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July 18, 2024 36 mins
Things I Know. Florida Man. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Be sure to subscribe. 
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Episode Transcript

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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. What's going
on here, beautiful? Let everybodygo, Why don't you put on a
show and charge it mission? Okay, so I would say something with music.

I'm comedy. Now you're talking.It will be a show for everyone
who loves music and murder. Comingon, Chuck, we gotta take show
to dude, showtime. Are youready? I'm ready to get your baby
job. Good morning. It's Thursday, six oh eight. DC's Classic Rockets

figure one hundred. Jackson here finallygive a cool down, friends, I
only mid eighties today. God,that's gonna feel like December after the last
couple of weeks. Claudia Sky's abouteighty seven degrees. So it looks like
that heat wave finally broke, andit looks like mid eighties for the foreseeable
future. Looking at like a tenday forecast here, it looks pretty good.

Looks pretty good. Coming up alittle bit later this morning, about
seven twenty five, we'll give youanother letter from the big Word of the
week. That's gonna be your chanceto win tickets to see Hoody and the
Blowfish. We will have more ticketslater this morning, closer to nine o'clock
for Sticks and Foreigner. That's thebig show next Wednesday at Jiffy MoU Live.
That is the show that the toplotten Youth Corral Coral is going to

sing on. They're gonna jump upand sing the chorus of I Want to
Know What Love Is with Foreigner.We have them in studio a couple of
weeks ago. Great kids and itshould be pretty cool. So they'll be
out there next Wednesday night. Wegot your tickets, so stick around for
those Florida Man Sports on tap.We'll good to Things I Know, but
up before seven and more. Itis DC's Classic Crock Big one hundred.

DC's Classic Crock is Big one hundred. There's Nicko lackin How You Remind Me?
And good Morning to you six twentytwo Things I Know coming up here
in just a bit here. Iwas looking at this this summer heat,
the heat wave that seems like itlasted forever. Maybe it was only ten
days. I don't true, Hellfelt like about a month, didn't.

It's causing all sorts of infestations aroundthe country, and we're talking spiders,
cockroaches, wasp, termites, ants, and DC tops the list on like
all of these, Well, Ishouldn't say all of them. That's not
true. Topping the list on roachesDC, topping the list on bed bugs

DC, top of the list onrodents DC. We don't have to worry
about the looks like the the snakes, although Virginia is number one for snakes
right now. Termites also a problembeing in Hawaiian Florida. Topping the list

for mosquitos DC. She just justblow it up. Is this youre any
different from mosquitos in DC than mosquito? Mosquitoes are bad in DC. They're
bad everywhere. I feel like they'rebad all up and down the East coast.
Man and I used to think theywere all bad, all of him
down the East Coast until I wentand spent a couple of weeks in Minnesota.

Oh, dear god, you havenot. And I've got some friends
that spent some time in Alaska,and they say it makes Minnesota look mild.
You have not seen mosquitoes. Yougo to Minnesota, It's like they're
flipping state bird. Dude. They'rebig, they're nasty, and they come
out in swarms. And I didhave a friend send me a video one

time he was in Alaska doing somefour willing and they had to put the
nets over over their faces. Theyhad a hat with like a net on
it to even film the video theywere filming because the mosquitoes were like it
just looked like a cloud of them, just swarms. I was like,
oh my god, I will neverbitch about these things again. I'm susceptible

to them for whatever reason. Youknow, some people don't get bit at
all, or you know, cansit outside all night and have one bite.
Yep. I can sit outside withten people, nobody will have a
bite. I'll have seventy two ofthem. And I don't know what it
is. Don't know what it is. There's all sorts of theories about what
it is why they're attracted to certainpeople and other people. But I am

one of the unfortunate ones, andit is awful. It's awful. I
got to use a lot of date, which will probably kill me soon,
I'm sure. Six twenty five.It's DC's Class Crock, Big one hundred.
DC's Class Crock is this Big onehundred and good morning to you Roy
Wood. Did you see this?Tickets went on sale last Friday and he's

doing a show. Let me letme pull this up here because this was
cool because I saw it looks likehe's going to be filming for a Hulu
special oh n Theater. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, So how cool is
this Roywood Junior at Lincoln Theater.I'd heard about this when it was still
like confidential, but tickets actually didgo on sale next last Friday, so

