Episode Transcript
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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on
here, you're beautiful there, everybodygo, why don't you put on a
show and charge it? Mission?Okay, so I would say something with
music and Tomedy. Now you're talking. It will be a show for everyone
who loves music and murder. Comeon out. We got it a show
to dude. Showtime. Are youready? I'm ready to get you ready?
Ready? Job? All right?Well, good morning, it's Wednesday,
six oh seven, big rack.Morning's Jackson here? How are you
those? Thanks? There's a hotmother effort yesterday. Holy crap, it's
supposed to be that hot again today. I don't think it's a quite as
bad. I yes was the hottest. I was on the road, and
obviously the you know, the gaugesin a car read a lot hotter,
especially if you're stuck in traffic andyou're on asphalt, you know what I
mean. But I was reading oneoh eight. I snapped a picture of
it. I'm like, what whatwhich means? It was probably like one
hundred and two degrees, but onehundred, Oh my god, it was
hot. It's gonna be a bonechilling ninety eight today, I tell you
what that's probably gonna feel good,right. The brid spot here is we're
gonna get hit like ninety seven ninetyeight degrees today, but then we are
going to drop into the eighties.It looks like for the foreseeable future,
for like the next week. Soget back to normal temperatures. Holy crap,
it was high. It's what thoselike hotshee. If you stand out
there too long, you start tofeel like nauseous. Yeah. I had
a guy sent me a message yesterdayvia socials because I think I did something
about the temperature. And he's like, yeah, dude, I worked on
a roof all day, and I'mlike, oh, god, dude,
I'm knowing you had to have.First off, you'd have to drink like
two gallons of water, and youknow, talking about getting like light headed
and nauseous when it's one hundred andfive degrees and you're standing on a roof.
God bless you man. I youknow, I think I talked about
that a couple of weeks ago.I said, the people I really feel
for on those hot days they workoutside are roofers because they are up there
in the hottest place they could possiblybe. It's just absolutely ridiculous. I
saw a guy running on my wayhome yesterday, and I'm just like,
why are you doing it? Likewhat I joked? What would possess you
to do that? I joked withsomebody yesterday. They said, what's up?
I said, I'm about to gofor a run. They're like,
are you stupid? I was like, I'm kidding, dude, I'm not
going for a running a hundred threedegrees. No, it's not happening,
all right, H six o nine. It's big one hundred Good morning.
DC's scrack. HiT's a big onehundred Wow dangerous on Kenny Wiggins. I
have a story about that song.I'll have to tell to you sometime when
I have time. Amazon Prime Daytoday and tomorrow. I thought it was
yesterday and today. I'm sorry yesterdayand today, you're Correctesday. I bought
a bunch of stuff yesterday I couldhave saved the second day today. This
is where you go out and getepic deals on crap. You don't need
it, right, and I doit every year. Before he started,
It's like, but look at theprice. Yeah, you don't need that,
Yeah, but look it's like halfprice a bunch of crap, bunch
of crap. I don't know.I read a really cool article this morning
and then I mean I thought itwas super cool, and then I realized
the kids are local out of FairfaxCounty. Did you see this in the
news that the You know, there'sa high to your population. Of course,
especially well surrounding all of DC,especially in Virginia, and the roads
can get pretty scary certain times ofthe year. So a pair of seniors
at Thomas Jefferson High School in FairfaxCounty have been working on a device that
could steer deer away from cars.They're using AI, so they're developing a
prototype right now. They even gota fifteen thousand dollars grant from the Animal
Welfare Institute to work on this.So they're developing this prototype incorporating artificial intelligence,
ultrasounded pulses, and animal or humansounds. I would love to see
how this works. But basically,your vehicle would recognize that they're deer in
the area through some sort of AIand computer vision, and then it would
send out these pulses and biosound thatwill turn the deer away, you know,
So similar to like the old schoolwhistles used to buy for like ten
bucks. That did nothing to putit out of your window, and apparently
would make a high pitch whistle thatwould scare deer. They didn't work,
So this is cool man. Coupleof little brainiacs. I can't even pronounce
their names. I'm not even goingto butcher them and and ruin their names.
