Episode Transcript
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Battle Brown Boy from the Parts UnknownStudios into the Battle Crowd, Battle Brown,
the Battle Round, Battle the BattleBrown. Welcome to the Battleground Podcast,
your place for all things pro wrestling. Little Brown, the Blattle Round,
the Battle Round now making their wayto the microphones, showing up for
your hosts, the Battle Crowd.Yeah, what's up you guys. Welcome
back into Her Radio's official wrestling podcast, The Battleground Podcast. Now on today's
episode. I got the call theother day saying, hey, do you
want to talk to the Rascals?And I was like, well, I'm
currently in Mexico at the moment,but hell yes, I'd like to talk
to the rascals. Let's get itgoing and the Rascals, the Impact Brold
Tak Dude Champions are on the show. Guys, how you doing Hello,
I'm great. How are you lookgood? We're doing good? Yeah.
When I when I was sitting there, because we've had Trey on numerous times
before on the show, most ofthe time we don't talk about wrestling on
the show. We talk about scarymovies at Alloween, which you kind of
came into that conversation. But it'sa it's an honor to have the tag
team on together with Trey and Zach. So Bound for Glory is coming up
here very very soon. It's Octobertwenty feet in Chicago. You can still
grab tickets at Impact Wrestling dot Com. But if you can't be there,
of course you can watch it liveon Fight and pay per view and everywhere
else. And you look at thecard and there's a lot of great matches
on there. As of right now, we don't know who your opponent is
yet, But how excited are youfor Bound for Glory? Me personally,
I'm this is another big one forme. Bound for Glory two years ago
is where I won my first exhibitionchampionship. I did a Impact Insider with
Tom hanneffin where we sat down andhe asked me, like, what were
some of the emotions that went throughmy mind that night and some of the
things I felt, And one ofthe biggest ones was I commented on how
one of the very first things Ithought about was I wish dozen Zach were
there in the moment, and thatlike when I got to the back,
realizing that they weren't, like itdidn't really settle in. And then there
was a moment where I called Zacharyon the phone and we like we shared
tears and like a lot of wordsthat meant a lot to bost of us.
And then the same thing followed withDez right after, and it was
it was all kind of like withinthis nutshe of like it felt like as
a group, we never got ourmoment, you know at the time,
and really winning these tag team championshipshas been one of the if not the
biggest accomplishment I've made an impact wrestling. Being to do it with my best
friend. Things feel like they're finallycoming around full circle, and to now
be the defending champions going into ourbiggest event of the year is one of
the craziest things. As cool asit was to walk in and win a
championship, it's even cooler going inas the champs and doing it after everything
that we've been through as a group. Our story is ever evolving one,
and this is going to be abeautiful little milestone for it. Yeah.
Absolutely, I feel like the sameway, and especially because I've only been
on the pre show for Boundary Glories, so this is like the first major
match on one of the biggest payper views of the year, and to
do it with my best friend islike, and we're chance, Come on
now, Martha Marquee match in amassive city like Chicago. I mean,
it's gotta be gott to be exciting. Yeah. Absolutely. And you know,
many fans and critics have noted thegrowing competition and Impact Wrestling's tag team
division. I mean, how doyou plan to prove that you're not just
champions for now, but that youcan define an era in tag team wrestling?
Well, I would like to startby answering that with I believe that
the reason why the tag division isgrowing so strong is because Korey and I
are the center of it. There. Before we stepped back into Impact Wrestling
as a team, I think wehad Ason Bay and the Guns, and
those were the two on paper thateveryone would go to. But now that
we're here and we're mixing things up, people gotta step up. We don't
take wrestling lightly, we don't takeImpact wrestling lightly, and we don't take
having these championships lightly at all.So it creates a bit of like,
all right, I'm not gonna walkinto any of these situations like if I
want to go, if I wantto go after these boys, I gotta
I gotta get after it for real, because that's all I zac and I
do. Yeah, awesome, good, good, sweet to the point.