it's a it's a go and uh, it looks like it's Uh. I
always I'm always blown away by howthey do these tapings. You know,
some of these guys do this thingone and done and mad props to those
guys, causents, that's talent.I was just interviewing a comedian not too
long ago, and I was askinghim about it, and he had done
one where he had two shows inone night and he was able to take

bits and pieces from the two differentshows in the same night. But he
still did the special off the offthe one night. But yeah, TV
special taping Indie Lincoln Theater. Theshow Saturday, September seventh at six thirty
and nine, so he will havetwo shows. Yeah, so that's the
second one that he's taping, right, is that I'm doing that? I
think I'm guessing, and I'm sureit's they're all different, but I bet

they'll tape both and then if theyneed to like pull a piece from the
six thirty show to fix something inthe nine show, they can, you
know what I mean. Yeah,so take a toront sale now you can
get them into a live Nation dotcom. But always cool to be a
part of a crowd when when they'refilming. Have you ever made it into
one of those into a filming intothe crowd, you know, on the
finish No, not not on thelike finished product. I was actually no,

no, no, I can't sayI've ever actually seen myself in the
crowd. I was at a JoeRogan show where they were filming one time,
which was pretty cool. You alwaysknow that the comedian when they're doing
when they're recording a special, they'regoing to be on like that's going to
be one of their best shows.They know they're filming polished. Yes,
they are dead on so it willabsolutely be a fantastic show. You should

check it out. All right,it is time for things. I know,
I'm big one hundred had some goodones for you this morning. Yeah,
it looks like when you remember thisone still blows me away. When
you remember a past event, somethingin your history, you are actually not
remembering the last time you You areactually remembering the last time you remembered it,

not the event itself. It wasthat crazy science. I've heard that
some memories change every time you accesswhich is right, and it's because you're
not actually accessing the original memory.You're accessing the last time you remembered it,
which just blows me away. Istill can't quite wrap my head around
that copy of a copy of acar right of a copy. Yeah,

Alaska is the state that produces notonly very large mosquitoes, but most serial
killers too. Alaska the first rollercoaster was used to transport coal down a
hill. After people found out thatit looked kind of fun and could reach
speeds up to fifty miles per hour, tourists started asking to take rides on

it, and we're willing to payto take rides on it, and the
roller coaster was born. That's awesome. That is pretty cool. In Sweden,
you can get a copy of anyoneelse's tax return and find out how
much money they make. The onlycatch is that that person whose return you
requested gets a message telling them thatyou requested it. When you screenshot,

somebody say oh no, so theygo, hey, yo, Joe Blow.
Want to know how much money youmake dug into your records, just
so you know that's things. Iknow. It's DC's Classic Rock six,
it's Big one hundred. DC's ClassicCrock is Big one hundred. There's the
outfield and you love Jackson here,good morning, cooler one today finally snapped
out of that heat wave. Shouldbe how about mid eighties And it looks

that way for the next time andseven to ten days, so I think
we're in the clear as far asthe excessive heat goes. I just saw
this really cool story. It remindedme of another place I used to frequent.
There's a little coffee shop. Thisis in Italy, and somebody kind
of put it in story form here, but to summarize, basically, people

will walk in, like two peoplewalk into a coffee shop and they'll say,
and I want two coffees and threehanging. And the guy that was
observing was like, what do theymean by hanging? And then they leave
and two more people come in andI'll go, yeah, we'll take three
coffees and two hanging and the guysees this happen a few times and then

he sees a you know, kindof a tattered old guy walk in who
looks homeless. And the guy walksup with the counters and says, do
you have any coffees hanging? Andthey were like, we absolutely do.
Give them a coffee. So whatpeople are doing is kind of pay forward,
right, and they're they're paying forcoffees. And it's this tradition they
started in this town in Italy,which is pretty cool, and you can

actually buy like a lunch, youcan buy a sandwich, you can do
all this stuff, and they callthem hanging and then when people come in
they can't afford something, there's alreadysomething purchased, which I thought was just
the coolest thing in the world,especially in this day and age. That's
all I could just walk in thereand say, hey, do you have
anything hanging? And I could takeit. Yeah, there we go.
Yeah. Well, this obviously,you know, requires that jag offs don't

go in and take advantage of it. Crush what that's the idea? You
see, For the world to bea nice place, everyone has to be
nice, you see, everyone hasto participate. There was this place in
Salt Lake City. It was calledthe World Cafe, and I went there
a few times just because I wasa big fan of what they were doing.