But two really smart kids at ThomasJefferson High School in Fairfax County.
So we'll have to keep the updatedon that. I'd love to chat with
those kids. Say. It's likea pulse in your car that goes out
to the deer and the computer,the AI will determine they're a deer in
the area. Harver does that,and once it determines there are deer,
it sends out some sort of ultrasonicpulses and sounds. It makes their heads
explode. I don't know, butthey're working on it, and they're running
a test on it now with thisfifteen thousand dollars grant, so they've got
an area of Virginia where they're actuallyputting it into action to see if it
works. Deer. I hate deer, Yeah, well, try hitting a
moose. I feel like with adeer, you like wreck your car And
yet it's dangerous and you could beinjured. You hit a moose, you're
dead, dude. A moose willtake out a Dodge pickup truck. I
mean they are like, Oh mygod. I did not real realize how
big moose were until I saw onein person and I went, oh my
god, you could walk under that. Yeah, they look like statues.
Moose are gigantic. I was upin Maine and they were like, yeah,
you don't want to hit one ofthose, you're dead. Like really,
do you know they had moose Maine? Oh? Yeah, yeah,
the moose crossing signs everywhere. Yeah, it's really bad up there. Yeah,
and they were like watching on formoose, all right. Six twenty
five quick break back to in afew DC's classic Crack Big one hundred.
DC's classic Crack Hits Big one hundredas Aarah Smith and Ragdoll. Well,
good moaning to you. Time forthings. I know, I know it's
early, I know, boss,moot stuff around and everything's in a new
spot. Well we'll get it rightthis. I did not know this.
Did you know the guy that establishedAtari also started Chuck E Cheese? I
did not, nor did I Iwas blown away by that The guy who
invented atari is also the guy whoinvented chuck E cheese. How much money
does that go? Oh my god? Can you imagine? The oldest sock
ever discovered? Now, this isgonna rub a few people the wrong way
was between three hundred and five hundreda d and they were designed to be
worn with sandals, just saying thefirst socks ever were made for sandals.
The inspiration for pac Man, thecharacter in the video game, actually was
the image of a pizza, Apizza with a with a slice missing.
That's where they got the idea fromall the people it looks like so pizza
with a piece Yep, that's wherethey got the idea. The original Japanese
title was called puck Man, andthat was the let's derived from a Japanese
phrase paku pakoo tabarou. Probably butcheringthat but it needs to gobble something up.
Yeah. Genital warts can be tracedall the way back to Homo sapiens
having sex with Neanderthals. I knewit came from Neanderthals one hundred and twenty
one hundred and twenty thousand years old. One hundred and twenty thousand years old.
And finally, it's illegal to intentionallysplash water in another player's face during
a water polo game. By theway, it'd be way more interesting if
you were allowed to do that,just saying DC's Classic Crocket's big one hundred.
D Youc's Class Crocket, it's bigone hundreds. Living on a prayer
of this bomb Jovi. Another reminder, second day of Amazon Prime Day.
Second day, So if you needa new spatula, maybe an alarm clock,
maybe a an echo. The thingis, I'm not patient enough to
wait for Prime Day because I boughtoh yeah, all of those things in
the past month because and wait untilPrime Day to get the deal. Yeah,
I don't really I don't really lookat it as like a big deal,
but apparently it is to a lotof people. Hey it's National hot
Dog Day, and yeah, that'sthe thing. And there's one of the
brands, it might be Nathan's.I can't recall which brand it is.
But they basically holding a contest askingpeople to share their wildest toppings on social
media and the winner gets twenty fivehundred bucks in the Ultimate Backyard Cookouts.
