
have drastically multiplied, garnering you a true loyal fan base.
So for both independent artist it's in those sign to
a label. The digital world of social media has truly,
truly changed the game. How do you think social media

has shaped your career and how do you leverage being
able to connect directly with your fans online.

Speaker 8 (26:14):
I think, especially in today's day and age, as an artist,
social media is the center of everything. It's where all
of your fans go to to see what's next. It's
it's direct promotion.

Speaker 7 (26:25):
For me.

Speaker 8 (26:25):
It's I'm able to connect with my fans from the UK, Brazil,
the US all I want and I'm able to promote
and it's a it's a great and it's a necessary
tool in today's day and age. Some would say social
media is bigger than a lot of older methods of promotion.

Speaker 7 (26:42):
It's it's it's everything, and.

Speaker 8 (26:46):
I like keeping people interested in always making new types
of content. I developed my own style of content to
where people are always ready for something.

Speaker 3 (26:56):
Yeah, well, whoever told you that is one hundred percent right,
because close to ninety percent music discovery now happens online.
If you have clearly harnessed the power turning likes and
chairs into a loyal following, that's definitely a secret sauce
right there. Now, you've clearly come a very long way
since we last spoke but I think it's safe to
say this is not the last time we're going to

be hearing from you. Do you have any exciting plans
in the works that we should know about, and what
are your main goals moving forward?

Speaker 8 (27:24):
You could expect new sounds from me, new music, new content,
new videos. I'll be doing performances in the Tri state area,
and a couple other things that I'll keep undisclosed for now,
But yeah, I always expect something.

Speaker 7 (27:39):
New from me.

Speaker 3 (27:40):
Now. With the momentum that you've built, it's clear that
the only direction is up. Just like good hydration, habit,
consistency is key. Artists like yourself with clear goals with
a roadmap, we see an output of close to fifty
percent of increase in career longevity. So as an entrepreneur,
you're clearly here to stay if you've come this far

in just a decade. Now, what advice would you give
to aspiring artists trying to break into the industry?

Speaker 8 (28:07):
First and foremost, I would say, do your best to
discover and develop yourself as an artists, as a unique artist.
What's going to make you stand out from other artists?
That's always the key factor is what's going to defer
you from other artists, and being consistent, developing your own
style of content, having a schedule, having a plan, and

having goals and knowing how you're going to attack those
goals and not letting any negativity knock you off your
path and discourage you. And also being patient and faithful.
And I would say, whether you're not you're a religious person,
I would say, have a good relationship with God and pray,
And to me, praying and worshiping God it answers all

the unsolved problems in my life. Honestly, when I'm when
I'm struggling and when i've I'm trying to figure something
out and I don't know. I always know God knows better,
So I suggest people to pray.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
And yeah, I love your faith and I love that
you are so open and transparent about your devotion to
your family, your faith and really just in your community. Well,
we are at the end of time, my dear friend.
Thank you so much for joining us. That was so
much fun. We're definitely gonna have you come back.

Speaker 7 (29:24):
Absolutely, Thank you so much for having.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
Me, and we'll be listening out for new beats from
Tony Marino. That was our hydration with heart segment brought
to you by Once Upon a Cocada, and that was
the incredible Tony Marino. Definitely check out his latest single,
hi Astan on all streaming platforms and stay up to
date with his latest songs and performances online at Tonymrino
dot net. But you could check him out on the
gram at Tony Marino. That's t n E E M

A r I n O. You're listening to a Moment
of Zen right here on seven ten WR the voice
of New York iHeartRadio. We'll be right back after this.

Speaker 9 (29:58):
Hey, we're gonna take it up and not after this summer.
Hit another spot, another spot, take it to another blot.
Come on, Tula said, I need another block, John John
Aye ya starn you know how kind of represent Uh
that's the only way is get a sent yup said
at once got to say it start.