I thought it was the coolest thingever. Was in the bottom of
a big house and they had turnthe bottom floor of this house into like
a restaurant right right, buffet style, and they would and then they set
up, you know, all therooms, like the dining room, one
of the you know, one ofthe other rooms. They would set up
little tables and places to sit,and you didn't pay, there was no

bill, and they would homeless peoplecould come help work, help prepare the
food, help wash dishes, helpdo all the things to keep it running
for food, right right. Sothey would come in and you'd go in
and you'd walk down the line,and every day it was something different.
You know, they'd cook up threeor four different things, and there might

be some homeless guy in the backdoing dishes, another guy's serving food.
And when you leave, there's abox. Pay what you think it was
worth. That's it. And whatthey found. I talked to the guy
one time. What they found iswhen you do that and then they keep
giving back to the community. Thatwas the whole idea. What they found

is when you tell people to paywhat they think it's worth, they'll pay
like double. See that's the thingwith that in John bon Jovi's restaurants,
like that you pay what you can. Yeah, I feel pressure. Yeah,
it's like I don't like the pressureof well if I what if I
don't pay enough? What if Isay too much? Like see, I
don't like that. I don't everthink about it. I need you to

think for me. I don't.I don't. I don't like having that
responsibility. Let' think I went ina few times and one time I threw
a twenty in. You know,I was lunch, and you know,
another time I might have had thirtybucks in my pocket, and you know,
just to me, it just waslike a donation, right right,
You're just trying to help out.So whatever I had, I would throw
in. And I don't think Iwould think twice. If I ever went
in there one day and went,oh crap, I didn't bring very much

cash and I only hit five bucks, I'd be like, well, you
know, last time I was here, I threw forty bucks in. You
know what I mean. But areally really cool concept, I think because
these days, they just turn onthe news and I just, God help
us, we need to blow upplanet Earth and start over. Because I

was watching I was Now, I'llsay this goes both ways. It doesn't
matter which one you're watching. They'reboth the same damn saying, right,
same, same, same saying.But I was watching the Republican Convention lest
night three. Watched just a littlebit of it until I fell asleep.
And of course, you know,it's just a lot of fear mongering,

right, And you know, ifI listen to them, I'm convinced that
MS thirteen is going to move innext door to me and kill my kids
and you know, deal fentannel outof my garage. But I and I
think I said this yesterday. Ijust went, you know, politics is

just show business for ugly people.Exactly what it is. Do show business
for ugly people. It's it's allan act, it's all performative, and
it's just and it's you know,they're not they're not quite attractive enough to
be on a big screen, sothey go into politics show. That's what
I'm gonna call it from now,show business for ugly people. That's such

an accurate description. Oh boy,wow. Anyway, it's seven oh nine.
It's DC's Classic Crock coming up aboutseven twenty five ish. That got
bumped a little bit. Bear withus. We're we're still gonna give you
the letter every day about seven.It used to be like seven thirty ish.
Now it's gonna be more like seventwenty four, seven twenty five ish,
right, But each day we giveyou that letter for the big word

of the week, and at theend of the week that spells a word,
know the word, win the prize. So this week we have hooting
the Blowfish ticket for a show atJiffy Lube Live on the seventeenth of August,
big thanks to lave Nation, andwe'll give those away tomorrow morning.
But you need another letter today,and that's coming up in just a few
it's DC's Classic Crack, Big onehundred. DC's Classic Crack is big one

hundred, semire of life. There'sthey're that blind. So Jackson here,
good morning to you, seven twentytwo high about eighty seven today. I
tell you what that sounds fantastic.Take it. We're out of the heat
wave. Uh saw this so onTikTok last night, Breakfast Tack. I'm
gonna try it. Gotta I'm gonnatry it. Fluffier scrambled eggs add Seltzer

water Seltzer Uh huh, I wouldI never thought in a million years,
not a lot like a teaspoon.Uh do one teaspoon for every two eggs?
Obviously you want just plain Seltzer water. If you try to throw a
can of some sort of watermelon flavoredyeah, that might be bad, but
experts say it really does work.Best scrambled eggs a life at a little

