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April 16, 2024 16 mins
Cookout season is here and AD2’s Great Chili Cookoff is just around the corner! Join us on May 11th at Giant Texas Distillers for the AD industry's ultimate culinary showdown.Can’t cook to save your life? No problem! Our doors are open to everyone, from chili connoisseurs to those who can't tell a jalapeño from a habanero. Join us for a day of fun, laughter, and the best chili you'll ever have!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello, everyone, Welcome to thead to Houston podcast of podcast owned professionals
in the advertising marketing industry here inHouston. I'm here today with Cameron Newhouse,
our VP, present year of Atwo, as well as Jacob dentone
across the room. Hello. Hello. So, first of all, thank
you everybody for tuning in today's episode. I am super pumped about this.
We are going to be talking aboutthe Great Chili Cookoff. So I think

one big thing that I should probablymention is this isn't the first time we
did a chili cookoff. It's thefirst time that I'm being involved in organizing
one. At to Houston in thepast has done multiple cookoffs. In previous
materials that we looked up, it'ssaid that it's the fortieth time. Oh
wow, Yeah, I'm kind ofsurprised about it. There are other events
in the past that shall not benamed, and but just to bring it

up though, like there have beenmultiple cookoffs, and I feel like in
this instance we are going to bedoing We're going to be focusing on chili.
I would hope, so, Iknow, because we've been centering all
our own collateral on that. Cameron, do you have any phone remarks about
the cookoff, in particular that doyou think we should talk about Yeah,
I think this will be a greattime for to get a team together and

really just be in community with othersand also eat some good chili and yeah,
you know, fun fact, Idon't really eat a lot of chili.
I think the reason why we didit, we're doing a chili cookoff,
was because this is the first eventthat since I've been president, I
have not been heavily involved into planning, so to speak. Like we had

our board retreat and we had adiscussion of what kind of event we're going
to be doing. A cookoff cameup, and then chili just somehow got
wedged into it, and I said, okay, okay, up to you
guys teasing to do so. Ithink that might be where that came from.
That's true, that's true. Ithink it's also really cool that we're
doing a new twist where it's verywhat was it? The branding is fresh?

It's not very how can I sayit? Well, it does have
a really unique food and beverage look. I would say when I was doing
the identity or some of the graphicsfor the promotions and stuff, I was
really looking at when we first didthe logo, we had Yen and Caitlin
McIntyre designed the initial concept, combinedtheir logos, showed it to some friends

and they said, oh, itlooks kind of like Burger King, Taco
Bell and good mythical mourning on inone. So I looked into them and
I'm just like, Okay, whatdo they do for their branding and stuff?
And a lot of it kind ofcame down to that where I actually
ended up finding the Burger King brandguidelines and I found a lot of their
illustrations the treatment of their products andstuff, and I was like, maybe

we can leverage that. Since itworks for them, we can Burger King.
If you're watching this or listening tothis, we're sorry, and maybe
you can sponsor us. That mightbe great. That would be fantastic.
No season desistable, Yeah, it'sokay. If anything, we have our
own different take, different spin onit. There's not a there's no cap
on inspiration, right yeah. Yeah. Also it's a one time event,

yeah, exactly exactly. I don'tknow if we'll keep using the same branding,
but hopefully it'll get better and we'llimprove. Hopefully as I'll be involved
in creative and not revolving around planningas much. But everything with the creative,
with the cookoff in particularly is goingto be interesting. We already have
two teams already registered as well asone person who signed up since peeriod with

peers. Do we know team names? Is anybody gonna have like a cool
team name? You know? Ihaven't related I you know what, I'm
gonna reach out to them later nextweek to follow up on, Okay,
what are some cool team names thatyou guys want to have, so maybe
we can have like a sign foryou guys. In particular with the branding
and all, we have Danny helpingus out in procuring some things such as

security tables so that people can comein and just set up their gear,
as well as we're going to seeif we can try and rent out a
big tent. So it's not goingto be scorching hot because I know now
the weather's getting back up and hotagain. Right now the weather is like
eighty six and the cold coolers willbe like sixty eight. So next month,
I'm sure it's just going to gethotter summers and Texas and the humidity,

it's not the best, but ohwell, we have a raffle plant
in store. We still are lookingfor donations or people who are companies who
are willing to donate a item,a perishable item of some kind to put
onto the raffle. All proceeds willbe going to our scholarship fund, the

