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July 27, 2024 62 mins
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The following is a paid podcast.iHeartRadio's hosting of this podcast constitutes neither an
endorsement of the products offered or theideas expressed. Welcome to a moment of
Zen. Time to sit back andrelax. As model, actress, mentor
and super mom, Zen SAMs takesyou on a sexy and wild ride covering

the latest in film, fashion,pop culture, cryptocurrency, fintech, cannabis,
and entertainment from the millennial mom's perspective. Here's your host, Zen SAMs.
Hello, my beautiful Tri State area. Welcome to our one hundred and
seventy third episode. It's always sucha pleasure to spend my time with you

on the airwaves. Thank you forlistening and interacting with me on social media.
That truly does make it worthwhile.Please make sure to follow me at
Zen SAMs. That's Zen with anX, not a Z. And also
remember that all of our episodes streamtwenty four to seven on your home TV
and Kathy Ireland worldwide. You canalways find us on our YouTube channel of

course. Up next, we're takingyou on one wild ride in our Innovation
and Tech segment, brought to youby Fintech TV Today. We're featuring returning
guest Robert Edward Grant, innovator andsuccessful entrepreneur, best selling author of Philomath.
He specializes in number theory, mathematicalphysics, and blockchain tech. A

prolific inventor, he can truly doit all. He's going to share with
us today his thoughts about the recentUFO sightings, seeing in higher dimensions and
how to make sense of it all, what it means for humanity more importantly,
In our Hydration with Heart segment broughtto you by One upon a Coconut,
Today we are refeaturing Casey Marrek,a two time childhood cancer survivor,

wife and medical mama to two babieswith one on the way, one born
with only half a heart. Sheis embracing life's lemons, so to speak.
She goes by the handle laughing afterlemons on social media. She's gonna
chat me for a follow up,and we last had her on one year
ago. Today we're chatting all aboutbaby Noah's new lease on life, how

he's thriving in his new heart,and the importance of organ donation. In
the Discover Your Potential segment brought toyou by Smart Pet Talk We're joined by
our regular contributor Anna Devere. She'sjoined by Sir Don Boyer, a renowned
public speaker, author of over twentybooks, and an acclaimed producer of several
award winning docs. They're going tojoin me today to chat all about raising

your consciousness, achieving success, andhow to create that life of your dreams.
In the Going Deep segment, broughtto you by Co two Lift,
we're going to take you all theway to Scale twenty twenty four Music City,
where we're gonna be chatting with afew of our favorite skincare experts.
We're chatting with doctor Serrania Wils Boardcertified dermatologists and Regenitive medicine specialists from the

Mayo Clinic, and doctor Ted Lane, medical director of Sonova Dermatology. They're
chatting latest skincare trends, including COtwo Lift for skin rejuvenation, and of
course we're gonna be chatting all aboutthe new trends and technologies. Stay tuned
for the amazing Robert Edward Grant chattingUFO sightings and what this means for humanity.

You're listening to a moment of zenright here on seven to ten WR
the voice of New York iHeartRadio.We'll be right back after this. A
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of Zen Saturday nights from nine toten pm on seven to ten, woor

the Voice of New York. Welcomeback, beautiful Tri State area. You're
listening to a moment of Zen righthere on seven to ten Woar the voice
of New York iHeartRadio. I'm yourhost, Zenzam's Welcome back to our Innovation
and Tech segment brought to you byFintech TV. Today we're featuring a returning
guest, Robert Edward Grant, innovatorand successful entrepreneur, best selling author of

Philomath. He specializes in number theory, mathematical physics, and blockchain technologies.
He's a prolific inventor and founder ofseveral corporate enterprises. He could truly do
it all. Today He's here toshare his thoughts and chat all about the
UFO sightings, seeing in higher dimensions, and how to make sense of it
all. Those of you in theWestern US who enjoy vast open spaces may

also be more likely to report UFOsightings. A new study suggests an analysis
of unidentified aerial phenomenon UAP reports NowUAP, by the way, is a
new umbrella term that includes UFOs notjust in the sky, but also in
space and underwater. Now. Thisnew report suggests local environmental factors play a

role in the number of UAP sightingsreported. The study, based on about
ninety eight thousand reports over twenty years, as cataloged in an open source online
data set maintained by the National UFOResearch Center, modeled how reported UAP sightings
coincide with environmental variables such as lightpollution and cloud cover, as well as

things like proximity to airports and militaryinstallations. The results reveal the majority of
reported sightings originate in the western US, along with a smaller hotspot in the
northeastern US. Why today, RobertEdward Grant is here to chat about these
recent UFO sidings across America and whathe thinks about life on other planets.

Welcoming now to the show is theamazing Robert Edward Grant. Welcome, superstar.
Hi, great to be here withyou. Great to have you on.
So you are the expert here.In recent years, there have been
a surge in reported UFO sidings acrossthe United States, and this has captured
the attention of both the public andgovernment authorities. In fact, in twenty

twenty, the Pentagon officially released threevideos taken by Navy pilots showing unidentified aerial
phenomenon, which reignited interest in thepossibility of extraterrestrial life. These settings have
led to increased transparency and investigation withthe establishment of the unidentified so to speak.
So, Robert, can you startby sharing your initial thoughts on the

recent UFO sidings Why the Western US. I think what's happening right now is
we've got a global happening around theworld in that people are able to start
to see things that they couldn't seebefore. And you know, one of
the things I'd like to refer toaliens as is actually intra dimensional or intraterrestrial

or extraterrestrial rather than alien. Andthe reason for that is because I believe
they've been here all along. Actually, if you could imagine if we lived
in a flat world and there wasonly flatness around us, so we were
two dimensional, we wouldn't be ableto perceive the third dimension. In fact,
we wouldn't even be able to describethe third dimension because we wouldn't have
the words to describe it. Howwould you describe the word depth to someone

who's never experienced depth. So whenwe start talking about intraterrestrial beings that are
able to go in between dimensions orour higher dimensional beings. Then what you're
talking about is something that's well beyondour level of perception until we raise our
consciousness to be able to perceive it. And I think this is what's happening.
I think what's happening in the Westin particular. I'm here in Laguna

Beach. I'm out looking right acrossto Catalina right now in my house.
And actually there's a film that wasdone by Carolyn Curry that's called Tear in
the Sky about the UAP phenomenon that'sbeen happening here in particular between southern California
and Catalina Island. This tear inthe Sky seems to be a place where
there's a lot of UAP activity.Is this because people are raising their consciousness?