Yeah, you know, it kindof it almost seemed like kind of like
right when y'all kind of separated fora little bit, you know, the
good Brothers came in put some focuson. But then you're right, it
did kind of get to where itwas just kind of yeah, Chris and
Ace and then the guns, whichof course they're both phenomenal, but you
know, yeah, so it's allvery good to see you guys back and
with the gold. You speaking ofthe you know, the separation a couple
of years back, you guys didtake some separate paths or you were separated
for a little bit. Was thereany doubts to you guys that you would
eventually reunite an Impact or did thatseparation kind of seem kind of permanent at
the time. I don't know.For me, it was more of a
I knew, no matter what inthis life that happened, the Rascals would
be back together, whether that bean Impact or somewhere else. I just
knew it's it's fate. It alwayshappens, like we were meant to be
together and so I had no doubtin my mind that we would all be
together again. It just depended onwhere and whatever. But you know,
awesome and that was a great thing. Is you know, to see Trede
doing his thing in Impact and allof a sudden you come in and shocked
the world and it's like, ohshit, the rascals are back in Impact,
and that got all the buzz talkingand of course now you got the
gold and it's a great thing tosee you guys back and having fun on
Impact. You know, in aworld of professional wrestling, I mean there's
rivalries that can that can become intenselypersonal. Is there a team or maybe
competitor you face that brought out themost intense emotions? And you guys,
and can you describe how you navigatedto that situation? Every single one of
my brothers, any single time thatI've wrestled Tray or Does or Myron any
anything, we're talking about that.But if we're talking Impact, well even
before Impact and whever we've wrestled themachine guns a million and a half times,
whether that be singles matches or tagmatches, we've done that at many
times. Same goes with ABC We'vewrestled those guys, I'm many times,
So I definitely feel like those twoteams are the ones that really, at
least for myself, like I haveto tap into that next level because you
know they're going to tap into thenext level. So yeah, yeah,
I would agree with that, Ithink more than Ason Bay. For me,
it's it's when we wrestle the MotorCityGuns because both of them had a
really good hand in training me duringthe pandemic where no one had anywhere to
train. I had my own school. We met in the middle, and
they started working with me a lot. So regardless of if we're on if
we're seeing things the same way competitivelyor backstage or anything like that, no
matter what they're going to they're they'regonna put pressure on the Both of us
were their kids too, you know, and I mean like we're not kids
anymore, but they had a greathand in mentoring us and making sure that
we were ready to get to thesenext levels and to tapp into those next
gears. And no one's expecting usto do that more than them when we
wrestle them. So yeah, it'salmost like they you guys bring out the
best in each other kind of deal, I think. So, yeah,
so you know, Impact has hadwe'll just call it up some downs.
