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June 11, 2024 • 16 mins
The Admigos gather to discuss the upcoming event. Member Mix on July 11th at Karbach Brewery!
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Oh, Amigos, and welcome tothe add to Houston's Amigos podcast, a
podcast for young professionals in the marketingand advertising industry we're learning to navigate their
early careers. My name is JacobVantine, and I am the audio chair
and producer of this fine program,and today we're going to be talking about
the upcoming Member Mix on July eleven. Joining me today is I am Alex

Across the line. I am herewith Cameron on the other side of the
line, and Jacob is there withone of our newest members, one of
our new board members here exactly oneof our newest board members here in the
at To Houston Familia. So Iguess the best way to kind of kickstart
the conversation off is basically talking alittle bit more about what we're doing over

here. So I know that there'sa fun event coming up around the corner
on the eleventh of July. Itis called Member Mix. I don't know
if any of you guys remember beingthere last year. Kate, you're relatively
new, so this is all newinformation for you on your end, Yes,
but I'm excited. I'm excited tolearn more about it. Awesome and

Aside from that, though, Imean, the only people that technically were
there in person last year was meand Cameron. Cameron, do you want
to talk a little bit more aboutyour experience about it last year, at
least in regards to member mix,I remember being a great event that we
hosted alongside AF. He stently hada lot of them show up and show

out. It's a great way forus young adults to meet professionals that have
been in the industry for years andreally learn from them and get to meet
and connect with them as well.I really enjoy seeing our AF Houston people
like Jni and Danny and all ofthem, super fun just to you know,

get closer to them and hear moreabout what they do and how they've
gotten into their the niche of theindustry. And the headshots too amazing.
There's a lady there. Yeah,that was a very setup, super cool.
Yeah, the pictures turned out reallywell. I actually use it for
my LinkedIn now and it's been agreat way to have that you know,

professional Look, well, let's getinto the headshots. I suppose do we
do we? Is it the samelady that does the headshots for us or
is it just an independent Houston photographer. Yeah, Kim Kolnowski, Yes,
yes, I'm going to rereaching outher to sperver schedule with that. But
typically from the one that we didwith for last year, she seems she

was down to do it again.And she's always a she's always interested in
helping us out, at least inthe advertising community in particular volunteering assisting with
these type of shots. What's reallynice about Cam in particular and her shirt
and her husband. With the businessthat they offer, they basically get your

information such as your email. Youdon't really need to provide much except for
your email, your name, andthey basically create a drop offs link where
they'll either send it to you directlyto your email, and it's a portal
where you can download all the headshotsthat she took and typically if she takes
it, roughly around four to fivedifferent headshots that you can choose from,
and she sent you the actual likea high quality image file, so it's

not something that's really small, it'spretty. It's a decent size. And
let's say if you're a photoshop withand you had like a piece of something
on your teeth, you can alwaysfix that yourself. Especially with using stuff
on Canva or AI AI aided softwareto kind of fix up your headshot to
then go on your LinkedIn profile.That's tech. That's all right, It's

all good at least that's what happenedto me in my first headshow. When
I before Member Mixed, there wasa membership Drive event. It wasn't really
branded so to speak, which iscalled the Membership Drive right, and last
year it was kind of our firsttake on organizing an event with AF and

typically this event was organized would beorganized by the AF Houston community, but
because we're affiliated and we're trying tokind of build our our process in organizing
fund programs, this was kind oftechnically one of the first ones that we
did in collaboration with them too,so and actually that kind of goes in

mind with some of the things.That's how we got came again to help
out with the photos. At thesame time, the branding is consistent to
what we did prior to Member Mix, which was our Trivia Bears with Piers
event where we basically had like atrivia night included with Beers of Tears where
there was a free drink for thosewho attended, a fun competition where we

had prizes to the winning trivia teams. The trivia component was kind of mixed
where we did a component where itwas related to advertising and design, and
then we also got sponsored by theNational Cinema Association where our NCM and they

provided us a list of movie relatedtrivia, So it was kind of broad
and everybody was available. If anybodywanted to participate, they could. You
didn't have to be specialized in advertisingto have fun, and that's kind of
what we try to do. Wetry to make like a fun, inclusive
community where not all if you're notin advertising that's buying, this is a

welcoming space for anybody to come inimprove their branding or learn and gain some
insights about the community in advertising herein Houston, especially with you know,
advertising super broad. There is marketingprofessionals that are just people in design,
during communications, strategic communications, aswell as copywriting, account management, media

planning, and buying. Uh,it's super broad. So there's always there's
somebody there with a unique set ofskills that really if there's something that you
want to learn, there's probably somebodythat in our community that we could either
introduce you with and and you know, help you out and take the next
step in your career. But yeah, I mean I think that's like a