Speaker 4 (30:18):
A Moment of Zen is brought to you by Once
Upon a Coconut.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
Discover the refreshing taste of one hundred percent pure coconut
water that actually tastes great, not to be sweet, with
no artificial flavors or added sugar. It's packed with electrolytes
to keep you hydrated. Throughout your day and with ten
percent of profits going to charity, every sip makes a difference.
Pure taste, pure goodness. Experience Nature's Gatorade, Visit Once Upon

a Coconut or Nature's Gatorade dot Com.

Speaker 10 (30:45):
A Moment of Zen is brought to you by Co
two Lift. As we age, our skin loses moisture and elasticity,
causing wrinkled skin. You can reverse this aging process with
Co two lyft. CO two Lift utilizes the powerful benefits
of carbon dioxide to lift titan and regenerate your skin.
The simple, painless at home carboxy therapy treatment is scientifically
proven to reverse the aging process. You will see reduction

in wrinkles, increase a luminosity, and improve pigmentation, sagging skin tone,
and radiance.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
For more information or towards Co two Lift, ask your
skincare professional or go to Co two lift dot com.
Welcome back, beautiful Tri State area. You're listening to a
Moment of Zen right here on seven to ten WR
the voice of New york iHeartRadio. I'm your host, Zen.
Sam's up next in the Going Deep segment brought to
you by Co two Lift. We have one exciting segment

We're gonna be headed all the way to the Upper
East Side at Lewis Germatology and Associates right here in
New York City, and we're gonna be chatting with the
doctor herself, Doctor Amy Lewis, specializes in cosmetic and laser dermatology,
and we're gonna chat all things wedding season. Get ready
for that wedding weekend, whether it's your day or someone

else's that you're celebrating. We're gonna chat about the latest
laser and skin trends, elongate your neck and give you
that instant facelift for the big day. We're also going
to chat about how to put some extra honey in
your honeymoon. Are you ready? All right, let's go check
out Lewis Dermatology on the Upper east Side. Here we go.
Welcome to the show, superstar, Good morning, Thanks for having me.

Now we're gonna talk about SEO two lift. SEO two
lift pro is being used in combo therapy across the
field of dermatology pre and post procedures, and it's an
incredible an incredible treatment, non invasive skin rejuvenation. If you will, now,
Doctor Lewis, how are you first introduced to COO two
lift products and how are you currently incorporating them pre

and post treatment. So we also do a lot of
skincare and get people on the best skincare regimen to
adjunct to the devices and the toxins. And one of
the things that I notice is that people don't know
what to do. You know, they go to Sephora, they
go to all these shops and they just buy tons
of things. They don't know what to use.

Speaker 11 (32:54):
So when I look at someone's skin number one, sunblock, sunblock,
sunblock right, SPS is your BFS right, And I tell
that to everybody. But then also what else can you
do for your skin to make it more hydrated, to
get a more useful appearance, and also really do something
that's working scientifically. So in the past, we had growth factors,
retin a retinols, you know, antioxidants, all these different things

that they would buy and wrong, which we still do.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
But this is innovative.

Speaker 11 (33:22):
This is a new thing, and I brought this in
because it does something that nothing else can do. It's
a mask number one, that is, it's minimum, it's no
INVASI non invasive at all, minimal like financial.

Speaker 3 (33:33):
Output right, because it's very affordable. Everybody can do it.
You can do it at home, and the more often
you do it, the better the effects. So what does
it do for you? It increases hydration, as we said before,
by one.

Speaker 11 (33:44):
Hundred and seventeen percent as per studies, right, which is incredible.

Speaker 3 (33:48):
Increases collagen, both types of collagen your skin. Increases the
vasculature in two ways by increasing more blood vessels but
also dilating the vessels that are there, so it makes
it work better the vessels already there, so that gives
you healing, so it makes every procedure you do makes
it heal faster. And because of the increased nutrients with

the vaculature, it actually makes the procedure work better. So
why wouldn't you want to add this to your regimen?