I believe that's a huge significant partof it. But I also do
believe that there is increased activity hereon the West coast. Wow, that's
pretty interesting. Now. Number theoryand mathematical patterns play a crucial role in
the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, andthe famous Drake equation formulated by doctor Frank

Drake in nineteen sixty one estimates thenumber of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in
the Milky Way galaxy, and theequation to my understanding considers factors such as
the rate of star formation, thefraction of stars with planets, and the
number of planets that could put upactually support life. Now, Robert,
with your expertise and number theory,can you explore how these mathematical frameworks can

be refined or expanded to incorporate newdata from recent UFO sidings. Well,
for us to think that we're alonehere in the universe is kind of preposterous
when you really think about it.There's just simply no way that that would
be the case. Because the universeis so vast, there would be probably
billions, if not trillions, ofpossible examples of planets and Goldilock zones where

we could find extraterrestrial life. Sofor us to believe that we are the
only ones here, I think isjust mathematically very very improbable. But then
when we go beyond that and startto think about the extra dimensional aspect of
this, that certain beings is wehave this limitation of being able to travel
only at the speed of light,potentially as a maximum sort of rate limitter

of being able to get to otherplaces, because nothing can travel faster than
the speed of light. Well that'sif we're looking at it only in this
dimension. The things that was provenonly about two years ago and was given
a Nobel Prize for it in particularwas entanglement. So quantum entanglement was proven,
and it proved that entangled particles couldhave influences on them that independent of

their distance in space time, they'reable to shift and make changes to themselves.
And this is absolutely something that AlbertEinstein referred to as spooky action at
a distance. No one could understandwhy it was. If I took one
electron off of an atom and thathad its entangled pairing, Basically, if
I could manipulate one, the otherone would also manipulate, even independent of

the speed of light or the speedor distance in between the two particles.
So this is something that was proven. It proves also that local realism in
and of itself is actually false.And when local realism is false, then
what we're observing is directly informed byour own observation perception bias that we have.

So if we have a perception bias, and this is called Heisenbergs uncertainty
principle. If we have a perceptionbias right, and we're unable to see
higher dimension because that is our perceptionlimitation, then you won't even be able
to see. You can have twopeople looking at an alien craft or extraterrestrial
craft and one person be able tosee it and the other person not at
all be able to see it.It's dependent more on their own consciousness and

the level of perception they're able tosee. Again, some people could see
depth and other people couldn't. Inthat context, I love this analogy and
it's fascinating because it's one thing toacknowledge that extraterrestrials and higher life form exists,
but it's another right to be ableto perceive them. And based on
your knowledge and understanding of higher dimensionalperspectives, do you think humanity has the

ability to perceive them truly right now? And if not? And if not,
is there a way to gain accessto this perspective? You know?
Just to give you an example,if I were to hold this can and
I'm holding it straight on towards youand I said what am I holding?
You might say, oh, you'reholding a circle. What's the shape of
what I'm holding is a circle.But then someone sitting on the side of

me over this direction and saw ashadow cast on the wall that would be
more like a rectangular shape, theymight say, you're holding a rectangle,
right, Only I have the perceptionthat's a higher dimensional aspect to realize that
I'm holding a cylinder. It's botha rectangle in two dimensions and a circle,
but actually it's a cylinder. Thisis what I'm talking about. People

mainly are been fighting over in somany things in the world over right,
whether something's a circle or a rectangle, right, it could be the left
or the right, or whatever philosophicaldifference they're perceiving, and actually they could
just be part of a larger hole. And in this context, a larger
hole. Being able to perceive atthe higher level is to realize that it's
a cylinder. This is what I'mtalking about. Certain people have limitations embedded

within their contentiousness, and that limitationleads them to see what they see or
they don't see. And so thisis the reality we're living in. And
this is why the cover of ScientificAmerican two years ago stated local realism is
false and this year's Nobel Prize winnersproved it. Local realism means that if
you're not looking at something, orif you're not observing something, it's not

actually there. It doesn't hold aposition. So this is really true critical
aspect of understanding what people are experiencingor what they're not experiencing when it comes
to UAP phenomenon. Wow, that'san interesting perspective and I love how you
just frame that. You're so goodat what you do. Now, the
scientific community and government agencies have started, you know, taking UFO settings more

seriously, and in twenty twenty one, the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence released the Report on UAPs,acknowledging that many of the settings remain unexplained
and require further investigation. Scientists advocatefor this multidisciplinary approach to studying UFOs,
involving experts from physics and astronomy,and engineering and even psychology to comprehensively understand

these phenomenon. Now, given therecent increased in UFO sidings, who are
the increased in ability to perceive?If you will, do you believe this
indicates a higher probability of contact withextra terrestrial beings or could there be other
explanations. Honestly, contact is alreadyhappening every day. It's literally happening every

day with the people that are ableto perceive higher dimension. And I'm talking
about we live in the fourth dimension. So if we think about the fifth
dimension and sixth dimensions are largely wherethese extraterrestrial beings are residing. They're in
higher dimension. And as I said, if we were in the second dimension
and we saw an apple fall throughour world, we wouldn't be able to

see an apple. We would seeslices of the apple as it fell through
our world, and we'd be like, what is that thing? It takes
the higher perception to be able toperceive it. And so this higher dimension
of fifth dimension and sixth dimension haveto do with time. So we have
three dimensions of space, we havethree dimensions of time, and the two
are interwoven together. So the fifthdimension relates to the nature of time being

a mobia strip going both directions aswell as so the past determines the future,
but the future also determines the past, and that starts to bend your
whole thinking about how far of adistance you could travel to be able to
come to somewhere like Earth, whenyou've got these huge, huge distances between
you know, the next stars thatwould have Goldilocks zones that could potentially have

you know, sentient life or havebiological life on them, at least single
cell organisms and beyond. So thenfrom that point forward you have a sixth
dimension, which would be absolute accessto all dimensions of time and space.
And that is a much higher framethan what we can perceive. But some
people are now starting to perceive afifth dimensional aspect and already noting time shifts.