Seltzer water. The bubbles apparently makethe eggs arier and fluffier and about a
teaspoon. And uh, you justmake sure that again that you use plain
Seltzer And it works because the bubblesquickly expand from the heat and fluff everything
up while you're cooking them. I'mgonna try this today. I wanna have

scrambled eggs for lunch, just becauseI want to try this. Best scrambled
eggs I've ever had in my lifeis a bold statementel well, yeah,
but what does that make a meanegg? Let me tell you, I
throw a little shredded cheese in there. Mmm. Love good scrambled eggs with
nothing fancy salt pepper, little shreddedcheese. Good stuff. I tried yesterday

last night. Is it Lito Litopizza? They I didn't. I just
found it in the grocery store.Didn't realize they had they bottled their own
marin era. Didn't realize they throwthem pasta sauce. And I was walking
through maybe it was the Giant inMcLean I think I was at the Giant

Safeway. The Giant anyway, itsaid Bilocal and there was a little you
know, shelf at the end ofthe one of the aisles and it was
just all local products, you know, And I was actually in there and
on my list was like, youknow, some sauce, some red sauce.
And I was like, oh cool, well let me try this.
This stuff is good. I knoweverybody's got their you know, everybody has

different taste. It's a little sweetand if you like a sweet sauce that's
not overwhelming with well, the spicesaren't overwhelming, Like I like that because
it's kind of I wouldn't say it'sbland. It's sweet and it's not overly
spice, which lets you add whateveryou want to it to make it how
you like it. What'd you haveit with just spaghetti, Yeah, just

a meat sauce. It was fantasticanyway, So just gonna give them a
little plug, really a little Marylandcompany, right, Lito, there you
go. There's your plug. There'syour free plug on Thursday, Lido,
You're welcome. Do they advertise withus? I think so good? All
right? Cool? Well, yoursauce is fantastic. I loved it.
I will buy it again. Someof White Snake count Up will play some

Van Halen just around the corner.Let's give him the letter for the big
word of the week. The bigword of the week on Big one hundred.
Today's letter is the letter C asin cat. The letter see.
You can probably figure this out bynow, Yeah, you'll figure it out.
The letter see tomorrow will give youthe final letter about this time.

It's good for Hoodi and the Blowfishtickets. I am probably way more excited
than I should be about that show. There's just something about Hoodi and the
Blowfish and all the memories that comewith it, and that shows on a
Saturday night. It's just amazing.I love it. And the fact that
you know, Daris Record could haveyou know, he never had to come
back to hoodie again. He's gota very successful country career, so the

fact that they're getting back together anddoing that is very very cool. We've
got your tickets. That's tomorrow morningright here on DC's Classic Crack. It's
a big one hundred. DC's ClassicCrack is big one, big one hundred.
There's fan alien Pretty Woman. Iwas just thinking, is it right
Orbison that did the original Pretty Woman? Yes? Yes, Okay, for
the life of me, I waslike sitting there going what doubts, drawing

a blank, trying to remember hisname, and I just popped into my
head, right Orbison, which Iactually liked that version, the old school
version Hider too. So if youhaven't seen yet, COVID is surging.
Seems kind of odd it's surging inJuly, but it is. It's been
so hot, so everybody's been inside. Yeah, cases in twenty six states

are high or very high. AndI was just reading this start of one
things you can do to you know, not get sick. It's like,
okay, it's get plenty of sleep. That's not gonna happen. Uh,
stay away from kids, okay thatsound One person said, just don't leave

your house. I like that one. You know, it's all the typical,
like wear a mask in crowded areas. Is it still as contagious as
it was before? I don't know. I don't know what this strain looks
like. I mean, I thinkwe finally reached the point where it's fairly
mild break that Biden has it rightnow, right, Yeah, I can't
catch a break, dude, Hecan't catch a break. Trump is the

luckiest damn man on planet Earth andBiden can't catch a break. If you've
seen those videos, yeah, wherethey show they break it down and they
show Trump turn his head at theexact time that that round was by and
a fraction of a second, it'sunbelievable, like a one in a bazillion.