Speaker 11 (34:14):
Right, So it's something that can be used as a
standalone for somebody just wants some radiance and glow to
their skin, or it can be used as an adjunct
to a procedure that you're doing in the office. So
that's how I brought it in to be both individual
and together.

Speaker 3 (34:27):
This is great. Now, I've heard a lot of doctors
and I've interviewed many doctors specifically on the co two products,
and one in particular, one commentary really hit close to home.
Who's doctor Hoyos, I've Colombia, and she compared it to
a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

Speaker 11 (34:43):
Absolutely, and I tell my patients that all the time,
it's like putting yourself in.

Speaker 3 (34:47):
An oxygen chamber.

Speaker 11 (34:48):
And who can do that? First of all, right, nobody
has the time. It's not affordable. It's just not somebody
you can.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
Moye one exactly.

Speaker 11 (34:54):
It's very hard to find one. So this is at
least to carboxy therapy. This is like car boxy therapy,
which was injectable in the past, and now it's in
the mask form. And I tell my patients it's like
putting yourself in an auxygen chamber. And you can use
it anywhere on the body, the face, the chest, the arms,
anywhere you're injecting or doing something, and use it vaginally,

which we can talk about also because it's something that's
called the d lift mask and that helps in all
different regions for sexual wellness.

Speaker 3 (35:22):
Right, So we're talking head to toe, really, head to
toe really, and I love that that this company has
found a proprietary, sustainable, easy method to deliver non invasive skincare.
But let's talk about the vaginal treatment. So do you
miss defying sexual stigma. This is something that I'm constantly
constantly advocating for. Women need to be prepared. We need

to know whether it's menopause, pre menopause, perimenopause. There's a
lot of discomfort that comes at any age, by the way,
So talk to me about the CO two lift, the
treatment and what that really means for women who could
use it. I know their's studies to the effect of
it aiding the pain of likned sclerosis, which is you know,

rather itchy and a little bit uncomfortable, if you will,
So talk to me about the v treatment and what
science is behind that. Absolutely.

Speaker 11 (36:21):
So one of the things I want to I also
want to mention is we were talking about this is
bridal season, right, so we're talking about things that are
good for brides.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
But it's not just the brides.

Speaker 11 (36:29):
It's the mother of the bride, and the grandmother of
the bride, and the bridegroom and the whole the bridesmaids, right,
they can all benefit from the CO two and the vlyft.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
So especially what's after the after the wedding is the honeymoon. Oh,
I want more honey in the honeymoon exactly, That's what
it is. It's more honey in their honeymoon.

Speaker 11 (36:47):
So if you use the vlyft mask pre honeymoon, you're
gonna get more hydration. The sexual intercourse is more pleasurable
for both partners, not just the woman. So that's also
a nice gift to give the new hobby. And it
also stops the dryness. It decreases UTI, so decreases urine
attract infections, so and the itch and any irritation because

again it's increasing blood flow, increasing hydration, increasing collagen and
actually making a more youthful area there. So that's why
the sexual wellness comes into play. And we're talking.

Speaker 3 (37:20):
About brides, I just have to bring up because brides
are all ages now right, we have the Golden Bachelorette,
so there's another bride who's in the perimeno or menopausal
postmenopausal age range. So it's good for rise and non
rides in that area. And under any limitations, can anybody
use it? People that are on perhaps hormone therapy or
are there any red slagns in your opinion, not at all.

Actually it's it's really a very benign procedure. It's anti inflammatory.

Speaker 11 (37:49):
So that's why you were saying with li Likens grossis
it works. It's actually good for somebody who has any
issues because it will help repair that also, so I
just the opposite. It's color blo, which means you can
use it in any skin type and anybody with any
skin irritation, even post procedure roseatia, anything that you're worried about.

Speaker 3 (38:09):
The CEO two lift pro or the the left mask
is probably going to help. And talk to me about
the method of application, because I'm sure a lot of
people are interested in how do you put a mask
down there? It's actually that's a good question. It's actually easy.
You put it.