For them, they call them timelineshifts. They're experiencing this. People
that have been psychic have been experiencedthis for a long time, and those
are the people largely that have beenhaving the first alien or extraterrestrial contacts.
Yes, yes, I know exactlywhat you're talking about, and I'm going
to go one step further. Now, let's talk about public perception and the

role of media. So, mediacoverage plays a very significant role in shaping
public perception of UFOs and everything elsefor that matter. Balanced and accurate reporting
can definitely help demystify the topic andencourage a rational and scientific discussion. Conversely,
sensationalists reporting can lead to fear andmisinformation. Right, how do you
think the media, whether that bethe news or film and TV, has

influenced the public's perception of UFOs andother life forms? Well, I mean,
I think it's in popular television,pop culture in general. It definitely
has influenced us. You know,growing up, I was I loved movies
that were like Close Encounters of thethird kind, and I loved even movies

that were like Aliens, Right,and that was one of my favorite shows
growing up, and it presented twovery different archetypes I think of what we
think of as when we think oflike alien relations. One of them is
very very nice, sort of likethe et phone home concept, and the
other one is going to be morelike, okay, they want to take

over the Earth, or they're goingto basically infiltrate our bodies and sort of
the very dystopian view. One ofthe things I think is really important to
note about this proving of quantum entanglementis that what we think we can and
what we think we can't, wewill be right. So if you think
you can or you think you can't, you're right. And that's exactly what

Henry Ford said, right, Soif we are stuck in a mindset of
our own belief systems, right,so our own consciousness can only expand to
the volume of the cage of ourbelief system, whatever that is. So,
if you believe that you're going tohave a very negative experience with extraterrestrial
life, then very likely your experiencewith that might be very dystopian and difficult.

If, however, you believe thatyour experience is going to be one
of love and compassion and joy andwelcoming, then you're very likely to experience
that. I think this kind ofconditioning is so, so critically important,
and I believe that media today hasbeen playing this role of subtly guiding us
one way or another, and we'renow only waking up to the fact that

we've not been subtly guided, butwe've been actually jolted into this position where
we didn't even realize that we cannow no longer empathize with a different person's
viewpoint. And I think that's what'shappening, is that we've got to polarizing
media, And probably it was polarizingall along, we simply weren't even aware
of it. It's like people thinking, you know, oh, Has the

government been hiding this? Have theybeen covering it up? You know what's
going on? Has the government alwaysbeen our friend or not? And often
has been portrayed as our friend?And now I think we're all starting to
come to this awareness in a starkcontrast, that the government has been hiding
things all along. And of courseconspiracies that were called conspiracy theories and laughed
at and jeered at now are turningout to be true. And there's confessions

about this all over the place.So to me, this is just like
a huge, massive awakening for humanityto realize its own sovereignty and to realize
that only we can determine our outcomesand our futures. So well said,
I truly believe the government has neverbeen transparent with their findings or their knowledge
of higher beings. But I havetwo very specific questions, and we only

have two minutes left, Robert,are there any specific pieces of evidence that
you find most compelling when it comesto the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Well, I mean there's been alot of talk lately about these you know,
these mummies that were basically found inMexico. Right, you probably well,
they weren't foun in Mexico. Wereoriginally found in Peru some of them,

but there's been a lot of otherartifacts that have come out of Mexico.
I actually went to Mexico City andfound them. I think some of
them were even found in Venezuela,and I was able to look at them
directly, and there's been DNA testson some of them. And you know,
there's two very very different camps onthis. Some people think it's complete
hoax and some others think that it'sabsolutely real. The thing that I believe

is fundamentally true is that there wasa civilization around the world, and I've
been able to witness this on myown. I'm not having to depend on
any third parties that connects all ofthe pyramid structures around the planet. So
I think there's an entire lost history, and a lot of that points to

extraterrestrial intervention and assistance and help.So one of the things that I discovered
and have worked and published on isthat the Great Pyramid and the three pyramids
on the Giza Plateau were actually makinga musical interval relationship, and the sound
that it makes was not Unfortunately,Da da da da like I thought it

might be for you know, closeencounters of the third kind, but it
was it was literally that relationship.That's the sound of the Giza Plateau.
Then I went and investigated all theother pyramids around the world, and I
did it based on the slope angles, specifically the slope angles of the pyramids,
because I thought those slope angles mightactually tell a story on their own

about because the slope angle is determinedby the height over the base of one
half of the cross section of apyramid. And so I analyzed that with
all the pyramids around the world andfound that they're all connected in musical scales.
And I remember, I remember thissegment we did. You taught me
so much keep going. So Ibelieve that this is some sort of communication.