I probably I probably said a lot, but it's okay. Now were you
were you saying we're doing a triviathis member Max as well, or were
you just referring to a past trivianight that we had. Well, not
to say that we are doing attrivia, but I would like to say
that we're thinking of bringing the triviacomponent to our Here's of Piers events.

Yeah, okay. Member mix ismore to bring like new members in and
get to meet and tulf with thema little more, and yeah, get
them closer knit with us in theADD two community as well as a f
Houston community. So it's really niceaspect of it as a new member myself
and being able to have gone tothe chili cookoff and getting to know a

little bit of everyone, I haveto say, I'm super excited for the
member mix, and just as someonewho's recently graduated from college, I think
the opportunity to be able to meetwith industry professionals and kind of pick their
brain on certain topics, I'm superexcited about that, and then also to
just to hang out and like meetyoung ed advertising and just industry professionals in

that regard, I think it's likeI can't miss And so we said it's
at Carbuck Brewery on July eleventh.Do we know what time it'll be at.
It's going to be happening at sixthirty starts all the way until a
thirty. Oh. Perfect and atleast with the member mix of an in
particular, I think I mentioned thisearlier in the intro our membership rate is

going to be just by forty percentoff. Specifically, our membership rate is
like seventy five dollars, so we'reactually selling it for forty five dollars.
So it's a great time for youknow, current members of AT two through
neither membership, or even new peopleto get a year long leadership with that
too. The great value, greatrate, you get all the benefits as
well as being a member with afSo that's like another fun thing to kind

of consider as well. But yeah, yeah, that's a good discount it
is now, Cameron, were youabout to say something earlier? Did we
cut you off? Sure? Iwas gonna say, Jake govis you want
to kind of talk about some ofthe benefits of being an AD two member
that would be awesome. Oh well, yeah, of course. So being
a member of AD two it providesyou a lot of opportunities the network,

of course, you know, wedo multiple events. We do beers with
peers, we do the Member Mix, we do the chili cookoff that Kate
was just talking about. So itgives you an opportunity to meet other professionals
in the industry, new old.You know, maybe you bump into somebody
who just graduated college like you did, and so you can kind of find
a commonality with that. And youknow, getting involved with that too also

provides you the ability to work onsome of these events, right, so,
I know a few members are goingto be doing the social media stuff
for the Memory Mix or like thecopywriting for even some of the ads we're
going to be doing for the MemoryMix and future events. So it gives
you an opportunity to kind of addto your resume or portfolio as well over

time. Certainly it's helped me outquite a bit doing this podcast, for
sure. I've definitely been able toadd that to my resume. And I
think that's cool too, that likeadd too offers that and offers so many
opportunities to get involved. Yeah,I mean we have like membership programming and
then this podcast, so you getto dabble in a little bit of everything.
I mean right now, like peoplelistening might not be able to tell,

but we're like in an actual studioand I think that's like the coolest
thing. So yeah, you getto like dabble in a little bit of
everything and get to meet new peopletoo. So I think it's a at
miss event but also like a can'tmiss organization to be a part of,
right exactly. You're also connected ona district and national level as well,
so I knows on the board we'rewell connected with aaf or at Toude District

ten and then at the national level, and we've gotten to meet people from
all over you know, Texas,Louisiana, Oklahoma, and just different areas
too. That way, you're kindof connected all over all over the area.
Yeah, even opportunities in national opportunitieslike with a America, you get
to meet a lot of people fromall the respective chapters in AF and that

too. Like like I had mentioned, this isn't that or like how I'm
it implies this is a national organization. There are opportunities to connect with fellow
respective chapters in different cities, whetherit's in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, New York,
but they all they're all available atour disposals to at least recouting,

gain you insights, or even justwhether we're moving into different areas, especially
here in Texas that we are dissearch in particular is one of the biggest
ones because like you know, Texasis huge, So there's chapters across either
in Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, even there's a chapter in the RGV
not at two related, but morein AFS perspectively, I think AD to