So, you know, pretty cool. But it's just funny seeing what people
put on their hot dogs. Ohit's ballpark, that's who was ballpark brand
park. Yeah, and they saycelebrating freedom of expression by challenging hot dog
deliveris to post the most unique hotdog toppings ever. I'm one of those
guys, and I know this willrub some people the wrong way. I
like Ketchup on a hot dog.I know there are the purests that say
only mustard belongs on a hot dog. I like ketchup. Man. Seventy
three percent of Americans say mustard.Only sixty two percent say they like ketchup.
So there there's quite a few ofus. I put both on there.
I let them duke it out.Onions, relish, and chili all
got at least fifty percent, Butthey dug into some of the most interesting
stuff. Non traditional condiments. Geta load of these, and this is
not even the weird stuff yet.Barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, siracha jam
here we go, Dorito's pulled porkand barbecue sauce, jalapeno cream, cheese
and black bean salsa, fried egg, guacamali and garlic, aoli, pesto,
and caramelized onions. Okay, caramelpopcorn. I don't know if I
can get buying that one. Iwould try it. I'd try to try
it. Try I try any ofthese so far. I try Yeah,
mashed potatoes, gravy and onions,celery and blue cheese and finally cheese marina.
Well, this sounds like a pizzahot dog. Cheese marinera basil and
pepperoni. Yeah, that sounds likea pizza dog. That's a pizza dog.
I don't like the celery idea,don't don't get celery near my hot
dog. I forget. There's abig it's a chain of like I went
to one in New Orleans where theyspecialized in hot dogs. Right, so
they've got fifty different hot dogs,right menu, and that's it all looks
like that. It's just the mostrandom stuff on hot dogs, hot dogs
with lump crab and mayonnaise. Andyou're like, what, But I got
something there that was was pretty decent, pretty good place, especially at two
in the morning, an odd traditional. It was two in the morning after
a night on Bourbon Street, andit was odd, right, that's all
I remember. And at two inthe morning after a night on Bourbon Street,
it tasted pretty good. But ifyou were to ask me now or
even the morning after, what itwas that would have been a hot dog?
Put stuff on it. I thinkit was called The Dog and the
Dog. All right. It isseven oh seven, DC's Classic Rock Big
one hundred, DC's Classic Rocky.It's a big one hundred as Mary James
last dance Tom Petty high in ninetyseven. Today, good news is kids
that following today was a hot one. Yesterday, be another hot one today,
but then we're going to drop backdown to normal summer time temps for
the foreseeable future. Looks like mideighties for the next you know, five
six, seven days, So yes, really do you feel cold? Relief
is on the way. Twister.I watched the trailer for this this morning
and I cannot wait to see this. I was a big fan of the
first one. By the way,it's not really a sequel. It's widely
being referred to as kind of astandalone sequel, meaning it does take place
in the same universe as Twister theoriginal, but is not too closely linked
beyond that. But it looks fantastic. Man, I was watching just Google
Twisters trailer and it'll blow you away. They do not make mention in any
way, shape or form of globalwarming or climate change. The director said,
quote, I wanted to make surethat we are never creating a feeling
that we are preaching any sort ofmessage. He just wants to make a
movie. And characters do make mentionin the movie about the storms being more
frequent and more violent than ever,but they don't really mention anything beyond that.
And the footage I don't I don'tknow if this is like new AI
stuff or what it is, butit is absolutely fantastic. It really is
like watching two minutes of trailer Pumpme up. I gotta go see that.
