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October 14, 2022 6 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stinks of the corruption I grew up with in Chicago Land,
where it was just knowing that the dead were voting,
and the elderly or infirm, we're having votes cast for
them and that sort of thing. So, since I grew
up with it, the idea that oh, we're just honestly
gathering bushels full of sincere votes and just bringing them

in to be helpful, I mean, it's just hilarious to me.
And ballot harvesting is illegal in a lot of states,
most states, I think, um, but cal Unicornia, of course,
is leading the way to make it as easy as possible.
So this is the actual how to from the Democratic
Socialists of America ballot harvesting. They call it ballot delivery. Uh.

This is the Los Angeles branch, although I think this
is the national website I'm looking at. Yeah. Um, so
here's how to and before well, I don't know how
do we structure this. I'll just dive into it. One
confirmed strong candidates support, If voting for the other candidates,
thank them and move on so you're not under obligation.
You know, if it's Smith and Jones running and Smith's

is the social choice, and I say, yeah, I'm voting
for Jones. They're not not obligated to turn in my ballot,
and that's fine. Um, but have you received your ballot already? Great?
Will you find it please? So you so you're standing
there in person in their home, probably in this scenario

and saying, oh, great, find it for me please? Would you?
Will you vote? Now? God, you're you're such a different
sort of person than than me. You're not coming in
my home period, and then you're certainly not. Could you
find your bathin? No? Find it? Whenever I feel like
get to forge out of my home. I'm just I'm
just so not the sort of person that's gonna have
that happened to me right right, And you know it's funny.

I almost brought that up in advances. What are you
doing in my house? I got things to do. I'll
do it when I get to it. Get the hell
out of here, I agree, And for you, this is
not an issue. No, But it's just so weird to me.
It's hard to kind of put myself in the place
of these people and like get inside their heads. So
here's where I'm gonna go with what I was gonna go.
Within the intro you have to understand that there are

huge swaths of humanity who are very easily intimidated. If
somebody with a firm tone of voice tells them what
to do, they will do it. That's why electioneering is illegal.
You can't campaign at a polling place because you will
have an undue influence on people and or it makes
intimidation too easy. Electioneering or you know, polling place pushy

noess is strictly illegal. It's it's it's everybody agrees on it.
Even though that whole food and drink things a phony
effort to get electioneering going. As we covered at the time,
we're trying to deny you a drink of water and line, oh,
you lying liars. The idea of being you know, the

the Union could show up handing out waters and saying
remember to vote for Jones. Well right, it would be
impossible to police all of that. So once you allow electioneering,
it goes crazy. So anyway, but why is that so illegal?
Because people can be intimidated or duped or lied to

or whatever into changing their vote at the moment of voting,
and that's too dangerous. But if it's some goon showing
up and whether it's through persuasion or intimidation, uh, misinformation,
outright fraud is right there in the person's kitchen, influencing

their vote and using one of those many means to
get the vote. So getting back to the instructions, so great,
will you find the ballot? Please come on, He'll just
take a minute. These are the actual structions. Will you
vote now? Ask at least three times. If they refuse,

ask at least three times. Wow again, I've got to
I've got to try to strip away my entire personality
to try to get in the head of people who
would be susceptible to this and think, I guess they
would go along at some point. Well, right exactly, And yes,
you you do need to do that because it's it's clearly,
you know, part of our electoral system. Um, you're supposed

to say, candidate X is in line with all the
values in our voter guide and we need your help
to change this city. I want to make sure that
your ballot, this is the script. I want to make
sure that your ballot doesn't get lost in the mail
or in the city bureaucracy. If we fill it out
together right now, there's an official place to sign it
over to me and I can bring it to the
city directly, either today or first thing tomorrow morning. Then

step four. Once you've successfully filled out the ballot using
our voter guide, please ensure you play all of the
ballot pages in the envelope provided. Have the voter fill
out the red box on the right side with their
signature date and voters address. You will fill out the
top portion with your signature name and under relationship to
the voter. Right, volunteer. Once you've collected the ballot, congratulations,

were one step closer to ensuring we change Los Angeles
for the better. Then they tell you how to turn
it in. M hm. So strictly illegal in every district
in America to pressure people at a polling place, but
completely completely lawful in progressive quadrants of the country to

go into their home and do it, and then collect
bags full of ballots from an apartment complex. Say, and
of course, every single one of those ballots will be
painstakingly checked for their signature and everything else. Right, Yeah,
maybe it's just unbelievable ballot harvesting folks. That's interesting. Yeah,

and again this is straight from the Democratic Socialists of
America website. Yeah, and I mean there there's proof that
this sort of thing would work, that there are personalities
that go for this sort of thing, based on everything
we know about um, you know the robot calls where
they try to convince you to give them your bank
account information. Obviously that works enough to the tune of

billions of dollars that you know, it's the same sort
of personality I would assume. Well, and the first place
they go, Riddle me this, Why do you suppose this
is the first place they go? Is old folks homes,
retirement homes, care homes where the people are legit voters,
but very easily flummixed and and intimidated.
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