Speaker 11 (38:23):
It's looked like a little applicator, like a little syringe
like you would get when you go to the pharmacy
if you have a fungal infection.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
They can do that a little syringe for women who
know what that is.

Speaker 11 (38:33):
And so you just inject it right into the vaginal area,
and you can also put it.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
Externally on the vaginal area and it lifts it all,
lifts it all. Okay, I love it. Now, are there
any upcoming trends, procedures that we should know about that
you've heard of in the dermatology field.

Speaker 11 (38:49):
So the two things that we're going to talk about today,
which again I use law for brides and other people,
also are my two t's.

Speaker 3 (38:56):
We have Tixel two and Traptops.

Speaker 11 (38:59):
And the reason bringing that up is because Tixil two
is a the Tixel two point zero.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
It's a new machine. It is amazing for resurfacing and
pigmentation and.

Speaker 11 (39:10):
The little bit of maybe active scars irregularity. I actually
have done it on my face and neck. It's great
for those lines at tech neck lines, and so it's
great to get you ready for any red carpet event,
but also just good for life. I have gotten tons
of compliments on my skin since I've started doing it
on myself, and that is for me the number one tell.

Speaker 3 (39:30):
Yeah, well your skin looks fantastic even up close and
personally she's gorgeous. Thank you, and so are you. Thank you?
And I but my patients it's amazing.

Speaker 11 (39:38):
They look at me, they examined me all the time,
and I'm in They're like, what did you do? I
know you did something, And so the Tixel two has
really been making a mark in my practice and everybody
again can do it.

Speaker 3 (39:49):
And what I like about it. It can be used in
dark skin patients and light skin patients, so you can
use it on everybody. And then the Trap talks, which
is the Barbie talks, which we do along the trapezius muscle,
decrease the tension and increases the neckline so they have
a longer neckline, which is great for the strap with
stresses or for the brides and in their new bridle
gowns and also makes you necklaces look better. I love it. Okay, Well,

we're gonna check out Heather. She's having trap talks done
in the next five minutes, and we're gonna go get
her reaction. Now. Trap talks is something that's been trending
for a while. This is a big wedding day special.
We're gonna have doctor List explain what women are expecting
from this procedure and more importantly, how we're incorporating CO
two lift pro post treatment and if it's really truly

changing the effects of the results. We're gonna get it
firsthand right now from Heather. Welcome to the show. You
all right, Doctor Lewis, tell us what traptops is how
you're incorporating COEO two lift pro into the post treatment.
And what's what she's expecting to see result wise after
trap talk? Sure, so you see, we're just gonna move

this a little bit.

Speaker 11 (40:58):
And these are the peziest muscles right now here, And
a lot of times people get a lot of attention
and they feel like their neck is tight right in
these muscles, and sometimes they don't even realize that. They
get headaches and migraines and it travels all the way
up here and they attributed to other causes.

Speaker 3 (41:14):
But when I do the trap talks, very often it's
for eligation of the neck.

Speaker 11 (41:19):
So the neck looks longer, this goes down and they
have a really nice neckline.

Speaker 3 (41:23):
Great for that the wedding dress right straple stress, Yeah,
stras her go to.

Speaker 11 (41:29):
And also it's known as Barbie Talks because Barbie looked
like she had dad.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
Done right, which is kind of cute.

Speaker 11 (41:36):
But now we use it for a lot of brides
because they want to have that nice neckline when they
you know, when they go down the aisle. So one
of the things that I tell my patients it's sort
of like a three for one. They get the long,
beautiful neckline. They decrease the tension and they get rid
of their headaches. And for Heather, she actually experienced all
free which was really nice. So what we'll do is
we just inject the boatoks right along here along.