Meanwhile, has COVID agains Right,It's like Trump luckiest guy to ever
exist, and Biden can't get yourbreak to save his life. Dude,
those those videos are it makes itmakes you realize just how like it we're
talking about a hair Wow? Wow, what are the odds, Like,

are the mathematical odds of that happen? Yeah? I don't know, but
it's insane, like he just turnedhis head at the perfect time. It's
insane to even think about. You'veprobably seen him flowing around. There are
some recreations, some like like AIstuff. There's all sorts of stuff flowing
around, but they slow it down. And there's even one where they've they've

managed to slow down to where youcan actually see the round in the air.
Have you seen that one? No? I haven't seen that one.
So that's like the real footage.The one I saw is the rendering of
Oh you saw the rendering. I'veseen a couple. I saw the rendering,
the digital like rendering, the AIrendering, and then I saw one
where they slowed it way down andshowed him actually like turning on. I
haven't seen that one. And ifthey freeze frame it. There's one of
them floating around where you see theround. Is it just as it went?

Oh it's just insane, dude,it's insane. So yeah, you
know, I don't know. Avoidstress. Well, that's not gonna happen.
Uh, He's like a walking winninglottery ticket. Add garlic and ginger
to your diet. That's another one. H to avoid COVID. Yeah,

yeah, there's no way. Look, if if you're gonna get it,
you're gonna get it. There yougo. It's surging. Chances are Hey,
if we get it again, wecan work from home for a week.
That'd be cool. That'd be cool. We didn't work from home last
time, though I did, didyou? Yeah? I didn't. Oh
yeah, I did this show bymyself for that week from home. You're
crazy? Would at like five nine? Yeah? All right, it's seven

forty four. Quick break here comingup in the eight o'clock hour, Florida
Man Sports Sounds Happened More. It'sDC's class Crack, Big one sees Classic
Rock, Big one hundred. Iwas looking at more of these things that
people do to keep from getting sick. I love the people who are like
I work in construction and regularly putdirty things in my mouth. The people
that are big on having a strongimmune system because they embrace germs. I

don't know if that's such a greatidea. Hi, Big one hundred,
good morning, Good morning. Youhave to say wash your hands. You
don't want to get COVID. Washyour hands. I just figured that was
the obvious one, right, watchit. Well it's not obvious to people.
Look how many people come and gofrom the bathrooms without ever washing their
hands. That is true. AndI will tell you what. I'm one

of those people that if I seeyou going into the bathroom and leave without
washing your hands, I am judgingyou. I say something, Oh do
you really? You? Good?For you? I do? I do
good. I'm in healthcare and ithappens all the time. So would you
say that is the number one thingyou would do to try to keep from

getting that. That is the numberone thing that you can do to avoid
COVID after vaccines. Yeah, butwashing your hands is huge and people just
don't wash their hands frequently. Allright, Well, I'm gonna spread the
word now. Thank you. Awesome, Hey, thanks for calling. I
appreciate it. All right, youtoo, thank you, Bye bye.

If we caught it last time,there's just no escaping. And then my
kid brings it home, like ifthere's anything to be caught, he will
bring it home. And if hedoes it, the other one will I
do wash my hands? I do? I do, and I do judge
people that don't. I do too. You're listening to wb I G.
Washington. It's simple minds oh DC'sclassic rocking spend one hundred dream one Aerosmith.

No, Well, this keeps poppingopen my feeds. The anniversary is
back in May. It's been eightyears since haram So how you pronounced the
gorilla's name, Karambe. Can't believeit's been eight years since that happened.
When the kid fell into the gorillapit and the video went all over the
place of Lerambe grabbing it by theleg and dragging it around through the water.

You watch. It was such asad story because you watch it and
it almost looks like it was tryingto protect the kid. Obviously, you
know, wild animal, unpredictable,silver back gorilla. But there was a
lot of outrage man, because theyhad to put it down, because they
feared for the life of the kid. They had to take it out.

I still never understood why they didn'tjust use a tranquilizer of some sort.
Maybe that it would have agitated,you know, a four hundred pound gorilla
before it went to sleep, andthat may have been more dangerous. I
don't know. I don't know,but that family had to go into hiding
because people were so outraged. Theywere getting death threats and all sorts of

stuff because poor Harambe died. Kindof sad think about it. A zoo.
Right, zoo is the only prisonwhere every prisoner is innocent. That's
deep. Think about that. It'sthe only prison where every single inmate is

innocent. It's not done a singlething wrong. Yeah, that I enjoy
the zoo. Well, I'm surethat one day, when the AI overlords
merged with some sort of aliens andwe become their pets, they'll enjoy walking
by and looking at you in acage too, just basically what they do.
Now. Uh, yeah, thatwas a sad story. And again