Dwaight Doutit Fund, for young aspiringdesigners and communication professionals in their early careers
in college who are looking for afive thousand dollars grant. Cameron, what
are some of the things that you'reexcited about though? I mean, I
know you mentioned community and people gettingtogether. Are there any other things that
you're looking forward to, like familiarfaces or things like that. Yeah,

I'm looking forward to seeing people Iknow in the AF community as well as
you know, other people we canget coming, Like must be my dad,
you know, my dad wants tohave a team there at the cookoff.
So really it's open for anyone.Yeah, it's I think it's like
it's open to the community anybody.They don't even need to be an advertising

of anything if they're in food andbeverage or if they're like a retail customer
of some kind. You like,we're chili. Yeah, yeah, if
you want to chili, yeah,I think if anything, we want to
or eat chili. Yeah. Youknow, I notice even on event right
there are there's not a lot ofopen chili cookoff events in Houston happening right
now, so it was probably it'sprobably early, right, I think we're

getting in on the Yeah, wegot in on the curve ahead of time,
which is nice. If anything,ours is reasonably priced compared to what's
kind of happening, But it's moreof industry selective and a lot of other
agencies like advertising related like et cetera. They did, like a chili cookoff.
There's like some companies like Hewlett PackardEnterprise that did a cookoff just recently

as well. It's literally was chili. So I was like, okay,
winners, come here, please,yeah, but please, if you're on
a roll, if you got theif you got the spice, if you
got the secret sauce, you know, this is the place to be.
I'd love to have you there.Not the best, not the best one,
not the best tagline, but yeah, hopefully we'll see you. Got

a bunch of people there aside fromthat, will have the raffle ready we'll
have our judge and panelists. Wehaven't confirmed our judges yet, So if
anybody that's listening to this episode,if you are are a chili fanatic or
a connoisseur with chili, please dmus. We'd love to hear from you.

As well as knowing whether your availabilityis and if you are interested,
we can discuss whether if we cancross promote you, whether you want to
be promoted on our channels, We'remore than welcome to do so as through
our communications is obviously. But yeah, that's basically it. We got our
judges, we got our raffle,we got our cookoff, we got scholarship

fund. It's a recipe for agood time if anything. So where's this
happening again at alex do we say? Yes? Oh, Giant Texas Distillers.
Giant Texas Distillers from twelve to fourpm, So we'll have May eleventh,
Is that? Yes? May eleventh, twelve to four Giant Texas Distilleries.

And it's going to be outside notinside. No we're not. Yeah,
it's inside. Uh, you're allout inside to grab a drink,
you know exactly. I think they'llbe helping us, providing some drinks.
Don't quote me on that. I'mnot to share myself because that was a
cooper thing, but we have to. We do have the venue reserve,

the parking lot and everything, soyou'll by the time people start driving in,
you'll see the lot is pretty bigand there's plenty of space. Nobody
has to cross a busy highway orbusy street, thankfully. And also we're
going to be providing a fun trophy. Hopefully we get that sorted out,
as well as some fun merch aswell that will be provided to our guests.

We have a printer here in Houstonthat is willing to help us out
in producing some merchandise for our attendees. The name of the company is called
Gooseworks. They do a lot ofcustomized merchandise for B to B B two
see people. They range from bandanas, t shirts, hats, all types
of goods. They are pretty notablebecause of their commitment to providing quality merchandise

as well as I'm trying to think. Every so often they do like this
special limited run where they get likea specific graphic related to something that's trending.
The last one I saw was likethe Barbie. It was a Barbie
themed shirt for the Barbie movie andstuff. I thought it was pretty cool.
Thanks to Tasiana, she was ableto connect me with Gustavo, who

is the founder of the studio overthere, and they're willing to basically provide
a special discount for us so thatwe were able to make this event even
more memorable. Nice. So Ibelieve we're going to try. We're just
in talks between either doing a bandanawith our chili pattern on it so people

will have that and it's not soin your face. We only have two
teams signed up so far. Right, is there a limit to how many
teams we're having or is there alimit to a team size? You know,
how many people to a team?Yeah? Actually so with in regards
to teams, the team size shouldbe a team of six. That's what
I was informed. The quantity ofteams we had in our budget for twenty

teams quite a bit. If people, if that many people want to participate,
we're not going to stop them.They will, they will, they
will will. We will not stopthem. We have the space that if
you've seen the parking lot at GiantTexas Distillers, it is massive. So
and we are renting out a gianttent, so please come. Ye.
So if anything, we do havea lot of We do have a lot