I watched the original Twister over theweekend because it had been so long
since I'd seen it, And that'sone of those movies that you get how
good it is sure until you revisitit. Yeah, and let's not forget
how good that Van Halen song was. Humans being on the soundtrack to that,
that was fantastic. But this hasgot like the the PhD, you
know, buttoned up girl who's atornado chaser. And then it's got the
wild Man, you know, ofcourse, the cowboy, the rebbel that
is also you know, the perfectperfect storm, perfect storm perfect plot,
perfect scenario, And of course youknow they're gonna hate each other in the
beginning and they'll end up being bestof buds at the end. But there's
one scene where he shoots the crazyguy shoots fireworks into a tornado to see
what it looked like. So heshoots the fireworks into the tornado starts twisting
her out. It was amazing.And then I saw another scene where he
he's sitting in his truck and atornado coming right at him and they hit
some button and that basically drills thetruck down into the ground so it won't
fly away. It looks cool,man. You should check it out.
All right. It is coming upon seven to twenty five. Let's give
them the letter for the big wordof the week, shall we? The
big word of the week on Bigone hundred. Today's letter is the letter
Oh. The letter Oh is anoutstanding The letter Oh, Hooty and the
Blowfish tickets up for grabs for ashow the seventeenth of August Jiffy Lube Live
Big. Thanks to Live Nation forthose tickets. The letter Oh. We'll
wrap up this word Friday morning rightabout this time, seven twenty five ish
and we'll we'll give you those ticketsif you know the word. All right,
So good luck from DC's Classic Crockets, Big one hundred, DC's Classic
Crockets, Big one hundred, Killa Queen, Queen Another hot one today
high about to ninety seven degrees comingup in the eight o'clock hour. Florida
Man Sports on Tap with Dennis justaround the corner as well. People need
to lighten the hell up, right, I get it. The country is
divided, but everybody is so onedge and they're just looking for a reason
to be offended, and they're lookingfor a reason to be pissed off.
This is going to end poorly.It's talking to somebody who after the assassination
attempt. It was that Saturday,Saturday. Sorry, I had a few
days off, so it all kindof runs together another radio guy, and
he said, you know, wedidn't really want to touch it, so
on Facebook we just put the likethe brain hands emojis right right, which
seems pretty generic to me, prettylike, you know, I mean,
how can you go wrong with that? Right? And nothing more, no
comment, just the brain hands emoji, and people just went off. Why
unfollowing unfollowing gonna quit listening. Ihope you posted these on January sixth,
or when Pelosi's husband was attacked.YadA YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA,
YadA YadA. And it just goeson and on and on. And
I've noticed this. It doesn't matter, you know, they pick a side,
doesn't really matter which side it is. People are just looking for reasons
to get triggered these days. Stop, calm down, take a deep breath
for God's sake, right, becausethis it's gonna get worse unless people.
And then I was scrolling through Ithink it was TikTok on Sunday, and
just kept running across these accounts oflike good old boys who were on there,
going you liberals don't realize you're threeseconds away from a civil war.
We've had enough. And I'm like, oh my god, calm down,
people, everybody take a step back. Right. It was a terrible thing.
There should be no violence in politics. It should be no political It's
not acceptable in any way, shapeor form on any planet. Right.
And there was a twenty year oldkid who was clearly screwed up in the
head. Right, same kind ofperson that walks into a school with a
gun, Right, there's something wrongthere. That is, there's something very
very wrong with that person mentally.They need help a little late for help
on his end, but needed helpthat And I start thinking, I go,
man, you never know, man, it's like things aren't getting crazy.
Civil war geese. Everybody keeps spewingthis civil war crap. I was
like talking to my brother guy saying, I'm like, let me ask a
question, who against who? Whatare they gonna do, like grab their
guns and just go knocking on?Do it? Hey? You liberal?