I don't know, it's popped uplike five times this morning. I'm like,
is it the anniversary? But no, that it happened eight years ago
in May, this past May.Anyway, videos floating around again. Really
wasn't a sad story and that becamelike the meme of the decade. Right,
that was that was everywhere. Butthey did determine that the enclosure was

not safe. One of the peoplethat worked at the zoo said he was
constantly warning parents, not so muchabout the danger of the gorilla, that
if they climbed this little three becausethere was a three foot wall and that's
what the kid climbed over, andthen he crawled through some bushes and then
he fell down fifteen feet into theshallow water into the moat, and one

of the zoo guys like we hadto warn people every day, and we
would tell him it's not the animalsare worried about. We're saying, if
your kid gets over that wall andclimbs through those bushes, it's a fifteen
foot drop, they're gonna get injured. So they, you know, determined
it was it was not a safeenclosure. But I can't tell. I've
watched the video like seventeen times.I can't tell. He seems that at

some points like he's being protective ofthe child. He's like holding his hand
and standing it up. But thenwhen he grabs it and drags it through
the water at like you're like,oh, good animal, it's a wild
animal. And that's how it woulddrag probably one of his kids. You
know. It's like, I thinkthat's romanticizing it. I think that he
was it was protecting, like he'sa wild animal. Well, watch the

video. I've seen the video videoall I saw in twenty sixteen. He
was everywhere. He's like holding itshand and standing it up and you know,
and kind of acting protective The onlytime it gets freaky is when he
grabs it and drags it through thewater. But you see gorillas in the
wild do that with their young,you know what I mean. You see
him grab them, drag them orrun up a tree with him, and
you're like, well, jeez,little rough see chimps do that too.

You're like, man, those kidsare those kids take a beaten? Uh
primates, Well, exactly, itis a twelve. We got to take
care some business here. Sports onTap coming off with Dennis and we will
get to Florida Man. Just aroundthe corner. DC's Classic Crocket's a big
one hundred, DC's Class Crockets Bigone hundred centifol Old Jack house Band at

a twenty six Dennis coming up withthe Sports on tapam just a bit time
for Florida Man. Florida Man.The man was arrested after he locked himself
in a Walgreens bathroom for five hoursuntil they closed, then helped himself around
the store with some junk food andsome cigarettes. This guy walked in right

before Walgreens closed at like nine totwenty, made his way into the bathroom,
stayed in there for about five hours, came out at about you know,
three in the morning. He setthe burglar alarm off, which is
why the cops arrived. When theygot there, they found him walking around
inside. Camera show. He wentinto the store's bathroom at nine to forty

and stayed for five hours and thencame out and had a junk food feast,
ate the tostitos, ate the reesis, drank some Doctor pepper, smoked
some Newport cigarettes and all that movingaround set off the alarm. With the
COM's got there, they arrested him, asked him if anyone else was inside,
and you said, I don't know. I just came to use the
bathroom. The man had previous convictionsof larceny and petty fact. Not a

bad idea until you get caught.I guess hey, twenty seven DC's Classic
Crocket's a big one hundred, DC'sClass Crockets, Big one hundred. That
little band from Texas. It's easytop. Gimme a loving Which one died?
Who died in Dusty? Do youwatch the Netflix documentary? No?
I keep me well do that wasit you that told me about it?

Probably? But please do. Igotta tell you it is just it's an
anthology and a lot of things Ididn't know about zasy Top. They were
together, by the way, Ithink forty fifty years. It's an incredible
story and such great musicians too.I was gonna say, such a great
band, and it's one of thoseones you go watch it and you're just
gonna love them even more. Didyou interview any of the guys way back

in the day, way back inthe day, Beard, the one without
the beard, Yeah, Frank,the Irony by the way. They just
please watch the documentary because I thinkyou might even learn a few things too,
because they were really incredible to watchthose guys. But I'm sure there's
such excellent musicians too. I lovethat and still playing to keep on going

Grungey Blues Rock. How are thingsin the sports world? Well, I
know you're a golfer at least parttime. We've got the one hundred and
fifty second British Open underway in Scotlandat Royal Troon, and I think this
is the tenth time it's been theresince the eighteen hundreds. Of course golf
started there, so everything's in thehundreds. Is the wind blown forty miles
an hour? No, but it'sabout twenty miles an hour, so it's

a little gusty today. Justin Thomasis your leader. Right now in the
clubhouse at three under, Tiger Woodsis about to hit the links in about
forty five minutes. People are wonderingand even I don't know if you caught
the story about Colin Montgomery, whowas from that region, was a little
critical that Woods is kind of embarrassinghimself by still playing in majors, and

