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December 13, 2023 11 mins
In this exclusive interview, TNA Wrestling's newest signee, Kushida, divulges his motivations behind joining the promotion for a long-term deal. From discussing his aspirations within the company to potential dream matches against returning star Okada and former rival Will Ospreay, Kushida delves into the unique aspects of TNA that drew him in and the championships he aims to capture. #Kushida #TNA #ProWrestling

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Battle Brown. Why from the partsUnknown Studios into the dule, Battle Brown,
battle Bound, the battle Bound,battle the Battle Crowd. Welcome to
the Battleground Podcast, your place forall things pro wrestling, The Battle Road,

the Battle Round now making their wayto the microphones. Give it up
for your hosts. Welcome to theBattle Crown. What's up you guys?
Welcome into iHeartRadio's official wrestling podcast,the Battleground Podcast, which you can find
wherever you listen to podcasts. Andof course you could watch this on YouTube.

But today on social media, TNAdecided to release a little early Christmas
present for all of us TNA fansand they announced that they have signed the
man that is on our show rightnow. Kashida joins the show. Congratulations
on your signing, sir, Thankyou so much. Yes, I'm so
happy. I'm so excited. Imean we can see that, just the

pure happiness in your face right nowfor those of you that are watching this
on YouTube. And I want toI want to say my contract status is
okay, the this time contract statusthat the relationship between me and the usualing
can remain as it is and thereis no need change. So I also

signed with t and a I yes, I would like to thank thanks Scott
Damore and missed us Suga bayesh Man. It's it's it's gonna be a fun
year to watch Kashita in twenty twentyfour. Oh Okay, And you know,
I scrolled through social media and I'veseen a lot of people talking about

the signings today with you and yourcontracts. It's one person said, this
is absolutely fantastic. It's just likean early Christmas present to us TNA fans,
and like everybody is a static withthe news today for Kashita. And
I know again, I know howexcited you are for this, And I
got a question. I mean,you've been in TNA for a little bit,
you've kind of gone back and forthand doing some other things. But

what influenced your decision to sign thatlong term deal with TNA and how do
you envision your career evolving within thecompany. Okay, one of the reason
I chew TNA is because of mygood friends Alec sha and Chris Saving.

Yeah, these two people have influencedmy life. I always read that my
walk was closs to these two people. So Saving Alec Shandy Kushita over signed
same company. I can't believe it, but yeah, I'm so excited too.

Next year. I believe I needto win the TNA title in twenty
twenty four two for the advance ofmy career. I want to. Yeah,
I want to become a world champion, exdivision champion and break down the
borders that exist in this world.Mhmm. And the thing about that is

is you want to go after thosechampionships. Well, it just so happens
the person that has the exhibition championship, the person who has the World heavyweight
champion, or two of your friends, does that kind of like worry you
because they're your friends and you don'twant to you know, you don't want
to take their titles from them,do you? Okay, Okay, yes,
yes, I can't handle it.You can put the friendship aside because

it's all about business. Yes,Chris saving now exodit Jion champion right,
So yes, I don't know howwhat situation coming for me next to you,
but it'll definitely be fun. Weare very excited to have the news
again that you are now with TNAand there's a lot of great things that

are gonna happen for you in twentytwenty four, and you know some other
great things. You see TNA.They work very well with all the other
companies. And recently they announced Okatais returning to TNA. Would you be
interested in a match with him ina T and A ring? Oh?

Yeah, Until now and in thefuture, it has not been necessary to
fight in Japan, but I feellike there is possibility in America, so
I want lesser him. Yeah,and I think you will tear the roof
off. And if it happens intwenty twenty four, we'll go ahead and

say that Okada and Kashita will beMatch of the Year already. And another
person that you have a lot ofhistory. It has been kind of frequently
in uh. You know TNA WillOsprey, Oh, okay, he you
know they announced that he's going tobe back for a couple of TNA shows
at the beginning in January. Uh. Given your history with him, would

you want to tangle it up againwith him in the ring in TNA.
I don't want to Greek too puppice, but I called his hairstyle is onion.
I call him onion onion head.I love to wrestle him after that.

Maybe Kioba sixty years old we'll putit down the road. Yeah,
but yeah, he will probably peakthis year maybe and the next year best
he's I think he's the best restaurernow. But uh, professional wrestling is

long monson m hm. So somedayI want to let's look here, I
mean I want to we and thething is is that everybody can go down
the rabbit hole and look, Imean, you guys have history, and
you have fantastic matches, and Ithink now with both of you being at

the top of the mountain for bothof your wrestling careers, like and it's
gonna be an epic match. Isay, uh, sixty minute iron Man
match. You think you can handlethat one with Will Osprey. You said
wrestling is a marathon, right,yes, yes, anywhere any company there

it is. So so Kashida's layingdown the gauntlet Will. I know you're
watching this, so we're gonna makethis happen. So what what is a
You know, you talked about thegoals for being in TNA. You want
that X division championship, you wantthat heavyweight championship, is maybe possibly tag
team championship as well in there?Or or are you mainly focusing on a

solo run. So I have CabynKnight h so, oh just moment,
please, just moment. Yeah,my number one priority is X DIS champion.

Well, I will tell you thatyou coming on the show, you
are in very good hands because anybodythat comes on the show that puts out
in the universe I want a championship, they go on to win said championship.
So I am going to go aheadand say that now that you have
came on our show, Hida willbe the ex division champion in twenty twenty

four. Yes, of course,and uh now eat tag team Champion a
PC. Right. They are sotrented. I think my idea is underrated
in this business. So they're good, best best time team in Grovebar Scare.

So yeah, I want to challengewith my boy Kevin Knight. That
that'll be. That'll be another solidone as well. I know you're a
busy man because you got to celebrateyour your new contracts with TNA and all
this. So I've got one lastquestion for you so you can get back
to and enjoying your day. Youknow, is there any dream opponents or

specific rivalries from back in the TNAdays that you would love to like if
you could step in like a Dolorean, right, go back in time to
the old team. Is there somebodythat you would like to face from the
old school days? Yes? You, Your question is what uh the old

the old TNA days? Is thereanybody like a favorite memory or maybe somebody
that you wish you could have wrestledfrom back then? Yes, in twenty
nineteen, it was a dreamstage forme. There is a j stars and
the Mota Stea machine guns, andalso the ex Division ring was very unique

and level dutionary. It was reallyvery cool. So that time I quit
Japanese company called Hustle and visited ScottDammo at the Kanam Dojo in Wins,
Canada. So that time Scott doesn'tknow who I am, but he upcept

me as the Japanese without saying warI'm really had no money, so I
lived home maybe also three hundred jarrasper month Scott lent me the apartment.

So always I have thinking about PNAand the impact to wrestling. Yes man.
And of course now Scott obviously knowswho you are now by offering you
that big contract today, and youknow, Kashita, I'm very excited to

have you on the TNA roster.I'm very excited to see that news earlier
today on social media. Great thingsare going to be happening for you in
twenty twenty four. We already knowit, and I just want to say
thank you for taking the time outof your busy schedule to day and talking
with us. No, no,thank you so much. I want to
be a bridge between these two valiationsI referring to Japanese plans. Thank you

very much today. We hope youenjoyed today's episode of the Battleground Podcast.
Make sure you give it five starsand a nice review. To stay up
to date with the show, followthem at Battleground Podcast on Instagram.
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