That's what it would come to,I mean. And I always dismiss that
until January sixth, and then Isaw that, Yes, I mean it
could happen. Who's gonna fight?It might Who's gonna fight who? Because
most of America is just like,oh dude, I just don't even want
to pay attention to this crop.Right now. You've got your outliers,
but it's like who you gonna fight? What is going on here? Let's
just picture people go door to door. We heard you're a Democrat or vice
versa. I don't know. Youknow anyway, Well, the thing that
would happen is not exactly that,but you what you just said, it
doesn't matter what you say, oneside's going to be mad at you no
matter what. And so it's goingto be individual on individual doing that,
and that's what it's going to cometo him. That's how it's going to
escae. We've talked about that before. How you can't even you can't even
just be you know, indifferent andbe in the middle and go, yeah,
I'm not picking a side, becausethe people go, you're failing your
country by not picking a side.Oh my god, there is no winning
no more. So I want everyonetake a deep breath. Okay, get
a beer with your buddy. Whocares what his political affiliation with is.
We used to be able to dothat. Let's let's go back to that.
It is seven two, and we'lltake a quick break here. It's
DC's Classic Rock Pick one, DC'sClass Crocket. It's a big one hundred
pink flood leather brick in the wall. I snuck into that movie when I
was a kid, but it wasthanks to my buddies mom, who bought
three tickets. She took us inand then she immediately went out the exit
of the theater and let us watchit. It's fantastic, man. So
it was rated are I was onlyI don't even remember how old I was.
Wasn't old enough to be in anR rated movie enough to where we
had to have the parents buy thetickets. I saw Porky's when I was
a kid. I was ten.Yeah, we snuck and watched that on
like Showtime or something in my cousin'sbasement, and that was a big deal.
It's like, okay, man,we can't do any buddy, We're
gonna watch Porkys Porky. I laughedthinking about Porkys. I gotta go back
and watch that again. I'm sogood, but it's so good. Porky's
in the Animal House. Yeah,Lenny Kravitz, this was kind of cool.
What's the video of this? Earlythis morning, he took a call
from Denzel Washington in the middle ofa concert. I don't know if Denzel
just their buddies, And apparently Denzeldid not realize he was playing live at
the time. So Lenny Kravitz getsthis FaceTime call from Denzel Washington right in
the middle of a show in Italyover the weekend, and he answered it
on Stagel. Yeah, and heturned the phone to the crowd and said
anybody know Denzel Washington. Say helloto Italy Denzel. It's pretty it's pretty
cool. And so he introduced thecrowd to Denzel and they go crazy and
he says, love you, brother, I'll call you later. This is
a bad time. It's a badtime. But yeah, you're a fun
up on stage playing a show.Excuse me, Denzel Washington's calling. Okay,
all right, Uh it is eightoh seven. It's DC's Classic Rock.
Florida Man is coming up here injust a bit plus Sports on Top
with Dennis and we're gonna give youa chance to win tickets for Stix and
Foreigner the Big Concert coming up totwenty fourth that's next Wednesday. We'll have
those up for grabs with what havewe learned on the show today? We
get to that just before nine o'clock. Right here on Big one hundred,
DC's Classic Rock. That's Big onehundred oz I of the Tiger. Wow.
Uh Florida Man, Florida Man one. This one goes backaways. This
guy was start defensive tackle at hishigh school in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Ranked among one of the best highschool players in the country top ten,
they say, and he had alsobeen taking advanced placement classes and looked
to be like, you know,Superstar in the making, right, smart
kid. So it's anyone's guess howhe ended up his garage chewing off parts
of a stranger's face. Apparently hehad unlive the man. And then what
is this like some hannibal lecter stuff? Is this like it was he a
cannibal? What's going on here?Nineteen year old Florida State student? And
this is absolutely insane. It wasan unprovoked and random attack. He approached
a married couple and and I won'teven get into the details of how he
un alive to the guy, buthe did, and then they dragged him
into his garage and when police foundhim, he was grunting and growling,
making animal noises over one of thebodies because apparently it was the it was
a husband of wife. It wastwo people he didn't and then was eating
their faces. My lord, what'sgoing on here? That took a completely
different turn from where I was expecting. Absolutely and again, this is a
guy apparently you know, I washolding down a rigorous academic program, maintained
like a three point five GPA,was looking to attend a pre med program.
I was definitely gonna play college football, was a star in high school.