Tiger stat back saying, well,listen, I qualified because I've won this
tournament, so I have an exemptionuntil I'm sixty. You didn't win,
so you just can kind of sitin it. Yeah, it was a
very appropriate response. I agree,And if Tiger wants to play, he
can play play. And he's stilland I'm watching, by the way,
Yes, I watched all those yearswhen he was dominating and I'm still watching

now because he's Tiger. I agree. So Colin shut it right. So
we got that going on. Soof course with the time change, we
will have a lot of morning roundsgoing on through the weekend. So that's
going on. Baseball doesn't start tilltomorrow. With this All Star break,
Nats have a nice six game homeseries going on. The Reds are in
town for the weekend in San Diegoafter that, and everything is just kind

of light until Listen Camp starts forus with the Commanders on Wednesday next week,
and then we've got the Olympics nextFriday starting, so if you're into
the Summer Olympics, you'll get awhole full month of that. The Olympics.
I love it. I love thesestories that develop, and it's going
to be everywhere. There won't bea channel that you won't be able to
flip on or a streaming app thatthey'll have the Olympics on the NBC Family.

It is fantastic because it doesn't matterwhat Olympics stories will develop and we'll
all be talking about them. Thepersonal interest stuff is really great. It's
my favorite part of the Olympics.Do you have a favorite sport or sports
you'd like to watch the Olympics?Yeah? Yeah, I'm a big track
and field guy. Yes like that. Swimming's fun too, And of course
we have Katie Ledecki who's from Bethesda. I believe this is her fourth Olympics

and Katie's only in her late twenties, so she might actually have another one
after just remarkable. Another level ofMichael Phelps kind of domination that she keeps
on going and going and going.I'm just thinking back to all the stories.
Remember who was the guy that hithis head on the concrete diving platform,
Gary Garris, I can't remember hisname. Greg luganis thank you.

That's a long time ago too.Well, I'm thinking like and that the
LA Olympics. I think for Eddiethe Eagle, Yes, sure, he
jumpers. Yeah, it's always something. I love it. I love it,
I love it. That was inCalgary. I believe that Eddie was
there. I actually worked a coupleOlympics. Eddie was great. Well there's
always those you read those great storiesout there bigas Yeah. Yeah, so

we've got we've got everybody in thecamp, including Jaden Daniels, and you'll
be able to uh. I thinkwe're gonna meet some players before that camp
starts on Wednesday. But it's gonnabe fun to be out there. It's
gonna be a little warm. Igot your nice big industrial strength air conditioning,
fantastic, so you're all locked andall that. I had some gatorades
going and went over a little coffeeand you'll have a nice little spot there,

nice little tinted area. All right. But it's gonna be a lot
of fun in camp on Wednesday,So that'll be a lot of fun for
the camp DJ out there spinning tunesfor the guys. Yeah, camp DJ
doing a little social media having fun, all right, all right, guys,
all right, thank you. Man. Hey, we've got some tickets
to give away for sticks some foreignernext Wednesday night. Want to win them?

What have we learned on the SShow Today? What do we got?
All right? Florida man, hehit in a bathroom of this store
for five hours so he could havea junk food feast after they close.
My god, I've already forgotten.Oh no, I remember. Yeah,
that's a tough one actually, becauseyou had to be paying attention to what
the store name was. All right, if you know one hundred four and
nine and three one double oh three, it's probably a fairly easy, guess,

I guess, even if you didn'tcatch it. One hundred four nine
three one double three. Good luckfrom Big one hundred DC's Classic Rockets Big
one hundred, and let's see ifwe can get a winner on What have
we Learned on the Show Today?We'll go to the phones high. Who's
this. This is John, John. How are you this morning? I'm
great, Hey John. If youwere listening to the Florida Man he locked
himself in a in a bathroom ina store. Do you remember the store?

You are correct, it was Walgreens. Right on. Hey, we're
gonna send you up tickets for Stixand Foreigner next week. All right,
all right, fantastic. Hold onand we'll get some info from me and
get y'all set up. All right, thanks lot. You bet more of
those tomorrow morning. Right here onDC's Classic. Rocket's a big one hundred, Yes,
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