I mean, you start thinking aboutwhy would ancient civilizations have had this.
Was it a communication method? Wasit a communication that was limited to
the terrestrial plane, or is ita communication method that goes outside of Earth
to other planets. I mean,the mind can literally just spin on topics
like this. So but it isundeniable that they're connected, and they're all

in the lay lines, the energeticpathways that are basically resident within the Earth
structure. What's the reason for this? Are there stargates or portals as a
result of this? And I thinka lot more investigation needs to be done
on this, a lot more research, and I think the governments know a
lot more than they let on.But I don't believe that the answer is
to just continue to complain that governmentscould give us more information. I think

that there are people right now alreadythat are in direct contact with what we
would call something like a galactic federation, and they've been having conversations with them.
And I myself have had these typesof experiences many times now, so
I can tell you that I knowI'm not the only one, and I
know that there are a lot ofother people that are going through this right

now as all the people of Earthare trying to wake up to the reality
of what we've been living. Sotrue, I'm one of them, and
that's why you are on this show, My dear, thank you so much.
We are officially out of time.I can't thank you enough for coming
on and chatting with us and educatingus. You're like the teacher I never
had. Well, thank you.It's always great to be with you,

and I'll look forward to seeing younext time I get to New York.
That was our Innovation and Tech segment, brought to you by Fintech TV.
That was the incredible returning guest andcontributor Robert Edward Grant, innovator and successful
entrepreneur, best selling author of Philomaths. You can head directly to his website
at Robert Edward Grant dot com,or you can check him out on the
gram at Robert Edward Grant. You'relistening to a Moment of Zen right here

on seven ten WR, the voiceof New York iHeartRadio. We'll be right
back after this. A Moment ofZen is brought to you by Once Upon
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Welcome back, beautiful Tri State area. You're listening to a moment of Zen
right here on seven to ten wR, the voice of New York iHeartRadio.

I'm your host, Zenzam's up nextin the Hydration with Heart segment brought
to you by once Upon a Coconut. Today, we're refeaturing Casey Marrick,
a two time childhood cancer survivor,nonprofit founder. Medical mama to two babies,
one born with only half a heartand one on the way. She's
embracing life lemons, so to speak. She goes by the handle Laughing after

Lemons on social media, and sheis also the founder of kh Kids,
Inc. She joins me now fora follow up interview. We last had
Casey on over a year ago,back in May of twenty twenty three.
Today we're chatting all about Noah's knewLisa on life and how he's thriving in
his new heart, the importance oforgan donation, and how she balances it

all. Welcoming now to the showis the incredible Casey Marek. Welcome superstar.
Hi, so great to be hereagain, So great to have you
on. So let's do a recapfor the new listeners. So for those
who may not be familiar with yourstory, can you remind our audience about
your diagnosis and what happened to youat fourteen years old? Yes, I

was diagnosed with cancer. I wasjust a normal kid. I had some
skin issues, some other little thingsgoing on with health and went to the
doctor multiple times and ultimately ended upwith a big tumor on my neck and
we went in and I was diagnosedwith thyroid cancer at age thirteen. Was

my first diagnosis, went into treatments, had a full removal, and then
I had a reoccurrence a year later. So at the age I think I
had just actually turned fifteen, butI've been in remission ever since. And
yeah, it's been a wild ride. God bless well. With that cancer

diagnosis at such a young age,come a lot of repercussions and looking back
over the past decade, you facedmany challenges from health issues to starting a
family. Can you share what happenedat your twenty three week old anatomy scan
during your second trimester with Noah yeah. So yeah, it's you know,

living without a thyroid too at sucha young age, and I feel like
there's just so much research and stuffthat's still being done. It changes your
entire body. And I was soyoung when I had cancer, and then
I knew I was going to thedoctors had prepared me that I was going
to have reproductive issues. I hadmultiple miscarriages before Noah, and then when

we got pregnant with Noah, wewere closely being watched and everything seemed to
be perfect, and then we wentto our anatomy scan and that's when we
got the diagnosis that he only hadhalf of his heart, and we were
told we should probably terminate. He'slikely not going to make it to birth.

If he does, his condition isnot compatible with life. And there
are surgeries that could could potentially beavailable to him if he is well enough
to do them, but he likelywon't make it to one year his first
birthday. And so yeah, that'sthe diagnosis we got at twenty weeks.

That's hard. Now, let's chatfacing hypoplastic left heart syndrome. So,
hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a veryserious condition. When you walk us through
the options, you were given forNoah's treatment and how you made the decision
to move forward with the surgeries.Hypoplastic left heart. You have basically three
options. The first one is toterminate, The second one is to go

on comfort care when the baby isborn, just keeping the baby comfortable.
And then the third one is athree stage palliad of surgery. And it's
not a cure by any means.Your baby still has half a heart,
but it will at least it attemptsto get them to adolescents or adulthood so
that they can have a better chanceof getting a heart transplant. Honestly,

I reached out to a lot ofdifferent hospitals that I did a lot of
research, and then I jumped overto social media and just started researching the
hashtag and reaching out to the mom'sand yeah, just kind of try to
make the best decision with the informationthat I had at hand, which was

really hard because you know, wedidn't know what was going to happen when
he got here and how bad actuallyhis heart was. But we did ultimately
decide to go with the surgeries,and that required us to move a couple
hours away to deliver him at ahospital that had a program that was able

to perform the surgeries, and Imoved at thirty six weeks and then we
had him right at forty weeks.Wow, So let's charge. Let's chat
heart transplants and infants. So hearttransplants and infants are rare. Can you
share any insights or statistics about howcommon they are and what the waiting process

typically involves. It's very, verydifficult to get a heart at a newborn
age, which is why they tryto get you to an older age with
hyper prolongue to prolong it. Forour situation, you know, through the
evaluation process. We went through thetransplant evaluation twice. Once when Noah was

three months old because they did notbelieve he would make it through his second
open heart surgery, and so wehad to have a backup plan to be
in order to listen him right awayfor a transplant. So we started the
evaluation process and then the second timeobviously was in twenty two when he was
listed for our heart. And theevaluation process is very rigorous. It's hours

of talking to the doctors about thelong term, what life will look like
post transplant, the side effects,it's about the weight, it's about the
the medications that you know he'll beon forever. Noah was listed and we
were told the waiting process was aboutsix to nine months. So can you
share, So let's chat about thewaiting period for this heart transplant. That