Speaker 3 (41:58):
The Treetcheesy's muscle. And the interesting thing is when I
look at my patients, patients are very often asymmetric and
they put more tension on one side, so I'll do
more on one side than the other and then they
look symmetric and that's also a nice improvement in their neckline.
So one of the issues is sometimes they after a
lot of injections, it's a little uncomfortable.

Speaker 11 (42:16):
They have a little bit of swelling. That's where the
SEO two lift pro mass comes in. We put it
on right after it calms the skin. It really increases
the hydration and the bastulature, so the blood flow to
the area helps you heal much faster. So there's really
no downtime at all. They go right back to work.
They don't feel like they get anything done that day,
and their skin and their neckline actually feels better. And

remember that the CO two lift pro mass is also
anti aging, So anybody who has pigmentation or dryness or
sun damage in this area is going to benefit also
from that.

Speaker 3 (42:49):
Wow, that's that's all right. That's a lot to live
up to. But you know what, Zeo two lift dot
com and their products are exactly that. And what's interesting
as I hear doctor Lewis speak, it reminds me of
some of the information and the research that we've all
been hearing about. When you do the research for SEO
to Lift, you see the research. It's the science. This

has been around since the nineteen thirties, but since the
nineteen thirties the method of delivery has changed. These to
inject it into the skin, which caused a lot of bruising,
a lot of complications. This is fantastic. It's done transdermably
forty five minutes in a mass. You can do it
at home, you can buy it online. The pro is
obviously only available out of provider's office. But more importantly,
we are seeing use cases for SEO to Lift pro

products across the board pre and post treatment, and that's
what's making all the difference. Heather is really good about
son of Witdans. A lot of patients aren't. So when
I do the mask here. Very often I will also
put it on their chest and declotage, because why not
get some anti aging there. Most patients have something I mutation,
sun damage, irregular texture, and this way they're really much

more ready for that strapless stress. All right, Heather, you
just got trapp talks done. Tell me why you chose
this procedure.

Speaker 6 (44:00):
So I chose this because I've had a lot of
tension in my neck and I found that it's helped
with that. Leaving that tension and also the technique that
we all are dealing with with work from home, I
feel like that's helping a lot. I Also, it's wedding season,
so I have a lot of weddings to go do
and I've gotten a lot of compliments already with how
elong you did.

Speaker 3 (44:19):
My neck looks.

Speaker 6 (44:20):
Strapless stresses are looking better on me, and I'm just
feeling really good for wedding season.

Speaker 3 (44:25):
Oh, you've had this done before, so how long do
your results typically last?

Speaker 6 (44:29):
Typically around six months, so it's a lot longer than
botox typically last. So if you get it now, you'll
be good for half the year.

Speaker 3 (44:36):
And a lot of weddings. Love it. Okay, Now here
we have a patient by the name of Rebecca, who
is going to be doing the Tixel laser. Talk to
me about how you're going to be using SEW two
Lift pro in combo therapy with the Tixel laser. So
I love the Tixel laser and all.

Speaker 11 (44:52):
It's actually the Tipical too, which is the new generation,
which were the only people in Manhattan that had that
machine right now.

Speaker 3 (44:58):
So it's here, it's here. I have a plug Lewis
Dermatology and Associates, Upper east Side.

Speaker 11 (45:05):
We always have the new innovations. I love being on
the cutting edge.

Speaker 3 (45:08):
So the Tixel too is a great machine for tightening,
for pigmentation, for resurfacing. It's almost like doing if people
know the Fraxle, right, it's like doing the Fraxle with
less downtime, better effect and minimal discomfort.

Speaker 11 (45:23):
So it's like, you know, it's the new thing that
I think you can get better results with less downtime.
But anything that has a little bit of discomfort, I'm like,
why not use the CO two lift mask to improve
the occlusion of the numbing cream. So I put the
numbing cream on usually for twenty to thirty minutes, but
now I've been putting the SEU two lift mask on
top and it does a couple of things. It doesn't

only just improve the ceiling and help the numbing work better,
but in the long run, you heal faster.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
Or we're chatting with the beautiful Rebecca Gosh, she's getting
the Tixel treatment. Welcome to the show, Superstar. Thank you
for having all Right, are you excited? I'm very excited. Okay,
so this beautiful machine right here, Tixel. Tell me why
you're choosing this procedure.