And it just looks like he snapped. That's like some sort of mental
disorder, right, eating someone's face? Well, I mean, well even
just murder, I mean, comeon, but then too, Yeah,
this gets pretty gruesome, and Iwon't get into it other than I'll just
leave you with the visual of hewhen they caught him, he was trying
to eat the person's face. Yeah, that's a mental break. They do
say his body temperature was elevated whenthey arrested him, and they think he
may have been on some sort ofsynthetic drug. Ah. Well, you
know what this reminds me of.Remember the guy and that was in Flora
bath salts? The guy that wason bath salts? And what was he
doing? Someone? He tried toeat a guy's face. Kids don't do
bath salts? That's bad. Dothey even can? I don't even know
where people found those to begin with? But can they still find them?
Weren't they selling them in like gasstations or something for a while. It
was crazy? And did you haveto do something with them for them to
have that kind of effect on you? I have no idea, nor do
I want to know? Really,I really don't. It just caught my
attention because at the end of itit says they suspected he was on some
sort of synthetic drug and it remindedme of the other guy arrested for eating
someone's face, and it was aguy on synthetic drugs bath salts back in
the day. Uh yeah, he'she's going to spend the rest of his
life in prison. There you goa twenty five Hey, coming up sports
on Tap with Dennis and before nineo'clock in the big commercial free Hour,
we're gonna give you a chance towin some tickets to see the big concert
with Sticks and Foreigner next Wednesday night. And of course our friends in the
South Loud and Youth Corral all Coralare going to be performing with Foreigner,
which is going to be pretty cool. Dig it, dig it all right,
we'll take a break. Care backto it in just a few It
is big one hundred. DC's classcrack is big one hundred. It's eight
forty. I played some golf yesterday, Dennis, did you shoot? Were
you in a basketball tournament? Today'sWednesday? You've lost track of time sir,
I do when I have a fewdays off, I do on the
golf course. Will do that.Yes, well a degree temperature, yeah,
it was one hundred degrees. Itwas baddest. It was an I
artist outing, so it was acompany thing. Yeah. So I got
paired with the the best pairing ever. I got paired with the guys from
Tito's Vodka. Perfect. Was thereany golfing to be here? Yeah?
No, we played, yeah,And the great thing was I was like,
man, there was a lot ofreally good golfers at that thing,
like like really could so you didn'thave to do much any I thought,
Okay, well it's best ball andI'm not gonna have to worry about it
too much. And it turns outthe guys that Tito's couldn't really play that
well and the other person couldn't play, so we were using my ball most
of the time. Thank god.I had like a good day. All
right. I can have really baddays or okay days, and I had
an Okay, if you don't havea lot of good golfers in a four
or five some and it's on youa lot, there is pressure there.
Yeah, but it was a goodythe way I can't imagine you playing in
that sheet. I was sitting atthe game last night at a field for
the US women's national team game.It was great to see there are girls
in person before they head over toParis. But I was sitting in that
and suffering. I can't imagine whatit was like for you golfing in that.
Well, it helps when you havewhat did they what were they concocting?
It was like a blueberry lemonade andtan now blueberry lemonade and Tito's and
it was amazing, what what?What dumb luck to be with the Tito's.