must have been incredibly stressful. Yeah, can you share what that period was
like for you and your family andNoah. In order to get a heart,
you can be listed at home,but you're listed at a lower status,
so it's very rare that you'll getthe call. You could be waiting
for years. So in order toreally be on the top of the list,

you have to be admitted in patienton a drug called Milernome and then
that puts you into a one Astatus. And yeah, it was We
knew it was coming because we werelisted. We actually got to wait at
home as a lower status for acouple months before we went in patient,

and the anticipation of just knowing awe're picking up Noah's entire life at that
point. He was three when weput him in patient to wait. He
was too sick to stay home,and he declined very very quickly, and
time was of the essence. Youknow, we started really losing hope and

we knew the weight was typically sixto nine months inpatient, and we hadn't
even made it a month, andNoah was already not wanting to get bed,
not able to eat anything for weeks. He was really struggling, and
so it was just really hard tolike remain faithful and positive and be there

for him because he's the one goingthrough it and be this like, you
know, light and trying to keephim focused and positive when we were also
just kind of not sure that itwas going to happen in time. So
here you are now your only recourseis a heart. Yeah, no surgeries

can fix this. You're at theedge, you're out of options, and
you just need a heart. Andhe's three years old. So let's talk
about the importance of organ donation.So there's over one hundred thousand people in
the US waiting for an organ transplant, maybe more. Many never get the
call saying that a suitable donor organhas been found. What would you like

to tell people about the importance oforgan donation and talk to me about your
donor. Yeah, so the importancethere's just so much that we all,
I mean, I'm still learning,you know, we've been in this journey
for over a year now. Anyonecan be an organ donor, even if

you have past medical issues. Soeducate yourself, reach out to your local,
your state organization, and see ifit's an option. I know it's
the worst thing that any family alsowants to talk about, right Like,
we don't want to talk about sucha hard, hard thing to even think
about, especially with our children.But you know, it is so important

to know and to just have thatinformation available so that you can make the
right decision if there's ever a time. And it's just changed our life,
Like, I mean, Noah wouldn'tbe here if we didn't have his donor.
And that was something that was reallyhard for me because it's like,
how do you pray for a heartto come? Like you're literally praying for,

you know, this child to die. And it was like never that
I never wanted that. It's sucha hard thing, right like, and
I still think about that all ofthe time. But there's a lot of
you know, it's such a hardit's such a hard, bitter it's bittersweet.
It's bitter sweet without a doubt,especially as a mother. So talk

to me about your donor. Yeah, So after you get a transplant of
any organ. Every state has theirrequirements of how you'll communicate with the donor
recipient. For us, we hadto wait a year in order to send
a letter, and so at oneyear, we were in the hospital with

Noah and I handed over our letterto our team, and I really didn't
expect to hear back because I know, I can't even imagine what that family
is going through, and I knewnothing about them. I don't know the
age, the gender, We knewnothing, and so I handed over the
letter on April first, and aboutmaybe three weeks ago, we were unexpectedly

in clinic with Noah and we receivedthe letter back from the family. So
I don't know much about them yet. I do know it was a little
girl, and me and the motherare expecting to connect soon and hopefully we
will travel and meet them. Soyeah, we're just kind of waiting.

There's a process. So now thatwe both have agreed to communicate with each
other, we are able to shareour contact information. So I have just
shared that. Yeah, do youbelieve in angels? Yeah? I definitely
do now, you know know,without through all this journey, Noah and

I talk a lot about he askeda lot of questions, and just a
couple months ago. I guess itwas about two weeks shy of his one
year heartniversary. The day he receivedhis gift, we were talking nothing in
particular, but he randomly brought upthat there was a little girl in the

operating room when he got his heart, and I said, what do you
mean. He's like, you don'tknow who that little girl was. I
had no idea. We knew nothingabout the donor, the donor family,
anything, so we did not knowif it was a girl or boy.
And I tried not to ask toomany questions because I didn't want to.

I just wanted him to organically tellme. But of course I immediately like,
text my family, text my husband. I'm like, no, I
just said there was a little girlwhen he got his heart, like in
the room with him, and itwas just so wild. And then to
find out, now, you know, months later, that in fact is

a little girl. I absolutely believeshe is his guardian angel. And I
do really believe he saw her,you know, like it's yeah, wow,
that's wild. That is, withouta doubt, his guardian angel.
Now, how do you balance beinga medical mama to Noah having a child

on the way and another little one. I mean, you also run a
nonprofit and maintain your personal well being? How do you do it all?
Some days I'm so asked see myselfthat same question. I don't you know,
some days I'm failing at the balanceof it all, and I think,
just trying to take everything day byday. You know, with Noah,

it's still a lot of appointments.We are in a lot of therapies.
We are at the doctor almost everyother week with him to check on
his heart currently still, so it'sa lot. He is fully this heart.
Is this the permanent heart he willhave? So heart transplant is on

average about if you look at likestatistics, five to fifteen years until they
need another heart. So right now, you know, we just again taking
it day by day, knowing thatin the future it is very likely going

to need another transplant. But I'mhoping that technology and science just continues to
make strides because they've made so muchprowess. Yes, and yeah, so
this will be his heart until,you know, until God dictates otherwise.