Amberillo is also one of the newerchapters that just opened up over the last
couple of years. If I mightbe mistaken on that, but I think
it is like a newer a newerchapter. Yeah, they've been they've been
up and running for the past coupleof years, at least I think this
is their third year or third orfourth year operating. Right now. They're

one of the top performing chapters atleast. They've recently won a lot of
the club achievement awards. Their formerpresident Haley, won an awards this this
recent AD America I believe she wasprobably spotlighted as one of the top presidents.
Not too also kind of put medown. I'm not a backdrop in

them either, or I was thefirst person. But we all have a
lot of value to bring to thecommunity, and especially with starting a new
club in particular, it's there aresome challenges, but they've done an amazing
job. Actually, they similar toour event member Mix. They have an
event over there called Headshot so downswhere it's basically they get a they get

a couple more photographers, similar tobeers with peers. They come people come
by to you know, network andeverything. They schedule time between the attendees
if you're a headshot. But Ibelieve they have different photographers with different styles
and tastes that provide like a varietyof images laws and ours. Uh k
Kolonoski provides like it brings in likea portable studio space where she sets up

like a little white backdrop and it'smore refined, it's more classy. I'm
trying not to put down anybody's respectiveevents, at least in this episode,
because there's always a value added elementsbetween our perspective chapters. The Headshot thing
is is always cool, and Ifor one know that I need I need

a more professional headshot because at themoment I'm using one of my wedding photos
as a headshot. It's a verygood photo, but you know, more
refined headshot would be nice for me. Never you can never have enough headshots,
professional headshots. A new headshot definitelyrefines your personal brand, especially if
you want to sell yourself and updateyour portfolio with like your youth shot.

I think that's a really good areally good idea, especially with like our
new boards, it's going to becool to have all these new headshots to
you know, either include on theupdated website or whenever we do member spotlights.
I think it's like a really goodthing to have access to. Not
to say that we have access tothe headshots, because that's kind of cir
no. Well for the general publicto see, Yeah, exactly, that's

always good. I think just ingeneral too, if you're you know,
a young professional in the industry oryou're just out of college, it's a
great way to meet people if you'relooking for a job, especially with the
whole headshot addition to it as well, it's kind of like the whole package

of Hey, I'm looking for ajob, let me go meet people,
and then let me add this tomy LinkedIn profile, my headshot, and
then if you become a member,that's also a great thing to have on
your LinkedIn profile is just fly resume. In general, being an ad TO
it shows that you're interested in connectingwith people in the industry and that you're

looking to learn and grow as wellas an individual. So I think there's
a lot of value added in beingat the members and just joining ad TO
in general. It brings a lotto the two. And I was even
going to say even for those whoyou know, renewed their membership earlier,
like throughout the year, or youknow, pay for their membership, right,

they still have the same opportunity tocome to the event and get the
headstep because I don't think that's limitedto people who are renewing, but obviously
that's what it's the event is partedfor. But if you had Bloxer membership
earlier this year and you're not dueto renew you can always come by and
get your head shots for free onus. So that's another fun thing to

mention too. That is a niceperson, especially for those who are students
in a f you of h andall that fun stuff. Yeah, definitely.
Well, does does anybody else haveanything else to say about the Membor
remix? To do? We wantto remind people where it is. I
know we said it a couple oftimes in the episode already Kate, can
you Yeah? So it's at CarbockBrewery on July eleventh, we said from

six thirty to eight thirty. Isthat right? So that's it? Cool?
Well? Perfect, I guess withoutother do that's all we have for
today, right, guys? Ithink so? Yep? Awesome. Well,
we hope we hope to see everybodyout on the Member Mix on July
eleventh, and you know, hey, just come out and hang out with
us. We'll see you there.Thank you for joining us today. The

add to Houston Amigo's podcast is producedat Radio Lounge. Ad to Houston is
a collaborative collective of young communications professionalsage thirty two one under. We're looking
to make a difference in the industry. If you would like to be coming
at migo, join us at adthe Number two Houston dot com. You
can also follow us on Facebook,Instagram, and LinkedIn at add the Number

two Houston, Thank you for listening.
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