I was fantastic. I'm just shoot, I think we finished like two
over part okay, right, fastball? You know that means the guys
that are good, we're like godknows part. And then let's not forget
about the cheaters of those tournaments.Oh yeah, well that you like a
fifty five. One of the guysfrom Tito's would be like that was a
birdie, right. I was like, no, we part that well,
you should put down like I'm notdoing that, man, I can't do
that. I can't. It's justI feel too bad about it. I've
been in so many tournaments and I'msure you have too, where there's just
that one or two teams that theyhave to win all the trophies and the
prizes and they just cheat through theirarse. Yeah, and there's no way
to know, No, there's not. It's totally the system. So you
have to just and that's because it'sthe eonder system. I'm like, I'm
not gonna cheat. Well, listen, if you're going to golf in a
tournament that heat, I'm glad you'rewith the Tito's guys. Yeah, that's
yeah, anything in the sports world. I know. Training camp starts next
week. Man, we are weare exactly seven days away, sir,
unreal. You will be out therefor day one and it's going to be
a lot of fun. It's goingto be hot out there. But this
is the first chance that we getto see everybody in Pad's work out,
including Jayden Daniels, who is signedto is a rookie deal. Coincidentally enough,
I thought that most rookies because they'rekind of locked in on their deals
when you're drafted in the first round. Yeah, there's a set amount of
price that you get. You reallycan't negotiate. Guess who wasn't signed as
of yesterday, right before camp CalebWilliams. Did you see native he got
like a twenty five million dollars deal. Yeah, didn't he. I didn't
know that was even possible as arookie. Yeah. Well, rookies,
if you're a high draft choice intop ten, you get pretty good money.
But it's all set. The otherpart of this is, and you
and I talked about not wanting himto come here just because his dad's representing
him, and actually Caleb's representing himselfwith lawyers, so good luck to the
Bears on that. But these arefour or five year deals with options,
right, and it's it's a setprice. But yeah, as of yesterday,
when Hard Knocks was supposed to starttaping, they're both are number one
picks the wide receiver out of Washington, and Caleb hadn't signed yet. Oh
boy, So in the twelfth hourthey both signed. They're locked in,
ready to go. But Jamee's beensigned for a while, and I think
Jade's getting between twenty five and thirtymillion. It's somewhere around there. I
will tell you, looking back,going all the way back to when we
used to speculate about you know,uh, may or or Caleb or j
I am absolutely one thrilled. UhCommanders got Jaden Daniels. I think that
was the right choice and I thinkhe's going to be the man well.
And I also think to your pointon the on the field and off the
field. Yeah, what we're gettingwith Jayden yep, I agree. I
just don't know what they're gonna getwith with Caleb Williams. I just don't
know. It's a you know,watching his behavior at USC with his dad,
it's gonna be it was a littlebit of a circus, and I
don't think we need that here afterwhat we've been through the last couple of
decades. It's fun to watch fromafar. Yeah, and you know what
Hard Knocks is going to chronicle it, I think on August sixth of the
first show, So let's let's fireup the tape and let's watch that.
But yeah, weekway, you'll bethere, coaches, players, dignitaries.
I'm hoping that maybe we can evensee the owner while you're out there.
But there will be lots of socialmedia and it's gonna be fun. But
a week from today you will beout in Ashburn doing the show live fantastic
man. Look forward to it allright, appreciate it mank it on too
much. Enjoy your day. Itis eight forty five. We will take
care some business here, but beforewe go to break, we have tickets
for the big show with Sticks andForeigner And what have we learned on the
show today? One eight hundred fournine three one double three is the phone
number? What do we got?Lenny Kravitz got a call from somebody while
he was on stage in Italy lastweekend? Who called him? Biden?
Nope, nope, Trump, nope, no, no it was. That's
a cool story, if you know. If you were listening, give us
a buzz and we'll set you upwith tickets. Good luck from Big one
hundred, DC's classic Crockets Big onehundred. Let's see if we can get
a winner for these Sticks and Foreignertickets. What have we learned on the
show today? We'll go to thephones. Hi, who's this? Hi?
This guy? Hey? How youdoing man? How you doing good?
Good? Hey? If you werelistening earlier, we were talking about
Lenny Kravitz got a call from someonewhile performing on stage. Do you know
who it was? You got it? There? It is man, all
right, we're gonna set you upwith tickets to see Stixon Foreigner next week,
you bet, man, hold onand we'll get you all set up.
All right. We'll have some moreof those to give away tomorrow morning.
Right here on DC's Classic Rockets didone hundred