Speaker 12 (46:06):
So I've been seeing doctor Less for years and I
was telling her how really like sub punched spouts on
the acne scarring and that I have on my cheeks
from when I was in high school, and then some
pigmentation I have like my forehead around my mouth area.

Speaker 3 (46:20):
And she recommended Tixel.

Speaker 12 (46:22):
She said it's great for simuliating collagen, resurfacing.

Speaker 3 (46:26):
The skin and overall like giving you like a nice glow,
a nice healthy glow. And I love that you're so
well versed. It's important for patients to advocate for the
proper information, and doctors that really take the time to
explain the reason why procedure will really matter make a difference.
I think makes all the difference now let's address the
mask on your face. This is not part of Tixel.

This is the CO two lift pro mask, which I
read increases hydration by one hundred and seventeen percent and
a lot of doctors' offices, big top experts are now
saying that this is the new non invasive trend. So
carbon dioxide therapy for skin rejuvenation was the number three

trend on Google for Q three of last year. So
everyone wants to know what this mask is about, why
you're using it in combination with this treatment, and what
you're expecting from after you peel it off. Yeah.

Speaker 12 (47:22):
So I actually when doctor Lewis introduced it into her office,
I've been using it for months now. I love it
every time I have like an event coming up during
the summer. Sorry Doctor Lewis, But when I get a sunburn,
I use it after.

Speaker 3 (47:37):
But it really helps hydrate my skin, heal.

Speaker 12 (47:39):
It gives me a nice glow for weeks after using it.
And doing it today with this treatment, we put the
numbing cream on first and doing the cotwo left mask
on top is not only just going to bring me
more hydration, but it's also helping the number and cream
work a little bit better.

Speaker 3 (47:55):
So it's accelerating the numbing cream. It's helping your face
feel I'm assuming it feels fantastic. I like, yeah, I know,
I'm number It's like EVERYE double speaking.

Speaker 12 (48:06):
It feels super cooling. I feel hydrated even though I'm numbing.
I feel like I'm doing a little spa treatment.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
That was our Going Deep segment brought to you by
CO two Lift. Thank you to doctor Amy Lewis of
Lewis Germatology and Associates and her patients for sharing their
CO two lift experience. Definitely be sure to check out
doctor Lewis online at Amy B. Lewis MD dot com
and on the gram at Lewis Germatology. You're listening to
a Moment of Zen right here on seven to ten

wo R, the voice of New York iHeartRadio. We'll be
right back after this.

Speaker 2 (48:39):
A Moment of Zen is sponsored by Fintech TV.

Speaker 3 (48:42):
Fintech TV, the newest streaming channel focused exclusively on the
business of blockchain, digital assets and sustainability, broadcasting from our
studio on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
with daily reports from Nasdaq Global Expansion and twenty four
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Fintech dot tv slash Invests Fintech dot tv Slash invest.

Speaker 2 (49:03):
Tune into a Moment of Zend Saturday nights from nine
to ten pm on seven to ten Woor The Voice
of New York.

Speaker 13 (49:10):
Welcome back to this week's Discover Your Potential Express segment,
brought to you by Keep the Past on a Moment
of Zen right here on seven ten Woor the Voice
of New York iHeartRadio. I'm Anna Devere and today we're
celebrating a global game changer who uses artificial intelligence for good.
We think of AI as a modern invention, yet some

claim its roots go back to the nineteen forties, when
Alan Turing first conducted research in the field of machine intelligence.
During World War Two, Touring played a crucial role in
cracking intercepted messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the
Axis powers across the Pond in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Another trailblazer

was born as Mary Stevens Caldwell Henderson Mitzi Perdue, as
she's known today, describes her herself as born ambitious. Her
father was the co founder and president of the Sheraton
hotel chain. His leadership and focus would influence her throughout life,
But it was the girl Scout promise that burnt bright
in young Mitzi's mind to help people at all times

and to act in ways that make the world a
better place. She set her sights on journalism, believing in
the potential impact of writing about real world problems. Her
degrees from Harvard and George Washington University were only the
beginning of a lifelong passion for learning. Mitzy's drive to
make herself more useful led her to study everything from

pediatric first aid to database programming, public speaking, and how
to make the best.