Exactly now, we are almost outof time of two more questions very quickly,
I know back in twenty two thousandand nine. Back in two thousand
and nine, you established a nonprofitCasey Helps Kids kh kids. What inspired
you to start this organization and howhas its mission evolved over the last few
years. Yeah, going through cancer, you know, I feel like at

that time too, we didn't havesocial media, we didn't have just all
of the things that are connecting us, and so I felt very alone at
the time. And I actually,for my treatments, had to be in
complete isolation for days at a time. So I was thirteen a room with
just you know, live TV,and my dad had brought me a Teddy

Bear and I always signified that TeddyBear as like it could be with me
when my parents couldn't and nobody elsecould. And so that's really how Casey's
Kids started was I reached out toa Teddy Bear company and got a massive
donation and ultimately ended up partnering withlike Build a Bear over a couple of

years, and we started donating TeddyBears to kids in the hospital, and
then over the years it transpired intosomething much bigger, giving emotional support to
children, financial support to their families. We were hosting fashion shows across the
nation, where kids would get todress up and be a model for the
day. And yeah, now we'rerolling out some new partnerships and some new

programs. Were really excited about Casey. Your story is incredibly inspired. I've
been holding back tears throughout this entireinterview. Truly, I'm so excited that
you came back and reshared positive newsand that your family is growing and you
have all of these incredible chapters aheadof you. And I know that baby
No is thriving and he's going tocontinue to thrive, and I couldn't be

happier for you. Stay blessed.Thank you so much. That was the
Hydration with Heart segment brought to youby Once Upon a Coconut. That was
the amazing Casey Marrick. She goesby the handle Laughing After Lemons. Head
directly to their website at laughingafter Lemonsdot com. You're listening to a Moment
of Zen right here on seven tenWR, the Voice of New York iHeartRadio.

We'll be right back after this.A Moment of Zen is brought to
you by your Home TV with KathyIreland and their channel partners. Head to
your Home TV dot com for freefamily friendly programming streaming twenty four to seven.
Kelly Williams Show was brought to youby Saren Dipity, Yacht Cruises and
Events. Tune in and turn onYou're happy. Kelly Williams is full of

energy and incredible guests. Watch heranytime free programming on your home TV network,
and do follow her on social mediafor a chance to win monthly prizes.
Check out the Kelly Williams Show onyour hometv dot com. Tune into
a Moment of Zen Saturday nights fromnine to ten pm on seven to ten
WOR the Voice of New York.Welcome back, beautiful Tri State Area.

You're listening to a Moment of Zenright here on seven to ten WR the
Voice of New York iHeartRadio. I'myour host. Zenzams up next in the
Discover Your Potential segment, brought toyou by Smart Pet Talk. Today,
we're joined by our regular contributor,podcaster and co host Anna Devier. Today
she is joined by Sir Don Boyer. He's a renowned public speaker, author

of over twenty books, and acclaimedproducer of several award winning documentaries, dedicating
himself to giving back to humanity.From the young age of nineteen, he's
provided assistance to the homeless and workedalongside top thought leaders in the self help
industry, and now at age sixtyfive, he continues to make a profound
impact on the world by continuing toinspire and educate thousands of people through his

mentorship programs, training videos, andimpactful films. Sir Don is also the
co founder of the Global Mastermind Group, Carnegie Principle and Motivate Enterprise, which
is a multifaceted company in the selfhelp industry. Today, they're going to
join me to chat all about raisingyour consciousness, achieving success and how to
create that life of your dreams.Welcoming now to the show are my friends

Adah and Sir Don. Boy.You're welcome, superstars. Wow, so
great to be here. Don.I'm gonna start with you pay You've had
quite a remarkable journey in the worldof success and personal development. You've helped
thousands of people in the past fortyyears of work, and I know because
of your exceptional contributions in leadership,you've been recognized with many prestigious awards,

including a presidential award. But lookingback to the beginning, can you share
with us. What initially sparked thatpassion for this field. Well, you
know, that's a great question,and it goes back when I was nineteen
years old, I met my firstmentor and at nine years old. I
left home at seventeen, and atnineteen years old, I was already raising

two boys. So the only jobthat I had or could get was cleaning
buildings. And that's when I metmy milliaire mentor, when he put the
thought in my mind that I coulddo, be, inhabit anything that I
want. So that was really thebeginning seed that opened everything up. Amazing,
that's incredible. It's always important tonote that there are five main areas
of personal development, right, wegot the mental, we got emotional,

we have physical, social, andspiritual, and improving these areas is truly
a lifelong process. There's no rightor wrong age to begin working on improving
yourself and your life. And themarket for personal development is just going to
continue to grow. In fact,according to twenty twenty four Market Growth Reports,
the self improvement products and services markethas estimated at over forty three billion

dollars and it's anticipated to reach aroundfifty nine billion by the year twenty thirty
one. So you've certainly positioned yourselfin such a great market with lots of
consumers, and I know I havesome questions, so I'm going to hand
it off to her. Yeah,I mean you, we're skipping right through
into you know, your life asa filmmaker, and most of us are
aware of the movie The Secret,which really focuses on the law of attraction,

and we're going to dive into yourlatest movie next. But what I
wanted to ask you is what compelledyou to make your movie Beyond the Secret?
The next kind of chapter of thatmovie. Well back in twenty nineteen,
it had been seventeen years since TheOriginal Secret came out with Ronda Burns
in two thousand and six, andI wanted to know what was happening now

after all these years had passed,not only to the audience, but the
teachers themselves, the ones who startedthe original Secret, What were they doing
to date, what unfolded in theirlife and what happened to the entire society
after watching up jown S, youknow, seventeen years later and when I
got that question in my mind,that's when I decided I need to find
out something that goes beyond the secret, and that's really how we got that

idea for that film. Amazing.Now, let's chat about another one of
your films that just came out thisyear, Beyond Physical Matter, in which
you established the ling body connection witha host of experts from John Astraft to
Doctorn Twine Chevalier. Was there anythingthat surprised you in the making of this
movie about the correlation between health andthe quantum field. Yeah, what was

really interesting was I've been studying quantumphysics for twenty years and being involved in
the spiritual community, so I understoodthe dynamics of epigenetics, quantum physics,
quantum entanglement. But when I madethe film, that's when it really hit
me that we actually do have controlover physical matter with our thoughts, our

emotions, our imagination, and reallythat's how it all works. Well,
that experienced at all haul moment puteverything that I knew back into reality for
me, I think for anybody listeningthat might be unfamiliar with the properties of
quantum physics, can you just explainwhat you mean by the quantum fields.
Yeah. The quantum field, ifwe want to look at it in its