You know, they were kind ofthe bell of the ball go up and
down, you know, all thatkind of stuff. I think really,
since you know, Anthem took over, there's really been a resurgence. The
quality of production, the quality ofmatches, the backstage stuff. I mean,
it really has stepped up quite abit. What role do you see
yourselves playing in the continued resurgence ofImpact and how do you plan to leave
a lasting legacy in this company.I feel like, now this is not
based on my own opinion or anything, but Twitter likes to do this thing
where they they they they name thepillars of Impact. Yeah. I take
a lot of pride in the amountof mentions that I've been in with that,
and now the Zack's back, Ithink that we can make a golden
pillar for Impact. Like we werea part of Impact five years ago when
people could only have faith, youknow what I mean, Like there was
just like we just we got toput good energy into this and hope for
the best. And then the nextyear was like, Okay, we don't
have to put as much faith init because we're starting to see some results
for it. But you know whatI mean, So like the more time
has gone on, we're starting toget the fruits of our labor, and
now I feel like we're really rightthere, like we're on the cusp of
getting everything we've been working for.Everyone that's had Impact Wrestling right now take
so much pride in being a partof the rebuilding and the resurgence of Impact
Wrestling and getting it back to whatit once was before, Like it means
a lots was to be a partof that group, and we want to
see it through. And I thinkit's cool that Zack's back now and he
can like Impacts a better place nowthan when he left it, And I
think that's cool to get back to, you know what I mean. It's
just like wow, man, Likewe're doing things a little differently around here,
and it's a spicy like we gotnew competition, we've got new production,
we got we got new this,we got like we are something different
and it's because of the hard workthat all that everyone there does, from
production to sound guys to cameraman,to the wrestlers, to the referees to
the fans, Like it takes ateam, right. I mean, you
guys just oh, sorry to catchup. I was gonna say, you
guys just had some tapings in Memphisand the response we had some friends there,
the response was just glowing. SoI mean, like it seems like
you guys are firing on all cylindersnow. Yeah. I think the biggest
thing, like with me coming back, I just noticed how hungry everyone is,
you know, I know, likeback in the day they weren't hungry,
but you know, especially in thelocker room, they're kind of be
a split of things, and likesome people go this way, some people
do this way, but I feellike now everyone just has that goal in
that mindset of we are going toliterally make this the greatest wrestling product that
is on television, and like,I don't know, I just I feel
like we kind of have a chipon our shoulders of that sense, and
everyone is absolutely delivering just a thousandmillion percent. Yeah, for sure.
And the thing that me and Elihave talked about when it comes to Impact
wrestling is, you know a lotof the stuff that happens at like these
TV tapings, you never see itget leaked on the internet, like and
that's the that just goes to showhow great impact wrestling fans are because I
mean, every day you see somethingon the Internet, getting leaked of something
from some TV tape being here thereall the more else, But when it
comes to Impact, nobody's linking anythingbecause everybody wants to enjoy those surprises that
impact wrestling. It's one of thosethings that if you miss, you know,
a show on Impact one week,you're having to try to play catch
up the follow week if you missit. Yeah, yeah, I actually
notice that too. I really havea high respect for the fans that can
sit there with their phones, havea gallery full of videos and pictures that
they've taken and not post any ofit on Twitter. As a human being,
I'm sure that's actually hard to do. It doesn't sound like an artists
in the world. But when you'reexcited and passionate about something and you just
want to share that enjoyment that youjust like you just got filled with seeing
your icons for three hours or whateverhowever, you see these people, you
know working hard for your entertainment,it's hard not to want to share that
with the world. But I feellike everyone understands that the more they do
that, the less interested people willbe in the product, and the fans
want us to have a better producttoo, and that's what's important about it.
If they don't care about the productyou're putting I or want to see
you grow, then they would theywould spoil everything. But they they're is
hungry for something more as everyone workingthere for sure. And that's that's the
thing. Is like when and youknow, my six year old who's running
around somewhere on the resort, whenI told him that I was walking to
y'all today because he's a big spidertray is what he says, get him
my camera. No, We've goneto the Impact shows and I've recorded videos
and photos and stuff like that.But it's like, like you said,
I wait eat because I'm a fan. Even though we do this wrestling podcast.
At the end of the day,I'm still a fan, And like
I'm not sitting here trying to getscoops or anything like that. I wait
till it airs and then I postit. And that's the thing. It's
like I've noticed with a lot ofpeople that I know that go to Impact
shows that they'll take tons of videosand nothing ever gets posted until after nairs,
and I think that just goes showedto a testament of Impact Wrestling fans.