Speaker 3 (50:44):
Use of chat GBT.

Speaker 13 (50:45):
Today, she is a celebrated author, syndicated columnist, global activist,
and war correspondent. And yet somehow, this ogdagenarian is continually
discovering her potential. When Mitzi recently traveled to the Ukrain
and began conducting interviews in bomb shelters, she discovered firsthand
some of the more than one billion people living with

debilitating mental illness. But it was fourteen year old Daria.

Speaker 3 (51:12):
Who changed everything.

Speaker 13 (51:13):
The girl had lost her parents, and in relaying her
story to the police, Daria appeared to be completely dissociated.

Speaker 3 (51:20):
From her drama.

Speaker 13 (51:22):
Witnessing this, a question dawned in Mitzi's mind. Without proper resources,
what would happen to all these children today? Mitzi is
joined by Klara Kaladorovik in creating a nonprofit, open source
AI model to provide mental health support in any language,
any time, anywhere in the world. For the pilot launch

in Ukraine, they're assisted by a network of mental health
professionals who donate their time to help the millions of
Ukrainians now enduring mental health issues like sleeplessness, panic attacks
or depression.

Speaker 3 (51:56):
Their goal is to.

Speaker 13 (51:57):
Lend additional support to NGOs and governments, providing traditional therapeutic
care transparently tracking impact and mental health metrics that aid
researchers and help phil rather than replace accessibility gaps in
one on one therapy. Their approach is collaborative, initially based
out of universities on the ground and overseen by a

global team to ensure inclusivity.

Speaker 3 (52:21):
They hope that.

Speaker 13 (52:22):
Everyone can benefit from the mental health and community impact
they seek to achieve. Please visit their website mentalhealth dot
Global That's Mental Help h Elp dot Global to donate
and find out more about how you can help from
iHeart to your Heart. This Discover Your Potential Express segment
is brought to you by Keep the Past. You're listening

to a Moment of Zen right here on seven to
ten wor the Voice of New York iHeartRadio.

Speaker 3 (52:50):
We'll be right back after this.

Speaker 2 (52:51):
A Moment of Zen is brought to you by your
Home TV with Kathy Ireland and their channel partners. Head
to your Home TV dot com for free family friendly
programming streaming twenty four to seven.

Speaker 3 (53:03):
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Watch luxury Barn Dominium tours on your Home TV and
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a journey through her barn Dominium designs.

Speaker 2 (53:22):
Tune into a Moment of Zen Saturday nights from nine
to ten pm on seven ten WR, the Voice of
New York.

Speaker 3 (53:29):
Well that's a rap, my dear friends. Remember to join
me right here on seven ten WOR the Voice from
New York every Saturday night from nine to ten pm Eastern,
Or you could head to seven ten wor dot iHeart
dot com forward slash a moment of Zen. Also remember
that we're live on Traverse TV Sundays at one pm Eastern,
YouTube Sundays at two pm Eastern, and all of our

episodes are available on your home TV and Kathy Ireland worldwide.
Thank you for tuning in. Thanks again to all of
our sponsors that continue to make the show possible. Remember
that happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you
share it. Will be back next week.

Speaker 1 (54:05):
The proceeding was a paid podcast. iHeartRadio's hosting of this
podcast constitutes neither an endorsement of the products offered or
the ideas expressed.
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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Bobby Bones Show

The Bobby Bones Show

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