most simplistic form is what the agentshave been talking about from the beginning of
time, and that's how inner worldand understanding that there is a individible energy.
Some call it God, some callit she, whatever vernacuary you want
to use, it's the same thing. But it's all going back down to
understanding the invisible world that we alllive in, and the physical world is

nothing more than just a reflection ofeverything that's happening on the inside of us.
Now let's go a little bit deeper. How then, does this relate
to the cells in our body.Well, if we look at the study
of epigenetics, we know that ourcells are impacted by our environment by our
words. This might tell everyone becareful what you talk about, because your

sales are listening. And so weliterally control the health of our own physical
body by the thoughts that we thinkby words, and it's the science of
epigenetics. So that's the many wordsat I love that you say epigenetics.
I first got introduced that with thatconcept with Bruce Lipton, like cells will
change according to what their environment is. And I love that this field of

study is a lot more legit.One of your experts, sir doctor Antoine
Chevalier. He actually practices functional medicineor lifestyle medicine for members of the White
House through three different administrations, socompletely legit stuff. So I'm glad that
it's more mainstream. I'm glad thatyou caught up. And I love the
look and feel of your film.Is there anything that you adopted, any

practice in your personal life that cameas a result of making this movie.
Yeah. One of the things,and again what people don't realize, is
that we are surrounded by energetic beans, whether you call them angels, what
you call them beans of white,but they are or they are assigned to
every human being once we had planetEarth, and interacting with them and being

able to use them to really helpin the procedures of everything, it's been
a phenomenal experience. One of thethings that we did because it's quite expensive
to films. People dob realize thecost factor of creating films. But one
of the things that I embarked onwas putting an assignment to angels to keep
us well funded, and it absolutelyhappened. I love that you brought it

to the spiritual that's wonderful. Thankyou. I want that angel ye now
it's now shifting gears. You've writtenextensively on the power of mentorship, and
the numbers don't lie. As ofMarch of this year. Of twenty twenty
four, ninety eight percent of USFortune five hundred companies have and provide mentoring

programs, and mentees are five timesmore likely to get promoted compared to their
peers. So it's clear finding aproper mentor is key to achieving success.
But I'd love to hear your expertopinion. Why is it so important for
people to continue to work with amentor throughout their life. Well, number
one, you cut down your learningcurve because a mentor has already gone through

all of the experiences, made allof the failures, and if you're a
good men pee, they can teachyou how to avoid all those pitfalls.
They can advance what you're doing andreally help you speed your way to success
and achievement without pointing all of theheartaches. So mentorship is the number one
key factor if you're going to reallyachieve and creating anything worthwhile in your life,

whether it's personal or business. Donyou're one of those people that I
feel like mentors automatically, I knowthat in the conversations I've had with you
thus far, I feel like I'vebeen mentored, So congratulations. I know
that I asked Don, what doyou need more of? And he said,
you know, most of the peoplethat I've mentored have become multimillionaires.
Don is truly a secret weapon forentrepreneurs and anyone that wants to improve their

life. But I know it goeswell beyond that. You've created several movies
now with your wife, Lady MelindaWayer, and I heard her say on
the red carpet for this movie,beyond physical matter, that you'd like to
change the consciousness of the world.Is there anything you'd like to share about
what's in the work, what bothof you are doing right now. Yeah.

So one of the things is whenwe come to Earth, we're all
awakened. Then we're conditioned to goback to sleep. And I think there's
a major, major ship happening rightnow that more and more people are awakening.
They're coming back to that awareness ofwho they are, the spiritual beings
that they are realizing that we arenot just functions in this physical plane.

So our mission is really to helpeducate people to be aware that there is
more to light than this physical realm. And really, if we really want
to control this physical reality, thenwe got to go back into understanding of
how we're created spiritually energetically realize thatour thoughts and our imagination is the key
to control everything in our lives.Well, and I appreciate that you have

something for everyone because I've heard youtalk equal part science to equal part spirituality,
and I love that you have thisshort, sort of overall arching conversation.
Thank you. Well, we areat the end of our date,
my friends, Anna, thank youso much for bringing on such an incredible
guest. You're very inspirational. Dearsir, thank you so much. That

was our Discover Your Potential segment broughtto you by Smart pet Talk, and
that was the incredible Sir. DonBoyer, speaker, author and producer.
Definitely be sure to head to MotivateEnterprise dot com to learn more about him
and what he has to offer.And of course you can see more of
our beautiful Anna by heading to Discoveryour Potential dot com. You're listening to
a moment of Zen right here onseven ten wo R, the voice of

New York iHeartRadio. We'll be rightback after this, A Moment of Zen
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the Voice of New York. Welcomeback, my beautiful tri state area.
This is Zen Sounds your favorite iHeartRadiohosts seven ten WI the voice of New
York iHeartRadio at today, I'm allthe way in Nashville, Tennessee covering music
Scale twenty twenty four and I havebooked into my dear friend doctor surround you
while it's a THEAVEO Clinic. Welcomemy friend, Nice to see you again.
Nice to see you too. Andthis is so fitting because this is

of course experts on the microsphone seriesand going deep segment. So talk to
me about what you have noticed.What trends have you seen this year at
Scale Music City twenty twenty four inRegina and medicine. So Scale Music City
this year is going beyond or regiredof medison. I think we've started with
regardative aesthetics where we're getting exposed tothings like ex siss als and stem cells

and going beyond with new trends thatare coming. But we're also highlighting longevity
sides, which I think is reallyunique in cutting edge. This really focuses
on root cause targeting, the wellness, holistic wellness functional aesthetics. So those
are the trends that we're seeing thisyear, and that's exactly your area of
expertise, what is in your opinion, and we're gonna shift gears a little

bit. In Q three of twentytwenty three, the number three Google search
was carboxy therapy. Women and menwere searching what this innovative way of rejuvenating
the skin truly meant. I knowthat the derritiological community is using it both