Yeah, I mean it's kind ofdirecting people towards the TV, like
watch it on TV. Watch iton TV. It's live, you know,
watching it on to be for sure. And you know, speaking of
the internet real quick. Recently,you know, there's been rumblings on the
Internet about Impact Wrestling being a landingspot for one CM Punk. Hypothetically,
if Punk was ever to come toImpact, what would that mean not only
for the Impact brand, but alsofor the locker room. I'm just gonna
speak off rip Cempunk was one ofmy favorite wrestlers. Absolutely. Ever,
It's like ever ever I do.I can't tell you how many shirts I
had. I can't tell any howmany times it dressed up as I'm dude,
like he's what really, I don'tknow. Not so much brought me
back to wrestling, because I stilllove wrestling for a while and all that,
But he was the first guy ina while that I clicked with,
you know what I mean because atthe time, I'm from a small tower
in Ohio. Everyone's either like countryor preppy. I'm the punk kid that
like, you know, had gagespiercings, all that, and it's just
like one of those that kind ofnected. You know. He was a
voice for the voiceless. So forme, I bro, please, bro,
please, And and again it wouldjust help us step everything up,
you know what I mean, Likeyou have that high profile of a guy,
like it's not just some random dude. Like he's that high profile.
You've seen the results what happens whenhe gets on TV, like it just
means more eyes and more opportunities forImpact to raise up and for all of
us to just kill it, youknow, so please do. I've only
ever had one interactional with See HimPunk. He came to the last Chicago's
taping that we dated Impact. Hejust hung out in the locker room,
was very respectful to everyone, madeeveryone feel like they could engage with him
without any like weird undertone to it. And I told him it was on
honored to meet him. He goes, please, don't say that, but
it was, you know, itwasn't a laughing manner. And I remember
feeling that day like I wonder howthis show's gonna go. Like See Him
Punk is, for all intents andpurposes, a wrestling legend this man changed
the landscape of two major companies whilehe was there and is one of the
most recognizable faces and wrestling. Youcould take his head off of his body
and you would recognize see him punkfor everything else that he is. For
the rest of his life he is. He's famous from a mile away,
which I feel like only very fewpeople in this world ever get to like
that's that's such a thing. Andthat day in the locker room, everyone
is like one of those things.Everyone was a little bit hungrier ever,
like maybe we weren't trying to impressthe impunk, but I don't think anyone
wanted to not impress him. Andif he that's just an energy that we're
gonna have to walk into work withevery day. So let the bangers roll
right and you know, he heyou know, he briefly did do some
stuff with TNA. I guess what, the coffee and a handshake, you
know, so weird things have happened, I mean, why not, you
know, and I definitely believe youknow, you guys are a testament that
he would have much more creative freedomunder that umbrella than other places he's been.
So yeah, So speaking of impactand new Japan have had a really
good working relationship over the years.They had the Multiverse. What was the
full title Multiverse two, Multiverse ofMadness. That's it. Yeah, you
know, incredible paper view was Multiverseof Madness and then it was Multiverse United
for the next two. That's whatit was, right right, So,
would you guys be open to defendingyour titles in New Japan? And are
there any New Japan teams? Maybeyou've got your zone maybe, Like wow,
I really like to get in thering with those guys a million percent.
That would be huge to defend thetag team championships inside of New Japan.
I've gotten to defend the exhibition championshipat Multiverse United at Russell Con last
year. That was a really coolfeather in the cap. Retaining under that
umbrella as well. New Japan hasalways been a goal for the both of
us, and it weren't. We'resitting ducks right now. We're ready,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure of course ready to go Bound
for Glory live from Chicago. It'shappening October twenty one. You can still
grab tickets at Impact Wrestling dot Com. But if you can't be there,
always watching with our friends on Fightand pay per view. Real quick before
we let you guys go. Iknow you got a busy day being the
champs and all that. Is thereanything you want to say to people watching
and listening to this right now?Just stay tuned. The best is yet
to come, you know what Imean, Like we're only just getting started
where this is like, we gotway more stuff to do, We got
way more levels to reach. Sojust stay tuned for the right and also
thank you for watching us, Thankyou for supporting us. I feel like
us, as the Rascals, wedo have a pretty amazing fan base,
a really, really amazing fan base. They're so down and just thank you, guys,