of space to accommodate for those people. It is going to cost about one
hundred dollars for each team to enter, plus eighty dollars in legal fees.
Obviously we need to get food certifiedfor you to participate, so that's included
in the fee. All entries willbe going through or sorry, all entries
for teams will be going through eventour event bright page, just so that

it is convenient for us to keeptabs and track and also allow us to
communicate once we have a good handleon the setup that we have going on.
Obviously, if you're not able tocook, or you don't you're not
comfortable in cooking chili. I wouldn'tbe because I don't know how to make
chili. To be honest, Ithought you would just grab a chili spice
packet thing and say call it aday. My mom was joking about going

to buy a can of chili froma chip and a couple of cans and
just putting it in a correct seasoningin it. Yeah, yeah, I
remember. There was a client thatDylan had called Gillies. It was a
client that I used to do alot of work for. We did they'd
made instant chili packets and I justthought, Oh, is that just how
you make chili? You get apacket and you just drop it in and
that's it. But no, youhave to actually prep recipe. There's like

a recipe of like salsa and beansand all this other stuff, and you
can make really interesting things like Freedochips with chili. It's a chili dip.
There's also yeah, Freedo pie.There's also the chili cheese fries and
all these other things that you cando to create like a unique experience for
the people that are attending. SoI don't think you need to just provide

a bowl of chili. It canbe more than that. If anything,
originality might be some bonus points.And if anything, it might be pretty
resourceful because you never know, maybethat you'll find somebody that might like your
recipe, might use it, coulduse it. And how many judges are
we going to have? I believewe're gonna have four judges. Do they
come from the chili world or theycertify it to judge chili? You know,

that's kind of the thing I mentionedas well. If you know anybody,
or if anybody's listening, please wedo have to reach out to if
you think you know chili. Yes, I don't think I should be a
judge because I don't know, ormaybe you could be the what is it
the control or the median judge orsomething because you don't you don't have a

palette for chili, right, youdon't really eat chili. You're not really
experienced with it. So if youcan blow Alex away chili, yeah,
then maybe that might be a good. There is also the People's Choice awards
for chili. We are going tobe ordering these poker chips with the branding
and everything so that people can puttheir chip in the dip and we're able

to count, Okay, who've hadout of everybody that was there, the
people's choice, what was your favorite? So we have some things organized for
that. Obviously, the judges willdecide the ultimate winner, but I think
the people's choice is important as well, and that's going to contribute to that
component. Yeah, and I thinkaside from chili, maybe bring your dog.

That might be a good. Dogsare good. I think that's might
give you some more points. Idon't know. Should we have a mascot.
Maybe there could be a mascot theme. You can bring your pet and
you can put them in a chilipepper costume. That'd be cute. That
would be so cute. Guys,just take my word for it. You
might win. You might have morepeople coming to your booth. If anything,

build the hype, build the hype. Yes, maybe I could bring
one of my dogs and put themin a chili costume. And I got
Alex thinking this, maybe don't feedin the chili. No, maybe if
they have meat. Maybe? Yeah, all right, I hope the chili
would have meat to chili. Imean, you got it. If you

wanted to be vegan, maybe yeah, vegan chili mm hmm. Originality,
there you go. I don't knowif that'll that'll impress the chili people,
if anything, too. I doknow that at will not have a specific
team. I think we're going tobe more focused on organizing the event.
If anything, so we will bedoing that. And yeah, I believe

that's basically I mean, is thereanything else do you guys think I'm missing?
Or let's say we got the location, we got the date, we
got the times m hmm, gotall the information for it, your friends,
friends, family, anybody another thingtoo. The last days to register,
obviously for general attendees would be tillthe day of the event. The

event bry page will be open anhour before the event and actually starts so
you can register, and I believewe will take in walkins as well,
but it would be preferred if peopleare planning to register early, just so
that we can plan and accommodate forall your specific needs. Additionally, for
teams, I would say the besttime to get your team together would be

at the end of this month sothat we can accommodate with tables and make
sure that there's enough space for everybody. So yes, May eleventh, twelve
to four. Teams come in attwelve to prep get their food ready,
and at around like one to twostart serving and go from there. Yummy,

yeah, exactly, eat and compete. Thank you for joining us today.
The add to Houston AMULOS podcast isproduced at Radio Lounge. Add to
Houston is a collaborative collect tip ofyoung communication professionals age thirty two one another.
We're looking to make a difference inthe industry. If you would like
to becoming at mego join us atat the number two houston dot com.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn at add the
number two Houston. Thank you forlistening.
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