pre and post care. I'm awarethat it's been around the nineteen thirty s
aval the method of delivery has changed. Can you fast forward give us the
lowdown on what CO two lift isand how practitioners are using it in their
practice pre and postcap Absolutely, andI'm excited to share that at Mayo Clinic,

we're running the CO two Lift CarboxyTherapy study where we're doing a CO
two laser on patients and then followingit up before and after procedure with the
CO two lift bask. This isa really unique therapy that is topical carboxylation,
so that allows oxygen flow to thearea post procedure and helps with healing

of the skin post procedure. Sowe're studying these in very unique ways.
Were collecting skin biopses, the skinmicrobio so how is it going beyond the
skin improvement that we're seeing visibly,but at the lower level of affecting molecular
change ciular change. So those arethe results that we'll have out to you
by the end of the year.That's fascinating. Now, the delivery system

for CO two lifts, can youtalk to me about that? Yes,
So, cootwo lift is a topicaldelivery system that kind of allows coming together
of two chemicals that creates a reactionof topical arboxy fere So it's a it
creates an oxygen dissociation herve shift.What does that mean? Fancy word for
saying that it allows more oxygen flowto the skin and you want more oxygen

flow during the time of healing sothat you can get the right nutrients,
the right factors that are locally availablefor healing. Wow, I've learned so
much today. Every time I speakto you or follow your page, I
learned subject because you're always just atthe forefront of the latest and technology and
research. Thank you so much forchatting with us today. Thank you so

much. I'm here with doctor TedLane of Sonova Dermatology, and we're chatting
the latest in skincare trends, whathe's seeing here at Scale Music City twenty
twenty four, and his take onwhat car boxy therapy for the skin truly
is all about. Nice to haveyou on, Thank you. I'm so
happy to be here. Okay,talk to me about what your specialty is

at Sonova. Yeah, so Ido a lot of research, something that
the chief director of research at Sonova, but I also am very involved in
skincare as well, and really douse the caox therapy mask quite frankly post
procedure. So we really do believethat it increases auxygen penetration through the epidermis
and now therefore it hastens wound healing. So carboxy therapy is honing. We

absolutely utilize in almost all of ourlocations. I love that it's trending.
A lot of people are trying toGoogle search this to see what this is
all about. Can you talk tome about where carbon diox are therapy was
created and how it came about.Oh gosh, I don't know how it
came about. It it started inthe nineteen thirties and has been has evolved
since and initially used as an injectablecarbon dioxide, but now we use it

as a mass which obviously is somuch more user friendly, and it allows
us to utilize it really quickly postprocedure with our estheticians and laser texts doing
it versus one of our providers neededto inject it. So full of knowledge.
I love it when I speak toexperts, hence expert on the microphone.
Okay, so talk to me.We're going to shift gears a little
bit about what you've seen trending thisyear at Scale Music City twenty twenty four.

I mean Scale is great because itkeeps us right on the cutting edge
of skincare. And I think thatwhat's trending right now is all about exosomes
and regenderative dermatology and medicine in general. We're stopping to just think about how
do we repair the barrier and increasemoisturization, hydration, really starting to figure
out how do we stop and reverseagent at the cellular level, at the
DNA level. Uh And and that'skind of about the very the tip of

the sphere for skincare right now.Tell me what's no longer in style?
Well, you know, what's oldis new again? Really, so iroonic
acid, which was something that wehad kind of forgotten about, is now
really cupped back. There's a hugeresurgence about ialuronic gas, as there should
be. It's a wonderful molecule accesslike bemectin to draw water into the skin.
I think what we have kind ofreally stopped talking about is DNA repair,

which I think is going to comeback again. So what's old is
new right now. And then atthe next frontier is regenitive medicine I talked
about, and less there is more. People are no longer wanting overdone lips.
They're not. They're not looking forthe cat eye look that looks unnatural.
I think women and men are lookingfor something that's uh, ever lasting,

natural, beautiful look. Treating theskin from within. You know before
it's like bad aid on top ofthe bad date on top of the band
aid. That's what fillers do it. It's really not trending anymore, you
know. I think that when fillersare done correctly, they can look really
beautiful because they are made to lookyou, make you look more natural.
Okay, they don't want. Theidea here is to make you look like

you were twenty five years ago.The idea is to make you look better
and hack you look today, andso that way they could be really great
at fillers. Now they're from thevery superficial to the very deepest layers of
the skin. But in terms ofskincare, it's you're right, it's about
looking natural. We used to thinkabout Kate, which was ten steps in
the morning, ten steps at night. We're really trying to pull that back

now to be more realistic and moreeconomical with three or four steps up most
in the morning at the same night. Wow. Well there you go,
expert on the microphone right here atScale Music City twenty twenty four, I
seem to find all of them.Thank you so much for coming on today
and chatting with us. Good pleasure. Thank you, it's my pleasure.
A Moment of Zen is brought toyou by your Home TV with Kathy Ireland

and their channel partners. Head toyour home tv dot com for free family
friendly programming streaming twenty four to seven. Do you have the dream of starting
and owning your own business or knowof someone who does. If so,
check out your Home Business program wherethey inspire, equip and encourage those who
dream of owning and operating their ownbusiness. Check out your Home Business on

your Home TV dot com. Tuneinto a Moment of Zen Saturday nights from
nine to ten pm on seven tenWR, The Voice of New York.
Well that's a rap, my dearfriends. Remember to join me right here
on seven ten WR, the Voiceof New York, every Saturday night from
nine to ten pm, or youcould head to seven ten wor dot iHeart

dot com forward slash a Moment ofZen. Also, remember that we're live
on Traverse TV Sundays at one pmEastern and YouTube Sundays at two pm Eastern.
Of course, all of our episodesstream on Kathy Ireland's Your Home TV.
You can head directly to our channelat mox dot your hoometv dot com.
Thank you for listening to us.It's been an absolute pleasure be your

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possible. And remember that happiness isthe only thing that multiplies when you share
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